James-Lewicki-CV - Mountain Song Community School

Resume of James Lewicki Experience: 2005­2015 Founder/Senior Consultant Lewicki Education Consulting (​
) James Lewicki is one of the leading school coaches in the country. ​
as a national expert in Place­Based Learning and the Interdisciplinary Learning Collaborative, he has unmatched experience in coaching and designing over 150 schools ­ ranging from small to large, rural to urban, and elementary to middle to high school ­ across 20 states. With a deep love of learning, James connects with each school’s vision, helping to support the hard work of the educators and students to bring that vision alive. ​
Lewicki presentations and trainings have been warmly welcomed at state, national, and international conferences, and he has led numerous intensive staff training and teacher symposiums. He has served as a consultant in over 1,000 Charter Governance Council and School Board meetings throughout the country, and has written grants awarded over 25 million dollars. 1988­2005 Teacher​
, North Crawford Schools, Soldiers Grove, WI Prior to his work in school development, Lewicki served 17 years as a public school teacher st​ th​ th​
th​ th​
where he taught​
, 4​
, 5​
, & 6​
grades, 7​
grade English, and developed and implemented a high school charter during his 17­year teaching career. ​
Lewicki was a 1994 Wisconsin Teacher of the Year finalist with a prestigious Kohl Fellowship for outstanding innovative teaching. 1979­1986 YMCA Camp Director​
and ​
Youth/Family Program Director During a YMCA professional Director Career directed Summer Camps and worked with Youth and Family Programs in Olympia, Washington; Maui, Hawaii; and Wausau, WI. 1976 National Outdoor Leadership School Instructor Led 30 day backpacking trip in the Absaroka Wilderness in Wyoming Education: Doctoral Studies Hamline University, St Paul, MN 2005­6 M.E.P.D. Education​
University of WI­Lacrosse, 1988 M.S.
Outdoor Education​
George Williams College, 1983 B.S. Counseling Psychology​
, Evergreen State College, 1979 A.A.
Outdoor Recreation Leadership​
, Colorado Mtn. College, 1976 Certified Instructor National Outdoor Leadership School, Lander, Wyoming, 1975 Education Publications: Numerous publications, videos, and resources available at ​
www.jameslewicki.org Capacity Building Experiences International Presenter ➢ Tokyo Olympic Village, High School Reform Network ➢ Lead Trainer, Lake Yamanako, Place­based Teacher Training Institute National Presentations ➢ High Schools that Work Conference Nashville, TN ➢ Rural School and Community National Conference Flagstaff, AZ st​
➢ 1​
National Charter School Conference Washington DC ➢ Rural Stewardship Conference Atlanta, GA ➢ Community and Learning Think Tank, Washington DC Professional Development ➢ 15 years of staff training with new school faculty ➢ Various Education Symposiums, Faculty Retreats, Strategic Planning, Governance Development, and Charter School Design experiences ➢ Worked on school design and/or renovations with architects and design build construction companies. ➢ Written over 50 successful grants awarded over 20 million dollars ➢ Consultant in over 1,000 Governance Council and School Board meetings Lewicki Education Consulting Educational Videos Place Based Learning Prairie Restoration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzzG01WEPyc What is Place­based Learning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwUTZeYAzb4 Student written and designed video on multi­age, place based learning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCDsUDsryU8 Multi­age Literature Circle Seminar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Lm_u8J­3tM Interdisciplinary Learning Collaborative https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aM11PG_rag 4 High Schools in 4 days a photo essay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJsU1cPU2Ek