MEGHALA YA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMlSS.ION LOWER LACl-1UMI ERE: :SHI LLONG Dated Shillong, the 27'" March, 201.5 No . M PSClE x-c/29/2013-20 14 /20 NOTIFICATION The resu lt of th e int erview fo r the post of Enforcement Inspector under Tran sport Department conducted by the Commi ssioll 011 the Ii" & 18 March , 2015 is hereby declared. The nal1les of the success fu l can di da tes reco mme nd ed by th e COl1lm ission are as I'o ll ows. in ord er of merit: I. PYNWANKI TYNGKAN 2. RITCHI G. MOMIN 3. BF:NTHAM JER EMY MARAK 4. IAIPYNOAPSUK DKHAR 5. GORNEL MANNERS 6. TWILIGHT T.SANGMA 7. TRIDIP N.SANGMA 8. KSANKUPAR TYNSONG The reco ll1mendation of the cand idates shall confer no claim f(Jr appointmcnt unless the appoint ing authorit y is sa ti sfi ed , a ft er sueh enquiry as may be cons ide red necessary. that the ca ndid ates are su itable in all respects. COll1 l1li ssion. Shi llo ng. Dated Shillong, the 27'" March, 2015 No. M PSC/E X-c /29/20 \3-20 14/20- A Co py fo r info rmati on is forward ed to :I. The Il on' bl e Members, Megh alaya I) ublic Servi ce Commi ss ion. Shill ong. 2. The Und er Sec retary to Gove of Meghalaya,Transpo rt Department. 3. T he Offi cer on Spec ial Du ty, M.P.S.C. Cell, Tura 1 .I owa i 1 Nongstoin 1 Baghm ara WijJi amnaga r 1 Nongpoh with a requcstto kindl y displ ay th e result on th e Noti ce Board. 4,--..xhe State Info rmati cs Officer, N.1. C., Shill ong. 5. Offi ce Noti ce Boa rd. 6. Dealin g Ass istant for further necessary action. Se tmy, Meghalaya Pub li c Se rvice Commission. Shil long.
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