ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service (ECOES) User Requirements Specification (URS) Version: Status: Effective from date: Document Reference: 2.0 Final 26th March 2015 MRA ECOES URS 2015-16 MRA Service Company Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium, by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use or publication) without the permission of MRA Service Company Limited. Page 1 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Change History: Version Number Status Date of Issue Reason for Change 0.1 Indicative Draft 05/03/2014 First indicative draft 0.2 Updated Indicative Draft 02/04/2014 Updates from the previous drafting 0.3 Draft 30/07/2014 Review of previous drafting 0.4 Draft 13/08/2014 Update following IREG review 1.0 Final 06/11/2014 Final version issued 2.0 Final 26/03/2015 Final version for 26/03/2015 ECOES Release issued Document Controls: Name Responsibility Date Approval: MRA Issues Resolution Expert Group Confirmation that content meets requirements of stakeholders in 25/03/2015 relation to the ECOES Authorisation: MRA Delivery Manger Authority to Issue to interested persons via publication on the MRASCo Website 25/03/2015 Circulation: Name Reason for Issue MRA Executive Committee For Information MRA Issues Resolution Expert Group For Information ECOES Interested Participants For Information Secretary of State For Information MRASCo Ltd For Publication Page 2 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................... 7 1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 7 1.2 Document Purpose .................................................................................. 7 1.3 Procedure for Updating this Document ..................................................... 7 1.4 References............................................................................................... 8 1.5 Relevant Terms ........................................................................................ 8 1.6 User Requirements Specification Overview .............................................. 9 1.7 Budgetary Constraints .............................................................................. 9 2. Business Requirements Overview ..................................................................10 2.1 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Requirements .............................................10 2.1.1 Data Transfer Network (DTN)...........................................................10 2.1.2 DTN Gateway ..................................................................................10 2.2 Data Requirements .................................................................................10 2.3 System Audit ...........................................................................................10 2.4 User Support ...........................................................................................11 2.4.1 Outages and Downtime ....................................................................11 2.5 User Creation Management ....................................................................11 2.6 Data Protection and Information Security ................................................12 2.6.1 Access .............................................................................................12 2.6.2 Password Control .............................................................................12 2.7 Company Groups ....................................................................................14 2.8 Account Deletion .....................................................................................15 2.9 Download All User Account .....................................................................15 3. ECOES Data ..................................................................................................15 3.1 Provision of MPAS Data ..........................................................................15 3.2 Upload Files ............................................................................................15 3.3 Provision of Meter Information.................................................................17 3.3.1 Update and Maintenance of Meter Information .................................18 3.4 Data Storage ...........................................................................................19 3.5 Historical Information ..............................................................................19 3.6 Future Information ...................................................................................20 4. The Website ...................................................................................................20 4.1 Key Features...........................................................................................20 4.2 MPAS-sourced Data/Information .............................................................20 4.3 Main Display Screen ...............................................................................20 4.3.1 Supply Number ................................................................................23 4.3.2 Supplier History ................................................................................23 4.3.3 Registration Status ...........................................................................23 4.3.4 Metering Point Status .......................................................................23 4.3.5 Supplier History and Objection Commentary ....................................24 4.3.6 Objection History ..............................................................................24 4.3.7 Expanded MPAS-sourced ‘Smart’ dataset .......................................24 4.4 Non-MPAS-Sourced Data .......................................................................24 4.4.1 Distributor ID Field ...........................................................................24 4.4.2 Supplier’s Company Name Field ......................................................24 4.5 Derived Data/Information ........................................................................25 4.6 Search Facility ........................................................................................25 4.7 New Meter Serial Number (MSN) Search Function .................................26 4.8 Additional Functionality ...........................................................................26 4.9 Flags .......................................................................................................27 4.9.1 Related Metering Point Flag .............................................................27 Page 3 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 4.9.2 Export MPAN Flag ...........................................................................28 4.9.3 Metering Point Status Flags .............................................................28 4.9.4 Other Flags ......................................................................................29 4.10 Installing Supplier ....................................................................................30 4.11 Expanded MPAD for Smart Metering ......................................................30 4.12 Contact Details ........................................................................................31 4.12.1 Supplier Contact Details ...................................................................31 4.12.2 Distribution Business Contact Details ...............................................31 4.12.3 Supplier Agent Contact Details.........................................................32 5. ECOES Report ...............................................................................................33 6. 5.1 Consolidated Monthly Report ..................................................................33 Non-Domestic Customer Access ....................................................................33 6.1 Managing the Customer ..........................................................................33 6.1.1 Creating a Customer Account ..........................................................33 6.1.2 Amending the Customer Details .......................................................35 6.1.3 Removing a Customer .....................................................................35 6.1.4 Suspending and Reinstating an Account ..........................................35 6.1.5 Portfolio Management ......................................................................36 6.1.6 Escalation ........................................................................................36 6.1.7 Bulk Load a Portfolio ........................................................................36 6.1.8 Manually Adding to a Portfolio ..........................................................36 6.1.9 Supplier Validating Pre-Authorised Portfolio MPANs ........................37 6.1.10 Change of Supplier ..........................................................................38 6.1.11 Deleting from a Portfolio ...................................................................38 6.1.12 Searching a Portfolio ........................................................................38 6.2 Reports ...................................................................................................38 6.2.1 Full Portfolio .....................................................................................38 6.2.2 Data Available Online .......................................................................39 6.3 Archiving .................................................................................................39 6.3.1 Non-Domestic Customer ..................................................................39 6.3.2 Customer Portfolio Amendments......................................................39 7. MAP14 Transaction Files ...............................................................................40 7.1 Service Levels .........................................................................................40 7.1.1 Throughput.......................................................................................40 7.1.2 Availability ........................................................................................40 7.2 File Upload ..............................................................................................40 7.3 File Naming Convention ..........................................................................40 7.4 Number of Transactions per File .............................................................40 7.5 Upload Process .......................................................................................40 7.6 File Validation .........................................................................................41 7.7 Feedback Advice.....................................................................................41 7.8 Directory Polling ......................................................................................41 7.9 File Processing Prioritisation ...................................................................41 7.10 Response for Files Passing Validation ....................................................42 7.10.1 Delivery Mechanism .........................................................................42 7.10.2 Naming Convention..........................................................................42 7.10.3 Format .............................................................................................42 7.11 Response File .........................................................................................42 Group H – Header ..........................................................................................42 Group M – PPMIP Data ..................................................................................43 Group A – MPAN Registration Data ...............................................................43 Group B – Meter Id (Serial Number) Registration Data...................................43 Group F – Footer............................................................................................43 Page 4 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 7.12 MPANs or Meter Serial Number not found ..............................................43 7.13 Flow Description and Examples ..............................................................43 8. D0312 Maintenance Screen ...........................................................................44 8.1 Where the User is the Current Appointed MOP .......................................44 8.2 General Rules .........................................................................................44 8.2.1 Amending a Meter Installation ..........................................................45 8.2.2 Amending the ETD of a Meter Installed ............................................45 8.2.3 Amending the EFD of a Meter Installed ............................................45 8.2.4 Deleting a Meter ...............................................................................45 8.2.5 Adding a Meter .................................................................................45 8.3 Where the User is not the Currently Appointed MOP ..............................46 8.3.1 Installing a Meter ..............................................................................46 8.3.2 Amending a Meter Installation ..........................................................46 8.4 Reports ...................................................................................................48 8.4.1 Regular D0312 Reports....................................................................48 8.4.2 New D0312 Reports .........................................................................48 8.4.3 Old D0312 Reports ..........................................................................49 8.4.4 Regular D0312 Reports Available for Download ..............................49 9. Duplicate Metering Records ...........................................................................50 9.1 Data processing ......................................................................................50 9.1.1 Daily data consolidation process ......................................................50 9.1.2 Duplication update procedure...........................................................50 9.2 General Rules .........................................................................................50 9.2.1 Resolving duplications .....................................................................50 9.2.2 Duplication notes..............................................................................51 9.3 Reports ...................................................................................................51 10. Outstanding Requirements .........................................................................51 Appendix A) Requirements Catalogue..................................................................53 I) Introduction ....................................................................................................53 II) Requirements .................................................................................................53 Appendix B) Glossary of Terms ............................................................................67 Appendix C) Data Dictionary Requirements..........................................................69 I) MPAS-Sourced (Current) ...............................................................................69 II) MPAS-Sourced (Current) ...............................................................................70 III) Non MPAS-Sourced (Current) ....................................................................71 Appendix D) Report(s) Format ..............................................................................72 Appendix E) D0312 Validation ..............................................................................74 I) Purpose..........................................................................................................74 II) Assumptions ..................................................................................................74 III) Validation Rules to be Employed ................................................................74 i) Outcomes.......................................................................................................76 ii) Validation Process Steps ...............................................................................78 IV) Recorded Data ...........................................................................................85 V) Data Retention within the Database ...............................................................85 VI) History Retention of Processed D0312 Files ...............................................86 VII) Reports .......................................................................................................86 Page 5 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) VIII) Acceptance and Implementation .................................................................89 IX) Method for correcting any D0312 data ........................................................89 X) Validation of Manual Updates.........................................................................90 XI) Error Correction ..........................................................................................90 XII) Ongoing Requirements ...............................................................................91 Appendix F) MAP14 PPM Payments Allocation ...................................................92 I) MAP14 Transaction Files ...............................................................................92 i) Flow Description.............................................................................................92 ii) MAP14 Data Item Names and Descriptions ...................................................93 iii) File and Flow Examples .................................................................................95 II) Additional Filtering for Pre-Payment Transaction Allocation ...........................96 i) Filtering the PPMIP File Sent to ECOES ........................................................96 ii) Transaction Routing Flag ...............................................................................96 iii) Removing a Transactions Routing Flag ..........................................................97 III) Meter Matching in PPMIP Allocation Process .............................................97 i) Purpose..........................................................................................................97 ii) Definitions ......................................................................................................97 iii) Meter Serial Number Matching .......................................................................97 iv) Algorithms ......................................................................................................98 Algorithm 0 – Exact Match.....................................................................................98 Algorithm 1 – Remove all Non-Alphanumeric Characters ......................................98 Algorithm 2 – Alpha instead of Numeric used ........................................................98 Algorithm 3 – Extra Zero after Board Code ............................................................99 Algorithm 4 – missing zero after Board Code ........................................................99 Algorithm 8 – Missing ‘B’ Board Code .................................................................100 Algorithm 10 – apply algorithms 1, 2, 3, 4 & 8 .....................................................100 Page 6 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 1. Introduction 1.1 Background ECOES is a database containing information regarding electricity meter points and is primarily designed to assist with the triangulation of data during the customer transfer process. It is also used to provide benefit to MRA parties in other key areas. This service is funded by electricity Supplier and Distribution Businesses and is governed under the MRA. 1.2 Document Purpose The purpose of this document is to: Fully document all technical requirements for the Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service (ECOES) database; Act as a specification for a new ECOES Technical Service Provider (TSP) to develop the system if required in the future; Document requirements to be tested against a new system if one is developed; Document requirements against which the existing system can be regression tested; and Enable End-Users to understand and utilise any functionality changes. 1.3 Procedure for Updating this Document This document must be updated wherever a change to the MRA, MAP15, or any other product, adds, amends or removes a requirement for ECOES. The process for managing issues and developing technical changes for ECOES can be seen in the process map displayed in Figure 1 below: Page 7 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) ECOES IREG Assess if Change is only Technical GDCC ECOES YES GEMSERV Draft Paper for IREG Issue Raised NO NO Via Normal MRA Change Process IREG Review and Agree Changes GEMSERV Draft Paper for MDB/ MEC GEMSERV Issue RFI for Comment IREG Review Responses and Agree Change GDCC GDEG Access if Change is only Technical YES GEMSERV Draft Paper for GDEG GDEG Review and Agree Changes GEMSERV Issue RFI for Comment MDB/MEC Agree Proposal and Costs GDEG Review Responses and Agree Change GEMSERV Raise Paper to MEC/ Board for Funding Add to Release Details Figure 1: The process for updating changes to this document is aligned, but not directly connected, to the process for updating changes to the GDCC URS. 1.4 References The following documents contain additional information pertaining to the requirements for the ECOES, or they have been referenced within this ECOES URS: Version 10.8 of the Master Registration Agreement (MRA), effective 6th November 2014; Version 11.1 of the Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC), effective 6th November 2014; and Version 4.3 of the MRA Agreed Procedure for The Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service (MAP 15), effective 6th November 2014. 1.5 Relevant Terms Defined terms used within this document are referenced in Appendix B), including crossreferences to the source of the terms used. Page 8 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 1.6 User Requirements Specification Overview The requirements presented in this document and its appendices represent the objectives, constraints, and needs for the ECOES Application Set, as agreed by parties to the MRA, as being required for ECOES. As such, this reflects the expected functionality of the ECOES as available from 6th November 2014. These requirements are comprised of the following: This MRA ECOES User Requirements Specification which provides context and the scope, relevant facts, constraints, context and overarching requirements; The ECOES Requirements Catalogue – lists specific user requirements including cross-references where appropriate Appendix A); The ECOES Data Dictionary – sets out the conceptual data needs for the ECOES database Appendix C); and A glossary of the terms used within these requirements Appendix B). 1.7 Budgetary Constraints Any solution developed must demonstrate optimisation of costs versus benefits by avoiding unnecessary development and resultant operational costs. The ECOES TSP should therefore allow for volumetric based pricing to provide some degree of cost predictability. As part of any change proposal, the ECOES TSP will be asked to impact assess the new requirements, and costs shall be agreed firstly by MDB and then MEC/Board. Page 9 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 2. Business Requirements Overview This section provides an overview of the ECOES database and its relationships. It also describes the general factors that affect the database and its requirements. This section does not state specific requirements, but instead is intended to provide context to the user requirements contained in Appendix A). 2.1 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Requirements Secure File Transfer Protocols (sFTP) to be in place for: MPAS provider and MOP update files; MAP14 PPMIP files; and ECOES Consolidated Report extract. 2.1.1 Data Transfer Network (DTN) The DTN is the private virtual network utilised by operators in the GB electricity market for the transfer of information between parties. The Data Transfer Services Agreement (DTSA) governs information flows across this network, and the structure of data flows to be sent and received with regard to Green Deal Plans is governed via the MRA Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC). 2.1.2 DTN Gateway Through working with the DTN Service Provider, the ECOES TSP is responsible for establishing a Gateway to the DTN. All monitoring of this Gateway will be carried out by the ECOES TSP to ensure that it is available to receive data. 2.2 Data Requirements Conceptually, there is a requirement to maintain a number of sets of associated data 1. Distribution Businesses and Suppliers are required to ensure data is provided and maintained in accordance with the timescales detailed in Appendix C) of this document. These will provide the key information needs of the ECOES database. 2.3 System Audit For the purposes of audit management, the ECOES system is required to record the: Identity of the user; Origin of transaction; Unique transaction reference(s); Time and date of the transaction: and Details of the transaction, event, or user action with copies of new and old values where data has changed. The system should be capable of accommodating the scrutiny of formal and informal audits by MRASCo (or its agent), or any other person legally entitled to carry out such an audit. 1 These requirements are not intended to dictate the physical data structure, it is expected that all data would be normalised within the database. Page 10 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 2.4 User Support The ECOES TSP will provide a technical support helpdesk. This helpdesk will interact with the CAS in order to manage all technical issues and queries, i.e. it is not expected that the ECOES TSP will provide a helpdesk service to end users. The CAS will be responsible for managing end-user enquiries. The CAS may contact the ECOES TSP through a number of media such as telephone or email to a dedicated mailbox. All enquiries raised to this helpdesk will be logged with a unique reference to allow for tracking of progress. 2.4.1 Outages and Downtime Planned downtime is notified to the CAS, who notifies all MRA Contract Managers, giving at least 5 working days’ notice. Unplanned outages should be resolved as soon as possible. Where the timescales below are not possible, the ECOES TSP should notify the CAS, who will notify all MRA Contract Managers of the scheduled date for reinstatement of the service. In any case, as soon as the unplanned outage is identified it should be notified to the CAS and all MAUs with an expected time for reinstating the service. Outages will be resolved within the following timescales: 1. Critical (Service not usable): 4 hours 2. Major (Service functional but at least one primary function not usable): One Working Day 3. Minor (Functionality still usable but inconvenience increased): Three Working Days 4. Cosmetic (Functionality not affected, workarounds available): Fixed in next available release. With the exception of any planned downtime and unplanned outages, ECOES is available to users 24 hours a day, every day of the year. A support service is available during working hours (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday). In the event of any outage or downtime, during non-working hours, the timescales above will begin at the first working hour. 2.5 User Creation Management The CAS shall maintain and provide necessary data, which shall include contact details, in a mutually agreeable format, to the ECOES TSP in order that Company Groups can be set-up and maintained by the ECOES TSP. This information shall exclude non-domestic customers. This data provided shall include: Additions and withdrawals, as well as any movement of Role and MPID from one Company Group to another. A Role and MPID combination may only exist within one Company Group at any one time. Additions and withdrawals of non-industry Users who have been granted access by MDB, described in MAP15. It shall be the responsibility of the CAS to determine the validity of the Company Group, MPID and Role. Page 11 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) The ECOES TSP shall provide each Company Group a single ‘Master Admin User’ (MAU). When notified by CAS of additional Users the ECOES TSP shall create the MAU account and liaise with that company using the contact details provided by CAS. The MAU shall have the ability to create more users, and grant privileges associated with users. The MAU, or their delegated alternate within their Company Group, shall be responsible for arranging the resetting of passwords, re-enabling or reinstating accounts, and creating new users. 2.6 Data Protection and Information Security On selecting an MPAN as described in section 4.6, the user will be asked whether they have a legitimate reason for viewing the data. On selecting ‘No’, the user will be returned to the search results page. On selecting ‘Yes’, the user will be taken to the main screen displaying information for the selected MPAN (see section 4.3). For Suppliers, the security question will be whether the user is the current Supplier, has the current Supplier’s permission, or has the customer’s permission to access the full data for the MPAN. Every transaction made on ECOES is recorded by the ECOES TSP and has a reference number that can be traced to an individual user. The ECOES TSP may be requested by the CAS to provide reports, e.g. on usage levels by user type. 2.6.1 Access All users require a user name and password, which is provided by the ECOES TSP. This must be entered and accepted before a user can begin a search. Users of ECOES are Suppliers, MPAS Providers, Distribution Businesses, Supplier Agents (Data Collectors, Meter Operators, Data Aggregators, PPMIPs and Meter Asset Providers), and other users agreed by MDB such as the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and the National Consumer Council. Non Domestic Customers may also access ECOES and the requirements for this are described in section 6 (A guideline for ECOES Non-Domestic Customer Access Requirements). Each Supplier/MPAS, etc., has control of their own security settings and can control access to data by users within their organisation. Each organisation has one nominated individual who co-ordinates access by other users by means of a security matrix. Agents (Data Collectors, Data Aggregators & Meter Operators) are assigned their own Username and Password, however Suppliers may choose to restrict what data is available to them. Other agents employed by Suppliers who do not have an MPID in MDD, such as sales agents, can be assigned Usernames and Passwords by a Supplier, however responsibility for their actions will remain with the Supplier. 2.6.2 Password Control Generation By default, the ECOES system shall generate a random password in relation to each of the following events: Page 12 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) On creation of a new user; Where a user account has become locked; Where an account is to be reactivated following deletion as set out in section 2.8; In all cases, the new password will be provided by the system to the user via an email address, which shall be stored within the system. It shall be possible for this functionality to be overridden by the CAS at Company Group level such that the MAU or other authorised user will be able to create a password for the user and communicate this outside the system. System and MAU generated passwords will all conform to the rules set out below. Format The format of each user password shall conform to the following rules: Must not contain repeat characters Must contain a mixture of alpha and numeric characters Must be at least eight characters in length Must not be reused within the last 10 passwords, nor within the last three months Where a user is creating a new password and it does not meet the rules, they will be presented with a message containing details of the rules for password creation. Password Expiry The MAU for each Company Group shall have the ability to set a user’s password expiry to one of 90, 60, or 30 days, with 90 days being the default. All users will receive on-screen reminders when they log in to the system within five days of the password expiry date, and be prompted to re-set their password. All new passwords must conform to the rules as set out above. Where a password has expired, but the account deletion date is not yet reached, the user will, when logging on, be prompted to request a new password via an on screen message. The MAU will be able to set the content of this message at Company Group level. The default value shall be “Your account is locked, please contact your administrator.” Note that if a MAU account is locked due to password expiry, they will need to contact the ECOES TSP to obtain a new password. Account Locking Should any user enter an incorrect password three times within a fifteen minute period the account shall temporarily lock out, and shall need re-enabling manually by a user with suitable privileges. Show last three attempts When a user logs in successfully the user shall be provided with information showing the last three login attempts, date and time, and whether or not the login attempt was successful. Concurrent Users Page 13 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) The Service shall prevent any single user account from being used concurrently. Limit of MPAN views All ECOES users shall be limited to 600 daily views of MPAN details page. The remaining views for that day are displayed at the top of MPAN details page. Every time a user views MPAN details, the count of views remaining for that day reduces by one. Users that reach MPAN view limit, will be presented with the following message: “Further attempts to view MPAN Details will result in you being locked out of ECOES for the remainder of the day.” If the user has exceeded the daily limit of MPAN views the following message will be displayed: “Daily limit of MPAN views has been reached. You will now be logged out of ECOES and locked out for the remainder of the day. Your account will automatically be reenable at midnight.” After this message is displayed users will be automatically logged out of ECOES and have their accounts locked for the remainder of the day. Locked user accounts will be unlocked immediately after midnight every day. Users that have had their accounts locked by exceeding MPAN view limit will not be able to log on to ECOES and will be presented with the following message: “User could not be logged in (Daily MPAN views exceeded)” Once a user has been locked out there is no mechanism to override this. CAS will be notified of cases where a user exceeded the limit of MPAN views on two or more days within the previous 30 calendar days. This report will include the following details: UserID Date MPAN Views User Name Last Name First Name CompanyName 2.7 Company Groups A Company Group shall be responsible for one or more Market Participant Identifiers (MPIDs), and on occasions operate more than one market role (e.g. Data Collection and Meter Operation). Each MPID and Role may have one or more users associated with the MPID & Role. The Service shall be able to accommodate such a relationship, and allow users to assume the part of multiple MPID and Role for which the Company Group is responsible. In any event, a combination of MPAS and Distributor with a Supplier Role shall not be allowed as this may create issues with regard to data confidentiality. The CAS shall be responsible for ensuring that this is enforced within the data provided under User Creation and Management described in section 2.5 below. The Service shall also allow MPID and Role to be added or removed from a Company Group, and any such change shall affect all of their users. Non-industry Users who do not have a MPID shall be provided access to the Service. Page 14 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) The Service shall provide a maintenance screen that allows the ECOES TSP to set up and maintain Company Groups. This shall form part of the Service and access shall only be available to the ECOES TSP. 2.8 Account Deletion The MAU for each Company Group shall have the ability to set users accounts to be deleted automatically after 180, 120, or 90 days of inactivity with 180 days being the default. MAUs will be able to request reports containing information regarding accounts that are approaching their deletion date. If an account is deleted, authorised users will be able to reinstate the account using the same User ID in line with Password Control requirements as set out in section 2.6.2. 2.9 Download All User Account The Service shall provide a report that gives the MAU the ability to download all their Company Group users’ user details, other than their password, including their role and privileges. This report may assist the MAU when undertaking an audit of their users. If the Report Download privilege is to be granted, the user must have their email address populated. 3. ECOES Data 3.1 Provision of MPAS Data Metering Point Administration Service (MPAS) Data is provided by use of an Upload File. This should contain any data items, for which the sender is responsible, that have changed since the last Upload. Each Upload File should reflect the number of fields and field size consistent with the DTC. It should include a sequence number, sender ID, date and time. MPAS Providers send updates from their MPAS Registration System to Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service (ECOES) in one file every day, upon completion of Total Daily Processing. The format and content of the Upload File is detailed in the next section. 3.2 Upload Files Upload Files are provided to ECOES by each MPAS Provider in the following format, via sFTP. Data Items showing a J number are as defined in the DTC. Headers and footers should be completed as defined in the User File Design Specification (UFDS), and should include a file sequence number. The ECOES TSP validates headers and footers only and does not validate the data included in the file. In the case of an error within the header or footer, the ECOES TSP will co-ordinate directly with the MPAS Provider that sent the file. Two types of Upload File can be sent, a full extract or an incremental update. Full extracts are sent when an MPAS Provider sends its first Upload File to ECOES or on agreement between ECOES and the MPAS Provider if necessary. The file will contain all information for all MPANs belonging to that MPAS. Page 15 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Incremental updates are sent every day and include every Metering Point Administration Number (MPAN) belonging to that MPAS, for which one or more data items have changed since the last Upload File was sent. The following format is used for both full extracts and incremental updates: Flow Name: MPAS Data Extract Flow Description: From MPAS Group AA MPAN Data To ECOES Range Mandatory/ Optional 1-* J number 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 J0003 J1036 J1037 J1038 J1039 J1040 J1041 J1042 J1043 J1044 J0263 J0084 J0049 J0220 J0301 J0147 J0658 J0071 J0308 J0076 J0300 J0082 J0307 J0080 J0297 J0183 J0163 J0334 J0205 J0218 J0219 J0178 J0675 J0210 J0066 J0306 0 0 0 - Version Item Name Field Length MPAN Core Metering Point Address Line 1 Metering Point Address Line 2 Metering Point Address Line 3 Metering Point Address Line 4 Metering Point Address Line 5 Metering Point Address Line 6 Metering Point Address Line 7 Metering Point Address Line 8 Metering Point Address Line 9 Metering Point Postcode Address Effective From Date Supplier Id Effective From Settlement Date (REGI) Trading Status Trading Status Effective From Date Meter Timeswitch Code Meter Timeswitch Code Effective From Date Line Loss Factor Class Id Effective From Settlement Date (MSLLFC) Profile Class Id Effective From Settlement Date (MSPC) Standard Settlement Configuration Id Effective From Settlement Date (SCON) Measurement Class Id Effective From Settlement Date (MSMC) Energisation Status Effective From Settlement Date (MSES) Data Aggregator Id Data Aggregation Type Effective From Settlement Date (DAA) Data Collector Id Data Collector Type Effective From Date (DCA) Meter Operator Id Meter Operator Type Effective From Date (MOA) GSP Group Id Effective From Settlement Date (MSGG) 13 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 10 8 4 8 1 8 3 8 3 8 2 8 4 8 1 8 1 8 4 1 8 4 1 8 4 1 8 2 8 Supplier Identifier Transaction Reg Number Receipt Date 10 10 8 BB 1-* Registration Data Page 16 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Range Mandatory/ Optional 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Group Notes: J number - Item Name Receipt Close of Day Indicator Entry Date Effective From Date Cancelled Indicator Effective To Date Change of Tenancy Indicator Annulment Date Objection Receipt Date Objection Close of Day Indicator Objection Entry Date Objection Removal Receipt Date Objection Removal Close of Day Indicator Objection Removal Entry Date Objection Status Old Objection Status Created Date Time Created By User Name Objection Created Date Time Objection Created By User Name Objection Removal Date Time Objection Removed By User Name Created By File Identifier Objection Created By File Identifier Objection Removed By File Identifier Field Length 1 8 8 1 8 1 8 8 1 8 8 1 8 1 1 14 30 14 30 14 30 30 30 30 Group AA should list current MPAD data for all MPANs, including disconnected MPANs. Group BB should list historical Supplier/Registration details for each MPAN identified. This flow may be sent as a full extract or as an incremental extract. The incremental extract reports on those metering points that have changed since the last time an extract (full or incremental) was performed. It also includes those metering points which were updated / inserted in the past but have an effective from date change after the date the last report was run. 3.3 Provision of Meter Information Meter Information is provided to ECOES by the Meter Operator (MOP) appointed to the MPAN. There can be more than one meter present at an MPAN and information for all meters is displayed on ECOES. The MOP will provide the following information, on an MPAN Core basis, by means of a D0312 flow, via the DTN: Meter Serial Number (J0004); Meter Asset Provider ID (J1677); Meter Type (J0483); Date of Meter Installation (J0848); and Date of Meter Removal (J1269). The format, content and rules for population of the D0312 are defined in the DTC. The D0312 is sent in one or more daily files from each MOP, each containing one D0312 flow with data for all MPANs for which there has been a change to one or more of the data items included in the flow since the last update was sent. A MOP can send more than one file in a day, however no more than 10 files will be sent in one day by an individual MOP without prior permission from the CAS. Page 17 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) When the data flow is received by ECOES, any previously held information is overwritten. If a MOP intends to send a bulk update of Meter Information, they will liaise with the CAS prior to sending it and the CAS will liaise with the ECOES TSP to arrange a suitable time and method for this to take place. Where it is not possible to update ECOES by means of a D0312 flow, correction of any D0312 data will be manually carried out by the MOP in ECOES using the on-line D0312 update form. 3.3.1 Update and Maintenance of Meter Information The population exercise required to update the website with the Meter Information, pre-exists the implementation of ECOES. Procedures for this will be developed as a pre-implementation activity to ensure the events occur in a controlled matter. Such activity is out of scope of this MAP, and any procedures will be managed by MDB. The trigger for MOPs sending a D0312 is a change to the value of ANY data item within the data flow. An update must be sent to ECOES following a change to the value of any of the data items noted above, within 10 Working Days of any such change. The D0312 is a definitive statement of meters at a Metering Point, such that all available information relating to all Settlement meters (excluding check meters) at a MPAN must be included, regardless of which data item value has changed. The trigger for sending a D0312 is a change to the value of a data item. It is not required, for example, on a CoS where the Meter Information remains unchanged. However, a Change of Measurement Class would necessitate a change to the Meter Type Value. These data items shall be published on the ECOES website for each meter present at an MPAN, excluding check meters, and information shall be updated in accordance with changes notified via D0312 flows. ECOES will validate meter information received (see Appendix A)III)), and will overwrite changes as received provided data is from appointed MOP. The metering scenarios in which updates to ECOES via the D0312 may be expected are: Non Half Hourly (NHH) Install Metering System (New Connection) Removal of Metering System Reconfigure/Replace Metering System LDSO Replaces Metering System/Removal of Metering System (MOA has to follow up with a D0150 if an LDSO replaces a meter) Change of Measurement Class (NHH to HH) Coincident Change of Supplier and Change of Measurement Class (NHH to HH) Investigate Inconsistencies (MOA sends a D0150 if required after resolving a meter fault; potentially this could involve some meter work that is relevant for the D0312) Half Hourly (HH) Install Metering System (New Connection) Page 18 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Reconfigure/Replace Metering System LDSO Replaces Metering System/Removal of Metering System (MOA has to follow up with a D0268 if an LDSO replaces a meter) Change of Measurement Class (HH to NHH) Coincident Change of Supplier and Change of Measurement Class (HH to NHH) Registration Transfers from CMRS to SMRS Removal of a Metering System Investigate Metering System (MOA sends a D0268 if required after resolving a meter fault; potentially this could involve some meter work that is relevant for the D0312) Where the most recent D0312 received into ECOES contains a Date of Meter Removal (indicating all meters for the MPAN have been removed) this date will be displayed on the Results Detail Form. Exceptional Events Events such as, for example, a Bulk Change of MAP ID, may result in abnormally large volumes of updates needing to be sent to ECOES. Where such an event is planned, the party responsible for the bulk change will inform the ECOES Provider of the anticipated volume of updates and, where necessary, will arrange for the updates to be phased. Frequency and Batching The D0312 file should be compiled on a ‘batch’ basis, that is to say it should not be issued per MPAN, but should contain all MPANs for which changes to data items are being notified. More than one D0312 file may be sent per day from each MOP. 3.4 Data Storage Data required for ECOES is stored in a central database containing both MPAS and nonMPAS information. ECOES is updated overnight. When an Upload File is received, the MPAS data held for each MPAN in the Upload File will be overwritten, although ECOES will keep a record of the Supplier history for each MPAN (every previous, current and pending Supplier, along with effective to and from dates, will be shown). Objection history will also be shown. ECOES will not keep a history of any overwritten data in the website viewer. Historical metering information from D0312 flows will be stored in a background table in ECOES. 3.5 Historical Information The data on the Website is generally that which is effective at the time of viewing. The exception is that the website also shows for each MPAN a record of all Registrations, historic or future, which have been Accepted by MPAS, including those that were subsequently unsuccessful due to an Objection, and a record of all Objections received and whether they were upheld or not. Information for the most recent 28 months shall be held. Page 19 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 3.6 Future Information Future changes are not shown until the date they become effective, except pending registrations. 4. The Website 4.1 Key Features The Service provides an online portal to view data for all electricity Metering Points from a single website, received from multiple sources. Data may be provided through Distribution Businesses, or their Appointed MPAS Agent, and Suppliers, or their agents if appropriate. Registration data (as held in the MPAS Registration System) is available to view, once an MPAN has been selected. The Website will have the ability to ‘flag’ Metering Points, which are non-standard, derived from values within the prevailing registration MPAD – An example being MPANs with an MTC within the Related MPAN range, rather than having a supplementary look-up table for MTC. One individual is given control of security settings for each Supplier and Distribution Business. They are then able to control access to data by other users, using a security matrix that only they may access. Non-Domestic Customers can have access to view ECOES data in relation to their Metering Points. 4.2 MPAS-sourced Data/Information All Distribution Businesses will be responsible for the provision of data sourced via MPAS Registration Systems to the Website. The list of data to be uploaded and maintained in line with that held in MPAS is provided below. The specified data items are coded within Industry documents and participants systems and this structure and format should be maintained in the Website. 4.3 Main Display Screen ECOES displays the following information on the main screen once an MPAN has been selected: MPAS Data (sourced from daily Upload File) Data Item Format Example Supply Number See section 4.3.1 MPAN Core INT (13) 1200010118217 Distributor Name and MPID MPID = CHAR (4), then text in brackets LOND (London) GSP Group _X (area) _C (London) GSP Group effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 LLF Class INT (3) 009 Notes See section 4.9.2 Page 20 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Data Item Format Example LLF Class effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Metering Point Address 9 Address Fields, each CHAR (40) Centurion House Monument Street London Metering Point Postcode CHAR (10) EC3R 8AJ Metering Point Status Provided in format CHAR (1), but explanatory text is displayed in place of the 1 character code provided in the file. Traded Notes Display only address fields populated in Upload File (e.g. if only 2 address fields provided, address will only occupy 2 lines) See section 4.3.3 below. Text is displayed as follows: Code = N, Text = ‘New Connection’ Code = T, Text = Traded Code = U, Text = Untraded Code = D, Text = Disconnected Metering Point Status effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Measurement Class CHAR (1) C Measurement Class effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Profile Class INT (2) 03 Profile Class effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 SSC CHAR (4) 0393 SSC effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 MTC INT (3) 845 MTC effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Supplier ID CHAR (4) LOND Current registered Supplier as provided in Upload file Effective from Settlement Date (REGI) DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Date from which current Supplier is registered Energisation Status Provided in CHAR (1), but explanatory text is displayed in place of the 1 character code provided in the file. Energised See section 4.9.3 Energisation Status effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Data Aggregator MPID: CHAR (4) UKDC (IMServ Europe Ltd) MPID and full name displayed UKDC (IMServ Europe Ltd) MPID and full name displayed Name: CHAR (40) Data Collector MPID: CHAR (4) Name: CHAR (40) Will not be provided if Measurement Class = C (Half Hourly) See section 4.9.1 Text is displayed as follows: Code = E, Text = Energised Code = D, Text = De-energised Page 21 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Data Item Format Example Notes Meter Operator MPID: CHAR (4) MPID and full name displayed Name: CHAR (40) LOND (EDF Energy Customer Field Services) Data Aggregation Type CHAR (1) H Data Collector Type CHAR (1) N Meter Operator Type CHAR (1) H Data Aggregator effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Data Collector effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Meter Operator effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Previous Supplier ID CHAR (4) LOND Previous registered Supplier as provided in Upload File Previous Supplier effective from date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Effective From Date provided in Upload File Previous Supplier End Date DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 Effective To Date provided in Upload File Meter Information (sourced via D0312) Reference Data Item Format Example J0004 Meter Id (Serial Number) CHAR (10) S98E58765 J0848 Date of Meter Installation DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 J1269 Date of Meter Removal DD/MM/YYYY 09/08/2005 J0483 Meter Type CHAR (5) K J1677 Meter Asset Provider ID CHAR (4) SIEM Notes Other Information (sourced from users or the ECOES database itself) Data Details Format Example Notes Data of last update and MPID of MPAS or MOP that last updated information relating to that MPAN CHAR (50) “Last updated by LOND MPAS on 09/08/2005” Current Supplier’s full trading name CHAR (40) EDF Energy Provided by the Supplier Previous Supplier’s full trading name CHAR (40) EDF Energy Provided by the Supplier Pending Supplier’s full trading name CHAR (40) EDF Energy Provided by the Supplier Current Supplier’s contact telephone number CHAR (14) 020 7090 1000 Provided by the Supplier. See section 4.12 Previous Supplier’s contact telephone number CHAR (14) 020 7090 1000 Provided by the Supplier. See section 4.12 Page 22 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Data Details Format Example Notes Pending Supplier’s contact telephone number CHAR (14) 020 7090 1000 Provided by the Supplier. See section 4.12 Note that several fields might be unpopulated if the MPAN has not yet been Registered by a Supplier. Some fields are only shown if the Registered Supplier has given permission for these to be displayed to the specific user. If the user does not have the relevant permission, ‘withheld by Supplier’ will be displayed in place of the field. Further data items might be added to ECOES in the future. 4.3.1 Supply Number The current Supply Number, in the format set out in Schedule 5 of the MRA, is published on the Website, in addition to the individual Data Items that make up the Supply Number, supplier history and registration status. The information to be populated in the Supply Number is obtained by ECOES via the daily Upload File received from each MPAS Provider. 4.3.2 Supplier History Information as to the current Supplier, and previous Suppliers, together with their period of Registration, is published if permission is given by the relevant Supplier. In addition, information regarding Supplier Registrations, that were accepted but subsequently cancelled as a result of an upheld Objection, is also published. For the avoidance of doubt, Applications for Registration that were Rejected by the MPAS Registration System are not published by the Website, since these are not entered into the MPAS Registration System and cannot therefore be uploaded to the Website. 4.3.3 Registration Status The current status of some Registrations is highlighted, derived from the status in the MPAS Registration System. These are: i. ii. Registration under Objection; and Incomplete [Untraded] Registration. 4.3.4 Metering Point Status The Website has the functionality to ‘flag’ the status of some Metering Points, derived from the status in the MPAS Registration System. These are: i. ii. iii. iv. v. New Connection (Derived from Meter Point Status held in MPAS Registration System); De-Energised (Derived from Energisation Status value D in MPAS held in MPAS Registration System); Disconnected (Disconnection Date populated (J0473) in MPAS Registration System); Related MPAN (Derived from MTC held in MPAS Registration System based on range set out in MDD); and Export MPAN (Derived from LLFC held in MPAS Registration System, based on MDD LLF Class Indicator). Page 23 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) vi. Green Deal MPAN (Derived from GD Plan EFD and GD Plan ETD held in MPAS Registration Systems) The CAS shall be responsible for ensuring that the ECOES provider has up to date information enabling it to derive such status(es) from the source identified above. 4.3.5 Supplier History and Objection Commentary A standard text shall be used to explain the Objection history and the current status of a Registration where an Objection is in place. For example: Previously upheld Objection – [MPID] objected to this registration on dd/mm/yyyy and did not remove this objection. Supplier liability remains with [MPID]. This change of Supplier was unsuccessful; Objection raised and withdrawn – [MPID] objected to this registration on dd/mm/yyyy. [MPID] subsequently Withdrew this registration on dd/mm/yyyy. Supplier liability remains with [MPID]. This change of supplier was not successful; and Currently under Objection – [MPID] objected to this registration on dd/mm/yyyy, and the registration is still under objection. File IDs relating to Registration and Objection flows shall be shown. 4.3.6 Objection History Any current Objection and a history of previous Objections will be published with a standard contextual script. 4.3.7 Expanded MPAS-sourced ‘Smart’ dataset Requirements, identified by the Smart Metering Implementation Programme, have been integrated into the MPAD comprise of a number of data items and fields, which will be integrated into the Update File. Presentation of the expanded dataset received from MPAS in ECOES is set out in section 4.3. 4.4 Non-MPAS-Sourced Data All Suppliers are responsible for the provision of data sourced via Supplier Agent Systems to the Website. The list of data to be uploaded and maintained in line with that held in MPAS is provided in Appendix C)III). The specified data items are coded within Industry documents and participants’ systems and this structure and format should be maintained in the Website. 4.4.1 Distributor ID Field The Distributors MPID and Trading name shall be published for each MPAN. Distribution Businesses shall be responsible for ensuring this information is accurately maintained on the Website. 4.4.2 Supplier’s Company Name Field The Supplier’s Trading Name shall be provided for each MPAN (linked to the relevant Supplier MPID). Suppliers shall be responsible for ensuring this information is accurately maintained on the Website. Page 24 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 4.5 Derived Data/Information The Website has the functionality to identify the “Installing Supplier” based on MPAS sourced registration data and MOP sourced meter installation data. The “Installing Supplier” is the Registered Supplier on the date of meter installation. 4.6 Search Facility The website provides a facility whereby users can search on the following data items: MPAN Core (J0003): → Provided to ECOES via the daily Upload File → Format = INT(13) → E.g. 1200010118217 [Elements of] Metering Point Site Address: → Provided to ECOES via the daily Upload File → Search possible on: House Number/Name Building Name Street Town/City Format = CHAR(40) Metering Point Postcode: → Provided to ECOES via the daily Upload File → Format = CHAR(10) Meter Serial Number (J0004): → Provided to ECOES via the D0312 flow from MOPs → Format = CHAR(10) → E.g. S98E58765 Results are based on the information held in the website, which in turn is based on the criteria applied by the source, e.g. MPAN and Address are as held in MPAS. Searches based on information that does not match the source criteria will not return a result, with the exception of searches by Meter Serial Number (MSN), which will return results differing only with respect to special (non-alpha numeric) characters. When searching by MSN, ECOES will retrieve results where the MSN differs from that entered in relation to the inclusion or exclusion of special characters. The steps below will be followed when undertaking a search. MPAN only entered: 1. User enters MPAN 2. User clicks ‘search’ 3. One MPAN is returned on screen showing the following information: MPAN Core, Address (incl. postcode), GSP Group, Trading Status and Distributor ID 2 4. User selects the MPAN (go to next section) OR clicks ‘New Search’ (go back to step 1) Other search criteria entered: 1. User enters address field, postcode or meter serial number 2 N.B. Ideally this screen should also display the Meter Serial Number for each MPAN. Page 25 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 2. User clicks ‘search’ 3. New screen displays all matching MPANs, up to a maximum of 200. If there are more than 200 matches, an error message will show as described below. 4. All matching MPANs are displayed along with their Address (incl. postcode), GSP Group, Trading Status and Distributor ID. 5. Users selects the required MPAN (go to next section) OR clicks ‘New Search’ (go back to step 1) Upon selecting an MPAN, the User will go to the security screen (see section 2.62.6). In the event that a user attempts to search on an invalid parameter (e.g. an MPAN, which does not exist), an error message appears as in the following examples: Invalid MPAN: “MPAN must be a 13 digit number” or “No matching MPAN found” Unknown parameter entered (e.g. non-existent town): “No Matches found. Please change the search criteria” Search parameters too wide (if more than 200 results would be displayed): “Too many matches found, please refine the search”. 4.7 New Meter Serial Number (MSN) Search Function The ECOES screen enables parties to search for Meter Serial Numbers. The results are displayed within the screen for a single MPAN including: Address, Distributor, Supplier Registration History including EFD and ETD, Meter Operator (MOP) appointments including Effective From Date (EFD) and Effected To Date (ETD), Meter History with ability to filter to show the MSN history associated with the MPAN, including the MPID of the MOP who submitted the D0312 or the manual update that equalled the MSN that had been queried. A new User Privilege has been introduced such that a user assigned to this privilege will be able to access the new screen and be able to search accordingly for data within that screen. 4.8 Additional Functionality The following additional functionality is available: Print: Click on the ‘print’ option on the main screen All information on the screen will print on one page in a readable size. Change password: Click on ‘change password’ option on main screen User will be asked to confirm current password, enter new password, and confirm new password Page 26 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) If current password is correct and new password is confirmed, user will be informed that their password has been changed. Logout: Clicking on ‘logout’ will return the user to the home page Return to the search results screen: Selecting this option will return the user to the list of MPANs returned as a result of their last search Begin a new search: Selecting this option will return the user to the search entry screen Select ‘more history details’: On selecting this option, the file Ids and any relevant Objection information are also shown for Registrations displayed (for current, pending and previous Suppliers) Select ‘show unsuccessful Registrations’: On selecting this option, details of Registrations that were not successful (due to an Objection that is raised and upheld) are also shown Registrations that are Rejected by MPAS are not counted as unsuccessful registrations as they are not held in MPAS systems and will not be included in the daily Upload Files. Associated Meter Serial Numbers: The Service shall show all Meter Serial Numbers associated with the MPAN, and associated data. The Service shall also advise the user of how many MPANs the Meter Serial Number is associated with, and a facility that shall list all of the MPANs and addresses where there an association. Letter Creation Facility: ECOES gives MPAS Providers and Distributor users with the appropriate privileges the ability to create letters directly from the Website. These letters are in relation to Supply Number Enquiries for onward distribution to customers. A number of letter templates will be available to the user, who may enter the customer name and modify the postal address. The user is able to search (e.g. by address) and select MPANs that they wish to be included in the letter. They may also choose which MPAN’s address should be included in the letter and may subsequently amend this. Once a letter is submitted, ECOES will advise the user of any previous letters sent in relation to that letter including the date, time, name and address included in the previous letter/s. Once created the letters will be stored in order for the user to download and save a zip file containing all letters submitted since the last download. 4.9 Flags 4.9.1 Related Metering Point Flag A Related Metering Point can be identified via the Meter Timeswitch Code (MTC) held on MPAS. ECOES is informed of the MTC via the daily Upload File from MPAS. Page 27 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) An up to date record of which MTCs are used for Related Metering Points (as defined in MDD) shall be provided to the Website which shall ‘flag’ the MPANs accordingly, and update the flag whenever the MTC changes. The CAS shall be responsible for ensuring that the ECOES provider has up to date information specifying those MTCs that indicate a Related Metering Point. The ECOES TSP is informed by the CAS of the range of MTCs, which indicate a Related Metering Point and any revisions to this range. The CAS can identify Related MTCs by referring to Market Domain Data (MDD). A Related MTC shows the value “T” in the column “MTC Related Metering System Indicator” of the “Meter Timeswitch Class” table of MDD. The CAS will inform the ECOES Provider (via email) of all MTC values for which this indicator is set to “T”. The CAS will monitor MDD for any changes to these values and, in the case of any change; they will inform the ECOES TSP within 5 Working Days of the change. ECOES will identify any MPAN with a ‘Related’ MTC on the main display screen by showing the MTC in red and displaying the text “Related Metering Point” below the MTC. 4.9.2 Export MPAN Flag An Export MPAN can be identified via the Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC) held on MPAS. ECOES is informed of the LLFC via the daily Upload File from MPAS. The ECOES TSP is informed by the CAS of the range of LLFCs, which indicate an Export MPAN and any revisions to this range. The CAS can identify Export LLFCs by referring to MDD (Market Domain Data). An Export LLFC shows the value “C” in the column “MS Specific LLF Class Indicator” of the “Line Loss Factor Class” table of MDD. The CAS will inform the ECOES Provider (via email) of all LLFC values for which this indicator is set to “C”. The CAS will monitor MDD for any changes to these values and, in the case of any change; they will inform the ECOES TSP within 5 Working Days of the change. ECOES will identify any MPAN with an Export LLFC on the main display screen by showing the LLFC in red and displaying the text “Export MPAN” below the LLFC. This is derived from the LLFC. An up to date record of which LLFCs are used for Export Metering Points (as defined in MDD) shall be provided to the Website which shall ‘flag’ the MPANs accordingly, and update that flag whenever the LLFC changes. The CAS shall be responsible for ensuring that the ECOES provider has up to date information specifying those LLFCs that indicate an Export MPAN. 4.9.3 Metering Point Status Flags New Connection ECOES will identify an MPAN which is a New Connection using the ‘Trading Status’ data item included in the daily Upload File received from each MPAS Provider. In the case of a New Connection, this indicator will be set to “N”. ECOES will identify an MPAN that is a New Connection by stating ‘New Connection’ in red text in the MP Status field. De-energised MPAN Page 28 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) ECOES will identify an MPAN which is de-energised using the ‘Energisation Status’ data item included in the daily Upload File received from each MPAS Provider. In the case of a Deenergised MPAN, this data item will be set to “D”. ECOES will identify an MPAN that is Deenergised by stating ‘De-energised’ in red text in the Energisation Status field. Disconnected MPAN ECOES will identify an MPAN which is Disconnected using the ‘Trading Status’ data item included in the daily Upload File received from each MPAS Provider. In the case of a Disconnected MPAN, this indicator will be set to “D”. ECOES will identify an MPAN that is disconnected by stating ‘Disconnected’ in red text in the MP Status field and will display the appropriate effective date. Traded/Untraded Status ECOES will identify, if an MPAN is not a New Connection, De-energised or Disconnected, whether an MPAN is Traded or Untraded. This can be identified using the ‘Trading Status’ data item included in the daily Upload File received from each MPAS Provider. In the case of a Traded MPAN, this indicator will be set to “T”, and in the case of an Untraded MPAN, the indicator will be set to “U”. ECOES will identify an MPAN that is Traded by stating ‘Traded’ in standard text in the MP Status field, and will identify an MPAN that is Untraded by stating ‘Untraded’ in red text in the MP Status field. Registrations and Objections Text Information relating to Objections can be identified by the ECOES Provider via the BB Group of the daily Upload File sent by each MPAS Provider. The main display screen will show successful Registrations, but a user can choose to view Unsuccessful Registrations (see section 4.84.7). In this case, Registrations that were Objected to (where the Objection was Upheld) will be displayed. For each Registration, successful or unsuccessful, ECOES will show the following information: Supplier ID; actual REGI Date (if successful) or intended REGI Date (if unsuccessful); End Date (if applicable); Objection Status (if applicable); Objection Removal Entry Date (if applicable); Registration File ID; Objection Raised File ID (if applicable); Objection Removed File ID (if applicable); and Registration Notes. Objection Status can be populated with ‘Outstanding’, ‘Upheld’, or ‘Removed’. The Registration Notes explain the information in plain English – for example ‘SUPP objected to this Registration on DDMMYY, and the Registration is still under Objection’ (Outstanding Objection) or ‘SUPP objected to this Registration on DDMMYY and did not remove this Objection. Supplier liability remains with SUPP. This Change of Supplier was not successful’. (Objection Upheld). 4.9.4 Other Flags New Connections will be highlighted. Registration history and the Metering Point supplementary data will not be displayed until an MPAN has been selected. An Objection commentary will be available. Meter information that has been manually updated by the MOP using the online D0312 update form will be flagged. Page 29 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) MPANs that have a Green Deal Plan associated with them will be shown. 4.10 Installing Supplier This is derived from registration and meter installation data. The “Installing Supplier” for a Metering Point should be updated whenever meter installation data (i.e. either the Date of Meter Installation (J0848), Meter Serial Number (J0004)) is updated. The “Installing Supplier” is the registered Supplier on the Date of Meter Installation, except where that date is prior to the earliest Supply Start Date in which case the Installing Supplier is the Supplier with the earliest registration. 4.11 Expanded MPAD for Smart Metering The MPAD dataset has been extended to incorporate data items relevant to Smart metered MPANS and comprises a number of data items, which will be provided in the Update File. The table below provides information on the requirements for the presentation in ECOES of the new MPAS-sourced data. Data Item J number Requirement Metering Point Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) Smart Metering System Operator Id J1840 Effective From Date (SMSO) SMETS Version J1838 J1839 In-Home Display Install Status J1835 Effective From Date (IHDI) DCC Service Flag J1835 J1833 Effective From Date (DCCF) J1834 Part of the address dataset Include if present in MPAS Upload File A discrete field Include if, and as, present in MPAS Upload File Visible to Suppliers and Supplier authorised ECOES Users Always visible to DBs A ‘child’ to SMSO Id A discrete field distinct from the non-MPAS sourced Meter Information Include if, and as, present in MPAS Upload File Visible to Suppliers and Supplier authorised ECOES Users Always visible to DBs A discrete field Include if, and as, present in MPAS Upload File Visible to Suppliers and Supplier authorised ECOES Users Always visible to DBs A ‘child’ to IHD Install Status A discrete field distinct from the MPAS sourced SMSO Id Include if, and as, present in MPAS Upload File Visible to Suppliers and Supplier authorised ECOES Users Always visible to DBs A ‘child’ to DCC Service Flag J1837 There are additional requirements, for MPAS-sourced data provided to the DCC, that are specific exclusions from the Update File for ECOES, which are described below: Requirement for DCC Requirement for ECOEs Energy Direction Indicator This indicator shall not be provided in the [MPAS-ECOES] Update File and ECOES shall continue to present the Export Flag as set out in section 4.9.2 of this document Page 30 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Objection Status The Objection commentary provided pursuant to Section 4.3.5 of this document prevail for ECOES and consequently MPAS-sourced information provision to ECOES for this data is unchanged 4.12 Contact Details “For a given MPAN, the Website shall publish the name and telephone number for the relevant Distribution Business, Installing Supplier, Suppliers and Supplier Agents (linked to MPID). Contact details for Suppliers shall also be linked to Profile Class. Suppliers may provide the Website with a single telephone number per MPID or may provide a separate telephone number for each of the following categories: Profile Classes 1& 2; Profile Classes 3 & 4; and/or Profile Classes 5 to 8 and/or HH. A Supplier may also provide a separate telephone number as the “Installing Supplier” for each of the categories. Supplier Agents may provide a separate telephone number for Half Hourly or Non-Half Hourly.” 4.12.1 Supplier Contact Details Each Supplier will provide ECOES with contact details, linked to Supplier MPID. ECOES will display the correct set of contact details depending on which MPID the MPAN is registered to – for example, different contact details can be displayed for an MPAN registered to MANW as for an MPAN registered to SPOW, even if both Supplier MPIDs are owned by the same overarching company. Suppliers can also provide different contact details for each set of Profile Classes (e.g. one phone number for MPANs with PCs 1&2, another for PCs 3&4). Separate contact details can also be provided for Half Hourly MPANs (which can be identified by Measurement Class C, as notified in the daily Upload File from MPAS). Suppliers should provide the following mapping details: MPID: Profile Class/es: Measurement Class or NHH/HH: Supplier Trading Name: General Contact Number: Contact details are set up by the ECOES TSP and then can be maintained by the Supplier itself online. 4.12.2 Distribution Business Contact Details Each Distribution Business will provide the ECOES TSP with contact details, linked to MPID. These should consist of a trading name and general contact number. Contact details are set up by the ECOES TSP and then can be maintained by the Distribution Business itself online. Distributor Update The Service shall provide screens that allow the Distributor to maintain their: Trading name per MPID Telephone number per MPID A separate telephone number may be stored for each of the following categories: Use Emergency Page 31 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) General Access It shall be the responsibility of the Distributor MAU to maintain the trading name and telephone numbers. Where necessary/relevant, this data shall be displayed on screens within the Service, and also in the customer letter sent by Distributors and MPAS. The Service shall not prevent the same name and telephone number from being used in more than one category, thus affording maximum flexibility to each distributor. MPAS Update The Service shall provide screens that allow the MPAS to maintain their: Trading name per MPID; Telephone number per MPID. A separate telephone number may be stored for each of the following categories: Use Customer Supplier It shall be the responsibility of the MPAS MAU to maintain the trading name and telephone numbers. Where necessary/relevant, this data shall be displayed on screens within the Service, and also in the customer letter sent by Distributors and MPAS. The Service shall not prevent the same name and telephone number from being used in more than one category, thus affording maximum flexibility to each MPAS. 4.12.3 Supplier Agent Contact Details The Service shall provide screens that allow the Supplier Agent to maintain their: Trading name per MPID; Telephone number per MPID. A separate telephone number may be stored for each of the following categories: Use Half Hourly Non Half Hourly It shall be the responsibility of the Supplier Agent MAU to maintain the trading name and telephone numbers. Where necessary/relevant, this data shall be displayed on screens within the Service. The Service shall not prevent the same name and telephone number from being used in more than one category, thus affording maximum flexibility to each Supplier Agent. Page 32 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 5. ECOES Report 5.1 Consolidated Monthly Report The Service shall produce a report, as specified in section 3.3 of MAP15, containing the following data: MPAN Metering Point Address line 1 Metering Point Address line 2 Metering Point Address line 3 Metering Point Address line 4 Metering Point Address line 5 Metering Point Address line 6 Metering Point Address line 7 Metering Point Address line 8 Metering Point Address line 9 Metering Point Postcode GSP Group Meter Serial Number Meter Type Profile Class* Meter Timeswitch Code* Line Loss Class Id* Standard Settlement Configuration* Energisation Status* Energisation Status Effective From Date* The precise format of the report shall be as defined in Appendix D) of this document. 6. Non-Domestic Customer Access 6.1 Managing the Customer 6.1.1 Creating a Customer Account The prospective new non-domestic customer (applicant) shall complete an on-line application form requesting the creation of a new account to be set up. The applicant shall not be required to login, etc. The application form shall be a page(s) within the Service. The applicant shall be required to enter the following information, all of which is mandatory: Company name. Contact name. Contact address & postcode. Contact phone number including STD code (and extension number if applicable). Page 33 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) E-mail address (to be entered twice and validated against each other for consistency). Two non-domestic MPANs. The Service shall automatically perform the following validation: That all fields contain data. Telephone number fields shall only allow numeric values. The e-mail field conforms to text@text validation, and that no spaces exist. There are at least two address lines, plus a postcode field, containing data. The e-mail address, which must be entered twice, is exactly the same as each other. The number of MPANs relating to the applicant is a numeric value. That each of the two MPANs entered by the applicant: → → → → exist within the Service; has a current Supplier; is not recorded as profile class 1 or 2, or null, by the current supplier. Half hour registrations shall be considered to be profile class 0 (zero). Null means no profile class provided; and is not marked as disconnected. If any of the above fails validation, the applicant shall be provided with an appropriate message allowing them to take corrective action. Once on-line validation has been successfully passed, the applicant shall be presented with the terms and conditions, which they must accept if they wish the application to proceed. The CAS shall be responsible for providing the ECOES TSP with the terms and conditions. If the applicant rejects the terms and conditions, they shall be presented with a message advising them that they must accept if they wish to proceed. There shall be a back and cancel button available. The back button shall return the applicant to the terms and conditions. The cancel button shall terminate the application. Under such conditions, there shall be no requirement for the Service to record any of the transactions that have taken place with respect to this activity. Upon accepting the terms and conditions the applicant shall be required to print the prepopulated application form, including the terms and conditions. They shall be required to sign the application form and post this to the ECOES TSP. The application form shall clearly advise the applicant that they need to sign the form and the address that they must post this to. The applicant shall be advised on-line, and on the application form, that the application may take up to seven days to be processed, and that they will be required to re-enter the MPANs used within the application process, when they are provided with their account details, before they are added to their portfolio. The Service shall not be required to validate that the two MPANs used during the authorisation process are added to that portfolio at a later time. Page 34 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Upon receiving the signed application form, the ECOES TSP shall perform validation in accordance with that provided by CAS. If the application is rejected, the requester must re-submit the request following any remedial actions. This shall be undertaken by completing the on-line form once again, and follow the steps described above. Unless the ECOES TSP has good reason not to do so, they shall countersign the application form and make the applicant aware of their username, password, portfolio reference, and that it is the applicants’ responsibility to add MPANs and maintain their portfolio, using the contact details provided within the application. The ECOES TSP can choose the most appropriate and effective method of communicating this. All applications forms received shall be retained by the ECOES TSP and may be made available to CAS, at the request of CAS. The ownership of all application forms received by the ECOES TSP shall be deemed to be that of CAS. Both accepted and rejected applications shall be recorded within the Service, including all data entered and the acceptance of the terms and conditions. The Service shall only allow one portfolio per account, and the account shall not have privileges to create any other users. 6.1.2 Amending the Customer Details Should any of the customers’ contact details change, the Service shall allow the MAU to change the details online, including such things as contact address and telephone number, as well as the name of the primary contact. Similar validation to that performed in 2.5 shall be undertaken, as appropriate; however, the ECOES TSP shall not be required to perform any actions. The customer shall be advised that this information is only for the Service, and explicitly that it is not for billing purposes, etc., and that if necessary they will also need to contact their supplier directly to amend such data. 6.1.3 Removing a Customer The Service shall provide the ability for the customer to remove themselves from the Service, thus terminating their account. Any such functionality shall make the user aware that this shall render their account closed, and any requirement to resurrect this shall require the user to commence from that described within 2.8. The customer shall then be asked to complete the process by checking a box and entering their user password, to reduce the potential for inadvertent error. Any MPANs that are associated with their portfolio shall be disassociated, once a customer has removed themselves from the Service. 6.1.4 Suspending and Reinstating an Account The Service shall provide functionality that allows a non-domestic customer account to be suspended and subsequently reinstated. The CAS shall provide written instruction to the ECOES TSP should an account require suspending or subsequently reinstating. The CAS shall be responsible for communicating any such action to the non-domestic customer. A free text notes filed shall be made available for each user account for use by the ECOES TSP. Page 35 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 6.1.5 Portfolio Management The non-domestic customer shall have the ability to add and delete MPANs from their portfolio. 6.1.6 Escalation If the non-domestic customer or applicant is unable to resolve an issue directly with the ECOES TSP, they shall be referred to the CAS for determination or resolution if necessary. 6.1.7 Bulk Load a Portfolio The customer shall be able to bulk load their portfolio on-line using the Service. Once logged in, the customer shall be able to upload a comma separated variable file (csv), each row containing the portfolio reference and MPAN. For each row contained within the csv file, the Service shall perform the following validation: That the MPAN exists within the service. That the portfolio reference provided matches that which the user has logged in by. A check to identify whether or not the MPAN is currently associated with another portfolio, in an authorised or preauthorised status. A check to identify whether or not the MPAN is currently associated with this portfolio already. That there is a Supplier associated with the MPAN. For any rows that fails validation, the customer shall be made aware of this on-line and the reason for failure. This shall be in a format that allows the customer to print the screen, however shall not be required to be in a report. Should the reason for rejection be that the MPAN is currently associated with another portfolio in an authorised status the customer shall be advised that he must enter this MPAN manually. Any MPAN associated with a portfolio in a pre-authorised status shall be prevented from being added to another portfolio until such time validation has occurred on the former attempt. Any MPAN that passes validation shall be set to ‘pre-authorised’ within the portfolio, awaiting action by the Supplier. The Service shall advise the customer that the request shall be validated within the next 21 days. MPANs in a status other than authorised shall not allow the customer to view registration data. 6.1.8 Manually Adding to a Portfolio The Service shall allow the customer to add MPANs to their portfolio using an on-line form. Once logged in, the customer shall be required to enter the MPAN. The Service shall perform the following validation: That the MPAN exists within the service. A check to confirm whether or not the MPAN is currently associated with another portfolio, in an authorised or preauthorised state. That there is a Supplier associated with the MPAN Page 36 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) If the MPAN does not exist on the Service, the user shall be notified. If the MPAN is currently associated with another portfolio in an authorised status, the customer shall be asked to confirm that they wish this to be added to their portfolio, and the reason for the prompt. The customer shall be able to either confirm or reject using an on screen button. If authorised by the Supplier, the customer whose portfolio currently has an association with the MPAN shall not be made aware of the removal of the MPAN from their portfolio. Any MPAN associated with a portfolio in a pre-authorised status shall be prevented from being added to another portfolio until such time validation has occurred on the former attempt. If the MPAN has no current Supplier as at the date of upload, the addition of that MPAN to the Customers’ portfolio shall be rejected. Any MPAN that passes validation shall be set to ‘pre-authorised’ within the portfolio, awaiting action by the Supplier. The Service shall advise the customer that the request shall be validated within the next 21 days. MPANs in a status other than authorised shall not allow the customer to view registration data. 6.1.9 Supplier Validating Pre-Authorised Portfolio MPANs When a user, who has been granted privileges to validate pre-authorised MPANs, logs onto the Service they shall be provided with a message that advises them that there are MPANs that require validating, should there be any at a pre-authorised status for that Supplier. The Service shall provide a facility that allows the user to manage all requests that are in a pre-authorised status. When presented, the MPANs shall be grouped by portfolio, allowing the user to easily identify the number of MPANs that await validation per portfolio. Any that are currently associated with another portfolio shall be flagged, bringing this to the Suppliers’ attention. The user shall be able to view the data on-screen as well as download the data in a delimited file. Such a report shall contain the following data: MPAN Company name Customer name Portfolio reference Supplier MPID Measurement class Profile Class Associated with another portfolio flag Supplier MPID The user shall be able to validate each MPAN individually, or ‘select all’ per portfolio and authorise or reject en masse. Page 37 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) If rejecting, the user shall be required to select a rejection reason from a drop-down list, as well as have the availability to include free text in a separate field. The CAS shall provide the ECOES TSP with a list of rejection reasons that are to be displayed in the drop down list of popular rejection reasons. If ‘other’ is selected from the drop-down list, the users shall be mandated to enter text into the free text field. If the user rejects a full portfolio update request en masse, the user shall only be required to provide one reason for rejection (as above) which shall be applied to all being rejected. Those authorised or rejected shall be communicated to the customer, via the online Service when they log in. MPANs that are authorised by the Supplier shall be added to the portfolio. Those rejected shall include the reason for rejection. 6.1.10 Change of Supplier Should an MPAN go through a Change of Supplier, there shall be no requirement for the customer or Supplier to take any action with regard to their portfolio. All authorised MPANs shall continue to remain authorised. Should the MPAN undergo a Change of Supplier whilst in a preauthorised status, the new Supplier shall be responsible for validating the MPAN. 6.1.11 Deleting from a Portfolio The customer shall be able to remove an MPAN from their portfolio. They shall be able to search for the MPAN(s) and mark them for deletion. They shall then be asked to complete the process by entering their user password, to reduce the potential for inadvertent error. MPANs that are authorised on another portfolio shall be deleted from the original portfolio. MPANs that are disconnected shall be marked as disconnected on the portfolio and shall only be deleted from the portfolio if the non-domestic customer wishes to do so. MPANs that are disconnected whilst in a preauthorised status shall follow the same process, as there will be no supplier liable for undertaking the authorisation process. 6.1.12 Searching a Portfolio The customer shall be able to search their portfolio by MPAN, Meter Serial Number and Address & postcode. Any such search shall be limited to their portfolio, and prevent access to any other MPAN that is not included within their portfolio. The search facility shall be available for all relevant functions that the customer may find this facility useful. 6.2 Reports 6.2.1 Full Portfolio The customer shall be able to download their full portfolio into a csv file, or suitable alternative. The data available within the report shall be: the date & time and user ID that added the MPAN to the portfolio MPAN, LLF & EFD, GSP Group & EFD, address & postcode Page 38 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) current registration data meter serial number, meter type, MAP ID and date of meter installation All MPANs, that have been ‘deleted’ from the portfolio, shall not be included in this report. When downloading, the customer shall be advised that the report is only valid on the day it is downloaded, and that when they remove an MPAN from their portfolio they should be mindful of any impact that this may have on reports they have previously downloaded. The CAS shall provide the precise words to be shown. The customer shall be required to tick a checkbox confirming that they accept the message, before the download commences. 6.2.2 Data Available Online Searching and selection is restricted to MPANs contained within the portfolio that are in an ‘authorised’ status. Once an MPAN has been selected, the non-domestic customer shall be able to view: MPAN, LLF & EFD, GSP Group & EFD, address & postcode Current registration data Meter serial number, meter type, MAP ID and date of meter installation Current registration Historic registration(s), including unsuccessful registrations, up to and including the date that the MPAN was submitted by the customer to be included within the portfolio They shall not be able to view any pending registrations. The Supplier shall not be required to consider non-domestic customers when constructing their access matrix, as the customer shall be deemed to have the customers’ permission to access the data for MPANs within their respective portfolio. 6.3 Archiving 6.3.1 Non-Domestic Customer Any changes to non-domestic customer details, including the initial setup, shall be stored, including the user ID, date and time of the change. This data shall be stored on-line for a minimum of 1 year. 6.3.2 Customer Portfolio Amendments Any change to a non-domestic customer portfolio shall be stored, including the user ID, MPAN, date and time of the change and where appropriate the name of the csv upload file that created the entry. Page 39 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 7. MAP14 Transaction Files The Service shall allow PPMIPs to send bulk transaction files to ECOES in order for ECOES to provide the required Supplier Registration details relating to prepayment meters 7.1 Service Levels 7.1.1 Throughput The Service will be required to deliver the results of a maximum number of 100 files on a daily basis. Each PPMIP will use no more than 5 files per PPMIP ID per day. 7.1.2 Availability Notwithstanding any maintenance that is being undertaken by C&C Group, the following expectation is to be placed upon the service. Users should be able to submit files 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For successfully uploaded files results files are to be available within four hours of transmission to ECOES, within the constraints of a Working Day. For example if a file is sent to ECOES at 20:00 then it should be available by 13:00, i.e. four hours after start of next Working Day. MAP14 files are to be given priority over Supplier Volume Searches. Support for MAP14 searches will be provided during each Working Day. 7.2 File Upload The transaction required to be reported upon will be delivered to ECOES in a pipe ‘|’ delimited file. Each line of this file being terminated by a pipe character followed by a Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF). 7.3 File Naming Convention The filename can be anything to suit the user providing that it does not exceed 200 characters in length, plus a .ppm extension, and that only Valid Characters are used. Note that the use of Valid Characters applies to the filename only, and not the information contained within the files. 7.4 Number of Transactions per File The maximum number of transactions in any one file is limited to 500,000. Each PPMIP shall send no more than 500,000 transactions a day in a maximum of 5 files. This value will be stored as a parameter within ECOES, but may be varied by the ECOES TSP following a successful MRA Change Proposal. PPMIPs that require abnormal volumes above this limit should contact the ECOES TSP directly to discuss options. 7.5 Upload Process The file will be transmitted to a predefined directory using Secure FTP. This same connection will also be used to pull the resultant files. For the avoidance of doubt, sending and retrieving files on this FTP service will be the responsibility of the PPMIP. Page 40 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 7.6 File Validation Following the upload, the file will immediately undergo the following validation: 1. The filename ends with .ppm; 2. The filename is no greater than 200 characters in length, plus the .ppm extension, and only Valid Characters are used; 3. The header (Group H) is comprised of the correct components and the values submitted are valid; 4. Each Group M meets the format as shown in section 7.11 of this document. For the avoidance of doubt each item will be separated by a pipe character; 5. The footer (Group F) comprises of an F followed by a pipe followed by a numeric value followed by a pipe. The numeric value must equal the number of Group M rows; and 6. Each Group M contains five (5) pipes (null optional field should be preceded and succeeded by a pipe (“||”) 7.7 Feedback Advice Following the validation, feedback will be provided to confirm if the file has passed or failed validation. If the file passes validation, a file will be generated and placed into a ‘validation’ directory. The file will have the following naming convention: PASS_IncomingFilename.ppm - where IncomingFilename is the name of the incoming file. The body of the file will contain data item File Reference taken from the incoming file header group, see example in section Error! Reference source not found.. If the file fails validation, a rejection file shall be produced which provides the PPMIP Group with advice as to all the reasons for rejection. The file will have the following naming convention: FAIL_IncomingFilename_ yyyymmdd.ppm - where IncomingFilename is the name of the incoming file. The body of the file will contain data item File Reference taken from the incoming file header group. The body of the file will additionally contain one or more failure reason codes plus a textual description. 7.8 Directory Polling Each PPMIP who uses this service will have their own directory structure to upload and download files. ECOES should poll the upload directory every 15 minutes and should perform the validation checks and commence the validation routines (described in section 7.6) immediately after polling has completed, allowing almost immediate feedback of success or failure of this validation to be notified. 7.9 File Processing Prioritisation Files submitted shall follow the following prioritisation for queued files: There shall be no prioritisation between any PPMIP files. Page 41 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Files that are to be processed will be processed in the time order they were submitted. MAP14 .ppm files will take precedence over Supplier Volume Search (.svs and .csv) files. For the purpose of clarity, there will be no prioritisation based upon any other criteria. 7.10 Response for Files Passing Validation 7.10.1 Delivery Mechanism Files will be delivered to a predefined directory, ready for collection via Secure FTP by the PPMIP who submitted the associated upload file. The PPMIP will be responsible for pulling the files from the C&C Group directory. Files will be stored on the C&C Group directory for 28 days and after this time will be deleted by C&C Group. 7.10.2 Naming Convention File Reference_IncomingFileName_yyyymmdd.ppm Where: File Reference is as detailed in header record of the incoming file IncomingFileName is the name of the file uploaded by the user yyyymmdd is the date the file was uploaded by the user 7.10.3 Format For all uploads, the resultant output files will be in a pipe delimited file format. The order of Group Ms will be the same as the uploaded file. 7.11 Response File There will be a single response file per file submission. The file will be constructed of the following: Each data item within the file will be delimited with a pipe ‘|’. Each row will be terminated with a pipe. (H) Header Body, comprising of one or more of the following groups: (M) PPMIP Data (A) MPAN Registration Data (B) Meter Id (Serial Number) Registration Data and (F) Footer A Full specification of each of these Groups is detailed below. Group H – Header The header will be the same as that of the incoming file. Page 42 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Group M – PPMIP Data For every MPAN and/or Meter Serial Number in the submitted file there will be a Group M. The format of this Group will be identical to that of the incoming file except that data item E0001 (ECOES data) is mandatory in the response file and therefore must be populated. Group A – MPAN Registration Data Where Group M data in the submitted file contained an MPAN, the return file will contain a Group A. Group A will either contain details of the registered Supplier on the Customer Payment Date and their registration date together with MSN data, or a code to show the MPAN core was not located on ECOES. It is possible that multiple instances of Group A could be returned by ECOES if more than one prepayment meter is installed at that MPAN. Group B – Meter Id (Serial Number) Registration Data Where Group M data in submitted file contains a Meter Serial Number then there will be a Group B on return file. This will either contain details of MPAN Core, registered Supplier and their registration date, and Meter Type for this Meter Serial Number at Customer Payment Date, or a code to show the Meter Serial Number was not located on ECOES. Given that Meter Serial Numbers are not always unique, it is possible that multiple instances of Group B could be returned by ECOES. Group F – Footer The footer will be the same as that of the incoming file. 7.12 MPANs or Meter Serial Number not found For the avoidance of doubt, if one or more MPANs and/or Meter Serial Numbers in the uploaded file are not found, this should not prevent the file from being processed. The returned files shall indicate those records that have not been matched to current data provided by MPAS. 7.13 Flow Description and Examples Full flow descriptions and a set of file and flow examples can be found in Appendix F). Page 43 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 8. D0312 Maintenance Screen The Service shall provide a facility for Meter Operators to maintain D0312 related data manually. D0312 maintenance must be done on a MOP appointment by MOP appointment basis. If for some reason the MOP appointments are back-to-back with the same MPID, regardless of the Supplier Registered (i.e. it could be the same or a different Supplier), the maintenance work must be on a per MOP appointment basis. Only the current or historic MOP appointment periods will be allowed to be edited. The Meter Installation EFD must be <= Meter Installation ETD in all cases. Where the MOP ETD is used for date validation, if this value is empty then the Supplier Registration ETD will be used. If the Supplier Registration ETD is empty then a date of 1 st January 4000 can be assumed, exclusively for the purposes of D0312 Maintenance. 8.1 Where the User is the Current Appointed MOP The current MOP shall be allowed to adjust the data associated with any MOP appointment period. The currently appointed MOP must repopulate the entire meter history, installations and removals, regardless of the number of meters affected, from the earliest date from which they choose to make an update. (Date X). The maintenance screen will soft delete all Meter History from Date X onwards automatically, requiring the MOP to repopulate the history. Any Meter Installed that has a Meter Installation date < Date X and has an ETD >= Date X will automatically have its ETD set to Date X-1. The currently appointed MOP is the MOP whose EFD within the Current Suppliers Registration is <=Today and ETD >= Today and whose cancelled indicator is NULL. The current Supplier is the Supplier whose EFD is <=Today and ETD >= Today, whose cancelled indicator is NULL and whose objection status is not ‘O’ (outstanding). 8.2 General Rules The MOP shall be allowed to modify the EFD of any Meter that is present. The MOP shall be allowed to modify the ETD of any Meter that is present. In order for the MOP to adjust the Meter Serial Number, Meter Type or Meter Asset Provider they will be required to delete the meter record and insert a new meter record with the corrected data. When updating the Meter Asset Provider (MAP), ECOES will only accept an MPID that is within Market Domain Data. Page 44 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) If the user enters a valid MAP MPID value but the current system date falls outside the MAP EFD and ETD ranges within MDD the following confirmation prompt will be displayed to the user: “The entered value is a valid Meter Asset Provider MPID, however the current system date falls outside the Meter Asset Provider’s Effective From and Effective To Date range, do you wish to continue?” Clicking ‘Yes’ will accept the entered value, clicking ‘No’ will return focus to the field for the user to correct. The entered value will not be cleared. A blank MAP MPID ID will not be permitted when adding new records, or editing existing records, where the MAP ID value is already populated. When updating an existing record, if there is currently no MAP MPID present the user will be able to update the record without entering one. However, if a value is entered, it will be validated as above. A Meter Installation, that has both a Meter Serial Number and Meter Type exactly matching that of a currently installed meter for the same date period, will be considered a duplicate and the user will be notified as such and prevented from saving. Only alphanumeric characters will be considered during this match process. Users input will be limited to alphanumeric characters. 8.2.1 Amending a Meter Installation The currently appointed MOP will have a view of the MPAN Meter history that will begin on the date of the first installed Meter through to the present day. 8.2.2 Amending the ETD of a Meter Installed The Meter Installation ETD will be set to the date supplied by the user. The Meter Installation ETD can set to NULL (which represents a current installation). The Meter Installation ETD must be <= today’s date or NULL. 8.2.3 Amending the EFD of a Meter Installed The Meter Installation EFD will be set to the date supplied by the user. The Meter Installation EFD will not be greater than the Meter Installation ETD. 8.2.4 Deleting a Meter The user shall be allowed to delete a record of a Meter Installation. This will be achieved by pressing the Delete Meter button. 8.2.5 Adding a Meter The user shall be allowed to add a new record of Meter Installation. This will be achieved by pressing the New Meter button. Meter Serial, Meter Type, Meter Asset Provider and Meter Installation Date must all be provided. If the Meter Serial Number and Meter Type is identical to an existing installation this would cause a date overlap, and as such, the installation will be considered a duplicate and will not be allowed. Meter Serial Numbers will be compared using their alphanumeric characters only. Meter Installation EFD and ETD validation will be as 8.2.2 and 8.2.3. Page 45 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 8.3 Where the User is not the Currently Appointed MOP 8.3.1 Installing a Meter A MOP who is not the current MOP shall only be allowed to update the Meter History that is within that particular MOP Appointment Period EFD and ETD. The Appointment Period is that which is provided by MPAS. Both the Meter Installation and Removal dates must be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD respectively. The MOP shall be allowed to modify the EFD of any Meter that is present. The MOP shall be allowed to modify the ETD of any Meter that is present. To adjust the Meter Serial Number or Meter Type of an existing record the user shall be required to delete the meter record and insert a new meter record with the corrected data. A Meter Installation, that has both a Meter Serial Number and Meter Type exactly matching that of a currently installed meter will cause a date overlap, will be considered a duplicate and the user shall be notified as such and the save prevented. 8.3.2 Amending a Meter Installation The service shall allow a MOP, who is not the currently appointed MOP, to amend any Meter Installation that spans their appointment period. Any changes made will only affect the installation record between the MOP appointment EFD and ETD. Where the Meter Installation EFD is before the selected MOP appointment EFD and Meter ETD is within the selected MOP appointment: Altering the ETD of a Meter Installed The new Meter Installation ETD must be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD. If the Meter Installation ETD >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD the installation record will have a Meter Installation EFD equal to the MOP appointment EFD and its ETD set to the new ETD. The original meter record will have its ETD set to the MOP EFD-1 Altering the EFD of a Meter Installed The new installation EFD must be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD If the original Meter Installation EFD < MOP EFD this will cause the original Meter Installation ETD to be MOP EFD -1 A new Meter Installation record will be generated that will have a Meter Installation EFD equal to the new EFD and its ETD set to the MOP ETD Deleting a meter Page 46 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) This will cause the ETD of the Meter Installation to be set equal to the MOP appointment EFD-1 Adding a meter Meter Installation EFD and ETD must both be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD. A new Meter Installation record will be generated that will have a Meter Installation EFD and ETD equal to that provided by the MOP. If the MOP has not provided an installation ETD, upon saving this will be set to be the MOP ETD. Where the Meter Installation EFD is within the selected MOP appointment EFD and ETD, and Meter removal date is greater than the selected MOP appointment ETD: Altering the ETD of a Meter Installed The new installation ETD must be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD. This will cause the EFD of the original Meter Installation to be set to the MOP appointment ETD+1. If the Meter Installation ETD >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD a new Meter Installation record will be generated that will have a Meter Installation ETD equal to the new ETD and its EFD set equal to the original installation EFD. Altering the EFD of a Meter Installed The new installation EFD must be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD. If the new installation EFD is >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD the installation record will have a Meter Installation EFD equal to the new EFD and its ETD set equal to the original installation ETD. Deleting a meter This will cause the EFD of the Meter Installation to be set equal to the MOP appointment ETD+1. Adding a meter The Meter Installation EFD and ETD must both be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD. A new Meter Installation record will be generated that will have a Meter Installation EFD and ETD equal to that provided by the MOP. Where the Meter Installation EFD is earlier than the selected MOP appointment EFD and Meter ETD is after the selected MOP appointment ETD: Page 47 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Altering the ETD of a Meter Installed This will cause the ETD of the original Meter Installation to be set to the MOP appointment EFD-1. It will also cause generation of a new Meter Installation record with EFD of the Meter Installation to be set to the MOP appointment ETD+1 and the Meter Installation ETD to be that of the original installation ETD. The new Meter Installation ETD must be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD. If the new Meter Installation ETD >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD a new Meter Installation record will be generated that will have a Meter Installation ETD equal to the new ETD and its EFD set equal to the MOP EFD. Altering the EFD of a Meter Installed This will cause the ETD of the original Meter Installation to be set to the MOP appointment EFD-1. It will also cause generation of a new installation record with EFD of the Meter Installation to be set to the MOP appointment ETD+1 and the Meter Installation ETD to be that of the original Meter Installation ETD. If the new Meter Installation EFD is >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD the new Meter Installation record will have a Meter Installation EFD equal to the new Meter Installation EFD and its ETD set to the MOP ETD. Deleting a meter This will cause the ETD of the original Meter Installation to be set to the MOP appointment EFD-1. It will also cause generation of a new installation record with EFD of the Meter Installation to be set to the MOP appointment ETD+1 and the installation ETD to be that of the original installation ETD. Adding a meter The Meter Installation EFD and ETD must both be >= MOP EFD and <= MOP ETD. A new Meter Installation record will be generated that will have a Meter Installation EFD and ETD equal to that provided by the MOP. 8.4 Reports 8.4.1 Regular D0312 Reports The service shall provide functionality to download automatically generated reports, which may be accessed via the menu. 8.4.2 New D0312 Reports New reports will be available from the New Reports screen. New reports will be reports that have not been downloaded. Page 48 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Reports will be available on the New Report Screen until the first time they are downloaded. 8.4.3 Old D0312 Reports Once a report is downloaded from the New Report Screen, the report is only available to download from the Old Report Screen. Reports will be available to download from the Old Report Screen for a period of time that will be specified individually for each report. 8.4.4 Regular D0312 Reports Available for Download The reports below are available within the download menu. Report name Available to Report frequency Supplier Monthly Rejection Summary Report Suppliers Monthly Supplier Detailed Rejection Report Suppliers Monthly MOP Detailed Rejection Report Meter Operators Daily No MOP Appointed Report Suppliers Monthly Meters Installed But No Supplier Report Meter Operators Monthly MPAN Invalid Report Meter Operators Monthly D0312 processed by MOP sender Report CAS Monthly Summary of report content Count of D0312 transactions that have failed validation by MOP, by rejection reason code, for the previous month. This report is issued to the Supplier as at the date of the report execution. The detail of all R2 rejections relating to D0312 that have been processed during the previous calendar month, where the reason for rejection is that the sending MOP and appointed MOP do not match, at the time of processing the D0312. This report is issued to the Supplier as at the date of the report execution. The detail of all rejections relating to D0312 that have been processed during the previous day. This report is issued to the MOP who submitted the D0312. The detail of all accepted D0312 that have been processed during the previous month where there has not been a MOP appointment for the MPAN, at the time of processing the D0312. The detail of all accepted D0312 that have been processed during the previous month notifying of a Meter Installation but where there is no Supplier associated with the MPAN in ECOES. This report is issued to the MOP who submitted the D0312. The detail of all R6 rejections relating to D0312 that have been processed during the previous month where they have rejected as the MPAN submitted is invalid. This report is emailed to CAS on the 1st of each calendar month. Page 49 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 9. Duplicate Metering Records The Service shall provide a facility for Meter Operators to view and manage meter duplications, held in ECOES, where the same Meter Serial Number (MSN) is registered against two or more active (not disconnected) Metering Point Administration Numbers (MPANs). This screen highlights all MSN duplications allowing users to distinguish between valid and invalid duplications and take action in order to resolve duplications that are identified as not valid. This screen is only available to Meter Operators, however any user with the appropriate privilege can view the data. 9.1 Data processing 9.1.1 Daily data consolidation process The daily data consolidation process runs after the daily D0312 processing has completed successfully. This job will identify MSN duplicates by considering the current state of duplication for Meter Serial Numbers in order to incorporate any changes made as part of daily D0312 file load. The process will run in accordance to the following business rules: Only MPANs that are active (not disconnected) will be included in the process; Computed Algorithm Meter Serial Number (as specified in the MAP 14 process) will be used to perform the duplication check; At least one Meter Serial Number in a duplication set must be of Meter Type specified in ECOES system parameters. Currently these include: o Meter type ‘K’; Meter Serial Numbers that have been rejected or removed as part of D0312 processing are not included in the process. 9.1.2 Duplication update procedure Updating meter details manually using “D0312 Maintenance Screen” will trigger a duplication update process and will update the duplication record held on ECOES. 9.2 General Rules 9.2.1 Resolving duplications The Service shall enable users to manage meter duplications identified in the daily data consolidation process by following means: By disconnecting an MPAN Once an MPAN that is related to a MSN duplicate record is disconnected, that MPAN / Meter Serial Number record is eliminated from the overnight duplication identification process. The investigation status of this duplication is set to “Removed – MPAN disconnected”. By updating meter information using D0312 Data Flow A corrective D0312 Data Flow specifying a meter removal date can be sent to ECOES in order to resolve the duplication. This will result in the duplication being resolved as it will no longer follow the business rules outlined in section 9.1.1. The investigation status of this duplication is set to “Resolved – D0312”. Manual update Page 50 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Meter duplications can be removed by removing the duplicated meter via the “D0312 Maintenance Screen”. Meter Serial Numbers that have been removed using this method are eliminated from the overnight duplication identification process. The investigation status of this duplication is set to “Resolved – Manual”. Validating duplication as accurate A user may mark an MPAN / Meter Serial Number duplication record as validated (i.e. the Meter Serial Number has been validated as being the correct Meter Serial Number for the MPAN), by setting its status value to “Validated as Accurate”. Meter Serial Number / MPAN combinations with this status will be eliminated from the overnight duplication identification process. The investigation status of this duplication is set to “Resolved – Validated as Accurate”. 9.2.2 Duplication notes Manual notes Meter Operators that are currently appointed to an MPAN can change the status of the duplication and add notes. A note should be at least 10 characters long. Automatic system notes A system note is added automatically when the status of the duplication changes. “Status changed from [Old Status] to [New Status]”. Automatic system note will be added when a duplications are resolved: When a duplication is manually removed: “Duplication removed by manual update”; When a duplication is removed using a corrective D0312 Data Flow: “Duplication removed by D0312 / reconciliation process”; When a duplication is removed due to MPAN being disconnected: “Duplication removed as MPAN disconnected”. If a new MPAN is attached to a Meter Serial Number that already has an active MPAN associated, a system note will be added: “Duplication re-activated on [dd/mm/yyyy] due to MPAN [MPAN] being attached to the Meter Serial Number”. 9.3 Reports The reports below are provided directly to the specified email address. Report Report name Available to frequency Summary of report content CAS Monitoring Report CAS Monthly A count of distinct duplicated Meter Serial Numbers for year and month date notified of a duplicate (i.e. the month of the second oldest D0312 submission date) 10. Outstanding Requirements The areas detailed below are not fully documented in any MRA documentation and so have not been included as User Requirements. Area Detail Functional Specification Section User Types 2.1 Master Admin Users, Master Users, Page 51 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Master Admin User Maintenance New Users Supplier Access Matrix Supplier Registration History Unmetered MPAN Flagging Search Review Customer Letters Reports Data Transfer File Validation File Processing Auditing Hosting Requirements Hours of availability Support Technical Architecture Database Design MPAS Upload Files Admin Users Read Only Users Associated privileges for each type of user Requirement to contact regularly Creating new users Search for users Password resetting Disabling, re-enabling & deleting users 2.5 2.6.2 – 2.6.8 2.7 Data displayed Showing unsuccessful registrations Extended Supplier history MPANs with a Measurement Class of B or D (unmetered) are flagged as such Enquiry reference code Search review facility Letter creation privileges Letter creation Letter download & printing Report restrictions Daily by User Report Daily by Supplier Report Total by User Report Total by Supplier Report User Detail Report User Summary Report MPAS data provision Timescales Ordering Data retention Archiving Bandwidth Latency Backup & data security Disaster Recovery Hardware topology Window of opportunity for outages Helpdesk Service Reports Format, content & structure of MPAS Upload File 2.14.2 – 2.14.4 2.14.5 2.15 2.16 2.17 4.1 – 4.4 4.5 4.6 6 7 8 9 & 10 14 15 Appendix 1 Page 52 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Appendix A) Requirements Catalogue I) Introduction This Requirements Catalogue sets out detailed business requirements identified for the ECOES database. These requirements describe the expected attributes and capabilities of the database and the associated infrastructure. II) Requirements Website Ref. Category Description 001 Website 002 Website 003 Website 004 Website 005 Website 006 Website 007 Website The CAS provides an online portal to view data for all electricity Metering Points in Great Britain from a single website, received from multiple sources. Users should be able to access ECOES from and MRASCo will retain ownership of these domains and the CAS will be responsible for ensuring they are registered. ECOES is available to users 24hours a day, every day of the year (subject to any outages/downtime, which will be notified to Contract Managers in accordance with MRA Clauses 31.5 & 31.6). ECOES is available to non-domestic users to maintain and view a portfolio of MPANs for which they are the customer. Every transaction (e.g. login sessions, enquiries, viewed data, changes to non-domestic user details and portfolio) on ECOES recorded for a minimum of 1 year in such a manner as to be auditable and traceable. The initial default screen will require the user to enter their username and password. ECOES should not be available to the public. A login is required to view any data. Users with the appropriate privileges will be able to manage user creation, search for users, download all users, reset passwords, disable & re-enable users, delete users and manually update metering information via the on-line D0312 form. Priority Source Document Reference Essential – Essential – Essential – Essential – Essential – Essential – Essential Section 2.6.1 Page 53 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) 008 Website 009 Website 010 Website The ECOES TSP will endeavour to process files to make data available from 08:00 on the next Working Day on the following basis: 100% of files if received by 23:59 75% of files if received between 23:59 and 04:00 the following calendar day Files received after 04:00 should be loaded as soon as it is possible to do so without affecting service performance. Concurrent users are not permitted on a single login. Essential – Essential Section 2.6.2 The service will receive process, validate and provide responses to MAP14 bulk transaction files from PPMIPs. Essential Section 7 & MAP14 Clarification Ref. Category 011 Clarification 012 Clarification Description Amendments to MOP data in ECOES can only be carried out by authorised users via the on-line D0312 update form. No other amendments can be made by the user to the underlying MPAS or MOP data via the website. ECOES only reflects information held in the source system (e.g. the relevant MPAS Registration System, MOP system or other system) and the inclusion of data items in ECOES will not ensure their accuracy beyond that held by the source of the data. Priority Source Document Reference Essential MAP15 Essential MAP15 Data Receipt Ref. Category 013 Data receipt 014 Data receipt 015 Data receipt Description Priority Source Document Reference The service should be able to accommodate receipt of data from all new and existing MPAS Providers, Suppliers and Supplier Agents. Third parties should also be able to access ECOES and provide data. ECOES is capable of receiving data via the DTN and secure FTP. Essential – Essential Section 2.1 All records are initiated from the MPAN Core provided from the MPAS Registration Systems and this serves as a key for the associated data. New records will be added to ECOES as and when Skeleton Records are created in those MPAS Registration Systems. Essential MAP15 Page 54 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Data Receipt Ref. Category Description 016 Data receipt 017 Data Receipt Updates from MPAS Providers shall be via an Upload File, via secure FTP. The Upload File will contain any data items detailed in section 3.2 for which the sender is responsible, which have changed since the last Upload Files received by ECOES. Where data items have not changed, any data provided will still be loaded. Upload Files will be subject to sequence numbering so that ECOES can process files in order and the ECOES TSP can query missing files with the sender. Additional processing will be undertaken with data received from Scottish Power and Manweb MPAS to ensure consistency with MPRS users. 018 Data Receipt 019 Data Receipt 020 Data Receipt The ECOES TSP shall be responsible for establishing a Gateway to the DTN, working with the DTN Service Provider. This shall include any interface testing that is necessary with the Service Providers. Updates from MOPs will be via D0312 files sent over the DTN or manually by authorised users by means of the on-line D0312 update form in ECOES. MAP14 bulk transaction files from PPMIPs will be uploaded via secure FTP. The MAP14 file will contain any of the data items detailed in section 7.13. Priority Source Document Reference Essential Section 3.1 & MAP15 Essential (unless Scottish Power using MPRS) Essential Section 7 Essential Section 3.3 Essential Section 7.2, section 7.5, section 7.13 & MAP14 – Data Display Ref. Category Description 021 Data display All data items in Appendix C) available once an MPAN is selected, and provided in a complete and consistent format (subject to any restrictions). The specified data items are coded within Industry documents and participants’ systems and this structure and format should be maintained in the Website. Priority Essential Source Document Reference Section 4.3 Page 55 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Data Display Ref. Category Description 022 Data display 023 Data display 024 Data display 025 Data display 026 Data display Future changes are not shown until the date they become effective, except pending registrations. The current Supply Number, in the format set out in Schedule 5 of the MRA, is published on the Website (in addition to the individual Data Items that make up the Supply Number). For a given MPAN, the Website shall publish the name, MPID and telephone number for the relevant Distribution Business and Supplier (linked to MPID). Contact details for Suppliers shall also be linked to Profile Class and Measurement Class (Half Hourly or Non Half Hourly). Suppliers may provide the Website with a single telephone number per MPID or may provide a separate telephone number for each of the following categories: Profile Classes 1& 2; Profile Classes 3 & 4; and/or Profile Classes 5 to 8 and/or Half Hourly. For a given MPAN, the Website shall publish the name, MPID and telephone number for the relevant Supplier Agent (linked to MPID). Contact details for Supplier Agents shall also be linked to whether they are Half Hourly or Non Half Hourly (based on Profile Class/Measurement Class). Supplier Agents may provide the Website with a single telephone number per MPID or may provide a separate telephone number for each of the following categories: Non Half Hourly and/or Half Hourly. The website shows, for each MPAN, a record of all Registrations, historic or future, which have been Accepted by MPAS (subject to any restrictions put in place by the relevant Supplier, in which case display of the Supplier information will be dependent on the category of user viewing the MPAN). This will include those that were subsequently unsuccessful due to an Objection, and a record of all Objections received and whether they were upheld or not. 027 Data display 028 Data display Information for the most recent 28 months shall be held. Registration history and the Metering Point supplementary data will not be displayed until an MPAN has been selected. A standard text shall be used to explain the Objection history and the current status of a Registration where an Objection is in place. Priority Source Document Reference Essential – Essential MRA Schedule 5, Section 4.3.1 Essential Section 4.12 Essential Section 4.12.3 Essential Section 4.9.3 Essential – Essential Section 4.9.3 Page 56 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Data Display Ref. Category Description Priority Source Document Reference 029 Data display File IDs relating to Registration and Objection flows shall be shown. Essential – 030 Data display MPANs associated with the Meter Serial Number will be shown. Essential Section 4.8 031 Data display MPAS and Distributors shall be able to view the current Supplier and MOP for all MPANs. Essential – Search Facility Ref. Category 032 Search Facility 033 Search Facility 034 Search Facility Search Facility 035 Description ECOES gives users the ability to search using MPAN, [elements of] Metering Point Address, postcode or Meter Serial Number. Searches based on information that does not match the source criteria will return a message showing that no data was found. Once a search has been performed, the website should display all matching MPANs in a list, with the associated address, GSP Group, Distributor and Trading Status for each MPAN. Once a search has been performed, the website should also display a MSN for each MPAN on the search results screen. A maximum of 200 search results will be shown. If there are more than 200 matches, an error message will show. Priority Source Document Reference Essential Section 4.6 Essential Section 4.6 Desirable Section 4.6 Desirable Section 4.6 Support Ref. 036 Category Support Description The ECOES TSP is not required to resolve queries regarding the accuracy of the data held in the MPAS or MOP system and held on ECOES. Any errors identified on ECOES should be resolved via liaison with the relevant MPAS, MOP or Supplier, corrected through updates to the source system, and then uploaded to the website. Priority Essential Source Document Reference – Page 57 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Support Ref. Category Description Priority Source Document Reference 037 Support The ECOES TSP will provide assurance and monitoring reports to the CAS. Essential – 038 Support The ECOES TSP will monitor misuse of the system, alert the CAS where evidence of misuse is found, and take action such as disabling the user if informed to do so by the CAS (after approval by MEC). Essential – Access Ref. Category 039 Access 040 Access 041 Access Description All Suppliers, Distribution Businesses and MPAS Providers are entitled to access ECOES. They will be provided with a login once the Market Scenario Testing phase of the Entry Assessment process commences. Data Collectors, Data Aggregators and PPMIPs are also entitled to access ECOES and will be provided with a login on request. Other users may be permitted to access ECOES and will be provided with a login following agreement by MDB. Suppliers shall be able to view all data for MPANs for which they are the current Registered Supplier In MPAS. For all MPANs, they will be asked on-screen whether they are the registered Supplier or have the customer’s permission to access the data. If they select ‘yes’, they shall be able to view all data. If they select ‘no’, the data that they can see will depend on the access granted by the current Registered Supplier. Each Supplier may choose what data they would like to make available via an access matrix, for the MPANs for which they are the current Registered Supplier. Distribution Businesses/MPAS Providers have access to view all MPANs, and detailed data for all MPANs in their portfolio. For MPANs of which they are not the Distributor or MPAS, they shall be asked if they have a legitimate reason for accessing the data for any particular MPAN. If they choose ‘no’ they shall be returned to the search results screen. If they choose ‘yes’ they shall be able to view data for the MPAN that is included in the search results screen. Priority Source Document Reference Essential Section 2.6.1 & MAP15 Essential Section 2.6 Essential Section 2.6 & MAP15 Page 58 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Access Ref. Category 042 Access 043 Access 044 Access 045 Access Description MOPs, PPMIPs, Data Collectors and Data Aggregators who have a MPID in MDD are able to access ECOES directly, with permission of the relevant Supplier(s). For any MPAN that they view they shall be asked if they have the customer’s or current Supplier’s permission to access the full registration data. If they select ‘yes’, they shall have full access to all data for that MPAN. If they select ‘no’, the data that they can view will depend on the access granted by the current Registered Supplier. Each Supplier may choose whether they would like to make data available to all Supplier Agents or just those that are the current appointed agents shown on ECOES. All other users of ECOES (except non-domestic customers) are able to access all data for all MPANs. However, future applicants may have data restricted. ECOES will be capable of accommodating any such restrictions by allowing the CAS to configure access to data for new user groups. All users other than Suppliers, Distributor/MPAS and Supplier Agents will be asked if they have a legitimate reason for viewing the data for an MPAN. If they do not, they will be returned to the search results screen. Suppliers should be able to choose what data is displayed to other users for MPANs of which they are the Registered Supplier. Priority Source Document Reference Essential Section 2.6 & MAP15 Essential MAP15 Essential Section 2.6 & MAP15 Essential MAP15 User Creation & Management Ref. Category 046 User Creation & Management Description The ECOES TSP shall provide each Company Group a single ‘Master Admin User’. The MAU shall have the ability to create more users, grant privileges associated with users, and search for users. The MAU shall also be responsible for arranging the resetting of passwords, disabling, re-enabling, deleting or reinstating accounts, and creating new users. Note: deleted accounts will not be visible to users or user-run reports; however, they will continue to be recorded by the ECOES TSP for audit purposes. Priority Essential Source Document Reference Section 2.5 Page 59 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) User Creation & Management Ref. Category Description 047 User Creation & Management User Creation & Management User Creation & Management User Creation & Management User Creation & Management User Creation & Management User Creation & Management User Creation & Management User Creation & Management The CAS shall provide a report that gives the MAU the ability to download all their Company Group users’ user details, other than their password, including their role and privileges. The MAU is given control of security settings for each Company Group, where they can control access to data by other users within their company using a security matrix that only they may access. The service should be able to support at least 8,000 users logged in to the ECOES at once, without an impact on response time, and will accommodate at least 2 million enquiries per month. The default option for password expiry will be set to 90 days. MAUs will have the option to change the password expiry period to either 60 days or 30 days. Essential Section 2.5 Essential Section 2.9 Essential – Essential Section 2.6.2 If a User enters an incorrect password on three consecutive occasions, their account will be disabled. Essential – Where required, the system will generate an initial password to new Users, and a replacement password for any forgotten passwords. Essential – Where functionality for system-generated passwords is not enabled, the MAU or other authorised user will be able to generate an initial or replacement password for users. Essential – The first time a user logs in with a generated password they will be prompted to change it. Essential – Inactive accounts will be deleted; the default period for deletion of these accounts will be 180 days. MAUs will have the option to change this period to 120 or 90 days. MAUs will be able to request reports containing information regarding accounts that are approaching their deletion date. Essential – 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 Priority Source Document Reference Page 60 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Flagging Ref. Category Description Priority Source Document Reference 056 Flagging Registrations that are under Objection are flagged as such in ECOES. Essential Section 4.9.3 057 Flagging Essential Section 4.9.3 058 Flagging MPANs with a Trading Status of R (Registered) are flagged as ‘Incomplete Registration’. MPANs with a Trading Status of N (New Connection) are flagged as ‘New Connection’. Essential Section 4.9.3 059 Flagging MPANs with an Energisation Status of D are flagged as ‘De-energised’. Essential Section 4.9.3 060 Flagging MPANs with a Trading Status of D are flagged as Disconnected. Essential Section 4.9.3 061 Flagging ECOES will flag as ‘related’ any MPAN with a Related MTC as defined in MDD. Essential Section 4.9.3 062 Flagging ECOES will flag as ‘export’ any MPAN with an export LLFC as defined in MDD. Essential Section 4.9.3 Letter Creation Ref. 063 Category Letter creation Description Distribution Businesses and MPAS Providers should be able to create customer letters in relation to Supply Number Enquiries, directly from the Website. Letter templates will be provided to the ECOES TSP by the CAS. Priority Essential Source Document Reference Section 4.8 Page 61 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Consolidated Report Ref. Category Description 064 Consolidated Report A consolidated report is issued to a list provided by the CAS (all Suppliers & Distribution Businesses) in respect of all MPANs published on the ECOES website, which shall conform to the requirements in MAP15. Priority Essential Source Document Reference Section 5.1 & MAP15 5. Customer Access Ref. Category 065 Customer Access 066 Customer Access Customer Access Customer Access Customer Access 067 068 069 Description Customers with multiple non-Domestic premises may have access to current registration information in relation to their Metering Points. This is subject to initial authorisation by their Supplier to confirm entitlement to the data. Customers must sign up to an agreement regarding ongoing access and maintenance of the MPANs relating to their premises. To gain access the customer must provide two different registered MPANs, neither of which is registered as Profile Class 1 or 2. Once customers are allocated an account, they may add both domestic and nondomestic MPANs to their portfolio. The customer will be able to complete an online form, available on ECOES, without the need to login to ECOES. The form will include the following information as a minimum set of mandatory fields: company name, contact details and two non-domestic MPANs. Once the online form has been completed, the customer will be prompted to print and sign the Terms and Conditions and post them to the ECOES TSP. The application form will make it clear that only customers, and not consultants or customer agents, are allowed to apply for access. Priority Source Document Reference Essential Section 6.1.1 & MAP15 4.6.1 Essential Essential Section 6.1.1 & MAP15 4.6.1 Section 6.1.1 & GD27, 2 – Essential Section 6.1.1 Essential Page 62 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Customer Access Ref. Category 070 Customer Access 071 Customer Access Customer Access 072 073 Customer Access 074 Customer Access 075 Customer Access 076 Customer Access Customer Access Customer Access 077 078 Description Priority Source Document Reference The ECOES TSP will manually validate the application on receipt of the Terms and Conditions in accordance with a code of practice maintained by the CAS, which will initially consist of the following criteria: All fields (e.g. company name and contact details) are appropriately populated Terms and Conditions signed The customer has not already been granted access If the customer’s application is unsuccessful, the ECOES TSP will inform the customer of the reason why. The Terms and Conditions of use for non-domestic customers will be as detailed in Guideline 27. It is crucial that customers keep their portfolio up to date by removing MPANs that they no longer own. This should be noted on the website so that it is apparent when they login to their account. If an application is successful, the ECOES TSP will countersign the agreement and create a new non-domestic access account for the customer, notifying them of their login details via email. Customers may upload MPANs by entering MPANs one-by-one or by uploading a spreadsheet. These MPANs will then be made available for authorisation by the relevant Supplier user. At least one nominated user for each Supplier has a screen for ‘customer access requests’ where they can view all such pre-authorised MPANs and either authorise them or refuse authorisation. Authorised MPANs will then become available for the customer to view. Customers will have the ability to update their contact details online. Essential Section 6.1.1 Essential – Essential – Essential Section 6.1.1 Essential Section 6.1.7 & 6.1.8 Essential Section 6.1.9 Essential Section 6.1.2 Customers will have the ability to close their ECOES account, in which case their portfolio will be closed down and the Terms and Conditions will be terminated. An MPAN may only be part of one customer portfolio at any one time. Each customer account shall only have one portfolio and will not have one separate portfolio for each Supplier. Essential Section 6.1.3 Essential – Page 63 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Customer Access Ref. Category 079 Customer Access 080 Customer Access Customer Access 081 082 Customer Access 083 Customer Access 084 Customer Access Description Priority Source Document Reference If the customer tries to add an MPAN that is already part of another customer’s portfolio, they may only do so manually and will be asked to confirm they wish to proceed. The MPAN will then be moved from the old customer’s portfolio. When a Supplier is reviewing pre-authorised MPANs, any that already belong to another customer’s portfolio will be flagged as such. The Supplier may then choose whether to authorise the MPAN or not. A customer will have the ability to remove MPANs from their portfolio. Essential Section 6.1.7, 6.1.8 & 6.1.9 Essential Section 6.1.11 A customer will be able to search within their portfolio by MPAN, MSN, Address or Postcode. The search results will only contain MPANs that are part of that customer’s portfolio. Other than this, the search facility will work in the same way as for other ECOES users. Following a portfolio search, the customer will be able to view detailed data for their chosen MPAN. Once an MPAN is chosen, they will be able to view the same data as any other user of ECOES, with the exception that they will be able to view Supplier registration history (whether successful or unsuccessful) and current registrations only for the period during which the MPAN has been part of their portfolio. Customers will have the facility to download their full portfolio (including all information relevant to the current registration and metering data). This will not include Supplier liability history. Any change to a non-domestic customer portfolio shall be stored, including the user ID, MPAN, date and time of the change and where appropriate the name of the csv upload file that created the entry. This data shall be stored on-line for a minimum of 1 year. Essential Section 6.1.12 Essential Section 6.2.2 Essential Section 6.2.1 Essential Section 6.3 Page 64 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) Reports Ref. Category 085 Reports 086 Reports 087 Reports Description Users may request other ad hoc reports from ECOES and these may be provided with prior permission from the CAS. Charges for these reports (if any) will be negotiated between the User and the ECOES TSP. The CAS shall be able to view all online reports relating to all Company Groups and non-domestic customers. PPMIPs will have the facility to collect files in response to MAP14 bulk transaction files submitted by them to ECOES. Priority Source Document Reference Essential – Desirable – Essential MAP14, Section 7.10 & Section 7.11 D0312 Maintenance Screen Ref. Category Description 088 D0312 Maintenance Screen 089 D0312 Maintenance Screen A facility will be available, which will allow authorised MOP users to overwrite existing D0312 data manually to make corrections. When populating the D0312 Maintenance Screen the user will be able to view a record of the meter history held on ECOES. Where the user is the currently appointed MOP, they shall be allowed to adjust the data associated with any MOP appointment period. Where the user is not the currently appointed MOP, they shall only be allowed to adjust the data associated with their own MOP appointment period. D0312 Maintenance must be done on a MOP appointment by MOP appointment basis. The currently appointed MOP shall have the facility to repopulate the entire meter history, installations and removals, regardless of the number of meters affected, from the earliest date from which they choose to make an update. The MAUs for each MOP will have the authority to set up multiple users with access to update ECOES data online. Priority Source Document Reference Essential Section 8 Essential – Page 65 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) D0312 Maintenance Screen Ref. Category 090 D0312 Maintenance Screen D0312 Maintenance Screen 091 092 093 D0312 Maintenance Screen D0312 Maintenance Screen Description Priority Source Document Reference Meter Information that has been manually updated will be flagged. Essential – Supplier and MOP MAU will have the facility to grant access to other users within their own Company Group to have access to the pages where the reports relating to D0312 validation may be downloaded. Where this privilege is granted the user will be forced to enter an email address to which the notifications described above will be delivered. The currently appointed MOP will have a view of the MPAN Meter history that will begin on the date of the first installed Meter through to the present day. Essential – Essential Section 8.1 A Meter Installation that has both a Meter Serial Number and Meter Type exactly matching that of a currently installed meter for the same date period for the same MPAN will be considered a duplicate and the user will be notified as such and prevented from saving. Only alphanumeric characters will be considered during this match process. Users input will be limited to alphanumeric characters. Essential Section 8.2 Page 66 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Final Appendix B) Glossary of Terms This Glossary is for use in the context of this Document only and shall not supersede any terms duplicated in this Document, MAP15 or in other Core Industry Documents. Acronym CAS Term Central Administration Service CoS Change of Supplier DCC DNO Company Group Data Communications Company Distribution Network Operator DTC DTN Data Transfer Catalogue Data Transfer Network ECOES TSP ECOES Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service FTP HH File Transfer Protocol Half Hourly IHD In-Home Display In-Home Display Install Status Line Loss Factor Class Master Admin User LLFC MAU MDD MEC MOP MPAD Market Domain Data MRA Executive Committee Metering Point Meter Operator Metering Point Administration Data MPAN Metering Point Administration Number MPAS MPID Metering Point Administration Service Market Participant ID MRA MSN MTC NHH Master Registration Agreement Meter Serial Number Meter Timeswitch Code Non Half Hourly PC Profile Class PPMIP Prepayment Meter Infrastructure Provider Definition The service provided by the MRA Secretariat in support of ECOES A Registration, which has been confirmed by the relevant MPAS, in relation to a New Supplier undertaking responsibility for a Metering Point. As defined in section 2.7 As defined in the MRA A party to the MRA who holds a Distribution Licence As defined in the MRA The electronic network provided to transport Data Flows The software provider for the ECOES service The service provided by Suppliers and Distribution Businesses in accordance with their obligations under the MRA As defined in the Balancing and Settlement Code As defined in the DTC As defined in the DTC As defined in the MRA The primary user for each Company Group, as defined in section 2.5 As defined in the MRA As defined in the MRA As defined in the MRA As defined in the MRA All data items listed in Schedule 2 of the MRA A unique 13 digit number identifying the Metering Point As defined in the MRA The unique market-wide reference for a market participant (e.g. a Supplier) As defined in the electricity Supply Licence As defined in the DTC As defined in the DTC As defined in the Balancing and Settlement Code A 2 digit number showing the category of customer As defined in the MRA Page 67 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx SMSO SSC SMETS Version Smart Metering System Operator Smart Metering System Operator ID Standard Settlement Configuration Total Daily Processing Triangulation UFDS User File Design Specification Upload File UFDS User File Design Specification Upload File UPRN Unique Property Reference Number Website As defined in the DTC As defined in the DTC As defined in the DTC As defined in the Balancing and Settlement Code As defined in the MRA Pre-registration validation of MPAN against site address and Meter Serial Number The document that describes how users should structure files transmitted across the DTN The file sent by MPAS to update ECOES with information The document that describes how users should structure files transmitted across the DTN The file sent by MPAS to update ECOES with information As defined in the DTC The Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service Page 68 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Appendix C) Data Dictionary Requirements I) MPAS-Sourced (Current) Data Item Source Latency J Number MPAN MPAS 1 WD J0003 Additional Info Method Metering Point Address & Postcode Metering Point UPRN GSP Group MPAS 1 WD J1036-44; J0263 MPAS 1 WD J1840 Upload file to the Website. MPAS 1 WD J0066 GSP Effective Date (EFD) MPAS 1 WD J0306 LLF Class LLF EFD MP Status MPAS MPAS MPAS 1 WD 1 WD 1 WD J0147 J0658 - Upload file to the Website (probably only with Skeleton Record as GSPG not anticipated to change). Upload file to the Website (probably only with Skeleton Record as GSPG not anticipated to change). Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. MP Status EFD Current Supplier ID Current Supplier REGI date Energisation Status Energisation Status EFD Measurement Class Measurement Class EFD Profile Class Profile Class EFD SSC SSC EFD MTC MTC EFD Data Aggregator ID DA Type DA EFD Data Collector ID MPAS MPAS 1 WD 1 WD J0084 Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. MPAS 1 WD J0049 Upload file to the Website. MPAS 1 WD J0080 Upload file to the Website. MPAS 1 WD J0297 Upload file to the Website. MPAS 1 WD J0082 Upload file to the Website. MPAS 1 WD J0307 Upload file to the Website. MPAS MPAS 1 WD 1 WD J0071 J0308 Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. MPAS MPAS MPAS MPAS MPAS 1 WD 1 WD 1 WD 1 WD 1 WD J0076 J0300 J0220 J0301 J0183 Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website MPAS MPAS MPAS 1 WD 1 WD 1 WD J0163 J0334 J0205 Upload file to the Website – New and if any supplementary data for the MPAN has changed. Upload file to the Website. e.g. traded/untraded HH or NHH Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Page 69 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx DC Type DC EFD Meter Operator ID MOP Type MOP EFD DCC Service Flag DCC Service Flag EFD SMSO Id SMSO EFD SMETS version IHD Install Status IHD Install EFD Supply Number MPAS MPAS MPAS 1 WD 1 WD 1 WD J0218 J0219 J0178 HH or NHH Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. MPAS MPAS MPAS 1 WD 1 WD 1WD J0675 J0210 J1833 HH or NHH Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the website MPAS 1WD J1834 Upload file to the website MPAS MPAS MPAS MPAS 1WD 1WD 1WD 1WD J1837 J1838 J1839 JNNNN Upload file to the website Upload file to the website Upload file to the website Upload file to the website MPAS Website 1WD 1 WD J1835 - Distributor ID Website 1 WD J0189 Registration under objection indicator Disconnected MPAN indicator Website 1 WD - Indicator will show Website 1 WD - Indicator will show New Connection indicator Incomplete registration indicator De-energised MPAN indicator Website 1 WD - Indicator will show Website 1 WD - Indicator will show Website 1 WD - Indicator will show Green Deal Plan Indicator Website Presented in the format set out in Schedule 5 of the MRA Indicator will show Upload file to the website Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). II) MPAS-Sourced (Current) Data Item Source Latency Supplier ID Website 1 WD J0084 MPAS 1 WD J0049 Effective From Settlement Date (REGI) J Number Additional Info Method Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Upload file to the Website. Page 70 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Objection history for the MPAN Registration File IDs Objection File Id Meter Operator History for the MPAN SMSO history for the MPAN Website 1 WD - Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Upload file to the Website. MPAS 1 WD - MPAS MPAS 1 WD 1 WD - Upload file to the Website. Upload file to the Website. Website 1WD J1837 DCC Service Flag history for the MPAN Website 1WD J1833 Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS data). III) Non MPAS-Sourced (Current) Data Item Source Latency J Number Meter Serial Number Meter Operator within 11 WDs J0004 D0312 (ECOES Meter Information Flow). Meter Asset Provider ID Meter Type Meter Operator Meter Operator Meter Operator Meter Operator Website within 11 WDs within 11 WDs within 11 WDs Within 11 WDs N/A J1677 D0312 (ECOES Meter Information Flow). D0312 (ECOES Meter Information Flow). D0312 (ECOES Meter Information Flow). D0312 (ECOES Meter Information Flow. Updated automatically by Website (based on MPAS and non-MPAS data). Date of Meter Installation Date of Meter Removal Installing Supplier J0483 J0848 J1269 - Additional Info Method Page 71 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Appendix D) Report(s) Format The format for the Consolidated Monthly Report shall be of a flat file format. Header File identifier Row number Timestamp MPAN Core GSP Group ID Metering Point Address Line 1 Metering Point Address Line 2 Metering Point Address Line 3 Metering Point Address Line 4 Metering Point Address Line 5 Metering Point Address Line 6 Metering Point Address Line 7 Metering Point Address Line 8 Metering Point Address Line 9 Metering Point Postcode Metering Point UPRN Meter Id Serial Number Installing Supplier Id Meter Type Profile Class Meter Timeswitch Code Line Loss Class ID Standard Settlement Configuration Energisation Status Energisation Status Effective From Date DCC Service Flag SMSO Id IHD Install Status SMETS Version Footer File Identifier Row Count Timestamp Notes: Under this structure, if more than one Meter Serial Number is assigned to an MPAN, that MPAN will be repeated for each meter number assigned; Duplicate Meter Serial Numbers will occur where a meter serves two (or more) MPANs, i.e. Import/Export, Related or Pseudo Metering Points; and Page 72 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx The report will not show the linkage to all MPANs with shared metering – e.g. Related MPANs or Shared Volume Allocation arrangements. Page 73 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Appendix E) D0312 Validation I) Purpose The purpose of this appendix is to describe the user requirements for the processing of D0312 files and any reprocessing of D0312 and Bulk MOP files. II) Assumptions For reload of data using the Validation rules: The MOP appointment history for all Supplier Registrations in MPAS will be available to C&C Group. The history should go as far back as the bulk load event (July 2006) however it is recommended that all history which is available in the respective MPRS databases is provided in case earlier data is found to be required for any other follow-up activity. All MPAS providers will extract the data on the same date. This extract will need to run on a weekend and will need to be run twice, once for UAT and once for Go Live. For ongoing validation of D0312 files the MOP appointment history will be provided by MPAS in the daily extract As a principle, the validation rules should be kept simple. D0312 transactions are received from any one MOP in the sequence that the work was carried out, both within a file (should two exist for the same MPAN) and across files, regardless of the sender. For any one MOP the latest received D0312 is correct Files will be processed at 5am each day sorted by Timestamp. Distributors will not require reports of Rejected D0312s or Manual corrections Ongoing validation will accept D0312 files from either the currently appointed Meter Operator, or the Meter Operator that was appointed in ECOES on the date of the meter installation in the D0312, provided the validation criteria are met. III) Validation Rules to be Employed The flowchart below provides a pictorial view of the validation process. Section Appendix A)I)ii) below provides a detailed description of each validation step. Note that there is no difference between the two outcome swim lanes, left and right. The purpose of having two is so that the outcome can be next to the respective validation step. Page 74 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx D0312 Validation (a) Outcome Processing Outcome START R6 No 1a) MPAN Exists? Yes Initial Validation Fail F2 Fail 2) MPAN Disconnected? 2a) D0312 is a Meter Removal Flow? Yes F2a No R5 No Yes 3) MPAN has a MOP Appointment? No Go to 10a2 Yes F4 Fail 10a) D0312 is a Meter Removal flow? 4) D0312 is a Meter Removal Flow? Yes Fail F10a No Yes Go to 12 Go to 10a2 No 5) Meters Exist in ECOES for MPAN? Yes 6) One Meter provided in D0312? Yes No Processing Meter Installation Updates No R3 No 6a) Are all serial numbers provided unique in message? 9) Are the new install dates >= ECOES dates? Yes No R7 Yes 7) Are all the new install dates the same? Yes No R2 Yes 10b) Has the D0312 been cycled for 14 days? No No 10) Is the file sender a valid MOP for MPAN? 8) Are all the new install dates >= ECOES dates? No R4 Yes Yes R1 No A2 Yes 11) Are all the new install dates <= file creation date? Page 75 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx D0312 Validation (b) Outcome Processing Outcome D0312 is for Meter Removal Processing Meter Removal Update From 4 R2 Yes From 2a From 10a Yes Yes Yes 12b) Has the D0312 been cycled for 10 Working days? No No 12) Is the file sender a valid MOP for MPAN? Yes No A1 Yes 10a-2) Is the removal date > ECOES dates? R8 i) Outcomes There are 3 outcome categories. Category Description Failure The flow is structurally invalid Rejected The data does not adhere to the validation requirements. Accepted The data passes the validation requirements and is subsequently applied. Code F R A Failures Codes (F) The following Failure Codes can occur: Code Cause F2 F2a, F4, F10a The MPAN Trading Status is not one of the following ‘X’ ‘N’ ‘R’ ‘T’. Each 11D Group must have EITHER one or more 12D records OR a single 13D Group. The 11D fails if: there is both 12D and 13D Groups present OR neither a 12D or 13D Group is present. Validation Step 2 2a,4,10a Note: Page 76 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx All three of these Failure Codes mean the same thing. The reason that there are different Failure Codes is so that it can be identified where in the validation logic the issue was trapped. Rejection Codes (R) The following Rejection Codes can occur: Code Text R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 The Installation date is greater than D0312 file creation date in the file header. The sending MOP and appointed MOP do not match. The installation date is earlier than that already in ECOES. Multiple new meters spanning existing installation dates. The MPAN is Disconnected. The MPAN is Invalid. Serial numbers not unique within the D0312. (12G Group) The new removal date is less than or equal to the maximum existing installation date. Validation Step 11 12,10 9 8 2a 1a 6a 10a2 Accepted Codes (A) The following Accepted Codes can occur: Code Text A1 A2 Meter removal successfully processed Meter install(s) successfully processed Validation Step 10a2 11 Page 77 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx ii) Validation Process Steps The validation steps are described in detail here: Step Activity Pre-Condition (Step) 1a Has the MPAN previously been provided to ECOES from MPAS? MPAN has previously been Y provided MPAN not found in ECOES N Fail n/a 2 Is the MPAN Disconnected? (1a) The MPAN exists in MPAS The MPAN Trading Status is Y and ECOES is ‘X’, meaning disconnected. aware of this. A status of N,R or T indicates N not disconnected. Fail A status outside these values, 2a Is this an MPAN removal flow? (2) The MPAN is disconnected. There are no 12D Groups AND Y there is a 13D Group i.e. instruction is a meter removal There is no 13D Group AND N there is a 12D Group(s) i.e. instruction is a meter installation or update Fail Both 12D and 13D Groups present or both 12D and 13D Groups don’t exist. 3 Does the given MPAN have a Meter (2) The MPAN is Operator (MOP) appointment? not disconnected. Note: It will always be the case that MPANs with a Metering Point Trading Status of ‘New’ will not have a MOP appointment in MPAS and those with a Trading Status of ‘Registered’ are highly unlikely to. If a D0312 is sent where there is no MOP appointment in MPAS, it is assumed that this is being correctly sent and it is the Suppliers’ Registration / completion of the Registration that is late or has been rejected in MPAS. There is a MOP appointment Y which is current at the specified date* (see below) or which starts after the specified date. There is not MOP appointment N which is current at the specified date* (see below) or Y N Fail 2 R6 2a 3 F2 10a2 R5 F2a 4 10a Page 78 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Step Activity Fail 4 5 6 6a Pre-Condition (Step) Y N Fail which starts after the specified date. n/a * Specified date The specified date is set from the D0312 Meter Install Date if it has been provided OR the D0312 Meter Removal Date OR the Maximum Meter Install Date provided in this D0312 instruction if several 12D Groups are present OR if none of these are available, the D0312 file creation date is used. Is this an MPAN removal flow? There are no 12D Groups AND Y there is a 13D Group i.e. instruction is a meter removal There is no 13D Group AND N there is a 12D Group(s) i.e. instruction is a meter installation or update Fail Both 12D and 13D Groups present or both 12D and 13D Groups don’t exist. Are there meters associated with the MPAN already in ECOES? The MPAN currently has one Y or more meters associated with it. The MPAN currently has no N meters associated with it. Fail n/a Has the D0312 supplied only 1 MSN? There is only one 12D row. Y There is more than one 12D N row. Fail n/a Are all Meter Serial Numbers unique? Note: This checks that all Meter Serial Numbers are unique, disregarding all other data item attributes for the 12D (3) The MPAN is not disconnected and there is a MOP appointment in MPAS. 12 5 (4) Meter update of nondisconnected MPAN that has MOP appointments in MPAS. 6 9 (5) Meter update 9 of a nondisconnected MPAN that has existing meters associated with it and MOP appointments in MPAS. (6) Multiple meter 7 update of a nondisconnected MPAN that has existing meters F4 6a R7 Page 79 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Step 7 Activity Group - Meter Type, Meter Asset Provider ID and Date of Meter Installation. There is no manipulation of the Meter Serial Number. Eg. ‘ABC123’ is not the same as ‘ABC 123’ All Meter Serial Numbers are Y unique. All Meter Serial Numbers are N not unique. Fail n/a Are all the Meter Installation Dates for all 12D Groups the same? Note: Where blank (null) Meter Installation Dates are provided: If no Meter Installation Dates are provided, the system will use the file creation date in their absence. If some Meter Installation Dates are provided, system will use the max meter install date for those 12D Groups where an install date was not provided. All Meter Installation Dates are the same. All Meter Installation Dates N are not the same. Fail n/a Are all of the D0312 install dates greater than or equal to existing Meter Installation Dates in ECOES? Note: The validation process compares the minimum 12D Meter Installation Date with the greatest Meter Installation Date for the MPAN in ECOES. Where there is no Meter Installation Date currently in ECOES (as it was not provided in the original D0312), the ECOES Meter Installation Date is assumed to be Jan 1, 1900. If no Meter Installation Date was provided in the 12D Groups, this process will take the file created date from the file header record. If only some of the 12D Groups have null Meter Installation Date then these will be ignored as they Pre-Condition (Step) associated with it and MOP appointments in MPAS. Y N (6a) Multiple unique meter update of a nondisconnected MPAN that has existing meters associated with it that has MOP appointments in MPAS. 9 8 (7) Multiple unique meter update with various Meter Installation Dates of a nondisconnected MPAN that has existing meters associated with it that has MOP appointments in MPAS. 10 R4 Fail Y 8 Page 80 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Step 9 10 Activity will later be defaulted to the maximum Meter Installation Date in the other 12D Groups. All of the 12D Group Meter Y Installation Dates are greater than or equal to existing Meter Installation Dates in ECOES. All of the 12D Group Meter N Installation Dates are not greater than or equal to existing Meter Installation Dates in ECOES. Fail n/a Are all of the D0312 Meter Installation Dates greater than or equal to existing ECOES Meter Installation Dates? Note: The validation process compares the minimum 12D Meter Installation Date with the greatest Meter Installation Date for the MPAN in ECOES. Where there is no Meter Installation Date currently in ECOES (as it was not provided in the original D0312), the ECOES Meter Installation Date is assumed to be Jan 1, 1900. If no install date was provided in the 12D Groups, this process will take the File Created date from the file header record. If only some of the 12D Groups have null Meter Installation Dates then these will be ignored as they will later be defaulted to the maximum Meter Installation Date in the other 12D Groups. All of the 12D Group Meter Y Installation Dates are greater than or equal to existing Meter Installation Dates in ECOES. All of the 12D Group Meter N Installation Dates are not greater than or equal to existing Meter Installation Dates in ECOES. Fail n/a Is the MOP who sent the D0312 file sender same as appointed MOP at the time or is the current appointed MOP? Note: Pre-Condition (Step) Y N Meter update of a non-disconnected MPAN with appointments in MPAS. AND [ (5) No meters exist in ECOES OR (6) Meters exist in ECOES AND one 12D Group provided OR (7) Meters exist in ECOES AND more than one 12D Group provided with same Meter Installation Dates. ] 10 R3 (8),(9) Meter update of nondisconnected MPAN with MOP appointments in 11 10b Fail Page 81 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Step 10a 10a2 Activity If no Meter Installation Date has been provided within any of the 12D Group(s), the validation will substitute with the file creation date in the header. If some Meter Installation Dates are provided within the 12D Group(s), but not all, the validation will substitute the null Meter Installation Dates with the maximum Meter Installation Date for those rows where the Meter Installation Date has been provided. The D0312 has been sent by Y the currently appointed MOP OR The D0312 has not been sent by the currently appointed MOP but all Meter Installation Dates fall within their appointment period. OR If the Meter Installation Date(s) were before the first appointed MOP the validation will accept the D0312 if the sending MOP is the same as the first MOP appointed or is the current MOP. The D0312 has not been sent N by the currently appointed MOP AND all the Meter Installation Dates are not within their appointment period. Fail n/a Is this an MPAN removal flow? There are no 12D Groups AND Y there is a 13D Group i.e. instruction is a meter removal There is no 13D Group AND N there is a 12D Group(s) i.e. instruction is a meter installation or update Fail Both 12D and 13D Groups present or both 12D and 13D Groups don’t exist. Is the Meter Removal Date > max existing Meter Installation Date? This meter removal check ensures data comes in the correct order and removal Pre-Condition (Step) MPAS and Meter Installation Dates >= latest Meter Installation Dates in ECOES. Y N Fail (3) The MPAN is not disconnected and there is not a MOP appointment in MPAS. 10a2 11 F10a This is a meter removal flow AND [ A1 R8 Page 82 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Step 10b 11 Activity does not inadvertently overwrite new installations. This validation compares the 13D Group mandatory Meter Removal Date field with the maximum current Meter Installation Date in ECOES. Note: Where there is no Meter Installation Date currently in ECOES, the current Meter Installation Date is assumed to be Jan 1, 1900. The Meter Removal Date is > Y than the maximum current Meter Installation Date. The Meter Removal Date is not N > than the maximum current Meter Installation Date. Fail n/a Has the D0312 been cycled for 14 days? The D0312 has not been sent Y by the currently appointed MOP AND all the Meter Installation Dates are not within their appointment period. Place in the queue for N processing again tomorrow. Fail n/a Are all the new Meter Installation Dates <= file creation date in the header? Note: If no Meter Installation Date has been provided within any of the 12D Group(s), the validation will substitute with the file creation date in the header. The maximum Meter Y Installation Date of all the 12D Groups is on or before the file creation date in the file header. The maximum Meter N Installation Date of all the 12D Groups is not on or before the file creation date in the file header. Fail n/a Pre-Condition (Step) (10a) the MPAN is notdisconnected AND does not have a MOP appointment in MPAS OR (2a) the MPAN is disconnected ] Y N (8),(9) Meter update of nondisconnected MPAN with MOP appointments in MPAS and Meter Installation Dates >= latest Meter Installation Dates in ECOES AND (10) has not been sent from a valid MOP. R2 10 This is a meter update of a nondisconnected MPAN AND [ (10) has been sent from a valid MOP and the Meter Installation Date(s) are >= latest Meter Installation Dates in ECOES OR (10a) the MPAN does not have a MOP A2 R1 Fail Page 83 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Step 12 12b Activity Is the MOP who sent the D0312 file the same as the appointed MOP at Meter Removal Date or is the current appointed MOP? The D0312 has been sent by Y the currently appointed MOP OR The D0312 has not been sent by the currently appointed MOP but all Meter Removal Date falls within their appointment period. OR If the Meter Removal Date was before the first appointed MOP the validation will accept the D0312 if the sending MOP is the same as the first MOP appointed or is the current MOP. The D0312 has not been sent N by the currently appointed MOP AND all the Meter Removal Date is not within the sending MOP appointment period. Fail n/a Has the D0312 been cycled for 10 Working Days? The D0312 has not been sent Y by the currently appointed MOP AND all the Meter Installation Dates are not within their appointment period. Place in the queue for N processing again tomorrow. Fail n/a Pre-Condition (Step) appointment in MPAS. ] (4) This is a meter removal flow, the MPAN is not disconnected and there is a MOP appointment in MPAS. (4) This is a meter removal flow, the MPAN is not disconnected and there is a MOP appointment in MPAS AND (10) has not been sent from a valid MOP. Y N 10a2 12b R2 12 Fail Page 84 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx IV) Recorded Data All data shall be loaded (box 23) into a database, regardless of the outcome (see boxes 13 to 22). Only data that is associated with boxes 13 and 14 shall be displayed in ECOES, while the one that is to be displayed will be the latest one to be processed. The following data shall be recorded within the database: Where no meter is present – For each MPAN in Group 11D where there is no associated Group 12D (meter removal) there shall be one row recorded [A1 below] Where a Date of Meter Removal has been populated (indicating all meters have been removed) there will be one row recorded [A1 below] Where there are meters present – For all others (which will have a Group 12D) there shall be one row for every Group 12D. (A2, R1, R2, R3 & R4) For R2, if rejection is of a D0312 with group 12D populated then data items 12 to 15 will be populated and data item 16 not. If rejection is of a D0312 with group 13D populated then data item 16 will be populated and data items 12 to 15 not. Data items 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 shall always be present. All other data items shall be recorded where available Data item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Code3 MPAS MOP ID MPAS MOP EFD Supplier MPID at the time of submission of the D0312 Supplier EFD at the time of submission of the D0312 Registration Transaction Number GSP Group D0312 Sending MOP D0312 File ID D0312 File creation date D0312 MPAN D0312 Meter ID D0312 MAP D0312 Meter Type D0312 Meter Install date D0312 Meter Removal Date* Date that the D0312/Bulk File was processed A1 A2 R1 R2+ R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X* X* X* X* X* X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X * If applicable + Use of data items 12 to 16 for this error type depends upon if D0312 has group 12D or 13D populated. V) Data Retention within the Database All data that is described in section IV) of this Appendix shall be retained indefinitely, as this is a requirement for PPM processing. The latest data that is described in section IV) of this Appendix will be displayed within the ECOES application forms. 3 The codes are those identified in boxes 13 to 22 in the flowchart in section Appendix A)III). Page 85 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx VI) History Retention of Processed D0312 Files ECOES will retain the metering history from the D0312 files in a background table. VII) Reports Available online for download for 3 months following the report creation date. i) Purpose of Reports The database described in section IV) will be used to produce reports of rejected metering updates for Suppliers and Meter Operators. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that metering related details on ECOES are correct. However, it is anticipated that Suppliers will require their Meter Operators to carry out any required corrections relating to their appointment period where this involves sending further D0312s to ECOES, or directly updating the ECOES system, as described in section IX). ii) Report 1 Report name Recipient Frequency Delivery method Notes Report content Supplier Monthly Rejection Summary Report Supplier Monthly Downloaded from ECOES 1 Only suppliers who are affected by this report will have the report produced. Suppliers, who are unaffected, will have a nil return produced. 2 There will be a separate report per affected Supplier MPID. 3 The Supplier MPID will be the current Supplier as at the date of report execution. 4 The report shall summarise all such rejections relating to D0312 that have been processed during the previous calendar month. Count of D0312 transactions (Group 11D) that have failed validation by MOP, by rejection reason code. iii) Report 2 Report name Recipient Frequency Delivery method Notes Report content Supplier Detailed Rejection Report (R2 failures) Supplier Monthly Downloaded from ECOES Only suppliers who are affected by this report will have the report produced. Suppliers, who are unaffected will have a nil return produced. There will be a separate report per Supplier MPID. The Supplier MPID will be the current Supplier as at the date of report execution. The report shall detail all such rejections relating to D0312 that have been processed during the previous calendar month. Where the Meter has been removed, the Meter ID field will show as blank. Where the rejection reason code is R2: MPAN D0312 file ID MPID of MOP who submitted the D0312 MPID of MOP registered in MPAS Meter ID from the D0312 Date of meter installation from the D0312* Page 86 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Flag to indicate a manual correction has been made Date of Meter Removal* * For each rejection record, only one of “Date of meter installation” and “Date of Meter Removal” items will be reported. iv) Report 3 Report name Recipient Frequency Delivery method Notes Report content MOP Detailed Rejection Report MOP Daily Downloaded from ECOES 1 Only MOPs who are affected by this report will have the report produced. MOPs, who are unaffected, will have a nil return produced. 2 There will be a separate report per affected MOP MPID. 3 The MOP MPID will be that of the MOP who submitted the D0312. 4 The report shall detail all such rejections relating to D0312s that have been processed during the previous day. D0312 transactions (Group 11D) that have failed validation by rejection reason code. Rejection Code MPID of MOP sending the D0312 D0312 File ID D0312 File creation date D0312 MPAN D0312 Meter ID* D0312 MAP*D0312 Meter Type* D0312 Meter install date* Date of Meter Removal** Flag to indicate a manual correction has been made** *Not applicable where the meter has been removed ** If applicable i) Report 4 Report Name Recipient Frequency Delivery Method Notes Report Content No MOP appointed Supplier Monthly Downloaded from ECOES 1 2 3 Only Suppliers who are affected by this report will have the report produced. Suppliers, who are unaffected, will have a nil return produced. There will be a separate report per affected Supplier The MOP MPID will be that of the MOP who submitted the D0312 MPID of MOP sending the D0312 D0312 File ID D0312 File creation date D0312 MPAN D0312 Meter ID* D0312 MAP* D0312 Meter Type* D0312 Meter install date* *Not applicable where the meter has been removed Page 87 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx i) Report 5 Report Name Recipient Frequency Delivery Method Notes Report Content Meters installed but no Supplier MOP Monthly Downloaded from ECOES The report shall detail all D0312s that have been received with notification of a meter installation but where no supplier is recorded in ECOES. MPID of MOP sending the D0312 D0312 File ID D0312 File creation date D0312 MPAN D0312 Meter ID D0312 MAP D0312 Meter Type D0312 Meter install date ii) Report 6 Report Name Recipient Frequency Delivery Method Notes Report Content MPAN Invalid (Rejection Code R6) MOP Monthly Downloaded from ECOES The report shall detail all D0312s where the MPAN submitted on them is invalid. Rejection Code MPID of MOP sending the D0312 D0312 File ID D0312 File creation date D0312 MPAN D0312 Meter ID* D0312 MAP* D0312 Meter Type* D0312 Meter install date* *Not applicable where the meter has been removed iii) Delivery mechanism Monthly reports For reports that have a frequency of ‘monthly’, an email notification will be issued to Company Groups stating that there is a monthly report ready for downloading. A new privilege will be generated such that the Supplier and MOP MAU may grant access to other users within their own Company Group to have access to the pages where the monthly reports may be downloaded. Where this privilege is granted the user will be forced to enter an email address to which the notifications described above will be delivered. The email address will be editable by the user; however will always remain mandatory so long as the user has the privilege. Upon go-live of this new functionality, only the MAU will have this privilege set. The email that shall be used to populate this new email address field will be populated with the email address that is in ECOES for the MAU. Page 88 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Daily Reports For reports that have a frequency of ‘daily’, no email notification will be issued. A new privilege will be generated such that the Supplier and MOP MAU may grant access to other users within their own Company Group to have access to the pages where the daily reports may be downloaded. Upon go-live of this new functionality, only the MAU will have this privilege set. VIII) i) Acceptance and Implementation UAT The proposed approach for UAT is as follows: 1 Load the MOP appointment history data (to be sourced from each MPAS) 2 The MOP Bulk data files will be loaded into an empty database (with respect to MOP data) on a test server 3 A back-up shall be taken at this point in time (Restore Point 1) 4 D0312 files will be loaded using the Validation Procedures described in this document 5 MRA Parties will undertake or procure various user acceptance tests. (to be defined) 6 If any corrections are required to the Validation Procedures, once the code had changed and ready for UAT, the database will be restored back to Restore Point 1 (point 3 above) and the D0312 reapplied (4 above) using the revised Validation Procedures Any subsequent changes would go through this same loop as necessary. Reports will be available that are described in section VII) and will also be tested. ii) 8.2 Implementation Upon acceptance following UAT, C&C Group will arrange a date (weekend) when the change will move into the live environment. All MPAS providers will once again be required to, once again, provide the MOP Appointment History data. This will need to be executed on the same weekend by all MPAS. When the new validation rules are implemented, all metering data that has previously been sent to ECOES will be reloaded. Any reloaded records that are rejected will be reported to the Meter Operator that is the current Meter Operator at the time of the reload. IX) Method for correcting any D0312 data Where it is not possible to update ECOES by means of a D0312 flow, correction of any D0312 data will be manually carried out online in ECOES. This will be done via a new facility which will allow users to view meter serial number history for an MPAN (as submitted in historic D0312 data flows) and allow authorised MOP users to overwrite existing data via an online D0312 update form in order to make corrections. The MAUs for MOP will have the authority to set up multiple users with access to update ECOES data online. The following safeguard protocols will be in place: Only the Current MOP, as shown in ECOES, will have the authority to manually update current and historic metering information Page 89 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Any previous MOP will have the authority to update historic metering information provided it relates only to the period for which they were the appointed MOP in ECOES. The D0312 online correction facility will validate the MPID of any MOP attempting to correct the data. This is to ensure that only information relating to that MOPs appointment can be updated. A record of the user manually updating D0312 data will be created and a report produced on a monthly basis to Suppliers detailing what information has been updated When completing the update form the user will be able to view a record of the meter history held on ECOES. The user will be able to overwrite historical data in order to correct it or to insert current or historic data in the appropriate order. The manually updated data in ECOES will be flagged as such. X) Validation of Manual Updates ECOES will contain the following validation: The meter type must be one of a valid dataset The MAP MPID must be one of a valid dataset determined from MDD The meter installation date cannot be a date in the future Note: All of the above may be null if the Meter Serial is “none installed”. Logic on the ECOES form will enforce this. XI) Error Correction 1 Where the MOP receiving the error report has a current appointment as MOP on its own system, and is shown as the current MOP on ECOES, then the MOP should check that the current metering data shown on ECOES is correct. If it is not, the MOP should either submit a new D0312 containing the correct data (assuming that this flow will pass the validation rules) or should update the records manually in ECOES using the update form. Where it is necessary to correct invalid data sent to other participants, new D0149/D0150 or D0268 flows should be sent to Supplier, DC and Distributor. 2 Where the MOP receiving the error report has a current appointment as MOP on its own system, but it is not shown as the current MOP on ECOES, then after checking that no D0151 has already been received, it should contact the Supplier shown on ECOES to ascertain if it is the current MOP or not. 3 If it is then the Supplier must update the registration data on MPAS with a D0205. Following this, the Supplier will contact the MOP and ask them to resolve the query as per part 1 above. 4 If it is not then the MOP will need to ask the Supplier who has appointed them to send a D0151 to de-appoint them. The current Supplier will then need to ensure that their appointed MOP is in possession of the correct Meter Technical Details for the MPAN and will need to instruct the current MOP to acquire them from the old agent with a D0170 if they are not. Following this, the correct current MOP will need to ensure that ECOES and other market participants are in possession of the correct Meter Technical Details. NB: Large batches of exceptions (identified through the re-processing exercise) could be dealt with as one-off data cleansing exercises. Page 90 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx XII) Ongoing Requirements Following the reload of data, new D0312s will be validated on a daily basis for 10 working days, before being processed. Any records that are rejected during daily processing will be reported to the Meter Operator that sent the D0312. Page 91 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Appendix F) MAP14 PPM Payments Allocation The use of ECOES for MAP14 bulk transaction files is described in Appendix 6 of MAP14. Users should refer to MAP14 for full details governance rules. I) MAP14 Transaction Files i) Flow Description Flow Name: MAP 14 File Flow Description: To provide data to ECOES to determine Supplier registration details for MPAN and/or meter serial number on the Customer Payment Date quoted within the file, and for those details to be returned. Flow Ownership: MRA From PPMIP To ECOES PPMIP ECOES Data Items: Reference J0527 J0848 E0001 J0049 E0002 J0004 E0003 J0003 E0004 J0483 E0005 E0006 J0084 Item Name Customer Payment Date Date of Meter Installation ECOES Data Effective From Settlement Date{REGI} File Reference Meter Id (Serial Number) MPAN on ECOES MPAN Core Meter on ECOES Meter Type Number of M Records PPMIP Id Supplier Id Flow Structure: Group Group Description Range Condition L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 Item Name H Header G 1 1 1 M PPMIP Data 1-* PPMIP Id File Reference G O O 1 O A MPAN 0-* Registration Data MPAN Core Meter Id (Serial Number) Customer Payment Date ECOES Data G O O O O O Supplier Id Effective From Settlement Date{REGI} Meter Id (Serial Number) Meter Type Date of Meter Installation Page 92 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx B Meter Id (Serial 0-* Number) Registration Data 1 MPAN on ECOES O O O MPAN Core Supplier Id Effective From Settlement Date{REGI} Meter Type Date of Meter Installation Meter on ECOES G O O 1 F Footer 1 G 1 Notes: Number of M Records Although MPAN Core and Meter Id (Serial Number) are noted as optional in Group M at least one of these data items must be populated. Groups A and B must not be populated in a file sent to ECOES by a PPMIP. In Group A where MPAN Core on ECOES indicates that registration data had been located then all data items in this Group except Date of Meter Installation are mandatory. In Group B where Meter Id (Serial Number) on ECOES indicates that registration data had been located then all data items in this Group except Date of Meter Installation are mandatory. The MPAN Core in Group A may be different to that in Group B. In Group A there may be instances where more than one Meter Id (Serial Number) is registered at an MPAN Core. In Group B there may be more than one MPAN Core registered against a Meter Id Serial Number. ii) MAP14 Data Item Names and Descriptions Item Name Item Reference Item Ownership Item Description Valid Set ECOES Data E0001 MRA Details if ECOES has been able to find registration details for MPAN Core and/or Meter Id (Serial Number) on Customer Payment Date. Values are: 0 No registration details found on ECOES 1 Registration details found on ECOES Validation Logical Format Physical Length Notes As Valid Set Item Name Item Reference Item Ownership Item Description Valid Set File Reference Validation Logical Format Physical Length INT(1) 1 Data item is only used in response files. Where value is set to 1, then at least one of Group A or B must be available in response file. E0002 MRA A reference to be used in filenames returned by ECOES. Any alpha and/or numeric characters where alpha characters are in the standard English language set plus underscore (_) character. As Valid Set CHAR(13) 13 Page 93 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Notes Item can be any length up to 13 characters. Item Name Item Reference Item Ownership Item Description MPAN on ECOES Valid Set E0003 MRA Details if ECOES has been able to find registration details for MPAN Core on Customer Payment Date. Values are: 0 No registration details found on ECOES for MPAN Core 1 Registration details found on ECOES for MPAN Core Validation Logical Format Physical Length Notes As Valid Set Item Name Item Reference Item Ownership Item Description Meter on ECOES Valid Set INT(1) 1 E0004 MRA Details if ECOES has been able to find registration details for Meter Id (Serial Number) on Customer Payment Date. Values are: 0 No registration details found on ECOES for Meter 1 Registration details found on ECOES for Meter Validation Logical Format Physical Length Notes As Valid Set Item Name Item Reference Item Ownership Item Description Valid Set Validation Logical Format Physical Length Notes Number of M Records Item Name Item Reference Item Ownership Item Description Valid Set Validation Logical Format Physical Length Notes PPMIP Id INT(1) 1 E0005 MRA Number of M groups in file. Any within constraints of format, up to a maximum number of 100000. As Valid Set INT(6) 6 Maximum number can be amended by change request. E0006 MRA The unique market-wide reference for a PPMIP Market Participant. As defined within Market Domain Data. As Valid Set and Exists CHAR(4) 4 Page 94 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx iii) File and Flow Examples Example of file sent by PPMIP, called EELCFile00000001.ppm H|EELC|EELC_00000001| M|1000000000001||20080630|| M|1000000000002||20080628|| M|1000000000003|M01Z00001|20080630|| M|1000000000004|M01Z00002|20080629|| M|1000000000005|M01Z00005|20080630|| M||M01Z00003|20080630|| M||M01Z00004|20080630|| F|7| Example of validation file from ecoes in response to above Filename: PASS_ EELCFile00000001.ppm File details: EELC_00000001 Example of file from ecoes in response to above, named EELC_00000001_EELCFile00000001_20080701.ppm H|EELC|EELC_00000001| M|1000000000001||20080630|0| M|1000000000002||20080628|1| A|EMEB|20020401|M03P12345|K|20030512|1| M|1000000000003|M01Z00001|20080630|1| A|SOUT|20051226|M02P234567|T|20061212|1| B|1000000000007|SOUT|20030425|K|20040212|1| M|1000000000004|M01Z00002|20080629|1| A|LOND|19980211|M98Z45678|K|20020512|1| B|1000000000009|NEEB|20070812|K|20080525|1| B|1000000000010|YELG|20060115|N|20071111|1| M|1000000000005|M01Z00005|20080630|1| A|SEEB|20061031|M97Z89450|K|20070213|1| A|SEEB|20061031|M02Z00005|K|20080624|1| M||M01Z00003|20080630|1| B|1000000000008|SPOW|20080505|T|20080505|1| M||M01Z00004|20080630|0| F|7| Example of file sent by PPMIP, called EELCFile00000002.ppm H|EELC|EELC-00000002|| M|1000000000001||20080630|| M|||20080628|| M|1000000000003|M01Z00001|20080630|| M|1000000000004|M01Z00002|20080629|| M|1000000000005|M01Z00005|20080630|| M|||20080630|| M||M01Z00004|20080630|| Page 95 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx M||M02Z00001|20080630|1| F|9| Example of validation file from ECOES in response to above Filename: FAIL_ EELCFile00000002.ppm File details: EELC_00000002 R03|The header (Group H) is not comprised of correct components or the values submitted are invalid| R04|Incorrect Group M data|M|||20080628|| R04|Incorrect Group M data|M|||20080630|| R04|Incorrect Group M data|M||M02Z00001|20080630|1| R05|The footer (Group F) is not comprised of correct components or the values submitted are invalid| II) Additional Filtering for Pre-Payment Transaction Allocation i) Filtering the PPMIP File Sent to ECOES The following logic shall happen within ECOES prior to returning registration details for MPAN and/or Meter Serial Number on the Customer Payment Date quoted within the file send by PPMIPs: ECOES will identify any instances where multiple MSNs exist for a single entry on the PPMIP file. In these cases ECOES will perform the following two validation processes: → → If there exists any Meters in the set of returned instances which are Credit Meters (Meter Type N or H), ECOES will disregard these from the set of returned records If the Transactions Routing Flag (TFR) detailed in section ii) below, is agreed then only that record shall be returned. ii) Transaction Routing Flag A TFR will be held in ECOES and will be the result of Suppliers agreeing, in situations where multiple MSNs involving Pre-payment Meters exist, which Supplier is entitled to the transactions related to that MSN. A TFR can be attributed to any MSN in ECOES where multiple records of an MSN exist. Suppliers will agree a TFR via a new screen. The Supplier MAU will need to log in to this screen and search for the MSN. ECOES will search for that MSN and identify if the MSN is valid for a TFR, i.e. more than one record with that MSN. The Supplier will then be able to declare „Not Responsible‟ – i.e. the Supplier believes it has no legitimate claim for the transactions associated with that MSN. ECOES will hold „No Decision‟ – i.e. blank - as a default value for all Suppliers until the point where a Supplier logs in and changes the status. Page 96 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx If a TRF status is set on an MSN with no duplicate in ECOES, ECOES shall disregard the status and return the sole Supplier associate with the MSN. ECOES will retain the date and user details associated with the amendment of a status change. A TFR will be occur in ECOES only when all Suppliers have determined they are “Not Responsible” for an MSN and there is only one Supplier with the no status set. iii) Removing a Transactions Routing Flag If new information becomes available to any Supplier involved with a TFR, the Supplier my change its status at any point. This will have the effect of removing the TFR until the Suppliers involved agree a solution. On a Change of Supplier (CoS) event, any existing TFR will be removed if the outgoing Supplier had its status set to Not Responsible. The incoming Supplier will have its status for that MSN set to “No Decision”. A notification to all Suppliers involved with the existing TFR will be sent via email, to the MAU, of the removal of the existing TFR. A new existing TFR can be instated by the incoming Supplier setting the status to the same as the outgoing Supplier. III) Meter Matching in PPMIP Allocation Process i) Purpose The purpose of this section is to describe the matching procedure in ECOES. It outlines the process of matching of the Meter Serial Number provided by a PPMIP with the Meter information held in ECOES. ii) Definitions Acronym MPAN MSN Term Algorithm Metering Point Administration Number Meter Serial Number Non - Alphanumeric Characters Valid Characters Definition A matching routine in ECOES. The MPAN Core (J0003). The Meter ID (Serial Number) (J0004) Any characters that are not 09, A-Z and a-z. Characters 0-9, A-Z and a-z. iii) Meter Serial Number Matching As detailed in the MAP 14 - Procedure for the Allocation of PPM Payments Transacted Against an Incorrect Device, section 2.6, PPMIP shall send MSN, MPAN and Customer Payment Date to ECOES and ECOES shall seek to match the MSN provided by the PPMIP with the MSN in ECOES, provided by the MOPs via D0312 flow. Page 97 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx In all instances, for the MSNs provided by a PPMIP, ECOES will perform a matching routine (“Algorithm”) where an exact match, character by character, will be sought. When an exact match is found, ECOES will return to PPMIP the information associated with this MSN regardless the meter type. In all instances, ECOES will perform a series of matching routines (“Algorithms”) to try and identify the correct MSN. If after applying the Algorithms to the MSN, provided by a PPMIP, a match is found, ECOES will return the information associated with this MSN to the PPMIP. If after applying the Algorithms to the MSN, provided by a PPMIP, a match is not found, but the information returned from ECOES shows that the MPAN is registered with one or more MSNs and provides a Supplier ID, then the process detailed in the MAP 14 – Appendix 2, section 5.1.2 should be followed. If neither the MSN nor MPAN can be found on ECOES, transaction shall be classed as ‘Unallocated’, and the process outlined in MAP 14 section 2.7 should be followed. iv) Algorithms Algorithm 0 – Exact Match The Meter Serial Number provided by the PPMIP must match exactly, character for character, with that in ECOES, Algorithm 1 – Remove all Non-Alphanumeric Characters Algorithm 1 will remove any character that is not A-Z and 0-9 from the Meter Serial Number. For example, all of the following will be treated as ‘ABC1234’ Meter ID ‘ABC_1234’ ‘ ABC1234’ ‘ABC1234 ' ’AB_C1234.’ ‘AB.C.1234’ Will be treated as ‘ABC1234’ ‘ABC1234’ ‘ABC1234’ ‘ABC1234’ ‘ABC1234’ Note Algorithm 2 – Alpha instead of Numeric used For Meter Serial Numbers that are intended to be 9 characters in length and conform to the following pattern: X99X99999 Where, X is an alpha character (A-Z) 9 is a numeric value (0-9) Replace the letters with digits where it is a numeric field, replacing: O with 0 I with 1 S with 5 Notes: All non-alphanumeric characters will be removed for this algorithm. Page 98 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Algorithm 3 – Extra Zero after Board Code For Meter IDs are intended to be 9 characters in length and conform to the following patterns: a X b 99 c X d 99999 Where, X is an alpha character (A-Z) 9 is a numeric value (0-9) After removing all non-alphanumeric characters, Meter Serial Numbers whose character count is greater than 9 and element d is greater than 5 characters in length, remove any left padding zero characters such that element d is 5 characters in length. For example, Meter ID S98L012345 S98L0012345 S98L067890 S 98-L_067890 F97S1234 F97S123456 Will be treated as S98L12345 S98L12345 S98L67890 S98L67890 F97S1234 F97S123456 Note No change No change Notes: All non-alphanumeric characters will be removed for this algorithm. Algorithm 4 – missing zero after Board Code For Meter IDs are intended to be 9 characters in length and conform to the following patterns: a X b 99 c X d 99999 Where, X is an alpha character (A-Z) 9 is a numeric value (0-9) After removing all non-alphanumeric characters, Meter Serial Numbers whose character count is less than 9 and element d is less than 5 characters in length, add left padding zero characters such that element d is 5 characters in length. For example, Meter ID S98L1234 S98L12 S98L0012 S 98-L_6789 F97S01234 F97S123456 Will be treated as S98L01234 S98L00012 S98L00012 S98L06789 F97S01234 F97S123456 Note No change No change Notes: All non-alphanumeric characters will be removed for this algorithm. Page 99 of 100 ECOES User Requirements Specification (URS) v1.1 Draft.docx Algorithm 8 – Missing ‘B’ Board Code Remove all Meter ID non-alphanumeric characters. Where the Meter ID is 8 characters in length, and the 4th character from the left is not an alpha, insert character B into character position 4, making the Meter ID 9 characters in length. For example, S0612345 will be treated as S06B12345 Algorithm 10 – apply algorithms 1, 2, 3, 4 & 8 Apply algorithms 1,2,3,4 & 8 as defined above. Page 100 of 100
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