Newsletter 29th May 2015 - Nunawading Christian College

29 May 2015
Edition 15
Church Service
We had over 400 people at our church service on Saturday with
Nunawading Seventh-day Adventist Church. It was wonderful to
worship God together. Thank you especially to:
•The high school praise & worship team, who led us with great
•The year 6 and prep classes for coming and your special item
•The drama team and Miss Kapusi who produced a fun and
unique children’s story.
Thank you also to Sally, who sang with her class, played the major
role of Sheriff Saul in the drama, and preached. Here is an excerpt
from her sermon:
“One of my favourite stories is when David is returning from retrieving the ark of the covenant and dancing like a madman to praise
God, (remember David was supposed to be a highly
respected King at this time), his wife chastises him for acting foolish
and not “kingly.” This is what David says, “I will make myself
even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my
own eyes.” (2 Samuel 6:22). David didn’t care what his wife or
anyone else thought about him. He cared what God thought, and
sought to honour, praise and glorify Him.
And this is why David is a “Man after God’s own heart.” It is not
what he did that earned God’s favour, but David responded to God’s
grace with a heart full of gratitude, praise and love – and he was not
ashamed to show it.
So what about you? Where is your heart at? Are you more worried
about what others may think of you or about praising your Great
Primary School Opening Ceremony
On Friday 5th June there will be an official opening ceremony for
our new Primary school building. Mr Michael Sukkar MP (Federal
Member for Deakin) will officiate at the ceremony, which will be
held in the school Multipurpose Gym, commencing at 10.30am. All parents are welcome to attend this ceremony as the school
formally acknowledges the contribution that the Australian
Commonwealth made to this project through their Capital
Grants Programme. Parent Information Evening
NCC and the Home & School
Committee would like to invite
all parents to a special presentation with
Brett Lee from Internet
Education and Safety Services.
Brett will be talking about Cybersafety with our
students during the day and running a parent
information session in the evening.
Refreshments will be served at
6:30pm and the session will start
promptly at 7:00pm.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Building Fund
As we have communicated in the past,
Nunawading Christian College has
engaged an architect to outline a ten year
master plan to fully refurbish the school
Stage 1 of this plan has seen the inclusion
of the full sized school oval and tennis
courts to our facilities, the new parent car
park and the upgrade to the
secondary school quadrangle. Stage
2 was the wonderful refurbishment of
the primary school classrooms that our
students and teachers are currently
We are ready to move on to the next
stage of this plan which includes further
refurbishment to the existing secondary
classrooms. Specifically, this year we plan
to replace the old windows in the upper
level of these classrooms as well as an
upgrade to the secondary school library.
Art Competition - Festival of Faith
Their mission: Create an art work, using any media you wish, to thoughtfully express the
theme: “WANTED: Kid’s After God’s Own Heart”. These are our amazing winners.
The school administration has been hard
at work obtaining funding to complete
these works. However, we would benefit
greatly from financial assistance from our
families to supplement the funding we
have received and therefore push these
plans forward. If any of our families would
like to make a donation toward our
building works it would be gratefully
appreciated. All donations to the building
fund are tax deductible and a tax receipt
will be issued. To receive a tax receipt for
this financial year please make your
donation before the 19th of June. Thank you.
Power of One
This week our primary students experienced “The
Power of One”, a “bullying-proofing performance”
designed for primary aged school children.
We have a school family who is looking to
move closer to the school. If anyone has,
or knows, anyone that has a rental
property available in the area please
contact the office. The family is looking
for a 3 or 4 bedroom home to rent.
The actors presented a series of skits using boxes,
colours and masks to paint an unforgettable
picture of what bullying is and what can be done
about it. The goal is to teach children that each of
them has the “power of one”, the power to report
and deal with bullying when they see it.
The highlight of the performance is when one
of the students from the audience looks into the Power of One box (which contains a
mirror) and sees themself.
14 June 2015
9:00 –1:00pm
We wish Mrs Heather Pitt a
happy birthday. We pray the
year ahead is filled with many
Box Hill District Cross-Country
On Wednesday Ms Bos and 27 of our primary students from years 3-6 travelled to Westerfolds
Park to compete in the Box Hill District Cross Country. This was a wonderful experience for our
students and we are happy to report that 6 students have progressed to the next round, the
Whitehorse Division Cross Country. Well done to the following students who have qualified:
Lal, Mikayla L, Alicia O, Darcy, Danielle and Favian and congratulations to all the students who
competed enthusiastically.
Upcoming Events
Fundraiser for
We had plenty of fun on Saturday night
watching Big Hero 6. But the most fun was
counting the money we raised. Combined
with the “Dress Up Day - Gold Coin Day”
we have raised $742 for ADRA Nepal.
Thank you everyone for your support.
Queens Birthday Holiday
School at Work Tour
Working Bee
Parent Information Evening with guest speaker Brett Lee
Student Free Day
Last Day of Term
14 Term 3 Commences