Mt. Carmel Baptist Church - THE COURIER April 2015 “ON THE CORNER, REACHING OUT IN ALL DIRECTIONS.” A Word from the Pastor Dear Church Family, Since the beginning of the year, I have focused on the theme, “Lord, teach us to pray.” We are not going to abandon prayer now; we have far too much left to go. I am, however, broadening our theme to include, “Lord, teach us to worship.” It is impossible to pray without worshipping or to worship without prayer. When we truly pray, we come to see God as he truly is and as He truly functions. This calls forth praise and thanksgiving, adoration and worship. When we truly worship, eventually we must respond in prayer to the One who speaks, reveals, and commands. Unless, of course, He tells us to remain silent. Thus we must also pray, “Lord, teach us to listen especially to you in your word, the Bible.” In the coming weeks, as we approach Easter, (better to call it Resurrection Sunday), and then Pentecost (May 24th), I will be drawing from the Gospels to reflect upon the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord to the very right hand of the Father above. We will consider what this reveals to us about the person and work of Jesus Christ and what that means for us, His followers. You might want to read Luke 22:1-24:53 and John 18:1-21:25 in preparation for the sermons and the season. Nothing is more revealing about God than His great plan of redemption, accomplished in and through His Son. Nothing can move or change us more than to consider how much he loves us and what price He is willing to pay in order to save us. Nothing elicits and produces prayer, praise, penitence, and power like the reality of the cross, the empty tomb, and the throne above. May our experience this Easter Saturday, April 4th 10:00 -11:00am One egg hunt 10:15am We are collecting donations of individually wrapped candy. May we all walk in His glory, Lance MCBC Ministry Fair TheEggHunt AtMt.Carmel season be like the Apostle Paul’s who said, “we were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” Sun, April 19 6:00pm YOU ARE APPRECIATED! If you volunteer in any way, you are valued! We would like to show our appreciation by inviting you to a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Friday, April 17 at 6:30pm You must RSVP in order to attend. Please call the church office @ 791-7323 no later than April 8. TEAMS Bereavement Lunch Christmas Decorating City Gospel Mission Green Thumb / Garden Club / Grounds Greeters GROW Handyman Kitchen Fellowship / Events Men’s Ministry Missions Mt. Carmel Cookers Pantry Prayer Ministry Sanctuary Care “Sanctuary” Sunday Morning Flowers Scripture Readers Ushers Women’s Ministry & WMU CHURCH NEWS Andrew Ryan Hoverman was born on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. He was 7lbs, 13 oz. Congratulations to Ryan and Emily Hoverman. April 3 Good Friday Tucker Louis Alexander was born on Sunday, March 8, 2015. He was 9lbs 10oz and 22 inches long Congratulations to Nikki & Brandon Alexander and Grandparents Lauri & Stan Anderson 4 Egg Hunt 5 Easter 8 Ramona Reid Maureen Isaacs Grace Whitson Rsvp Deadline for Volunteer dinner 9 Building & grounds meeting 10 Night club 11 Shower for Scholes Family 14 Joy Club 16 Matthew 25 17 Volunteer Dinner Ladies of the church are invited to a shower for the Scholes as they welcome 6 year old Josiah to their family. Please RSVP to Sharon Smith at 533-4062 or [email protected]. Eleshia has completed a registry at Target and Amazon. Josiah wears size 5 pants and size 5 or 6 tops. Please do not wrap gifts. Ladies of the church are invited to a bridal shower for Ministry Fair Ladies Bunco 25 Matthew 25 Work Day (9-11am) on Saturday, May 16th at 1:00pm. Autumn and Alex are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond Hostesses are: Linda Campbell, Kim and Lindsay Buck Mt. City Gospel Mission Carmel’s Goal 26 $6500 Quarterly Business Meeting Children’s Program Congratulations! VBS - June 15-19 The 1st Quarter Business Meeting will be held on April 26th 6:00pm Saturday, April 11 Brunch begins at 10:00am 19 24 Helena Joy Cummins was born on Thursday, March 12, 2015. She was 6lbs 12oz and 20” long. Congratulations to Tracy & Ryan Cummins and Grandparents Julie & Paul Cummins Reports are due April 19th. They can be emailed to [email protected] Claire Andrews Cyndee Schradin Baily Wheeler Matthew Woosley Mission Trip to WV July 5 - 10, 2015 Basket Auction Camp Fundraiser Sunday, May 3rd Noon Basket Ideas: Mother’s Day, Graduation, Father’s Day, Gardening, Summer Fun, Games, Toys, Sports, Tools, Movies, Music, Wedding, Baby Items, Books, Stationery, Best of Cincinnati, Patriotic, Spa, Travel, Grilling, Art, Chocolates, Coffees, etc. Recommended: 27 Multiple baskets rather than one large basket Grow We will provide light refreshments as you browse the variety of beautiful baskets. This fundraiser supports our Children’s and Student Ministries with camp expenses. Speaking of Ministry Outside my window in my church office, I can hear the birds chirping, and the sun is shining! It is a real sign that spring is here. We have had a cold and snowy winter, but we have a lot to look forward to in the months to come! There are a couple of events coming up that I am very excited about. One is the “Volunteer Appreciation Dinner”. We are long overdue in thanking all of the volunteers in our church that do so much. We could never function as we do without our many volunteers. In advance, I am thanking you! The dinner is going to be on April 17th, 2015 at 6:30pm. Please sign up to attend before April 8th. You must sign up to attend, so RSVP as soon as possible. We want you to be there! The other event that is very important is our Ministry Fair, and it will be held on April 19th at 6:00pm. This ministry will highlight all of the ministries in our church. It is a good way for you to find out where you might want to use your gifts and talents. We, as Christians, have been given at least one spiritual gift, and most people have more. Even if you are not a member of the church, there are ministries where you can be involved, and we encourage you to find a place to serve. On the evening of the Ministry Fair, we will offer popcorn and candy, and the different ministries will be showcased. Please put this on your calendar so that you can come to this important, but fun, event. Our volunteers, and their different ministries, are very important to our church and to the work of the Lord. Ministry is important...we will grow broader through ministry. As the scripture says, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.” I Peter 4:10-11 NIV In His Service, Connie Pat Allen Alice Bergevin Janet & Lonnie Burnett Bernice Farmer Louise Hansen Laverne Hartman Betty Hines Lou McIntosh Joyce Osborne Wanda Tudor Galen & Hilda Woodard The Balmer family in the death of Lisa’s aunt. The family of Florence Bond Linda Spradlin in the death of her cousin. Bill & Joan Canada in the death of their son, Doug. Barbara Oswald and family in the death of her brother, Doug. The family of Curtis Majors Student Ministry Last night at FUEL [the best way for students to connect with God, friends and leaders who really care during the mid-week], Chuck Breen led a fascinating discussion about why & how students should honor parents and/or primary care-givers: Because it pleases the Lord, at all times choose to do what is right and reflect Jesus back to them. Only God knows if what they heard ‘sticks’ at home, but they seemed ready to do their part. Parents, I encourage you to make FUEL a priority in your home, ask good follow-up questions and always feel free to stop by. Let us continue to make FUEL the place to be Wednesday nights all throughout the year! Recently, many Mt. Carmel students definitely reflected Jesus. One of the questions I love to hear from them is, ‘Is there anything else I can do?’ Parents, I bet you do, too! Last year, I told you about a former student of mine – recent Penn State graduate, Todd Lindenmuth – and how he used to ask me this question all the time. I mention Todd again because I heard this exact question many times at the most recent Lunch & Dessert Auction. Mt Carmel students and children stacked chairs, baked cakes, broke down tables, reset partitions, vacuumed carpet, bussed tables, carried desserts, smiled a lot, served meals and, when it was all said and done, still had time to ask, “Is there anything else I can do?” As you love God and serve others, I challenge you to ask this question a lot! Proceeds from the event amounted to slightly over $5,400. The Mt. Carmel Youth & Children’s Ministries would like to thank you for attending lunch and participating in the 2015 Dessert Auction. Whether you created a scrumptious dessert, won a silent/live auction item, or did BOTH, the 2016 auction team wishes to pass along its many thanks! Without your passion for students and active desire to see them grow in the Lord, the Auction would not have been possible! We look forward to sampling your tasty treats and/or watching you walk away with amazing desserts in 2016. Thanks for partnering with us as we love the Lord, families, teenagers and children. Your efforts will assist students and children as they attend camps this summer. My sincere thanks go out to the Lunch & Auction Team: Cyndee Schradin, Emily Art, Neil Art and Eleshia Scholes. Have a great month. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around. In Your Corner, Jeff APRIL 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 FUEL - 5:55pm Easter - 5th 12, 19, 26 Joyful Sound/Devotional 4:30pm Children’s Team Members *Vickie Barnes Sandy Hall Michael Harris Kristen Schmitt Cheri Weidner Book of the Month IN his steps: The promise By Joey o’connor They made a promise to live as jesus lived for one year. Would it make a difference? Transforming Lives Through Christ–centered Relationships Mt. Carmel Baptist Church 8645 Kenwood Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 513.791.7323 APRIL BIRTHDAYS 1 Angela Cooper 2 Steve Anderson 3 William Schroeder, Tom Sweeney 4 Rachel Guilliams 5 Don Deaton, Janet Hornsby 6 Emily Art, Linda Feldmann, Sandra Grisham, Marshall Herron, Allen Suit 7 Elsie Anderson, Steve Whitson 8 Alice Bergevin 9 Joseph Akanbi 10 Terri Bennett, Louise Dunagan, Don Engle, Molly Proudfit 11 Jesse Carey, Courtney Spry 12 William Siegler 13 Danae Burris, James Holdren 15 Sam Hall 16 Jonathan Long, Chrissy Riedmiller 17 Bob Gomer 19 Emmett Strull 21 Jimmy McSwain 22 Linda Levine, Doug Steele 23 Rob Conn, Michael Harris 24 Wesley Barnette, Ariez Dominguez, Adam Dykes 25 Darrick Barnes 27 Jim Stallsworth, Paul Wilson 28 Nikki Alexander, Loretta Foster 30 Lily Whitson NIGHT CLUB Friday April 10 6:30pm Matthew 25 Ministries The 3rd Thursday of each month at 10:00am Staff e-mail Contact Julie Cummins Debbie [email protected] GROW Senior Adults Lance [email protected] Greeting Card Ministry The 4th Monday at 3:00pm City Gospel Mission The 4th Saturday of each month at 3:45pm Carpool from the church lot Dulcimer Nursing Home Ministry Every Tuesday evening Contact Vickey Sasser Connie [email protected] Jeff [email protected] Jamie [email protected] Linda [email protected] Cheri [email protected] Susan [email protected]
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