COLO IAL OFFJCE FISHERY PUBLICATIONS: Vol. I, No.1, 1950 THE FOOD AN D FEED ING RELATIONSHIPS OF • • • • By • • THAM AH KOW B.Sc. (London) Research Officer, Department of Fisheries, Federation of Malaya and Singapore • • • • PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A • • • J'B 1276 81704 5 / LONDON: HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1950 • • • -1 SEP 1995 • • • • .C ONTENTS Page SECTION I. INTROD UC TIO II. MATERIALS A • • • D METHODS • • • • • 1 . • • • • I • ITT. PHYSICAL , CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACT E RISTICS OF THE HABrTAT • • • • • • • A. Meteorology • • • • • • • 3 B. Water Temperature • • •• • • • .. 3 C. Salinjty • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • 6 • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • D. Phytoplankton E. Zooplankton • F. • Nekton • .(a) Acetes spp . (b) Kelong Catches • • . 1 V. • DETAILS OF OBSERVA nONS OF FOOD AND FEEDING OF FISHES. . • • • • FEEDING RELATIONSH[PS • V. VI. VII. , • • SEASONAL VARIATION IN FOOD .- 9 9 9 10 • • • • 22 • • • 22 AVAILABILITY OF FOOD ORGANISMS TN RELATION TO THE LEVEL OF UTILISA nON • 26 • PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A v III. FEEDING I lX. SUMMARY , TENSITY . • • • • • • 31 • • • • • • 32 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • • • • • • 32 REFERENCES. • • • • • • • • 33 APPENDIX • • • • • • • • 33 • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • SECTION I INTRODUCTION Malaya, are included with his kind permission. Whilst the food of many fishes found in temperate countries has been very thoroughly investigated, that of the species found in Malayan Seas has not, to the knowledge of the writer, been investigated by anyone with the exception of Malpas (1926) who recorded the food fOi-lOd in the stomachs of fishes trawled around Ceylon. The fishes studied by Malpas were all large specimens or adult specimens of small species, probably because few small specimens could be taken by trawl nets. The present study, however, concerns mainly small specimens, but not necessarily the young, . of similar or related species. The bulk of the catches in the inshore zone consists of small fishes, many of which are never large even when full grown. Nevertheless, .they all playa very important role j n the ecology of the inshore zone. THE PRESENT PAPER is the result of a general study of the food of the inshore fish fauna of Singapore, collected at fortnightly intervals throughout the year 1948, and is designed to contribute to the general picture of their food and feeding relationships in the habitat under consideration. In any study of the food and feeding relationships of fishes it is necessary to have a general knowledge of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the habitat and their variations throughout the duration of the investigation in order to facilitate the interpretation of the results. Accordingly a simultaneous study of the phyical, chemical and biological characteristics of the habitat has been carried out and the results are included in this paper. 'Certain meteorological data supplied by Commander H. B. Moorhead, Director of Meteorological Services, MATERIALS & METHODS - - THE MA TERrA L for this investigation was obtained from the catches of the two most common types of fishing gear employed in the inshore zone of Singapore. One is the common haul eine which consists of a bag net with two long wings of netting to each of which is attached a long rattan lead. The net is operated from the shore from half ebb to half flood tide. The other is a fixed trap constructed by pushing poles into the sea bed in such a way as to form two eqclosures with a long lead. Rattan screens are fixed to the submarine portions of the poles to deter the fish from swimming out. A light is used to attract the fish into the last enclosure where they are hauled up at intervals during the night by means of a lift net. A fun de cription of this fishing gear, which is known as the , kelong' in Malay, is given by LeMare and Tham (1947). Specimens were taken at fortnightly intervals immediately after the catches were hauled up and the body cavity was opened up at once and the whole fish preserved in 10 per cent. formaldehyde solution. They were measured in the laboratory, the recorded length being the distance between the tip of the snout and the least height of the caudal peduncle, unless otherwise stated. The stomachs were then cut open and the stomach contents of all fish of the same species were put into one petri dish and examined. Whilst it would have been more desirable to make a quantitative examination of the -stomach contents in the same way as a plankton sample, it was considered that since the number of species invOlved was large the process would have taken too much time. As this was only a general investigation it was considered that the time available would be more profitably spent in procuring and examining samples at shorter intervals throughout the year to find out if there was any seasonal variation in their feeding -habits. At the same time where certain organisms predominated in the food it was thought necessary to have it so indicated in the data and PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A • , • 1 • • • • • - 2 THE FOOD AND FEED! so the food was classified as ' main' and' subsidiary'. As an example, if in the contents of one group of stomachs, 10 Leptochela, 20 Calanids, 3 Ostracods, 2 Amphipods and one Lamellibranch larva were found, Calanids and Leptochela would be classified as the' main' food and the rest as ' subsidiary' food. The intensity of feeding was reported in the following way;E ' empty' when the stomach and pylorus were empty, S - ' slight' when the stomach was not d)stended and there was little food in it, M = 'medium' when the stomach was • slightly distended with food, H ' heavy' when the stomach was fully distended with food. In the tables which follow, a ' plus' sign (+ ) entered against any group of organisms signifies that it is the 'main' food. A zero sign (0) signifies that it is the' subsidiary' food, whilst a dash ( - ) signifies absence. When dashes are entered against' ninge in length', 'number of specimens examined' and' degree of feeding', it signifies the absence of the fish under consideration in the samples taken. In anyone month the number of samples taken varied from one to three and the figures entered under anyone month represented the aggregate of all samples taken during that month, whilst the degree of feeding entered is the highest degree found during that month. A total of 2,346 specimens were examined. This method of recording is undoubtedly arbitrary, but considering the object of this investigation it is deemed sufficient. There is, however, one drawback in using the catches of the shore seine and indigen'ous fish trap (kelong) for food studies. When the net is hauled in or lifted, large species like Chirocentrus spp. and Scomberomorus spp. and small species like Stolephorus spp. get mixed together and in the pandemonium that inevitably ensues just before the net is lifted out of the water, it is probable that the small Stolephorus are swallowed by the • G RELATIONSHI PS O F larger species and are eventually recorded as the food of the larger species. Where any species had been found to feed on S tolephorus and other small fishes, care was taken first to examine the food to see if it showed signs of digestion and, secondly, to procure the same species by other methods of fishing, e.g., handlines, troll lines, drift nets, modified Danish seine (known as Pukat Payang in Malay), etc., and to find out if Stolephorus and other small fishes were still found in the food. In all cases, however, it was found that fishes caught by other methods in the same area feed on the same types of food and in many cases the food of the specimens examined during the course of this investigation showed signs of digestion. It should be stated here that ' Stolephorus larvre ' in this paper includes post larval stages and small specimens up to 25 mm. in length. When fish specimens were collected for food studies water samples were also taken at a fixed position in the same area, i.e., to the south of Singapore, at a ' depth of three fathoms below the surface at high water, full spring tide. Temperature readings were taken and the salinity of the water was determined by Knudsen's method. Plankton samples were also collected at the same time and position by pumping water at different levels from the surface to one fathom above the sea bed the interval between sampling levels being one fathom and passing the water through a fine silk net (mesh equivalent to o. 20 silk). Approximately the same amount of water was pumped from each level. It was thought that the more active organisms in the plankton, e.g., Salps and Chaetognaths, etc., would evade being sucked up the hose of the pump. In order to get a picture of the distribution of the larger members of the zooplankton a surface tow was made between two fixed points in the same area during slack tide. A net of lndian muslin was used with the engine of the launch at dead slow speed (about one to two knots). Both these plankton samples were pr~served in 10 per cent. formalin and a rough quantitative study made in the laboratory later. PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A I • • , • • • • • 3 THE FISHES OF SINGAPORE STRAITS , • • • • SECTION III I I • • PHYSICAL, CHE ICAL AND BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HABITAT TH E PHYSI CAL, chemical and biological characteristics of the habitat studied include (1) the temperature of the water, (2) salinity, (3) the phytoplankton, (4) the zooplankton and (5) the nekton, and data for the year 1948 are presented in this paper to show what relationships there may be between these characteristics and the food and feeding of the fish fauna. As Singapore is situated in a region the cllmate of which is characterised by monsoons, it is considered essential to have a general knowledge of certain meteorological elements of the region in which the habitat is situated to understand more fully the physical and chemical changes in the water of Singapore Straits. Notes on the meteorology of Singapore have therefore been included in this section, together with some data. on rainfall and wind force. , I • A. METEOROLOGY the south-west monsoon. For the year 1948 rainfall was abnormally high, especially in January, causing widespread flooding in the Malay Peninsula. It is probable that this abnormally high rainfall has influenced the marine environment to a greater or lesser extent so that the data under this section may not be typical. The rainfall data for Singapore are given in Table 2. TABLE 1. Total monthly ~ind speed at Kallang, Singapore (Extracted from records of the Meteorological Dept., Malaya) . , YEAR 1948 " " " " " MONTH TOTAL MONTHLY SPEED January • • February • • March • • April • • May • • June • • July • • August • • September October • • November December .. 1554,5 meters per second . 657·5 " " " 760·0 " " " 626·0 " " " 659·0 " " 1174· 5 " " " " 1065'0 " " " 1226·5 " " " 1029,0 " " "• 854,0 " " " 973·0 " " 1346, 5 " " " " The climate of Singapore as well as othel; areas " in South East Asia is characterised by two " monsoons. In Singapore the two monsoons " " are (1) south-west monsoon from May to " September, and (2) north-east monsoon from November to March the following year, with TABLE 2. Rainfall of Singapore in inches per month eight weeks between the two monsoons during (Ex tracted from the records of the Meteorological Dept., which weather conditions are changeable. DurMalaya) ing the north-east monsoon the prevailing wind is no rth and north-east and according to Brooke AVERAGE FOR AVERAGE MONTH 1948 52 YEARS 1931-40 Smith (1936) water from the South China Sea . flows through Singapore Straits from east to January '9,88 9·25 24·03 • 6·62 4·82 west, whilst during the south-west monsoon February • • 8'38 7·36 14·26 7'40 March with prevailing wind south, south-east and 7,64 6·57 10·08 April south-west, the water in Singapore Straits is May .. 9,92 6·65 8·40 ·, 6·85 7·52 6'71 replaced by water from the Java Sea. Details June .. 5·89 10·92 July . 6'77 of the monthly totals of wind speed are given in August 7·95 6·52 3·29 • Table 1. 7·23 5· J8 September , 6'77 8,07 7·03 4'11 October · , Like in all tropical countries the s~lllshine i November , , 9·92 13·52 9'08 intense and . records do not show any variation December • • 10· 55 8·88 12·83 throughout the year. According to Stewart (1930) the rainfall for Singapore Island is more B. WATER TEMPERATURE or less evenly spread over the different months The variation in the temperature of the sea of the year. From the average figures for the period 1931-40 the range is from 4·82 inches per water throughout the year is not great, the range month to 9·25 inches per month. On the whole for 1948 being from 27 '2° C. to 30·6° C., i.e., the north-east monsoon brings more rain than 3'4° C. From the temperature curve for the .. PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A • J , • • ! • • • • • • • , • , , • • • 4 THE FOOD A • • • year 1948 (see Fig. 1) it is seen that there is a minimum (27'5° C.) in January rising to a maximum of nearly 30'5° C. in May and June. From then onwards the temperature begins to drop to another minimum of about 29·2° C. in August, after which it rises slightly till October, when it begins to fall once again to the minimum in January. It is generally lower during the northeast monsoon because during this period (1) there is more rain and slightly less sunshine and (2) the water flowing through Singapore Straits comes from the China Sea. It is interesting to note that the temperature readings of the surface water of the Bay of Nhatrang along the Indo-china coast as given by Chevey and Serene (1948) give the same. sort of curve as that for Singapore Straits. The water flowing past the Bay of Nhatrang flows through Singapore Straits during the north-east monsoon. This explains the minimum in January. Looking at another factor which influences sea • water temperature in an enclosed sea area like Singapore Straits, viz., wind force, it i noticed that when total monthly wind speeds are high the corresponding monthly temperatures are low. According to Weel (1923), during the months when the East monsoon (equivalent to the south-west monsoon in Singapore) prevails in full force and regularity in the Java Sea, the water there has a considerably lower temperature than in the transition months. This explains the minimum temperatures in January and August in Singapore Straits, since (I) the total monthly wind force in Singapore during the south-we t monsoon is highest in August and during the north-east monsoon highest in January and (2) water from the Java Sea flows through Singapore Straits during the south-west monsoon. C. SALINITY The salinity of the water of Singapore Straits varies from 28-47% 0 to 31·87% 0 during the year 1948 with two maxima, one round about March-April and the other in November, and two minima, one round about August and the other around December- January. It is generaUy higher during the north-east monsoon and lower during the south-west monsoon. Looking more closely at the salinity data for Singapore Straits, it is noted that the salinity drops from over 31 % 0 with the onset of the south-west monsoon to a minimum of 28'5% 0 in August and then rises again before the northeast monsoon sets in to a maximum of over 31'80% 0 in ovember. After this it drops again to a higher minimum in January the following year and then T1ses again to over D F EE DI G RELATIONSH IPS O F 31 % 0 in February and remains somewhere near this figure until April. This appears to be the annual salinity pattern for Singapore Straits as the sort of curve was obtained in 1935 by the writer 'in a previous study of the salinity of Singapore Straits (cf. Birtwistle, 1936). Unfortunately the data obtained in 1935 were 10 t during the Japanese occupation of Malaya. If it is remembered that from May to September each year the water in the Java Sea flow through Singapore Straits and from ovember to April the water in the South China Sea flow through it, almost all the feature of this salinity pattern can qe easily explained. On examination of the surface salinity charts of Weel (Ioc. cit.) for the Java Sea during the transition period (May) just before the southwest monsoon sets in, it is noticed that the salinity is lower in the eastern half of the Java Sea. When the south-west monsoon (or east monsoon in the Java Sea) sets in the whole body of water in the Java Sea Iiifts toward Singapore so that the more saline water in the western part of the Java Sea will reach Singapore first and then the Jess saline water of the eastern part of the Java Sea will follow. This will explain the form of the salinity curve in Singapore Straits during the south-west monsoon . . Weel's surface salinity charts for the Java Sea for August show that the less aline water in the eastern pal tin May ha been swept clean off the Java Sea by August and the alinity at the western extremity % is given as 32· 5 0 and that at the eastern extremity as 34'5% 0 at that time. Berlage (1927), after a study of Weel's figures, has come to the same conclusion, viz.: that the Java Sea is wept clean twice a year. This then explains why the salinity in Singapore Straits rises after Augu t. During the rise in salinity from a minimum in August to a maximum in ovember there is a period of about two week during which the salinity i more or less stationary. This correspon in date to the transition period from the south-west to the north-east mon oon. During the north-east monsoon water from the South China Sea flows through Singapore Straits. The rise in salinity from the tra{lsition period to a maximum ;n ovember is due to this more saline water of the South China Sea. After ovember, however, there is a udden drop in the salinity reaching a minimum in January. The whole of the east coast of Malaya, including Singapore, gets very heavy rainfall during the north-east mon oon, the maximum rainfaU being in December. The salinity minimum in Singapore Straits in December- January is then the obvious PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A • • • • J THE F IS H ES OF SINGAPORE STRAITS 31• • • 30 - • • • u o • • Cl. 29- ~ • w , f- - • • 28 • • •· • • I 27..J J I I A M I I M F I I J J 194 S • I I I , I A S 0 N 0 Fig. 1. TempelOture of the water of Singapore Straits . • • • • o . 0 o . • 31 - >- PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A f- • -Z -...J c( (/) - • 29 • 28 ..J J I I I I F M A M I J I J 1948 • I ) A S Fig. II. Salinity of the water of Singapore Straits . • • • I o I I N D THE FOOD AND FEEDING RELATIO 6 , effect of this heavy rainfall. Looking at the state of affairs further north in the China Sea it is noticed that in the salinity graphs of the Bay of Nhatrang in French Indo-China given by Chevey and Serene (Joc. cit.) there is a sharp drop in salinity round about September-October from above 33%0 to as low as 26%0 and does not rise to 33%0 until February-March the following year the minimum occurring during October-November. This suggests that since the water in Singapore Straits comes from the South China Sea during the north-east monsoon (November-March), the minimum salinity during December-January in Singapore Straits may also be due to the reduced salinity Of the coastal waters of the South China Sea during that period. In the Bay of Nhatrang the drop in salinity starts about early September. This is so probably because the monsoon rains begin there about that time. Even in Malaya it is noted from Stewart's (loc. cit.) figures tJ:~at the north-east mo.nsoon rains set in progressively earlier as one proceeds north along the east coast. As the rainfall gets back to its average monthly value in Singapore the salinity in Singapore Straits rises and reaches a maximum around March and this maximum is maintained until April, when with the onset of the south-west . monsoon it drops again. D. • PHYTOPLANKTON The phytoplankton has be~n collected by pumping sea water from different depths and filtering through a silk net (mesh equivalent to o. 20 bolting silk) so that, knowing the volume of water filtered, the results can be expressed as number of cells per cubic meter of sea water. SHIPS OF The plankton samples have not yet been studied in detail and the results presented in Table 3, however, give an approximate picture of the variation in numbers of the main genera present in the plankton throughout the year 1948 as the indications used in the table are based on rough counts of the number of cells. It will be seen from Table 3 that the genera most conspicuous in the plankton are Coscinodiscus, Biddulphia, Ditylum, Cha!toceras, Bacteriastrum, Thalassiothrix and Rhizosolenia. The term 'other genera' includes the genera Guinardia, Leptocylindricus, Planktoniella, Hemiaufus, Streptotheca, Stephanopyxis, Corethrol1 and Bellerochea. The variation in the total estimated number of Phytoplankton cells from month to month is shown in Fig. III, which shows three maxima, viz.: in February, April and November. Work on the plankton in Singapore Straits is still in progress and whilst it is as yet premature to discuss the possible causes of the variation in numbers throughout the year, it would appear from the results obtained so far and from qualitative ·surface tows made in 1935 that certain features of the phytoplankton variation observed in 1948 are more or less typical for Cha!toceras maximum Singapore Straits, e.g., the • during April or May, the Biddufphia cum Dityfum maximum in June or July and the Rhizosolenia maximum in November have also been observed in 1935. In January the standing crop is low. It rises sharply in February, drops in March and rises again in April. After this it drops sharply till June and continues to drop gradually to a minimum in August. Then it rises gradually to a maximum in November after which it drops • agam . • PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A • TABLE 3. TYPE Coscinodiscus Biddu/phiq Ditylum • • Ch(f!toceras Bacteriastrum Thalassiothrix Rhizosolenia Other types JAN. FEB. • • • • ccc ccc • • • f r p r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • p • • • • rr • • • • p c c p Phytoplankton in Singapore Straits. 1948 , MAR. APRfL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. ccc rr cc r cc c c c r c c c rr rr p p p c rf ccc cc c c c c c c ccc c c c r cc ccc c cc c p c c rf cc cc c r r p cc p ccc r ccc c c ccc c rr p p r p r • r rr rr rr rr rr IT rr I r r f I I • Significance of Symbols • below JOOO cells per cubic meter = rare = JOOO- 5000 cells per cubic meter = present = 5000- 10000 cells per cubic meter = common = 10000- 50000 cells per cubic meter = very common = 50Q00-IOOOOO cells per cubic meter .C«c = abundant = over 100000 cells per cubic meter A dash ( ) indicates that it is not observed in the sample. rr r p c cc = very rare = • of sea of sea of sea of sea of sea of sea water. water . water. water. water. water. • • • • • • PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A THE FOOD AND FEEDING RELATIONSHIPS OF 8 From the p~int of view of numerical composition of the phytoplankton Coscinodiscus represents between 80 per cent. to almost 100 per cent. of the total Ollmbers of phytoplankton cells. In April its place is taken suddenly by Chatoceras. For May, June and July Coscinodiscus represents about one-third of the total, whilst the other two-thirds are made up of m a inly . Biddulphia, Ditylurn and Chatoceras. Whilst Biddulphia and Dilylurn increase in numbers from May to July, Chatoceras decreases. In August the total number of phytoplankton cells is very low, about tbree-quarters of it is Coscinodiscus and one-fifth of Biddulphia and Dity/urn combined. During the months of October, November and December, Coscinodiscus forms a good proportion (about 30-50 per cent.) of the phytoplankton, while appreciable numbers of Biddulphia, Rhizosolenia and Chatoceras are present in October, ovember and December respectively. • E. ZOOPLANKTON The zooplankton has been collected in two ways, the smaller organisms like Tintinnids, Copepods, Lamellibranch larva:, etc., in the same manner as phytc plankton, and the larger organisms like Siphonophores, Brachyuran larva:, other Decapod larvre, Cha:tognaths, etc., by surface tow with a muslin net. The results are showrrin Tables 4 and 5. The same symbols are used bu t the symbols indicate different ranges in the numbers of individuals. From Table 4 it will be noticed that Copepods dominated the zooplankton with Tintinnids and Lamellibranch larva: next in prominence. From • Zooplankton (pump haul) in Singapore Straits. FEB. JAN. • Tintinnids • • Noctilllca • Heliozoa • • Peridinians • Cerafium • • Copepods • • Lamellibranch larvre Gastropods (small) Polychretes (small) Cirripede larvre .. • • • • • • • APRIL rr rr ccc • • • • MAR. p tr r ]948 MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT. rr cc r p p rr p p rr cc rr rr rr rl' , rr • • rr c p • • rr • • • • • • • • • p cc p p rr • IT rr IT ccc cc p cc c rr P rr rr r cce c r rr p cc rr rr rr r c p cc rr rr rr rr p ccc c r rr rr rr rr rr .rr ir rr NOV. • DEC. r p cee c • • • • • PERPUSTAKAAN NEGARAMALAYSI A TABLE 4. TYPE Fig. III there are three maxima in copepod numbers, one in April, one in June and one in October. It is not yet known if this is a typical annual copepod curve for Singapore Straits. Tintinnids are common during June and ovember, whilst Lamellibranch larva: are common from March to June with a maximum in April and appear again towards the end of the year. Both Ceratiurn and Noctiluca are present in the plankton in February in appreciable numbers, but are not common during other months. Small gastropods, small Polycha:tes and Cirri pede larva: are present in the plankton during most months of the year. Heliozoans and Peridinians are only noticeable in the plankton occasionally. From Table 5 it will be seen that Siphonophores, other Crelenterates, Brachyuran larva:, other Decapod larva: and Cha:tognaths are present in the plankton throughout tbe year. For Siphonophores there are two maxima, one in March and the other during October-November. For Bracbyuran larva:, Decapod larva: and Cha:tognaths there are three maxima, one in . March, one during June-July and one during October-November. The maximum for Brachyuran larva: in March and that for Decapod larva: during October-November are not pronounced. The other organisms in Table 5 are present in the plankton otT and on in comparatively smaller numbers. Oikopleura is present in the plankton off and on, i.e., in January, April-May and August-November. Salps are present in April, June-JUly and October-November. Ptero'pods are present in the plankton in OctoberNovember. IT , Significance of Symbols A dash ( ) signifies that it is not observed in the sample. IT = very rare = less than 500 organisms per cu bic meter of sea water. r = rare = 500- 1000 organisms per cubic meter of sea water. p = present = 1000- 5000 organisms per cubic meter of sea water. e = common = 5000-10000 organisms per cubic meter of sea water. cc = very common = 10000-20000 organisms per cubic meter of sea water. = over 20000 organisms per cubic metre of sea water. eec = abundant , p cc r
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