Gater Gazette Mountain Gate Primary School Adele Avenue Ferntree Gully 3156 Ph: 9758 2811 www.mountaingateps.vic. DATES TO REMEMBER th th Thursday 30 April School Photos Friday 1 May School Cross Country th Monday 4 May Beyond Blue/Kids Matter – Grades 3 & 4 th Tuesday 5 May Year 2 Gymnastics th Wednesday 6 May Mothers’ Day Stall th Thursday 7 May District Athletics th Tuesday 12 May NAPLAN th Wednesday 13 May NAPLAN th Thursday 14 May NAPLAN th Monday 18 May Education Week – Open Night 6.00pm – 7.00pm th Wednesday 20 May School Council Friday 22 nd RACV incursion – Foundation th Thursday 28 May st Wednesday 27 May May District Cross Country Cosmodome Science Incursion – Grade 5 rd Wednesday 3 June NSW Science Competition th Friday 5 June Report Writing Curriculum Day th Monday 8 June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday th Tuesday 9 June Hands on Science – Grade 5 & 6 th Thursday 11 June Graduation Night Advanced Presentation Skills th Friday 12 June Winter sport – Grades 5 & 6 th Wednesday 17 June Writing Competition School Council 7.45pm Monday 22 nd June Parent Teacher Interviews commence this week th Friday 26 June Last day of Term 2 – 2.30pm dismissal 30th April 2015 -6FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK SOUND OF MUSIC Our school is alive with the sound of music and accompanying this music has been some fabulous dance routines. Dance has become a much enjoyed extra curricular activity across the school. Foundation and Grade one students are enjoying the Footsteps program on Friday afternoons. Their enthusiastic whirls, twirls, stomp and clap are a delight to see. Students in our Grade 5 and 6 area have once again been working with Fairhills High School Senior Dance students and their Dance Teacher. Following several sessions and much practice they gave a wonderful performance in front of our students and parents. The enthusiasm, engagement and pride in their performance reflected how much they had gained from the experience. We also have Grade 6 students competing in the Fairhills Dancefair Competition on Friday night. The Grade 5 students th will be performing on Friday 29 May. To participate in this, students must be entirely responsible for their dance which means the choreography, routine, music and costumes and practice has all been student driven. I can only say their performance was impressive and I know you will join me in wishing them good luck in the competition. NAPLAN TESTING IN LITERACY & NUMERACY th th th Just a reminder to parents that on Tuesday 12 May, Wednesday 13 May and Thursday 14 May our Grade 3 and Grade 5 students will be involved in the Australia-wide testing program. Teachers and students have been working hard to give our children the best possible opportunity to perform to their potential. Additional revision at home would also assist your child to perform up to their capabilities. NAPLAN test samples can be obtained through Google and many newsagents stock test sample booklets. STAFFING Mr Moore has left us after several years of teaching our Gaters. He has been successful in gaining a position at Laburnum Primary School and we wish him every success in his future endeavours. The teaching position has been advertised and we will be able to announce a suitable replacement in the near future. In the meantime we are lucky to have our multi-skilled Miss Jackway return to the classroom. ADVANCED PRESENTATION SKILLS Mrs DeGeest is conducting her Advanced Presentation Skills program to assist Grade 6 students with their public speaking skills. This program is yet another way in which we promote personal confidence. HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY Fingers crossed for another beautiful autumn day for our House Cross Country tomorrow. Grade 3 – 6 are running from 9.00 – 11.00 and Foundation – 2 are from 11.30. Join us to cheer on your children if you wish. Go Gaters CHERYL SAMPSON HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY PTFA NEWS Mothers’ Day stall Our Mothers’ Day stall will be held on Wednesday 6 May in the hall. th We will need helpers on the day and a tear off slip is included in this newsletter. Tomorrow is the House Cross Country event for the whole school. All students will run a set distance and earn points for their house to win the Cross Country Shield. Parents are more than welcome to attend and support the children running. Race times are as follows 9.30-10.00 – 8/9/10 year boys and girls Entertainment Books 10.00-10.30 – 11 year boys and girls We are once again selling the Entertainment Books for $65.00. We have hard copies available or you can purchase the phone App. 10.30-11.00 – 12/13 year boys and girls Biggest Morning Tea 12.15-12.45 – Grade 1 boys and girls This year we want to hold a Biggest Morning Tea for our th parents. It will be held on Friday 29 May. A notice was sent home to parents about this fundraiser. 12.45-1.15 – Foundation boys and girls Trivia Night Ashley Eimermacher This year our theme will be Christmas in July. Tickets will be $15.00 per person so think about booking a table soon. CODE CLUB Social Night We will be organising a social night for our parents. Further details to follow. Bakers Delight Mountain Gate Don't forget to mention Mountain Gate Primary School when you make any purchase at Bakers Delight Mountain Gate. 5% of every purchase is donated back to the school. PTFA 11.45-12.15 – Grade 2 boys and girls Students are encouraged to wear their house t-shirts or colours for the whole day This week Code Club started at Gaterville for Grade four, five and six students. Meeting Monday lunch times in the computer lab, students will be learning how to program by creating computer games, animations and websites. Code Club is about fun, creativity, and learning through exploring. Students will be using programs such as Scratch, HTML, CSS and Python. Anzac Day th This year Anzac Day is important because it is the 100 th Anzac Day. ANZAC Day is on the 25 of April. Anzac it stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. We have a minute’s silence for all our Army people that died in the wars. R.S.L. stands for Returned and Services League. By Courtney Charleton 4H Anzacs Every year on April the 25th, we commemorate Anzac Day because the people who died saved their country. So we need to have one minute silence to respect the people who died for us and remember them. The Australia and New Zealand Army Corps fought at Gallipoli. By Tiana Li 4H A.N.Z.A.C. DAY Every year on April the twenty fifth of April we celebrate A.N.Z.A.C. day. This year we celebrate one hundred years of the Gallipoli battle. A.N.Z.A.C day is a day to remember those who fought in the war. By Ben Ogley 4H ANZAC DAY ANZAC Day is important because we remember all the people who fought and died. ANZAC Day is on the twenty fifth of April each year. It is the one hundredth year of ANZAC Day. Every ANZAC Day there are a few footy matches. By Zane Tasevski 4H ANZAC DAY Anzac Day is when we do not celebrate, but remember, how people sacrificed their lives for us. Every year on th the 25 of April, that’s the day that we call Anzac Day. Anzac Day is the day we remember what happened in World War One. World War One was when thousands of people battled against other countries. Written by Alysha Cayeux 4H ANZAC DAY A.N.Z.A.C. DAY th Every year on the 25 of April, we have a dawn service and marches for A.N.Z.A.C Day by the soldiers or their children. This year is important because it was 100 Years since the Gallipoli battle. The Anzacs put up a brave fight against Turkey. By Jake Wood-Sutherland 4H ANZAC DAY This year is important. Every year we commemorate Anzac Day. ANZAC stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps. People lost love ones in the wars. They sacrificed their lives. Their children and wives are really sad. It’s so, so sad. By Zac Donnelly 4H ANZAC DAY th This year it is the 100 year since the Anzacs sailed to Turkey. ANZAC means Australian New Zealand Army th Corps. Anzac Day is always on the 25 of April. Essendon was beaten by Collingwood in the ANZAC round this year. By Riley McInyre ANZAC DAY th Every year on the 25 April we have ANZAC Day. This year ANZAC Day was very special because it is the th 100 anniversary. Some people go to the Dawn Service to remember the men & women who fought for us. So you should be happy of what you have and where you live. By Lily Newton A.N.Z.A.C. Day This year on the 25/04/1915 it was A.N.Z.A.C. Day which stands for Australian & New Zealand Army Corps. At 5:30am we had one minute’s silence. And this year th was the 100 Anniversary. The Famous saying is Lest we Forget. This year on Anzac Day it was 100 years since the World War One battle at Gallipoli in 1915. Every year we have a dawn service and a parade in Melbourne. By Tom Glen By Jacob Ward 4H A.N.Z.A.C. Day Anzac Day is very important this year. It’s special th because it’s the 100 year of Anzacs in war. Japan wanted to take over in World War 2.We all did a minute silence at 6:00 AM for the sacrifice of the dead soldiers. By Amber Wickham Grade 5 & 6 students have been excitedly preparing for their performances of ‘The Pirates of the Curry Bean’ that will be staged on Thursday September 3rd and Friday September 4th this year. At Karralyka /theatre Mines Road, East Ringwood As you are no doubt aware, a great deal of work goes into a production and each staff member is involved in some way or other. Save and win a trip to Disneyland! This year, School Banking is taking you on a mission to Planet Savings. There are eight new awesome rewards to choose from, plus we’re introducing a new Grand Prize competition where you could win a family trip to Disneyland. How to enter All you need to do is simply make 25 or more School Banking deposits during 2015 and you’ll automatically go into the Grand Prize competition. The Grand Prize A family trip for up to two adults and two kids to California’s Disneyland, including: • Return flights to LA and airport transfers • 5 nights at a Disneyland hotel • 3 day pass to Disneyland • Enjoy Space Mountain, rollercoasters and hundreds of rides • Meet Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters Find out more at • AUD$2,000 spending money Mountain Gate Primary School OSHC Times are: OSHC Phone: OSHC phone: 9758-0531 BSC - 7.00am – 8.45am Monday – Friday ASC – 3.30pm – 6.00pm Monday – Friday 9758-0531 Call anytime and leave a message Welcome back everyone, I’d like to thank Samantha for doing a great job looking after everyone while I was away on leave. Samantha will be taking a small break while she has her baby. We all wish her all the best. The children have been busy working on our Welcome Back pictures, also our Buddy bear picture. Well done everyone. On another note: parents please call us on 9758-0531 if your child is not attending BSC/ASC, is sick or has been picked up early from school. This is very important as we need to account for all the children booked in for a Camp Australia session. You can leave a message anytime. Kind regards Franca & Jenny How to get started before using our programs register online for an account. Registering is quick and easy. Visit our website to begin Once registered you can make bookings and cancellations, view your statements and manage your details anytime of the day online. Save on Care You can save 50% or more on Before and After School Care fees with the non-means tested Child Care Rebate. Almost all families are eligible. To find out more call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday. Program Costs Out of Pocket Opening Hours Before Care $7.14 - $10.11 7.00am – 8.45am After Care $9.37 - $13.61 3.30pm – 6.00pm To find out more call our Customer Service Team on 1300 105 343 Monday to Friday Emergency and Same Day Bookings To ensure we have the correct staff:children ratio of 1:15 could you please book your child/children in prior to the day of care. If this isn’t possible please contact Franca at BSC prior to 8.45am on the day of care. If you need to book care after this time please contact Camp Australia Head Office who will know the staff ratio for the session you require and organise an assistant for the session. The Department of Education (DEECD) has very strict guidelines on staff: children ratio. Also please leave a message on our answering machine so we are aware you child/children will be attending and chase them up if they forget to attend. Non Attendance of child/children booked for the session Please leave a message on our answering machine if your child/children won’t be attending as we require under our Duty of Care to account for all children booked in. Permanent and Casual (Not same day bookings) All other bookings via Camp Australia Our answering machine is on 24/7 no matter what day or time so you can leave us a message. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ MOTHERS’ DAY STALL 2015 I would love to assist with the Mothers’ Day Stall on Wednesday 6th May. CHILD'S NAME: GRADE: PARENT NAME: PHONE: SIGNED: DATE: / / STAR OF THE WEEK th Week Ending 17 April 2015 GRADE FB Zef Ewart GRADE 3S Katie Urban GRADE FH Charlotte Cheng GRADE 4D Lucas Moroney GRADE FV Tanner Kaur GRADE 4H Tiana Li GRADE 1B Maimoona Essa GRADE 5H Oscar Volavsek GRADE 1D Lily Guyatt-Harkins GRADE 5S Ella Crowe GRADE 2M Tiarnna Handley GRADE 6G Libby Hall GRADE 2Y Cindy Zou GRADE 6W Carly Hughes-Gage GRADE 3H Lachan Tilley Art Award Grade 6W Music Award Grade 5S Brendan Stock (4H) Library Award Grade 3H STAR OF THE WEEK th Week Ending 24 April 2015 GRADE FB Jasmine Vaitkus GRADE 3S Khye Bondini GRADE FH Tate Hughes GRADE 4D Joel Darren GRADE FV Tatianna Tzimokas GRADE 4H Lily Newton GRADE 1B Daisy Ball GRADE 5H Drew Bondini GRADE 1D Kai Gibbons GRADE 5S Isla McDonald GRADE 2M 2M GRADE 6G Sammy DeGraaf & Jamie Campbell GRADE 2Y Aaliyah Martin GRADE 3H Ava Gerrard Art Award Grade FV Library Award Grade 6W GRADE 6W Brayden Rudebeck
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