qr{q Rajesh Bhushan, r.rs JS (RC & IE'C), Dc, NRRDA & CVO E O7l- 23384707 E 0i1- 23386173 E [email protected] eR rrqq, q$ Bd-rrorra Ministry of Rural Development Deptt. of Rural Development Government of lndia Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi-l10114 iZTd D.O. No. P-17ot7 l08/201s-RC oear ri?rdq srftq fo6rq furq lfrtll TTttNN ffi F€€ ft-6-rrc 26tb May,2Ol5 -rdtn, As you may be aware that the funds under all Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) are being released by the Government of India to the State Consolidated Fund. Accordingly, this Ministry has released grant-in-aid amounting to Rs.40.0O crore under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak yojana (PMGSY) to the State Consolidated Fund, vide this Ministry's Sanction letter No. P-77O24/17 /2O12-RC dated 24.4.2015 (copy enclosed for ready reference). The State was further requested to release the funds to Meghalaya State Rural Roads Development Agency (MSRRDA) within 3 days from the receipt of the funds. I am now given to understand that the aforesaid funds have not yet been transferred to MSRRDA even after one month. 2. You would appreciate that since PMGSY is a time bound programme and being implemented on a contractual mode, delays in release of funds have the potential to hamper the pace of the programme. The Central Government may be constrained to stop further releases to the state in case the State does not credit the requisite amount to SRRDA on a priority basis. 3. I would, therefore request you to kindly direct the Finance Department of your State to release the funds sanctioned under pMGSy to MSRRDA without further delay so that smooth implementation of this flagship programme of creation of rural infrastructure can be ensured in the State. With regards, Yours sincerely, Encl.: As above -:- - a6laltr (Rajesh Bhushanl ShriPBOWarjri ..'' Chief Secretary, Government of Meghalaya, Shillong o, \ \,"\ ' 6 igsgar) \r scqzl rs- I No.P-1 7024/l 7/20 l2-RC Governmenl of India Ministry of Rural DeveloPment D€partment of Rural DeveloPment Rural Connectivit-v (RC) Division Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-l10001 Dated 24't APril, 2015 To & Accounts Officer, Covernment of India, Ministry of Rural DeveloPment, The Pay Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Subject - ReLrse of Gran6-is-aid to Strte Government Gram Sadrk Yojrna (PMGSY) for th€ year of Mcghsleyr snder Pradhsn M8trtri 20ltl6' Sir, IamdirectedtoconveythesanctionofthePresidenttothepaymentofGlants.in.aidsmountingto Govemment of Meghalaya under Vote^on ln pees fity Crore only) to th€ Statepradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) under c"nt t zots) n".q',oO,Oi,Ooo i.""rii ilp;ru"i, "rri.tun"e ", would be adjusted against a specific Phase/Batch d-uring Financial year 20l5-16. rrti. for the "'Liiii,i-'ii,ri*" "*"r* under pMG3Y foi the financial vear 2015'16" J- ri iir"rr"rt iill Roads Developmetrt Governmenl must transfer these futrds to Meghelaya Rural 2. -Agency The Stste In case of lonfunds' of these within 3 working aays posittvety from thc date of rec€ipl releases' further to stop be constreired iri*iit u"i-o tnis peiiod, c",ti"'l iot"tn*ent may l27o for the period of delay pat interest Besides, the Strte Government beyord the specified Period' rtorld be liable to @ State Rural Roads Development The State Govemment must transfer these funds to Meghrlaya receiot of these funds' ln case of sf i31g' fii from Asencv (MSRRDA) within 3 *o'king ;y" po'itively be constrained to stop further releases. Besides, ;"?;;ir:ilr";;;'rf,ir'p"ri"a, C*dt Covirnmenr may (@i\ot for he period ofdelay beyond the specified the state covemment would be ri"ili"-t" p"v i"i"*rt 3. period. 5. nominated Shri M M Sun' 1g:1cl ltas Meghalava' Shillong as the PMGSY' Ch;iE*t;;"; <irnt"t' siirpe' (MRRDA). Thc statc GoYernment n*"t Roads Devetopment Agency- Meghalaya State Rural Roads Development secretarv. P.W.D. (Roads), cr. ffii;ilil dfilJ "ir,l-;eh"l"v, address:orir,. J."r. oid", tn th" 6ou".ment of lndia at the following u l" ffiil;;;;; (RC)' "op"v Director P' Munoi Kumat' Shi Mittislry of Rurat Development' Room No'27E' Ktuhi nnawaT, Ne$' Delhi' i 10001' Tel' No' 23071307 rs!84*uby the State Covernment shall belept rulrui released The tne funds SBlN000f330):, shie Bank of lrdia' Meghalaya iccount No. 10407610364 (IFSC Branch Code No' ^ -,^^'-,..,, c'ara R'rcl Roads : ":p:il:.:":'l-c-t:ll.: #:ii::i;. ;'#i';Tilffi"J;ffii.iru;ii;;-;'"'.d lr j,:*:Ili?l",:1i: *:r:,ff :l: ural urv I 6 6. 'r:",:::"'l'"1,rufi1ii'ilfi,ii-6il;l;ilT:.'tl*':i:-"ill:,",1'.'l " llo*ed to be utilized Development Agency (MTKKU/r, only by the :il[,':fftli;: ,*"tt io tfr" fu"ra. "na the lunds held in the -specilied ,"*"1" l:^1 .L- D..,lh^n Manrri Gram Sadak 9"iff,,':,''i".ll$L:H'il"".;]1i:iijf::;i:ilil-';;'k' [:*l*:,::li:*I?fllfiil^i:f:i; .ro The EmPo\,vereo tjlrlcar or rvrr'ts'rdr4v' Yojana. i;il:'^i":?H'J;"-:"'X5;;T#J:t':ili$ti:]:;t:a:.11,"'.*:'"XUl'*':.::''"SiH'"lHii: wt will be-issuing cheques on the of the Authorised .Signatortes' .#rrni""," to the bank the names eg"""yt *A U*f account for the purpose oflhis sanction t 7l;*,# to the bank regarding the names of The Emoowered Offlcer shall issue standing instructions to each pavee' He will a'"",g.J"a account deaitJand rhe amounts admissible ,t E. Slate No Utilization Certificate is pending from Meghdsya o"i'Ll "" ""i also specifl limits on *ontrrrv p"ytlitJJJp"t itt" *otL ptgramme for the respective package' "gt""d Rrral Roads Development Agency (MSRRDA). 9. will The accounts ofthe gantee institutions rndia anrl the rntemal Audit .f rh" the General Financial Rules' il;il;j;;";; Ceneral be audited by thc ComDtroller and Auditor ofil" oith" l,aini.,ry in terms of Rule 2l of l(l) of of Accounts under Demerd No'84 The expenditure is debitable to the following Head 8. (2015-2016)' Department of Rural DeYeloPment 3601 02 42i 02 02.o2 02.02.35 - Grants-in-aid to State Government (Major llead)' Head) Grants for State Plan Schemcs (Sub-Major Sadak Yojana (IVlinor Head) Gram Manril Pradhan noadsotfr", ii.tii"t C EAP ComPonent World Baak Assisied Project Grants for creation of Capital assets & Disbursing Development will be the Drawing The Pay & Accounts Officer' Ministry of Rural GoYemment state to pa'u-r auove will be $ansfened in olficer for the purpose. The ofMeghalaYa . 9. ;;;;'dJ "tt";i consultation with the Integrated and in 10. This issues under the powers delegated to this16Minislry 23l4lz0l5 ii""r* oi'"i.i"i ,i de their U.b' No' &Fin-ance/201$ dsted Yours faithtullY' r (P. Manoj Kumar ) Director (RC) Phone 0l l-2307430? "oo',lo'in" chief 2. secretary, GoYernment Building, Shillong-79300 4. j.5. 7. Meghalaya' Room Deparlment' Govemment of Meghalaya secretariat Meghalaya' Additionai O{ficer' SRRDA' PMGSY' inouOO Cum Chief Executive Shri M'M. Sun' s""t"'"'y", pw d i-o*".i""r,umiere, Shillong, Meghalava-793001 . office of Secretary, Shillong-793001' o""-t*iinud-it)' Nieghalava' Accountant Gen"*r, i;l*t'g1-shillong' Meghalava'793001' rhe Manager' st t" B""k iir" s*i"ir*hnical Director. Ntc, Minisry of Rural Develooment. shasli Bhawan' Ne* Delhi' rhe Principal irro,-utiontl'"'""'"pl;' Development' Rural of Accounts' Ministry ot om"Ilitt'"1""""i""i "dili;' r'itsl{i ffii;;iitt' ;. il; di;ib""roller .f A"di;';;;;;nli;"'i''s.*i." 9. No' 321' - puiiic Wo'k' l' Shillong-79300 'F'wb^' Princioal Secretary, Secretariat Building' l. | of The Director New Delhi- I 10002. 10. All Directors, NRRDA' I l. Guard File/Sanction Register' vri"istries. l.P. Estate, AGCR Buildins, !40 (P.ManotKumldk Director (RC)
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