North Dakota State University, April 30, 2015 Authorize NDSU to proceed with the Katherine Kilbourne Burgum (KKB) Family Life Center Footing Stabilization Project at an estimated cost of $750,000 funded from 2013-15 extra-ordinary repairs funds ($300,000) and 2013-15 appropriated operations funding ($450,000); furthermore, authorize the transfer of $450,000 from 2013-15 operations to capital assets line item per SB2003 (2013), Section 25. Project Description Katherine Kilbourne Burgum (KKB) Family Life Center was completed in 1976 as additional space for the College of Home Economics. In 1988, the 4-H auditorium was in-filled to provide a computer lab on the first floor and additional office space on the second floor of the building. In 2009, a footing stabilization project was completed to alleviate movement in the walls around the auditorium wing north of the central corridor. The south side of the building continued to settle and in 2013, a geotechnical exploration was started to assist a structural engineer in determining a solution to the problem. The current project will finish the stabilization of the building’s footings south of the central corridor. A 3D laser scan of the project area indicated 1” of settlement in the southwest corner of room 120, and 2” of settlement in the center of room 219. It has been determined that consolidation of the soil under the footings of the second floor columns over the last 26 years has caused the second floor settlement. Push piers, which provide support from the granite 130’ below the site, will be installed under the footings to stop additional settling. The differential heights in the floors that cannot be pushed back into place will be leveled to remedy any trip hazards that may remain. Although the project is a significant investment in structural repairs for a 40 year old facility, the overall condition of the building is good, and the repairs will provide an extended service life which offsets the substantial cost. In addition, NDSU does not consider this building in immediate need of replacement and subsequently supportive of deferred maintenance expenditures. Consistency with Campus Facility Master Plan and Budget Deferred Maintenance and maintaining facilities is a high priority for the campus. SBHE and/or Legislative History None Estimated Total Purchased or Donated Costs (ALL costs should be included in the estimate, unless specifically noted otherwise). Planning, Permits and Insurance (design costs associated with current project, OMB preplanning revolving funds, architect and engineer fees, permits, insurance) Land/Building Preparation and Purchase or Donated Costs (land acquisition and site preparation/development) Demolition and Disposal Construction (foundation and building construction or renovation, including fixed equipment, landscape, infrastructure and utilities, mechanical and electrical, parking and driveways or roadways Amount $48,000 $0 $0 $587,000 Institutional work (value of work completed by institutional trade staff) Contingency Hazardous Material Abatement rd Other, including 3 party costs (please describe) SUBTOTAL (if total exceeds $250,000, requires SBHE approval) FF&E, if funded as part of legislatively authorized project TOTAL $3,000 $101,000 $11,000 $0 $750,000 $ $0 No other work, other than that specified within this request, is required for the completion of the project not is other work planned to supplement this project using funding or authority not included within this request. Future Operating/Improvement Costs and Funding Sources N/A Source and Availability of Funds The project will be funded from 2013-15 appropriated operations funding ($450,000) and 2013-15 extraordinary repairs funds ($300,000), which are sufficient and available for the project and include no unrestricted gift funds. Estimated FF&E, NOT reported above (informational only) None Project Management Oversight (consistent with 9/25/13 SBHE approved guidelines) The NDSU Facilities Management Director will be the project manager supporting this project in compliance with SBHE guidelines approved 9/25/13. Estimated Project Timeline and Completion Date The project was bid out in April 2015 and would start in mid-May after graduation with a substantial completion date by fall 2015.
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