Biossurveillan nce: From m Data to Actions aand Impaact Thursdayy, May 7th h, 2015 Ro oom 105 (ove erflow room –– Room 208) Nattional Academ my of Sciencess Keck Centerr 500 0 5th Street NW W, Washingtoon DC, 200011 8::30am Welcome and W d Introductions Donald Burke D e*, Dean, Gra aduate Scho ool of Public Health, Univversity of Pitttsburgh 8::45 Meeting Obje M ectives and Organizatio on ‐ a Cycle tto Frame Tod day’s Discusssions Melinda Moo M ore*, Public H Health Physiician and Sennior Naturall Scientist, RA AND Corporration Se ession 1: N National an nd DoD Bio osurveillan nce Policy This seession will cla arify the desirred impacts and processes associated w with U.S. and DoD BSV effo orts 9::00 National and N Internation nal Biosurveillance as Seeen by the D Department of Defense Th his session will discuss DoD’s missions//roles/responnsibilities relevant to BSV (internal, inteeragency, and gllobal) as well as what is inttended for th he DoD instru ction on BSV . CDR Franca Jo C ones, Acting g Principal Diirector, Officce of the Asssistant Secreetary of Defeense for Nuclear, Chem N mical and Biiological Deffense Prograams (via phone) 9::15 National BSV N V Strategy (2 2012), Roadm map (2013), Federal BSV V Work Grou up, Global Health Secur H ity Agenda Th his session will discuss the e intended im mpacts, main sstakeholders and key pillars of each item listed ab bove; what iss needed to achieve the im mpacts; and thhe interagenccy coordinatio on efforts to aachieve these e im mpacts. Dylan George D e, Senior Poliicy Advisor, Biological Thhreat Defensse, Office of f Science and d Technology P T Policy, The W White House *mem mber of the w workshop planning committee 9:30 Internal DoD BSV Memorandum of Understanding This session will discuss current efforts to harmonize BSV across two major DoD stakeholders (Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs and Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs) 9:45 David J. Smith, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Health Protection and Readiness Optimizing DoD’s Organization for BSV: Status of the Forthcoming DoDI Major Kevin Haines, Deputy Director, Division of Integrated Biosurveillance, Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center 10:00 10:25 Q&A session with Session 1 speakers Break Session 2: Creating Usable Knowledge: Integrating, Analyzing and Interpreting BSV Data This session will explore the roles, responsibilities and mechanisms for different DoD entities as well as other federal, non‐governmental and international entities to analyze, interpret and share BSV outputs in order to achieve desired impacts. Participants will discuss ongoing government and non‐government examples of global biosurveillance efforts to provide specificity to the discussion. The discussion with the providers and system developers will cover the current capabilities developed by the DoD and other federal entities to provide outputs that are intended to meet users’ needs, as well as the level of integration and coordination of the different BSV efforts. The presentations below will endeavor to answer the following questions, which should also serve to guide the discussion following the sessions: 1. Who are the end‐users of your products and what will they do with this information? Which other users would you like to reach? 2. How do you determine the needs of end‐users? What type of end products (e.g., what type of data analyses, raw data) do you provide? Or have plans to provide? 3. What data or information do you have access to? 4. What are the challenges to integrating multiple data streams to create useful information? For example, are there significant interoperability challenges that impact your system performance? 5. What type of synergy exists between your program and other government/non‐government programs? 6. If you could have access to additional data or information, what additional data would you like and how would this change what you can do? *member of the workshop planning committee 10:40 Opening Remarks and Panel Discussion Moderator– Thomas Slezak*, Program Leader, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (all speakers will address some or all of the questions listed above for approximately 10 minutes and then move into panel discussion) Biosurveillance Ecosystem (BSVE) John Hannan, Chief, Threat Surveillance Branch, DOD/DTRA Chris Kiley, BSVE Science & Technology Manager, DOD/DTRA Biosurveillance Portal (BSP) and Ebola Portal Nicole Rosenzweig, Director, Joint Program Executive Office for CBD, DoD. Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center (AFHSC) /Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community‐based Epidemics (ESSENCE) CDR Jean Paul Chretien, Innovation and Evaluation Team Lead, Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, DoD Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Michael Iademarco, Director, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS) at CDC United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Andrew Clements, Executive Deputy Director, Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) Program, USAID National Security Council Lawrence Kerr, Director for Medical Preparedness Policy, National Security Staff, The White House National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) Lisa Pearse, Clinical Consultant, National Center for Medical Intelligence Panel Discussion with Session 2 speakers 1. What type of data and analyses will generate usable, actionable information? 2. How can the different developers improve the flexibility and efficiency of the systems? 3. Are there opportunities for additional synergies among biosurveillance programs? 12:30 Lunch (will not be provided. There is a cafeteria located on the third floor of the Keck Center.) Session 3: Uses of Biosurveillance Data and Information for Decision Making This session brings anticipated users of biosurveillance together to discuss outputs they need to make decisions. Participants will articulate the specific decisions (e.g., from early detection and alert to forecasting emerging and future threats) where biosurveillance information can be impactful and discuss challenges in accessing and interpreting relevant information to enable timely decision making. *member of the workshop planning committee The presentations below will endeavor to answer the following questions during opening remarks: 1. What types of decisions can or should be informed by BSV, and what type of BSV information (outputs) do decision‐makers need for to make such decisions? 2. What information do decision makers have access to, and how do they and other end‐users access this information? 3. What is the minimal level of data needed for different types of decisions (for example, are aggregated case count data sufficient or are individual level data needed?) 4. Which format is most useful to end‐users for the “actionable information” they need? (e.g., purely data analyses or also interpretation in the context of potential courses of action; “push” “pull” or both)? 1:30 Opening Remarks and Panel Discussion Moderator– Stephen Morse*, Professor, Columbia University (all speakers will address some or all of the questions listed above for 5‐7 minutes and then move into panel discussion) Michael Butel, Chief Epidemiology Session, Public Health Command‐Pacific (via WebEx) LTC Sueann Ramsey and MAJ Antonio Leonardi, Force Health Protection Branch, Command Surgeon's Office, HQ, U.S. Africa Command (via WebEx) James E. Cook, Preventive Medicine, Pacific Regional Medical Command (via WebEx) Richard Danila, Deputy State Epidemiologist, State of Minnesota Larry Madoff, Director, Division of Epidemiology and Immunization, State of Massachusetts Panel Discussion with Session 3 speakers 1. What additional types of decisions could/should be informed by BSV? 2. What are the end products needed for such decisions? 3. Are there insights about possible improvements for dissemination? 2:30 Break Session 4: Communicating and Sharing BSV Data and Information Moderator: C. Rick Lyons*, Director, Infectious Disease Research Center, Colorado State University 2:45 2:55 Barriers to Data Sharing in Public Health Donald Burke, University of Pittsburgh Data Sharing Across Federal Stakeholders: Experiences and Lessons from the National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC) Teresa Quitugua, Chief Scientist and Associate Director of Operations and Outreach, Department of Homeland Security. *member of the workshop planning committee 3:05 U.S. Government Engagement in Support of Global Disease Surveillance This talk will address IHR reporting and regulation, WHO biosurveillance efforts, the concerns of sovereign nations regarding sharing information, and implications of this for non‐WHO groups who would like access to this type of international data. 3:15 3:25 Rebecca Katz, Associate Professor of Health Policy and Emergency Medicine, George Washington University Experiences and Lessons Learned from Assisting Partner Countries to Improve Biosurveillance Capabilities Lance Brooks, Division Chief, Cooperative Biological Engagement Program Panel Discussion with Session 4 Speakers Moderator: Donald Burke, University of Pittsburgh 1. What can be done to overcome data sharing challenges? 2. Assuming there are improvements in capacity building that lead to greater collection of data that will be useful for biosurveillance, what should be expected in terms of access to that data? 3. What challenges should be addressed to enhance access to BSV data? 4. Do the new forms of data collection have a different set of barriers than the traditional sharing of public health data? Session 5: Structured Discussion Moderator: Melinda Moore, RAND Corporation 4:10 Discussion When and how will the policy be finalized? How will it be implemented? What is the actionable work? 5:00 Adjourn Biossurveillan nce: From m Data to Actions aand Impaact Friday, May 8th, 2015 Room 206 Nattional Academ my of Sciencess Keck Centerr th 500 0 5 Street NW W, Washingtoon DC, 200011 CLOSED SESSSION: CO OMMITTEEE AND STAFFF ONLY 8::30am Discusssion of Dayy 1 Meeting and Next M Meeting Topiics O OPEN SESSIION 9::30am Meetiing Discussio on between n Committeee and Sponsor Sponsor Thoughts Meeting In nsights from m Committeee Members Summary of Meeting Insights 10 0:30 Impaccts of Previo ous Meetinggs CDR FFranca Jones, s, Acting Prin ncipal Directoor, Office of f the Assistan nt Secretary of Defense for Nu uclear, Chem mical and Bio ological Defeense Program ms 10 0:45 Breakk 11 1:00 Platfo orms Meetin ng – July 201 15 12 2:15 Lunch h CLOSED SESSSION: CO OMMITTEEE AND STAFFF ONLY 1::00 1::15 2::00 Updattes Platfo orms Meetin ng Discussion Adjou urn
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