The University of Melbourne Student Engagement Grants Program (including the Peter McPhee Student Awards) 2015 Guidelines 1. OBJECTIVES OF THE GRANTS PROGRAM The Student Engagement Grants Program supports the participation of students in engagement activities that: 2. 1.1. Connect students with external partners to address important social, economic, environmental or cultural issues. 1.2. Give students the opportunity to apply their learning in activities which develop skills and leadership. 1.3. Assist students to initiate and implement constructive change in the local, national or international community. 1.4. Provide opportunities for students to develop their social and civic responsibilities and become active global citizens. APPLICATION PROCESS AND OUTCOME NOTIFICATION 2.1. Students may submit applications as individuals or in groups. 2.2. All applications require endorsement from the activity leader’s Faculty/Graduate School. 2.3. Applications must be made on the appropriate application form and include all supporting documentation. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 2.4. Applications for 2015 close 12 noon, Wednesday 22 April 2015. Late applications will not be accepted. 2.5. Applications are to be submitted electronically in a single PDF to Lara Maia-Pike ([email protected]). Applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt of their submission. 2.6. Application documents must use the following file name format: Project leader Surname_Project leader first name_EngagementGrant _Year (e.g. Smith_John_EngagementGrant _2015.pdf). 2.7. Applicants will be notified in writing the result of their application within one month of the application closing date. The Selection Committee’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. 2.8. The most outstanding Student Engagement Grant applications, i.e. the Student Engagement Grant applications best aligned with the objectives of the program, will receive a Peter McPhee Student Award. 2.9. Grants will be paid into the nominated Themis accounts within one month following notification of a successful application. 2.10. The Vice-Chancellor’s presentation of awards will be held in September or October. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA Eligible proposals will be assessed and ranked on the basis of the following criteria: 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Engagement activity outcomes. Does the activity address an important social, economic, environmental or cultural issue and deliver significant benefits for the target group(s)? Engagement activity quality. Is the activity innovative and feasible within the proposed timeline and requested budget? Partner Organisations (where applicable). How beneficial is the engagement activity for the partner organisation and do their contributions and support letter indicate that they are committed to the activity and its outcomes? 3.4. Applicant(s). How beneficial is the engagement activity for the applicant(s) and does the activity give student(s) an opportunity to apply their learning and develop their skills and leadership qualities? 4. Have the applicant(s) demonstrated their capacity to successfully undertake the activity? APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY 4.1. Applicants must be students currently enrolled in a course at The University of Melbourne and must be able to complete the activity before they complete the course in which they are enrolled. 4.2. Applicants must have provided completion reports on all applications previously funded by a University of Melbourne student engagement grant or award. 4.3. Applicants must have successfully secured a 2014 Student Engagement Grant Program. The 2015 application must be an extension of the original engagement activity. 5. ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY ELIGIBILITY 5.1. Requests of between $1,000 and $5,000 will be considered for funding by the Selection Committee. 5.2. The activity must have a significant engagement dimension that addresses social, economic, environmental or cultural issues. 5.3. All activities must have the support of a University mentor (see Section 7). 5.4. Where an engagement activity involves a partner organisation, details of the partner organisation’s agreement and financial or in-kind support must be provided in the budget. 5.5. Activities which have already been completed will not be considered by the grants committee. Funds will only be awarded for an activity which is either in progress or will commence no later than the end of the semester following the awarding of the grant. 5.6. Grants will not be awarded as a form of recurring income for an ongoing activity or day-to-day operations of a student club or group. 5.7. Activities cannot be undertaken as part of assessment for a subject or course. 5.8. For engagement activities with a particular discipline-specific focus, applicants are encouraged to approach the relevant faculty or academic department for funding in the first instance. 5.9. Activities that are primarily for partisan political or religious activities or events will not be funded. 5.10. Activities that include ineligible applicants will not be considered for funding (see Section 4). 5.11. Activities more appropriately considered for a Cultural and Community Grant will have their application forwarded to the Cultural and Community Relations Advisory Group (CCRAG), likewise an application received by CCRAG more appropriately considered for a Student Engagement Grant will be forwarded. For previous examples of funded engagement activities, please visit the Office for Student Equity website: 6. ELIGIBLE BUDGET ITEMS 6.1. Funding may be requested for items that directly support the engagement activity. 6.2. Requests for salaries, consultancy fees or honoraria paid to applicants, mentors or partner organisation personnel will not be funded. 6.3. Requests for direct payments to partner organisations, such as donations, purchase of equipment supplied by the partner and hire of partner organisation facilities, will not be funded. 6.4. Normally grants will not fund: 6.4.1. expensive equipment; 6.4.2. participation fees to volunteer organisations; 6.4.3. catering or venue hire; 6.4.4. salaries; 6.4.5. production of websites; or 6.4.6. training for the applicants. 7. MENTORS 7.1. Each engagement activity must name a University of Melbourne staff member who will act as the mentor. The mentor is responsible for overseeing the progress of the engagement activity and the administration of the awarded funding, and also has additional responsibilities if the engagement activity involves a formal relationship with an external organisation (see “PARTNER ORGANISATIONS”). A guide to assist mentors in their role is available on the Student Engagement Grants Program website: 7.2. The mentor must endorse the application and be available to provide guidance and support during the engagement activity. 7.3. Applicants may not be named as a mentor on their own application. 7.4. If applicants are unable to secure a mentor, they are encouraged to contact their Faculty engagement contact, who will be able to assist with finding an appropriate mentor. For a list of current Faculty engagement contacts, please visit the Melbourne Engagement and Partnerships Office website: 8. PARTNER ORGANISATIONS 8.1. Partner organisation(s) may include external not-for-profit organisations, schools, community groups, student clubs/societies, or other organisations as appropriate to the given activity. For a list of examples of organisations that have partnered with successfully funded activities, please visit the Office for Student Equity website: 8.2. Partner organisation(s) must match the University’s grant contribution. The contribution made by the partner organisation(s) may be cash or ‘in kind’ support for the activity. ‘In kind’ support includes resources, materials or staff time that are essential to the activity. 8.3. 9. Partner organisation(s) must provide a letter of support for the engagement activity. CONDITIONS OF THE GRANTS 9.1. Funds must be used for the purposes as set out in the award letter. 9.2. Successful applicants must provide a brief report on the outcomes of the engagement activity at its completion. Activity leaders will be contacted after funds have been awarded. 9.3. Engagement activities must commence no later than the end of the semester following the granting of the award, and be completed within a year or before completion of the activity leader’s degree, whichever comes first. 9.4. Any post-award changes to the activity must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Selection Committee. No financial commitments to the activity should be made until notification has been received by the Selection Committee. 9.5. The University of Melbourne may use information provided in applications and activity reports for promotional purposes. 9.6. The Selection Committee may impose additional conditions on the grant where it is considered warranted. For assistance or further information, please contact the Lara Maia-Pike ([email protected]) or 8344 9846.
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