14 May 2015 www.mountviewps.vic.edu.au [email protected] Newsletter rr 9560 0471 9560 8750 May 15 15 18 – 22 18 – 22 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 Prep Alphabet Dress Up Day InterschoolSports (ISS) Winter- Round 2 from 1:30pm Year 6 Camp – The Summit, Trafalgar Education Week Pyjama Day for whole school – Nepal disaster fundraising day Whole School Assembly at 2:40pm Education Week – Open School Event from 2:30 – 5:30pm ICAS Digital Technologies (Computer Skills) – Years 3 – 5 Kim Lardner – Preps (5) 11:30 – 12:30pm Kim Lardner – Year 1s - 9:30 – 10:30am ,Year 2s - 11:30 – 12:30pm Kim Lardner – Year 3 & 4DO 9:30 – 10:30am, Year 4s – 11:30 – 12:30pm 2:00 – 3:00pm - Remaining classes in Prep, Years 1, 2 & 3 From the Principal – Colin Dobson ISSE Thank You I would like to thank all staff members, children and the host families for being so involved in the International School to School Experience (ISSE) over the past 3 weeks. Hosting the delegation from Angevine Middle School, Boulder, Colorado was such a pleasure and we now look forward to the Mount View delegation travelling to the USA in September. I would also like to thank the coordinators of the program: Mr Adam Foster and Ms Kate Baxter for organising such an exciting and comprehensive program. This program would not happen if it were not for the generosity of the Mount View host families and staff. Once again I would like to acknowledge the following families for their generosity and kindness: Bharadwaj, Eitzen, Griffin, Leach, Loni, Papenfus, Petterson, Smith, Srinivas and Watson families as well as Joanna Meehan, Avril McKenna and Adam Foster. I have enclosed the speech that Hayley (Angevine Middle School student) made at the farewell assembly. “Coming here has been wonderful and one of the great things that I noticed was the way Australians get along. Somehow, with that special way you have, you can take cultures from all around the world and come out with the collaborating, creative community that takes all of the best from each culture. This is something that is inspiring to everyone and if countries from around the world were as accepting as Australia, the world would be a better place. It has also inspired me and helped me be a better person than I was before. The ISSE program is a great way for students to connect with the world around and get an understanding about how people around the world live. It’s one thing to go on a trip to a country as a tourist, but quite a different thing to live with someone who will show you the way people in the country live and this is what the true meaning of being an exchange student is. Doing this at 11 or 12 years old is even more amazing, an opportunity that rarely comes along. I feel blessed to be able to take part in this program and hope that other kids will realize the uniqueness and opportunity that ISSE has to offer”. The two Angevine Middle School chaperones also wrote this lovely message to our community. 1 14 May 2015 Dear Mount View, We have enjoyed every minute here at Mount View Primary School. It has been such a pleasure getting to know all of you, seeing your classrooms, meeting your students, and being a part of this wonderful school. You are an impressive team of outstanding leaders, teachers, and staff. You have all been so warm and welcoming and we want you to know how appreciative we are. Special thanks to your outstanding ISSE team! Adam, Kate and all of the other ISSE team members have done a fantastic job of organizing this amazing experience for us. We've enjoyed all of the activities that you planned for us and we have learned so much. You have taken care of us so very well and we look forward to reciprocating when Avril and Eamon and their team of delegates come to Colorado. You are an exemplary team and a model for the ISSE program. With Warm Appreciation, Susan and Patty History of Mount View I was interested to read the following press release from the Progress Press dated 8 July 1969. This article captures the philosophy of the school that I believe is still an essential part our school today. School Aided in Unprecedented Move. Praise from the Minister. Mount View State School’s parents’ organisation has donated $150 to an inner-suburban school in what is believed to be an unprecedented move by a school to financially assist another school. The Minister for Education, Mr. Lindsay Thompson, has praised the parents for their ‘public spirited approach to education’. The money was raised through a dinner and presented to the North Richmond State School which has a high proportion of migrant children. Mount View is situated at Gallaghers Road, Glen Waverley, in a beautiful setting overlooking the Dandenongs and, being less than four years old, still provides a lot of work for parents. Mr. Keith Carson, the president of the Mount View School Committee, who attended the dinner, had this to say later to Progress Press: “Because of the number of different nationalities, together with low incomes, we could see that the Committee and Mothers’ Club of such schools as North Richmond have very little chance of raising funds to bring their library up to standard. I commend this type of function to support inner suburban schools”. Commenting on the Mount View parent decision to assist North Richmond State School, the Minister for Education, Mr. Thompson, said: “My personal thanks and congratulations go to the parents for their public spirited approach to the problems of education. I am delighted to hear of the valuable assistance being offered to North Richmond State School”. The article continued with other noteworthy actions that Mount View had put in place. Nepal Fund Raising Day – Monday 18 May Every once in a while a disaster occurs and we see massive loss of life, infrastructure decimated and families and communities torn apart. As a world community we come together to assist our fellow humans. The disaster in Nepal, due to the earthquakes, is an example of this. In true Mount View fashion, we want to raise funds for the children of Nepal to assist with the rebuilding of schools and to provide urgent medical facilities. The Junior School Council along with all students and staff members want to make a difference and so we are going to have a fundraising day on Monday 18 May. Children and staff members are encouraged to come to school in pyjamas (symbol for the only clothes they may be left with when disaster struck). Children are encouraged to bring along a gold coin or silent money (notes don’t make a noise when you drop them in a fundraising bucket!) We will be sending home a flyer about this fundraising day as well as a small piece of cloth (symbol of the Nepalese prayer flags that are found all over the country). We ask that as a family you write a message on this flag and we will hang all of these at the school. Please 2 14 May 2015 support this day that has been organised by our Junior School Council. We acknowledge that the Year 6 students will be heading to camp on this day but the Junior School Council representatives wanted to tie this in with an assembly scheduled day. New Student Management System – Compass For over 12 months the school has been using the Compass Management System to carry out electronic roll marking (internal). We are now ready to incorporate many more Compass modules which will see our entire system moving away from paper to a management system that works entirely electronically. This system will allow you to inform the school of student absences, permission forms will be sent and received online, payments will sent and paid electronically, school newsletters will be online along with specific year level news feeds, parent teacher conferences will be booked online etc. Please ensure that the office has your latest email address and that all your contact details are accurate. We will be rolling out different modules over the next few months. You will receive a letter in the next few weeks with your personalised username and password. This is a major initiative but one that we feel is overdue and will assist us in streamlining the communication between home and school. Compass is used by most of our surrounding secondary schools as their student management system and it is also being used by an ever growing number of primary schools. Please note that the Konnective app will still be used as a major communication tool for the Parents’ Association and also a way of getting urgent messages to you. 3 Way and Student-led Conferences – Tuesday 23 June At Mount View, parents, teachers and students are all viewed as partners in learning. Students throughout the school are actively encouraged to take part in productive self and peer assessments. This is considered a vital part in developing essential learning habits for life. Parents are encouraged to play an active role in supporting their child’s learning and have the opportunity to review the progress of their child/ren through: having ongoing conversations with teachers attending class presentations which share student learning attending scheduled meetings and conferences involving the teacher reviewing and discussing student work, reflections and assessments in their child’s personal portfolio, which documents academic growth and conceptual development throughout the year attending a 3 Way and Student-Led conference once a year (where students take the initiative to demonstrate and discuss their learning in real classroom contexts) receiving two comprehensive, formal, written reports per year where student learning is recorded against Australian Curriculum and Victorian Essential Learning Standards (AusVELS) What are 3 Way and Student-Led Conferences? 3 Way and Student-Led Conferences are excellent forms of assessment and reporting to parents. They include all the participants in the learning process and provide an opportunity for students, teachers and parents to celebrate the achievements. Why does Mount View value 3 Way and Student-Led Conferences? For Mount View students it’s the next step in encouraging students to take greater responsibility for their own learning. We believe that student involvement in the conferences makes learning active, provides opportunities for students to evaluate their performance and encourages students to accept responsibility for their learning. Having students take charge of the conference makes them more accountable for what they are learning. In addition, this form of conferencing creates a partnership between the home and the school that is hard to get in any other way. Both research and experience have demonstrated that 3 Way and Student-Led conferences offer many benefits, including the following: stronger sense of accountability among students stronger sense of pride in achievement among students more productive student-teacher relationships development of leadership skills among students 3 14 May 2015 greater parental participation in conferences and increased teacher focus on standards. What does a 3 Way and Student-Led Conferences look like? 3 Way Conferences Simply put – it’s a student, his/her parents and his/her teacher sitting together at a table celebrating the student’s learning through work samples in the student’s portfolio and setting learning goals for the remainder of the year. At Mount View in 2015, this will be the type of conference in which all students in Prep – Year 3 take part. Student-Led Conferences In student-led conferences, the student takes the central role during discussions. The teacher is involved, but is not necessarily sitting with the student and parents all of the time. There might be two or three groupings of parents and students discussing their work in a classroom, and the teacher acts as the facilitator and prompter where necessary. Select specialist teachers are also involved in this type of conference. In 2015 this is the type of conference that Year 4, 5 & 6 students will do. The 3 Way Conferences (Prep to Year 3) and Student-led Conferences (Year 4 to Year 6) will be held on Tuesday 23 June and run from 9:00am to 6:30pm. The decision to hold the conferences on this one day was made after discussions at School Council and a survey of parents. Children from Prep to Year 3 will only attend school for their 3 Way Conference time while the Year 4 to Year 6 students will attend for their Student-Led Conference designated time as well as visit specialist areas. This is a celebration of the children’s learning and we look forward to the children sharing their achievements with you. It is our aim to have an online booking system in place to book your particular 3 Way or Student-Led Conference/s for your child/ren. More information about the online booking system will be available soon. We will ensure that Camp Australia is running a program on this day. Tennis Australia – Exciting News On Friday 15 May we are fortunate to have John Fitzgerald (Australian tennis legend) coming to school to present the Preps with their brand new tennis rackets. This initiative is a part of the Hot Shots Tennis program that we run as a part of our physical education program across the entire school. Every Friday afternoon at 3:00pm the Year 5 & 6 students have a sport meeting and the various captains give a sport report to the other students. This week the Preps are going to join the big children and will be presented with a tennis racket from John Fitzgerald. All parents are most welcome to attend this presentation in the gymnasium at 3:00pm on Friday. Mount View Art Show Sponsors Enclosed within this newsletter is a page acknowledging our 2015 Art Show sponsors. These organisations have been extremely generous in their support of this event. They are committed to supporting the education of the children at Mount View Primary School and it is my hope that you will in turn support them. Car Park Issue and Year 5 Classrooms It has been brought to my attention that there are parents dropping children off in the car park by the gymnasium. Please note that this is a staff car park only and no parents should be entering this car park. There are also reports that children are walking through the car park to access the courts and Year 5 classrooms. This is extremely dangerous. Children should enter via the pathway between the GP room and gymnasium. We place child safety as our number one priority. Please do not enter (by car or on foot) the staff car park by the gymnasium. Disco – Friday Night – 29 May The junior and senior disco will be held on Friday 29 May. The junior disco is for children in Prep to Year 3 and the senior disco is for students from Year 4 to Year 6. A flyer was sent home with every child this week. The disco will be held in the gymnasium. Junior Disco: 5:00 – 6:30pm Senior Disco: 6:45 – 8:15pm 4 14 May 2015 Parents’ Association – Entertainment Books Change to Entertainment Book ordering! Following feedback about confusion of the model of Entertainment Book Opt Out, the PA is reverting to our usual method of sales as an OPT IN method. This means if you are interested in purchasing an Entertainment book, you can purchase through the usual channels of www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/187j863 or contacting Priya on [email protected]. If you would like to see an example of the Entertainment Book please check it out online or a physical copy is available in the school office for your review. Thank you for your patience and understanding, we tried something new that has been successfully used at other schools but are acting on the feedback that it was too confusing and encourage our community to take the time to review the book and consider purchasing. It is a great fundraiser for the School and a good resource for your home. Thanks from the Parents’ Association NAPLAN This week the children in Years 3 and 5 have completed the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). I hope the children felt proud of their effort and achievement. Education Week Please remember that you are most welcome to come along to school next week on Tuesday 19 May from 2:30am to 5:30pm. You are encouraged to attend classes between 2:30 and 3:30pm and also tour the school, visit specialist and homeroom classrooms areas from 3:30 to 5:30pm. Year 6 Camp All the best to the Year 6 students, teachers, ESOs and parent helpers as they make their way to the Summit Camp located in Trafalgar. The students are away from Monday to Friday next week. Visitors to our School Every year we open our doors to hundreds of other educators from Victoria, Australia and overseas. Last week we had visitors from Redhill Consolidated School. The Redhill Principal wrote these lovey sentiments about the visit. Thank you so very much for the time afforded to our staff on Monday as part of a tour of your school. The concept of a school tours day was planned out 18 months ago and we have been delighted with the feedback from our staff and the valuable inspiration the day has provided to so many. The team that visited Mount View were extremely keen to share their experience with the rest of our staff and the conversations have continued throughout the week. Our team would particularly like to thank you for giving so much of your time to them and for your insightful professional discussion. Please congratulate your staff on the inspiring learning and incredibly focused students that our staff observed throughout their tour. Mount View has an outstanding reputation and our staff have not stopped sharing examples of this with me over the past four days. I have included a couple of our staff reflections that you may like to share with your team. “I really enjoyed the school visit to Mount View Primary. It helped reinforce my understanding of inquiry in the classroom. I now feel more confident about giving it a go. I also took on board a few tips and tricks for student centred and question driven learning which I am looking forward to using in my classroom.” “I found today extremely valuable as it was great to see teams collaborating on units of work together. “ “I found the discussion with the Principal and Assistant Principal and school tour most interesting. The high level of commitment and organisation throughout the school was evident. We were also free to visit areas of particular interest to us within the school. Jana and I visited a year 3 teacher who was able to answer so many of our questions, she was inspiring. I liked her wonder wall (colour coding questions and answers) and online question wiki in particular.” 5 14 May 2015 Once again, we genuinely appreciate your collegiality; if at any time you would like to visit Red Hill Consolidated, please don’t hesitate to contact me. From the Assistant Principal – Alison Rees Mount View PS Celebrating Education Week 2015 Open School Event Tuesday May 19 between 2:30 and 5:30pm Education Week is celebrated by kindergartens and Victorian government schools from the 17 – 23 May 2015. During that week kindergartens and government schools throughout Victoria will open their doors to parents and their broader communities. At Mount View PS we will be showcasing our programs and achievements by holding an Open School Event on Tuesday May 19 between 2:30 and 5:30pm. This year at Mount View we’re doing things a little differently. We’re opening our classrooms earlier so that parents and families can come along and join in on the learning that their child is doing. So from 2:30 – 3:30pm, you are invited into your child’s classroom and have the chance to join in on the last session of the day with your child. After that, from 3:30 – 5:30pm, all Prep to Year 5 classrooms will be open for students to share their learning environment with their family. More specific information about this event, particularly the student performances and special events happening in our specialist rooms, has already been sent home in a separate flyer. NAPLAN Congratulations to all our Year 3 and 5 students who took part in NAPLAN testing this week. We know they tried their very best and we’ll be proud of their achievements. As you can imagine with all Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students across Australia taking part in NAPLAN, processing of the tests and sending out results will take time. We do send them away – they are not marked at school. We normally receive student results in late Term 3 or early Term 4, so parents of Year 3 and 5 students will be notified when they arrive. 6 14 May 2015 2015 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) – Years 3 to 6 Entries for ALL ICAS competitions have now CLOSED. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED. A number of parents have been inquiring as to whether ICAS English dates will change for students attending camps, etc. Dates have already been moved to either end of the week to accommodate attendance at camp. Please see the dates below. Competition 2015 Competition Date Digital Technologies (formally Computer Skills) Year 6 only – Thursday May 14 (Moved to accommodate Year 6 camp) Years 3 – 5 – Tuesday May 19 Science Wednesday June 3 Spelling Thursday June 18 Writing Thursday June 18 English Tuesday July 28 Mathematics Friday August 14 Upcoming Events – Write these dates in your calendar Term 2 Parent Forums *** Separate flyers for all of these events will be sent home in Term 2. Intro to 3 Way & Student-Led Conferences – Presenters: Colin Dobson & Alison Rees Thursday June 4 between 7:00 and 8:30pm Understanding our Curriculum – AusVELS – Presenters: Colin Dobson & Alison Rees Wednesday June 17 between 7:00 and 8:30pm 7 14 May 2015 I.T Hero…. Zoe J. Congratulations and great thanks go to Zoe J in Year 5. Recently, the Mount View Art Show committee was in need of a website co-ordinator. Zoe’s mum, Annabel had setup and taken care of the website for many years but was unable to continue the role. Zoe easily stepped up to the challenge. With guidance from Mum, Zoe has updated, added, transformed and monitored the Mount View Art Show website with professional aplomb. Thank you, Zoe. We truly appreciate all the hard work you have put into the site. To see Zoe’s incredible work go to…. www.mountviewartshow.org. Don’t forget the… Spectrum Opening Night – Thursday 11 June 7pm. Tickets at the door - just $20 each. Includes all nibbles, drinks, entertainment and first chance to see the show. A great night out for the adults whilst supporting your school. 8 14 May 2015 Round 1 Winter Interschool Sport At Inter school sport last Friday, Mount View Gold played Mount View Blue. There were 11 losses, 10 wins and 2 ties. Overall, we had a great game, everyone worked as a team. We were all encouraging each other during the game and we all had awesome games. By Grace ATTENTION: YEAR 5 & 6 STUDENTS AND PARENTS Year 5 Camp: 3 – 5 August Year 6 Camp: 5 – 7 August Please note this is NOT an alternative to the compulsory Year 6 camp. All Year 6 students are expected to attend Year 6 camp and may participate in ski camp as an additional activity only. REMINDER students may only attend if all school fees are up to date. Students and Parents: Come and join the fun on Mount View’s Annual Ski Camp! The PE and Year 5 & 6 teams have conducted very successful annual ski camps since 2005 and initial planning is well underway for this year’s camp! Price : Students & Adults $600 All inclusive: Mount Buller 3 Day Lift, Hire & Lesson Package On mountain accommodation Full Bus and 4WD Taxi Transfer All meals, food, drinks and snacks $100 deposit required to confirm place by 3 June (cash or credit only please) – Balance due on 15 July An email will be sent home this week confirming your child’s place on ski camp – if you believe you have enrolled and do not receive an email this week, please contact Lesley immediately on [email protected] 9 14 May 2015 An Important Message from the Health Centre In order for the Health Centre to provide the best care for your child in 2015, we require current information regarding your child’s medical conditions. You can access all the medical forms on the school website. Please fill in the necessary forms and drop them off to the office or Health Centre. Please be aware that the Department of Education requires us to have updated Asthma action plans and Anaphylactic action plans each year. If you have not yet made us aware of any medical conditions your child may have, for example: Anaphylaxis, Allergies, Asthma please inform us as soon as possible. Kind Regards Carol Pickford and Alison Tong School Nurses Student Insurance Cover Parents/guardians are reminded that the Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance/transport and any other transport costs. Student accident insurance/ambulance cover policies are available from some commercial insurers, and can be obtained by parents/guardians for individual students. If you would like further information please go to www.studentcover.com.au. 10 14 May 2015 11 14 May 2015 The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the DEECD or Mount View Primary School Council for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. Waverley Gymnastics Centre JUNIOR GYM Waverley’s Junior Gym program is a fun & challenging gymnastics experience for pre-school children aged 2-5 years old. Children will use a range of gymnastics equipment & teaching aids to learn gymnastics skills leading to increased balance coordination, strength and confidence! Book a FREE Junior Gym trial class during May!! All classes are taken by qualified and registered coaches and run on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Sundays. 7 Dorrington Drive, Mt Waverley (Melways 70 G1) For enquiries or a trial class, please call the office on 9887-9611 or visit www.waverley.gymnastics.org.au John Sugden Swim School For children aged 3-16years Sunday Mornings: 10:00-12:30pm Wesley College Pool Glen Waverley Term 2 Starts Sunday 19 April 2015 BOOK NOW FREE Assessment Phone/Fax 9890 5451 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jsss.com.au 12
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