SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2015 (Rain Date June 20) Ride starts at Boswells HD, 401 Fesslers Lane Registration Starts at 9:00 a.m. KICKSTANDS UP AT 10:00 A.M. Ride Ends at Lynchburg Outdoors / Barrelhouse BBQ Registration Fee $25/bike + $5/rider (includes lunch) For additional info, Contact Jeff Ball, Blue Knights TN V President, @ 615‐400‐7828 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS: CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS SPONSORED BY BLUE KNIGHTS TN V The ANDREW JACKSON FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (FOP) YOUTH CAMP is a summer camp program for underprivileged children held at its facility on Old Hickory Lake in Wilson County. The 35 acre property has been developed into a site that has a pool, bunk house, mess hall, ball field and lake access. The week-long curriculum of activities is geared to develop team building and break down cultural barriers. The counselors are all police officers who donate their time to befriend, mentor and teach the kids in an effort to break the stereotypes these children normally have of police officers. The camp serves an average of 300 children per summer. In December the camp and its volunteers treat some of the children to an all-expense paid shopping trip called “Shop With A Cop”. The children, all from underprivileged homes, are given money to buy Christmas presents for themselves and family members. Without this effort, some of these families might not be able to celebrate Christmas at all. THE ONE HUNDRED CLUB OF NASHVILLE was founded in 1979 by area businessmen as a non-profit charity dedicated to providing financial assistance to the families of police officers, fire fighters and EMT staff employed by an official police or fire organization in Metropolitan Nashville who lose their lives or are victims of serious, traumatic and disabling injury in the line of duty. The 100 Club of Nashville accomplishes its tasks through charitable contributions and with members who donate $100 per year in dues. The 100 Club of Nashville has NO paid staff, NO paid or professional fundraisers, solicits its members entirely through volunteers, and limits its administrative costs to a small amount of printing and postage. Since 1979, The 100 Club of Nashville has paid more than $974,000 in debts for the families of 16 officers and firemen and one paramedic who lost their lives answering our calls for help. CONCERNS OF POLICE SURVIVORS, INC. (COPS) provides resources to assist in the rebuilding of the lives of surviving families and affected coworkers of law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty as determined by Federal criteria. Each year, between 140 and 160 officers are killed in the line of duty and their families and co workers are left to cope with the tragic loss. COPS provides resources to help them rebuild their shattered lives. There is no membership fee to join COPS, for the price paid is already too high. COPS programs for survivors include the National Police Survivors' Conference held each May during National Police Week, scholarships, peer support at the national, state, and local levels, "COPS Kids" counseling reimbursement program, the "COPS Kids" Summer Camp, "COPS Teens" Outward Bound experience for young adults, special retreats for spouses, parents, siblings, adult children, in laws, and co workers, trial and parole support, and other assistance programs. The Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men and women who enjoy riding motorcycles. The Blue Knights have more than 580 chapters and 20,000 members in 24 countries. Our local chapter, the Tennessee V, is very active and has approximately 80 members.
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