2014-2015 COURSE SYLLABUS Course Syllabus for French 1 Teacher: Madame Muzac Room Number: E2102 Semester: second Textbook: French 1 Bien dit! Phone Number: 404-802-5200 Email: [email protected] Tutorial Days: Wednesdays Tutorial Hours: 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Tutorial Location: E2102 Course Description: The Level 1 French course focuses on the development of communicative competence in French and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak French. Students will become accustomed to the instruction in the target language and will earn receptive skills in listening and in speaking. Course Content Standards: Description of standards/Objectives from Georgia Performance Standards for High School French (level 1) will be taught during this course. Please refer to the following website: www.georgiastandards.org. Strategies for Student Learning: In order to help students maximize their achievement in French, this course will include the use of paired and small group activities, songs, mnemonic devices, kinesthetic, oral activities, projects, and lab works Course Outline: Week 1: Chapitre 4: Mon annee scolaire: Vocabulaire 1 Week 2: Chapitre 4: Mon annee scolaire: Grammaire 1 Week 3: Chapitre 4: Mon annee scolaire: Vocabulaire 2 Week 4: Chapitre 4: Mon annee scolaire: Grammaire 2 Week 5: Chapitre 5: Le Temps libre: Vocabulaire 1 Week 6: Chapitre 5: Le Temps libre: Grammaire 1 Week 7: Chapitre 5: Le Temps libre: Vocabulaire 2 Week 8: Chapitre 5: Le Temps libre: Grammaire 2 Week 9: Chapitre 6: Bon Appetit: Vocabulaire 1 Week 10: Chapitre 6: Bon Appetit: Grammaire 1 Week 11: Chapitre 6: Bon Appetit: Vocabulaire 2 Week 12: Chapitre 6: Bon Appetit: Grammaire 2 Week 13: Chapitre 7: On fait les magasins: Vocabulaire 1 Week 14: Chapitre 7: On fait les magasins: Grammaire 1 Week 15: Chapitre 7: On fait les magasins: Vocabulaire 2 Week 16: Chapitre 7: On fait les magasins: Grammaire 2 Week 17: Review: Revisions Cumulatives Chapitre 4-5 Week 18: Review: Revisions Cumulatives Chapitre 6-7 1 Evaluation and Grading: Students will be evaluated throughout this course using announced quizzes and tests, unannounced short quizzes (pop quizzes), written and oral presentations as well as daily class participation. Course Components Learning Skills (interactive notebook and executive function skills including, timely assignment completion, organization, sustained attention) Classwork and Participation Homework Lesson Quizzes Unit Tests (or Performances) Projects TOTAL Weights 10% 20% 10% 20% 25% 15% 100% Grading Scale 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-0 Not Evaluated A B C F NE Homework is announced in class and written on the board each day, and it is the student’s responsibility to listen and write it down. This goes for class notes as well. Students are expected to pay attention in class and take notes that are on the board. Campus Portal for Parents and Guardians: Visit https://ic.apsk12.org/portal to view class schedules, attendance records and grades. To activate your account, visit the school to receive your login (activation key). Required Materials: Materials: Students are responsible for bringing these materials to class every day. composition notebook 3-ring binder index cards and index card rings (to hold your index cards) pencils and pens (blue and red) French/English dictionary Other materials that will come in handy throughout the semester include: Jump Drive Poster Board (for projects) Highlighter Construction paper Markers/colored pencils Glue stick . Additionally, each student is required to keep a 3-ring binder for this class. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the notebook neat and organized at all times. Student is recommended to divide binder into these sections: a. Syllabus 2 b. c. d. e. Echauffements (warm-ups) Devoirs (homework) Travail en classe (handouts/activities done in class) Examens, Interros, and Projets (tests, quizzes, and projects) Students may use the online free dictionary wordreference.com. This is the only online dictionary that students are allowed to use. Word processing programs with a translate feature or online translators are NOT DICTIONARIES. Classroom Expectations: Expectation/Consequences/Discipline- Students must adhere to the Atlanta Public Schools Code of conduct. Be on time to class and be prepared. Take care of personal needs in between classes. Participation is essential and leaving the room will cost at the discretion of the teacher (a portion of the participation points earned that day.) Always be respectful of school property, faculty, and other students. Inappropriate language (in any language) will not be tolerated. Grooming, combing hair, applying makeup, gum chewing, eating and drinking are also unacceptable in class, (only water as drink). Always do your own work. Cheating and plagiarizing will not be tolerated. Offending students will be penalized according to the Student Code of Conduct. Do not use on-line translators. They are ineffective, and I can always tell when one has been used. Keep all class notes, handouts, and graded assignments (homework, quizzes, etc.) in your notebook. CELLPHONES & OTHER ELECTRONICS may not be used in class at any time. Don’t use your phone to see what time it is. There is a clock in the room. Have a positive attitude! Have fun! Study French! Intervention for any infractions will include: 1. Verbal warning: after three verbal warnings, you will receive a conduct card, and after three conduct cards, you will have detention. 2. Seating reassignment 3. Cross teaming and parent phone call 4. Afternoon detention (after parent notification) 5. Administrative referral Note: a) No student is exempted from the policies of the classroom. b) Using Physical force in classroom is an automatic referral, no negotiation. c) Absolutely no food or drink, except water, in the classroom Tardies: All students are expected to be on time to class every day. Any unexcused tardy to class will result in detention. Failure to serve detention will result in the student being referred to the office for disciplinary action. 3 Participation: Active participation is essential to language acquisition, and therefore it is an essential part of French class. Class participation consists of students contributing to teacher-led discussions or to paired/small group activities. Spoken communication should be in French. I will keep records of participation, and I will use these records when determining class work grades. Students are encouraged to volunteer at all times, but I will occasionally call on students to answer questions in class. Because being in class is essential to language acquisition, it will cost students at the discretion of the teacher (a portion of the participation points earned that day) to go too often to the bathroom during class. I suggest students to take care of this between classes! Students will also at the discretion of the teacher lose a portion of the participation points earned by talking out of turn, being disrespectful, being off-task. Target Language Policy: Students are required to speak French in the classroom. LATE ASSIGNMENTS: It is important that students are responsible and meet established due dates for assignments. Late is defined as anytime work is submitted after the assignment has already been collected by the teacher. MAKE-UP AND MISSING ASSIGNMENTS: Students with an excused absence will be expected to submit missed work on or before the third class meeting after the absence. Any work missed due to an excused absence may be made up. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for any missed work and make it up within the time required (usually 3 days). Recovery Policy: Recovery is made available for students with a significant drop in cumulative grade (from a B to a C or a drop of 10 or more points) and must be completed no later than 10 days before the end of the session. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate recovery. Students eligible for recovery have done all course work, have taken all tests and quizzes, and have no more than 10 unexcused absences. If qualified, personal points of weakness will be identified, and a recovery test will be created to help the student bring up his or her grade. The grade on the recovery assignment will replace the failing or low grade for which recovery is sought. Work progress: when student is failing, parent will receive a “Progress Information sheet”. Outstanding student(s) will receive a “Certification of Merit”. School-wide Expectations: MASTERY LEARNING: With mastery learning, a unit of material is taught, and student understanding is evaluated before students are able to move on to the next unit. Students who have not shown mastery for a particular unit will receive feedback and support in reaching mastery. They may be given practice exercises, study guides, group work or complementary resources to help them improve and achieve mastery. Students who demonstrate mastery of the content for a particular unit are given enrichment exercises like special projects, tasks or academic games to further or broaden their knowledge of the material. DEFICIENCY REPORTS: Parents and guardians are informed when students are making unsatisfactory progress in classes. Poor performance will be reported to parents and guardians as soon as problems are evident. Deficiency reports with plans for remediation will be written for all students making unsatisfactory progress, and parent-guardians conferences must be scheduled. 4 Unsatisfactory grades should never come as a surprise to parents, guardians, or students. Teachers will: Contact parents and guardians early in the semester if academic, attendance, or behavioral difficulties are apparent. Notify the counselor, SST/RTI Chair, and the academy leader of serious problems that are affecting classroom performance. ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY: Students wanting to participate in athletic programs governed by the GHSA and extracurricular activities must meet eligibility requirements to participate. The Athletic Director (and the Extracurricular Activities sponsors) will collaborate with teachers to monitor and to identify students in danger of failing courses. All faculty members will be given a master list of students participating in extracurricular activities and athletics under the auspices of the GHSA. The teacher reserves the right to adjust the course work and policies as needed to meet the needs of students and ensure academic success. PARENT/ GUARDIAN/ STUDENTS Please return the signed syllabus to Madame Muzac; keep a copy for your record. By signing this syllabus, you are hereby considered knowledgeable of the requirements outlined in this document. _____________________ Student Signature and date ______________________ Parent/ guardian Signature and date Parent/ guardian email: -----------------------------Parent/ guardian phone number: ---------------------- 5
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