Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons, State of California, Incorporated 9027 South Fiqueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90003 Office: (323) 242-2393 Fax: (323) 754-2930 M.W. Grand Master Lovell Morgan R.W. Grand Secretary Billy G. Harrington District Deputy Grand Master Official Visit Report Form: Lodge #_______________________________________________________________________ (Address)__________________________________________ City)_______________________ Zip Code)___________________(Lodge Phone)_______________________________________ Is the Lodge meeting on a Prince Hall owned property? Yes____ No____ If no, what is the meeting location? _______________________________________ What is the total Lodge membership? ____ How many were present at the meeting? ____ The Official Visit was held on which meeting? Stated ____ Intermediate ____ How many officers were present at opening? ___ Number Absent ___ Number late ____ Was the Lodge Proficient during the opening? Yes____ No____ Individual Officer Proficiency during the Opening: WM. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ S.D. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ S.W. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ J.W. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Treas. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Sec. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Chap. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Tyl. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Was a Degree conferred? Yes____ No____ If yes, which Degree? _____ Was the Lodge Proficient in the Degree? Yes____ No____ Were Petitions checked for correct entries? Yes____ No____ Was Initiation fee paid? Yes____ No____ Amount_________ Paid in advance? Yes____ No____ Have appropriate fees been forwarded to the Grand Lodge? Yes____ No____ 14. How much is the Membership Dues: Monthly ________Annual________ 15. Were any assessments paid? Yes____ No____ How much? ___________ What was the purpose? _______________________________ (Other than Grand Lodge Taxes) ____________________________________________________________________________ LODGE MINUTES 16. Is balloting on candidates in the minutes? Yes____ No____ 17. Was the candidates’ proficiency recorded in the minutes? Yes ___ No ___On the petition? (Candidate proficiency for advancement may be made during an Intermediate meeting) 18. Were the minutes of the Lodge recorded in ink, in a bound book, with numbered pages? Yes____ No____ 19. Did the minutes have the signatures of the Worshipful Master and Secretary? Yes____ No____ 20. Were all listed bills paid individually, by order of the Worshipful Master, supported by a proper motion, seconded and carried? 21. Did the Lodge have the following required record books? Yes____ No____ Bound Minute Book ____ Secretary Scratch Notebook ____ Bookkeeping Ledger ____ Duplicate receipt Dues Book ____ Warrant Book____ Check Book____ Auditors Report File Was a copy of the Audit report copy sent to the Grand Master? Yes____ No____ 22. Did the Lodge have the required “A File” items? Yes____ No____ Grand Master and Grand Lecturer’s Itinerary____ Constitution____ Insurance Report_____ Membership Report_____ Membership List____ Worshipful Master____ Report to G.L.____ Lodge By-Laws_____ Growth Management Book____ Ritual ____ Protocol Book ____ D.D.G.M.____ Handbook ____ Publications List____ Journey into Light____ Reporting Deadlines____ Audit Book ____ Mackey____ Jurisprudence____ Worshipful Master____ Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Workbook____ Emergency Data File____ Widows and Bereaved Families Book____ Previous Years Grand Lodge Proceedings ____ Dispensation Policy____ Charity and Benevolence Policy____ 23. List all Bank Accounts, Investment accounts and Social Club accounts Type _______________ IRS-No._______________________ Account Balance(s) Checking ________ Savings __________ Scholarship Fund _____________ Social Club ___________ Youth Council ___________ Three signatures are required on all accounts, the Worshipful Master must be one. 24. What are the sources of Lodge income other than dues and/or assessments? __________ 25. Has a Budget been prepared and approved by the Lodge? Yes____ No____ 26. Are the Officers bonded? Must be with Grand Lodge Yes____ No____ 27. A Post Office Box is required for Lodges meeting in other than a Prince Hall owned Lodge Halls Does the Lodge have a P.O Box? Yes____ No____ P.O. Box Number:____________ City_______________ Zip Code___________ 28. Does the Lodge have a Safety Deposit Box? Yes____ No____ 29. Describe the Worshipful Master’s Programs and scheduled activities: _________________________________________________________ 30. Good of the order: Include any constructive remarks on any phase of the Grand Lodge Program, it’s elected or appointed officers._____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 31. Was the Lodge Proficient during the closing? Yes____ No____ 32. Individual Officer Proficiency during the Closing: W.M. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ S.D. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ SW. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ J.D. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ J.W. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Mar Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Treas. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ S.S Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Sec Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ J.S. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Chap. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ Tyl. Good____ Fair____ Needs Improvement____ 33. District Deputy Grand Master Observations and Recommendations: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ This report must be signed by the Worshipful Master, the Lodge Secretary and the District Deputy Grand Master. The Seal of the Lodge must also be attached or stamped. _______________________________ Worshipful Master ____________________________________________ R.W. District Deputy Grand Master, District # _____ Seal __________________________ Lodge Secretary ____________________________ Date of Official Visit Report shall be made out in triplicate; the original, after obtaining the required signatures, to the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master “A” copy shall be sent to the Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer and to the Lodge for its records. The District Deputy Grand Master should also keep a copy for his records. Portions of the report may be completed prior to meeting; The Worshipful Master of the Lodge should read the completed report in the Lodge. Attachments _______ cc: R.W. Grand Lecturer, Willie Brown
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