VOLUME NO. 42 ISSUE NO. 1 January 2015 The next meeting will be held at the “The Landmark” on Lee St - 2920 Lee Street on January 25, 2015. The Board will meet at 2:00 PM followed by the membership at 3:00 PM. ______________________________________________________ A.A.C.A. NORTHEAST TEXAS REGION 2015 OFFICERS President-Steve (Ziggy) Sieglaff (903)-513-5867 President-Elect-Robert (Bob) Anderson (903)456-1826 Treasurer-Yvette Hudson (903)-408-7070 e-mail [email protected] Secretary-Barbara Arrington (903) 883-2048 The Running Board is the official publication of the Northeast Texas Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America, Inc., Greenville Area, Texas and is distributed to all members in good standing and other clubs and organizations. All information presented in this newsletter is believed to be true and factual. The editor takes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Please contact the Sunshine Committee Alice Parsons at (903) 450-0432 with information on anyone who is ill or has had a death in the family or has something to celebrate. ROADMAP 2. MARK YOUR CALENDARS SUNSHINE REPORT NEWLETTER DEADLINE 3. AREA CAR SHOWS 2015 DUES ARE DUE 4. CLASSIFIED ADS Any material contained herein may be reproduced provided that credit is given to this publication and the Northeast Texas Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America. Mark Your Calendars!! Date/Time P What Location/Meet at 25-Jan-15 / 3PM Club Meeting Landmark 2920 Lee St. Feb 13-15 / 15 O'Reilly's Auto Rama Dallas Market Hall 25-Feb-15 / 3PM Club Meeting Landmark 2920 Lee St. 22-Mar-15 / 3PM Club Meeting Landmark 2920 Lee St. 2-4 Apr- 15 Greenville Swap Meet Greenville Fair Grounds Shirley Horton 972-979-3636 Apr-4-15 / ??? Greenville Car Show Greenville Fair Grounds Shirley Horton 972-979-3636 26-Apr-15 / 3PM Club Meeting Landmark 2920 Lee St. A G E 2 SUNSHINE REPORT Our prayers are with those who are working hard to recover, and a special prayer for those who have obstacles to overcome. Charles Arrington had a heart catheter put in Richard Arrington is still having trouble with his hip Tom Montgomery recovering from knee surgery Paul Taylor as he continues to deal with his Kidney and Dialysis Rex and Marjorie still trying to get better Cheryl Martyn had a health scare & was in the hospital for a couple of days NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: The next newsletter deadline is noon on the second Sunday of the month, February 8, 2015. Please contact Roy or Barbie Studinski at (903) 454-8575 or e-mail [email protected] with information or ideas for articles. AREA CAR SHOWS EVENT INFORMATION IS ALWAYS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Date/Time What Feb 13-15 / 15 O'Reilly's Auto Rama Location Contact Info Dallas Market Hall 21-Mar-15 / 10AM- Fallen Souldier Classic Car 2PM show Contact: Monti 972-882Mesquite High School 300 E. 7868 or Jerry 972-882Davis St. Mesquite, TX 7867 2-4 Apr- 15 Greenville Fair Grounds Greenville Swap Meet 4-Apr-15 / ??? Greenville Car Show 11-Apr-15 / 8AM2PM Wolfe City Car Show Shirley Horton 972-9793636 Greenville Fair Grounds Shirley Horton 972-9793636 Downtown Wolfe City Wolfe City Chamber of Commerce or call 903496-2331 2015 Dues Are Due NATIONAL dues are $35 and Greenville Club dues are $5 Total of $40 Please pay our treasurer Yvette Hudson or mail your payment to 1102 Whitehall Lane, Greenville, TX 75402 Or call to make arrangement to get it to her 903-408-7070 Thanks for doing this, this month!!! P A G E Greenville Antique Automobile Club PO Box 9194 Greenville, TX 75404-9194 www.netraaca.com AACA Membership Meetings every 4th Sunday at 3:00 PM “The Landmark” on Lee St - 2920 Lee Street Greenville, TX 4 E G A P
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