NORTHEAST N.E. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 4000 Hard Scrabble Road Columbia, South Carolina 29223-8548 NORTHEAST 9:00 AM Contemporary Service 10:15 AM Sunday School 11:15 AM Traditional Service Nursery available at all services. s Following Christ s Growing Disciples s Changing Lives April 26, 2015 THIS WEEK AT NEUMC TODAY David W. Day Pastor Gerald Watford Director of Family Ministries Bonnie Riley Director of Children and Youth Ministries Barbara Day Chancel Choir Director Sean Riley Crossing Guard Leader 5:00 PM UP! 5:00 PM Youth Group (Education Building, Youth Rooms) 5:00 PM Disciple I (Education Building, Room 203) 6:45 PM Disciple II (Education Building, Room 208) MONDAY 6:30 PM Webelos I (Education Building) TUESDAY 9:45 AM Getting Radical Small Group Study (Education Building, Room 208) WEDNESDAY 7:15 AM Men’s Prayer Group (Contact John Clayton) 10:00 AM Spirit Sisters Prayer Group (Room 102) Ka-Young Lee Pianist 10:00 AM Women’s Bible Study (Library) Dale A. Purvis Office Manager 10:00 AM Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith (Education Building, Room 208) 4:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin Announcements 6:00 PM Women’s Bible Study (Tammie Sloop’s Home) Pastor’s Cell: 803.587.1682 Office: 803.736.6386 Fax: 803.699.1334 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Friday 6:30 PM Youth Small Group (Youth Rooms) 6:30 PM Making Sense of the Bible Small Group Study (Room 102) 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Practice (Sanctuary) THURSDAY 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group (Panera Bread) 9:30 AM Mothers Bible Study (Library) 7:00 PM Crossing Guard Practice (Sanctuary) 7:00 PM Rooted in Christ Prayer Group (Library) FRIDAY 6:30 PM Relay for Life (Polo Road Soccer Fields) PRAYER REQUESTS We are pleased to join you in praying for specific needs. Please write your request(s) here and place this card in the offering plate. RECORD OF OUR FAITHFULNESS OUR SERVICE Presence 9:00 AM Please pray for: 98 Contemporary Service 10:15 AM Sunday School 108 11:15 AM Traditional Service 102 9:00 SERVICE ACOLYTE Kirby Shealy CHILDREN'S CHURCH Inez McLaurin JUNIOR ASSISTANT Kirby Shealy GREETERS Bob & Faye Ellrott NURSERY Heather Cook PRAYER ROOM Inez McLaurin PRAYER ROOM NEXT WEEK Bob Ellrott 11:15 SERVICE ACOLYTE Christopher Wargel CHILDREN'S CHURCH Bonnie Riley JUNIOR ASSISTANT Caroline Nutter GREETERS Spencer Miller & Mary McMillan NURSERY Judy Nutter PRAYER ROOM Jennifer Breazeale Pastor Only Prayer Chain Bulletin Prayer Warriors I would like someone to contact me to pray over a more confidential matter. Let us know when God meets your needs so we may rejoice with you! PRAYER ROOM NEXT WEEK Jane DeCristofaro COMMUNION PREPARERS No Communion COMMUNION SERVERS No Communion OFFERING OFFERING COUNTER Joe Watson/Floyd Hedlund OFFERING COUNTERS NEXT WEEK Duane Scott/Laraine Owen/ George Eberhardt 9:00 CONTEMPORARY SERVICE Fourth Sunday of Easter WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS MUSIC (As we sing you are invited to stand or sit as you are led and able.) OFFERING SERMON “The REALITY and RELEVANCE of EASTER!” Chaplain Clyde Scott CLOSING SONG CLOSING PRAYER/BENEDICTION WELCOME CHAPLAIN SCOTT Chaplain Clyde Scott was ordained by the United Methodist Church in 1983 and served in parish ministry from 1983-1992, and entered the military in 1993. Clyde has served as a U.S. Army Chaplain for 24 years, and his assignments include one year in Korea and Bosnia, and multiple overseas tours in Germany and Italy. He also served one year with the 101st Airborne Division in Iraq and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. He is married 36 years to Ilona and has three children Grace, Erika, and Andrew, and two grandchildren Braelyn, and Bryce. He is currently the Deputy Garrison Chaplain at Fort Jackson and plans to retire in two years. ANNOUNCEMENTS Relay for Life: We at NEUMC want to celebrate and encourage our members and friends who have fought or are currently fighting cancer. Every year there are over 5000 community Relay for Life events. We invite you to join the NEUMC Cancer Warriors on Friday, May 1 from 6 PM until midnight at Polo Road soccer field. Survivors and caregivers alike have described attending a Relay for Life event as a life changing experience. You’ll get to meet others who have experienced some of the same challenges you have, and there are opportunities for learning, sharing and friendship. Planned activities happen at each event (survivor meals, special laps and commemorative mementos, etc.). If you are a survivor or caregiver, please sign up online. We want to honor you! We hope you will plan to join us. If you need more information, please feel free to contact Jen Rogers or Alston Lippert. The United Methodist Men will meet Monday, May 4 in room 102. Dinner begins at 6:30 PM and dinner donation is $5. The meeting starts at 7 PM. All men are welcome as we focus on Following Christ, Growing Disciples and Changing Lives. TRANSFORM A CHILD’S FUTURE. Each year, Epworth Children’s Home provides care to children in our own communities who have experience abuse, neglect, and loss. Epworth’s care breaks the destructive cycle and encourages children to aim higher in life. Each child receives the physical, emotional, academic, and spiritual care they need to transform their lives. This care makes a difference. It develops long-term healing, self-worth and self-confidence. It transforms children who are three years behind in school into honor roll students, high school graduates, and college students. Epworth’s care provides spiritual nourishment to strengthen their relationship with God. On Sunday, May 10, 2015, our congregation will support Epworth by collecting the Annual Epworth Mother’s Day Offering. Without the support of churches like ours, Epworth could not provide transformational care for children in need. We invite you to give generously to the children who call Epworth home. Epworth does not receive denominational funding (apportionments). This offering is our opportunity to support this vital ministry. For more information, please visit Epworth on the web at A Church Wide Picnic will be held on Saturday, May 16 at Sesquicentennial State Park Picnic Area, 9564 Two Notch Road, Columbia from 10 AM until 2 PM. Hamburgers and hot dogs and their fixings, lemonade and water will be provided. Plan to bring a large side dish (vegetables or salad) or dessert to share and your own non-alcoholic beverage. Bring a blanket or chairs for your family’s comfort. This is going to be a great opportunity to hang out and get to know your church family. Please let us know if you plan to attend. A sign up sheet is located in the narthex or email the Church Office. A SERVICE OF WORD AND PRAISE Fourth Sunday of Easter 11:15 TRADITIONAL SERVICE WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (As the Prelude begins, please prayerfully prepare for worship.) PRELUDE (Acolyte) “How Great Thy Art” Ka-Young Lee, piano By Stuart K. Hine CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: In the midst of the congregation I will praise you. People: Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous, and give thanks to God's holy name! Leader: I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name for ever and ever. People: Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and God's greatness is unsearchable. (THE BOOK OF WORSHIP 1965, ALT.) *HYMN OF PRAISE, No. 3018 “Creation Sings” *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH, No. 889 Congregation Affirmation from 1 Timothy 2:5-6; 1:15, 3:16 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE/LORD’S PRAYER HYMN OF PREPARATION, No. 3056 “Jesus, the Light of the World” Congregation (Children in kindergarten through 2nd grade are dismissed for Children’s Worship.) GIVING OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY “Thy Word” Ka-Young, piano By Amy Grant *PRESENTATION, No. 95 ANTHEM “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” “A Heavenly Celebration” Congregation Chancel Choir Mark Hayes SERMON LESSON, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (NIV) The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. SERMON “The REALITY and RELEVANCE of EASTER!” Chaplain Clyde Scott INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP *CLOSING HYMN, No. 3148 “There’s a Spirit of Love in This Place” Congregation *CHARGE TO THE PEOPLE *BENEDICTION *CHORAL RESPONSE Chancel Choir POSTLUDE Ka-Young Lee, piano * Please stand as you are able. MEMORY VERSE Welcome Guests and Members! 1 Corinthians 15:2 (NIV) We are so glad that you are here and hope you feel at home as you join us in worship. We’d like to get to know you better. “By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.” SERMON LESSON 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (NIV) 1 Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, 5 and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. 6 After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, 8 and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born. 9 For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them--yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me. 11 Whether, then, it was I or they, this is what we preach, and this is what you believed. Date:__________________________ Service 9:00 11:15 Member Regular Attendee First Time Guest New Resident Name(s) Name(s) & Ages of Children Address, City, State, Zip Home Phone: Email: FAMILY MINISTRY MINUTE Can we be compassion-driven instead of task-driven? Can we be compelled by hope and love more than by what we can achieve or accomplish? I am not sure what the answer is but I do know that our families are hungering and thirsting for something more. As a church family can we take the lid off and give each other permission… encouragement to go deeper? Can our relationships with Christ reach places heretofore unreached? ─Gerald Watford, Director of Family Ministries CURRENT SERMON SERIES “Easter: TO BE CONTINUED!” May 3 Steadfast Faith” 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 May 10 “Motherhood from a Biblical Perspective” 1 Samuel 1:19-28 How Did You Learn About NEUMC? Desire to Know More About NEUMC Desire a Call From the Pastor Desire to Become a Member Additional Comments: MINISTRY AND PRAYER NEEDS ▪ Bonnie McBurnett, who is back in the Palmetto Richland Heart Hospital, Room 947. ▪ Jason and Jennifer Goins, son and daughter-in-law of Debbie and Rick Fritts. Jason and Jennifer have grieved two miscarriages in their longing to start a family. Jennifer is scheduled for surgery Tuesday, April 28 at 7:30 AM, to remove a large, embedded fibroid tumor. ▪ Ryan Carter, recovering from gall bladder removal surgery. ▪ Les Kegg, who is undergoing tests for his unexplained fainting spells. ▪ The Mwangaza Children's Choir from Uganda that they reach into the hearts of others so they know God is all over the world. Pray for the children that they are returned to their homeland safely. ▪ The family and friends of Adeline Grulke Heppner, aunt of Sheryl Garcia, who went to be with the Lord on April 15. ▪ Sharon Gleffe, recovering at home following surgery to remove her spleen. ▪ Barbara Butler, recovering at home. ▪ Floyd Hedlund, undergoing rehabilitation at Wildewood Downs following knee replacement surgery. ▪ Dan Gafford, recovering at home following a stroke. ▪ Our military personnel. ▪ Our missionaries: Tom & Emma Henry — Appalachian Mountain Leadership (AML), a ministry based in Boone, NC, which facilitates Christian outdoor adventure experiences. Matt & Jenny Williams ([email protected]) — Matt is a member of NEUMC, who works as a missionary to university students with Cru with the Indianapolis Metro team in Indianapolis, Indiana, which consists of two campuses, Butler and IUPUI (an Indiana University located downtown). Steve & Stephanie Bredesen, in Nakalanda, Uganda, as directors of Eagle’s Nest Clinic and Eaglet’s Primary School. Abbu, the Bredesen's neighbor, that he will either allow them to drill a well on his land or sell the land to them so that they will have a fresh water supply. Ben & Jenny Reyes: Ben, born in Puerto Rico, and Jenny, born in Brazil, have ministered in Brazil and Paraguay since their marriage in 1989. They have two sons, Phillipe and Mathias. The Reyes work locally in discipleship, leading Inductive Bible Study seminars, and teaching on the subjects of church planting, mission to Muslims, mission in the local church, and effective short-term mission trips. ▪ Salkehatchie families: Iris Edwards, Theresa and Buddy Lines ▪ Our pastor and staff members. PRAYER PRAISES ▪ Joy and praise for Sheryl Garcia's nephew and his wife, Barry and Ellen Hilbert on the birth of a baby boy on April 18. ▪ Sheryl Preacher’s (sister of Jennifer Breazeale and Cynthia Spinnato) CT scan found no sign of cancer cells. The doctor said he had never seen a complete remission after only three rounds of chemo treatment. She will continue with treatment as the doctor says this may not be a cure. Miracles can happen through prayer. Thanks to all who have raised her up to the Lord. PRAYER FOR OUR FAMILIES OF THE WEEK Monday April 27 Barry & Tammie Sloop Tuesday April 28 Becca Sloop Wednesday April 29 Michael & Brenda Smeby & children Robert & Kelly Thursday April 30 Jeremy & Nicole Smith & son Kai Friday May 1 Mike & Cynthia Spinnato HOMEBOUND AND ELDERLY We are a family. As such we encourage anyone who feels led by God to visit those who are sick or homebound. We also encourage your visits to those who are new to this family of believers and to those have visited. Lee Chandler Bruce & Frankie Dodd Sam Blaylock Sabra Stewart Mildred Watson Pat Woodle Bonnie McBurnett PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry Team create shawls and other items for you to share with those who need encouragement. When you give a shawl away, you are sharing the love and prayers of NEUMC. The prayer shawls are kept in the Prayer Center if one is needed. Please remember to sign the journal. If you need assistance, please see a staff member. The Prayer Shawl Ministry Team
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