1 NESCO Board Meeting – February 24, 2015 Present: Bosart

NESCO Board Meeting – February 24, 2015
Bosart Brown: Mark Saetre
Cottage Home:
Emerson Heights:
Forest Manor: no representative
Grace Tuxedo: no representative
Holy Cross:
Little Flower:
NoBO: Camelia Clay
Otterbein: no representative
Spades Park:
Springdale: Amy Jackson
St. Clair Place:
TEAR/United: no representative
Willard Park:
Windsor Park:
Woodruff Place:
Rick Van Dyke, Director Transportation
Tommy Reddicks
Dan Doll
Rebecca Seifert
Brent Aldrich
Kelly Wensing
Dan Glodblatt/Sarah Tague
Pat Paff
Marsha Burkhardt
Stephen Ball
Zach Adamson
Mark Schroder
Matt Belsaas
Chris Staab
Ruth Shaw
Ken Holyoak
Guests include:
• none
Welcome & Introduction
The regular meeting of the NESCO board was called to order at 6:40 pm by Kelly
Wensing who invited those present to introduce themselves.
Board Business
Approval of January 2015 Minutes: Kelly mentioned that the date should be adjusted
on the minutes to reflect the year 2015 and the removal of an additional $ in the treasurer
Zach Adamson motioned that the January minutes be approved as revised. Ruth Shaw
seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Treasurer Report: There was no activity in the last month and no change in the report
from last month. Funds for Congress and Pi Day need to be deposited turned in and
Presidents Report: Thank people in your neighborhoods for clearing extra sidewalks.
Reminder that there will be training on Zoning and Variances in March – the email had
been forwarded to the group.
Old Business:
• Congress Update – Rebecca Seifert
o NESCO Congress has been rescheduled for Saturday, March 7
o The event will be held at East 10th St United Methodist Church.
o Rebecca is proposing that the fellowship hall be used for the breakfast, the panel
discussions will be held in the sanctuary and the silent auction will be in another
meeting room.
o The details of the event will be worked out by the committee. A meeting will be
held Wednesday Feb 25 at 6pm at East 10th St United Methodist Church.
o One concern is for booth space. There will be less booth space since the room
sizes are much small than at Englewood. Propose only offering booths to paying
sponsors, panelists and possibly silent auction donors.
o The League of Women Voters will not be available on that date.
Pi Day Update – Zach Adamson
o Thank you to the group as every volunteer spot is full.
o Zach created posters and handed them out. He urged people to promote the event
in any way they can.
o WTHR is the media sponsor – there will be several stories leading up to the
o $3250 in sponsorships has already been collected or promised.
o ZESCO will be donating 3 gift baskets for the winners – Professional Chef,
Culinary Student and Home Chef.
o Admission is $10.
o Pie entry fee is $10 all entries need to be made in duplicate (2 of same pies).
IRS (501c3) Update – Kelly Wensing
o Kelly continues to work with the legal team and progress continues.
o Prior to the meeting a Special Meeting was held to update the Articles of
Incorporation to removed dated language.
o There will be a second step to the Articles of Incorporation to update the language
to reflect a 501c3. This will be placed before the board next month.
o The legal team has a Tax Lawyer working on the paperwork required for the IRS.
(Kelly had already provided some information for the 1023)
NESCO Steering Committee report – Matt Belsaas
o The next meeting of the NESCO Steering Committee will take place after Pi Day.
o The next meeting will include Tammi Hughes East 10th Street Civic Association,
James Taylor John H Boner Community Center, and John Hay NEAR who will
provide their thoughts on how NESCO fits into the community.
o Matt is exploring the possibility of a funded third party strategic planning person
to assist with re-visioning efforts.
Officer Election –
o President:
§ Zach nominated Rebecca S. for president. Tommy Reddicks seconded the
motion. It was noted that Rebecca Seifert would need to resign in writing;
which was done at the meeting. Matthew Belsaas witnessed the
resignation. Kelly Wensing, president, accepted the written resignation.
Ken Holyoak motioned and Zach Adamson seconded that the nominations
be closed. The motion passed.
§ There ensued a vote to elect Rebecca Seifert as president of NESCO, the
motion carried.
o Vice President:
§ Rebecca nominated Tommy Reddicks for Vice President. He accepted the
nomination. Tommy will finish the term vacated by Rebecca Seifert. Zach
Adamson moved to close nominations. Ken Holyoak seconded to close
the nomination. The motion to elect Tommy Reddicks as Vice President
of NESCO for the remainder of Rebecca Seifert’s term carried with one
dissenting vote.
o Secretary:
§ Ruth Shaw motioned that Sarah Tague be nominated for Secretary. Zach
Adamson motioned that the nominations be closed Matt Belsaas seconded
the motion carried.
§ The vote was held. The motion carried unanimously to elect Sarah Tague
as Secretary of NESCO.
o Kelly Wensing continues as ex-officio president for one year.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm by Kelly Wensing
Next Meeting will be held on March 24, 2015 at 6:30 pm at the Boner Center.