Murrumbateman March E

Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Murrumbateman E-Newsletter
March Edition 2015
Website & Social Media!
MPA Meetings for 2015!
MPA Executive for 2015!
Murrumbateman Community Christmas Carols!
MPA letter to YVC on SVR & Survey Results!
Murrumbateman Master Plan Working Group Meeting!
Murrumbateman Village Market!
Murrumbateman School Progress!
Harvest Wine Festival 11-12 April 2015!
Murrumbateman Landcare Group Meeting!
Murrumbateman Wine to raise funds for asylum seekers!
Gallipoli 100 Dinner 2015!
Regional Development Australia Southern Inland News!
April School Holidays: Need some help?!
Yellow & White Pages Delivery Opportunity!
Barton Highway Roadwork Traffic Report for week starting 30 March 2015!
Barton Highway and McIntosh Circuit intersection improvements!
Barton Highway / Gundaroo Drive Roundabout Signalisation Project!
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Goulburn remains Liberal stronghold, despite swing!
Pru Goward pledges $550,000 to Murrumbateman Recreational Grounds!
Murrumbateman sewerage debate still going on in Yass!
Murrumbateman celebrates 130th birthday!
Murrumbateman celebrates 130th!
NSW state election 2015: Labor targets Goulburn with $270m hospital pledge!
Police investigate Murrumbateman crash!
Labor candidate Ursula Stephens commits $35 million to education!
$35m pledge for Yass, Murrumbateman schools!
Yass Valley Council needs help to stand-alone for Fit for the Future!
Yass Council responds to the 'bullies'!
Yass Valley dog trainer wins award!
Murrumbateman offers country lifestyle close to city!
Murrumbateman celebrates its 130th birthday!
Case study: A piece of the good life!
Feature property!
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Yass Valley begins “Fit for the Future” journey!
Murrumbateman Sewerage Scheme!
Yass Valley Council Ordinary Council Meeting - 25th March 2015!
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
3 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
MARCH 2015
Barton Highway Road Work (Update)
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015 will be released.
APRIL 2015
Murrumbateman Landcare Group Meeting
Location: Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Hall Time: 7pm
Good Friday
Sun 05/04/2015
Day Light Saving Ends
A reminder to turn your clocks back 1 hour. 3am will be 2am.
Easter Monday
Harvest Wine Festival
Murrumbateman Village Market
Location: Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Time: 9-1pm
Yellow and White Pages Deliveries Start
Gallipoli 100 Dinner 2015
Location: The Harem Time: 6:30pm
Murrumbateman Services Directory April/May released
April School Holidays: Need some help?
Soul Survivor - Contact Deb
MPA April General Meeting
Location: Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Meeting Room Time: 7:30pm
Ordinary April Yass Valley Council Meeting
25/04/2015 (SAT)
ANZAC Day (No Public Holiday) EXCEPT for some Public Servants on Monday 27th April?
MAY 2015
Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter Released
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
4 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Website & Social Media
MPA maintains and administers the Murrumbateman website found at Any comments, changes or updates should be sent to
[email protected]
You can also access the MPA section through the Murrumbateman website
( Any comments, changes or updates for this part of
the website should be sent to [email protected]. The MPA secretary also
administers the MPA Facebook page, Twitter account & Google+ page.
MPA Meetings for 2015
MPA Meeting
Location Booked for 7:30pm
April General Meeting
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds
Meeting Room
May General Meeting
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds
Meeting Room
June General Meeting
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds
Meeting Room
July General Meeting
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds
Meeting Room
August General Meting
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds
Meeting Room
September General Meeting
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds
Meeting Room
November General Meeting
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds
Meeting Room
December General Meeting
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds
Meeting Room
No GM in January due to Holidays
No GM in October due to Field Days
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
5 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
MPA Executive for 2015
The Murrumbateman Progress Association (MPA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM)
on Thursday 19th March 2015. The MPA Executive for 2015 are:
President: Margaret Head
Vice President: Bob Evans
Treasurer: Mark Reardon
Secretary: Clair Dupont
Ordinary Member 1: Lynn Moore
Ordinary Member 2: Evelyn Everson
Ordinary Member 3: Jennifer Fischer
The new MPA Executive looks forward to working with/for the Murrumbateman
Murrumbateman Community Christmas Carols
If anyone would like to join the Murrumbateman Community
Christmas Carols Organising Committee, please contact
them as below. They would encourage any new ideas
members. There are now only two members on the
Karen Davis - 62275563 or
Robin Darmody - 62275606 or 0421322349.
MPA letter to YVC on SVR & Survey Results
The Murrumbateman Progress Association (MPA) wrote a letter to the Yass Valley Council
(YVC) on the proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV) including results from a survey
conducted by the MPA. In total, 91 people responded to the survey, with a majority
opposing the SRV. On March 2nd 2015, YVC released a media release stating that
Council had decided not to apply the SRV. Please click HERE for a copy of the MPA letter
to Council including the survey results.
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Murrumbateman Master Plan Working Group Meeting
The Yass Valley Council planning team is interested in our community’s view on both the
development of the Recreation Grounds and the greater Murrumbateman area. There are
a number of things we need to come to terms with and I would like to have a meeting to
get your views. The agenda is quite simple but the outcomes of the discussions might be
quite complex.
1. Introductions.
2. Stakeholders that are or should be involved. Contact points required.
3. Options for Recreational facilities in Murrumbateman Area.
4. Issues arising out of recent Development Application approvals.
5. Issues arising out of the NSW State Elections.
6. Way Ahead for our working group.
I need numbers of attendees as soon as possible, along with contact details, so I can
arrange a venue. Please email Kim at [email protected] by 8th April 2015.
Kim Williams
Murrumbateman Master Plan Working Group Chair
Murrumbateman Village Market
The Murrumbateman Village Market is held every 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month!
Please come and support your local community! Thank you to all those that came to the
Murrumbateman Village Market on Saturday 28th March 2015 to celebrate
Murrumbateman’s 130th Birthday. It was a great success with around 1000 people turning
up. Thank you to all the people who organised the market for that day. It’s couldn’t have
been held without all the community’s support and effort!
11 April
25 April
9 May
23 May
13 June
27 June
11 July
25 July
8 August
22 August
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Murrumbateman School Progress
Parents & Friends of Murrumbateman School
A meeting convened on 5 March 2015 7:30pm at the Murrumbateman Inn determined that an Association be
formed to further the building of a school by 2017 because the original School Working Group (a sub
committee of the Murrumbateman Progress Association) having met its original objectives of:
assessing the community support for a school,
testing the demographics for viability and sustainability, and
bringing this to the attention of the community and the Department of Education;
Has now been disbanded and needs to be replaced by a more formal incorporated body.
The meeting was convened to bring together all those who expressed a strong desire to be directly involved
in building a school and to analyse and assess the viability of the models on offer.
The various models and the current status for each are:
Public School. At the moment a stalemate exists with the Department of Education refusing to
build a school and suggesting a review in ten years time.
Independent School. Two proposals have been offered;
One, a school essentially run by parents and teachers of the school with a financial board
of directors proposed by local businessman Mr Shravan Bolli, and
A second described by Mr Paul DeSzell (Chair for the Board of Management) as an
ecumenical community based school.
The general consensus of the meeting was, that whilst the community’s expressed position is to have a
Public School, we cannot afford to wait for the Department’s 10 to 15 years strategy before a decision is
The meeting therefore agreed to form and register a “not-for-profit” Association entitled “Parents & Friends of
Murrumbateman School” and also that a suitable constitution be adopted after due consultation with the
An interim secretary was voted for (Mr Mike Reid) as no other nominations were received at that time.
Ordinary Committee Members - Mr Mathew Irving, Ms Jemma Rice, Ms Nicola Mead, Ms Briony Barac and
Mrs Lisa Tilyard were nominated and successfully elected to the positions.
Positions still vacant:
Vice President
Public Officer
Subsequent to this meeting Council have agreed to give an “in-principle” allocation of land to the Mount
Carmel Board to build a school. The Board have agreed to attend a community meeting to outline their
proposal and the Association has agreed to facilitate this.
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Harvest Wine Festival 11-12 April 2015
The Harvest Festival is back for 2015 so be sure to save the dates of the 11th and 12th
April. More details coming soon HERE.
Murrumbateman Landcare Group Meeting
When: Wednesday 1st April 2015, 7pm
Where: Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Hall
Guest Speaker: Michael Doherty, CSIRO plant ecologist
Topic: Can you tell a Scribbly Gum from a Brittle Gum?! What about a Apple Box from a
Yellow Box? If not, don’t worry because if you come along to Murrumbateman Landcare’s
next meeting 7pm Thursday April 2nd you will learn how to recognise those as well as
many other local trees. Come and hear CSIRO plant ecologist Michael Doherty present an
interactive talk on how to identify the eucalypts found in the woodlands and forests of the
region, with tips on how to use bark, flower buds and gum nuts to differentiate species. We
will also hear learn about their distribution, their ecology and how they cope with fire and
mistletoes. Michael will also touch on the key features needed for identifying some of the
larger local shrub species, particularly Acacias. Specimens permitting, we will try our hand
at keying out some of the common species.
If you have a tree on your property you are puzzled about Michael and MLG can help you
identify it….bring a good picture or some leaf/bud/fruit material and description of the trunk
– is it smooth barked, rough barked, half and half, blotchy patches of colour or all the one
colour? Or what about mistletoe? Mistletoe is often found in eucalypts and is highly
valuable resource for birds and wildlife. Most eucalypts can sustain a very high number
before beginning to affect tree health but if you are a little concerned about one of your
trees bring a picture of the tree canopy and we’ll assess how healthy your tree is.
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Murrumbateman Wine to raise funds for asylum seekers
Four Winds Vineyard, Collector Wines and Eden Road Wines have taken four-tonnes of
surplus Shiraz grapes and will turn them into wine to raise funds for Canberra’s
Companion House. Companion House provides support to asylum seekers and refugees
living in Canberra.
Four Winds Vineyard’s business manager Sarah Collingwood said that they pleased that
the grapes would go to such a good cause.
“We have had a great season and fulfilled all our needs, but there were still grapes in the
vineyard,” she said.
Four Winds Vineyard was not able to fit another berry into their winery, but discussions
with neighbours Alex McKay from Collector Wines and Nick Spencer and Hamish Young
from Eden Road will see the wineries collaborate to produce a finished product.
There will be approximately 200 cases of wine that is available to purchase now for $200 a
case, $174 from each case will go to Companion house. The wineries will donate the
grapes, winemaking and bottling machinery needed for the project while $26 a case will go
to covering costs such as bottles, labels, cartons and postage. The wine will be completed
and sent to supporters by November this year.
Companion House director, Kathy Ragless, said that this initiative was like being given a
“We have recently lost some of our government funding and to hear about this was really
heartening,” she said. “The funds will go toward activities such as helping the children of
asylum seekers become involved in some extra curricular activities and emergency
funding for those in financial distress.”
The grapes were picked on 26 March and will be processed over the coming weeks before
being aged in oak.
More details can be found and the wine can be purchased online at http://
For more information contact
Four Winds Vineyard – Business Manager
Sarah Collingwood
0402 278 371
[email protected]
Companion House – Director
Kathy Ragless
02 6251 4550 or 0417 391 037
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Gallipoli 100 Dinner 2015
Our local girl, Vikki Fischer, as part of the Broulee Capital surfboat crew, is competing in a
60km surfboat marathon in Turkey arriving at Anzac Cove on Anzac Day. It is hoped that
the dinner will partly defray the cost of getting to Turkey and the boat which is being
donated to Turkey. It should be loads of fun with prizes, belly dancing, wines and banquet
all included.
The Broulee Capitals invite you to The Harem for a farewell/fundraiser dinner
6:30pm Monday 13 April.
25th April 1915 marks the moment when the first Australian soldiers stepped onto the sands of Anzac Cove
and where the ANZAC legend was born. Regrettably 8,700 Australian soldiers and a staggering 86,000
Ottoman Turkish troops were killed at Gallipoli. 100 years on we have the opportunity, alongside
descendants of Turkish soldiers, to pay our respects to those who fought. Gallipoli100 acknowledges the
past gallant efforts of those that served for their respective countries and signifies that friendship and peace
is possible, providing hope for the current unrest in the world. The Broulee Capitals womens crew are
honoured to be competing in the100th anniversary commemorations. In April, the crew, teamed with
Queenscliff (Sydney), will be rowing a 2-day, 60km marathon through the Dardanelles to Anzac Cove with
other crews from Australia, New Zealand and Turkey, then donating our boat to a Turkish surf club. We are
very grateful for your help to get us there!
$60 tickets include a 3-course Turkish banquet, wines, belly dancing and a great Monday night out!
Major raffle ($1640 worth of prizes) drawn at 7.30pm
Plenty of games and lucky door prizes
For dinner or raffle ($5) tickets please email [email protected] or call Elice Stanley 0412
124 277. Keep track on Facebook -
THANK YOU sponsors and supporters
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
11 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Regional Development Australia Southern Inland News
Murrumbateman locals lead new era for Southern Harvest
Regional Development Australia (RDA) Southern Inland is very proud of the work we do to grow
our local and regional food economies. One of the ways we achieve this is by providing financial
and other support to the Southern Harvest Association – a regional food organisation that
encompasses the Australian Capital region. Southern Harvest’s goals are to:
develop a strong regional brand that provides opportunities for
business diversity
add value to regional products and services
improve the economic sustainability of local agriculture
promote the region as an agri-tourism destination.
Murrumbateman Village Market is a Southern Harvest member, and at the recent Southern
Harvest AGM, two Murrumbateman locals were voted onto its Management Committee –Briony
Barac from the Murrumbateman Village Market, and Richard Everson, formerly of Country
Guesthouse Schonegg, and still residing in Murrumbateman.
The Southern Harvest website is a great resource for locals and visitors to our region. Next time
you are looking for something to do, view the Southern Harvest Trail map or the Southern
Harvest events calendar. You can also find businesses via the Southern Harvest Directory.
With two committee members from Murrumbateman, you can be sure this isn’t the last you hear
about Southern Harvest. For more information visit
Back by popular demand – more free digital training workshops for your
We had a great response to our workshop in Yass last week. It was a full house with twenty
seven businesses and community groups signing up for the Facebook for Business workshop. You
can look forward to seeing some engaging Facebook posts when these organisations apply the
tips they received from professional online marketing
specialists. These organisations are now eligible for a free
four hour consultation with one of our trainers.
There is still time to sign up for our next Yass workshop,
but you will need to be quick. Online registrations close on Tuesday 31 March, earlier if fully
Google Adwords - Wednesday 1 April; 5:30PM – 7:30PM
Due to the high demand for places at last week’s workshop, another workshop is planned for
Wednesday 27th May. The topic is yet to be determined. We will let you know the final details
next month.
Access this free training now while you can! Capital Region Digital Enterprise (CRDE) concludes
in September 2015. Every organisation that attends at least one workshop is eligible to receive
a free four hour one-on-one consultation with a CRDE trainer. For more information about CRDE
and to sign up to attend workshops, visit
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
12 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
April School Holidays: Need some help?
Soul Survivor wants to know if there were any practical needs in the Murrumbateman community
that could be met by some enthusiastic teenagers in the April school holidays?
Soul Survivor is running a 5 day camp during the coming school holidays to help equip young
people to be involved in their communities. Approx. 500 young people from over NSW and ACT
will come together camping at Trinity Christian School Wanniassa and during the day head out to
rural regions to do service projects alongside local communities. The towns they are already going to include are Yass, Wee Jasper, Goulburn and Burra. They were wondering if there were any families in need of additional support with either a
backyard blitz, or painting a fence? building a barn? or any wider community projects that the
Murrumbateman committee had been dreaming of doing but just didn’t have the extra hands to
make it happen. They would love to help! If there was any way somewhere between 5 and 40 young people could be of service to
Murrumbateman from the 15-17th April 2015. The youth are aged 12 to mid twenties with each group of 5 youth having a supervising adult
(youth leader) with them. They will also have a project team leader to help lead each group as a
whole, first aid kits etc with each group.
The exact ages of the youth and their names etc - will all be decided based on what projects are
available for them to do. So they wait to hear from you what gifts/skills are required and the
suitable age we can match the appropriate kids to that project.
Contact Information
If you have a project please contact Deb Stanley.
Ms Deb Stanley
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0400 358 137
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
13 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Yellow & White Pages Delivery Opportunity
Product Development Corporation (PWC) would like to invite scouts/community groups/sporting
clubs/church groups of Murrumbateman to participate in a fantastic fundraising opportunity in
the upcoming distribution of the 2015 Yellow & White Pages directories in Murrumbateman, Yass
and surrounds - Canberra region.
Delivering phonebooks is not only a great chance to fundraise for groups but it is also a great
social activity that everybody can participate in. The more helpers, the more $$$ you can earn!!
It’s as easy as getting everybody together, allocating the streets to deliver and delivering the
books to the houses and businesses located in those streets.
Distribution will begin from the 11th of April 2015 and runs for 4 weeks, so they are inviting
scouts/community groups/sporting clubs/church groups of all kinds to express their interest
early so they don't miss out on their suburbs of preference!
Simply do so by completing the attached Group Interest Form, with details of the suburb/s you
are interested in and return to Joye via email. In their recent 2014 Yellow & White Pages distribution, they had great success with participation
from local groups like:
Garran Scout Group – Tuggeranong Uniting Church – Western District Junior Rugby Club – Lions
Club of Canberra Brindabella – Wanniassa Scout Group
This year they are hoping to offer even more local community groups a similar opportunity to
become involved and make this activity part of their yearly fundraising efforts. Simply fill in the group interest form attached and return asap and somebody will be in touch to
confirm your area of interest and provide further details.
Further information
Fact Sheet
Expression of Interest
Canberra Book Estimate
If you have any further questions, please contact Joye by phone or contact her via email. She
welcomes all enquiries.
Contact Information
Joye Tuazon
Recruitment Team
Product Development Corporation (Australia) Pty Ltd
Level 1, Suite 15
202-220 Ferntree Gully Rd
Notting Hill VIC 3168
Tel: 03 9263 3005 / 1300 983 732 / 0437 468 117 (SMS only)
Email: [email protected]
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
14 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Barton Highway Roadwork Traffic Report for week starting 30 March 2015
Barton Highway
road work report
MARCH 2015
Weekly road work report for the Barton Highway
Monday 30 March to Sunday 5 April
Location: Barton Highway and McIntosh Circuit intersection – 34km north of Canberra at Murrumbateman
Work Type: Intersection improvements
Traffic Delay: Up to 10 minutes
Speed restrictions: 40km/h during work hours, 60km/h outside work hours
Working hours: 7am to 5pm Monday to Thursday
Working days: Monday 30 March to Thursday 2 April
Expected completion date: Mid 2015
Advice / Comments: Traffic controllers on site. A 3 metre lane width restriction will be in place and any vehicles
over this can call 0418 524 140 to arrange traffic control. Motorists to exercise caution and observe road signage.
Location: Barton Highway – 500 metres north of Murrumbateman heading towards Yass
Work Type: Road widening
Traffic Delay: Up to 5 minutes
Extent: Lane closures
Speed restrictions: 40/60km/h during work hours, 60km/h outside work hours
Working hours: 7am to 5pm Monday to Wednesday and 7am to 11am Thursday
Working days: Monday 30 March to Thursday 2 April
Expected completion date: 15 June 2015
Advice / Comments: Traffic controllers on site. Motorists to exercise caution and observe road signage.
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
For further enquiries: Senior Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Officer, Mardi Motton I 13 22 13 I T 02 6937 1605 I F 02 6938 1183
15 OF 30
Speed restrictions: 40km/h during work hours, 60km/h outside work hours
Working hours: 7am to 5pm Monday to Thursday
Working days: Monday 30 March to Thursday 2 April
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Advice / Comments: Traffic controllers on site. A 3 metre lane width restriction
be in 5895
place Fax:
and any
Tel: (02)
6227 5009
over this can call 0418 524 140 to arrange traffic control. Motorists to exercise Email:
[email protected]
and observe road signage.
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Expected completion date: Mid 2015
Location: Barton Highway – 500 metres north of Murrumbateman heading towards Yass
Location: Barton Highway – 24 to 28km north of the ACT border at Gounyan
Work Type: Road widening
Work Type: Sealing/linemarking
Traffic Delay: Up to 5 minutes
Extent: Lane closures
Extent: Lane closures
Traffic Delay: Up to 10 minutes
Speed restrictions: 40/60km/h during work hours, 60km/h outside work hours
Speed restrictions: 40/60/80km/h during work hours, 60km/h outside work hours
Working hours: 7am to 5pm Monday to Wednesday and 7am to 11am Thursday
Working hours: 9.30am to 3pm Monday to Wednesday, 9.30am to 12 noon Thursday
Working days: Monday 30 March to Thursday 2 April
Working days: Monday 30 March to Thursday 2 April
Expected completion date: 15 June 2015
Expected completion date: 2 April 2015
Advice / Comments: Traffic controllers on site. Motorists to exercise caution and observe road signage.
Advice / Comments: Traffic control on site. Motorists to exercise caution and observe road signage.
For further enquiries: Senior Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Officer, Mardi Motton I 13 22 13 I T 02 6937 1605 I F 02 6938 1183
For information on scheduled road work, visit
or outside business hours call the Transport Management Centre on 132 701
March E-Newsletter 2015! I 13 22 13 I T 02 6937 1605 I F 02 6938 1183
16 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Barton Highway and McIntosh Circuit intersection
Roads and Maritime Services is planning work to improve safety at the intersection of the
Barton Highway and McIntosh Circuit. The $4.6 million project is fully funded by the
Australian Government as part of a package of safety works on the Barton Highway.
Changed traffic conditions on the Barton Highway at Murrumbateman:
The work will greatly improve road safety at this location by providing turning lanes into
McIntosh Circuit, installing street lighting and a guardrail. The work involves removing
vegetation including pine trees to widen the road.
The work site will start to be set up from Wednesday 20 August with work starting from
Monday 25 August.
The project is expected to finish in mid 2015.
Work will be Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm and Saturdays from 8am to 1pm if
Temporary lane closures will occur from 9.30am to 3.30pm on weekdays.
Varying speed zones will be in place and traffic controllers on site at times.
During work the existing bus stop will be temporarily relocated nearby for the safety of bus
passengers. The temporary location is currently being decided in consultation with Qcity
Transit and Transborder Express. Signs will be in place to advise passengers of the
change. As part of the project, the bus stop will be permanently relocated to just north of
the McIntosh Circuit intersection.
Roads and Maritime thanks motorists for their patience while the work is carried out. Wet
weather may change work dates and times. Motorists are advised to plan their journey,
allow extra travel time and obey all signs.
If you would like further information about this project please contact Project Manager,
Vivien Murnane, on 6938 1192 or 0427 077 340.
Information taken from website:
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Barton Highway / Gundaroo Drive Roundabout
Signalisation Project
An update on the Barton Highway / Gundaroo Drive Roundabout Signalisation project is
as follows:
The construction tender for the project has been advertised for some weeks and will close
on Tuesday 3 February
Depending upon the competition received, the quality of responses and the tendered fees
submitted the contract should be awarded towards the end of February following an
assessment of the tenders and if further information is required
If the above are satisfied and the tenders fall within the budget for the project, construction
should commence in early March
Construction, with the associated traffic control measures is anticipated to take 12 months,
so that the intersection is fully open to traffic in March 2016
Construction will provide:
Three circulating lanes within the intersection
Three lanes on each of the four approaches to the intersection
Signalisation of the approaches and intersection movement through and around
the roundabout
A new separate footbridge constructed parallel to the existing road bridge on
the "Murrumbateman" southbound approach to the roundabout
Response to enquiry made with ACT Road Transport Authority
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
18 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Goulburn remains Liberal stronghold, despite swing
By Matthew Doran, ABC News, 30 March 2015
Meanwhile in the neighbouring seat of Goulburn, Minister for Planning and Women Pru
Goward held on to her seat.
Going into the election Ms Goward held the seat with a comfortable margin of almost 27
per cent.
But her opposition, former Senator Ursula Stephens, managed to attract a swing of about
19 per cent. READ MORE
Pru Goward pledges $550,000 to Murrumbateman Recreational Grounds
By Jessica Cole, Yass Tribune, 27 March 2015
Murrumbateman residents have been crying out for funding for the various infrastructure
projects to keep up with the rapidly growing community for years, among these is the
Recreational Grounds. Member for Goulburn Pru Goward announced on Monday a NSW Government
commitment to fund the comprehensive redevelopment of shared recreation facilities at
Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds. READ MORE
Murrumbateman sewerage debate still going on in Yass
By Jessica Cole, Yass Tribune, 27 March 2015
Many Local residents around the Yass Valley are concerned about rate increases for a
sewerage system that is yet to be installed. Local residents attended the Wednesday council meeting in an attempt to understand the
sewerage scheme and speak out about their concerns.
Murrumbateman resident Margaret Head said the community is really cross and that
initially the proposal to charge residents 12 months in advance was unjust. READ MORE
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Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Murrumbateman celebrates 130th birthday
By Jessica Cole, Yass Tribune, 26 March 2015
After 130 years, Murrumbateman has become a special part of the Yass Valley and has
been described as the hidden gem in the region.
The Yass Valley has traditionally been inhabited by the Aboriginal Ngunnawal and
Wiradjuri tribes and both are recognised as traditional owners of the land in and around
the Valley. READ MORE
Murrumbateman celebrates 130th
By Briony Barac, Scoop Yass Valley, 26 March 2015
The Recreation Grounds in Murrumbateman are sure to be abuzz this weekend, so much
so that I don’t know where to start!
Happy birthday Murrumbateman
This week is a particularly special event, Murrumbateman was first proclaimed a village
130 years ago this month and the Murrumbateman Progress Association and
Murrumbateman History Group are going all out to create an event for the community to
celebrate. READ MORE
NSW state election 2015: Labor targets Goulburn with $270m hospital pledge
By James Robertson, The Canberra Times, 26 March 2015
The Labor Party says new polling shows it within a whisker of defeating Planning Minister
Pru Goward in the seat of Goulburn, in an enormous swing to the party in a notionally safe
Spending his third straight day traveling outside of Sydney, Mr Foley visited Goulburn in
the state's south to unveil a major surprise: $270 million for a new hospital. READ MORE
Police investigate Murrumbateman crash
By NSW Police Media, Yass Tribune & Scoop Yass Valley, 25 March 2015
Police are appealing for witnesses following a serious crash near Yass yesterday morning.
About 9.15am Tuesday, an 18-year-old man was driving a BMW sedan south along the
Barton Highway in Murrumbateman, about 20km south east of Yass.
Read More at Yass Tribune or Scoop Yass Valley
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
20 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Labor candidate Ursula Stephens commits $35 million to education
By Jessica Cole,Yass Tribune, 24 March 2015
A primary school worth $25 million will be built in Murrumbateman and Yass High School
will receive $10 million for upgrades if the Labor Party wins this weekend's state election.
ALP candidate for Goulburn Ursula Stephens announced the funding alongside NSW
Shadow Minister for Education Ryan Park at Yass High yesterday morning. READ MORE
$35m pledge for Yass, Murrumbateman schools
By Katharyn Brine, Scoop Yass Valley, 24 March 2015
ELECTION: Country Labor Goulburn candidate Ursula Stephens this morning promised
$35 million to build a primary school at Murrumbateman and to accelerate the
redevelopment of Yass High.
She said $25m would be used to build a public K-6 primary school for the village’s 1500
school-aged children. It would include before and after-school care facilities to cater for
working parents. READ MORE
Yass Valley Council needs help to stand-alone for Fit for the Future
By Jessica Cole,Yass Tribune, 25 February 2015
Yass Valley Council may be forced to merge with surrounding councils if it does not
provide evidence that it is 'Fit for the Future'. READ MORE
Yass Council responds to the 'bullies'
By Oliver Watson,Yass Tribune, 25 February 2015
Yass Valley Mayor Rowena Abbey and Yass Valley Council’s General Manager David
Rowe, have spoken out about their struggle to come to grips with what they’ve described
as "council bullying" by certain members of the public. READ MORE
Yass Valley dog trainer wins award
Yass Tribune,14 January 2015
Laurie Slater of 'Wondara', Murrumbateman, has been awarded 2014 NSW Sheepdog
Worker’s Incorporated Handler of the Year. Sheepdog trialling is increasing in popularity and promotes how amazing the man and dog
relationship is in the pastoral setting. READ MORE
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
21 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Murrumbateman offers country lifestyle close to city
By Rachel Packham, Domain Real Estate, 28 March 2015
Note: The Canberra Times published a special on Murrumbateman in its Saturday Domain Real
Estate Guide.
The lure of large properties, a relaxed country lifestyle and those fabulous wineries draw
many Canberrans to the picturesque village of Murrumbateman, but what many
newcomers discover when they make the move north is a vibrant, close-knit community
bursting with activity.
Murrumbateman celebrates its 130th birthday
While a trip out to Murrumbateman is a fantastic way to spend any weekend, this one
promises to be extra special as the village celebrates its 130th birthday today, from 9am to
1pm at the Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds. If you're thinking of making the move, or
you just fancy dropping in for a visit, it's the perfect time to get acquainted with the village.
Held in conjunction with the Murrumbateman Village Market, it's a great opportunity to
learn more about the village. The Murrumbateman History Group has pulled together a
range of historical displays including information, memorabilia from the district, antique
machinery and fire engines.
Case study: A piece of the good life
Eight years ago, Briony and Adam Barac made the move from Gungahlin to
Murrumbateman and they couldn't be happier.
"I absolutely love the place," Briony Barac says.
They now have two children, Luka, 7, and Lydia, 3, and they're all very involved in the local
community. Mrs Barac is the stall manager at the Murrumbateman Village Market and the
kids keep busy with an array of activities.
Feature property
7 Cunningham Close, Murrumbateman
Price guide: $1.1 million - $ 1.4 million Combining a stunning, ultra-modern design and outstanding workmanship,
this architecturally designed home is one of Murrumbateman's finest.
Set on a substantial 13,530 square metre 1.35-hectare block, the property comprises two
To read the full articles click HERE
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
22 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Angus Taylor is the Federal Member for Hume which is covers an area of approximately
33 637 sq km from Cowra in the north to Wee Jasper in the south and parts of the
Southern Highlands from Picton and Wilton in the east to Young and Cootamundra in the
west. It includes the entire local Government areas of Boorowa, Cootamundra, Cowra,
Goulburn Mulwaree, Harden, Upper Lachlan, Weddin, Yass Valley and Young Councils
and parts of Palerang, Wingecarribee and Wollondilly Shires.
Towns include Bargo, Binalong, Boorowa, Bundanoon, Buxton, Caragabal, Colo Vale,
Cootamundra, Cowra, Crookwell, Gooloogong, Grenfell, Gundaroo, Gunning, Harden/
Murrumburrah, High Range, Hill Top, Joadja, Jugiong, Marulan, Murrumbateman,
Oakdale, Picton, Quandialla, Stockinbingal, Sutton, Tahmoor, Tarago, The Oaks,
Thirlmere, Wallendbeen, Wilton, Yass, Young and the City of Goulburn.
Angus Taylor Official Website
Electoral Division of Hume
Angus Taylor on Facebook
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor and State Member for Goulburn Pru Goward have
today announced further joint funding of up to $15 million for safety works along the Barton
Mr Taylor said under the NSW Government’sInfrastructure Investment Programme, the
Federal Government and NSW Government agree to fund national highways like the
Barton Highway in an 80/20 split. He said the Federal Government would work with NSW
to identify up to $12 million from any project savings from the NSW Government’s
Infrastructure Investment Programme allocation to put towards the Barton Highway, and
the NSW Government has agreed to commit $3 million. READ MORE
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
23 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has congratulated State Member for Goulburn
Pru Goward on securing $120 million for a major redevelopment of Goulburn Base
Hospital, as well as funding to upgrade Yass and Bowral Hospitals.
“Today’s announcements are the result of a long and determined effort. Together with
councils, the community and the local medical and health care sectors, we have been
campaigning fiercely for this much needed turbo boost for Goulburn Base. READ MORE
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has announced funding for Yass Council - and
encouraged council and community groups to seek further government infrastructure
“I can announce that Yass Shire Council will be receiving $724,777 this quarter under the
Government’s Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) programme. This will be the third
quarterly payment to councils in the 2014-15 financial year. Council will receive a total
$2,899,109 this year,” Mr Taylor said. READ MORE
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor today welcomed Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Treasurer
Joe Hockey and Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce to the Hume electorate.
The delegation visited the Hodgkinson family’s property “Vale View” at Murrumbateman to
announce a tightening of rules on foreign purchases of agricultural land. READ MORE
Monday, 09 February 2015
Federal Member for Hume Angus Taylor has welcomed news of eight successful projects in Hume
to receive 25th Anniversary Landcare Grants. Mr Taylor said he was pleased to announce funding
for the following projects: READ MORE
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
24 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
The electoral district of Burrinjuck covers some 28,000 km² in a big square above
Canberra and stretches from Cowra in the north to Gundagai in the south, and from
Crookwell in the east to Grenfell and Cootamundra.
The electoral district of Burrinjuck was first formed in 1950. Its current Member, Katrina
Hodgkinson, was first elected during the March 1999 State Election.
More information can be found on the NSW Member for Burrinjuk, Katrina Hodgkison MP
30 March 2015
Member Elect for Cootamundra, Katrina Hodgkinson, today thanked everyone in the new
electorate for their support and encouragement over the weekend.
“To receive such a high vote* in the Electorate on Saturday is very humbling, and it tells
me that people in our region want to continue to see positive action from the NSW
Government”, Katrina said. READ MORE
NOTE: As the member for Burrinjuck no longer represents Murrumbateman this is
the last time information will be provided on this electoral district.
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
25 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
The Goulburn electorate reaches from the villages of Hill Top and Yerrinbool in the north to the shores of
Lake George in the south. It encompasses the charming historical towns and villages of the Southern
Highlands, the great city of Goulburn and outlying rural communities and pastureland of the Southern
Tablelands. What unites these distinct centres of the electorate is the warmth of the people, the enthusiasm
they have for their communities and the zeal they have to protect the environment they live in. READ MORE
Pru Goward was elected to the NSW Parliament in March 2007 as the Member for Goulburn. She has
served in the position of Shadow Minister for the Environment and Shadow Minister for Women, and from
2008 to March 2011, as the Shadow Minister for Community Services. Following the NSW Liberals and
Nationals 2011 election victory Pru was sworn in as the NSW Minister for Family and Community Services
and the Minister for Women. In April 2014 Pru was delighted to be sworn in as the NSW Minister for Planning
and Minister for Women. READ MORE
At the NSW Election 2015, the Member for Goulburn Pru Goward was re-elected.
24 March 2015
Member for Goulburn Pru Goward today announced a NSW Government commitment to fund the
comprehensive redevelopment of shared recreation facilities at Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds.
Ms Goward said she is delighted to announce $550,000 toward the project.
“This is great news for the Murrumbateman community and surrounding region and will mean new
equestrian facilities, an upgraded sporting field with new irrigation and turf and new basketball and netball
courts,” Ms Goward said.
Member for Goulburn Pru Goward today said Labor’s commitment to a new school at Murrumbateman
cannot be trusted because it has been cynically announced after Labor had already submitted its election
commitments to the Parliamentary Budget Office with no mention of any new school.
“I know there are many families in Murrumbateman who would love a primary school in the village. What
they want is a serious commitment, not something drawn up on the back of an envelope as a last-ditch
attempt to buy votes,” Ms Goward said. READ MORE
Health Minister Jillian Skinner and Goulburn MP Pru Goward today announced a re-elected Baird
Government will enhance health services at Yass, with the construction of a new ambulance station and
Multi-Purpose Service (MPS).
Mrs Skinner said if re-elected on March 28, the Baird Government will invest $3.7 million for a new
ambulance station and $8 million to build a new MPS for the benefit of Yass patients and their loved ones.
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
26 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Yass Valley has a population of 13,135 and comprises the town of Yass and Villages of
Binalong, Bookham,Bowning, Gundaroo, Murrumbateman, Sutton and Wee Jasper.
Yass Shire Council was proclaimed on 1 January 1980 following the amalgamation of
Goodradigbee Shire Council and the Yass Municipal Council. Yass Shire Council in turn
was proclaimed the Yass Valley Council on 11 February 2004, following a further
amalgamation of Yass Shire Council and parts of Gunning and Yarrowlumla Shire
Councils. You can access the Yass Valley Council website HERE.
Yass Valley begins “Fit for the Future” journey
12 Mach 2015
Many questions were asked at last night’s community workshop marking the beginning of
the ‘Fit for the Future’ project to develop a strategy that matches the expectations of the
Yass Valley community with Council’s ongoing financial capacity.
Yass Valley Council’s newly formed Community Working Group will meet seven times over
the coming months to take a long hard look at the future needs of the Yass Valley
community and assess Council’s financial ability to meet these needs in the long term.
Murrumbateman Sewerage Scheme
With the recent media coverage surrounding the new Murrumbateman Sewerage
Treatment Plant (STP) we want to get the facts out there, answer your questions and let
you know the full story.
Why the proposed site?
Investigations and community consultation into finding the right location for a
Murrumbateman STP began in 1998, over 15 years ago.
Several site locations have been investigated over this time by NSW Public Works on
behalf of Council. The proposed site was selected because it is north east of the village
reducing the risk of any odour to Murrumbateman village. The site’s topography also
makes it more cost effective for construction and ongoing operation of the plant being
located downstream from the village. READ MORE
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
27 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Yass Valley Council Ordinary Council Meeting - 25th March 2015
The Yass Valley Council Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Wednesday
25th March 2015. At the meeting, two issues were of relevance to the
Murrumbateman community.
SYNOPSIS: Council is in receipt of a request for access to land north of the
Murrumbateman Recreation Ground for the construction of a private
independent school.
DECISION: Mt Carmel College Ltd was given in-principle approval to
have a school at the recreation ground.
At the last Yass Council meeting, council resolved to start charging sewerage
rates for Murrumbateman village. This means that from July 1st, 2015, any
residence within 70 metres of where the sewerage lines will eventually run will
be charged additional on their rates bill - despite in most cases the sewerage
connection not being available until at least July 2016.
Councillors Butler, Jones and Frost voted against this proposal, and lodged a
notice to rescind this decision and instead start charging the rates from July
2016. DECISION: The sewerage charges with stay which means from 1 July
2015 residents within 70 metres of the sewerage line will be charged
sewerage rates.
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
28 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
Meryl Hunter March 2015
For someone who is a committed ‘bookaholic’, someone who read by torchlight under the blankets as a child and
occasionally by moonlight it was a pleasant surprise on finding that a book club existed in Murrumbateman two years
after arriving here in 1982.
At that time there were five or so members, our books were supplied by WEA at the University of NSW and shipped by
train to Yass. One of our members collected the box of books each month for distribution at our meetings which were
held in different members’ homes. Along with the books came the request that one member would write a review each
month. This was obviously read by a learned person at WEA, a written comment returned and read to the group with
some trepidation! After some time this service from WEA was discontinued and it was back to reading individually and
exchanging books with one another.
Time passed and while handing out How to Vote papers at an election I chatted to another avid reader and it was then
decided to re-form the book club. By 1988 and advertising by word of mouth the club began again and we were able to
borrow enough books for our members from the ACT library service. Some of the first titles we read and discussed
were Malouf’s Imaginary Life, Niland’s Call me when the cross turns Over and Porter’s The watcher on the cast iron
Balcony. Again we were meeting monthly in various private homes and sharing the collecting and returning of boxes of
books to Canberra.
Our group consisted of mixed ages, attitudes and occupations which
meant that discussion was always lively, sometime controversial but
always non- judgemental and friendly. To everyone’s relief there were
no more mandatory written reviews! In time the library service
provided us with a list of books available for groups so we were able to
select, as a group, what titles we thought suitable and good for
As an assistant in Yass library it seemed appropriate for me to request
our supply of books from a local source so the suggestion was made, a
grant applied for and in 2010 this was approved so now our books come from the regional library in Goulburn. Again
we have a list to choose from, books are collected from and returned to Yass.
In the many years the club has been operating members have come and gone but we have always had a steady number
of around 15. Because of the spread of the community we now meet at my house each month as it’s more convenient
for all. We have become good friends, enjoy a glass of wine with our discussion and supper at the conclusion of the
evening and each Xmas we celebrate with a dinner to which husbands and partners are invited. The men are also free to
join us each month to read and discuss but seem to be reluctant!
We read a wide range of authors and are very quick to dismiss those who don’t write well. Among our favorites are
Kate Grenville, Geraldine Brooks, Alex Miller, Colm Toibin, Sebastian Faulks, Peter Temple to name a few. We happily
welcome new members and can be contacted as indicated in the Murrumbateman Services Directory
Meryl from the Murrumbateman Book Club can be contacted on 02 6227 5757.
Murrumbateman March E-Newsletter 2015!
29 OF 30
Murrumbateman Progress Association Inc (MPA)
19 East Street, Murrumbateman NSW, 2582
Tel: (02) 6227 5895 Fax: (02) 6227 5009
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 71 920 635 074
These E-Newsletters are put together by Clair Dupont who is the Murrumbateman
Progress Association (MPA) Secretary.
She decided to put these newsletters together to better inform the Murrumbateman
Community. Older E-Newsletters can be found HERE.
If you have any information that you would like to include in a E-Newsletter or would like to
receive the E-Newsletter via email including other information please email her at
[email protected]. Any comments also welcome.
Thank you to all the people who have contributed information for this E-Newsletter. It is
much appreciated. Please note some of the information may/will be used in the next issue
of the Murrumbateman Services Directory (MSD).
Please note all E-newsletters are being sent through the MailChimp MPA Mailing List. If
you are on the list but have not received this E-Newsletter or any other emails please
check your junk mail.
As you may have figured out, this E-Newsletter is released around the same time as the
Murrumbateman Services Directory deadline. In line with that, the next E-Newsletter will
out on Monday 11th May 2015. This will be the Murrumbateman May E-Newsletter.
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