volunteered to help you will receive a letter from your child`s class

Dear Parents and Carers,
Reception Trip to Tropical Butterfly House, Sheffield
The Reception Team are very excited to announce that we have arranged a trip to
the Tropical Butterfly House in Sheffield on Tuesday 16th June 2015 for all
Reception children! We anticipate that the children will have an unforgettable
experience that will draw on this terms learning on the topic, ‘Come to Life.’ Please
read the following information carefully.
Please ensure your child is in school by 9:00am in their classroom as
normal. The coaches will depart prompt at 9:15am. The coaches cannot depart late.
We will return to school at 4:00pm. You will need to collect your child from their
normal place; please cross the school playground and wait outside your child's
classroom door. The small gate will be open to cross the main playground. The
nursery gate will not be open.
Children must wear school uniform including school shoes or trainers.
Your child will need to bring a coat (preferably waterproof). If it is forecast to be
sunny (fingers crossed!) please supply your child with a hat and apply sun-cream at
home. Children must not bring sunglasses- a hat does the job and they only get lost
or broken! Please ensure your child's hat, coat and jumper are clearly
We will not be visiting the shop on site and, therefore, children do not need to bring
money on the trip.
If your child suffers from car sickness please inform your child’s class teacher so that
they are seated at the front of the coach.
Please do not order your child a hot school meal for the date of the trip.
Please provide your child with sandwiches in a lunchbox. Please place this lunch box
in a carrier bag that is clearly labelled on both sides with both their name and class. A
drink and a snack will be supplied by Lincoln Carlton Academy kitchen.
If you would prefer to send your child with a full packed lunch
(sandwiches, drink and snack) from home please tick the box below on the
reply slip.
Children who are currently Pupil Premium will have a full lunch provided which will
include sandwiches.
We require parent helpers for the trip. If you would like to help please be certain you
can definitely help on the date of the trip before ticking the box below. If you have
volunteered to help you will receive a letter from your child's class teacher to confirm
your attendance. Thank you in advance for your offers to help!
We are asking for a voluntary contribution of £14.00 to cover the cost of the trip.
If you are in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Job Seeking Allowance,
support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Child Tax Credit,
provided that Working Tax Credit is not also received and the family’s income (as
assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) does not exceed £16,190 (currently
in receipt of Free School Meals). If in receipt of any of the above you could be exempt
from making a voluntary contribution.
Please return the slip attached together with your voluntary contribution
by Wednesday 10th June If paying via cheque please make it payable to
CfBt Schools Trust.
Yours sincerely,
The Reception Team
Tropical Butterfly House - Tuesday 16th June – Year Reception
Name of Child………………………………………………. Class ……………………………
Please tick appropriate boxes below
I will send a full packed lunch for my child [ ]
I will provide a sandwich for my child and would like school to provide the
other things such as water, fruit etc. [ ]
I am able to help on the day [ ] please tick if appropriate
I agree for my child to visit the Tropical Butterfly House in Sheffield
I enclose my voluntary contribution of ……………………………………….
Signed by Parent/Carer…………………………………………………….