APRIL, 2015
Happy Spring!
Our April Virtue is Forgiveness: As we continue to work sharing with our students the need to be kind and
courteous we also will explore and share with our students God’s gift and virtue of tolerance.
Let’s Get Moving! We are working very hard to get everyone moving and active during the month of April. We
are currently all learning or practicing how to skip rope. Skipping is a great cardio-vascular exercise that
incorporates other essential physical fitness components such as balance and co-ordination. If you want to take on
the challenge come join us on Friday, April 17th at the school as we celebrate the Jump-Rope-For-Heart campaign.
Intermediates will jump at 10: 30 am and the Primary/Junior classes will jump at 1:30.
Parent Council will be hosting an evening of fitness and fun for all of our families on Tuesday, April 28th. Please
look for the invitation your child will have for you to join him/her for an evening full of fun activities hosted by
your OLF parent council group.
Partici-Patrick—Good luck to all of our
Junior grade students who will run 40
kilometres (in total) during the ParticiPatrick program and AIDs awareness
Save the Date!
Easter Season: As we continue to journey in this Easter Season we
are thankful for our many blessings at Our Lady of Fatima School.
We would like to express our many thanks to Mrs. Kristi McKay
and the Grade 6/7 class for their presentation of “Stations of the
Cross” during Holy Week.
Carousel Evening 2015:
15th Annual Carousel Evening - Wednesday May 27, 2015
Brought to you by: NPSC Special Education Advisory Committee
(SEAC) and Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)
Keynote: Dr. Julie Corkett – The Voice Inside
Workshops: 7:30 pm– 8:30 pm
Location: St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Catholic Secondary School
Additional information will be shared shortly!
Fall Registration
If you have not yet registered your
child for JK in September. please
come in to register as soon as
You will need a
Baptismal Certificate (or parent’s),
birth certificate/Birth Registration,
Immunization and Health Card.
Go-Girls Program
A big thank you is extended to
the Big Sisters Organization for
bringing the Go-Girls after school
program to OLF once again this
year. It was met with tremendous
success and we also say a big
thank you to the University
students who came to the school
and ran our program.
Safe Arrival Line:
If your child is going to be late
or absent from school please
call the safe arrival line and
leave us a message. Please
remember that classes begin at
8:40 am and supervision on the
yard begins at 8:25 am. Thank
EQAO testing for Primary and Junior
students will take place on the following
dates: May 25 to June 4
Please avoid booking any appointments
or activities during this time so as not to
disrupt testing dates.
Many thanks are given to all of the students and parents who participated in
making our 2nd Annual Dance-A-Thon such a wonderful success. A special
thank you to Mrs. Cathy O’Neill for all of her work in securing prizes for our
fundraisers. A big thank you is extended to the following community partners
for their generous donations.
Apollo Gymnastic, Assante 101, Cheapskates, Cogeco, Dance Expressions,
Enviro Trends, Home Depot, Jacqueline Fine Prints, John Alexander from
Assante, King Putt, Kiss 100.5, Kristi McKay, Nadia Burman, Pro Sports, Rita
Larochelle, Steve Page from The Nugget, Terry Eagles at Cineplex, The Body
Shop, and Wendy’s Restaurant. All of the classes did a beautiful job in
presentation of a dance; a big thank you to all of the staff involved in
preparation for this event.
Catholic Education Week: Exploring Paths of Joy
“Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the
road?” – Luke 24:32
The sub-themes for Catholic Education Week 2015 are as follows:
Monday: Walking Together and Sharing our Story
Tuesday: Opening the Scriptures
Wednesday: Welcoming Others to the Table
Thursday: Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread
Friday: Proclaiming the Good News
More information on school activities will follow.
Insights and Sounds:
Another wonderful opportunity for our grade 6/7 and 7/8 students to visit
SJSH and attend a wonderful event. This year our students will be attendinig
Insights and Sounds on April 30th . A big thank you is extended to Mr. Brian
Overholt and his music students for the invitation to particpate once again in
watching this wonderful performance.