Real-time identification of time-varying bridge cable tension forces based on adaptive sparse time-frequency analysis Yuequan Bao1,2, Zuoqiang Shi3, James L. Beck1, Hui Li2, Thomas Y. Hou1 1 Applied and Computational Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA, 91125, USA 1 School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin China, 150090 3 Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 100084 Abstract: For cable bridges, the cable tension force plays a crucial role in the construction, assessment and long-term structural health monitoring (SHM). Cable tension forces vary in real time with the change of the moving vehicle loads and environmental effects, and this continual variation in tension force may cause fatigue damage of a cable. Traditional vibration-based cable tension force estimation methods can only obtain the time-averaged cable tension force and not the instantaneous force. This paper proposes a new approach to identify the time-varying cable tension forces of bridges based on an adaptive sparse time-frequency analysis method. This is a newly developed method to estimate the instantaneous frequency by looking for the sparsest time-frequency representation of the signal within the largest possible time-frequency dictionary (i.e. set of expansion functions). In the proposed approach, first, the time-varying modal frequencies are identified from acceleration measurements on the cable, then, the real-time cable tension is obtained from the relation between this force and frequencies. By utilizing the integer ratios of the higher order modal frequencies and fundamental frequency of the cable, the effects of measurement noise on instantaneous frequencies of different modes of the cable can be further reduced. A cable experiment is implemented to illustrate the ability of the proposed approach. The results show that the time-varying cable tension forces can be well 1 estimated with small errors by the proposed time-frequency based approach, even in case where there is partial data loss in the measurements. . Keywords: Structural health monitoring; time-varying cable tension identification; adaptive sparse time-frequency; matching pursuit; data loss. 1 Introduction Structural health monitoring (SHM) systems for the safety of structures have been widely investigated and installed on many of civil infrastructure systems, such as long-span bridges, offshore structures, large dams and other hydraulic engineering structures, nuclear power stations, tall buildings, large spatial structures, and geotechnical engineering structures [1-4]. For large span bridges, such as cable-stayed bridge and suspension bridge, the cables are a crucial element for overall structural safety of the structure. The cable tension forces vary in real time because of the loads from moving vehicles and other environmental effects, and this variation in cable tension forces may cause fatigue damage. Therefore, estimation of the time-varying cable tension forces is important for the maintenance and safety assessment of cable-based bridges. Methods for cable tension force estimation are either based on inference from cable vibration signals or, less commonly, from special sensors on the cables. The vibration-based methods for estimating cable tension forces calculate these forces from a relation between the natural frequency of cable vibrations and the tension force in the cable. These methods widely studied and are used in practice with the advantages of being inexpensive, convenient, and nondestructive monitoring. Kim and Park [5] classified existing vibration-based methods into four categories depending on whether the sag-extensibility and bending stiffness are taken into account or 2 not. They are the flat taut string theory that neglects both sag-extensibility and bending stiffness [6], the modern cable theory that takes account of the sag-extensibility but still neglects bending stiffness [7-10], the axially loaded beam model that considers the bending stiffness but neglects the sag-extensibility [11], and the final category that takes account of both sag-extensibility and bending stiffness using a practical formula [5, 12-16]. However, these vibration-based methods are usually not able to estimate in real-time the time-varying cable tension force, but only the average cable tension forces. Li et al. [17] proposed an extended Kalman filter based method to estimate the time-varying cable tension force using the measured acceleration data and wind speed data on the bridge. This method can identify the time-varying cable tension forces, but information about the wind speed data is needed. In additional to the vibration-based methods for cable tension force identification, direct measurements using traditional force sensors and elasto-magnetic (EM) sensors have been also used for cable tension force measurements in SHM of bridges. The traditional force sensor is used in a series connection with the cable to measure the strain, either by a vibrating wire transducer, strain gauge, hydraulic pressure sensor or Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor. The series connection means that these sensors are not readily replaceable and they are difficult to calibrate under the high stress states occurring in field applications. In addition, they tend to have unstable long-term performance. These sensors are therefore not widely used for long-term monitoring of bridge cables. Another sensing technique is the EM sensors, which have been used to measure static cable tensions. The principle behind EM sensors is based on the variation under stress of the magnetic permeability in a ferromagnetic material [18]. Field tests and applications of EM sensors for monitoring the cable tension in some bridges have been reported [19-20]. 3 For the identification of time-varying cable tension forces, one idea is to estimate the cable tension force by identifying the time-varying natural frequencies of the cable through time-frequency analysis of the cable vibration signal. Time-frequency analysis theories, including the short time Fourier transform, Gabor transform, Wavelet transform and Hilbert-Huang transform, have been investigated for non-linear signal analysis and non-linear structural damage identification in civil infrastructure systems [21-25]. However, there are no reports about the successful applications of these time-frequency analysis methods for real time identification of time-varying cable tension forces. For the frequency varying through time over a small range and with noisy data, a high resolution time-frequency analysis method is needed that is insensitive to noise. Recently, a new adaptive data analysis method to study trends and instantaneous frequencies for nonlinear and non-stationary time series data has been developed [26-28]. By combining the Empirical Mode Decomposition method (EMD) [29] and Compressive Sensing (CS) theory [30-32], this method is able to look for the sparsest time-frequency representation of the signal within the largest possible dictionary consisting of EMD intrinsic mode functions. The advantages of this novel adaptive sparse time-frequency analysis method are its high resolution in the time-frequency domain and its robustness to measurement noise. Here we employ this adaptive sparse time-frequency analysis method to estimate in real-time the time-varying cable tension force by using only the cable acceleration data. 2 Adaptive sparse time-frequency analysis Typically, the time-frequency analysis method consists of two parts: a large dictionary of time-frequency functions used to represent the signal and a decomposition method to decompose the 4 signal over the dictionary. As an example of a dictionary, the Fourier transform, one of the most widely used frequency analysis methods, is based on the dictionary of the well known Fourier harmonic basis functions: sin2 kt, cos2 kt : k 0,1,2, (1) where we assume that time has been scaled for the signal to lie in [0, 1]. For any signal f t , t 0,1 , we have the following Fourier expansion: M f t a0 ak cos2k t bk sin2k t (2) k 1 where the coefficients ak , bk can be obtained by the Fourier integral. Once we get the Fourier expansion, we can define the frequency for each component, t , to be 2k , which is the derivative of the phase function 2k t . The Fourier series is a powerful tool which has been widely used in many different applications. However, in many applications of time-frequency analysis, the Fourier series is not adequate because the signal frequencies are time varying, whereas the frequencies given by the Fourier series are all constants over the whole time span. For example, consider a simple chirp signal f t cos50t , 2 t0,1 . Intuitively, the frequency should continuously increase as time grows, but this information is not revealed by its Fourier coefficients as can be seen in Fig. 1. 5 Fig. 1. The chirp signal (left) and its Fourier coefficients (right). In order to get a time-varying frequency, one natural idea is to enlarge the dictionary of the time-frequency functions to incorporate functions with time-changing frequency. One such generalization is to replace the Fourier basis by the so-called AM-FM signals, which can be written a t cos t . Where we require that a t and the derivative of t , t , are less oscillatory than cos t . “Less oscillatory” means that over a few oscillations of cos t , the variation of a t and t is small so that that they can be well approximated by constants during these few oscillations. Then in this short time interval, the signal is decomposed approximately over the Fourier basis, which means that the frequency t can be defined to be the derivative of the phase function t t (3) We can therefore define informally the dictionary of AM-FM signals by: D a t cos t : a t , t are less oscillatory thancos t (4) To give the rigorous definition of “less oscillatory”, we define a linear space V , k k V span 1, cos , sin L 1k L L 1k L where (5) 1 2 is a parameter to control the smoothness and L 1 0 2 is the number of oscillations. A function, a t , is said to be “less oscillatory” than cos t means that a t V . Then, the dictionary D is well defined as following: D a t cos t : a t , t V (6) For arbitrary signal f t , we need to decompose it over above dictionary up to a given tolerance threshold 6 M f t ak cosk t r t (7) k 1 where r t is a small residual and r 2 . For each component, its frequency can be defined as k t k t (8) The remaining problem is how to do the decomposition. In Fourier analysis, since the basis is orthogonal, the unique decomposition can be obtained by the Fourier transform. Unfortunately, the dictionary D in Eq. (6) is highly redundant (the functions are not linearly independent) which means that the decomposition is not unique. Taking the chirp signal in Fig. 1 as an example; obviously, both f t cos 50 t 2 and its Fourier series are feasible decompositions using dictionary D, but the decomposition cos 50 t 2 is the one we want since this decomposition gives us an instantaneous frequency. Compared with the Fourier series, a fundamental feature of this decomposition is that it is very sparse. The whole signal is represented by only one component while there are about 100 components in Fourier series (see Fig. 1). For general time-frequency analysis of signals, we therefore look for the sparsest decomposition among all feasible decompositions based on dictionary D in Eq. (6), which is defined informally by the following optimization problem: Minimize ak 1kM , k 1kM M M Subject to: f t -ak t cos k t , on 0,1 (9) k 1 ak t cos k t D The above optimization problem can be seen as a nonlinear l0-norm minimization problem, which also arises in recent developments of compressive sensing (CS), where two common types of methods are matching pursuit and basis pursuit. Correspondingly, there are also two different algorithms to solve the optimization problem Eq. (9), which are based on the generalization of matching pursuit and 7 basis pursuit, respectively. 2.1 Algorithm for complete signal based on matching pursuit If the signal is complete, the optimization problem Eq. (8) can be approximately solved by the following nonlinear matching pursuit [27]: Step 1: Let r0 t f t , k=1 (10) Step 2: Solve the following nonlinear least-square problem: ak ,k argmin rk1 acos 2 , subject to: 2 a, a cos D (11) Step 3: Update the residual k rk f a j cos j (12) j 1 Step 4: if rk 2 , stop, where is a previously set residual threshold in Eq. (11). Otherwise, set k k 1 and go to Step 2. In the above algorithm, the key part is to solve the nonlinear least-squares problem in Step 2. It is found that this problem can be approximately solved by using Gauss-Newton type iteration along with the Fast Fourier transform. By combining these techniques, an efficient method was proposed in [27]. Under some assumptions, the convergence of this method has been proved [29]. The performance of this algorithm depends on the assumption that the components of the underlying decomposition are approximately orthogonal to each other. If some of the samples are missing in the measured signal such that the discrete l2 norm can not approximate the continuous l2 norm, this orthogonality property is destroyed. Then, the decomposition given by this algorithm may have large error. In order to deal with this kind of signals, we introduce another algorithm based on basis pursuit. 8 2.2 Robust adaptive sparse time-frequency analysis for signals with missing samples based on basis pursuit In this algorithm, we need to assume that the number of components, M in Eq. (11) is known a prior. Then, we solve following nonlinear l1 optimization problem to get the decomposition [30]: min x 1 , subject to 1 ,,M x f (13) 1 ,, M (14) cos (15) x,1 ,,M where and j , j 1,, K is defined as and is the basis of V in Eq. (5) k k cos , sin = 1, L 1k L L 1kL (16) After multiplying by cos , the columns of is the basis to represent the component of the decomposition. Once the optimization problem Eq. (13) is solved, the instantaneous frequencies are given as j t j t ,j 1,, M (17) Hou and Shi [30] proposed an iterative algorithm based on Augmented Lagrangian Multiplier (ALM) and soft shrinkage to solve the optimization problem in Eq. (13). In this method, the phase function is fixed then Eq. (13) becomes a linear l1 optimization problem. 3 Real-time identification of time-varying tension in bridge cables According to the widely used flat taut string theory that neglects both sag-extensibility and bending stiffness [5], the cable force can be calculated by 9 2 f F =4mL2 n n (18) where fn denotes the nth natural frequency in Hz; F, m and L are the tension force, mass density, and length of cable, respectively. Given the measured frequency and the mode number, the cable tension can be calculated directly. Consider time-varying cable tension, then Eq. (18) is expressed as t F t =4mL n 2 n 2 2 (19) where F t and n t =2 f n t are the time-varying cable tension force and nth natural frequency, respectively. An important and useful feature of vibration of cable is that the modes frequencies have integer multiples relations between the high order mode frequencies and the fundamental frequency, n t n1 t , if the sag-extensibility and bending stiffness are omitted. This feature means that we only need to calculate one instantaneous frequency which significantly simply the algorithm. 3.1 Algorithm for signal with complete samples For the complete signal, the algorithm is Section 1.1 can be simplified to be following: min ak 1kK , 1 K 2 k 1 2 f ak cos k1 , subject to: ak V , 1 V (20) Here K is the number of modes used to calculate the instantaneous frequency which is a given positive integer. The above nonlinear least-squares problem is solved by a Gauss-Newton type iteration method which is given in Algorithm 1. The explanation of this algorithm can be found in [27], where Hou and Shi also proposed a fast algorithm based FFT to solve the least-squares problem Eq. (18). 10 Algorithm 1 Input: Initial guess of phase function 10 0 and parameters 0 , , 0 . Output: Phase function 1 1. while do 2. 3. while 1n 1 1n 0 do 2 Solve the following least-squares problem: a n 1 k , bkn 1 Argmin f ak cos 1n bk sin 1n K ak ,bk k 1 Subject to: ak V n 1 4. ,b k V n 1 2 (21) 2 Update 1n : k PV 1n ; d t b n 1 arc tan kn 1 , k k s ds 0 dt ak (22) and where PV ; n 1 n 1 1 K k k , k a b ak2 bk2 k 1 k 1 K 2 k n 1 2 k 1 (23) is the projection operator to the space V 1n ; and V 1n ; is the space defined in Eq. (5) with . 5. end while 6. 7. end while 3.2 Algorithm for the signals with missing samples For the signals with missing samples, the algorithm is Section 2.2 can be also be simplified by using the relation n t n1 t . The degree of freedom of the optimization problem Eq. (13) can be 11 reduced to following, x f min x 1 , subject to 2 (24) where ,, K1 1 (25) cos j , j 1,, K j1 1 (26) and j1 , j 1,, K is defined as This problem is solved by an iterative algorithm which is stated in Algorithm 2. The l1 optimization problem Eq. (24) is solved by Augmented Lagrangian Multiplier method (ALM) which is also accelerated by FFT due to the fact that V is spaned by the Fourier basis in -coordinate [30]. Algorithm 2 Input: Initial guess of phase function 10 0 and parameters 0 , , 0 . Output: Phase function 1 1. while do 2. 3. while 1n 1 1n 2 0 do Solve the following l1 optimization problem: a n 1 k , bkn 1 argmin x 1 y x ,y 1 (25) Subject to: n x+ n y f 1 1 2 where n n , , K n , n n , , K n 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. Update 1n : k PV 1n ; d t b n 1 arc tan kn 1 , k k s ds 0 dt ak 12 (26) (27) and 5. j n 1 cos j1n n , 1 j n 1 sin j1n n , j 1, , K 1 (28) Update 1n in the same way as that in Algorithm 1. 6. end while 7. 8. end while After we obtain the solution t , the fundamental modal frequency is 1 t 1 t . Then, the time-varying cable tension force F t is estimated as t F t =4mL 2 2 2 (29) 4 Cable Experiments 4.1 Experimental set-up An experiment with a model cable of 1403 cm length (see Figure 2) was carried out by Li et al. [17] and it is employed here to illustrate the proposed approach. The vibration of the cable is excited by two 550-kW blower fans to simulate wind. A force sensor that is installed between the left anchorage of the cable and the sliding bearing is used to measure the time-varying cable tensions. A threaded rod is installed in a series connection with the cable to adjust the cable tension in real time, as shown in Figure 2(b); the threaded rod is operated manually to generate the cable tension variation. Two accelerometers are placed at 2.43 and 3.60m from the sliding bearing to measure the in-plane and out-of-plane vibrations of the cable. The DSpace data acquisition system is used to record the acceleration and cable tension force data with a sampling frequency of 200 Hz. 13 (a) (b) (d) (c) Fig. 2. Experimentaal setup: (a) experimental e l model; (b) tension adjusting device;; (c) data acq quisition system andd (d) blowerss and cable. Three experimentaal cases are considered: c Case 11: the initial cable tension n is 6500 N, the variation n of cable force is 15% w with duration n of 30 s; Case 22: the initial cable tension n is 6500 N, the variation n of cable force is 25% w with duration n of 25 s; Case 3: the initiall cable tensio on is 6500 N N, the variation of cable force is from m 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% witth duration of 30s, 25s, 30 0s and 30s, rrespectively. 4.2 Iden ntification reesults 4.2.1 Ideentification results r for Ca ase 1 For Casee 1, the meassured cable acceleration a ssignal and itts Fourier am mplitude specctrum betweeen [2, 15] Hz are sshown in Figg. 3. Fig. 3(b b) clearly shoows the firstt five modal frequencies of the cablee are very close to bbeing integeer multiples of o 1, 2, 3, 4, aand 5 of the fundamentall frequency aaround 2.5 Hz.. H 14 400 1 Amplitude Acceleration (m/s/s) 2 0 -1 200 -2 0 10 20 Time (s) 0 2 30 4 6 8 10 Frquency (Hz) 12 14 (a) (b) Fig. 3. Measured acceleration and the Fourier transform of the signal for Case 1: (a) acceleration data; and (b) Fourier amplitude spectrum Using the measured acceleration data and solving the optimization problem of Eq. (7), the identified time-frequency results of Case 1 are shown in Fig. 4, which clearly shows the first five time-varying frequencies. 14 Frequency (Hz) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 15 20 Time (s) 25 30 35 40 Fig. 4. Identified first five time-varying frequencies for Case 1 Using each of these five time-varying frequencies to calculate the cable tension forces by Eq. (14), the results are shown in Fig. 5, where the solid lines with (labelled ‘Measured’) are the cable tension forces measured by the force sensor without de-noising in the experiments and the dashed lines (labelled ‘Identified’) are the identified cable tension forces by the proposed approach. As shown in Fig. 5, the identified time-varying cable tension forces are closed to the measured cable tension forces 15 To quantify the identification error, the relative error of the cable tension force is calculated by F t T t T t 2 2 (14) 100% where is the percentage identification error; F t is the identified cable tension force and T t is the measured cable tension force at the sampled times. The identification errors for the cable tension forces calculated using the identified first to fifth time-varying frequencies are =4.26% , 3.62%, 3.27%, 4.36% and 3.43%, respectively. The time-varying cable forces estimated using each identified mode show some differences, although in each case the identification errors are small. Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 Time (s) 25 30 35 40 (a) Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 Time (s) 25 30 35 40 (b) Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 Time (s) (c) 16 25 30 35 40 Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 Time (s) 25 30 35 40 (d) Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 Time (s) 25 30 35 40 (e) Fig. 5. Identified time-varying cable tension forces of Case 1 by: (a) the first time-varying frequency with error 4.26% ; (b) the second time-varying frequency with error 3.62% ; (c) the third time-varying frequency with error 3.27% ; (d) the fourth time-varying frequency with error 4.36% ; and (e) the fifth time-varying frequency with 3.43% . By imposing the constraints between the higher-order modal frequencies and the fundamental frequency of the cable, the identification results obtained from the optimization Eq. (15) are shown in Fig. 6, where the identified time-varying cable force for Case 1 is smooth and stable with the corresponding identification error being 3.34% . Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 Time (s) 25 30 35 40 Fig. 6. Identified time-varying cable tension force for Case 1 by combining the first five time-varying frequencies, with the identification error 3.34% 4.2.2 Identification results for Case 2 For the Case 2, the measured cable acceleration signal and its Fourier amplitude spectrum between [2, 15] Hz are shown in Fig. 7. 17 400 1 Amplitude Acceleration (m/s/s) 2 0 -1 -2 0 10 20 Time (s) 30 200 0 2 40 4 6 8 10 Frquency (Hz) 12 14 (a) (b) Fig. 7. Measured acceleration and the Fourier transform of the signal for Case 2: (a) acceleration data; (b) Fourier amplitude spectrum. Using the measured acceleration data as shown in Fig. 7(a) and solving the optimization problem of Eq. (7), leads to the identified time-frequency results of Case 2 that are shown in Fig. 8, which clearly shows the first five time-varying frequencies. 14 Frequency (Hz) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 30 35 40 45 Fig. 8. Identified first five time-varying frequencies for Case 2. The time-varying cable tension force identification results of Case 2 are shown in Fig. 9, which shows that the time-varying cable tension force can be well identified with small identification error. Additionally, the identification results from combining the first five time-varying frequencies are also more smooth and stable than the results identified from each signal frequency as shown in Fig. 10, where the identification error is 3.58%. 18 Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 30 35 40 45 (a) Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 30 35 40 45 (b) Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 30 35 40 45 (c) Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 30 35 40 45 (d) Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 30 35 40 45 (e) Fig. 9. Identified time-varying cable tension forces of Case 2 by: (a) the first time-varying frequency with error 3.76% ; (b) the second time-varying frequency with error 3.62% ; (c) the third time-varying frequency with error 3.53% ; (d) the fourth time-varying frequency with 4.25% ; (e) the fifth, time-varying frequency with error 3.46% . 19 Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 30 35 40 45 Fig. 10. Identified time-varying cable tension force of Case 2 by combining first five time-varying frequencies, with the identification error 3.58% 4.2.3 Identification results for Case 3 For the more complex scenario of Case 3, the measured cable acceleration signal and its Fourier 1500 2 Amplitude Acceleration (m/s/s) amplitude spectrum between [2,15] Hz are shown in Fig.11. 0 -2 0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 1000 500 0 2 250 4 6 8 10 Frquency (Hz) 12 14 (a) (b) Fig. 11. Measured acceleration and the Fourier transform of the signal for Case 3: (a) acceleration data; and (b) Fourier amplitude spectrum. The identified time-frequency result for Case 3 are shown in Fig. 12, which shows the first five time-varying frequencies are well identified. Using each of this five time-varying frequencies, the calculated time-varying cable tension forces are shown in Fig. 13, which shows that the identification results are close to the measured cable forces, with relative identification errors are 3.04% , 2.96%, 2.56%, 2.50% and 2.26% for each of the five time-varying frequencies. The identification result in Fig. 14 shows the improvement from combining the first five time-varying frequencies as in Eq. (15), with the identification error being 1.95% . 20 14 Frequency (Hz) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 250 300 Cable force (N) Fig. 12. Identified first five time-varying frequencies of Case 3. 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 250 300 200 250 300 200 250 300 Cable force (N) (a) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 50 100 150 Time (s) Cable force (N) (b) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 50 100 150 Time (s) (c) 21 Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 250 300 200 250 300 Cable force (N) (d) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 50 100 150 Time (s) Cable force (N) (e) Fig. 13. Identified time-varying cable tension forces of Case 3 by: (a) the first time-varying frequency with error 3.04% ; (b) the second time-varying frequency with 2.96% ; (c) the third time-varying frequency with error 2.56% ; (d) the fourth time-varying frequency with error 2.50% ; and (e) the fifth time-varying frequency with error 2.26% . 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 250 300 Fig. 14. Identified time-varying cable tension force of Case 3 by combining the first five time-varying frequencies with the identification error 1.95% . 4.3 Robustness of the approach to data loss Wireless sensors and networks are widely studied and applied for SHM [35, 36]. The use of wireless sensors for cable tension force estimation has also been reported [37]. For wireless sensors, data packet loss a frequent problem for numerous reasons, including: radio interference, e.g., other devices operating on the same frequency; weather problems such as rain and lightning; poor installation; antenna orientation; large transmission distances; radio wave obstructions; hardware 22 problems; etc. This problem has motivated the development of a method [38]. To consider the potential of applying the proposed time-varying cable tension force identification method for wireless sensors, its robustness for partial loss of experimental data is investigated. In this example, the experimental cable acceleration data of Cases 1-3 are simulated with 10% random loss of the transmitted data packets, each packet containing 5 data points. The acceleration data with 10% random data loss for Cases 1-3 are shown in Fig. 15, which also shows the corresponding time segment from 2 Acceleration (m/s/s) Acceleration (m/s/s) 10-12 seconds where the data loss occurs. As shown in Figs. 15 (b, d, f), the lost data are zero-padded. 1 0 -1 -2 0 10 20 Time (s) 2 0 -2 10 30 10.5 2 1 0 -1 -2 0 10 20 Time (s) Acceleration (m/s/s) Acceleration (m/s/s) -2 150 Time (s) 12 11.5 12 -2 10.5 11 Time (s) (d) 0 100 11.5 0 10 30 2 50 12 2 (c) 0 11.5 (b) Acceleration (m/s/s) Acceleration (m/s/s) (a) 11 Time (s) 200 2 0 -2 10 250 10.5 11 Time (s) (e) (f) Fig. 15. The acceleration data and its local magnification with 10% data loss for Cases 1-3. By solving the optimization problem of Eq. (16), the identified results for the time-varying cable tension forces for Cases 1-3 with 10% loss of the original acceleration data are shown in Fig. 16, which shows that the identified time-varying cable tension forces close to the measurements from the 23 force sensors. The corresponding identification errors for Cases 1-3 are 3.41% , 3.77% and 2.38%, respectively, which are only slightly larger than the errors without data lost. The limited impact of the random loss of 10% of the original signal packets is also apparent by the closeness of Fig. 16(a), (b) and (c) with Fig. 6, 10 and 14, respectively, which further illustrates the robustness of the proposed approach. Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 Time (s) 25 30 35 40 (a) Cable force (N) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (s) 30 35 40 45 Cable force (N) (b) 8000 Measured Identified 7000 6000 5000 0 50 100 150 Time (s) 200 250 300 (c) Fig. 16. Identification results with 10% loss of the acceleration data: (a) identification results for Case 1 with identification error 3.41% ; (b) identification results of Case 2 with identification error 3.77% ; and (c) identification results for Case 3 with identification error 2.38% . 5 Conclusions 24 A time-varying cable tension force identification method based on adaptive sparse time-frequency analysis was proposed in this paper. The first step is to estimate the time-varying modal frequencies from a cable vibration signal by producing the sparsest decomposition of the signal using a large time-frequency dictionary. Then second step is to obtain the time-varying cable tension force by the relationship between the cable force and the cable natural frequency derived from the flat taut string theory. Model cable experiments under three scenarios are implemented to illustrate the capability of the proposed approach. The results show that the time-varying modal frequencies of the cable can be well identified and that the time-varying cable tension forces calculated from each time-varying frequency separately are close to the force sensor measurements. By considering the integer ratios of the different modal frequencies to the fundamental frequency of the cable, much better and more robust results can be achieved. The relative identification errors of the time-varying cable tension forces for all three experimental scenarios are less than 5%, which is an acceptable error for structural health monitoring purposes. The robustness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by an example where 10% of the data packets are lost but good results with small identification errors are still obtained. This robustness implies that the proposed approach has good potential to be used in conjunction with a wireless sensor based SHM monitoring system that incorporates accelerometers on the cables. In the proposed approach, only the acceleration signal from cable vibrations is needed, which is readily measured in a real bridge. Therefore, field tests on a cable bridge are practical to further verify the validity of the proposed method. 25 Acknowledgements One of the authors (Yuequan Bao) acknowledges the support provided by the China Scholarship Council while he was a Visiting Associate at the California Institute of Technology.This research was also supported by grants from the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.2013CB036305), the National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 51378154, 51161120359), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (No. 2014AA110401) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. 2011BAK02B02), which supported the first and fourth authors (Yuequan Bao and Hui Li). The research of Zuoqiang Shi was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11201257). 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