1. Login

1. Login
Via this link http://myunisg.ch/administrator you can log in with the username and password that was
sent to you by [email protected] (is displayed as "SHSG" in your mailbox) by means of an
automatically generated email. In case you have lost your username and password, please write an
email to [email protected], NOT to [email protected].
select language
After you have successfully logged in, you have access to the administration page:
Here you can find the three most important features:
Edit your profile (1)
Students‘ associations (2)
Events (3)
Don’t worry in case you can’t see these widgets: you can also access „students’ associations“ and
„events“ in the menu under „components“.
2. Profile
In the pofile editor, you can only change the information of the administrator’s account, i.e. login
information etc. (but not the information visible on myunisg.ch). Here you can change your password.
The data visible on this page does not appear in the associations list. The information in the
association list can be changed in the association system (chapter 3).
Please do not change the username and password!
3. Association System
In the association system (click on the field “associations” on the main page or look for the field
“associations” in the menu under "components") you can change or update the information that
appears in the association list or on http://myunisg.ch/studentenschaft/vereine.html.
Select your association and then change the corresponding data in the detail view. Please click on the
name directly instead of checking the box on the left and clicking “edit” because you might get an error
edit your association
In the "logo" or "statutes" menu you can upload your logo or your statutes. If a logo / the statutes
already exist, they are replaced by the new entry. If you have questions, suggestions or problems, you
can contact the students’ associations’ coordinator ([email protected])
Please do not change anything in the categories!
4. Event System
In the event system you can enter events regularly. They will appear on http://myunisg.ch/events.html,
on the main page http://myunisg.ch and on the info screens at the University.
With the button „Neu +“ you can add a new event.
Please fill all fields carefully. Especially "Begin" and "End" are tricky: When you click on the field, a
calendar pops up where you can chose the date; however, you have to insert the time manually (HH:
MM, eg 12:30.). Here is an example of how a completed event looks like:
If you have any questions, suggestions or problems, please write an email to the Chairman for IT and
Campus ([email protected]).