JustUnfollow User Guide The Complete (December 2013)

The Complete
User Guide
(December 2013)
1. A Sneak Peek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Chapter 1: Getting Started On JustUnfollow
Creating Your Account
Adding More Accounts
3. Chapter 2: Features
Non Followers
Recent Unfollowers
Recent Followers
Inactive following
All following
Copy Followers
Keyword Follow
Friend Check
4. Chapter 3: Getting More Done
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Add Team Members
Explore The Automate Tab
Get Featured
5. Chapter 4: Manage Your Account
Enable / Disable Login
Changing Your Email
6. Chapter 5: Contact Us
JustUnfollow On Social Media
A Sneak Peek
JustUnfollow powers connections on Twitter and Instagram. Millions of users around the globe
use JustUnfollow to trim and prune their social profiles of unwanted, inactive connections and
consequently grow their network by adding the right people who will care about what they
have to say.
We have a web, an Android and an iOS app and we've tried our best to keep them simple to use,
despite the number of features we've introduced over time. However, a user guide that would
tell all, teach all, without you having to spend hours learning the app, was called for and here it
Here's a short clip that "attempts" to show how easy JustUnfollow is to use, but let usage be the
final judge.
JustUnfollow is available on
In this guide, we'll be using screenshots and step­-by­-step instructions based on the web app.
These will be in sync with the Android and iOS app, differences will be noted.
Getting Started On JustUnfollow
Creating Your Account
You can create a new JustUnfollow account on www.justunfollow.com. You do not need to enter
new JustUnfollow-specific credentials to create an account.
Select the Sign In With Twitter or Sign In With Instagram button depending on whether
you want to manage your Twitter or Instagram account using JustUnfollow. If you want
to manage both, just sign in with one and you will be able to add the other once you
You will then be requested to fill in your Twitter/Instagram credentials. Add them in and
authorise JustUnfollow to access your account.
Add your email address. We need it to send you occasional, important emails regarding
your account.
Finally choose whether you want JustUnfollow to tweet your stats and you are in.
We start tracking your followers and unfollowers from the day you create your account. The first
time it may take some time for your account analytics to show up, especially if your account is
big ­ with several thousands of followers.
For Mobile
Download and install the app from the respective app stores (Google Play for Android
and Apple Appstore for iOS). Connect with either Twitter or Instagram, add your login
details, add your email address and you are in.
Note : We do not have access to your Twitter and Instagram login credentials.
Adding More Accounts
Free users can add one Twitter and one Instagram account. If you've signed in with Twitter and
want to add your Instagram account to JustUnfollow or vice versa, here's how you should
You will see your account mentioned on the left, above the features list:
Click on the down arrow on its right.
Select Add Account.
Choose Twitter or Instagram.
Authorise JustUnfollow to access your account and you are done.
You can switch between the two accounts by using the same down arrow button.
If you wish to add more accounts, you will have to upgrade your account. See Upgrade on page
For Mobile
To add accounts in the mobile app, switch to the accounts screen on the right, click on
Add Account, select Twitter or Instagram, authorise access and that account will be
synced with JustUnfollow.
JustUnfollow has several powerful features that can be used to connect to the right people on
Twitter and Instagram - people who are right for you.
A typical profile listed in JustUnfollow looks like this:
You can whitelist, blacklist, tweet to, add to your twitter list, message, follow and unfollow these
You can see the complete profile by clicking on the user's handle/username. Note that doing so
for Instagram will take you to Instagram's website in a different tab.
Here's a rundown on all the features you see on the left of the app. Note that Twitter and
Instagram do not share the same features. Also, some features are premium, while others may
have limits — See Upgrade on page 20.
Non Followers (Twitter & Instagram)
These are users you follow, but they do not follow you back. These users will be listed with an
unfollow button on the right.
Are these users to be unfollowed? This depends on your Twitter and Instagram strategy and how
you are using JustUnfollow to connect to the right people and grow your network. However, as a
rule, not all non­-followers should be unfollowed. Some might be celebrities or thought leaders
you may not wish to unfollow. In which case, it would be prudent to whitelist them — See
Whitelist on page 12.
Fans (Twitter & Instagram)
These are users you do not follow, but they follow you. You have fans! Fans are good to have ­ it
shows there are people who are following you for your tweets and not your follow back.
However, you should follow back your fans, especially if they and their tweets are worth it.
Recent Unfollowers (Twitter & Instagram)
These are users who've unfollowed you recently. You may or may not be following them.
This page will display three types of unfollowers:
Users who unfollowed you and you are following them: For these users, you will see their
profile listed the way shown above with an unfollow option on the right and you can
unfollow them if you want.
Users who unfollowed and then re-followed you: These users will be simply listed and
you'll only see their profile pictures (since they aren't technically unfollowers).
Users who unfollowed you and you aren't following them: These users will also be listed
as their profile picture alone (since you can't unfollow them).
Reading The Graph
This graph tracks your unfollowers over time and gives you smart insights into what kind
of reactions your tweets and photos are evoking. The x-­axis tracks time and the y-axis
tracks the number of unfollowers you've had.
Recent Followers (Twitter & Instagram)
These are users who've followed you recently. You may or may not be following them.
This page will display three types of followers:
Users who followed you and you aren't following them: For these users, you will see their
profile listed as shown above with a follow option on the right and you can follow them
if you want.
Users who followed you and you are already following them: These users will be simply
listed and you'll only see their profile pictures (since you can't follow them).
Users who followed you and then unfollowed: These users will also be listed as their
profile picture alone (since they aren't technically your followers).
Reading The Graph
This graph tracks your followers over time and gives you smart insights into the what kind
of reactions your tweets and photos are evoking. The x­-axis tracks time and the y­-axis
tracks the number of followers you've had.
Inactive Following (Twitter Only)
This feature shows people who haven't been active on Twitter for a while. You can see those
twitter users you've been following who've been inactive for 1 month, 3 months and 6 months.
Generally, someone who's been inactive for over 3 months is not really interested in Twitter and
you can safely unfollow them. Unfollowing inactive users is specially useful when you hit
Twitter's 2000 follow limit. Unfollowing them will allow you to follow better, more active users,
who'd be likelier to follow you back.
All Following (Twitter Only)
Use this feature to see all those you are following on Twitter. Not something we endorse, but
some users use it to start afresh, when their timelines have got too cluttered.
Copy Followers (Twitter & Instagram)
This is an awesome feature to find the right users to connect with. Using Copy Followers you can
copy the most engaged and active users of any account that you find relevant. So, for instance, if
you are a huge Britney Spears fan and all you tweet about is her, you can follow users from her
account and those people will, most probably, follow you back.
Businesses use this feature to copy followers from their competitors. If someone likes Pizza brand
A, it is very likely that they'd be willing to try Pizza brand B as well.
Within this feature, we maintain a record of the last 10 users you've copied followers from so you
can go back to them easily. For upgraded users (see Upgrade under Manage Accounts) we also
hide users they've previously followed ­ so they don't end up irritating Twitter/Instagram users
by following them again and again.
To use this feature, simply add the username of the account you want to copy followers from in
the text box provided and hit Show. You can then follow users from the list that shows up.
Keyword Follow (Twitter Only)
Find people by hashtags and keywords they use in their tweets. Target and fine tune your
follows, so you only follow people who matter.
This feature is especially useful for those who only want a certain segment of tweets to show up
on their timeline or a business that is looking for a certain category of users who'd be interested
in their proposition.
To use this feature, simply add the hashtag or keyword you want to search for in the text box
provided and hit Show. You can then follow users from the list that shows up.
Whitelist (Twitter & Instagram)
Whitelist is a list of people you never want to unfollow, even if they unfollow you. These could be
celebrities, organisations, social media gurus or just about anybody whose tweets and photos
you'd prefer to always see. If you add someone to the whitelist, we'll never show that person as a
suggestion for you to unfollow.
You can add people to the whitelist in two ways:
When they show up on your features lists and the whitelist option shows up below their
On the whitelist page itself, by entering their username in the content box provided.
Blacklist (Twitter & Instagram)
Blacklist is a list of people you never want to follow, even if they follow you. These could be
spammers, fake profiles, NSFW profiles, bullies or just about anybody whose tweets and photos
you'd prefer not to see. If you add someone to the blacklist, we'll never show that person as a
suggestion for you to follow.
You can add people to the blacklist in two ways:
When they show up on your features lists and the blacklist option shows up below their
On the blacklist page itself, by entering their username in the content box provided.
Friend Check (Twitter & Instagram)
You can check the follow relationship between any two Twitter or Instagram accounts using this
feature. Users use it to find out the Twitter follow relationship between popular accounts, while
businesses generally use it for competitor tracking.
To run a friend check, simply click on the friend check option in the features menu on the left,
add in the usernames of the accounts you want to check and hit Show.
Note : Friend check can be run for any two accounts for Twitter. However, for
Instagram you can only run a friend check against your account.
For Mobile
All of these features are available in the mobile apps as well, except for Keyword Follow.
Getting More Done
If you are a power Twitter or Instagram user (or an aspiring one) with one or several huge
accounts that could do with a little extra, read on.
Add Team Members
It isn't always easy to do it all alone. At JustUnfollow, you don't have to any longer. If you have a
huge account, or multiple accounts that may be difficult for you to maintain alone, you can
always add more people to assist you.
Team Support feature is available to all web-upgraded users, with the number of team members
you can add varying with the plan you've bought. To add a team member:
Login to the app with Twitter or Instagram.
Click on More (top right corner).
Click on Team Support.
Hit Add User.
Add their email id and invite them.
These team members will be able to access and manage your Twitter and Instagram accounts in
JustUnfollow without any access to your passwords and login details.
For Mobile
This feature is not available in Android and iOS apps, i.e. you cannot add team members
within those apps. However, if you've added a team member via the web app, they will be
able to access your account using our mobile apps.
Explore The Automate Tab
The "Automate" tab is the last option on the left menu. In there, you can:
Turn auto stat tweets on or off. These are tweets that track the activity on your Twitter
account and are sent from your Twitter profile. Here's an example:
If you want to turn them on or off, simply select or unselect the check box next to Tweet
my unfollower and follower stats. If you turn them on, you can choose to send these
tweets out either weekly or daily by choosing the option from the drop down given.
When done, click Save.
Choose to receive your Twitter stats by email. If you prefer to not have your Twitter stats
tweeted out for all to see, you can instead choose to receive them by email ­ either
weekly or daily depending on how abreast you wish to stay with the happenings in your
To turn stats by email on or off, select or unselect the check box next to Email my stats,
choose whether you want to receive them daily or weekly from the drop down menu
and hit Save.
Turn auto DMs on/off. Auto DMs are a powerful, though often misused, way of
connecting with new followers. A good way to use Auto DMs is given here.
If you wish to connect with your new followers early on, you can set up several variations
of auto DMs that can be sent. You can set up to 10 different auto DMs that will be sent
randomly to your new followers. Simple select the box next to Auto DM, add your
message text and click Save. To add more messages, simply click on Add More.
For Mobile
The Automate tab in the mobile app shows up towards the end of the features screen.
Actions there are synonymous with those on the web app.
Get Featured
If you need to get followers quickly, but can't abide by the fake followers fiverr.com and other
get­-followers­-quick schemes get you, you can choose to get featured on our website.
When you purchase a featured campaign, your Twitter profile is displayed prominently within
the app ­ seen visibly by all visitors to the web, android and iPhone JustUnfollow apps. These
users can choose to follow you.
The followers you will get when featured will not be fake, ­they'll be just as real as other users of
JustUnfollow. Additionally, these followers will be those who've followed you of their own accord
and may, therefore, be interested in what you share.
To get featured:
Login to the web app using your Twitter or Instagram account.
Click on More in the top right corner and select Campaign.
On the Campaign page select Create campaign, choose the package you want to
purchase and the account you want to feature and click on the corresponding Buy Now
You can pay via Paypal or your credit card. You'll be featured in the app once the
payment's made.
For Mobile
You cannot create a featured user campaign in the mobile apps. However, if you create
one using our web app, your profile will show up as featured in our mobile apps as well.
Manage Your Account
JustUnfollow has a free/basic plan that can be used by any user to maintain and grow their
Twitter and Instagram accounts. However, there are limits to their usage and certain features that
are blocked. These limits are removed and features unblocked when you upgrade.
We have pay as you go monthly subscription plans on the web that are auto-renewed every
month. You can cancel these anytime.
No. of accounts*
Follows Per Day**
Unfollows Per Day**
Hide Previously
Followed Users
Team Members
Auto DM
(Without JustUnfollow Ad)
For Mobile
Upgrades done on the web carry over to our mobile apps as well. There are also two
additional mobile apps specific paid plans - Premium and Pro, which only remove limits
for 1 and 5 accounts respectively. The other features listed above are not included in these
two plans, which can be bought for $4.99 and $24.99 (one-time, annual fee).
* No. of accounts indicates both Twitter and Instagram. For instance, the Free plan user can add two accounts, one
Twitter and one Instagram, a Pluto user can add two Twitter and two Instagram accounts and so on.
** These limits are subject to Twitter’s and Instagram’s defined limits.
We are constantly trying to improve the app and know that it isn't perfect. We'd love it if you
could share why you wish to remove your account when you decide to do so and give us a
chance to make you stay. Drop us an email: [email protected] and we’ll respond as soon as
we can.
If you wish to remove your account:
Click on More at the top, right corner and click on Settings.
In the page that consequently opens up select Remove Account against the account you
want to delete and confirm your cancellation.
For Mobile
To remove your account from the mobile apps, switch to the Accounts screen, click on the
settings for the specific account (the gear icon) and hit Disconnect Account.
Enable / Disable Login
The account you initially sign up with and all consequent accounts will be enabled for logging in.
This means you will be able to login to JustUnfollow using any of those accounts. However, if you
are using team support and may be sharing one of your accounts with someone else, we
suggest disabling login with that account.
For explanation, assume you have added two twitter accounts in JustUnfollow ­ a personal one
and one for work. If you were to add someone for team support for your work account while
your work account is login enabled, and he/she logs in with the work account, your personal
account will also be visible to them.
Don't want that? Here's how you can disable login:
Click on More at the top, right corner and click on Settings.
On the page that consequently opens up check or uncheck the Allow login using this
account box against the specific accounts depending on your need.
Note : If you disable login with a certain account, you won't be able to login
with that account either.
For Mobile
To enable/disable login in the mobile apps, switch to the Accounts screen, click on the
settings for the specific account (the gear icon), and check or uncheck the Allow login
using this account button.
Changing Your Email
If your email has changed, you can update it with us to ensure you don't miss any important
notification about your account:
Click on More at the top, right corner and click on Settings.
On the page that consequently opens up change your email in the Email box and hit
You will receive a verification email. Click on the link in the email and your email will be
updated in our records.
For Mobile
To change your email in the mobile apps, switch to the Accounts screen, click on Settings,
add your new email address in the text field provided and click Save.
Contact Us
Answers to most app related queries can be found on our help page.
You can contact us anytime you face an issue with the app using the Feedback option given in
there. Alternately, send us an email: [email protected]. We endeavour to answer every email
we receive.
We actively monitor suggestions here: justunfollow.uservoice.com and mould our planned
features to the most popular suggestions. If there is something you specially want in
JustUnfollow, let us know there.
JustUnfollow on Social Media
We are most active on Twitter ­ both, for customer service and fun. Feel free to send us a tweet or
DM there.