THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS ENDICOTT COLLEGE RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION PRESENTS: MAh i noy i s Ma 2rt 0 1y!5 Discovering Teamwork NCC S u r v i va l G u i de ! NEACURH Minis 2015 Endicott College March 20th-22nd Presented: Minis 2014 RPI March 28th – 30th 1 Ta ble of Cont e nt s LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR IMPORTANT DATES DELEGATIONS CONFERENCE LOCATION NEACURH SPIRIT PHILANTHROPY PROJECT CONFERENCE HAPPENINGS PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE & SAMPLE SCRIPTS POST CONFERENCE PACKING LIST PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 PAGE 7 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 PAGE 13 PAGE 16 PAGE 17 P A G E !1 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS N CC S u r v i v a l G u i d e L e t t e r f r om t he D i r e ct or Welcome to your survival guide for the Minis 2015 Conference, Ahoy Marty: Discovering Teamwork. The conference will be held at Endicott College on March 20 - 22, 2015. This guide will help you prepare for the NCC Business Meeting and also give you plenty of tips on how to prepare an aMOOSEing delegation. It is a bit long, but trust me, you’ll feel better and more prepared after reading this guide! This Guide and the Minis 2015 Boardroom Website will be your best friends as an NCC in the coming weeks! Misplace one of them? You’ll be able to find them on the NEACURH Website:! The conference staff has been hard at work preparing for your arrival and I am confident that the conference is going to be moosetastic! The conference staff and location are just the beginning of what makes a conference successful. It is the delegations and all of YOU that will make Minis 2015, another incredible NEACURH event! Please encourage your delegation to take an active role in the conference. Make sure that your delegates attend programs, participate in the Philanthropy Project, and engage in conversations with other schools to help them share information to become better leaders. These conversations will help students improve the quality of life back at your campus. YOU are one of the most crucial parts of NEACURH, and as a NCC we count on YOU to make NEACURH a success. Preparing your delegation is one of the most rewarding parts of the conference. It may seem like a huge task while you are doing it, but getting there and seeing your delegates dressed up and cheering always makes it all worthwhile. As a NCC, you have the opportunity to help your peers become better leaders themselves. Remember to always have fun! With that, please take the time to read this guide, and together we can create a wonderful experience in NEACURH this conference. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or any member of the RBD. We are here to help you out. I look forward to seeing you all at Minis! Moose Love, Nick Chen NEACURH Director P A G E !2 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS We b s i t e ne acu r hmi ni s20 15.w e e bly.c om Important Date s Feb. 6 Bid Intents Due Feb. 9 Registration Closes Feb. 13 Late Registration Closes Feb. 16 Bids Due for Policy Review Minis Alternates Notified Feb. 22 Programming Submissions Due Feb. 27 Bids Due March 6 Bids released for review RBD Choice Nominations Due Legislation to Director March 16 Off the Floor Bid Intents Due March 20 Conference Check In -Conference payment -Affiliations -Philanthropy Project Donations -Passive Programs Collected -Banner -Display P A G E !3 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Delegation! Se le cti ng a D e le gati on Many different methods are used for selecting delegation members. Some are dictated by RHA/ NRHH constitutions, others are selected through a campus’ residence life organization. One good method for selecting delegations is the use of an applications process. It’s good to ask a variety of questions to show that the applicant conducted research as to what the conference is offering, as well as what NEACURH and NACURH are all about. Additionally, it is good to include questions that are both more traditional and other questions that provide a space for creative expression. Finally, creating a delegation with a variety of educational and social backgrounds is a great way to bring a campus community together and would be a good criteria to consider when selecting a delegation. D e le g a t i on Me e t i ng s In order to have a well-prepared delegation, it is good to include a mix of conversation topics and tasks for the delegation to consider. Some of these topics and tasks include: NEACURH/NACURH/Conference overview NCC/NRHH Rep/President role at conference Individual and team goal setting - what do you want to accomplish at this conference? Potential programming sessions to present How everyone will share what they learned after the conference Teach/learn some cheers - YouTube is a great resource too Explain shining stars and snapping Banner, Display, and Clothespins brainstorming Banner, Display, and Clothespins crafting Exchanging phone numbers and other contact information (GroupMe is a good group messaging tool) P r og r a m mi ng S e s s i on S u b mi s s i on s It is strongly encouraged that all returning delegates submit an active programming session. Preparing a 50 minute session is a challenging, and rewarding experience that helps cultivate and sustain the growth of the individuals who present and attend the session. Presenters will gain valuable experience that they can transfer into a professional setting, making public speaking and presenting a less intimidating task. They will also help foster the development of the new herd of moose that will become stronger leaders within your campuses, NEACURH, and NACURH. P A G E !4 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Conf e r e nce Location Hote l 1: che ck i n Boston Marriott Peabody 8A Centennial Drive, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978-977-9700 Website: travel/bospb-boston-marriott-peabody/ Hote l 2: che ck i n Courtyard Boston Danvers 275 Independence Way, Danvers, MA 01923 Tel: 978-777-8630 Website: travel/bosdv-courtyard-boston-danvers/ *Check-In will occur at each delegation’s assigned hotel Host: E ndi c ot t Colle ge 376 Hale Street, Beverly, MA 01915 P A G E !5 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Tr a n s p or t a t i on t o Mi n i s Your school will be responsible for transportation from your school to the hotel and back to your school. While at the conference, your registration costs will cover your transportation between the hotel and campus Friday and all day Saturday. Please check the schedule for specific times shuttles will run. Tr a v e li ng t o Conf e r e nce It is recommended that you leave early enough for conference to allow yourself enough time to check in, unpack, and get some food prior to opening ceremonies. If you must miss any classes to arrive on time you should have your advisor write a letter to confirm that it is a valid absence. Tip: See how long it will take for you to get from your school to the conference, and then give yourself an extra 15 minute buffer for every hour of travel for things such as leaving late, bathroom breaks, eating, traffic, and getting lost! Conf e r e nce C he ck I n Upon arrival at the conference you (the NCC), your advisor, and your NRHH Representative (if applicable) will need to proceed to check-in where you will receive all of your delegations conference materials and submit any banners, displays, focus project materials, passive programs, checks or affiliation materials you owe. During this time, your delegates will be kept company by the RBD and Conference Staff. Don’t forget that check-in also includes time to make sure that your school is fully affiliated with NACURH. Business meetings start on Friday night. Me a ls Your school will be responsible for finding and funding your dinner on Friday night. Your conference registration fees will cover your meals for Saturday breakfast, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, and Sunday breakfast, which will be provided by the conference staff. In addition, there will be hospitality rooms with snacks and the boardrooms will also have snacks during business. Please check the schedule for meal times. Please note that delegates will most likely eat at separate times than those attending boardrooms. P A G E !6 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS N E ACU R H S p i r i t Educate your delegates about the spirit and energy of NEACURH by demonstrating to your delegation your own spirit, togetherness, and fellowship for NEACURH. Decorate clothespins to exchange with other delegates that represent your school! Make sure your delegation is familiar with all NEACURH Cheers (Please see our Cheer Guide: Make sure your delegation is familiar with any school-specific cheers Make sure your delegation knows the proper times to cheer, do the NEACURH conference clap, give a “Standing O,” and other forms of recognition Remember: NEACURH spirit includes showing appreciation and congratulating other schools Face paint, hair dye, and nail painting are great ways to show spirit. Criteria for most-spirited: unity (matching shirts/costumes), cheering, goodwill, and attendance at all conference functions Negative or inappropriate cheering will not be tolerated and any schools/individuals engaging in such actions will be approached by the conference staff or the Regional Board of Directors Spi r i t and the Spi r i t Sti ck At each conference, there is a Most Spirited School award handed out at the conference closing ceremonies to the school that exemplified the most spirit at that particular conference. Judging includes but is not limited to: attendance and participation at conference, program presentation and attendance, special events, cheering, unity, and goodwill towards other schools. The award takes the form of the spirit stick. The ever-popular spirit stick is a tradition in NEACURH. The spirit stick is awarded throughout the conference and passed from school to school. This special stick is given out to individuals or schools that have been very spirited. Spirit is saying thank you, congratulating other schools, helping someone out, cheering, and being a positive presence at the conference. At the end of the conference the most-spirited school will receive the stick as their reward and will decorate the spirit stick for the next conference. Rules of the Spirit Stick include: The Spirit Stick will start with the last conference’s Most-Spirited School at Opening Ceremonies. This school will bring a new Spirit Stick to the conference. When a school receives the spirit stick, they must place something onto the stick that signifies their school, RHA, etc (e.g. a sticker, clothespin, some sort of fun trinket). The Spirit Stick must be passed every 30 minutes throughout the weekend. A delegation who receives the Spirit Stick late Friday night may hold it until Saturday morning breakfast, but must pass it then. Passing of the Spirit Stick ends 30 minutes before the banquet begins, at which time, the Spirit Stick should be passed onto the RBD or Conference Staff to give out the Most-Spirited School Award. P A G E !7 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Conf e r e nce Bi ngo a nd Shi ni ng Sta r s Conference Bingo is a tradition where you play bingo through a sheet in your conference packet by finding people who have a statement on the human bingo board. The first person to hand in their completed bingo card wins! Shining stars are also a NEACURH tradition where you can write short notes to your delegates, friends, and anyone who deserves recognition. The RBD will collect and deliver them! B a nne r a nd D i sp la y Another fun and exciting team building experience! Each school has the opportunity to put together a display and/or banner that will be seen throughout the conference. Each item should tie in the theme of the conference, your interpretation of the theme, and relevance to your school. Awards are given out at the banquet for first, second, and third place banners and displays. Please refer to your NEACURH policy book for more specifics on these awards and the criteria for your banner and display. The banner should be no more than 3 x 5 ft. Try not to put too much weight on it because we do want to hang it up for everyone to see. NRHH will be walking by to judge the banners, so best of luck! In addition to the banner, create a display (usually a 3-D model of some sort, but who am I to limit the boundaries of art)! The display will be judged by Conference Staff. C a se St u dy Only first-time delegates may enter the case study contest, which will be found in your conference binders. First-time delegates are given an issue related to residence halls to resolve using the criteria provided. An essay must be written during the course of the conference and turned in by lunch on Saturday. The winning entry is judged based on how it can be used on campuses, creativity, etc. and will be awarded at the closing ceremonies. Please see the Policy Book for more information. D e le g a t i on Bu ddi e s Similar to Boardroom Buddies, Delegation Buddies is a way for schools to get to know each other, cheer on another school, and exchange good will and fun. At the beginning of the conference, schools that want to participate will put their names into a hat and then choose another school. Your delegation’s duty is to keep the other school motivated, cheer them on, and let them know they are doing a great job. Most schools keep their Delegation Buddy a secret until right before the banquet, when they give their buddies a special gift (nothing too big, of course :-). P A G E !8 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS P h i l a n t h r o p y P r oj e c t A Me ssag e f r om t he Mi ni s P hi la nt hr op y C h a i r Ahoy NEACURH! As the Philanthropy Chair, I have selected two organizations that are extremely close to my heart for us to donate too. I have been working with the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals since I was just 15, and I can truly say that it is one of the best organizations out there. The next organization we will be supporting is the Boys and Girls Club. I am a former national ambassador for this program, and I have been able to see how much the Boys and Girls Club truly touches children’s lives. We want you to get involved with both of these organizations on your own campuses! These organizations are all over the NEACURH region, which is why we felt these charities would help us build community across the region. We have a lot planned for you, so please keep reading about Boys and Girls Club and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through our website and their websites. MooseLove, Clara Emlen Before Conference Spirit Challenge! We will be hosting a Facebook vote for YOUR CHOICE in our pre-conference charity at the end of February. Our conference captain, Katie Yeaton, will be donating her hair to either Pantene Beautiful Lengths or Wigs for Kids. You vote to decide! If you have any questions about this pre-philanthropy please contact our crew via email, [email protected]; otherwise, keep checking our conference page, NEACURH Minis 2015, for more updates! How YOU Can Help Material Donations Toys: Bring a new gift from the Boston Children’s Hospital Wishlist on Amazon, or one of the gifts below to conference check-in. We will be diving the gifts to go off to both charities at the end of conference. Supplies Lists for the Boys & Girls Clubs: Pencils Bulletin Board Borders Graph Paper Floor Hockey Balls Notebooks Basketballs Markers Fuse beads Construction Paper Children’s Movies & video games Ping Pong Balls Lego kits (5-12 age range) Fooseballs Children’s Books Air Hockey Pucks Monetary donations If you would like to fundraise your donation to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and/or Boys and Girls Club, please bring your check to conference check-in with the appropriate organization written as the payee and “NEACURH Minis 2015” as the memo line. We will be collecting checks and sending them into the appropriate charity at the close of conference. Spirit points will be awarded to all participating schools! P A G E !9 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Conf e r e nce H appe ni ngs Conf e r e nce Acti v i ti e s Upon check-in, you will receive a conference packet with all the information you will need from the conference. You might be wondering what the events are, who attends them, etc… Here is a brief description of the events: Opening Ceremonies - This is the formal beginning of the conference. When you arrive at the venue, you will be greeted by hundreds of cheering moose lovers! At opening ceremonies, there will be a welcome from the Conference Chair, Regional Director, and a professional member of the school where the conference is held. There will also be reminders and the spirit stick will be handed out for the first time. Everyone attends Opening Ceremonies. Boardrooms - At each conference there will be three separate boardrooms; NCC, NRHH, and RHA President. Only people your school designates to represent these positions attend boardroom. Entertainment - Entertainment options vary at each conference, but are always fun events that are typically social or service related. Only delegates not responsible for attending boardrooms will go to entertainment. Socials - Socials are designated break-out spaces for food, fun, and conversations. Socials range from first-time delegate, advisors, and presidents. Only delegates not responsible for attending boardrooms will go to socials. Hospitality Rooms - These are rooms specifically for snacks! Only delegates not responsible for attending boardrooms will go to hospitality rooms and boardrooms will have snacks as well. Keynote - At each conference, there is a guest keynote speaker on Saturday morning. Only delegates not responsible for attending boardrooms will go to the keynote. Programming - There will be several 45 minute programming sessions ranging across a variety of topics. All programming options will be found in the conference packet. Only delegates not responsible for attending boardrooms will go programs. People in boardrooms can present programs, but should find someone to take their place or you will lose your schools vote (unless you decide to proxy to a different school). Spirit Show Down - Just as it sounds, there will be a spirit showdown with tons of cheering! Typically, boardrooms are not complete by this time, so usually only delegates attend. Top Ten Programs - Based on delegate evaluations, the Top Ten Programs will present again. Typically, boardrooms are not complete by this time, so usually only delegates attend. Closing Ceremonies —This will be the last time we are all together and we will have moosetastic food and lots of recognition to announce the winners of all the awards! Everyone will attend. Dance!! To celebrate a great conference, we will end with a dance. Delegates will attend the dance and people from boardrooms will attend as long as we complete all of our business. Check-Out - You will need to check-out and hand in all of your conference evaluations and then you can head home. Breakfast will be provided at this time. PAGE 1 !0 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Bus i n e s s Me e t i ng s Throughout the conference, three business meetings will occur simultaneously; NCC, NRHH Representative, and RHA Presidents Boardrooms: The NCC Business Meeting will consist of all NCCs and the Regional Board of Directors (RBD). Each member school in good standing will receive one vote. NCCs meet to decide awards, to vote on legislation, and to discuss issues regarding the direction of NEACURH as an organization. The NCC meeting will be chaired by the Regional Director. In the NRHH Boardroom, NRHH presidents from each chapter will be meeting to discuss NRHH-related topics. Such topics will include new programming ideas, new recognition initiatives, and chapter updates. They will also vote on NRHH-specific legislation and decide on the recipients of four regional award bids. This meeting will be chaired by the Associate Director of NRHH. NRHH presidents are also expected to be in the NCC boardroom for the selection of Director and Associate Director Regional Board of Director positions. The RHA Presidents Boardroom on Saturday morning is a chance for Presidents to get together and discuss issues. RHA Presidents also vote on the First-Year Experience award and Outstanding Advocacy Initiative bids. This boardroom is chaired by the RCC Special Projects. Though business meetings may be a large chunk of time they are very important to the survival of NEACURH. Remember that you as the NCC hold NEACURH’s future in your hands. Tip: Since the bids and legislation will be online prior to the conference, you will be much better prepared (and be able to get more sleep) if you thoroughly review them before you arrive at the conference. Mark them up with your questions and comments. Read each bid or piece of legislation online and take notes. Wh a t busi ne ss w i ll t he NCC D o? At this conference the following awards will be decided in NCC Boardroom: School of the Year (SOY), Regionals 2015 Host, and Minis 2016 Host. You will also elect a new RBD, vote on legislation, approve the NEACURH FY 16 Budget, select NEACURH’s AAFN inductees and see presentations from the RBD, NIC, NSRO, OCM, NEACUHO, and NACURH Executives. Please note that there are many awards that will be awarded at the recognition banquet that are selected in other boardrooms and by the RBD. Explore the Bid Reading Guide! PAGE 1 !1 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS B oa r dr oom Tr a di t i ons Since boardroom can last a long time, we have lots of traditions to keep it fun! Here are some of them: Note Passing - These can be formal or informal and are totally ok to pass (except during presentations and certain pieces of business). Snapping - If you agree with or like something that someone says all you need to do is snap your fingers instead of voicing the same point and being redundant. Top Ten Lists - Just as they sound, we make fun top ten lists that we read out loud! Snaps - These are little notes you can put into our snap bucket that you think many people would agree with. This gives public recognition to people and they are lots of fun! Boardroom Buddies - This is an optional part of the NCC business meeting but one of the most fun. At the beginning of the conference we will put names of people participating in a hat and then distribute the buddies out to other NCCs and RBD members. Your duty is to keep people motivated in the meeting by passing notes or sending them little toys. This is a great way to get to know other NCCs. Some examples of gifts have been action figures, decks of cards, silly putty, and candy. The names of who has who is kept secret until the end of the boardroom. NCC Awards - At the conclusion of boardroom, the RBD will choose a couple NCCs (returning and new) to recognize for their participation in boardroom. Get to know the RBD - We are students too and we promise we don’t bite! Our positions are here in order to help the region run and assist each of you! PAGE 1 !2 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Pa r li a m e n t a r y Pr oce du r e NEACURH follows Bobby Joe’s third cousin, twice removed who married into the family Rules of Order, or parli pro, while conducting business. What’s parli pro, you ask? It is a set of rules which, if used correctly, helps a group run a meeting without confusion and without a waste of time or effort. There are three basic ideas behind the rules: All persons in the group are equal; the rights of one = the rights of all The will of the majority will be carried out after the minority has had a fair chance to have its say Focus on one topic at a time and make a decision before moving on Nervous About Parli Pro? Don’t be! The point of the rules is to give everyone a fair chance to be heard, which means that we will not tolerate the use of a superior knowledge of parli pro to silence others or dominate the proceedings. Bottom line is that we use parli-pro as a tool, not a weapon, and we will help you along the way! How do I talk in boardroom? To talk in boardroom, all you have to do is raise your placard. Once you raise your placard, you will be acknowledged by the chair of the boardroom and they will put you on the speakers list. Your NCC will have speaking rights, so if your NRHH President wanted to talk, all you would need to do is say “I yield to…” After you are done making your point make sure to say “yield” so we know we can move on to the next speaker. Moving to Motion: Everything done in the boardroom must be made through a motion. To make a motion, you say “I move to…” All motions must be seconded by another member. Seconding is done by raising your placard. Here are some common motions: “I move to bring ___ to the floor” This motion brings legislation, award selection, etc… to be heard by the boardroom. “I call the question” Means that the group has discussed the topic and is ready to vote. “I move to waive the reading” This is a motion to not read the legislation. “I move to amend the legislation” This allows a revision of a part of the legislation with the approval of the voters in the boardroom. “I move to recess until” This motion allows a break until a determined time . “I move to adjourn” This is a motion to end the business meeting (at the very end). “I move to groove” This is a fun one that allows us to take a quick break and dance! Interrupting: Usually, interrupting is rude, not in NEACURH though (in certain situations). Interruptions allows the boardroom to be fully informed and run effectively. “Point of Personal Privilege” You need something outside of what we are discussing, i.e.. you can not hear, lighting is too low, too cold, etc. “Point of Information” You have a clarification question, (will there be food?) “Point of Order.” You feel parliamentary procedure was not followed “Point of Parliamentary Inquiry.” You don’t understand due to Parli-Pro rules “Point of Clarification” You don’t understand what is going on IN GENERAL Dissenting: Not agreeing with a motion someone makes is perfectly ok! Maybe you feel like the boardroom has not discussed the business item enough, that the room is too divided, or maybe you still had a question or point to make. Whenever someone makes a motion, the chair will ask for a second and then if there is any dissent. To dissent, all you need to do is raise your placard and state your dissent. Voting: When the Chair calls for a vote, be sure to listen to all of the options PRIOR to writing down your vote. Voting will occur in three different ways: Secret Ballot: On your OCM pad, you will write your vote (without your schools name) and hand them to the RBD. Then, the votes will be counted and announced. Placard Voting: This means your vote will occur by holding up your placard. Acclimation: This type of voting will only occur if everyone is in agreement. During acclimation, we like to wiggle our arms in the arm and waive our placards, its fun! PAGE 1 !3 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Sample S cr i p t for Le gi sla t i on This is NOT meant to guide your actions, but is an example of how legislation can go. NCC 1: I move to bring Main Motion A (or B, or C, etc…) to the floor. Chair calls for a second. NCC 2: Seconds. Chair calls for objections and, seeing none, indicates that the boardroom is ready to consider MM_. Chair: Begins reading the legislation. NCC 3: “I Move to waive the reading of the legislation” (this is optional, and should only be done if everyone has access to the piece). Chair calls for a second. NCC 4: Seconds. Chair calls for objections and, seeing none, we move into the proponent speech. Legislation author gives proponent speech. Chair: We will now move into 5 minute, extendable up to three times, Q&A. (Note: When extending, you cannot increase the time above five minutes and once you go down you cannot go back up to five minutes for the second or third extension) NCC 5 asks a question, author answers. NCC 6 asks a questions, author answers. NCC 7: “I move to end Q&A” Chair calls for a second. NCC 8: Seconds. Chair calls for objections. NCC 9 objects and states the objection: “I have a question.” (Note: Because there is an objection, either NCC 7 and NCC 8 withdraw their motion and objection, OR we vote on the MOTION – “Yes” to end Q&A as the motion states, “No” to carry on with Q&A as per the objection…let’s assume that we vote to carry on with Q&A so everyone has the opportunity to ask their question.) NCC 9 asks a question, author answers. NCC 7 moves to end Q&A. NCC 8 seconds. Chair calls for objections. Let’s assume there are none. Chair: We will now move into 5 minute, extendable up to three times, discussion on the piece of legislation. NCC 5 makes a point. NCC 6 yields to their school’s President, who makes a point. NCC 7 Moves to amend (Note: An amendment can be amended ONLY once) NCC 9: Seconds. Chair calls for objections and, seeing none, indicates that we move into a discussion on ONLY the amendment. NCC 2: makes a point. NCC 8: “I call the question.” Chair asks for objections. Chair indicates that we are now in a period of voting on the amendment. Let’s assume the amendment passes. Now, we move back into a discussion on the piece as a whole. NCC 1: makes a point. NCC 8: “I call the question.” Chair asks for objections. If there is an objection, we automatically move back into discussion. If there is not (let’s assume there’s not), we move into a vote. Chair indicates that we are now in a period of voting and asks NCCs to vote…in NCC Boardroom, we will typically vote by secret ballot on our OCM Notepads or through holding up your placard. Chair will count the votes and announce the result…and we move on! PAGE 1 !4 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Sample S cr i p t for Bi d Se le cti on NCC 1: I move to open nominations for (insert bid name here) Chair calls for a second. NCC 2: Seconds. Chair calls for objections and, seeing none, indicates that the floor is open for nominations. Chair: I will now begin accepting nominations NCC 3: I nominate _______ Chair calls for a second. NCC 8: Seconds. Chair asks the nominee if they accept the nomination NCC 5: I move to close nominations Chair calls for a second. NCC 4: Seconds. Chair calls for objections and, seeing none, indicates that the floor is closed. Chair: We will now move into 5 minute (RBD) or 10 minute (other bids) presentations for each candidate in the order that they were nominated. Candidate A presents for __ MINUTES Chair: We will now move into 5 minute (RBD) or 7 minute (other bids) extendable up to three times, Q&A. (Note: When extending, you cannot increase time above five minutes and once you go down, you cannot go back up to five minutes for the second or third extension) NCC 3: I move to end Q&A Chair calls for a second. NCC 4: Seconds. Chair calls for objections and, seeing none, indicates that Q&A is complete) Candidate A Leaves the Boardroom Chair: We will now move into a Pro/Con on the Candidate (each pro and con should be under 5 words!!) Pro – NCC 1 states a pro Con – NCC 2 states a con Pro – NCC 3 states a pro Con – NCC 4 states a con Pro – NCC 5 states a pro Con – No one states a con Pro – NCC 6 states a pro Con – No one states a con Pro – NCC 7 states a pro Con – No one states a con (Because that is the third unanswered Pro or Con, we move onto the next candidate) We repeat the above process for Candidate B. Once we have reached the third unanswered Pro or Con for the last bid on the floor, we move into a period of discussion on ALL bids Chair: We will now move into 5 minute (RBD) or 7 minute (other bids) discussion on all of the candidates, extendable up to three times. (Note: You must talk about all candidates) NCC 5 makes a point. NCC 6 yields to their NRHH President, who makes a point. NCC 7: I move to vote Chair calls for a second. NCC 2: Seconds. Chair calls for objections and, seeing none, indicates that Discussion is complete and we will move into a vote. VOTING!!! PAGE 1 !5 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Po s t Co n f e r e nc e First things first - catch up on sleep and homework!!! Wh a t d o w e d o w i t h i n for m a t i on l e a r n e d ? Make sure you coordinate a follow up meeting for reflection of the conference. You and your delegates will walk away from this conference with a lot of energy, spirit, and inspiration, and new information. The key is finding ways to use that information at your school. Here are some examples of things schools do after the conference: Have delegates turn in reports on the programs and roundtables they attended. Have delegates make a group presentation to your RHA or NRHH explaining what they learned and what they gained from the conference experience. Have delegates present the programs they attended at the conference somewhere on campus or to your RHA or NRHH. Create a local Resource File Index (RFI) to keep track of all you learned at the conference. This way, years later, these programs can affect your campus even if they can’t right now. The most important part of the conference is the information affecting leaders on your campus so make sure that you bring the valuable information back home to your campus. Now w h a t ? Begin preparing your delegation for NACURH 2015 at North Dakota State University: Once Upon a Time | For more information, please visit: Transition your incoming NCC(s)/NCC-IT’s Maintain connections to other NCC Let the RBD know of things you would like to see occur in the region! If your school really liked the conference, you should definitely consider bidding to host a conference in the future! Ca n you th in k of s o m e t h i ng yo u wo u l d l ike to be ad de d to this G u i d e ? I f s o, e ma i l all of yo u r sugge stion s t o yo u r N E ACUR H D i r ect or — n e ac u rh d ir e c t o r @ n a c u r h .o rg PAGE 1 !6 THE NORTH EAST AFFILIATE OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALLS Pa c k i n g l i s t NCC S p e ci f i c Toi le t r i e s Conference check Deodorant Affiliation Check (if needed) Contacts /glasses (if applicable) Bid reading and evaluations Tooth brush Legislation reading Tooth paste Extra pens for note writing Medicine (headaches, colds, vitamins, etc...) Laptop or tablet and charger Shampoo/Conditioner/Body Soap (if you SPIRIT! do not want to use the hotel's) D e le g a t i on Sp e ci f i c Clothespins (decorated) Hair styling products Makeup (if applicable) Banner El e ct r on i cs Display Cell phone & charger Passive Programs Camera & Camera charger C l ot hi ng Costumes/Spirit Gear School apparel Computer & Charger (if needed) iPod/Charger (transportation ride) R e c og n i t i on / S p i r i t Shirts & pants Ideas for Shining stars Sweatshirts/jacket Clothespins Underclothes Face paint Socks Ribbon Shoes SWAG for swap shop Pajamas Boardroom Buddy gifts Semi-Formal Banquet Attire Random recognition things Dancing Clothes $$ if you want to buy regional merchandise PAGE 1 !7
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