M I<:GH ALA VA PIJBLlC Sr.: R V I CE CO MM ISS IO N L O WEI ~ LAC ll lIM I r-: R E:: SH I LLO N C No. M PSC/I)- 1 11 1121113-2 111 ~ /2('(> D,l led S h ill o n g, ti l l' 28 111 A p ri l, 20 15 NOT I FI ( 'A TIO N The rcsu l! or the interview 1'\11' th e po s t 01" Ass is /a n t D is tri ct P r o,jcc i OfficCI",RcVCl1tl(': A nd Di sa :s tc r M anagement Departm e nt conducted by the Cornillissioll is hereby dccl'.lrcd. I'he naille or the sliccess fu l 011 the 2211d & 2 ~ I'd A pri l, 2015 c(lndid~\tc ITCOl11111Cndcd b) th e Commission is as j(lilows: I. I~ Y N TWWL1 !\ 2. PY N HI t\NC U N LYNC HA 3. .J AMES I) . SANCMA .J . .JO NATII AN Mt\ WT II O II S. DO NNA I.ORR A I NE K II A RKO NGOR 6. p lf<: R t\N .Jli:1..I 7. DARIMI L YN (;J) O II 8. PI PSO N C II. M!\I{t\ I, 9. ~: BOR M I 10. DO N BOI~L t\N(; I I. DJ<:BO,JlT J«)Cl I Thl: recollll11endation or the Wt\NN I.\ NC I{ . M I \ I ~AI< S. L YNCC III AN( ; (, II YNF- calH.li<.lilll' shall confer no claim 1'01' ~lppointl11cnt unless the appointing authority is satisfied. after sllch en quir y (lS may hL' considered llece~S8rv. that the candidate is suitable in all rcspects. '> C" _ 9 c-ff 'hail personV tv!cghalaya-t->-tnl ic ,'ervicc Commission, Shillong. No. 1VI PSCID-t.nll /20 13-201 4/;;u,c..L1'.) Copy for inrorrnation is forwarded to:I. The I Ion 'hIe Members, tvkgh:lIaY,l Publ ie 2. The Deputy Secre tary In the (rO\l\' ~er\'ice Commission. Shillong. of' Mcghalaya. R . . . VCIlL1C & Disaster Managemcnt . Department, Shillong. :1. The Officer on Spccial IJuly, M.P.S.C. Ccll. 'Iura I .i owai 1 Nongstoin I 13aghl11ara ~'l i(l1l1J1(lgar I NOl1gpoh with (l l"(~qllcS l l () kind ly d ispli.lY the result on the Notice Boarcl. 4./l'he Siaic Ini'Jrllla!ics ()j·jiCl'J'. N.I.t' .. Shillon".
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