Spring 2015 - NAMI Delaware

Join the Movement!
Spring 2015
NAMI Delaware News
Volume2, Number 2
Project CORE is first statewide program of its kind in US
The first statewide program designed to prevent or delay the onset of
psychosis in high-risk teen-agers and young adults is launching in Delaware.
Project CORE (Community Outreach Referral and Early Intervention) is
a collaboration between the state Division of Prevention and Behavioral
Health Services (DPBHS) and the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental
Health, funded through a five-year $5 million federal grant.
Based on a program developed in Portland, Maine called PIER (Portland
Identification and Early Referral), the project will seek out young adults 1625 who are experiencing symptoms -- hearing voices or having disturbing
thoughts -- and provide a clinical assessment to determine if there is a risk
for future psychosis. If so, a range of treatments and other services will be
“What is hopeful is that past evaluations of PIER suggest that you can not
only help people in the early prodromal phase of psychosis to remain in their
schools, communities and planned vocations, but you can actually delay and
in some cases possibly prevent schizophrenia,’’ says program coordinator
Dr. Charles Webb, Director of the Office of Evidence-Based Practices at
DPBHS. Having work, family, friends and an education plan “are not just
the trappings of being mentally healthy,’’ he says, “but in fact, they’re the
therapy. Making sure people remain engaged with their community and
have hope and plans for the future means the onset of early symptoms
needn’t be the end of that person’s autonomy.’’
The program is being developed by a transition team that includes
representatives from NAMI Delaware and other agencies. It will start in
Sussex County and the greater Wilmington metro area, and then expand to
include the rest of New Castle County and Kent County. Outreach will be
May 2, 2015
Glasgow Park • Newark, Delaware
NAMI Delaware • 2400 W 4th Street • Wilmington, DE 19805
with a goal of finding and treating
150 people.
In Delaware, “we have not had the
resources to support potentially prepsychotic youth and their families,’’
says Susan A. Cycyk, director of
DPBHS and a co-director of the
grant with DSAMH Director Dr.
Gerard Gallucci. This has been
a particular concern in light of
youth suicides in the state, she says.
Project CORE aims to “increase the
community’s awareness, intervene
early, offer effective support for
youth and families, and ultimately
improve long-term outcome for the
people in our state. “We are grateful for NAMI
Delaware’s collaboration in this
effort and your leadership in
outreach,’’ she said. “We have been
told it is not easy to identify youth
at risk of psychosis, and we are
counting on your support.’’
For more information, call Dr. Webb
at 302-633-2598.
Take the first step!
Save the date!
NAMIWalk Delaware
Saturday, May 2nd at
Glasgow Park, Newark, DE
It’s coming up quickly! Our 13th
Annual NAMIWalk event is going
to be unlike any walk we’ve held in
previous years. We have made many
enhancements and improvements
that will make this year’s event
one to remember! See what we
have planned for our walkers and
fundraisers this year on pages 4 & 5.
888-427-2643 • www.namide.org • facebook.com/namidelaware
Painting with a Twist
On Thursday, February 5th, Rick
and Michelle Skelly, Champions
for Change supporters of
NAMI Delaware, organized
a fundraiser with their friends
and colleagues at Painting with a
Twist. After a brief presentation
about NAMI Delaware from
Dr. Josh Thomas, our Executive
Director, participants enjoyed an
evening learning to paint from an
instructor and socializing with their
friends. Everyone made a financial
contribution to NAMI Delaware
and the Skellys and their friends
successfully raised $1,000! Pictured
are Dr. Josh Thomas with Rick and
Michelle Skelly, along with Advisory
Board Member Erin Heilig and the
supporters and painters.
From the Executive Director
This year I will have the privilege of participating
in my 3rd NAMIWalk with NAMI Delaware.
This is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy
friendship, activities and the outdoors. I’m
impressed with all those who offer their support
to our organization and help advance our
mission. This year we’re moving our walk to a
beautiful park, and enhancing the experience
with new aspects to create even more fun.
We often speak of the fundraising aspect of our NAMIWalk. It is an
important source of funds that helps us deliver opportunities for education
and support at no cost to participants. It is also an awareness event. May
2nd is an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness about mental illness
and show our community that we are committed to battling the stigma
and ensuring that there is access to affordable and high-quality treatment
options. We want everyone to know that people with mental illness deserve
fair treatment and the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life.
By gathering together we are doing far more than walking. We are offering
support to everyone who is affected by mental illness - families, friends, and
those living with mental illness. Please consider joining us at Glasgow Park
in Newark, Delaware on Saturday, May 2nd as we raise awareness and tell
our community and policy makers that people with mental illness and their
families are important and worth our investment. We know that we are all
affected by mental health issues in some way, either by living with an illness,
caring about someone who has an illness, or living in a community that
must help address this public health concern. Please bring your friends and
I hope to see you there!
With gratitude,
May 2, 2015
Glasgow Park
Important Event Times
Check-In Begins
Event Activities
Walk Warm-Up Exercise
Walk Step-Off
“I am so grateful to those who support our Walk! To
those who have supported us for years and to those
new to our Walk, the Board of Directors offers a
heartfelt THANK YOU!”
– Mary Berger, Board Chair
Board of Directors
Mary Berger - President
Edward M. McNally, Esq. - Secretary
Jon Barber
Nicholas Biasotto, D.O.
Wanda Boston
Christy Crkvenac
NAMI Delaware • 2400 W 4th Street • Wilmington, DE 19805
Julius Meisel, Ph.D. - Treasurer
Burley Melton
Milt Misogianes, Ph.D.
Ranga Ram, M.D.
Denise Schwartz
Jill Shute
888-427-2643 • www.namide.org • facebook.com/namidelaware
Advisory Board
Marilyn Siebold, NCC
Krista Schladweiler, Ph.D.
Faith Kuehn, Ph.D.
Neil Kaye, MD
Norwood Coleman, LCSW
Major Vaughn Bond
Sgt. Harold Bozeman
Sarah Galbraith
New Castle County
Stakeholders Committee
Jill Shute, Chair
Simon Shute
Patricia Grimm
Joanne Price
Burley Melton
Kent County
Stakeholders Committee
Dr. Cynthia Newton, Chair
Dr. Mark Borer
Lt. Chuck Sawchenko
Dr. David Sibley
Angela Freeman
Tamika Culver, MSW
Sussex County
Stakeholders Committee
Rich Kapolka, Chair
Pat Kapolka
Sgt. Lee Weller
Neda Biggs, Esq., LPCMH
Lisa Williams, LCSW
Norwood Coleman Jr.
A member of NAMI Delaware’s Advisory Board
and president-elect of the state chapter of the
National Association of Social Workers, Norwood
Coleman Jr. devotes his life to his dual passions:
helping children, especially those who have been
exposed to trauma, and music. By day, he is
director of behavioral health at Affinity Health
and Medical System, providing counseling and
behavioral health support for children in schools
in the Delaware Valley. By night, he plays violin
and viola in his group, Umoja Strings, and
teaches at Christina Cultural Arts Center. “Both are artistic and creative
activities,’’ he says. “Mental health work is very creative. You’re not painting
a canvas, but you’re teaching someone else to create their own story.’’
Formerly Clinical Supervisor of the Child Development-Community
Policing program, a collaboration between the City of Wilmington, the
Wilmington Police Department, Delaware Guidance Services and the
Delaware Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services, Coleman
has been working with children exposed to trauma since 2006.
That exposure can cause children to have problems developing healthy
relationships or difficulty focusing on tasks. “Trauma-informed care helps
us to look more carefully and cautiously so we can treat children more
effectively and do more preventive care,’’ he says.
Coleman’s roots with NAMI Delaware go deep. His mother Alice Coleman
is a social worker who was part of an advocacy group that worked to bring
NAMI to Delaware 30 years ago. “The mission of NAMI is very much
aligned with my personal mission as well as my ethical obligation as a social
worker,’’ he says.
The NAMI Delaware Team
Employee of the
Senior Leadership Team
Quarter: Joe Grillo
Delaware Board,
Merton Briggs - Director of Housing
Staff, Volunteers,
It gives us great
Jennifer Clark - Director of Advancement
and Program
pleasure to announce
Patricia McDowell - Director of Programs
Chuck Tarver - Director of Advocacy & Outreach that the Senior
Dr. Joshua Thomas - Executive Director
would like to
Leadership Team
Frazier Van Velsor- Director of Finance
thank NAMI
has selected Joseph
Housing Team
Grillo, NAMI
Merton Briggs - Director of Housing
Program Director Pat McDowell for
Christopher Conner- Property Manager
Joseph Grillo - Property Manager
Manager as our team member of the 15 years of service.
Marie LaFevre - Senior Property Manager
quarter! Joe does a great job on our
Programs Team
housing team and has demonstrated
Patricia McDowell - Director of Programs
initiative and leadership. He provides
Mission Statement
Sue Brunhammer - Programs Assistant
Advancement & Events Team
The mission of NAMI Delaware
maintenance, and manages to do it
Jennifer Clark - Director of Advancement
is to support, educate and
Courtney Riches - Events Coordinator
with a smile.
advocate until there is a cure for
Advocacy & Outreach Team
Chuck Tarver - Director of Advocacy & Outreach
Anna Ornelas - Hispanic Outreach Coordinator
Congratulations Joe and thanks for
the great job you do every day.
NAMI Delaware • 2400 W 4th Street • Wilmington, DE 19805
severe and persistent
mental illness.
888-427-2643 • www.namide.org • facebook.com/namidelaware
13th Annual NAMIWalk Delaware
Talking the Talk & Walking the WALK
NAMI Delaware has been hosting a NAMIWalk event for 12 consecutive
years. This event serves as the organization’s primary fundraiser, aimed at
collecting participant donations and sponsor contributions that ensure our
programs and services remain FREE to those who need them.
This year, many changes and enhancements have been made to offer
returning participants and supporters a new event experience. We are very
excited about this NAMIWalk on May 2, 2015. Here are some highlights:
New Walk Location! – Glasgow Park, Newark, Delaware
This year’s NAMIWalk Delaware will be held at Glasgow Park
in Newark, Delaware. This change is sure to bring our walk
participants and supporters a new experience, increase awareness
and offer multiple course options that make it possible for all to
Event Theme – Train Your Brain!
This year’s theme showcases the benefits that physical exercise/fitness
and healthy eating habits have on our mental health. Various fitnessrelated and wellness businesses throughout Delaware will be on site
the day of the event to ‘show and tell’ you about products, fitness
options, healthy eating practices and smart food choices that benefit
our brains.
Express & Shorter Track Options
We realize that not all of our supporters are able to easily participate
in, and complete a 5K Walk (that’s 3 miles!). Because of this, we are
offering shorter track options. This way, those who prefer, or need a
shorter distance can still participate in our NAMIWalk.
Pressed for time and can’t attend the full event? You can join us to
participate in the Walk by arriving just in time for STEP-OFF at
Can’t Attend the Walk Event? – Be a Virtual Walker
We know that weekends in May can be filled with activities that
require your presence. Fortunately, our Walk isn’t one of them.
Supporters with scheduling conflicts can still help us raise funds as a
Virtual Walker and turn in their donations before or after May 2nd.
Hope you can join us! Register for FREE today at namiwalk.org/delaware
NAMI Delaware • 2400 W 4th Street • Wilmington, DE 19805
888-427-2643 • www.namide.org • facebook.com/namidelaware
13th Annual NAMIWalk Delaware
The Benefits of Mental Health and Exercise
Just how long is a “5K”?
It’s no secret that physical exercise, regardless of how rigorous, can strengthen To the NAMIWalks novice,
committing to a 5K walk event could
our bodies and improve our overall health. But what about our minds?
seem overwhelming. Below are some
Local psychiatrist, NAMI Delaware Kent County Stakeholders Committee
details and specifics.
member, and long-time NAMIWalk sponsor, Dr. Mark Borer of Psychiatric
Access for Central Delaware highlights two major benefits of exercise:
The “K” stands for kilometer. A
Outdoor Exercise and Activity
kilometer is 0.62 of a mile.This
“Exercise in the great outdoors is not only healthy for the body. It provides makes a 5K event 3.1 miles long.
the mind with a wider world view. Whether one is connecting more deeply
Breaking it down, completing a 5K
with one’s faith, seeking mindfulness and a here-and–now connection to
Walk is equivalent to…
the natural world around us, or seeking a place to meditate while the mind
• Walking across a football field 54
processes difficult feelings such as anger or grief, evaluating or assimilating
traumatic memories, or seeking a physical outlet for body tension secondary
Walking around a baseball
to frustration or rage, the outdoors can heal and soothe the mind and body.”
Boost Happy Chemicals
“Exercise has also been shown to have tremendous benefits to maintaining
mood stability in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Not only does it
help to limit weight gain on psychotropic medications, but it also helps to
decrease isolation and paranoid ideation, and allows opportunity for social
and community connection that are very important to mental health.”
Other benefits and impacts of exercise on mental health:
Reduces stress & anxiety
Improves self-confidence
Prevents cognitive decline
Boosts brainpower
diamond 45 times
Walking the length of a basketball
court 174 times
For NAMIWalk supporters who need
or prefer a shorter track distance,
express tracks will be available at our
2015 event on May 2.
• Sharpens memory
• Helps control addiction
• Increases relaxation
NAMI Delaware • 2400 W 4th Street • Wilmington, DE 19805
888-427-2643 • www.namide.org • facebook.com/namidelaware
National Alliance on Mental Illness in Delaware Foundation
NAMI Delaware
National Alliance on Mental Illness in Delaware
2400 West 4th Street • Wilmington, DE 19805
NAMI Delaware HelpLine
Call Monday - Thursday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and Friday, between 8:30 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. for mental health support and referral services.
Connect with us!
Like us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/namidelaware; click the “like” button. Follow us on Twitter,
www.twitter.com/namidelaware; click “follow.” Visit us on the web at www.namidelaware.org.
The mission of NAMI Delaware is to support, educate and advocate until
there is a cure for severe and persistent mental illness.
NAMI Delaware • 2400 W 4th Street • Wilmington, DE 19805
888-427-2643 • www.namide.org • facebook.com/namidelaware