June 7 – Time and Talent Sunday 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 The Spirit of God provides different members of the body with different gifts, talents and abilities all of which are valued and needed in the body of Christ. Join us for worship at 10:30 a.m. on June 7 -- Time and Talent Sunday – and discover new and exciting ways in which you can contribute your time and your talents to the ongoing ministry of Morrisville Presbyterian Church. Scholarship Presentations & Graduate Recognition During our worship we will take a moment and are pleased to provide 10 scholarships this year and say congratulations to our graduating High School seniors. Concerts in the Garden “Bronze in the Breezeway” 11:45 A.M. POSTLUDE CONCERT Join us in the Memorial garden immediately following worship for a short 30—minute concert of wonderful music performed by our very own Chancel Ringers. In addition the goodies during Fellowship Hour, hosted by the Choirs, this will be a fun and enjoyable concert for all who can join us! Pastor’s Pen Father’s Day in the Heffernan household is a lot of fun. One year the boys and I made a treasure map for my husband, Patrick, to follow to get to his gift. The clues were given one by one, with each clue requiring some spectacular feat like swinging from a rope hanging from an old Norway maple in the back yard. The boys and I thought it would be extra fun if we put the blue plastic baby pool in the path of the rope, of course it was filled with the coldest water we could manage. We even required that Patrick kick a soccer ball over the roof of the house. We lived on a hill in a split level home so it was possible. The boys were clearly awed by their father’s progress through the map and especially enjoyed it when Patrick ran the super soaker gauntlet. Everyone ended up getting drenched to the bone. We don’t even remember the gift but we certainly had fun. Now that the boys are older, sharing a meal together filled with stories and laughter is enough. As a mom, I get a front row seat to see how their relationship with Patrick has developed over the years. Patrick taught the boys how to ride bikes and they still ride together. I must say I was relieved when Patrick took over helping with the math homework. Linear equations are not my forte. Now conversations with dad veer toward job advice and taxes. Pray for those whose fathers are distant, where relationships have failed and blame is passed around like dessert and conversations are empty. Be on the lookout for those who need a father-like friend, a watchful eye, a voice of advice and encouragement. Give honor and glory to God. Be a good example. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Pastor Debbie Thank You Breakfast On May 31st at 9:30 a. m. we will say “Thank you” to Sunday School Teacher and Nursery Helpers during a special Breakfast in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome. Reserve a spot by signing up on the Friendship Pad or phone the church office. How nice it is to be filled with awe for the people who love you. When I think of God, I am filled with awe. The psalmist declares: O LORD, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Psalm 8.1 Glorious are you, more majestic than the everlasting mountains. Psalm 76.4 For people who are making their way to the shore this summer: More majestic than the thunders of mighty waters, more majestic than the waves of the sea, majestic on high is the LORD! Psalm 93.4 Slow down on Father’s Day to consider the sights and sounds of nature, notice God’s majesty and be thankful. 2 Remembering our Identity A scallop shell represents baptism, and the three drops of water symbolize the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. OUR CHURCH FAMILY PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Congratulations to Liz Scholer, recipient of the Pre sby te ria n Woman's Honorary Life Membership Award. Liz was recognized for her dedication and many years of service as Treasurer on the Presbyterian Woman Board. At the May Rebecca Circle meeting, Liz was honored and received a framed personalized certificate and honorary life sterling silver pin. The pin's overall design is a butterfly, the symbol of newness in Christ. The butterfly is created with hands, a leaf, a dove, a globe and a cross. The hands represent women who seek to build an inclusive, caring community of Presbyterian Woman. The leaf represents the growth of our personal and corporate response to Jesus Christ as we nurture our faith. The dove indicates our work for peace in our own lives and throughout the world, which is represented by the globe. At the center of the design is a cross, Christ at the center of our lives. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated on Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015 and again on Sunday, June 28, 2015 at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated on Sunday, Sunday, June 21, 2015 at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Adults wishing to be baptized or parents requesting baptism for their child are asked to call the church office at 215-295-4191. In Loving Memory Our sympathy goes out to the family of Marion B. Armes, who died on Thursday, May 7, 2015. Presbyterian Women were pleased to have this opportunity to thank Liz and highlight her example of leadership, faithful service, and spiritual focus. Bring a Candle on Pentecost On Sunday, May 24, during the 10:30 a.m. worship service we will celebrate Pentecost – the day the Holy Spirit appeared in Jerusalem in the form of wind and flame, giving birth to the Christian church. As part of our Pentecost observance, we are asking each worshiper to bring a small candle to be placed on a table in the front of the sanctuary. During the reading of the Pentecost story (Acts 2:1-21) at the beginning of the service, the candles will be lit in order to symbolize the coming of the Holy Spirit. Please bring a votive or small candle of any color. Thank you. CLOTHING CENTER The last day for Clothing Center donations will be May 31st. The Clothing Center’s last day of shopping will be on June 16th. We will re-open on September 8th. 3 YOUTH NEWS CHILDREN and FAMILY "In God we live, move, and exist." Acts 17:28 Vacation Bible School Youth Club Happenings Ages 4 years—5th grade God’s not dead!!! He’s surely alive and well at MPC Youth Club. We were blessed to serve breakfast with our new friend Bill and the Trenton Presbyterian Church this past month. Youth Club Contacts: Elizabeth Dugan—[email protected] Lisa Zazzu—[email protected] MPC is joining Morrisville United Methodist Church to offer a cooperative Vacation Bible School (VBS). Students and teachers from both churches will meet together to learn how to walk humbly with God and to follow Christ. The evening's activities will center on Bible stories which the children will experience through games, science, music and crafts. All children, youth and adults are encouraged to participate in order to experience G FORCE, God's love in acion. Will be held at: Morrisville United Methodist Church 501 W. Maple Ave. Morrisville PA Sunday July 19 through Thursday July 23 6:00 p.m.—8:30 p.m. $5.00 suggested Donation Our next fundraiser – a car wash and bake sale will be June 19th. Please come out and have your car washed and purchase a few treats at the bake sale. Registration form is available on line at www.mpcusa.net A new child protection law has gone into effect in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As of July 1, 2015, any volunteer responsible for the welfare of a child or having direct contact with children will need clearances submitted prior to the commencement of service. We have detailed information for you, including links to obtain clearances and Frequently Asked Questions. Look for the "Child Safe Pink Link" on the MPCUSA.NET web page. 4 ADULT EDUCATION at MPC SUNDAY MORNINGS at 9:30 a.m. – Conference Room PENTECOST: WITNESSING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT May 10 through 17 With Elder Carol Carpenter We will continue the Adult/Senior High format for two weeks as we prepare to celebrate Pentecost, the day the Christian Church was born through the fire of the Holy Spirit. We will look at Luke’s account of that first day and the community that was formed. Then we will examine what it means today to be a witness, enlightened by the breath of God. PENTECOST SUNDAY May 24 On May 24, Pentecost Sunday, we will join in Fellowship Hall with participants of all ages for an inter-generational event marking the Church’s birthday with creative activities. This will be the last Sunday for Adult Education classes during the 2014-15 program year. Pastoral Care Reminder Members of the staff truly want to be attentive when members or friends of MPC are experiencing health difficulties. If you (or a family member) have been admitted to a hospital, please let us know by contacting the church office, and one of the pastors will be pleased to visit. You may also reach the pastors on their mobile phones: Bruce Ballantine - 304-914-2108 Debbie Heffernan - 267-342-0089. Thank you for your assistance. ONGOING EDUCATIONAL OFFERINGS BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY led by Pastor Bruce, Wednesdays at noon in the Conference Room Participants in the Brown Bag Bible study are currently studying the Gospel of Mark assisted by the commentary of N.T. Wright in his book Mark for Everyone. We meet Wednesdays at noon in the conference room. Our last session of the current program year will be May 27. Come join us, now or in September! WEEKLY PRAYER GROUP All Welcome - Men, Women, and Children Sundays from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. in the Conference Room ALL ARE WELCOME! Each week, after offering our prayers for those on the MPC Prayer list, we discuss the Bible verses in the current week’s liturgy, how those scriptures relate to our everyday lives, and try to anticipate how our Pastor may interpret the same passages during the sermon. During the summer months, we will meet during the hour before worship: 9:30-10:15 instead of our earlier time slot. UPDATE ON BOOK DISCUSSION GROUPS Currently we have two small Book Groups meeting in the evening to discuss Robinson’s Gilead Trilogy and C. S. Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles. Each group has five to six participants and meets about once per month. We also now have a daytime group, discussing The Invention of Wings, by Sue Monk Kidd which meets on alternate Fridays at 1:00 pm. Because so many participants will be taking vacation, book discussion groups will cease meeting for the summer during the month of June. Updates on plans for the fall will be posted on the MPC website under the Adult Education tab and in the Sunday Bulletin. If you wish to make suggestions for book titles and subject matter or wish to receive emails with updates on current offerings and plans, please contact either Carol Carpenter at [email protected] or Susan Light at [email protected] or 215 -369-1247. We would especially appreciate information about dramatic performances of interest. 5 BOOMERS & BEYOND Research Shows House Fires Can Burn 8x Faster This research confirms the fact that occupants have much less time to safely exit the home involved in a fire, often less than a few minutes! Fire moves faster than ever as a result of the furnishings, contents and construction materials in homes, which in many cases are much more volatile than they used to be ! In the past furniture was constructed using hardwoods but today that has been replaced by fast-burning non-hardwoods, including particle-board. Synthetic materials in home furnishings have now replaced the traditional wool stuffing. Highly combustible materials such as polyethylene foam mean that a fire can double in size every thirty seconds given the right fuel load and oxygen supply. As a result of their research UL has determined that homes and their contents can burn 8X faster than houses constructed and furnished decades ago! Properly placed working smoke alarms are the first line of defense in surviving a house fire. Early detection followed by being able to quickly exit the home are the pillars of surviving a house fire! Wireless interconnect smoke alarms are a real advantage and a true lifesaver. These types of smoke alarms announce and sound throughout the entire home when just one is activated. In a scenario when smoke, heat and confusion rein these wireless alarms can actually give you and your family those extra few moments needed to safely get out. 6 It's also recommended that smoke alarms be added to heater rooms, laundry rooms as well as attics and crawl spaces. Test your smoke alarms monthly. Take the time to sit as a family and discuss exactly what to do in the event of a house fire. During your family discussion plan and discuss your best escape routes and everyone's role. Practice as a family what you've discussed and planned. Establish a central meeting point safely away from the home and once you are out safely. NEVER GO BACK INSIDE! . In a house fire every second counts and with fires developing much faster than previously thought there is no room for hesitation. Prepare, plan, discuss, practice, and implement a program designed to insure your family's survival. Should you have any questions please contact me at Upper Makefield Township by dialing 215-968-3340. John C. Kernan, IAAl-CFI Chief Marshal FM-272 Upper Makefield Township Fire Please Return this form & payment to the MPC Office, 771 N. Pennsylvania Ave, Morrisville, PA 19067, attention Liz Scully M ORRISVILLE P RESBYTERIAN C HURCH 771 N. Pennsylvania Ave. | Morrisville, PA 19067 Phone: 215-295-4191 | web: www.MPCusa.net Staff E-mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] MPC Currents (USPS#204-040), is published monthly. Periodical mail postage paid at Levittown, PA 19055. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Morrisville Presbyterian Church, 771 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Morrisville, PA 19067. The Evangelism & Communications Committee is committed to keeping church news up to date. It is our goal to print and distribute “Currents” by the 3rd Sunday of the Month. Therefore we ask that you please submit articles for the July/August 2015 “Currents” by June 1st. [email protected] COMING E VENTS MAY 17 24 31 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Worship - Children’s Sunday Youth in Mission Car Wash & Bake Sale Cross Generational Celebration of Pentecost Worship - Pentecost Sunday Sunday School & Nursery Helpers Appreciation Breakfast Worship - Trinity Sunday JUNE 7 14 21 28 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Worship—Time and Talent Sunday, Graduate Recognition and Awarding of Scholarships Bronze in the Breezeway—Handbell Concert Worship Youth in Mission Car Wash & Bake Sale Worship Worship—Ordination/Installation of Officers and Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
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