2014 MOUNTAIN PARKS ELECTRIC, INC. ANNUAL REPORT BOARD PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER REPORT TOGETHER WE SERVE T The year 2014 completed our 68th year of service to memberowners of Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. The cooperative delivered safe and reliable electric energy, at a fair and reasonable value. MPEI delivered 277,803 megawatt-hours, a decline of 9 percent, resulting in revenues of $34.8 million. Deduction of our total cost of electric service at $33.6 million resulted in an operating margin of $1.1 million for the year. Addition of patronage capital from our supplier, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, and other cooperative partners added another $1.4 million to the total margins. MPEI assets at year-end were $95.3 million; long-term debt obligations were $34.3 million. Member-owners’ margins and equities are now 53 percent of total assets. No funds were borrowed in 2014. As we entered 2014, the MPEI board authorized capital credit retirements of $1.4 million to our owners; over the years we have refunded a total of $15.5 million in credits. MPEI connected 121 new services in 2014, bringing our total services to 19,881; we have 1,828 miles of line in place. The cost of purchased power from Tri-State decreased to $21.2 million; average cost was $72.64 per MWH. Our average residential user of 703 kilowatt-hours per month paid $100.70, representing an increase of 2.1 percent over 2013 rates. MPEI rates are essentially at the median (middle) of electric rates in Colorado. Reliability continued to be a focus of excellence; the average outage time per consumer was 54 minutes, compared to our fiveyear average of two hours per consumer. MPEI’s 59 employees continued to work smart, hard and safe to take care of all our members. Among the significant events of 2014, we are pleased to report the following: • 173 customer projects were released for construction, an increase of more than 31 percent over 2013. • 11 projects related to production of oil and natural gas were engineered in Jackson County. • MPEI engineers, operations personnel and consultants developed a new 20-year (2015-2035) long-range plan, with total estimated costs of $143 million. • A new four-year construction work plan was approved, with $23.5 million for replacement of aged facilities. • MPEI’s board approved an advanced metering infrastructure project, totaling over $4 million. coloradocountrylife.coop • A new Blue River Substation delivery point with Tri-State and Xcel Energy was approved, with engineering to be done in 2015. • Town of Grand Lake rebuild of two miles of obsolete lines project represented an investment of $1 million. During the year, many of you contributed to the Mountain Parks Charitable Trust by way of Operation Round Up® (rounding up electric bills to the nearest dollar to support the charity). The charitable trust was able to provide $69,038 to individuals and organizations in our service territory; since inception it has disbursed $885,914. [contined on page 8] Greg Norwick, President, District 4 Joe Pandy, General Manager Mountain Parks Electric, Inc., Annual Meeting 66 th Annual Meeting Saturday, May 16, 2015 MPEI Main Office Warehouse 321 W. Agate Ave. • Granby, CO 8 a.m. Registration and breakfast 9:15 a.m. Business session called to order Welcome Close registration Determination of quorum Notice of Annual Meeting proof of mailing Approval of minutes — Annual Meeting May 10, 2014 President’s report Committee reports Scholarship awards and D.C. Youth and Leadership Camp Recognition Open forum Old business New business District 2 and District 5 director election Prize drawings Adjourn APRIL 2015 7 [2014 MPEI ANNUAL REPORT] TOGETHER WE SERVE [contined from page 7] The Mountain Parks Electric Educational Trust, funded by unclaimed capital credits, granted funds for scholarships and driver education classes in the amount of $69,362 in 2014; since the inception, the Educational Trust has supported education in the amount of $1,118,600. Working with our trusted partner, Cooperative Finance Corporation, the board authorized an investment of $700,000 of the trust funds in a 30-year investment at a 5 percent interest rate, to ensure the long-term viability of the trust. Voluntary contributions by our members to the Green Power Fund totaled $23,508 in 2014. Solar projects received disbursements of $18,000, bringing total grants to $63,500. All of us who govern, manage and work for MPEI are proud of our 68-year record of providing safe, economical and reliable service to our cooperative member-owners, despite the challenging environment of our mountainous terrain! On behalf of the entire board of directors and staff of MPEI, we thank you for your business and positive interactions with the cooperative business model. We look forward to communicating with you at our annual meeting on May 16, 2015, at our headquarters in Granby, and to serving your energy needs in the future. Greg Norwick, President, District 4 Richard Zieff — Vice President, District 2 Elizabeth McIntyre — Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, District 6 Jeff Hauck — Secretary/ Treasurer, District 5 Carl Trick II — Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, District 3 Rick Jerrigan — Assistant Secretary/Treasurer, District 1 Greg Norwick, President Joe Pandy, General Manager District 2 and District 5 Election of Board of Directors Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. is managed by a board of six members, known as directors. For the purpose of the election of the members of the board, the areas serviced by the cooperative are divided in six districts. The term of each member of the board selected at a district election commences upon his or her election for a term of three years thereafter. District director elections are held at the annual meeting of the members. Directors exercise all of the powers of the cooperative, except those powers conferred upon and reserved to the members, according to the bylaws of Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. One petition for District 2 and one petition for District 5 election were filed with the board within the time permitted for nominations. District 2 – Richard Zieff (incumbent) — Winter Park/Fraser Valley-West District 5 – Jeff Hauck (incumbent) — Grand Lake Directors Hauck and Zieff were the only members to submit petitions to serve on the board by the deadline of 5 p.m., February 26, 2015. No mail-in ballots will be mailed to members in District 2 and District 5 since this is an uncontested election. For additional information, please refer to MPEI bylaws, or call Mountain Parks Electric, Inc., at 970-887-3378. 8 4 APRIL 2015 coloradocountrylife.coop [2014 MPEI ANNUAL REPORT] MOUNTAIN PARKS ELECTRIC, INC. Annual Meeting of the Members Minutes Granby, Colorado • May 10, 2014 • 9:15 a.m. Location MPEI’s 65th Annual Meeting of the members was held at Mountain Parks Electric headquarters office, 321 W. Agate Ave., Granby, CO 80446. Call to Order General Manager Joe Pandy called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m. Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem Father Ryan Cullen Thomas Aquinas O’Neill, Parochial Vicar, led a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Juliet Shams sang the National Anthem. Close Registration General Manager Joe Pandy closed member registration. Introductions General Manager Joe Pandy introduced the MPEI Board of Directors, MPEI Attorney and Special Guests. copy of which is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Operation Round Up Report Clare Rutila, Charitable Trust President, presented an update on MPEI’s Charitable Trust. A copy of the presentation is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Green Power Program Report Alex Buhayar, Green Power Committee Member, presented a report on MPEI’s Green Power Program. A copy is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Electric Industry Report General Manager Joe Pandy presented an Electric Industry Report. A copy of the report is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Scholarship Award Presentations MPEI Directors announced the following scholarship winners: Determination of Quorum •Cody Volt of West Grand High School was awarded a Attorney Williamson reported that 107 members had $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Academic Scholarship. registered. The list of those registered is hereby attached •Nicholas Ritschard of West Grand High School was and an official quorum was present. awarded a $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Academic Scholarship. Proof of Mailing/Election of Directors •Emily Gardner of Middle Park High School was Attorney Williamson acknowledged the notice of the awarded a $2,000 Mountain Parks Scholarship. Annual Report/Annual Meeting and “Proof of Mailing” •Danielle Keen of Middle Park High School was with 17,045 Annual Reports mailed on March 31, 2014. A awarded a $1,000 Tri-State/ Mountain Parks Electric copy of the proof of mailing is attached and forms a part Matching Scholarship. of these minutes. •Simona Senovaityte of Middle Park High School was Approval of Minutes awarded a $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Scholarship. Attorney Williamson presented the minutes of the May •Jenna Curran of Middle Park High School was awarded 11, 2013 MPEI Annual Meeting for approval. a $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Scholarship. MOTION: Member Eden Recor moved to approve •Haley Pedersen of Middle Park High School was MPEI’s May 11, 2013, Annual Meeting awarded a $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Scholarship. minutes as presented in the Annual Report. •William Doebling of Winter Park Christian School was The motion passed unanimously. awarded a $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Scholarship. Attorney Williamson, announced collection of District 6 •Alex Anderson of North Park High School was Floor Ballots. awarded a $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Scholarship. •Nicholas Peters of North Park High School was Bylaw Change awarded a $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Scholarship. Attorney Williamson explained MPEI’s proposed change •Shelby Reneau of North Park High School was to Bylaw Article IV Section 6 “Removal of Board Memawarded a $2,000 Mountain Parks Electric Scholarship. bers by the Board of Directors”. •Clay Russell of Middle Park High School was awarded Attorney Williamson called for ballot vote. Attorney a $1,000 Basin Electric Scholarship. Williamson announced collection of floor ballots. •Talise Hansen of Middle Park High was awarded a President’s Report $1,000 Tri-State/Mountain Parks Electric Matching MPEI President Greg Norwick presented his report, a Scholarship. coloradocountrylife.coop •Ariel Bowman of Middle Park High School was awarded the $500 Scholarship Committee Award. •Jill Carol Wilkinson of West Grand High School was awarded an all expenses trip to Washington D.C. for her energy related essay. Open Forum Greg Norwick, MPEI Board President, and General Manager Joe Pandy opened the meeting to an open forum for questions or concerns of the membership. Several questions were asked by members. Old Business No old business. New Business Member Approval of Bylaw Amendments Attorney Williamson referred to the proposed change to Bylaw Article IV Section 6. “Removal of Board Member by the Board of Directors” and asked for any questions. A copy of the Annual Report with the Bylaw changes is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Attorney Williamson reported 87 members voted in favor of the Bylaw amendment 0 voted against. Attorney Williamson reported the Bylaw change is approved as presented. District 4 Election Results Attorney Williamson reported the candidate for District 4 is uncontested and therefore Greg Norwick is deemed elected for a three (3) year term. District 6 Election Results Attorney Williamson announced the results of the District 6 director election. • Liz McIntrye received 322 votes • Richard Jernigan received 639 votes. Richard Jernigan is elected for a three year term. Thank you General Manager Joe Pandy thanked Rosemary Knerr and all the MPEI employees for their efforts planning and volunteering for the Annual Meeting. Door Prizes Door prizes were drawn and presented to MPEI members. A list of the door prize recipients is attached and forms a part of these minutes. Jeff Hauck, Secretary/Treasurer APRIL 2015 9 [2014 MPEI ANNUAL REPORT] BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2013, and 2014* Assets Total utility plant Accumulated depreciation Net utility plant Other property & investments Current assets Deferred debits Total assets 20132014* $88,137,178 $91,411,455 (25,258,632) ( 27,173,310) 62,878,546 64,238,145 22,697,216 23,131,952 6,265,539 6,176,462 2,095,626 1,756,364 $93,936,927 $95,302,923 Power cost — 63.2% Operations & maintenance — 12.5% Customer accounts — 4% Customer service & sales — 1.2% Administration — 6.3% Depreciation — 8.7% Equities & Liabilities Patronage capital & equity Long-term debt Current liabilities Other credits Total equity & liabilities $48,913,649 34,393,227 5,306,599 5,323,452 $93,936,927 Statement of Operations Operating revenues Cost of power Operating expenses Depreciation Interest Other expenses Total 2013 2014* $35,479,283$34,763,624 22,357,299 21,245,122 7,494,237 8,057,979 2,429,4892,914,567 1,319,348 1,354,094 56,291 51,249 $33,656,664 $33,623,011 Operating margins Interest income Nonoperating margins Patronage capital (other) Total margins OPERATING EXPENSES 2014 $50,458,590 33,448,787 5,990,204 5,405,342 $95,302,923 $1,822,619$1,140,613 42,749 39,265 73,935 909 1,646,352 1,344,273 $3,585,655 $ 2,525,060 Interest — 4.1% NOTICE OF 2014 PATRONAGE CAPITAL ALLOCATION This is to advise the patrons of Mountain Parks Electric, Inc., that the total margins earned by MPEI during 2014 will be assigned to each patron’s capital credit account. All revenues received by MPEI, in excess of total expenses, are allocated as patronage capital furnished and assigned in direct proportion to the amount of revenue furnished. For the year 2014, Mountain Parks Electric’s operating margins were $2,525,060. This margin represents 7.4 percent of your annual billing being credited to your patronage account. The Board of Directors of MPEI may retire capital credits when, in its judgment, such retirements will not impair the financial condition of MPEI. *Unaudited 2014 MPEI Statistical Information Counties Served......................Grand, Jackson, Summit, Routt and Larimer Number of employees................................... 59 Year organized............................................... 1946 RUS Borrower No. ........................Colorado 42 Total plant in service.......................$ 91,411,455 Property taxes ....................................$ 386,940 Monthly board meetings........2nd Thursday Power Source........ Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. Consumers per mile..................................... 10.8 Miles of line................................................... 1,828 Meters served............................................. 19,881 Interest paid.......................................$ 1,354,094 New services added........................................121 10 4 APRIL 2015 MOUNTAIN PARKS ELECTRIC, INC. STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you wish to file a civil rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the U.S. Department of Agrigulture Program Discrimination Complaint Form found online at www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html or at any USDA office, or call 866-632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed form or letter by mail to U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax to 202-690-7442 or by email to [email protected]. MOUNTAIN PARKS ELECTRIC’S 2015 ENERGY EFFICIENCY REBATES Electric Water Heaters Energy Star Appliances LED Lightbulbs (excludes tank-less water heaters) • Lifetime tank warranty $95 • Standard tank style (no lifetime warranty) $70 • Dishwasher — $30 • Clothes washer — $40 • Refrigerators — $40 • Refrigerator/freezer recycling — $40 • 300 or > lumens • LImit 50 lightbulbs/year/customer • Lower of 50% of lamp cost or $10/bulb coloradocountrylife.coop
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