MISSION STATEMENT: It is our mission to provide the Mountain Gate Community with reliable, safe and clean water and fire protection services at the lowest cost possible. May 1, 2015 Issue 3 Notice of Public Hearing May 12, 2015 The Board of Directors will be reviewing the 2015/2016 Operating Budgets and Ordinance 2014-01 water rates, the public is invited and encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 6:00pm. EMERGENCY WATER SHORTAGE COST RECOVERY MEASURES At the last Board of Directors Meeting the Board Adopted Resolution 2015-11 to enter into a contract with McConnell Foundation to purchase 150 acre feet of water at a substantially higher price than we normally pay for water. This is due to the Bureau of Reclamation who has cut our water allocations back 75% of normal use. The Board of Directors has determined that the district cannot afford to absorb the additional water costs because of the water shortages. Therefore the Board will be looking at implementing a water shortage cost recovery of 5.00 per month to each of our 676 customer. This cost recovery will only be in effect long enough to recover the increased costs. This, along with our wells, will allow the district to provide water to our customers during the water allocation cutbacks. This Resolution is expected to be adopted at the next Board of Directors Meeting on May 12, 2015 and will effect your July 1, 2015 water bill. The District is still currently under Stage 1: Voluntary 25% Water Reduction, a free hose nozzle is available at the district office. (one per household please) The current elevation of the lake is 993.2 feet above sea level. When Shasta Lake is full, the elevation of the water surface is 1067 feet above sea level. A LOOK AHEAD: May 9, 2015 Pancake Breakfast 7 am to 11 am May 12, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 PM at the District Office. May 25, 2015 Office closed in observance of Memorial Day June 9, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting 6:00 PM at the District Office. June 13, 2015 Pancake Breakfast & Rummage Sale 7 am to 11 am (see reverse) WELL WATER PRODUCTION Due to drought conditions the District will be increasing our well water production. The district’s well water contains concentrations of CO2(Air) that does occur naturally, however it makes your tap water appear cloudy. The CO2 will come to the surface and dissipate after a few minutes. There are also DIRECTORS high calcium deposits or (hard water) which also occur naturally from our wells. Hard water is not harmful to your health but you may notice spotting on David Selby - Chairman your dishes and glasses when they dry. The district will continue to produce Ph# (530) 275-4902 well water blended with surface water from the lake, until water allocations from the Bureau return to normal. Gary Gunter - Director ONLINE ACCOUNT UTILITY BILLING ACCESS The Mountain Gate Community Services District now offers convenient and secure 24/7 online account access right from the convenience of your home computer. (There is a 3.00 fee charged by CUSI for the use of the online bill payment feature only, all other online functions are at no cost to the customer). For electronic check payments only, customers may use the link to the MuniciPAY E-Commerce payment site. The electronic check transaction fee is still $1.50. The link to the 24/7 online account access and bill pay is available on our website www.mountaingatecsd.com Ph# (530) 275-6494 Greg Peterson - Director Ph# (530) 275-2637 Joan Anderson - Director Ph# (530) 275-3844 Mike Stierli - Director Ph# (530) 275-2779 Mountain Gate C.S.D. Water (530) 275-3002 Fire (530) 275-3003 MOUNTAIN GATE’S PANCAKE BREAKFAST MAY 9, 2015 The Mountain Gate Auxiliary was delighted that the Show & Shine had over 75 classic cars and boats on display and served over 200 breakfasts. Thanks to everyone who made this event so successful. The next Pancake Breakfast will be served on: Saturday, May 9, 2015 From 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Pancakes, or Biscuits & Gravy, eggs, sausage, orange juice & coffee ( Men will be serving the ladies again this year!) Adults: $5.00 Children: $4.00 (12 and under) Raffle Tickets are just $1.00 or 6 for $5.00 The Mountain Gate Auxiliary would like to thank all of the businesses that donate prizes to the Pancake Breakfast raffles including: Sportsman Express, Pampered Pets, J & S Napa Auto Parts and Richards Automotive Winners of the raffles for April were: Firewood– Bonnie A. ~ Napa Gift Card and Bucket– Mike M. Pampered Pets Gift Certificate– Connie S. ~ Shell Gas Card– Ben R. and the 50.00 Gas Card was Lon T. GET READY FOR THE 5th ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE JUNE 13, 2015 The public is invited to gather up their unwanted items to sell them at the rummage sale. Spaces are just $5.00 per 10 x 10 space. (Table rental may be purchased at the Mountain Gate District Office, limited availability) Reminder: Open Burning ends April 30, 2015 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . MOUNTAIN GATE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FACILITIES USE AGREEMENT Applicant______________________________________________________Date___________________ Address____________________________________________Phone #____________________________ Applicant hereby requests approval to use the facilities belonging to Mountain Gate CSD Date of use____JUNE 13TH 2015___7:00 am to 3:00 pm Fee: $5.00 per 10ft x 10ft Space To the fullest extent permitted by law, Applicant agrees to be solely responsible for any and all injuries, damages and claims to persons or property arising out of its use of the Mountain Gate Community Services District Facilities, except for any such claims arising out of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Mountain Gate Community Services District or its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers. Applicant agrees to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the Mountain Gate Community Services District, its directors, officers, employees, or authorized volunteers against any and all such injuries, damages, and claims. This indemnification agreement shall not be restricted to any insurance proceeds. MGCSD Rep:____Greg Peterson Title: Director Date:_June 13, 2015 Applicant Signature_____________________________Applicant Printed Name______________________
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