Napa High School PROM A Night at the Ball 2015 PERMISSION SLIP & INFORMATION PACKET Sponsored by the Class of 2016 ATTACHMENTS Prom Information and Directions Inappropriate Dancing Rules/Dance Agreements and Napa High School Code of Conduct Napa High Student Permission Slip Permission Slip for Guest from another school-available in the Activities Office Waiver for adult guest (Persons 18-20, who are no longer attending public school) –available in the Activities Office Must be under the age of 21 & Must be in “good standing” with NVUSD. ***************************************************************** Ticket Information *ALL STUDENTS & GUESTS MUST BRING PHOTO ID TO THE DANCE* *ALL NON-NAPA HIGH GUESTS MUST PROVIDE A PHOTO COPY OF PHOTO ID @ TIME OF TICKET PURCHASE* *WAIVER FOR ADULT GUESTS (Person 18-20 who are no longer attending public school) AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST* *STUDENTS THAT RECEIVED AN “F” ON THE FEBRUARY 12 PROGRESS REPORT MAY NOT ATTEND THE PROM* *STUDENTS ON THE “SENIOR PROJECT WATCH LIST” MAY NOT PURCHASE TICKETS UNTIL THEY ARE CLEARED BY MR. GILBERT* *TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD TO STUDENTS WITH OUTSTANDING BILLS* *ALL ATTENDEES ARE SUBJECT TO SEARCH BEFORE ENTERING THE DANCE* *STUDENTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO LEAVE THE DANCE EARLY & MUST ARRIVE AT THE DANCE BY 8:00 PM* Tickets will be on sale : Monday, March 16 – Wednesday, April 8 OR UNTIL SOLD OUT!! EARLY BIRD SPECIAL PRICE MARCH 16-March 27: $140.00/couple with Superpunch, $160.00/couple without Superpunch $70.00 Single with Superpunch, $80.00 Single without Superpunch PRICE April 6-APRIL 8: $160.00/couple with Superpunch, $180.00/couple without Superpunch $80.00 Single with Superpunch, $90.00 Single without Superpunch Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015 Dancing: 7:30 – 10:30 pm Food: Hors d’oeuvres and dessert will be provided DIRECTIONS: Golden Gate Fields, 1100 Eastshore Hwy, Berkeley, CA 94710 1. Merge onto CA-29 S toward VALLEJO / SAN RAFAEL. 2. Merge onto CA-37 E toward I-80/ SACRAMENTO/ SAN FRANCISCO. 3. Merge onto I-80 W toward SAN FRANCISCO. 4. Take the GILMAN ST exit 5. Turn right on GILMAN ST and follow the road up the hill along the water . 6. End at 1100 Eastshore Hwy Berkeley, CA 94710 . NAPA HIGH SCHOOL BE SAFE, BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE Dress Code Girls:Modesty is the overriding principle in determining dress for the dance. Keeping this in mind, the following dress code must be followed: 1. Dresses are to be formal 2. Dresses must be mid thigh length even if tights are worn. If the dress has a slit, the slit cannot be higher than the middle of the thigh. 3. Dresses should not be tight and should not ride up as you dance. 4. All necklines must be modest – NO PLUNGING NECKLINES! 5. Dresses with sheer panels or cut outs are not allowed. Boys: 1. Formal attire. Dress pants (no saggy/baggy pants). Dress shirt and dress shoes are required. 2. Tie is required 3. Shirts must be worn and tucked in the entire dance. 4. Hats cannot be worn. It is strongly recommended that if you have questions about the dress code, especially to find out if your dress is appropriate for the occasion, please call the Activities Director 253-3707 or email [email protected]. Dancing Rules Students and their guests must engage in acceptable and appropriate forms of dancing. Napa High School reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of any attendee's form of dance. • Students and their guests MAY NOT engage in the following types of dancing: "Freak" dancing, or dances that include any sexually explicit or suggestive dance gestures. Moshing, slamming and break dancing are not allowed. • Offensive language is not acceptable. st 1 Offense = Removal from dance floor for a 30 minute time out & name recorded. nd 2 Offense = Sit out for the rest of the dance. NAPA HIGH SCHOOL CODE OF CONDUCT : Any use, possession or involvement with alcohol, illegal drugs during the school day or at a school sponsored event: i.e., Athletics, Dances, Senior Activities, etc., will result in a suspension and that senior will lose the privilege of participating in the graduation ceremony. Suspensions for other reasons may result in not participating in graduation. These types of matters are at the discretion of the administration. Seniors not walking the stage due to disciplinary action may pick up his/her diploma in the office on Monday following graduation. NAPA HIGH STUDENTS ONLY (PLEASE USE INK TO FILL OUT THIS FORM) NAPA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PERMISSION FOR STUDENT FIELD TRIP TO HOMECOMING / TURNABOUT / PROM Students Napa High The following group:_____________________________________of________________________School will Prom Saturday, April 11, 2015 attend the_____________________________________________on_______________________. Students will 7:30 PM 10:30 PM leave at_______________A.M./P.M. and return about___________________A.M./P.M. $70.00/$80.00 per person w/ SuperPunch, ______________without $80.00/$90.00 Cost per student is:____________ SuperPunch $140.00/$160.00 $160.00/$180.00 ____________per couple w/ SuperPunch, ______________without Super Punch (With parent permission a student may drive another student who has been registered as his/her date to the Prom/Homecoming/ Turnabout Dance. The student may not drive any other student. Parents may always transport their own students.) Napa High Dance Disclaimer: Please initial the following: I have read and understand the Prom ticket information______ I have read and understand the Napa High Code of Conduct______ I have read and understand the dance dress code______ I have read and understand the Inappropriate Dancing Policy______ Parent / Guardian Signature Student Signature No Student May Go On Any Field Trip / Homecoming Dance / Turnabout / Prom Unless The Parents/Guardians Have Signed and Filed With The School The Permit Below NAPA VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT PERMISSION FOR STUDENT FIELD TRIP TO HOMECOMING / TURNABOUT / PROM Student name__________________________________has my permission to go to the Homecoming/Turnabout/Prom at Golden Gate Fields, Berkeley, CA April 11, 2015 Napa High _______________________________________on__________________with____________________School. (Location) (Date) IN CASE OF A MEDICAL OR SURGICAL EMERGENCY, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE PHYSICIAN SELECTED BY DISTRICT PERSONNEL TO SECURE ALL PROPER AND REQUIRED TREATMENT FOR THE STUDENT LISTED ABOVE. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE TRANSPORTATION OF MY STUDENT BY PRIVATE VEHICLE IN CASE OF MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Medical Information: Insurance Co. and #:_______________________________________________ Home Phone #:_____________________ Allergies:________________________________________________________Work Phone #:______________________ Other Restrictions:_________________________________________________Other Contact #:____________________ Waiver of Claims: State law requires that all persons making the field trip or excursion shall be deemed to have waived all claims against the district (its employees) or the State of California for injury, accident, illness, or death occurring during or by reason of the field trip or excursion, including transportation to and from the field trip or excursion. All adults taking out-of-state field trips or excursions, and all parents or guardians of students taking out-of –state field trips or excursions, shall sign a statement of waiving such claims. (Education Code 35330) Your signature below will acknowledge your notice of this law. EXPECTED STUDENT CONDUCT: All school and district rules for student conduct will be enforced on the field trips. Students may be disciplined, including suspension and possible expulsion for violations of such rules. Seniors failing to follow the rules may be excluded from graduation activities, including crossing the stage. Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Signature of Student Sólo los estudiantes del NHS (FAVOR DE USAR TINTA PARA LLENAR FORMULARIO) DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO VALLE DE NAPA PERMISO PARA QUE LOS ETUDIANTES VAYAN A LOS BAILES DE GRADUACIÓN/REGRESO/TURNABOUT Prom El siguiente grupo: Estudiantes de la Escuela Napa High__ irá al baile ___ en Golden Gate Fields _ el día 11 de abril Horarios del Baile: 7:30 pm – pm $140/$160por pareja con SuperPunch, Los precios de boletos son $70/$80 individual con SuperPunch, $80/$90 unico sin, $160/$180 por pareja, sin, $ $ 160.00 per couple w/ SuperPunch, $ 180.00 without Super Punch NapaelAlta renuncia depadres, responsabilidad danza (Con permiso de los o estudiante que aya sido registrado como pareja para el baile de graduación. El estudiante no puede llevar a ningún o propios estudiantes.) Favor poner sus iniciales en lo siguiente: Yo he leído y comprendo la información en el boleto para el baile Turnabout ______ Yo he leído y comprendo el Código de Conducta de Napa High ______ Yo he leído y comprendo el Código de Vestimenta del baile ______ Yo he leído y comprendo la Póliza de Conducta No Apropiada ______ Firma del Estudiante Firma del Padre/madre/Tutor Ningún estudiante puede ir al baile de graducación / barco / turnabout si los padres/tutores no han firmado y entregado a escuala el permiso de abajo. DISTRITO ESCOLAR UNIFICADO VALLE DE NAPA PERMISO PARA QUE LOS ETUDIANTES VAYAN A PROM / REGRESO / TURNABOUT Nombre del estudiante_____________________tiene mí permiso par air al baile de PROM /REGRESO/TURNABOUT 11 de abril Napa High en____________________________________el dia__________________con la Escuela____________________. (Lugar) (Fecha) EN CASO DE UNA EMERGENCIA MÉDICA O QUIRÚRGICA, AUTORIZO POR ESTE MEDIO A MÉDICO SELECCIONADO POR DISTRICT PERSONNEL ASEGURAR TODO EL TRATAMIENTO APROPIADO Y REQUERIDO PARA EL ESTUDIANTE ENUMERADO ARRIBA. AUTORIZO MÁS LEJOS EL TRANSPORTE DE MI ESTUDIANTE EN VEHÍCULO PRIVADO EN CASO DE LA EMERGENCIA MÉDICA. Información de Médica: Companía de Aseguranza y #:______________________________________# de teléfono del hogar:________________ Alergias:________________________________________________ # de teléfono del trabajo:_____________________ Otro Restricciones:_________________________________________________Otro Contacto #:____________________ Renuncia de demandas: La ley del estado requiere que todas las personas que hacen el disparo al campo o la excursión será juzgado para haber renunciado todas las demandas contra el districto (su empleados) o el estado de California para lesión, accidente, enfermedad, o muerte que ocurre durante o por causa del disparo al campo o de la excursión, incluyendo transporte a y desde el disparo al campo o la excursión. Todo el tomar de los adultos hacia fuera - de los disparos al campo o excursiones del estado, y todos los padres o guardas de los estudiantes que toman hacia fuera - de disparos al campo o de excursiones del estado, firmarán a declaración de renunciar tales demandas. (Código 35330 de la educación) su firma debajo de voluntad reconozca su aviso de esta ley. Conducta Estudiantil Esperada: Todas las reglas de la escuela y del distrito sobre conducta estudiantil se pondrán en vigencia durante el paseo. Los estudiantes pueden ser disciplinados, incluyendo suspensión y possible expulsión para violaciones de estas reglas. Los estudiantes del grado doce que no cumplan con las reglas pueden ser excluídos de actividades de su gradiación, incluvendo cruzar la plataforma. Firma de Padre/madre/Tutor Fecha Firma del / de la Estudiante
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