The Delaware State Bar Association Presents LAW DAY LUNCHEON Tuesday, April 21, 2015 • 12:00 noon Gold Ballroom • Hotel du Pont • Wilmington, Delaware Keynote Address by The Honorable Matthew Denn Delaware Attorney General Attorney General Matt Denn took office in January 2015, and has focused on the issue of reducing violent crime in Delaware. He proposed a plan for more police officers on patrol in Wilmington, legislation to crack down on young people caught with guns, and proposed using bank settlement funds for programs addressing crime along with the root cause issues of addiction, education, reentry and housing. He also established a new Office of Civil Rights and Public Trust. A long-time advocate for Delaware’s children and a proponent of small businesses, Attorney General Denn helped improve Delaware’s public schools by leading efforts to improve recruitment of outstanding new school teachers, encourage more efficient spending of tax dollars by school districts, provide better services to schoolchildren with disabilities, and expand parental involvement in schools. As Lieutenant Governor, Matt also led efforts to create one of the nation’s most comprehensive developmental screening programs for infants and toddlers, create a new health insurance program for children of low income working parents, and expand the number of families willing to care for children in foster care. He worked closely with the Governor on the Governor’s landmark early childhood education program, and was part of the Governor’s financial team, helping balance four state budgets during the worst recession in almost a century. As the state’s elected Insurance Commissioner, Matt led the charge to pass laws restricting credit scoring and unfair cancellation of homeowners insurance, and fought to limit increases in Delawareans’ insurance rates. During his term, workers’ compensation insurance rates were cut by 45 percent, saving tens of millions of dollars for Delaware businesses. Matt personally took on the cases of hundreds of Delawareans who were being treated unfairly by their insurance companies. After graduating from Yale Law School, Matt sought out Delaware Volunteer Legal Services for his first job, providing free legal advice and representation to people who couldn’t afford it. After he had entered private legal practice, Matt was asked by then-Governor Tom Carper to chair a commission charged with fixing state government’s child protection system. Awards Presentation Liberty Bell Award Community Service Award Presented to Presented to Ron Copeland Thomas A. Pedersen, Esquire Bailiff, Court of Common Pleas, Kent County Thomas A. Pedersen, Attorney at Law Myrna L. Rubenstein Professional Support Recognition Award Presented to Mary Jane De Matteis Law Day Luncheon • Tuesday, April 21, 2015 • 12:00 noon Please reserve ______ place(s) for me at the Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Law Day Luncheon to be held at 12:00 noon at the Hotel du Pont. $55/per person. Please include names and DE ID numbers of all attendees with response. Name: _ __________________________________________________________________________ DE ID No.: ______________________________ Firm: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________ E-mail:_ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Check/Charge in the amount of $_________________ enclosed. ($55/per person) Please make checks payable to DSBA. MasterCard Visa Amex Discover Expiration date: _______________ Card number:___________________________________________ Signature:_____________________________________________________________ (Required if card purchase) Billing Zip Code: _________________________ Please fax to (302) 658-5212 or mail by April 14, 2015 to: Delaware State Bar Association, 405 North King Street, Suite 100, Wilmington, DE 19801 Refund Policy: Refunds will not be issued unless cancellation is received no later than one week prior to the luncheon.
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