National Council for Construction Construction School Informational Brochure Construction School NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR CONSTRUCTION (NCC) NCC is a statutory body set up under the NCC Act No 13 of 2003 with the responsibility of providing for the promotion, development, training and regulation of the construction industry in Zambia. NCC was born out of the National Policy on Construction Industry (NPCI), a Government policy document, initiated and approved by Cabinet in 1995. The particular functions of the NCC as set out in the Act are to provide for the: Promotion and development of the construction industry in Zambia; Registration of contractors; Affiliation to the council of professional bodies or organisations whose members are engaged in activities related to the construction industry; Regulation of the construction industry; Establishment of the CONSTRUCTION SCHOOL; Training of persons engaged in construction or in activities related to construction; and Matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing. ITS OPERATIONS: NCC is run by a Board whose membership is drawn from representatives from key stakeholders from sectors with direct impact on infrastructure development in Zambia. The Minister responsible for Transport, Works, Supply and Communication appoints members of the Board. The Board appoints the Executive Director (ED) as Chief Executive. The ED then execute the policies and directives of the Board through the various directorates at NCC. NCC has four directorates namely: Registration and regulation; The Construction School, Legal and Finance and Administration Our Vision: To be internationally recognized innovative and effective regulatory authority in promoting, developing, training and fostering quality and sustainable infrastructure Our Mission: To effectively contribute to sustainable national economic growth through the promotion, development, training and regulation of the Zambian Construction Industry Goal Statement: To promote sustainable infrastructure development and professional excellence through provision of training and technology transfer and further promote and regulate the Zambian Construction Industry CORE VALUES In order to ensure that we implement the plan and pursue our mission, we are guided by the following principles which form our core values: Transparency and accountability:; Continuous improvement; Integrity; Achievement through team work; Respect for the individuals and stakeholders; Commitment to client satisfaction; Stakeholder value maximization; Respect for the law; Maintain highest Safety standards; Promote good Health practices; Ensure Environmental sustainability; and Deliver quality services THE CONSTRUCTION SCHOOL: Construction School was established under the National Council for Construction (NCC) Act of Parliament No. 13 of 2003 The School is one of the four departments created to administer part of NCC mandate. The Core functions of the school is to provide training, promote, coordinate and control research on local construction materials and appropriate construction materials; to improve and facilitate the accessibility to training in the construction industry in Zambia that comprise building (residential and non residential), roads and other civil engineering works( roads, bridges, water and sanitation infrastructure. etc) in order to strive to achieve and maintain the highest possible standards in the industry A. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM COMPANY REQUIREMENTS 1. Registered company with the Registrar of Companies 2. The Company must be registered with National Council for Construction 3. Prospective contractors who are not registered with NCC are welcome under special conditions Class session CLASS SESSION B. MINIMUM INDIVIDUAL QUALIFICATIONS FOR ADMISSION Minimum Grade 12 full certificate Good knowledge of written and spoken English A pass in mathematics Any formal training in construction related course is an added advantage Not less than two years field working experience C. OTHER SPECIALISED COURSES Special arrangements can be made for bigger institutions, local authorities, Ministries and other persons engaged in the construction industry to have tailor made courses specifically design to suit their capacity building initiatives who need to train 10 or more employees. D. TEACHING STRATEGIES Learning constitute theory lessons, demonstrations, simulations, site visits, and practical training. projects E. COURSE FEES & DATES The start and end dates of individual programmes are indicated in the brochure. It should also be noted that fees indicated are for tuition only. Participants will have to make their own arrangements were accommodation and meals are concerned. ROAD CONDITION SURVEY COURSE (8 WEEKS) In order to effectively manage the urban and rural road network, the capturing of comprehensive data on the existing road condition is very vital so as to help Local Road Authorities (LRA) determine and priotise road construction, maintenance and rehabilitation needs. Currently, LRA do not have adequate skilled human resources to carry out road condition survey and collate data on the aforementioned road network to effectively manage maintenance systems; hence the need to build capacity. It is against this background that this tailor made curriculum for the Skills Award Certificate in Road Condition Survey has been developed, in order to meet the challenge of lacking competent personnel to collect comprehensive road condition data. PROGRAMME PURPOSE The purpose of the programme is to equip trainees with knowledge, critical skills and attitudes required to enable them collect road condition data to assist with planning for construction, maintenance and rehabilitation. PROGRAMME OUTCOMES: On completion of the programme, trainees will be able to: Observe occupational health, safety and environmental best practices. Collect comprehensive road condition data Apply fundamental principles of road construction, maintenance and rehabilitation appropriately. Communicate effectively and efficiently in the workplace. Effectively apply entrepreneurship skills to road condition data collection activities. Apply computer skills The course runs from 20th July to 4th September 2015. Course fee: K3,000.00 Re-gravelling operation using labour based methods ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE SUPERVISION COURSE (18 weeks) The inadequacies of training or experience amongst contracting staff that would be directly responsible for contract supervision has been identified. It has, therefore, been established that the range of training modules need to be availed to the building’ supervision staff for enhancing the skills level in construction management to improve their performance. It is against this background that the course has been developed. The course will therefore provide the nation with qualified Labour Maintenance of Paved Roads - Trainer demonstrating based Road Supervisors /overseers spray and chip activity who will apply the skills acquired through this programme and other related disciplines. PROGRAMME PURPOSE The purpose of the programme is to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and attitudes required in supervising road construction and maintenance operations. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES: On completion of the programme the trainee will be able to; Apply fundamentals of road construction. Effective and efficiently manage construction operations. Apply Computer skills Communicate effectively and efficiently in the workplace Undertake paved and unpaved road construction and maintenance Apply Entrepreneurial skills Interpret Construction drawings COURSE STRUCTURE: The course runs for the total of 18 weeks of which 8 weeks of theory encompass road works operations, contract management and business management and 8 weeks practical phase include road works operations, spot improvement, gravelling and drainage structures maintenance and construction. The 2No. courses runs from 2nd March to 20th June and 6th July to 22nd October 2015 respectively . Course fee: K3,000.00 CULVERT AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES COURSE (8 WEEKS) The performance of any road depends on an effective and efficient drainage system. However, the current LRAs establishment has inadequate human resource capacity to effectively design, construct and supervise the drainage works. The course has been developed to establish the competences required for someone to effectively design and supervise construction of road drainage system in order to help avoid some of the pitfalls that are usually experienced in respect of watercourses, siltation, erosion and washaways and the consequent high cost incurred during maintenance or rehabilitation. PROGRAMME PURPOSE The purpose of the programme is to equip trainees with knowledge, critical skills and attitudes required to enable them to optimally design, maintain, supervise and ensure quality construction of drainage structures thereby upholding sustainable road infrastructure development. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES: On completion of the programme, trainees will be able to: Observe occupational health, safety and environment best practices. maintain, supervise and ensure quality drainage structures Construct drainage structures Communicate effectively and efficiently in the workplace. Effectively apply entrepreneurship skills Apply Computer skills COURSE STRUCTURE: The course runs for the total of 8 weeks of which 3 weeks of theory encompass basic road works operations and intensive drainage structures construction and 5 weeks practical phase include hand on construction of culverts, drifts, Scourchecks, and other drains. The course runs from 20th July to 4th September 2015. Course fee: K3,000.00 Culvert and Drainage construction —Students undertaking practical training in culvert construction on site with the help of casual workers BUILDING WORKS SUPERVISION COURSE (8 weeks) The course in building works supervision is formulated to improve the construction supervisory skills, competences and altitude. This course will also help : enhance supervisory skills for artisans, technicians and technologists. Construction professionals satisfy construction Industry demand on quality works Provide for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in the construction sector, thereby encouraging career progression, reduce challenges caused by technological advancement in the construction sector. PROGRAMME PURPOSE To provide both formal and informal sectors of the economy with competent human resources able to carry out and supervise building work sites to the satisfaction of customers. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES: On completion of the programme the trainee will be able to; Observe building regulation and use of construction resources efficiently and effectively Interpret contract documentation Effectively supervise construction works Communicate effectively Apply general principles and practice of building construction. Maintain a safe, gender sensitive and healthy working environment. COURSE STRUCTURE: The course runs for the total of 8 weeks of which 4 weeks of theory encompass building works operations, contract management and business management and 4 weeks practical phase . The course runs from 13th July to 4th September 2015. Course fee: K3,000.00 MANAGEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING PROCESSES (8 weeks) Zambia is currently experiencing a critical shortage of trained and skilled construction workers. This trend has led to an increase in shoddy construction works and importation of trained and skilled labour from other countries at a great cost to the nation. One of the seriously affected areas is the management of civil engineering construction processes. There is lack of knowledge in management of civil engineering processes to ensure that construction products are delivered on time, within the budget and to specified quality. It is against this background that the skills award course in Management of Civil Engineering Construction Processes has been developed to meet the increased demand of qualified personnel in this area. PROGRAMME PURPOSE The purpose of this programme is to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and appropriate attitudes to enable them manage civil engineering construction processes in an effective, efficient and competent manner. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES On completion of the programme the trainee will be able to: Assist in the execution of work and controlling usage of resources in liaison with management; Provide timely feedback between head office and the site; Effectively communicate company rules and policies to the workers; Ensure quality control processes are followed in liaison with management; Ensure safety and health on civil engineering sites; Effectively manage records on materials used and progress made on the job; Interpret drawings and programmes of works; Effectively apply entrepreneurial and communication skills to management of civil engineering works. COURSE STRUCTURE: The course runs for the total of 8 weeks - contract management and business management The course runs from 4th May to 26th June 2015. Course fee: K3,000.00 EXECUTIVES AND MANAGERS COURSE IN OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (3days) The safety of a worker is an international human right which places a direct responsibility on employers to ensure that it is adequately provided for in a company, institution or organisation. It is incumbent upon employers to ensure that their safety policy is consistent with their workers and stakeholder expectations at local and international level and that occupational safety and health practices enhance the welfare of staff, productivity and goodwill from clients. The use of green technology and assurance of sustainable development is attracting a lot of interest from international stakeholders concerned not only with productivity but the effects of industrial activity both within the work environment, local and globally. As much as appropriate OSH practices can be implemented with a bottom up approach, the top down approach has a greater part in developing policy, enforcing it and facilitating its implementation, thus providing leadership from the front and ensuring all OSH requirements are met. This course has a focus on the significance of OSH and the role of executives and managers in policy development and its implementation for their organizations in the Construction Industry. OSH is envisaged to be a standard regulatory requirement for the construction industry on consultants, contractors, government institutions and private companies. Course Objectives The objective of the course is to engage executives and managers in the design and implementation of OSH policy based on the significance of OSH in the construction industry, safety protocols and relevant stakeholders. Course Content An overview of OSH and its significance in the construction industry. Local and International Safety protocols and OSH stakeholders. OSH policy development and implementation. Target Group Executives, managers and administrators of companies, institutions and government departments in the construction industry; consultants, contractors and engineers, Senior Managers, Union Leaders, Directors Course Duration : 3 days Dates: Once every month on weekends (Friday to Sunday) Venue: The National Council for Construction School – Lusaka & Kitwe Course Fee ; ZMW1500.00 (Course fees shall cover Tuition, Handouts, electronic copies, certification and administration costs) EARTH MOVING PLANT OPERATORS COURSE (3 Weeks) NCC has partnered with several erath moving Equipment suppliers and contractors to undertake this course. This modular course targets interested self sponsored individuals and company sponsored persons. Having a valid driving license is an added advantage. OBJECTIVE: Provide participants with knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively and efficiently operate the equipment to achieved desired results. The course emphasizes the safety of the operator, the machine and furthermore the work environment. Some of the machines include: Back Hoe excavator Bulldozer Excavators Compactor Front end loader Motor Grader Dump Truck Students pose for a photo after graduating as operators in various earth moving equipment STRUCTURE The participant train on the equipment of their choice. One machine present a module, therefore each trainee shall be trained in one machine at a particular time. Both theory and intensive practical training are done. Level of Competence achieved is assessed during and at the end of module before certification. The course will be conducted on the following dates; 16th February to 6th March 2015 30th March to 17th April 2015 10th to 28th August 2015 30th November to 18th December 2015 Course fee: K6,000.00; Participants can only be trained on only one machine per course. CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL TESTING COURSE (8 Weeks) As the construction industry grows there is a need to establish quality control of materials used in construction. Though the importance of understanding of materials used in construction is widely recognised, there has been lack of formal training of personnel at Construction of Material Testing Assistant level. It is against this background that this short course for Construction Material Testing Assistants has been developed, in order to help the nation build high quality durable structures at minimum life cost cycle. This course will therefore, provide the construction industry with qualified Construction Materials Testing Assistants who will apply the acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes in the process of ensuring that materials used in construction comply with required standards and specifications. The trained persons will be utilised in both the formal and informal sectors of the economy. PROGRAMME PURPOSE The purpose of the programme is to equip trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes in testing of construction materials to enable them carry out materials tests both in the laboratory and in the field to acceptable international standards. PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES: On completion of the programme, the trainee will be able to: Carry out materials sampling and testing procedures both in the laboratory and in the field Determine properties and quality of different types of construction materials Maintain high standards of safety, health, environment while carrying out tests in the laboratory and in the fields. Apply entrepreneurship skills Use information and communication technology. Communicate effectively both internally and externally The 2No. Courses run from 16th February to 10th April and 20th July to 4th September 2015 respectively. 2015. Course fee: K3,000.00 Sieve shaker—one of the many construction materials testing equipment stocked in our laboratory Management & Training Staff Eng. C. Mushota - Executive Director Eng F. Mwape—Principal Eng. G. Makayi— Director - R & R Ms. M. Kapasa—Legal Counsel Mr. M. Chiselebwe—Director; Finance & Administration Arch. C. Kaonga —Training Manager Eng. A. Mwanza—Training Officer Eng. I. Ngulube—Materials Specialist Eng. P. Mushota—Training Officer Mr. M. Daka—Assistant Training Officer/Operator Trainer/Assessor Mr. T. Lungu— Operator Trainer/Assessor Mr. J. Lifumbo— Assistant Training Officer/ Operator Trainer/Assessor Mr. J. Chintu—Assistant Training Officer Mr. P. Kalinda - Assistant Training Officer Ms. G. Mutale—Assistant Training Officer Ms. C. Musunga—Assistant Training Officer/Operator Trainer/Assessor Ms. E. Nyangulu—Assistant Training Officer Mr. O. Mweemba—Assistant Training Officer Our laboratory equipment is calibrated by Zambia Bureau of Erection of a scaffold Provincial workshops pictures Before renovations After renovations OTHER MODULAR TAILOR MADE COURSES OFFERED No Course 1 Provincial Training Workshops Start & End dates Lusaka— 16th to 20th Feb 2015 Copperbelt—22nd to 28th Feb 2015 North Western—2nd to 6th March 2015 Eastern—16th to 20th March 2015 Southern—30th <arch to 3rd April 2015 Western—6th to 10th April 2015 Muchinga—27th April to 1st May 2015 Northern—4th to 8th May 2015 Luapula—11th to 15th May 2015 Central—1st to 5th June 2015 2 Steel Fixing Course Fees (ZMK) 250.00 16th to 27th November 2015 3 Occupation Safety and Health 1. 16th to 27th February 2015 Environment (4No. Courses) 2. 6th to 17th April 2015 1,500.00 500.00 4 Brick paving (3No. Courses) 1. 11th to 22nd May 2015 2. 17th to 29th August 2015 3.9th to 20th November 2015 1,500.00 5 Roofing 4th to 8th may 2015 500.00 6 Tiling 6th to 10th April 2015 500.00 7 Scaffolding On demand 500.00 8 Construction Sector ICT courses— According to module 3. 15th to 26th June 2015 4. 17th to 28th August 2015 AutoCAD 2D 17th to 28th September 2015 3,000.00 Auto CAD 3D 21st September to 2nd October 2015 3,000.00 Microsoft project 5th to 16th October 2015 1,500.00 ACCREDITATIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS ILO REGIONAL LABOUR - BASED PRACTITIONERS INTERNATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION TRAINING ASSO- CIATION (IVETA) How to apply: Candidates are required to enclose the following certified documents in their application letters: National Registration Card. Copies of Company/Business Registration. Copies indicating the names of Company/Business owners. Company/Business CV. Please note that a participation fee as indicated at a particular course (Non-refundable) shall be payable to NCC by successful applicants during registration at the start of the Female road construction and maintenance supervision course course. graduate undergoing trial contract on the foot path project along Independence avenue in Lusaka Contact Details National Council for Construction P.O. Box 39548, Plot 1612/1623 Luchengo road, Off Sheki Sheki Road, Light Industrial Area Lusaka Phone: +260 211 245746/247185/240386 Fax: +260 211 247264/243115 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: http// How to find us NCC HOUSE FORD ENGEN SHEKI SHEKI ROAD AFROX LUCHENGO ROAD POLICE GREAT NORTH ROAD PETRODA National Housing Authority
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