AU T H O R I Z E D U S E O N LY Policy Group Numbers: 708788 Plan Variation/Reporting Code: Dental and Vision Benefits ALLSTATE BENEFITS ACCIDENT Underwritten by American Heritage Life Insurance Company Please complete mail, fax or email form to: Pierce Insurance Agency, Inc., ATTN: NCRS P.O. Box 727, Farmville, NC 27828 email: [email protected] PVRC 0001-0001 PVRC 0002-0002 PVRC 0003-0003 PVRC 0004-0004 PVRC 0005-0005 PVRC 0006-0006 Dental Plan Code: P3271 Group Accident Account Number: 15934 Effective Date: Phone: 1-855-627-3847 Fax: 1-252-753-5941 A C C I D E N T , D E N TA L , A N D V I S I O N E N R O L L M E N T F O R M SOCIAL SECURITY N U M B E R: DATE OF RETIREMENT LAST NAM E: FI RST NAM E: / / (Month/Day/Year) M.I.: ENROLL ADDRESS CHANGE CANCEL DATE OF CHANGE: / CHANGE NAME CHANGE / (Month/Day/Year) E M PLOYE E’S DATE OF B I RTH: ADDR ESS: STATE: CITY: Z I P: MALE FEMALE SINGLE MARRIED ACCIDENT COVERAGE Underwritten by American Heritage Life Insurance Company DENTAL COVERAGE Underwritten by United Healthcare Insurance Company PLAN 1:VISION EXAM & MATERIALS PLAN COVERAGE Underwritten by United Healthcare Insurance Company PLAN 2: VISION MATERIALS ONLY PLAN COVERAGE Underwritten by United Healthcare Insurance Company / / HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER: ( ) EMAIL ADDRESS: BENEFICIARY NAME: RELATIONSHIP TO INSURED: YES NO YES NO YES YES LOW PLAN (Month/Day/Year) ...... HIGH PLAN SPOUSE CHILD SIBLING OTHER RETIREE RETIREE + SPOUSE RETIREE + CHILD(REN) IF YES, CHECK COVERAGE: RETIREE RETIREE + ONE (1) RETIREE + FAMILY NO IF YES, CHECK COVERAGE: RETIREE RETIREE + ONE (1) RETIREE + FAMILY NO IF YES, CHECK COVERAGE: RETIREE RETIREE + ONE (1) RETIREE + FAMILY FAMILY I N F OR MATI ON FOR DE P E N DE NT C OV E RAG E Spouse & Unmarried Dependent Children Only (Include Date of Birth) First Name M.I. Last Name (if different) M/F Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year) M F / Relationship If child is over Enroll in: age 26, please indicate status / Wife Husband Child / Wife Husband Child / Wife Husband Child / Wife Husband Child / Wife Husband Child Handicapped SOCIAL SECURITY N U M B E R: M F / Handicapped SOCIAL SECURITY N U M B E R: M F / Handicapped SOCIAL SECURITY N U M B E R: M F / Handicapped SOCIAL SECURITY N U M B E R: M F / Handicapped SOCIAL SECURITY N U M B E R: Dental Vision Dental/Vision Accident Change Cancel Other Dental Insurance: Dental Vision Dental/Vision Accident Change Cancel Other Dental Insurance: Dental Vision Dental/Vision Accident Change Cancel Other Dental Insurance: Dental Vision Dental/Vision Accident Change Cancel Other Dental Insurance: Dental Vision Dental/Vision Accident Change Cancel Other Dental Insurance: CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME CARRIER NAME For court-ordered dependents, documentation must be attached. I confirm that the information I have provided on this form is complete and accurate. Any person who knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud or deceive any insurer, files a statement of claim or an application containing any false, incomplete or misleading information may be prosecuted as allowed by appropriate state law. Payroll Deduction Authorization — This section must be signed and dated to receive benefit. I hereby authorize the North Carolina Retirement Systems to deduct my dental, vision and/or accident plan premiums from my retirement benefit period. To the best of my knowledge, I confirm that the information I have provided on this form is complete and accurate. SIGNATURE NCRS-01 DATE The UnitedHealthcare Dental plan is administered by Dental Benefit Providers, Inc. The UnitedHealthcare Vision plan is administered by Spectera, Inc.
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