What is the Delaware Housing Opportunity Fund, Inc?

Delaware Housing
Opportunities Fund, Inc
3615 Miller Road
Wilmington, DE 19802
What is the Delaware Housing
Opportunity Fund, Inc?
Real Estate Industry Professionals Helping with Housing Together
Board of Directors
Bill Whittaker
Michele Speary
Bob Weir
Secretary, ex-officio
John W. Ford
Bert Green
Paul Pantano
Geri Parisi
Bill Ward
For more information, please
Delaware Housing
Opportunities Fund, Inc
3615 Miller Road
Phone: 302 - 762-4800
ex 122
Fax: 302-762-4840
The Delaware Housing Opportunity Fund ,
Inc (DEHOFI) is a 501©3 corporation that
provides financial assistance in areas of
housing needs to include but not limited to:
low and moderate homeownership, community development, disaster response specific
to housing and financial support to other
organizations involved in parallel missions.
The DEHOFI Board of Directors consists of
11 members with at least 6 of the members
being REALTORS®. The current President
and Immediate Past President of the New
Castle County Board OF REALTORS® serve
as Board members by right of their office
but are not be eligible to serve as the President. The Chief Executive Officer of New
Castle County Board OF REALTORS®
serves as Secretary and ex officio.