23rd April 2015 - Week 1 Term 2 As part of our Anzac Day acknowledgement, Room 1 have set up a Field of Remembrance by the school entrance to commemorate the 18,200 New Zealand men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice when serving our country during World War 1 Tomorrow we will be splitting the school into 5 mixed age groups and they will move around the following activities. Significance of the poppy, making a wreath for our school representatives to lay at the cenotaph at the dawn service on Saturday. Simpson and his Donkey Anzac biscuit baking and history How schools helped in the war effort Why soldiers went to war? / marching Around 2.15 we will hold our own Anzac Service, which parents are most welcome to come along to. Dawn Service Motupipi School has been invited to take part in the Takaka Anzac Day Memorial Dawn Service this Saturday morning 25 th April at the Takaka Library. We have taken part in the service over the past two years and are doing so again. The service is approximately an hour long and so our student representatives are required to stand, be quiet, respectful and attentive for the duration of the service, The plan for the day will be Meet at the Junction Hotel car park by 6.20am, March with the RSA members and band to the library at 6.30am Two Motupipi student representatives will lay a wreath After the singing of the national anthem at the end of the service, the band and marching group will march to the fire station. We already have a group who will be attending. If there are any others interested, I need to know by tomorrow, so that we can have a practice. Room 4—Post cards sent home from the trenches in WWI 2.5.1916 1.7.1917 Dear Dad and Mum, Dear Dad and Mum, Thank you very much for the leather gloves and the new pocket knife. It is very useful. We just did a 28 mile march. On the way I found a wild rabbit with a broken leg so I took it with me. Last night we set up camp in a meadow and I had a very good sleep. Tomorrow we will be marching a long way. Love from Lief 2015 Dates Term 2 20th April - 3rd July Term 3 20th July - 25th Sept Term 4 12th Oct - 16th Dec Thank you for the chocolate biscuits and leather gloves, with woollen gloves inside. When I was walking past a farm I found a stray lizard. I have now got it in the trench. It is very good with keeping the flies away. I hope all the best to you and family and could I hear from my pet tuatara. All the best. Your Uncle. Arjuna Can you help?? Book covering is being done on Monday the 4th May from 9am in the staffroom. Any help is much appreciated. My Holiday Adventure Oooh, gooey mud!! Watch out Jasper hasn’t got any horse shoes on. The track has got sharp rocks on it. Hey there is a feather post. It had creepy cracks with spiders in it. We went past some stinging nettle. Come on lets go up this hill. Wow! I am not going down that steep hill. But I did!. We did the limbo on the horses, under some sharp pointy branches. We went to Patons Rock to the reserve. We went in to trees merged together. My horse Jasper didn’t want to go through but he did. We went on the road for a little bit and back on the beach. On the way back Emily’s horse whacked me. My horse liked being in the shade and it stopped there but then Emily’s horse jumped in the air with Emily on the back. Was she going to stay on? My heart stopped beating but luckily she made it! Hooray!! By Maren School Calendar dates for Term One 26th April Mystery Bike Ride 25th April Anzac Day 27th April Observed holiday for Anzac Day 29th April Assembly 2.10pm 6th May Rippa Rugby TPS 11th May Cultural Performance—Bob Bickerton 13 or 15th May School trip Wainui/Taupo Point 27th May Assembly 2.10pm 8th June Queens Birthday 9th June Year 3/4 Hockey Nelson 10th June Assembly 2.10pm 11th June Year 5/6 Hockey Nelson 12th June Cultural Performance—NZ Playhouse 24th June Assembly 2.10pm 25th June Library Quiz 3rd July End of term Welcome to Emma, Tilly, Jack, Ryan and JJ who have all just recently joined us at Motupipi School. They all said they are enjoying making and playing with the new friends they have made since starting school. Motupipi School Contact Details: JUNIOR FOOTBALL Begins Saturday 2 May, 9.30am, GB Show Grounds 435 Abel Tasman Drive Takaka 7183 Phone: 03 525 9986 EMAIL: [email protected] Or: [email protected] Pre-register on-line by visiting [email protected] and follow the link for Golden Bay Association Football Club registrations. Fees payable online or at registration - $45 for entire season. Second-hand boot sale – bring along unwanted boots to sell or swap. Internet Banking No: 03 1711 0013347 00 Sausage sizzle fundraiser. Contact Katrina on 5248640. Friday school Lunch Pasta—Tomato and Cheese $3.00 Friand $1.00 Thanks to Shaki for school lunches this week. Junior Hockey now on Wednesdays after school at TPS fields. 3:15-4pm. Enquires to Fleur 5256116 or 0275256117.
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