Millard Public Schools Newsletter Millard School Board: Superintendent; Dr. Jim Sutfin, Dave Anderson, Mike Kennedy Paul Meyer, Linda Poole, Mike Pate, Patrick Ricketts April 2015 Principal: Jeff Alfrey Notes From The Principal At the present time, the last day of school is scheduled for Thursday, May 28, and it will be a full day of school. If anything changes in regards to the calendar, we will put out additional information. Asst. Principals: Cheryl Heimes Jeffrey Kerns We continue in the month of April with testing opportunities for students at Andersen. Students in 6th grade will take the State Reading Assessment (NESA-R). Students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade will take the State Math Assessment (NESA-M) in April/ May. Also, 8th grade students will also take the State Science Assessment (NESA-S). We ask that you limit any appointments during these days and hope you encourage your student to perform to the best of his/her ability. Please see page 2 for specific assessment dates. AMS School Hours 7:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. The month of May includes a number of daytime and evening events at Andersen. Please see pages 5 & 6 for specific events and make sure to mark these on your calendar. Andersen Middle 15404 Adams St. Omaha, Ne 68137 Ph: 402.715.8440 Fax: 402.715.8410 SAFE SCHOOLS HOTLINE 888.809.4754 With the nice weather already upon us, we are asking the Andersen parents to monitor their student’s dress as he/she come, to school each day. We have included the dress code policy on page 7 for more specific information. Thank you for your continued support of Andersen Middle School. ~ Jeff Alfrey, Principal Follow us on Facebook. Like AMS and get updates! Mission Statement Andersen Middle School, in collaboration with community, staff, parents, and students, guarantees each student will master the academic skills and model the positive character traits necessary for personal excellence and continued growth through effective practices designed to engage and challenge all students in a caring, student–centered environment. Follow us on Twitter @MPSAndersenMS Page 2 Big Red Star Recognition Andersen Middle School is proud to announce that Chebby Kyla, 8C, and Ben Worden, 8B, have been nominated for this school year’s Big Red Stars recognition. The Big Red Stars is a recognition program honoring 8th grade students from the state of Nebraska who showcase promising academic talent, leadership or perseverance. The Big Red Stars award ceremony and formal program is hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Office of Admissions and Education Quest. This year the Big Red Stars Event will be held April 28, 2015 at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. UPCOMING ASSESSMENT DATES 6th Grade State Reading April 2 & April 3 8th Grade State Science April 8 & April 9 6th Grade State Math April 14 & April 15 7th Grade State Math April 16 & 17 8th Grade State Math April 21 & April 22 Ms. List Math Classes - State Math April 27 & May 1 Please keep these dates in mind when making appointments. Counselors’ Corner Dear Parents, Teenage flirting has gone beyond the innocent flirtations to a shocking new tendency of sending nude or semi-nude photos from cell phone to cell phone. Instead of "texting," teens call it "sexting." Our young people, although technologically savvy, are naïve to think that only one person will see the revealing message. Impulsively provocative behavior wins over common sense when it comes to this type of messaging. The accessibility to the technology is here, and at an early age, our children are playing with their lives. With cell phone cameras, preteens and teens have been given a device so easy to use for some it's impossible to ignore the temptations. Once pictures are taken and the SEND button pushed, the sexually explicit photographs may be shared with friends and classmates. Sexting is not just occurring in Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Texas as news stories filter out of those states. It is happening in the great state of Nebraska, too. Some authorities across the nation are charging teenagers with child pornography and obscenity. What happens in Nebraska is yet to be seen. Roughly 20 percent of teens admit to participating in "sexting," according to a nationwide survey by the National Campaign to Support Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Teens don't realize the seriousness of one sexting message and the dangers of inappropriate behavior. It is disturbing to grasp the magnitude of this trend. One of the appeals of sexting is the ability to hide teens’ behavior from parents who do not know the new cell phone features and lingo. As technology continues to change the ways teens communicate, parents need to monitor their teen’s cell phones. If parents don’t know how to access the information on a cell phone, they must learn. It is vital that parents sit down and talk to their teenagers about the seriousness of this new wave of flirtation. Get involved. Don’t be afraid to take your child’s phone and look through it – text messages and pictures. We are a team, and we have to work together. Our children’s lives depend on it. Yolanda Martin, 7th Grade Counselor Page 3 FOLLOW Andersen Middle School on Twitter and Facebook! Vocal Diversity was so EXCITING, DYNAMIC, ENERGIZED, AND LOADED WITH WONDERFUL HARMONIES when they performed at "Battle of the Show Choirs" on February 28 at Westside Middle School. They were very creative and no other show compared to it. Great AMS spirit kids!! Upcoming Band and Music Concerts Papillion Jr. High Band Festival at Papillion/LaVista South School. April 10 Andersen Band attends this festival each year and has been very successful at this competition. The contest is in the afternoon/evening at Papillion/LaVista South High School. The band will be traveling by bus, so any parent wishing to attend this contest can always volunteer to chaperone and travel with the band to this event. Tickets for adults above the age of 18 is 2.00. Please come and cheer for your student at this event. It is always a challenge to play when you are apprehensive and having a warm, appreciative audience of parent supporters is a great encouragement and a real relaxer for our band. Please help support the band with your presence there. 6th & 7th Grade Choirs and Vocal Diversity April 23 - 7-8 p.m. Andersen Gym 8th Grade Concert Choir, Band, & Orchestra May 12- 7-8 p.m. Andersen Gym Page 4 Download MPS’s Free Mobile App today for grades, calendar, and more! On February 21, AMS Robotics Teams competed at the Nebraska Robotics Expo held at the SAS Museum. AMS competed against over 80 teams! Although, we did not place 1st or 2nd in any division all team members learned a lot, had lots of fun, and worked well together! On top of all of that, we got to meet and take a picture with Govenor Ricketts! Page 5 Page 6 Page 11 Middle School Magic Meal Culinary Challenge Millard Public Schools Food Service Department and Sodexo is sponsoring our annual Middle School Culinary Challenge. The Culinary Challenge will be a meal prepared by students in each middle school. The Sixth grade students will submit recipes for an appetizer, the Seventh grade students will submit recipes for a salad or vegetable and the Eighth grade students will submit recipes for an entrée that is either chicken, or vegetarian. One student from each grade level will be chosen as a finalist. The 3 finalists from the school will compete as a team. Each school team will present their meal to be judged. All Finalists will receive a chef coat and hat, gift bag and certificate. Monetary Gift cards will be awarded for, 1 st, 2nd and 3rd place and a trophy will be given to the top school team. Timeline of Events: Middle School Magic Meal Culinary Challenge April 21, 2015 Millard South High 4:00- 6:30 p.m. Please make an announcement in your school about the Middle School Magic Meal Culinary Challenge. Entry forms will be available in the Middle School Cafeteria and Family Consumer Science classes by March25th. All Entry forms should be returned to the Middle School Kitchens by April 10th. Finalist notified by school visits and by mail the week of April 13th. The submitted recipes will be judged on creativity, skill level, nutrition, taste and the student’s written description. All Finalists will need to have a Parental Release form to be completed and returned by April21st. The day of the competition: Finalists will check in At Millard South High Kitchen at 4:00 pm. Finalists will attend Orientation and Training Class. Finalists will be divided into teams to prepare their submitted recipes. All food will be provided for the recipes. Each school team will have Food Service staff to help with the preparation of the meal. Finalists will present their entry to the Judges. Parents, Principals, and Teachers are invited to come for the event and enjoy the samples!
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