March, 2014 Volume 4, Issue III March, 2014 buzz 1 DREAM TEAM inbrief buzz DR PRASHANT BHALLA WINS TRAILBLAZER AWARD PAGE 3 FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ORGANIZED IDEACRACY-II PAGE 4 THE MUSIC BAND – DIVERGING DREAMS PAGE 5 SEEKING A SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FUTURE PAGE 6 LAURELS AT IIT KHARAGPUR OF MEMBERS FOR DR O.P.BHALLA INNOVATION AND INCUBATION CENTRE PAGE 7 THE 7TH CORPORATE CRICKET CHALLENGE CUP PAGE 8 STUDENTS FROM MANAV RACHNA DENTAL COLLEGE SHINE IN INTER-COLLEGIATE COMPETITIONS PAGE 15 MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE FORM OF ARTICLES Campus Buzz welcomes articles, viewpoints on any topic which you may want to discuss with your friends and colleagues. It is your newspaper so let’s make it interactive. Send your articles to [email protected] Left to right: Manila, Nidhi, Karan, , Darpan, Rakesh, Manasvi, Yugank, Mohit and Nitesh D reaming is flying, they say: at the Manav Rachna Institutions, a group of youngsters have seen dreams of a different kind being fulfilled. They have been employed by their very own Institutions as an endeavor by the Management to make the youngsters the pride and heart of the Institution. The youth who were once students now find themselves interacting, involving and connecting with their junior colleagues to help them cross over steps which they once found difficult to tread. Pass-outs have been employed as research assistants, co-ordinators and each has a joyful story to tell. Read on to share the experiences of the youngistaan which forms the dream team. A team which is all praises for the facilities provided by the Management which has made working a true pleasure at the University centres Nidhi Kukreja ‘the dream girl’ for many when she acted as ‘Rachna’ in the short film Meri College Life. The Management saw the spark in this level-headed, hard working young lady and she reaped the results of her sincere work when they offered her an employment as Co-ordinator for students’ welfare. This graduate who had communications as one of her subjects is thoroughly enjoying her job. She says, “It is an absolutely different feeling being on the other side of the table. I was a student a few months ago and now I am trying to rope in my junior colleagues to activities which interest them. It’s challenging and yet satisfying,” says the smiling youngster. Taking the smiles further is Manila Gambhir who is a pass-out from EC Electronics from the 2013 batch and is now Co-ordinator Corporate Relations (MRCE). “I am grateful to the Management to give me this opportunity to be in the University in the capacity of a co-ordinator. It’s a great feeling to be able to give back to the University which has shaped us into better human beings besides giving us knowledge and now giving us an opportunity to be employed, ”says this newly appointed young lady. For Karan Narula, Nitesh Karnwal, Amit Kumar and Darpan Vats, all students from FET 2013 batch have a different portfolio which they have been assigned by the Management. They are all serving as Research Assistants at the Dr O.P.Bhalla Innovation and Incubation Centre. “We have been given this great opportunity by the Management to look for new ideas and encourage students into thinking creatively,” says Karan Narula. Nitesh Karanwal adds, “I am thoroughly enjoying putting my creative and innovative talent to its best. The Management has given us a huge platform where there is freedom to think beyond the ordinary.” The youth who were once students now find themselves interacting, involving and connecting with their junior colleagues to help them cross over steps which they once found difficult to tread Devoting a huge amount of time in looking for new ideas and doing research on different existing projects is the need of the hour, say these young Research Assistants. “Start imagining and step out of the world around you,” says Professor B.S.Gill who has been the mentor for these youngsters as students or now when they are employed as research assistants. ‘’It is a blessing to have the support of the Management and the guidance of our mentor. Now when we shoulder a different responsibility we feel accountable,” say Yugank Rastogi and Rakesh Sethi who are also Research Assistants. “Our responsibility now is to get more and more students into our team and teach them to think big and learn big,” says Amit Kumar,Yugank Rastogi and Rakesh Sethi who are now enjoying being Research Assistants. Mohit Bahl and Manaswi have a younger lot of students to deal with. They are guiding Manav Rachna school students in Robotics. Their tasks involve conducting school aspirants to nurture their creative minds and capture the world of innovation and new findings. The youngsters are all praises for the working environment which the Management has provided so that young minds can work 24x7. Work in an atmosphere which is relaxed. Whether it is music round the clock you may need to concentrate on or a quick bite to feed the hunger of imagination – it’s all there at the Dr.O.P.Bhalla Innovation and Incubation Centre. “The young minds have just to grab the opportunities which they can capture through their creative instinct, “ say Dr Prashant Bhalla, Chancellor and Dr Amit Bhalla,Vice President Vidyantariksha, who have given these youngsters a free hand to put their creative thoughts into action. These young Research Assistants believe that there is need for vision and there is information all around but how one tackles this knowledge is what makes the difference. These creative minds have the following vision in mind: a) Motivate more and more students to join the Innovation and Incubation centre. Encourage them to look beyond the ordinary and come up with new ideas for creating new projects b) File 3 patents in a month. At present they are working on more than 15 projects c) Inspire students to take advantage of the grants which the Management is ready to fund for deserving projects. d) Arouse the curiosity in students to participate in national and international competitions through their creative projects. INSPIRATIONBUZZ ‘EDUCATION GIVES WOMEN A VOICE AND CONFIDENCE TO MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS’ unwanted member of the family but an asset who has the right to education and equal opportunities. How can we build a better world for the girl child where she has the right to education among other basic needs? On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2014 Mrs Satya Bhalla, Chief Patron, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions, sends out a message to the strong women fraternity. She urges them to pledge to educate the girl child, to empower women to assert for their rights and create a world of strength and safety to make a difference to society. Campus Buzz talked to Mrs Bhalla As the World celebrates International Women’s day on 8 March, do you think we need to focus our energies on the education of the girl child? As it has been rightly said that the women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights. Hence, women’s rights and women’s empowerment is not just a feminist issue, it is everybody’s issue, be they the father of a girl child, an educationist, activist or individuals in positions of authority and influence. Having said that, the education of the girl child begins at home. It is time to wake up to the reality that the girl child is not an When we look at the education of the girl child, we have to consider the fact that ours is a developing nation where there are many who are too poor to send their children to school. Many students drop out since their parents cannot afford to provide uniforms, textbooks, school bags and school fees. In such a scenario, the girl child is right at the bottom of the priority list. If parents are counselled to send their children to school, a special emphasis has to be given on the importance of educating the girl in the family. She is neither a decorative object nor a helping hand who has no role beyond tending the home and the hearth. A girl’s inequality and illiteracy is linked to several other social issues: how else does one explain instances of dowry where the girl is more of a burden and the helpless victim, forever at the receiving end? Education gives women a voice and the confidence to make informed decisions and choices. If we want to create a better world for the girl child, we should also work for the eradication of poverty and ignorance. Our men should be counseled and taught a thing or two about life—the fact that they should not take women for granted and she deserves respect wherever she goes. I think we need to educate our men more even as we go about the been subjected to varying degrees of violation does not speak of a progressive but a regressive society. But then, on a more optimistic note, our country is noted for some remarkable women who have made a huge difference to the way we think and believe.When I think of Kiran Bedi, Indra Nooyi, Chhanda Kochhar, my heart fills with joy and immeasurable pride. If we have them as our role models, we know that the day is not far when our girl children will be aspiring to follow in their footsteps. Education would be their tool to a better tomorrow. Let us not rob them of that right. In a country which deifies Goddesses and worships shakti, true empowerment of the women lies in giving education to the girl child. If we educate a man, we educate an individual, but when we educate the girl child, we educate a family. Let us pledge to protect her rights and give her the gift of education: it is after all a lifelong asset that would teach her to hold her head high. Do you think that International Women’s Day can actually create awareness about women’s rights or is it just a lot of marketing hype to sell products and services? If we can have a Father’s Day, a Mother’s Day, a Friendship Day, then why not a Women’s Day? At least it puts the spotlight on women for a change. At a more practical level, it serves to act as a kind of wake up call for all of us. In this age of eroding values, we are becoming increasingly skeptical about our famil- The education of the girl child begins at home. It is time to wake up to the reality that the girl child is not an unwanted member of the family but an asset who has the right to education and equal opportunities task of educating our girl child. The initiatives and efforts should come from all quarters. Like I said before, we cannot look at the issue in isolation, it is after all quite deep rooted. In this age of consumerism and globalization, do you notice a change in attitudes towards women? After all, we have come a long way from the time when women were in purdah? Yes, we do have women forging ahead in their careers, but their percentage is miniscule. That besides, the recent spate of incidents where women have ial bonds and relationships.We need a Women’s Day to create awareness about women and her role and significance in society. Everyone is so caught up with the stresses of day to day living, we need to take time out to think about women in particular. If it also means pampering her in the process, then I am all for it. In my eyes, Women’s Day is Sensitisation Day where we can all do our bit to change the destiny of women’s lives. Her shame is our shame, her neglect is our neglect. Let us learn to take responsibility for the way we treat our women in this country. March, 2014 2 BIT-COIN A new kind of money is an innovative payment network • Bitcoin is still experimental Bitcoin is an experimental new currency that is in active development. Although it becomes less experimental as usage grows, you should keep in mind that Bitcoin is a new invention that is exploring ideas that have never been attempted before. As such, its future cannot be predicted by anyone. • How to use Bitcoin Inform yourself Bitcoin is different than what you know and use every day. Before you start using Bitcoin, there are a few things that you need to know in order to use it securely and avoid common pitfalls. Choose your wallet You can bring a Bitcoin wallet in your everyday life with your mobile or you can have a wallet only for online payments on your computer. In any case, choosing your wallet can be done in a minute. Get bitcoins You can get bitcoins by accepting them as a payment for goods and services or by buying them from a friend or someone near you.You can also buy them directly from an exchange with your bank account. Spend bitcoins There is a growing number of services and merchants accepting Bitcoin all over the world.You can use Bitcoin to pay them and rate your experience to help honest businesses to gain more visibility. How to accept Bitcoin Inform yourself Bitcoin does not require merchants to change their habits. However, Bitcoin is different than what you know and use every day. Before you start using Bitcoin, there are a few things that you need to know in order to use it securely and avoid common pitfalls. Processing payments You can process payments and invoices by yourself or you can use merchant services and deposit money in your local currency or bitcoins. Most point of sales businesses use a tablet or a mobile phone to let customers pay with their mobile phones. Gaining visibility There is a growing number of users searching for ways to spend their bitcoins.You can submit your business in online directories to help them easily find you.You can also display the Bitcoin logo on your website or your brick and mortar business. How does Bitcoin work? This is a question that often causes confusion. Here’s a quick explanation!’ The basics for a new user As a new user, you can get started with Bitcoin without understanding the technical details. Once you have installed a Bitcoin wallet on your computer or mobile phone, it will generate your first Bitcoin address and you can create more whenever you need one.You can disclose your addresses to your friends so that they can pay you or vice versa. In fact, this is pretty similar to how email works, except that Bitcoin addresses should only be used once. Control against fraud An unprecedented level of security is possible with Bitcoin. The network provides users with protection against most prevalent frauds like chargebacks or unwanted charges, and bitcoins are impossible to counterfeit. Users can backup or encrypt their wallet and hardware wallets could make it very difficult to steal or lose money in the future. Bitcoin is designed to allow its users to have complete control over their money. Global accessibility All payments in the world can be fully interoperable. Bitcoin allows any bank, business or individual to securely send and receive payments anywhere at any time, with or without a bank account. Bitcoin is available in a large number of countries that still remain out of reach for most payment systems due to their own limitations. Bitcoin increases global access to commerce and it can help international trades to flourish. Multi-signature accounts Multiple signatures allow a transaction to be accepted by the network only if a certain number of a defined group of persons agree to sign the transaction. If you want to work on International Engineer Federation Virtual Currency Project do contact on akash@ || +91-11-654-2-4321 Compiled By: AkashMandal General Secretary International Engineer Federation New Delhi, India. The information is from Wikipedia and other bit-coin related websites, and also from my blog http://iengf. com/ as well as personnel thoughts as I am working on a new concept of virtual money, says Aakash . AWARDSBUZZ TRAILBLAZER AWARD FROM TIMES OF INDIA Dr Prashant Bhalla, Chancellor Manav Rachna International University, was selected for the prestigious Trailblazer Award for his outstanding contribution in the field of education. C elebrating the success of distinguished achievers in the Delhi-NCR region, The Times of India on the occasion of its completion of 175 years of operation, launched its second edition of Trailblazers 2014 at The Lalit Hotel, New Delhi. Dr Prashant Bhalla, Manav Rachna International University, was selected for the prestigious Trailblazer Award for his outstanding contribution in the field of education. The Award was jointly received by Professor Suresh Bedi (Director, Quality Assurance and Centre for Continuing and Distance Education) and Mr Sandeep Cornelius (AGM, Marketing) on behalf of Dr Prashant Bhalla. Under the dynamic and spirited leadership of Dr Prashant Bhalla, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions has taken long strides and made stupendous progress in diverse fields of school and higher education. Whether it is technical, professional or general fields the Manav Rachna Educational Institutions has left a notch on the education map Today, the Manav Rachna group symbolizes high quality of education and is the preferred choice of students. Earlier, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions was honoured as “Asia’s Most Promising Brand for Innovation and Leadership in Education” 2012 – 2013 in Dubai. Dr Prashant Bhalla received the award for Excellence in Leadership for Education at the said event. At the recently organized Trailblazers 2014 Award ceremony, Mr Annu Kapoor, noted film and TV personality and Dr A. Didar Singh, General Secretary, FICCI, were the chief guests who gave away the awards. March, 2014 3 ASSOCHAM EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARD FOR MRIU FOR PROMOTING RESEARCH Manav Rachna International University won the Best Private University Promoting Research award in education at the ASSOCHAM Education Excellence Awards ceremony. Dr N.C. Wadhwa, Vice Chancellor, MRIU received the award from Padma Vibhushan Dr Karan Singh W ith categories in Science & Technology, Higher Education, Best University Campus, Best Innovative University and Best Private University, the ASSOCHAM Awards attracted no less than 465 entries from across different schools and universities of the country. Speaking on the occasion, Padma Vibhushan Dr Karan Singh, a member of the Rajya Sabha and ex-governor of Jammu & Kashmir, who was the chief guest at the event said, “Education is by far the most significant and noblest of all the human undertakings. This involves transmission of values.” He stated further that education should not be just technical but value-based. Dr Karan Singh also called for the need for “clean and green universities” and the fact that we should develop the inner capacities of the students since we are engaged in the building of a new India where the emphasis, he said, should be on education. “We have always believed in investing our time, energy and resources at developing new products and inventions. Innovation has been the keyword at all our Institutions and we leave no stone Our students have done the University proud with inventions like the Smart Skull, Pick and Place Robot, Driver Fitness Tester, Smart Bin, Pills Box and many more unturned to provide the best of facilities for research and development,” said Dr Prashant Bhalla, Chancellor MRIU while expressing his happiness at receiving the prestigious award. He also expressed that our Founder Visionary, Dr O.P.Bhalla would have been delighted to acknowledge this award since Research and Development was his vision to a modern era. He believed that the youth of the country is our backbone and when given the opportunity and the facilities they can go a long way in contribution to new ideas and innovations. It is these innovations which will take our country to greater heights he always emphasized. Manav Rachna International University’s win is a reaffirmation of its undertakings in the field of research, particularly in the departments of Engineering and Technology, Biotechnology and Applied Sciences.The state-of-the-art Innovation and Incubation Centre is a platform for students and Faculty members to horn their talent for innovations. Our students have done the University proud with inventions like the Smart Skull (nominated for the Wearable Technologies Conference at Munich, Germany), Pick and Place Robot, Driver Fitness Tester, Smart Bin, Pills Box and many more. At the India International Trade Fair held in Pragati Maidan a few months back, His Excellency, Governor of Haryana, Shri Jagannath Pahadiya and Mr Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Chief Minister of Haryana, were greatly impressed with the robotic and electronics creations of the MRIU students. DR PRASHANT BHALLA NAV BHARAT TIMES HONOURS AS BRAND AMBASSADOR FOR ‘FARIDABAD RISING’ L auding luminaries in the field of Education and Sport, the Nav Bharat Times (NBT) chose Dr Prashant Bhalla, Chancellor, Manav Rachna International University, as the Brand Ambassador in Education as part of its ‘Faridabad Rising’ initiative. The recognition, which is a hallmark of his commitment to the quality education movement in Faridabad, further reaffirms his exemplary contribution in making Manav Rachna Educational Institutions a world class and vibrant educational entity. At a Round Table Meet organized on February 16, 2014, in Park Plaza Hotel, Faridabad, NBT invited eminent personalities from the world of Education and Sports to express their views and opinions in the said fields. Police Commissioner Mr A.S. Chawla was present on the occasion as chief guest. While Dr Prashant Bhalla was nominated as the Brand Ambassador in Education, Anisa Sayyed, double gold medalist in shooting at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, was selected as the Brand Amabassador in Sports. Speaking on the occasion, Chancellor Dr Prashant Bhalla, paid rich tributes to the enduring legacy of Late Dr O.P. Bhalla, founder visionary of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions. He expressed admiration for his father’s visionary mission and zeal, his tremendous foresight that has made Manav Rachna what it is today. He stated further that educational institutions should not just fulfill academic goals and aspirations but help in eradication of social evils. Dr Prashant Bhalla also felt that books alone cannot foster holistic development among students and emphasized upon the need for extracurricular activities for giving ‘’ Educational institutions should not just fulfill academic goals and aspirations but help in eradication of social evils Dr Prashant Bhalla, Chancellor, MRIU vent to their creativity and skills. He believed that if in some ways we have not come up to the desired level of expectations in the field of education, it is essentially because of a lack of a distinct and original line of thinking-- a thinking that was envisioned by late Dr O.P. Bhalla many years ago. Dr Prashant Bhalla also said that it was important for institutions to come together and work towards a common goal and direction, thus securing Faridabad’s place in the annals of the nation. In the IT sector too, there is ample scope for improvement and growth in Faridabad, Dr Bhalla added. His ideas were echoed by Dr C.B. Rawal, Chairman of the Rawal Group of Institutions, who called for the need to set up IT colleges at the district level equipped with the latest facilities and technology. Mr A.S. Chawla expressed that Faridabad should establish itself not just as an educational hub but as a centre of excellence. Schools should impart not just bookish knowledge but good ethics, morals and values. NEW IDEASBUZZ March, 2014 THOUGHTS THAT MATTER IDEACRACY-II 2014 This column is dedicated to our Founder Visionary Dr O.P. Bhalla Dr. M. M.Kathuria Whether one is an advocate, a doctor or a porter, The inner personality factors are the same. The education obtained; the apprentership undergone and the profession perused are the only differences. They are all over community of man but in their outer description and address each differ from all others. Similarly life is the same everywhere but the expression of life manifested through each one of them differs from the other. Whatever be the physical scope and form, name or caste, whatever be the emotional beauty or intellectual grasp exhibited, the Atman is the same everywhere in all creatures. The life giving truth in the varied existence of things is the one reality which equally thrills the entire panorama of things persons and personalities. It remains inaffected by and attached to all outward marks always a dispassionate observer of the endless Creative minds at work It’s all about ideas at the Manav Rachna International University. ‘Ideacracy-II’-2014, was an expression of new ideas by the students and Faculty under a unlimited horizon. This event not only allowed ingenious ideas to take a brand new angle but was enjoyed by participants, dignitaries and visitors to the colourful and creative show --- T he Faculty of International Programmes held ‘Ideacracy-II’-2014 at the Central Lawn of Manav Rachna International University on January 23, 2014. The event invited ideas from students from all departments and the Faculty members to showcase their creative talent through different ideas. They were given an infinite scope to showcase any idea they wanted to. There was no particular theme for any of the categories. An opportunity to truly go as you wanted to. The events therefore varied in type and style . Each participant got an opportunity to showcase what he/ she desired to. Whether it was music, dance, theatre or exhibiting one’s hobby like stamp collection, there was participation from all walks of interest. The event began on a patriotic note with Priyanka Verma, a Faculty member singing vande mataram in her melodious voice. Students performed folk dances and nukkad natak preaching against corruption and the spectators watched with lot of interest since these nukkad nataks focused on day-to-day issues. A poster making competition saw students make posters on just any subject : there was no theme or topic given to them. There was also an essay competition once again without a stipulated theme which meant writers could just pen their thoughts on whatever interested or concerned them. Those who had planned ahead for the great event, had put their handicrafts into shape. Whether it was colourful vases or decorative candles, the items on sale were both attractive and reasonably priced. This also gave an insight into the art and craft which so many are good at. The garden stall therefore had articles made by the students and Faculty. There was an IT centre where students showed off their animation skills. And something which was totally different was the stamp collection by Vipul Agarwal , a student of FIP who shared his hobby collection of stamps and coins with those who visited his stall. The games stalls were yet another attraction The eating joints put up by the Performances at the event Hotel Management Department sold delicious items like doughnuts, kathi rolls and chaat. Visitors enjoyed the delicacies and the colourful cakes were enjoyed by one and all. ‘Ideacracy-II’-2014 was in continuation of the event which was inaugurated by our Founder Visionary , Dr O.P.Bhalla last year . While speaking on the occasion , Vice Chancellor Dr N.C.Wadhwa congratulated Dr Anil Sarin, Director FIP and his team for continuing the event which focused on creativity of not only the students but their Faculty members. He reiterated that students of Manav Rachna were given an overall development which covered not only academics but innovative ideas to ready them for job opportunities. Dr M.M. Kathuria , General Secretary, MRIU wished the students luck and was sure they would go all out to show their creative talent. The event was blessed with the presence of HoDs and senior Faculty members The following students won prizes in various competitions: EVENT 1ST PRIZE 2ND PRIZE Slogan Writing Padmini Rahi, BDS, MRDC Debajit Guha FET (B.Tech) Chakresdh Kumar, B.Tech(EEE) Meghna Raheja FET(B.Tech) Shivang (FIP) Abha Bedi (MRDC) Armaan (FIP) Arjun(FIP) Aman Bajaj (FET) Poster Making Photography Essay Writing 1 minute game Pankaj & Pushpak (FIP) APPRECIATION PRIZE Himangni (FIP) Jatin Bajpai MRCE (B.Tech) 4 drama of life. The same electric current alone causes the fan to revolve, refrigerator to cool its content, the light to burn differently in the green, blue or red bulbs. Because of the differences of manifestations of the energy, as it passes through different equipments, ignorant people call them all by different names. Yet the “ElectricityWise Man” understands them all as that depending upon the one energy. Water itself is colourless although given sample of it may be white, another yellow & yet another sample red, each depending on the nature of the extraneous matter it contains. In the same way according to the vasnas in each individual there seems to be difference between man and man. If we remove the contamination caused by the limitations and understand and experience the one inner spirit which runs through all the individuals we would realize that the differences we have been perceiving is merely superimpositions on that one glorious reality without whose illumination life would be dark and impossible, a non existents, non entity. It should therefore be realized that all beings are related to each other through one force of energy and each one should be taken care of accordingly. By Dr. M. M.Kathuria DELICACIES AT YOUR DOORSTEP BAKERY CAKE RATE LIST S.NO ITEM NAME 1/2 KG 1kg 1 Chocolate cake 375 200 2 Chocolate walnut cake 450 250 3 Butter scotch cake 400 220 4 Dry nut cake 300 175 5 Fresh fruit cake 425 230 6 Fruit cake with tuti fruity 200 125 7 Cho. Walnut cookies 350 200 8 Salted cookies 250 150 9 Almond cookies 300 175 10 Cho.cookies 250 150 11 Vanila short bread cookies 275 160 12 Naan Khatai 300 175 13 Plum cake 375 200 15 Assorted Doughnuts 20 Per Piece 16 Baba au rum 20 Per Piece 17 Garlic bread 25 Per Piece 18 Veg. Quiche 15 Per Piece 19 Veg. Quiche (Small) 5 Per Piece 20 Non veg quiche 25 Per Piece 21 Non veg quiche (Small) 10 Per Piece 22 Veg Patty 10 Per Piece 23 Veg Patty (Small) 5 Per Piece 24 Non veg patty 20 Per Piece 25 Non veg patty (Small) 10 Per Piece Hotel Management is all geared up to make your life tension free – especially when you want to have guests over and be tension free. Order delicacies at reasonable prices and enjoy different sweet and savory items There is a whole list of good food items which you can order from the hotel management department at I-block to pamper your taste buds. Whether it is muffins, doughnut, kathi rolls or pakoras – you can order them all for your hunger pangs or when you are planning to have guests over at home. The orders may be placed at: # Ext:8932,8912. The email id:[email protected]. in,[email protected], [email protected]. Mobile# Naresh-9654005646, Sumit Arya-9818009544, Kunal Seth-9891139319 MUSICBUZZ March, 2014 5 DREAMS OF DIVERGING TALENTS A hum, a single drum stick (2 required to play the drums) and the passion of three young boys was all that was required to form the band, Diverging Dreams M rinal Bhardwaj’s humm was heard by Karan Kumar while on the guitar when he was preparing himself to participate in one of the University talent search events. This 19 year old who has played as a guitarist at his school band approached his friend Mrinal (whose vocal chords were mesmerizing) with definite plans to form a college band. They were bringing down their drum set which caught the attention of Siddharth Raj Singh Solanki whose drumming instincts jumped at the thought of playing the drums. But there was only one drumstick? But so what, thought Siddharth as he broke a ‘pipe’ to the shape of another drumstick. That gave rise to the band which the trio lovingly named as “Broken sticks” Karan Kumar of EC first year met Mrinal Bharadwaj his classmate and Siddharth Raj Singh, BTech (Mechanical), also in the first year of college, they had just music on their minds. It was their passion for metal which brought them together and it was music which cemented their ties. As time went by, they started jamming together, and enjoyed the chords they struck. Soon the band of boys changed the name of their band and called it Diverging Dreams, for they had stars in their eyes. It has been seven months since but it all seems like they have been playing for a lifetime. The trio has made waves in college, rocking the audience, taking them by surprise! They like catching up with the latest hits topping the Grammy charts, and are inveterate music channel fans. Karan, once a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya, R.K. Puram is the lead guitarist. He has been formally training in music for two years now. All along, he was a regular at his school band where they played music of all kinds. But he has been a fan of Metal ever since he can remember. At 19 though, he is open to all kinds of sounds and likes experimenting with the guitar in his hands. “I try to weave in a note here, and a melody there, the idea is to keep trying till you get the music just right.” It didn’t take Mrinal much of an effort, like as though he had it all on a platter. Or so it seemed, as he impressed audiences with the depth of his voice. Oh what a voice! To think he had no formal training in music and was ‘caught’ humming away to glory. That was when he was ‘trapped’ and asked to sing for the band. He takes pride in the music they make. At 18, he has heard them all, old Hindi music, rock and metal but he finds today’s music quite “illogical” at times. A former student of Ramjas School, it’s his dream to compete at the IIT Delhi Music Fest which is held once a year. But then the road to fame and success doesn’t come easy and Mrinal knows that too well . “There’s cut throat competition out there, and only the STARS FROM OVERSEAS I nternational students Mulenda Garanle, Samson Vibidila and Amin Bannabas students of Manav Rachna International University played at the Ideacracy and entertained everyone at the event. “We have thoroughly enjoyed our experiences in the last 3 years at our University and India. Our Faculty members and our friends have made us comfortable and we have become a part of a big family. We would like to thank the Management for their support all the time,” say the students from African countries studying at our University in the B.Sc course. The band playing at Ideacracy best bands survive,” he says as if to remind himself, ready to take on the challenge. For Siddharth Raj, it was never a case of beating his own drums. He had a flair for rhythm and beat, and just hit it off with his band. As luck would have it, they all believed in the same kind of music. His tryst at the DT NIE Fresh Face was a test of his wit and talent. Needless to say, he put in a breathtaking performance. The crowd just loved him and cheered him on and on… To his band, he is something of a godsend, they didn’t have a drummer in the group and there he was, just raring to go. They welcomed him with open arms and were happy with what they heard. Since then, there was no looking back for this drummer with a difference…..he can whip up a storm! Like his friend Mrinal, Siddharth believes in the best and feels they still have miles to go: a fourth position at the ITM Gurgaon Fest isn’t just enough. He is determined to do better each time. Siddharth’s eclectic taste in music gives him a sense of freedom. Give him a good song any day and he can strike magic with the drums. What with the music scene in college hotting up, the band of boys seems ecstatic. It means they will be playing to a huge crowd and jamming for hours on end. Meeting them, one can’t help but recall the old Abba song: “I have a dream, a song to sing. To help me call, reality. If you see the wonder of a fairytale, you can see the future even if you fail. I believe in angels when I know the time is right for me. I cross the stream, I have a dream…..” Let’s hope their Diverging Dreams fulfills all their desires. TRILOG 2013: International sports science conference in Malayasia Manav Rachna International University, University Pendidikan Sultan Idris of Malaysia and the University of Tsukuba, Japan jointly held TRILOG 2013 International Sports Science Conference 2013 in Malaysia The International Conference was based on the theme-- “Sports: From Science to Life”. The occasion was graced by dignitaries like Mohd Sani Madon (Chairman, TRILOG 2013), Dato’ Professor Zakaria Kasa (Vice Chancellor), Professor G.L. Khanna (Dean, Faculty of Applied Science, Manav Rachna International University), Dr Soya Hideaki (Professor of Exercise Biochemistry, University of Tsukuba), Dr Chen Chee Keong (Senior Lecturer, Sports Science Unit, School of Medical Sciences, Univerisiti Sains Malaysia), among others. What made TRILOG 2013 a significant international event was the fact that it featured a range of international experts from India, Malaysia and Japan to address the latest developments and challenges in the Sports Science field with an emphasis on exercise physiology and sports rehabilitation. Aimed at developing networking, research and academic activities within Sports Science and Coaching, TRILOG 2013 gave delegates an opportunity to learn from renowned Sports Science researchers, academicians and practitioners from Malaysia, India and Japan on many important scientific issues. While Professor G.L. Khanna, Dr D.L.Khanna from MRIU speaking at Trilog Aimed at developing networking, research and academic activities within Sports Science and Coaching, TRILOG 2013 gave delegates an opportunity to learn from renowned Sports Science researchers, academicians and practitioners from Malaysia, India and Japan who delivered the keynote speech, spoke at length on ‘Spirullina as an antioxidant for athletes’, Prof Hideki Soya from Tsukuba University gave a talk on ‘How exercise improves brain fitness, based on brain-brawn theory’. All in all, TRILOG 2013 was a huge success paving the way for delegates to meet and establish network with others working in academia, sports industry and sports governing bodies. SRCBUZZ March, 2014 HOPE FLOATS A group of young students shared the common goal of making the world a better place, and sure enough, it infused their lives with meaning and they took upon themselves to be a part of the Manav Rachna Social Responsibility The Manav Rachna Social Responsibility group C all it a collective desire to make a huge difference but when a group of students of Manav Rachna International University got together, they had just one purpose in life: it was to help people. Imbued with a sense of wanting to change the world, the students started Manav Rachna Social Responsibility Society nearly two months back. The students in question-FET’s Gaurav Singh, Pravesh Chillar, Arshad Ali, Anvesh Parvathini, Rachit Kakkar and Dilip Singh Rajput discovered that it made them happy to touch people’s lives. Eager to give their time, energy and ideas, they began their very first project of collecting old clothes for the underprivileged. It took a while to convince people, but soon enough, the project got off to a successful start. Deeply energized, the students have made a blueprint for the future. They are planning to form a NGO that goes by the name of HOPE. It aims to bring hope to the lives of the impoverished and deprived. With definite plans of teaching slum dwellers around our campus and facilitating their admissions at the High School level, the students are dedicated towards the cause of building a happier society at large. As part of a novel initiative, they have struck upon the idea of collecting the database of birthdays and anniversaries of Faculty and staff at MREI. Their objective is to get them to sponsor a meal/clothes for the downtrodden. If helping others is a way of life for some people, then these students at Manav Rachna have made it their life’s mission. Giving also connects them to people, and that is what gives them the utmost pleasure. For they know if they want to FEEL good, they need to DO good. Having come thus far, the students feel that the road ahead may not be easy, but it would definitely teach them a thing or two about life. By making a difference to families who are less fortunate than us, they would have earned their blessings and gratitude in no small measure. And by doing good to others, they would have done good to themselves. Those who are keen to make contributions to the students’ projects and initiatives, can give Gaurav Singh a buzz at: 9999020281 WORLD RADIO DAY Radio Manav Rachna 107.8 FM in association with the Department of Science & Technology (Government of India) celebrated World Radio Day R adio Manav Rachna 107.8 FM in association with the Department of Science and Technology (Government of India) ushered in World Radio Day (13 February) through celebrations aimed at Gender Equality and Women’s Health. World Radio Day is a day to celebrate radio as a medium; to improve cooperation between broadcasters and to encourage major networks and community radio to promote access to information, freedom of expression and gender equality over the airwaves. The occasion witnessed a vibrant gathering of eminent people from academia, social activism and the radio community. Dr Brahamadutt (Social Activist and Padma Shree awardee whose work for the cause of leprosy is well known), Sandhya Bajaj (renowned social activist who has extensively worked for the welfare of women and the downtrodden), Naseer Abdullah (model turned actor), Dr N.C. Wadhwa (Vice Chancellor, Manav Rachna International University), Mr. Mukesh Gambhir (Director, Radio Naseer Abdullah mesmerises the audience and RJ Manav Rachna), Dr M.M. Kathuria (General Secretary, Manav Rachna Educational Society), Dr R. Sridhar and Dr Vimal Basu (Community members, Radio Manav Rachna), amongst others, were there to show their faith in the power of radio as a medium. The idea of harnessing the power of radio as a vital medium first gained ground when Founder-Visionary Dr O.P. Bhalla expressed a desire to give Faridabad its first ever community radio station Dr. N.C. Wadhwa felt radio is the oldest and the most important medium of communication. It is still present in the rural areas and in cities it has taken the form of commercialized radio stations like FMs. The idea of harnessing the power of radio as a vital medium in Faridabad first gained ground when visionary and founding father of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions, Dr O.P. Bhalla, expressed a desire to give Faridabad its first ever community radio station.”Radio Manav Rachna 107. 8 FM is his dream come true, and remains till date the first and only Community Radio Station of Faridabad which runs 24/7. At the celebratory event, there was music, poetry and songs when students of Manav Rachna International University presented a live guitar performance and Radio Jockey (RJ) Fahim Masco recited a beautiful poem. But it was Naseer Abdullah who was clearly the star of the evening. His lilting rendition of ‘Piya to se naina lage re’ on the flute and his mellifluous voice in a K.L. Saigal song was nostalgic to the core. 6 SEEKING A SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FUTURE Petroleum Conservation Research Association (Northern Region) in collaboration with Radio Manav Rachna 107.8 FM organized a Technical Meet on Energy Efficiency in MSME Units in Faridabad A s part of its commitment towards industrial energy conservation and environment protection, Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA)--Northern Region--in collaboration with Radio Manav Rachna (RMR) 107.8 FM organized a Technical Meet on Energy Efficiency in Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Units in Faridabad. Attended by several senior dignitaries such as Col. (Retd) V.K. Gaur (Director, Manav Rachna College of Education), Professor B.S. Gill (Associate Director, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, MRIU), Dr M.M. Kathuria (General Secretary,MRIU), Professor Suresh Bedi (Director, Centre for Continuing & Distance Education, and Quality Assurance, MRIU), Professor Anil Sarin (Dean, Faculty of International Programmes, MRIU), Professor Umesh Kalra (Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Humanities and Faculty of Media Studies, MRIU), Dr Chavi Bhargava (Professor and Director, Faculty of Management Studies, MRIU), among others, the Meet tried to create awareness about the need to increase the energy-saving potential in the industrial sector. Senior dignitaries from PCRA--S.N. Singh (Additional Director, Northern Region), Satish Sudhir (Deputy Director) and Ashish Vashist (Lead Trainer, PCRA)--along with Naresh Verma (President, Manufacturers’ Association of Faridabad) and Navdeep Chawla (Vice president, Faridabad Industries Association) were there to focus on conservation issues pertaining to MSME Units in Faridabad. The Technical session also witnessed the presence of speakers R.P. Deshpandey (industrial consultant) and Malvika Sinha (Vice President, Neelkanth Group) besides professionals from the MSME Units, Faculty and staff from Manav Rachna Educational Institutions. Mr Mukesh Gambhir, Director, Manav Rachna Community Radio Station, welcomed the guests. Addressing the large congregation, Col. (Retd) V.K. Gaur looked to the ancient ages when a caveat was issued to mankind some thousand years ago on the need to co-exist peacefully. He firmly believes that “it is the affluent class which creates the effluents” and lauded PCRA’s role in energy conservation. While defining PCRA’s manifold initiatives, Mr S.N. Singh talked about PCRA’s intention of covering 12,000 MSME Units in Faridabad to ensure energy efficiency in the region for environment protection leading to improvement in the quality of life. He also seemed optimistic about the future, stating, “We are heading towards a time when we can prevent diseases not cure it.” In the context of PCRA’s role as an integrated energy solution provider, Mr Satish Sudhir presented a documentary on global warming. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Navdeep Chawla extended all out support on behalf of the Faridabad Industrial Association for energy efficiency in the region. Mr Naresh Verma echoed similar sentiments, when he stated that the industrial sector in Faridabad would do its best for energy conservation and organize more such seminars in future. The event wrapped up with presentations from Mr R.P. Deshpandey (who has authored books on capacitors) and Ms Malvika Sinha who talked on waste management for energy efficiency. AWARDBUZZ March, 2014 7 MANAV RACHNA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AWARDED “EXCELLENT ENGINEERING INSTITUTE IN HARYANA” C Dr.Naveen Prakash Director MRCE, & the Deans of MRCE received the award from Dr. Yudhbir Singh Khyalia, IAS, Commissioner, Hisar Division, Hisar, Dr. ML Ranga, Vice Chancellor, GJU Science & Technology, Prof. Dr. NK Goyal, Dr. KL Johar, Founder Vice Chancellor, GJU Science and Technology, Er. Har Sarup Chahal Vice Chancellor MDU. Prof. RS Jaglan Registrar, GJU Science & Technology GPU BUYERS GUIDE T he GPU or Graphical Processing Unit is responsible for the all visual computing, textures objects materials lighting, it is what adds reality to virtual and helps make all those stunning visuals on the screen possible. For your average movie watching internet browsing bob a discrete GPU might not be of much worth but when it comes to hard-core mainstream computing GPU’s are absolutely necessary, they also matter a lot to gamers as for running the newest games with decent details you need the latest and greatest hardware especially a strong GPU. If you’re out looking for buying a new GPU for your rig, this might just make things easier as with the amount of choice available today in the market anyone can be very easily baffled. First things first choose your colour green or redThere are two main manufactures when it comes to the processing chips Nvidia and AMD. Both of these have a fairly wide range to choose from and offer a variety of solutions, talking about their consumer level products Nvidia has their GEForce branding and AMD has the Radeon line-up of GPU’s. Both companies offer a wide choice fitting to every budget and computing requirement. Nvidias current 7 series has cards ranging from GTX 760 to GTX 780Ti and their flagship card GTX Titan which is based upon architecture taken from a supercomputer and will crush any other single MAI in association with Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hissar, & supported by AICTE, AIU, NIELIT (DOEACC), Govt of India MNRE/MSME, DeIT invited nominations for National Haryana Education Summit & Awards 2014. The awards are an important achievement for any Institute and enable to clearly differentiate one Institute in comparison to other Institutes. Out of 121 nominations received by CMAI, the Award for “Excellent Engineering Institute in Haryana” was awarded to Manav Rachna College of Engineering. The Award is given to institutions which contribute significantly in the field of improving the quality in education delivery with emphasis on world-class research and innovations and enhancing the development of quality education. MRCE, affiliated to MDU Rohtak, was founded in 2004 and has grown to become a hub of knowledge generation and knowledge dissemination. The institution is NAAC ‘A’ accredited. It is the only private engineering college in Haryana to enjoy NAAC ‘A’ accreditation. The programs of B Tech in Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Sciences have been provisionally accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for a duration of 2 years (valid till 2015). The programs offered, aim to create The award is testimony to the niche position of MRCE in the northern region’s technical education scene a knowledgeable youth having global competence. The institute aims at developing human resources which have potential of adapting to fast changing needs of work place and can work in global teams. MRCE graduates boast of representing the country at Microsoft Imagine Cup in the year 2011 and 2013. Clearly, MRCE is not just a leading name in higher education in the northern region but an emerging name on the national scene, as well. What is Graphical Processing Unit? Read on to know GPU solution in the market. AMD has recently changed their naming scheme their current R7 and R9 GPU line-up with cards like the R7 250 which is a very budget oriented card to their flagship the R9 290X which is one huge powerhouse of graphical horsepower, their previous generation was called the Radeon HD 7000 series and still can be found in the market. I will try to lay down some ground rules but one has to do plenty research before buying to get the most bang for their buck. More ram does not mean a better GPU. I’ve seen people on numerous occasions describing a GPU just by the size of its on-board memory and I cannot stress enough how much it bugs me. The RAM or VRAM as it is called for GPU’s is the Video memory that the card has, the GPU uses this as a buffer to render and store frames beforehand. Size of the VRAM has no effect on GPU performance whatsoever unless you’re running some crazy resolution multi monitor setup. TEAM MEMBERS OF CAMPUS BUZZ Editor-in-Chief: Dr Amit Bhalla Editor: Roma Ghosh Asst. Editor: Ms Rajlakshmi Ghosh Core members: Nidhi Kukreja, Karan Narula, Manila Gambhir Other members: Gaurav Singh, Arshad Ali, Aakash Mandal, Piyush Verma, Prashant Gupta Photographer: Ravinder Sharma What actually matters is the product number for that particular card a GTX 780 is better than a 770 the same goes for AMD, a higher product number means more shader cores and higher clock speeds which make a GPU faster. So remember to ask for the product number and don’t just settle for ‘2GB Nvidia’. Although size of the memory doesn’t matter as much what matters is the bit size and the clock speed for the memory. The bit size ranges anywhere from 64-bits to 384-bits higher is better and clock speeds can be judged by either the memory is DDR3 DDR5 GDDR5 same goes for this higher is better and the ‘G’ parts are superior. If you’re on a budget one thing to look out for are the previous series cards by both companies as the line-ups are very frequently updated you can find these slightly old cards for much less and they still provide a strong kick. AMD have slightly less prices for their cards compared to Nvidia who charge a premium for the latest and greatest but they also provide with frequent driver updates and optimizations which give them an edge over the competition. AMD and Nvidia manufacture the processor chips but there are a lot of sellers such as ASUS, GIGABYTE, XFX, HIS to choose from which have different memory configurations, PCB designs and cooler implementations to choose from these minor tweaks help the GPU perform better and even have prolonged life cycle. One last advice, look around before making your decision. By PiyushVerma MRCE ECE 3rd Year Sources:,, DRIVINGBUZZ March, 2014 8 DRIVING CLUB AT MRIU Driving is a life-long asset. MRIU calls students to take advantage of the driving school which has been initiated at the Campus – come join the driving lessons The MRIU Driving Club where basic driving is taught to beginners, is a huge hit in the campus. The Driving Club serves a two fold purpose: first, it helps budding automobile engineers understand their subject better, since a good engineer must know how to drive an automobile properly along with basic facts of vehicle safety and maintenance. Secondly, those interested in learning driving, can be imparted a full fledged training. What began as an initiative to give engineering students a feel and hands-on experience of driving by the Automobile Engineering Department of Manav Rachna International University (MRIU), has today metamorphosed into a full fledged driving club meant to benefit students and Faculty of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions. Inaugurated on 29 August, 2013 by Dr M.K. Soni, Executive Director and Dean, Faculty of Engineering (FET), MRIU, the club, which is the brainchild of Dr Devendra Vashist, Professor & Head, Automobile Engineering Department, MRIU, imparts practical training to the learners and provides awareness about safe driving and pollution-free environment. It also imparts training on what a person should do if a vehicle breaks down in an isolated place and gives handy tips on to how change a tyre, clean the spark plugs and check the coolant and oil level. “I am greatly grateful MRIU Driving Club to the Management for giving me the full support of starting such a facility for the students and Faculty at Manav Rachna.” Every interested student of MREI above 18 years can become a member of this club. The fee charged for driving lessons is specially subsidized at Rs 2000. The lessons involve 1 hour of theory and five hours of practical driving lessons spread over a 15 day period (this means 20 minutes a day or 7 km per day whichever is least). The training is imparted on a Chevrolet Spark car and includes lessons in steering control and gear shifts, reverse gears, making various cuts and training on slope. The last four days focus on driving in mild traffic and heavy traffic outside the campus. Thereafter, first time learners can apply for a Learner’s License followed by a Driving Test (after a span of three months) conducted by the Licensing Authority of Faridabad. According to Dr Devendra Vashist, 30 learners (comprising of both students and Faculty) have undergone training at the MRIU Driving Club. While majority of the learners are women/girls, there are some boys/men who want to brush up on their driving skills. Their driving instructor, Rajesh, who works in the Mechanical Engineering department of MRIU, is a seasoned driver, who teachers 3-4 learners per day. He feels that “decision making and confidence” are crucial factors in the learning process. Lessons are conducted mostly on weekdays and even on working Saturdays/vacations with flexible timings. Those keen to sign up for driving lessons can contact Dr Devendra Vashist, mobile no: 8800495701/9891280855 for more details. REWARDS AND RECORDS AT IIT KHARAGPUR FOR MEMBERS OF DR O.P.BHALLA INNOVATION AND INCUBATION CENTRE IIT Kharagpur was a platform for recognition, rewards and resolution for students of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions. Three cheers students and mentors for your astonishing success at Kshitij Techno Management Festival. As many as 13 Manav Rachna students accompanied by their mentors Darpan Vats (Research Assistant in the field of Electronics) and Karan Narula (Research Assistant in the Mechanical field) from the Dr O.P. Bhalla Innovation and Incubation Centre, participated in the various competitions conducted by Technology Robotix Society Of IIT, Kharagpur. They bagged not just certificates of appreciation and achievements for the events but also two trophies and cash prizes for the First and Second Runner Up positions in the Transporter Competition and a cash prize and the Best Algorithm Award in the Tremors Event. Manav Rachna Students’ Societies Want to know what’s happening at your University Campus or away from it? Be a part of this page and avail the following information: • Know about all events which are going to be held at your University • All post event coverage are available on this page • Post your comments on the events • All invitations received by Students’ welfare are posted on this page so that you get and opportunity to participate in events hosted by other Universities This is a community page for all students and this page is managed by students of Manav Rachna. Contact person at the University: Nidhi Kukreja, Extn number: 8464 (Left)Winners being congratulated by Dr Amit Bhalla, Dr N.C.Wadhwa, Prof Gill, Dr Soni and Mr Ashok Arora; and, (Right) Team that visited IIT Kharagpur and brought back laurels I nstitutions from across the country participated at the festival at IIT Khargpur and Manav Rachna was able to leave its mark in the various categories in which they participated. “It was an experience of a life time as we interacted with creative minds from all over the country,” said Karan Narula, one of the mentors who accompanied the 13 students who participated in the prestigious event. Manav Rachna students have shown what it takes to compete at the highest levels and come out with flying colours! At the Kshitij Techno Management Festival organized by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, Teams of Manav Rachna from the Dr O.P. Bhalla Innovation and Incubation Centre, have won top honours by participating in the 5-day festival (from 31 January – 3 February, 2014) and brought laurels for the institution. The team which had been travelling with six robots (three of which were reconstructed at the venue overnight due to a change in the setup) is grateful to Dr B.S. Gill, Director of the Dr O.P. Bhalla Innovation and Incubation Centre, and their mentors for giving them the opportunity to showcase their skills and guiding them with their proceedings at every moment. Teams of Manav Rachna took part in the Canyon Rush, Inspiralon, Transporter and Kshitij 2014 competitions where they qualified in Round 1 and Round 2 at the Inspiralon event, secured second and third position at the Transporter event and won the Best Algorithm Award in the Tremors Event of Kshitij 2014. Greatly enthused by their unprecedented success, the Team now looks forward to getting associated with more and more such events and even bigger projects. SportsBuzz March, 2014 9 Dr O.P. Bhalla Memorial Cup—The Legacy Lives On… The 7th Manav Rachna Corporate Cricket Challenge 2014 was dedicated as the first Dr O.P. Bhalla Memorial Cup and was a soulful and fitting tribute to the Founder Visionary whose passion for sports continues to inspire us even today ... Dr Prasant Bhalla, Mr Sarkar Talwar and Dr Amit Bhalla welcoming the players at the first match “ “The Legacy of Sports shall continue”: Dr Prashant Bhalla “Playing is your time, relax and enjoy it”: Dr Amit Bhalla ” Left to right Dr M.M.Kathuria, Dr N.C.Wadhwa, Mr Yaspal Sharma, Dr Prashant Bhalla, Dr Amit Bhalla, Mr Sarkar Talwar and the Adidas winning team T o honour the zealous commitment of the Founder Visionary, Dr O.P.Bhalla towards sports, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions paid a “Soulful Homage & Tribute to the Legendary by dedicating the 7th Manav Rachna Corporate Cricket Challenge 2014 as the first Dr O.P. Bhalla Memorial Cup in his memory. The final match was played on 29 March, 2014. where Sh. Yashpal Sharma , former test cricketer and member of the 1983 World Cup Winning Team, was the chief guest on the momentous occasion. The finalists Adidas and TCS put in their best cricketing talent and skills before Adidas won the coveted trophy in the lush green sports arena of Manav Rachna International University campus in Faridabad. Appreciating the true spirit of sportsmanship at the event, Dr Prashant Bhalla Chancellor, Manav Rachna International University said, “MREI has always prided itself in upholding a sports-centric philos- ophy, promoting a synergy between sports and academia. By hosting a tournament of this magnitude and stature, we at MREI, would be carrying on the legacy of our Founding Father who first initiated the Corporate cricket matches.” He thanked the corporate, staff and students of Manav Rachna for their unstinting support and said that the T-20 Corporate Cricket tournament was an ideal platform for our country’s sportsmen to test their sporting acumen. Dr Amit Bhalla, Vice president, Manav Rachna Vidyanatariksha, expressed that the Corporate Cricket Tournament had succeeded in its mission of engendering a sporting spirit among its players. “Let the legacy of our Founding Father continue through our thoughts, vision, action and deeds.” He felt that the Corporate Cricket matches are a great means to cultivate a passion for cricket, giving players and enthusiasts of the game a reason to destress, enjoy, network and make new friends. Sh. Yashpal Sharma, who gave away the prizes to the winning team, expressed deep admiration for the mission and vision behind the Corporate Cricket Tournament, complimenting the dynamic leadership of Dr Prashant Bhalla and Dr Amit Bhalla for carrying forward the legacy of their Father with great dignity and strength. Earlier in the day, he addressed an enthusiastic crowd of eager students and Faculty with words that left everyone spellbound. Speaking with great inner conviction, he encouraged budding cricketers and students saying, “If you put in your best efforts, it does not matter whether you are from a big city or a small town. We broke the myth that playing cricket from big cities translates into big time cricket.” He advised students not to get upset with challenges but face them headon. “The honesty of your efforts will count in the long run and a positive approach towards people— even your opponents—will swing things in your favour.” Sh. Yashpal said that he has enjoyed his life to the full and thanked everyone who made him what he is today. At the interactive session with the students, he told them to be “fearless—“Darna mana hai”—converting pressure into responsibility. Director Sports, MREI, Mr Sarkar Talwar thanked the dignitaries, HODs, Faculty and staff for gracing this memorable occasion and said that Manav Rachna would continue to nurture and encourage cricketing talent to keep alive the dreams and vision of our Founder Visionary. The Tournament had its nostalgic moments too, like when the commentator Padamjeet Sherawat recounted our Founder Visionary’s prophetic words: “Whatever you do, do it with fire in your belly.” As the Corporate Cricket tournament drew to a close, the crowds were left with one predominant sentiment: “Dr O.P. Bhalla, we love you Sir,” they seemed to say in their hearts. May his legacy live on and his dreams come true. Match Details At the 7th Manav Rachna Corporate Cricket Challenge 2014, Adidas won the trophy after beating Tata Consultancy Services by 8 wickets in the finals of the T-20 Tournament. Man of the match: Sourav Malik of Team Adidas who was also named the Best Batsman of the tournament. Man of the tournament: Yogesh Rana also of Team Adidas Best Bowler of the tournament: Sumit from Team TCS Best Fielder of the tournament: Manoj Kumar from Team TCS Manav Rachna wins at flower shows in Delhi and Noida The Manav Rachna Educational Institutions won prizes in various categories at the 27th Garden Tourism Festival at the Garden of Five Senses in Delhi and at the Noida Flower Show Trophies won at A t the 27th Garden Tourism Festival in the Garden of Five Senses, Said-Ul-Ajaib, New Delhi, Manav Rachna participated in six of the 30 odd categories only to win top prizes along with cash rewards of around Rs 22,000! The festival, organised by Delhi Tourism in association with the Delhi Government was held between 14-16 February, 2014 of the different competitions organised in categories that included hanging baskets, seasonal flowers, floral animals, foliage plants, aromatic plants, tray gardens, cut flowers and 27th Garden Tourism Festival at Garden of Five Senses and at the Flower Show at Noida group flower arrangements, Manav Rachna bagged 29 first prizes and 6 second prizes in the Class I category while in the Class II category, Manav Rachna brought back 17 first prizes and 14 second prizes. As part of the flower arrangement (group flowers) series, Manav Rachna was honoured with the first prize in three categories and the second prize in another category. At the Noida flower show organized by the Floriculture society, Noida MREI won 70 odd prizes making it achieve the 2ndoverall position in the event. Out of the 33 categories in the class III section MREI won 30 first prizes and 3 second prizes. In the roses category MREI won laurels in three categories bagging the first prize and secured 2nd position in 4 other categories . In the Class XIII category MREI bagged the first position overall. NEW TRENDSBUZZ March, 2014 MAKE SHOPPING A BRAND NEW EXPERIENCE Online digital marketing is making great sweeps across the world. Faculty of International Programmes, Manav Rachna International University, held a special workshop where specialists in the field spoke to the students about the facility which is making shopping a brand new experience M r. Bevan Erickson (Vice President, Marketing, Eli Research India Pvt. Ltd), Mr. Jason Vanden Akker (President AAPC, a business unit of Eli Research Indian Pvt. Ltd) and Mr. Ajay Gupta (Country Head, Eli Research India Pvt. Ltd) held the audience spell bound with their incisive and analytical lectures on the importance of the digital world while speaking to the audience on January 29.2014. If B. Sc. IT students of FIP were given valuable pointers on the latest in software technology, the BBA (Global) IB Management students of FIP also made a whole new discovery: the fact that digital marketing is here to stay, and in a big way too. For those who didn’t know, digital marketing is marketing in a whole new avatar. It makes use of electronic devices (computers) such as personal computers, smart phones, cell phones, tablets and game consoles to engage with stakeholders. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail, apps (classic and mobile) and social networks to market the products. Though the term ‘digital marketing’ was first used in the 1990s, it was only from 2000 onwards, digital marketing became more sophisticated and a functional tool to create a relationship with the customer. By about 2013, statistics showed digital marketing remained a growing field. Welcoming the speakers on the occasion, Dr Anil Sarin, Professor and Dean, FIP, MRIU, said the digital world is making quick inroads in our day to day life. He addressed the students of FIP, saying, “Everyday you market yourselves. Do it through ethical and honest means.” Mr Bevan Erickson took to discussing about the tools in Information Technology i.e., Email, Social Media, Mobile applications, cloud storage and their use in marketing and research. He also stated that without research no one can achieve his/her goal. Mr. Jason Vanden Akker delivered a lecture on the difference between traditional marketing and online marketing and sparked off great interest about its pros and cons. NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE WORLD OF TECHNOLOGY A technical talk show organized by Manav Rachna Technical Society in association with International Engineer Federation on January 28, 2013 gave students of Manav Rachna International University and Manav Rachna College of Engineering an ideal platform to air their views on topics like Entrepreneurship, Green Technology, Innovation and Concept Technology. Shibam Sarbswa speaking at the technical talk show T he speakers shared their views on a host of interesting technologies and innovations that included Bio-Chip technology, Ecovacs, 5-Pen PC Tech, Open-source Hardware, 3-D Food Printers, Kaizen Principle, Bio Computers and a lot more. It was a welcome break from students’ course curriculum and gave the audience--comprising of Manav Rachna Educational Institutions students-new insights into the world of technology. The session started with a lecture on Bio-Chip technology (a Small-scale device, analogous to an integrated circuit and constructed of or used to analyze organic molecules associated with living organisms). Speaking on the subject, student Sujit Roy highlighted its ever increasing role in day to day life. Next on the cards was a lecture on Ecovacs, a modern robotic technology, where Deep Swaroop Garg talked about its use in household chores like cleaning windows, dust and pollution. His presentation took off with Cleaning Bot which cleans windows and later moved to Fami-bots which can take WORKSHOP BY DOCUMENTARY CLUB, MRCE Their views on the corporate and marketing sector enhanced students’ perception. By talking about their own organizational goals and initiatives where they thrive on an entrepreneurial culture (in which employees are owners of their own careers), they motivated students to become responsible for their future. In an interactive session, the team of speakers from Eli Research fielded an array of questions from both the Faculty and the students. Issues pertaining to career opportunities, training programmes and tools for FIP graduates were also discussed at the meet. Students also expressed an interest in entrepreneurship in Online Digital Marketing. Dr Anil Sarin and Ms. Meenaakshi N. Munjal (HOD-IT, FIP, MRIU) thanked the dignitaries for shedding light on what is relatively a new field and giving glimpses of the corporate sector where the students will tread once they leave the confines of college life. The workshop on “Techniques of Documentary Presentation” was conducted by the Documentary Club of MRCE. Bhavesh Choudhary (CSE) and Reeshti (CSE) organized the event. The workshop was conducted for two days, 31st Jan, 2014 and 1st Feb, 2014 in I -Block Seminar Hall. On the first day, students were taught the technical aspect of documentary presentation and on the second day, they had hands –on-training of the same around the campus. The students were awarded with certificates for the same. The resource persons of the workshop were Mr. Taranveer Singh and Mr. ParasGoel from Delhi University. More than 180 students registered for the workshop from MRCE and MRIU and more than 110 enthusiastically turned up for the same. Some students showcased their talent by presenting their self made documentaries. The college photographer, Mr. Ravinder Sharma, present on the event also enthusiastically supported the event and showed a documentary based on widows of Vrindavan, which was a combined effort of Ms. Diksha Bhaskar Bhatia, RMR and him. This kind of workshop helps the students to uncover their hidden talents which they can further pursue as a career. visual inputs. Moving to Innovation, speaker Shibam Sarbswa, illustrated the power of innovation by ARM-Band Technology. He also discussed about core processes of product innovation to develop new products which meet customer satisfaction. “ students were exposed to new technologies especially away from the usual curriculum, they gained confidence while presenting their views and also met like-minded participants,” said a happy Shibam. Thereafter, Ayushi Singhal took to explaining 5-Pen PC Tech where she explained that P-ISM is a gadget package including five functions: a pen-style cellular phone with a handwriting data input function, virtual keyboard, a very small projector, camera scanner, and personal ID key with cashless pass function. To grab student interest, speaker Akash Mandal spoke about Entrepreneurship. He explained ways to bring ideas on paper and then to market it to various companies. Akash also discussed tools necessary for startups. On the topic of Open-source Hardware, presenter Mohd. Saif spoke about its uniqueness--the fact that it is a concept technology by Motorola in association with Google where the user can configure his/her cell phone as per the requirement. It is likely to reduce electronic waste and provide a new opportunity to every user to choose his/her own cell phone as per their profession and requirements. Speaking to students, Aman Kapoor focused on 3-D Food Printers, a printer technology by which you can make your own foods designs. This technology has helped the food industry to flourish on the globe. On a different note,Vinay Kumar Tolambia, spoke about the Kaizen Principle. He explained the uses of Kaizen to increase the rate of productivity. MREI student Rahul Raina’s talk centred round Bio Computers where he showed how bio-computers have replaced human beings in the medical and non medical field. An audience interaction session ensured free exchange of ideas and thoughts where both the speakers and participants gained immensely through the brainstorming. The audience captivated at the talk on on-line marketing Speaking on the subject, Mr Ajay Gupta said that Indians have a tendency to touch and feel before they buy a product. But then, customer mindsets have changed considerably over the last few years and more and more people are choosing goods and services online. Mr Gupta also discussed about research opportunities in India and abroad in the field of online digital marketing. His presentation on change management looked at the changes in the corporate sector and the need to be conversant with the latest technical tools. Drawing from their own professional experiences at Eli Research, the speakers guided FIP students on ways to become an ideal employee. They spoke about self discipline, a relentless passion for goals and objectives, creating clear expectations and focusing on execution, results and getting work done. The team of specialists advised the students on asking tough questions in public that people are afraid to talk about. 10 CELEBRATIONSBUZZ EXERCISE TO A HEALTHY LIFE March, 2014 11 REPUBLIC DAY CELEBRATIONS Delegates from more then 15 Universities from West Bengal, Orissa, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh attended the workshop ‘Physiological Basis of Training & Exercise Prescription’ . Conducted by Dr Oleksandr Krasilshchikov, Associate Professor and Director, University Sains Malyasia at Manav Rachna International University Campus the workshop stressed on the importance of exercise to a healthy lifestyle E xercise should be enjoyable, practical and fit into a person’s lifestyle, said Dr Krasilshchikov, adding, “The best type of exercise is one which uses the muscles in the legs, arms together with the heart and lungs.”About designing cardio respiratory programmes, Dr Krasilshchikov pointed out about select endurance type physical activities, including aerobic exercise training, house and yard work and physically active, recreational pursuits. He advised that intensity, duration and frequency of exercise should always be increased independently one at a time and not altogether. Dr G.L. Khanna, Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences, MRIU, laid stress upon the need for exercise as medicine. “Once you begin to exercise regularly, you will discover many more reasons why exercise is so important to improving the quality of your life. Exercise reduces stress, lifts moods, and helps you sleep better. It can keep you looking and feeling younger throughout your entire life,” he said. Dr Gurdeep Singh, Director, Association of Indian University, said that India could be a good sporting nation if sports are conducted under the guidance of sports scientists. He also advocated for a comprehensive and good sports policy in India and added there is a need for scientific input in the field of sports. Dr D. K. Kansal, HoD, Indira Gandhi Institute of Physical Sciences said that educationists have been unaware of the role of physical exercise and science in a balanced education system. “There is a need to develop the core contents of the course by taking on a scientific approach,” he opined. Delivering a lecture on the role of Exercise for Cardiovascular Fitness, Dr Mithesh Sharma, Cardiologist, Metro Hospital said: “Our bodies were meant to move -- they actually crave exercise. Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health. It reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. It can improve your appearance and delay the aging process.” Dr Neeta Dabai, Gynaecologist, Metro Hospital, gave a presentation on Exercise Prescription in Pregnancy where she addressed physiotherapists at the seminar and advised them on the dos and don’ts involved in handling pregnant women. She said that they should correct the posture of pregnant women and take cognizance of the fact that such patients are more likely to fall because of the growing foetus. “Although one may not feel like running a marathon, most women benefit greatly from exercising throughout their pregnancies. But during that time, they need to discuss their exercise plans with the doctors or other health care providers early on and make a few adjustments to your normal exercise routine. The level of exercise recommended will depend, in part, on their level of pre-pregnancy fitness. Pregnant women also gain weight and are more susceptible to sprains and injuries,” she said, adding, “When someone carries an extra 15 pounds (or more!) in front of her eyes, finding a comfortable sleeping position can be a real challenge. But exercise will help her work off any excess energy and tire enough to lull into a more restful sleep.” She also advised physiotherapists to be good communicators (“pleasant and empathetic”) and conduct the exercise in a well ventilated and comfortable labour room. The Workshop also threw the spotlight on Yoga for Health and Exercise Prescription with the lecture on it by Dr Manu Saha and an Exercise Prescription for Diabetes patients through a special talk by Dr Ejaz Hussain, Jamia Milia Islamia. With his talk on Anthropometry and Physiological basis of Yoga, Dr N.B. Shukla of Benaras Hindu University concluded the seminar. Dr Pooja Anand, HOD, Department of Physiotherapy, MRIU gave the vote of thanks. Hundreds of delegates from at least 15 universities of West Bengal, Orissa, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh also attended the workshop. A packed audience enjoying the celebrations Colourful Republic Day celebrations T he concept of our country, its culture, freedom and history, was on everyone’s mind at the 65th Republic Day celebrations. Organized by Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI), the cultural extravaganza was a delightful mix of music, dance, nukkad natak, quiz, essay writing and face painting sessions that saw students of MREI braving the chill of a cold winter’s morning to turn up in large numbers. Going back in time, the programme did a recapitulation of the pre-Independence era when the Indian constitution was framed and finally brought into effect. To many of the youngsters seated in the audience, it was more of a learning experience. Songs like ‘Ai watan’ sung by Sruti of Manav Rachna Dental College (MRDC) and Vinay Kumar of Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FET), Manav Rachna International University (MRIU), ensured that the event ran high on patriotic fervor. Students were quick to clap and cheer to the beats of the songs, their interest never dipping. A fusion dance performance by students of the Faculty of Engineering & Technology (FET), Faculty of Applied Science (FAS) and Faculty of International Programme (FIP), Manav Rachna International Uni- Nukkad Natak versity, set feet tapping. The dancers, who were members of the Manav Rachna Dance Society, jived to the rhythmic sounds of ‘Ganpati bappa moriya’. With chants of ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’ and ‘Vande Mataram’ rising through the air, the Republic day celebrations was never lacking in patriotic spirit. The event took on a contemporary flavour when a nukkad natak highlighting socially relevant issues grabbed students’ interest. The dramatic group, involving students of FET and Manav Rachna Organized by MREI, the cultural extravaganza was a delightful mix of music, dance, nukkad natak, quiz, essay writing and face painting sessions College of Engineering (MRCE), depicted police and public apathy towards accident victims and urged the youth to vote. There was music too, put together by the Manav Rachna Music Society where members like Darshana, Tejasri and Siddharth sang ‘We shall overcome’ Let India be safe for women to the strumming of a guitar. Amidst the distribution of sweets at the venue, students Sudip, Anurag and Ankit did a Bollywood take on ‘Chak de India’ and ‘Rang de Basanti’ while the Indi Rock band did a medley of patriotic numbers and enlivened the mood. Dancers resplendent in pink, green, yellow and red costumes broke into a bhangra jig to give the event an ethnic touch. Just off the campus amphitheatre (where the event was held), around 58 teams and 116 students put on their thinking caps to participate at the India quiz based on the country’s history and constitution. Students Tejasri and Sidddhrath of FET won top honours and were gifted mementos for their win.Yet another 40 students took part in an essay competition which had ‘Indian Economy and Naxalism’ as the theme. Elsewhere, MREI students gave a free rein to their creative talent at the Face painting competition where Dr Akriti Dogra and Dr Shilpi (of Manav Rachna Dental College) won the first prize for painting the Indian tri colour with the ‘Wake up India’ slogan. Topics like ‘Universal brotherhood’, ‘Save the tiger’ and ‘Different colours of India’ also caught the students’ imagination. The programme concluded with the singing of the national anthem. The wide spectrum of events attended by Professor I.K. Kilam (Dean, Students Welfare, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions) and Dr Gurjeet Kaur Chawla ( HOD, Associate-Dean Student Welfare, FAS, MRIU) gave students the perfect platform to give off their best. MRDCBUZZ March, 2014 12 MRDC STUDENTS SHINE IN INTERCOLLEGIATE COMPETITIONS Students of MRDC have brought back laurels in various intercollegiate competitions ranging from Academics to Extracurricular activities. The unabated victorious trend of Manav Rachna Dental College is not limited to academic achievements. The overall personality development of its students is visible as much on extracurricular front as much it is on the curricular side. MRDC students bagged eight first prizes in various academic, sports and extracurricular events in the past months. It started with Indian Dental Students Conference at ITS Dental College in November 2013 • Shruthi Akhilanandan Intern bagged first prize in Original Research paper presentation on “Views of Indian Dental students on tobacco cessation counseling and their skills as counselors.” (Guided by Dr. Meena Jain). • Jugpriyana Kohli, Intern bagged first prize in review paper presentation on “Steriolithography”.(Guided by Dr. Malathi Buddhi) • Manav Rachna Dental College team bagged third prize in Fashion Show event. • MRDC team bagged third position in group singing competition. Shruthi and Abha Bedi, Interns won first prize in All India Dental Quiz (North zone) organized by Pepsodent Neuron . The same team stood fifth in national level completion. The quiz was held on 25th November 2013 for North Zone level and on 22nd December 2013 for National level at Mumbai. Manav Rachna Dental College students also shone in both cultural as well as sports events at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi, held on 16th, 19th and 20th December 2013 • Second position in Carrom Men’s doubles by Ankush Bhardwaj and Vaibhav Gambhir • First position in chess by Dr. Swastik. • First position in mixed doubles badminton by Gaurav Loona and Jasleen. • First and second position in women’s singles badminton by Jaisleen and Akriti respectively. • Second prize in Rangoli com- Ankush Bhardwaj and Vaibhav Gambhir winning the Carromm men’s doubles Shruthi Akhilanandan (right) proud with her achievements petition by team of Diksha, Ira and Shilpa of MRDC. • First prize in Mehndi competition by team of Bhagyashree and Abha. • First and second prize was bagged by Padmini and Akriti in Soap Carving competition. • First prize in Salad dressing competition by team of Jugpriyana and Harkamal . • Second prize in Fashion show competition. • Second prize in comedy act by the team of Karishma, Shruthi, Akriti and Abha • Second prize in Mimicry competition by Manish Panwar. • First and Second prize in Solo Dance by Jasmine and Jyothi Bilwal respectively. Third prize was bagged by Akriti Dogra, Intern on Caries Prevention (Guided by- Dr. Meena Jain) in poster making competition at 25th IDA Faridabad conference held on 15th December 2013 at Hotel Atrium. Nithi and Akriti, Interns from MRDC bagged second and third prize in “HIV/AIDS and its prevention” – poster making competition held at MRIU on 20th January 2014. Padmini R.S. was judged first in slogan writing competition and Abha Bedi bagged first prize in Essay writing competition at Ideacracy, held at C block MRIU on 23rd January 2014 (Pic E). Sixty fifth republic day celebrations were held at amphitheatre with various competitions. Akriti and Shilpi from MRDC won first prize in face painting competition while Padmini and Tenzin Passang bagged the second prize. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH PERFORMANCE SPORTS A n International Conference for The Scientific Basis of Training And Exercise was conducted by the Culture & Sports Committee of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 16th January, 2014. Professor Dr G. L. Khanna, Vice President, Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) and Dean, Faculty of Applied Science, and Associate Professor Dr Oleksandr Krasilshchikov, Director, Asian Chapter, International Physical Activity Projects Exercise & Sports Science Program, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), were the eminent professionals invited to deliver expert lectures on Sports and Exercise. The conference was attended by various professionals from the field of Health and Sports. Faculty Members and Students from the Faculty of Applied Science, Manav Rachna International University formed the majority of the participants in the conference. Dr. Saurabh Sanyal, Executive Director- PHD Chamber, at the beginning of the Conference discussed the importance of training and exercise and the fact that it needs to be developed from early childhood. He emphasized on the need to focus on stress development of anatomical parts of the body. Professor G.L. Khanna further presented his expert views on the Physiological Basis of Training Indian Athletes. He shared his rich thoughts which reflected that exercise is the best medicine in today’s world which helps anybody and everybody. Professor G.L. Khanna also elaborated that Gene Medicine and Gene Therapy are the new research areas which need consider- ation for improving the overall health of Sports persons. Dr Oleksandr explained through his presentation how periodization and psychology along with motor learning, biomechanics and nutrition, benefits an athlete in achieving top performance results on the grounds. Shri Onkarmal Kedia, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports discussed various plans and policy that the Government of India is planning to bring forth to encourage and support the Sports Education and Training for upcoming sportspersons in India. The Conference not only offered a unique opportunity to gain knowledge about exercise prescription and training but also benefited sports professionals and physiotherapists, trainers, coaches, sports biomechanics and fitness personnel in knowing how the Government can help them in building their career as Sports personnel. THE MAKING OF AN ETHICAL HACKER Parveen Yadav, a final semester student of FET’s B.Tech (IT) department of Manav Rachna International University (MRIU), has an unusual passion. He is an ethical hacker who has assisted top MNCs like Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Paypal for cyber security issues and earned a name for himself in the Google and Yahoo Hall of Fame. “Ethical hacking and a ethical hacker are terms that describe hacking performed to help a company or individual identify potential threats on the computer or network. An ethical hacker attempts to hack their way past the system security, finding any weak points in the security that could be exploited by other hackers. The organization uses what the eth- ical hacker finds to improve the system security, in an effort to minimize, if not eliminate, any potential hacker attacks,” as per a definition on the internet At MRIU Parveen, has conducted workshops on Information security and cyber crimes. By the time he was 20, Parveen began detecting several loopholes in many of the big web portals of companies both in India and abroad. Further, he also helped them to secure the loopholes in consultation with CERT-IN (Computer Emergency Dept of India), IT Ministry. He was enlisted in the Google Hall of Fame while Yahoo made him a part of the Yahoo Top-10 Security Researcher list. His ethical reporting at Yahoo got him a reward of $ 2564 and the offer to join its paranoid team (as Information Security Expert). Parveen has been appreciated by IBM where his efforts were recognized for helping them secure their web application. At Amazon, Deutsche Telekom, Rediff and Nokia, he was equally helpful in detecting possible vulnerabilities in their security systems. TECHBUZZ March, 2014 CONTINUING EDUCATION AT MANAV RACHNA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY: SPIRIT, OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERY Dr Suresh Bedi, Director CCDE T he basic purpose of continuing education is to make education a life long process and relevant to real-life situations. To give extension dimension to the university system in the country, continuing education was introduced by the Government of India in 1978. It was actively supported and promoted by the University Grants Commission as a result of which a large number of universities in the country established departments of adult, continuing and extension education within their systems. Continuing education seeks to prepare students to adopt change, acquire new knowledge and learn new skills in the light of the emerging technologies and to meet the new demands in the world of work. Continuing Education at Manav Rachna specifically focuses on building skills that are currently needed in the field of business, industry and social life. Continuing education seeks to prepare students to adopt change, acquire new knowledge and learn new skills in the light of the emerging technologies and to meet the new demands in the world of work. Continuing Education at Manav Rachna specifically focuses on building skills that are currently needed in the field of business, industry and social life. The target groups include the groups that have passes out of formal education and need to return for up gradation or acquisition of new skills.These groups are those who are currently seeking productive employment or are from industry and business, across all age groups. Continuing education is delivered thorough various programs and activities which include: o Foundation, certificate and degree courses; o Courses integrated with different degrees at graduate and post-graduate levels in the different streams of science, commerce, arts, engineering, architecture and others; o Special skill enhancement courses for school and college pass outs; o Special-focus professional courses relating to ICT, multi-media, computer applications, mass communication, design, advertising, public relations and the like; o Courses specially focused on the current demands of the industry and public services; o Para-professional courses for enhancement of knowledge and skills; o Leadership and human development programs; o Quality-of-life improvement programs; o Personal development programs; o Social and community development programs; and o Equivalency programs running parallel to those offered by the Non-Formal Education Sector of the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the states and the Centre. Students are encouraged to participate in the projects, activities and programs of continuing education. The programs and activities under continuing education may take the shape of teaching, training, surveys, consultancy, projects, research and MOVING TOWARDS GREEN RESEARCH Prof. Dr. Nasrudin Abd Rahim, Director UMPEDAC and Dr. Jeyraj Selvaraj with MRCE faculty, discussing the PV-Thermal system designed and installed at MRCE Manav Rachna College of Engineering (MRCE) founded in 2004, has grown to become a hub of knowledge generation and knowledge dissemination.The institution is NAAC ‘A’ accredited and its programs of B Tech in Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Sciences have been provisionally accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for a duration of 2 years (valid till 2015).The Institution has developed linkages with national and international institutions of repute to promote research and developmental activities. Many of the re- Many of the research and developmental projects undertaken by MRCE are in the area of Green Technology and sustainable development search and developmental projects undertaken by the Institute are in the area of Green Technology and sustainable development. Moving forward in the direction of developing expertise in the area of renewable energy the Institute signed an MoU with Power Energy Dedicated Advance Centre (UMPEDAC), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (QS ranking 167) in the month of April, 2013 . On November 25, 2013, Prof. Dr. Nasrudin Abd Rahim, Director UMPEDAC and training in various areas. To deliver these programs, the university may enter into collaboration with international organisations (like UNESCO, UNICEF, International Council for Adult Education, Asia-South Pacific Bureau for Adult Education and the like), universities, institutes, government departments, consultancy organisations, NGOs or professional and social groups as per need. The programs can also be delivered online. Continuing Education centre also facilitates academic units and departments in their extension work through field projects, and other activities. As the activities of a continuing education centre cuts across various disciplines, cooperation of various academic departments and units is of critical importance for the furtherance of its objectives. Dr. Jeyraj a/l Selvaraj visited MRCE. The team met Vice President MREI, Dr. Amit Bhalla and Prof. Naveen Prakash, Director MRCE and a policy level meeting was held to discuss the unlimited scope of research collaborations among both the Institutions.The team members held a brainstorming session with the senior faculty members of MRCE to chalk out the future area of thrust. UMPEDAC President Prof. Dr. Nasrudin Abd Rahim made a presentation of the research activities and facilities at the centre. Dr.Vineet Veer Tyagi, Associate Professor, Department of Physics presented the thrust area of MRCE research activity in the field of Photo Voltaic and discussed the merits of Photo Voltaic Thermal system efficiency testing at both the locations i.e. Faridabad and Kulalumpur. Dr. Charu Pathak, Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering suggested including study of impact of Digital Signal Processor based control systems in enhancing the power output and making the system more economical. Both the Institutions agreed to focus on joint research activities, publications and applying for international grants in the area of renewable energy specially the solar energy. Prof. B M Bahal, Dean Academics MRCE discussed the possibility of exchange of Postgraduate students and research scholars and formalizing it in the near future. 13 HAIR TRANSPLANT BY FUE TECHNIQUE F ollicular Unit extraction or FUE is a highly popular and evolving hair transplant technique in which a small round punch is used to extract follicular units from a patient’s bald resistant donor areas on the sides and back of the scalp. Once the underlying follicular unit is separated from the surrounding tissues it can then be extracted, often by a forceps gripping the hair above the surface. These grafts are then preserved in special solution. These 1, 2, 3 and 4 hair groupings (called follicular unit grafts) are then transplanted into a patient’s balding areas using special implantation forceps. A young adult male was treated for baldness using this technique in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, MRDC on 18th December 2013. More than 200 follicular unit grafts were harvested from the occipital region using motorized extraction punch device. The extracted grafts were carefully preserved in normal saline solution to avoid desiccation. The implantation sites were prepared using special blade. All the grafts were then successfully implanted into the prepared sites using implantation forceps. Hair Transplant by FUE Technique Dr. Amit Mohan Department of oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, MRDC, Faridabad FASBUZZ CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACTIVITIES BY FMS I ndia is tipped as being one of the top 10 economic powers of the world by 2025. It is also being said that this success will be backed by a young population. By 2015, more than half of the Indian population will be below 35 years of age. India is thus a young nationwith immense human and intellectual capital, but also a huge potential of getting impressed upon. In such a scenario, the education industry must take the lead in shaping young minds. Manav Rachna International University has taken upon itself this daunting task of crafting not only better minds, but better individuals. Working towards the vision of founder Chancellor, Late Dr. O P Bhalla, MRIU works towards building a better society. In particular, the Faculty of Management Studies at MRIU has been dedicated to the cause of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Training future managers and entrepreneurs through its MBA, MA (Applied Psychology) and Hotel Management programs, FMS has regularly been conducting CSR initiatives since 2010. FMS made a humble beginning by adopting a village each in the Faridabad and Gurgaon areas. Surveys were conducted by students on environmental sustainability and health awareness issues. Every year, FMS carries out ‘Shram Daan’ on the occasion of Labour Day or May Day on May 1. Students from FMS perform 2 hours of duty in place of various support staff across the university campus. Students are seen as guards, peons, lab. attendants, pantry attendants etc. Dignity of labour and equality are the messages we seek to communicate through this effort. In our efforts to sensitize citizens for an environmentally- responsile festive season, FMS organizes the Anti- cracker rally before Diwali. This is achieved through nukkad naatak (street plays), banners, slogans and marching through the main markets of Faridabad. The curriculum at FMS includes a compulsory course on Ethics and Values, under which students undergo 100 ours of training with none other than the Haryana Police. This CSR initiative, called ‘Ek Pehal’ has been conducted by FMS students since 2011. Students get real- life exposure to case resolu- tion at police stations, traffics management, documentation etc. The Police Commisionerate of Faridabad has been providing opportunities for FMS students to learn through various activities. FMS partnered the Faridabad city police for the launch of the ‘Building a Safe City for Women’ campaign in Sep. 2013. Students were involved in organizing the program which was attended by eminent people. On this occasion, FMS students staged a play on women safety. As a part of the women safety campaign, FMS students conducted a survey, administering questionnaires to over 6000 women in Faridabad. With their expertise in the areas of counseling, social psychology and research, FMS students were able to establish a rapport with the respondents, eliciting responses on issues such as: feeling secure in public places, having been prone to any gender- based anti-social act, having witnessed any such act, having offered/ provided help, having discussed such an issue with friends/ family, having sought help from the police etc. Subsequent to data collection, analysis and presentation of the report was done by FMS. The findings will come in handy for the city police to understand and work upon women safety problems. FMS joined hands with Haryana Tourism for organizing the day to day operations at the Surajkund Crafts Mela. This association has been working since 2013. Students from MBA and Hotel management disciplines are provided a training capsule before the Mela. The young ladies and gentlemen are put on to various areas of duty. It may be said that FMS students are available at the Mela venue for each and every concern of the visitors.Visitors are guided at the entry by the students, who are also available for assistance at various important locations all through the grounds. Students are also working with media personnel to ensure proper media coverage for the event through various communication channels (print, radio, television, internet). Director of Faculty of Management Studies, MRIU, Dr. Chavi Bhargava Sharma strongly believes that it is in the making of better human beings that education best manifests itself. It is with this ideology that CSR has been woven into the curricula of the various programs at FMS. With the guidance of senior FMS faculty member Mr. Mukesh Malik, the CSR projects with the Faridabad Police have been a source of practical learning for students and route to develop responsible global citizens. March, 2014 14 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF TRAINING AND EXERCISE PRESCRIPTION T he Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Applied Sciences, organized an International workshop on “Physiological Basis of Training and Exercise Prescription” at Manav Rachna International University on 15 January, 2014. The international workshop brought together eminent professionals of physiotherapy, sports sciences, physical education and allied sciences at a common platform to impart knowledge, share new ideas and concepts. The workshop was chaired by Dr D. K. Kansal, Principal, IGIPESS, New Delhi. The other guests of honour were Dr Gurdeep Singh and Dr Shayamal Koley. The resource faculties included Assoc. Prof. Dr Oleksandr Krasilshchikov, Director, Asian Chapter, International Physical Activity Projects Exercise & Sports Science Program, School of Health Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia SPORTS NUTRITION In the modern world of sport, performing at your best requires commitment at many levels, hard-training, superior equipments or a will to win – in fact, among the top competitors in any sport these factors are often equalized. Under these conditions, sound nutritional practices can make the difference between winning and losing, or between doing a personal best and just finishing the event. Whether the stakes are fame and millions of dollars, or the satisfaction of achieving a sporting goal or gaining national prestige, there are clear rewards for eating well. Within sports, of any sort, there is always a prevailing notion that the athletes strive to get better or be “bigger, faster and stronger.” The awareness of nutrition playing an important role in exercise and sports can be considered as old as the start of civilization itself. The scientific area of sports nutrition has experienced a phenomenal expansion of knowledge in recent years. During the past three decades of laboratory and field research, a broad foundation of science has been laid in scientific literature. An area of science called sports nutrition has now been established and it has served as the basis for enhancing athlete’s physical and mental performance, such as strength, power, endurance and focus. Therefore, every sport requires a different diet to suit the athlete’s needs, and sports nutrition is the key to an athlete’s success. The current awareness about health and fitness has created a need for experts, i.e., sports (USM), Prof. Dr G. L. Khanna,Vice President Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS), and Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Dr Mantu Saha, Scientist ‘E’, Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Dr.Mithesh Sharma (Chief Cardiac Surgeon, Metro Hospital), Dr Neeta Dhabai (Gynaecologist, Metro Hospital), Dr.Ejaz Husain (Jamia Milia Islamia), Dr N. B. Shukla (BHU) and Poonam Verma (Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University). The plenary sessions featured international and national speakers as 200 delegates participated in the workshop. During the conference, Dr G. L. Khanna shared his knowledge and rich experience in the field of physiology of exercise training. He emphasized that to implement exercise prescription for individuals and to evaluate exercise and fitness ONE DAY VISIT TO YAKULT DANONE The students and faculty members of Department of Nutrition and Dietetics made a one day visit on 7th January 2014 to the Yakult Danone Plant at Sonipat, Haryana.Yakult Danone India (P) Ltd is a 50:50 Joint Venture between Yakult Honsha, Japan and Group Danone of France, both of which are global probiotic leaders. The students were invited by the Yakult Danone India group to understand the importance and role of a probiotic drink in today’s nutrition need. The students observed how Yakult is made and packed under stringent conditions. The stateof-the-art factory was a unique experience for Nutrition and Dietetics learners to understand the processing and the important control points of the probiotic drink prepared at the Factory. nutritionist or sports dietitian who can advise individuals about their health requirements and suggest a personalized fitness programme taking into account lifestyle, time constraints and other relevant factors. Role of sports nutritionists/ dietitians: Evaluating, analyzing and assessing a sports person’s diet, performance ability and physiological makeup in order to prescribe a diet that will achieve optimal human athletic function. Responsible for educating athletes about nutrition and making assessment, physiological basis is very important. Dr Oleksandr gave an excellent coverage to exercise prescription for the young, adolescent and elderly. To boost physical and medical well being,Yoga has been found to be one of the most important disciplines of exercise sciences and this was widely elaborated at the Meet. Dr Mithesh Sharma and Dr Neeta Dabai from Metro hospital, Faridabad, explained the importance of physiotherapy in cardiac conditions and pregnancy respectively. They discussed the influence of type, intensity, frequency and duration of exercises in these conditions. The significance of exercise therapy in diabetes was discussed by Dr Ejaz Hussain. He focused on the role of exercise in reducing associated cardiovascular and lifestyle risk factors. Dr N. B. Shukla emphasized upon the importance of anthropometry and physiological basis of yoga. healthy food choices. A sports nutritionist has a full understanding of other health care and sports professionals and works in a team environment to accomplish both individual and team goals. They have core competencies in nutrient metabolism, exercise physiology and psychology. Careers in sports nutrition lead to work with individual and groups who are healthy, active and highly competitive or are seeking to develop or rebuild an active, healthy lifestyle. Abundant professional career opportunities are there in this growing field: Professional and national sports team Hospitals and rehabilitation centers Sports and fitness clubs Corporate fitness and health centers Nutritional and sports drink companies Teaching opportunities Academic or medical research Sports training camps Private practice Compared to an average person, athletes and sports stars require a tailor made, strength building nutrition plan to help boost their stamina and endurance. This is where the role of sports nutrition comes into play. By : Manisha Singh Assistant Professor Department of Nutrition and Dietetics CONFERENCEBUZZ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RELIABILITY, OPTIMIZATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Inaugurating the ICROIT event D epartment of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Manav Rachna International University, organized a three-day International Conference on Reliability, Optimization and Information Technology (ICROIT 2014), technically co-sponsored by IEEE, Delhi Section. The Conference was held from 06th to 08th, February 2014, at the MRIU campus, Faridabad. The conference proved to be highly inspiring and a huge success, with a total number of about 200 delegates in attendance from India as well as abroad. It saw numerous experts delivering lectures and introducing the delegates to the emergent topics of the computing world. The conference commenced with the Inauguration Ceremony, Saraswati Vandana, and lighting of the lamp by Chief Guest Dr Pranab Sen, Chairman, National Statistical Commission and Former Principal, Economic Adviser, Planning Commission; Guest of Honor Dr G. Prahlada,Vice Chancellor, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Deemed University, Girinagar, Pune; Lt. Gen. Baldev Singh (Retd.), President, R Systems International Ltd; Honorable Vice Chancellor, Dr. N. C. Wadhwa, MRIU; Dr. M. K. Soni, Executive Director and Dean, FET; Prof. Naresh Grover, Director, FET; Dr. S. S. Tyagi, Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE, FET. A total of 230 research papers were submitted from various parts of India and throughout the world including countries like Egypt, Australia, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc. These papers were reviewed by the highly experienced and qualified academicians from the esteemed Educational Institutes/Universities in India, namely, IIT Roorkee, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU,Varanasi, University of Delhi, Delhi Technological University, Assam University, Punjab Technical University, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Kurukshetra University, Banasthali University,VIT University, Tamil Nadu, etc. After the rigorous activity of examining and reviewing, a total of 135 research papers were selected to be presented at the conference and published in the proceedings. The inauguration ceremony ended with the unveiling of the souvenirs which were presented The conference’s Guest of Honor was Dr G. Prahlada, Vice Chancellor, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Deemed University, Girinagar, Pune. Other guests were: Lt. Gen. Baldev Singh (Retd.), President, R Systems International Ltd; MRIU Vice Chancellor Dr. N. C. Wadhwa; Dr. M. K. Soni, Executive Director and Dean, FE T; Prof. Naresh Grover, Director, FE T; and, Dr. S. S. Tyagi, Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE, FET to the delegates as mementos. The Keynote addresses were delivered by Dr. Kusum Deep, Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, IIT, Roorkee, on the topic “Can Advancements in Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques solve complex real life problems?”, Mr. Pradyumn Lavaniya, Director-Cloud Business, EMC India and SAARC, delivered an interactive speech on “Cloud Computing:Trends,Technology, Opportunities and Impact”, Prof. B. Chandra, Dept. of Mathematics, IIT Delhi, discussed the topic on “Data Mining and its Applications”, Mr. Kulvaibhav Kaushik, Junior Research Associate, Infosys, talked on “Network Security:Trends and Analysis”, Dr. K. Subramaniam, SM-IEEE, delivered his speech on “Evolutionary Optimization, Reliability Techniques, Cloud Com- puting and Big Data”. Scholars and researchers presented their research work and shared their experiences in fifteen technical sessions throughout the conference, each emphasizing a different area of research ranging from Cloud Computing, Wireless Networks, Data Mining, Semantic Web, Software Engineering, Compression, Reliability, to the emergent topics of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Each of the technical session was judged by a Session Chair, which constituted thought provoking presentations by academicians and scientists. On the second day, after the technical sessions were over, all the participants relaxed while enjoying an evening of fun-filled cultural events. The conference concluded with the valedictory function. Dr. K. Subramaniam, SM-IEEE, Dr. M. K. Soni, Executive Director and Dean, FET, Prof. Naresh Grover, Director, FET, Dr. S. S. Tyagi, Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE, FET, graced the occasion. Prof. Naresh Grover congratulated the Department of Computer Science and Engineering for organizing a successful conference and highlighted its key points. He also announced the winner of the Best Paper Award and Best Paper Presentation Award, namely “Performance Evaluation of the Dependable Properties of a Body Area Wireless Sensor Network”, presented by Venki Balasubramanian, Andrew Stranieri, Centre for Informatics and Applied Optimization School of Science, Information Technology and Engineering University of Ballarat, Australia. Dr. M. K Soni appreciated the organizing team for successfully executing all events. Dr. S. S. Tyagi gave the vote of thanks to the honorable guests, keynote speakers and delegates. The program was a success and achieved its objective of sharing the importance of Reliability, Optimization and Information Technology. March, 2014 15 MANAV RACHNA DENTAL COLLEGE BAGS 17 AWARDS AT MAULANA AZAD INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES M anav Rachna Dental College participated in an inter-collegiate cultural event organised by Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences (MAIDS), New Delhi, and came out with flying colours The MAIDS inter-college commenced on December 16, 2013 and carried on for five days which were full of culture, festivity and sports provided students the perfect platform to showcase their talents. At the Dental Health Utsav & Youth Festival at MAIDS, the students and interns of MRDC accompanied by Dr. Naresh Sharma (Reader, Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, MRDC) earned several laurels and accolades for their Institution. Celebrating the spirit of colours at the Rangoli competition, the team comprising of Diksha Saini, Ira Garg and Shilpa Aggarwal won the Second position. At the Soap Carving Competition, MRDC’s interns showcased their carving skills with Padmini Rahi Saungna and Akriti Dogra securing the First and Second positions respectively. Two of MRDC’s orators – Abha Bedi and Jugpriyana Kohli—impressed audiences with their debate on the topic– “Dress code should be mandatory in professional colleges”. The Indian tradition of applying Mehendi was woven into a competition where MRDC student Bhagyashree Ahuja walked away with the First Prize. Students Jasmine Pattanayak and Jyoti Bilwal stole the show with their scintillating dance performances. They won the First and Second positions respectively in the solo dance category. Jugpriyana Kohli and Harkamal Maan engaged in Salad Dressing with a “Mystical Christmas” theme. They presented a platter of beautifully carved fruits and vegetables which won them a cash prize of Rs 1500. Mimicry artist from MRDC Manish Pawar, and students Shruthi Akilandan, Abha Bedi, Karishma Seth and Akriti Dogra made people laugh and giggle with their skits and comic acts. They bagged the Second position in their respective categories. On the second day of the fun fare, girls of MRDC put up a Fashion Fiesta where they won a cash prize. Principal Dr. Arundeep Singh who was present at the prize distribution ceremony greatly appreciated the students’ skills and fashion sense. Under the guidance of Mr. Amit Kumar, Sports officer, Jaisleen Kaur and Gaurav Loona bagged the first prize in the mixed doubles badminton event while Jaisleen Kaur and Aakriti Bhardawaj were placed First and Second in the Badminton singles category. Ankush Bhardwaj and Vaibhav Ghambir won the second position in the carrom doubles category while in Chess, Dr. Swastik (MDS IInd Yr student- Dept of Orthodontics) bagged the first position. The entire participation was managed by Student Coordinators Dr. Gaurav Loona and Dr Jugpriyana Kohli. Overall, the fest was an enriching experience with MRDC students outshining many of the participants from as many as 10 Dental colleges of Delhi-NCR. This was possible largely due to the encouragement of Maj. Gen. (Dr). P.N. Awasthi (Advisor-Dental/Allied Sciences), Dr. Arundeep Singh (Principal MRDC) and Dr. Naresh Sharma who were the students’ guiding light and pillars of support. MEMORIES ARE MADE OF THIS N othing but memories remain. The passing out students of MRCE-CSE-A batch celebrated Scribble Yen on the eve of their last day of their college life “Time and tide waits for none, nor did it for us.Yes guys!! It’s true that ,there will be no more lectures, no more exchanging of notes ,suddenly one more phase of our life has finished there will be replacement of a new routine over the regular college routine which was every morning thought to be an obstacle from getting up from bed. And now we are gearing up for the next and why not that’s universal. But there will surely be a void of the life which will be cherished lifelong ,” says Nikhil Dalmia -A Memo by 2K10-MRCECSE-A HEALTHBUZZ MODERNITY OF YOGA: LESSONS FOR STUDENTS T he Vedic Spiritual Heritage, India’s most exported soft power, has surely impacted and arrived Centre stage. The West has begun to accept and ape ‘Yog’, and now has several European and American variants. Kareena Kapoor engages an ‘Ayurvedic’Dietician. The Argentine Band ‘So What Project’ has been performing ‘Yoga Rave Music’ with tub-thumping numbers with growing international support. In fact, the western method of monetizing an idea and concept has ensured it’s fast-paced rise amongst the masses and classes. The ‘Yog’ industry, with all its variants in the West, is envisaged to be at par with its InfoTech Industry. ‘Yog’ is understood in bits and pieces to mean ‘Yogaasans’ or obtaining a few body postures which requires the flexibility of an Olympic Gymnast. However, ‘Yog’ (literally ‘ADDITION’ or ‘SUMMATION’) is the addition of breath to the movements of the body, closure of eyes (in order to introspect and observe the patterns of mind) as the basic steps. The aspects of diet, ‘Din Chaarya’ (observance of daily routine in tune with nature, beginning with harmonizing ones sleep with Sunset and SunRise), ‘RituCharya’ observing a dietary regimen in tune with the prevailing weather patterns to obviate diseases to body), ‘Yam’(observing established personal norms), ‘Niyam’(observing of norms of society)‘Swaadhyay’(Self Introspection) and ‘Tap’(Penance, in order to sharpen the sense organs and achieve a command over one’s thoughts, feelings and thus the behavioral patterns). The individual, thus, moves on to be in perfect harmony with one’s surroundings, aspirations and requirements of modern life in tune with present times. The spiritual scientists indicate towards the fact that in Sanskrit, the world for health is ‘SWASATH’, obtained by congregation (‘Sandhee’) of two words ‘ SWA’ ( self ) and ‘STH’ (Sthapit), one who is established in the self is ‘Swasth’ (Healthy), thus mental health is an inseparable component and integral to health in the very nomenclature and definition as per Vedic Spiritual Sciences. This has been recently accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO). Health as enshrined in ‘Yog’, is :• A disease-free Body. • A quiver-free Breath. • A stress-free Mind. • An inhibition-free Intellect. • An obsession-free Memory. • An Ego that includes all. • A Happy Soul. Mother Nature intends for ‘everything and everyone’ to belight, nourished, cherished and happy. March, 2014 When a jeev (living being) is at ‘Dis’ ‘Ease’ with its physical and metaphysical surroundings, it is heading towards ‘DISEASE’ SELF-MANAGEMENT All the management philosophies, ranging from Time Management to Financial Management and Systems Management to Business Management, emanates from Self-Management. If we manage our emotions and reactions to people and situations,the rest of our life-journey starts to reflectone’s own positive disposition to the environment very soon. This ‘Yogyata’ is derived from ‘Yog’. The different situations which arise due to interaction of the ‘Jeev’(Living Being especially Humans) with the ‘Sansaar’(Office Colleagues, Softwares, Surroundings, Machines and other Beings) cause loss of equanimity which is a regular feature of human life. This may cause Anger, Lust, feeling of Loss, Jealousy, and other ‘Commotion of Emotion’ which tends to make one gravitate away from the ‘Centered-Ness’. This loss of ‘Centered-Ness’ leads to vitiation ofthoughts and results into heavy breathing. This cycle can be corrected and reversed through ‘Controlled Breathing’ which regulates the quantity, speed and the direction of Air Element in the body. Once this ‘Controlled Breathing’ is practiced and infused in the body at least once (in the prescribed manner) in a cycle of 24 hrs, it effectuates a regulation on the breath and it finishing off any ‘dis-ease’ in the ecosystem of the body. This ‘ecosystem’ of the body includes the entire Mind-Body Complex. This ‘Controlled Breathing’ is called ‘PraanaYaam’ (‘Prana’ means the ‘Life Force’ and ‘Ayaam’ is the ‘Facet’). The ‘Pranaayaams’ oxygenates the blood cells, restores the biorhythms in the body and centers the mind.These ‘Pranayaams’,in the modern age, available through YouTube videos, DVDs, Guided CDs and other media. However, the best and recommended method is to present oneself for various workshops and courses offering these life-skills. Usually it takes anything between three to six days to learn these ‘Pranaayaams’ under an experienced and qualified trainer. The Happiness Program , ‘Achieving Personal Exellence’ (APEX) and ‘Youth Empowerment Seminar’( YES+) are few such programs which alongside the ‘Praanayams’, integrate life-skills,playwaygupshup, energy building processes and meditations. Another feature of these workshops is the ‘SudarshanKriya’, (Recommend a Google Search), a unique breathing pattern which has calming, harmonizing and cooling effects on the entire body-mind complex. These workshops are conducted across 164 countries in local languages. Researchers at AIIMS, NIM- ADMISSION ROUND UP Admission Season into Universities is just round the corner and students would soon take that their steps into the world of higher education. Manav Rachna University is all ready to meet the counseling session for new admissions. R ealizing the importance of Career counseling in helping students assess their interests, abilities and values, Manav Rachna Educational Instructions organized a three-day Intensive Training for Admission Duties. Conducted every year for Faculty and Staff Members on Admission Duty, the objective behind this training is to ensure that the people in the said area are fully aware of the Admission Procedures, Courses offered, Highlights of Different Programmes, Transport and Hostel facilities available, Education loans on offer and so on. Senior dignitaries such as Dr N.C. Wadhwa (Vice Chancellor, Manav Rachna International University), Col. (Retd) V.K. Gaur ((Director, Manav Rachna College of Education), Professor Suresh Bedi (Director, Quality Assurance and Centre for Continuing and Distance Education) , Dr Ashok Kumar Arora (Executive Director, Administration, Manav Rachna International University—MRIU), Ms Hitankshi Thukral, (Deputy Director, Corporate Communications, MRIU), Dr H.S. Sai, General Manager, IS, among others were there to share their views and expertise during the training exercise. The Programme was attended by a wide mix of Faculty and Staff from different departments and institutes of MREI. Addressing the gathering, Col. (Retd) V.K. Gaur emphasized upon the importance of admissions to sustain every department, operation and member of the organization. He said that it was Realising the importance of Career Counseling in helping students assess their interests, MREI organised a three-day Intensive Training for Admission Duties important to be humble (‘vinamra’) and look to our conscience (‘vivek’) while counseling students and parents. While speaking to the audience at large, Dr N.C. Wadhwa said, “For a self financed campus like us, we have to prepare ourselves well for the admission process. Ours is a transparent system where it is essential for us to be truthful at all times.” His parting words were, “Act as a proactive member of the team; be receptive, kind and considerate to one and all.” 16 ADMISSIONS OPEN Session 2014-2015 Admission is on in full swing at the Faculty of Management Studies, Manav Rachna International University. We are proud to add another feather to Manav Rachna’s already distinguished cap with the launch of the Executive MBA (EMBA) programme for which Admissions are Open for a Limited Batch Size. Executive MBA Highlights This unique 15 month programme conducted by the Faculty of Management Studies, is meant specially for working professionals keeping in view their needs for upgradation of domain knowledge, application skills and career progression. What makes the EMBA programme a worthy experience is the fact that it is characterized by contemporary curriculum, application orientation, innovative pedagogy, global immersion and senior faculty drawn both from academia and industry. Its specializations in Marketing, International Business, Finance, Human Resource Management and Information Technology is expected to give participants exposure to current management and business practices prevalent both within and outside the country. The participants can expect to fast-track their careers through this course by receiving fresh insights into business practices and move on to the higher echelons of management. The programme is based on actual re-skilling requirements of professionals which is an area of major concern for executives in today’s competitive era. This cutting-edge programme will take care of time constraints of working professionals and has convenient schedules with weekend classes. The programme has an ongoing partnership with KPMG to deliver specialized modules. Online applications for admissions to be submitted at the university website HANS and other top institutes are already testifying to the positive results. Established corporates and institutions like Boston College, Google, Humboldt University, Cornell,Virginia Tech, IIT Bombay and even the NASA and US Army are putting their resources through these transformational programmers. The student life is about experimentation, widening the horizons and deepening the roots. It is incumbent upon the youth to seek deeper engagements with oneself and thence bring forth the change we all want to see. Deputy Registrar FET, MRIU Dr. Shobha is a qualified Yoga and Meditation Instructor. She has conducted workshops across India . You can send her tweets at @DrShobha. SPECIAL PRIZE FOR MRDC COMMUNITY SERVICES Manav Rachna Dental College received a special prize in ‘Allopathic’ category for its Community Services provided at ‘Health Mela 2014’ organized by BTPS Hospital at NTPC, Badarpur on 20th February 2014. This is the third time that the institute has bagged a prize in the event since 2011 when it first participated. The award was based on the services provided, number of patients and other community health education activities conducted in the mela. The competitors included all the major hospitals in Delhi/ NCR region. There were more than 40 participants in the mela. Manav Rachna Dental College provided diagnostic services including Oral Cancer Screening, preventive services like topical fluoride application and curative services like cleaning of teeth, removal of teeth and filling of carious teeth. The theme of the Health Mela 2014 was ‘Obesity Epidemic’. Interns of Manav Rachna Dental College performed a street play educating the people about obesity and its effect on general and oral health. On the occasion, a team of 18 interns, 12 students and 4 paramedic and support staff was lead by Dr. Meena Jain from the Department of Public Health Dentistry and coordinated by Dr. Ankur Sharma and Dr. Upender Singh Sohlot from Department of Public Health Dentistry, Manav Rachna Dental College. Two portable dental chairs and one ultrasonic scaler were installed in the camp for quality treatment. The team diagnosed 411 patients and treated more than 100 patients.
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