Program - Montreal Neuro Events

2nd Annual Epilepsy Day
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University
(Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre)
9:30 – 10:15
10: 15 – 10:30
Introductory remarks
Guy Rouleau, Director, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
10:30 - 12:30
Oral communications: Fellows from the Neuro and other Québec Centers
12:30 - 14:00
Poster session from MNI and other Québec epilepsy centers
(Jeanne Timmins foyer)
14:00 - 15:30
Mini symposium on consciousness
Consciousness and anesthesia
Gilles Plourde, MD, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
Consciousness in Sleep: a Neuroimaging Perspective
Thien Thanh Dang-Vu, MD, PhD, Concordia University
The alteration of consciousness in Traumatic Brain Injury: from onset to
Judith Marcoux, MD, MSc, McGill University
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee break
16:00 – 17:00
Pierre Gloor Lecture
Consciousness and Epilepsy: Network Mechanisms Following Pierre Gloor
Hal Blumenfeld, MD, PhD
Professor of Neurology, of Neurobiology and of Neurosurgery
Director, Yale Clinical Neuroscience Imaging Center
Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Oral Presentations - 10:30 to 12:30
1) Coupling with slow waves aids in the classification of physiological and pathological HFOs
Nicolás von Ellenrieder
Montreal Neurological Institute
2) Source localization of the seizure onset zone from ictal EEG/MEG data
Pellegrino G.1, Hedrich T.1, Chowdhury R.1, Lina J.-M.2, Dubeau F.3, Hall J.4, Kobayashi E.3, Grova C.1,3,5
1 Multimodal Functional Imaging Lab Montreal Neurological Institute - Biomedical Eng Dpt, Montreal,
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada,
2 Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Departement de Génie Electrique, Montreal, QC, Canada,
3 Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Neurology and Neurosurgery Dpt, Montreal, QC,
4 Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Neurosurgery, Montreal, QC, Canada,
5 Concordia University, Physics dpt and PERFORM centre, Montreal, QC, Canada
3) MEG study of insular cortex epilepsy: new insights from functional connectivity
Zerouali Y1,2, Pouliot P1, Robert M2, Mohamed I3, Bouthillier A2, Lesage F1, Nguyen DK2
1 Département de Génie Biomédical, École Polytechnique de Montréal
2 CHUM Notre-Dame, Université de Montréal
3 IWK Health Centre, Halifax, NS
4) Toward reliable detection of patient-specific reorganization of functional hubs in epilepsy
Kangjoo Lee, PhD student
Montreal Neurological Institute
5) Multiparameter hippocampal subfield phenotyping in temporal lobe epilepsy
Bernhardt BC, Kulaga-Yoskovitz J, Caldairou B, Hong SJ, Bernasconi A, Bernasconi N.
Montreal Neurological Institute
6) Multicontrast MRI profiling of focal cortical dysplasia type-II
Hong SJ, Bernhardt BC, Schrader D, Bernasconi N, Bernasconi A.
Montreal Neurological Institute
7) Neuropsychology of insular cortex epilepsy
Olivier Boucher, Ph.D.
CHUM / Université de Montréal
8) Thalamocortical deafferentation does not lead to acute seizures generation
Anastasiia Ozur, Master Student
Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec (CRIUSMQ)
9) Seizure-onset patterns and underlying network activity in vivo and in vitro.
Zahra Shiri
Montreal Neurological Institute
10) Control of Trauma-induced Epileptogenesis in Mice
Sara Soltani, PhD student in Neurobiology
Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec
Posters – 12:30 to 14:00
1. The subcortical band heterotopia/lissencephaly spectrum and epilepsy: Phenotypic,
molecular, functional, and structural analysis of novel DCX and LIS1 mutations
Amrom D, Brouhard G, Bechstedt S, Toropova K, Andermann F,
Dubeau F, Melançon D, Tampieri D, Reck-Peterson SL, Andermann E.
2. Subcortical band heterotopia (double cortex syndrome) not associated with DCX or LIS1
gene mutations
Andermann E, Amrom D, Dubeau F, D’Agostino D, Melançon D,
Tampieri D, Andermann F, Dobyns WB.
3. Epileptic activity during sleep is facilitated by high amplitude widespread slow waves
Frauscher B, von Ellenrieder N, Ferrari-Marinho T, Avoli M, Dubeau F, Gotman J.
4. Sleep disorders and circadian rhythm in epilepsy revisited: A prospective controlled study
Frauscher B, Gabelia D, Prieschl M, Chea K, Hofer M, Hogl B, Luef G,
Unterberger I.
5. The severity of brain atrophy in temporal lobe epilepsy is unrelated to the side of the focus:
An Engel Class I study
Liu M, Bernhardt BC, Bernasconi A, Bernaasconi N.
6. Multicontrast MRI profiling of focal cortical dysplasia Type-II
Hong SJ, Bernhardt BC, Schrader D, Bernasconi N, Bernasconi A.
7. Multivariate hippocampal subfield analysis of local MRI intensity and volume: Application to
temporal lobe epilepsy
Kim H, Bernhardt BC, Kulaga-Yoskovitz J, Caldairou B, Bernasconi A,
Bernasconi N.
8. Development of tools for brain mapping of eloquent cortex: Data from healthy subjects and
patients with epilepsy
Moulton E, Mok K. Chen JK, Hall J, Olivier A, Klein D.
9. Développement cognitif des enfants 0-5 ans suivant une convulsion fébrile complexe
Sheppard E, Lagacé M, Cook R, Knoth I, Gagné C, Gravel J, Lippé S.
10. Improving neuropsychological markers of frontal lobe dysfunction
Yu E, Crane J, Petrides M, Sziklas V.
11. Localization of the spatial extent of the generators of epileptic discharges in EEG and MEG:
Comparison between 4-ExSo-MUSIC and MEM approaches
Chowdhury RA, Merlet I, Birot G, Albera L, Kobayashi E, Lina JM,
Wendling F, Grova C.
12. Source localization of the seizure onset zone from ictal EEG/MEG data
Pellegrino G, Hedrich T, Chowdhury R, Lina JM, Dubeau F, Hall J, Kobayashi E,
Grova C.
13. Simultaneous EEG-NIRS (Near InfraRed Spectroscopy) guided by MEEG and EEG-fMRI to
assess the neurovascular coupling in focal epilepsy: A new, non-invasive, multimodal
Pellegrino G, Machado A, Von Ellenrieder N, Watanabe S, Lina JM,
Hall J, Kobayashi E, Grova C.
14. Scale-free properties of intracerebral EEG improve seizure prediction in mesial temporal
lobe epilepsy
Gadhoumi K, Gotman J, Lina JM.
15. Ripple (80-250Hz) characterization in non-epileptic brain regions
von Ellenrieder N, Frauscher B, Ferrari T, Dubeau F, Gotman J.
16. High Frequency Oscillations and spikes: Separating oscillations from broad band activities
Amiri M, Gotman J.
17. Dynamics of interictal spikes and high-frequency oscillations during epileptogenesis in
temporal lobe epilepsy
Salami P, Lévesque M, Benini R, Behr C, Gotman J, Avoli M.
18. Lacosamide and levetiracetam modulate the development of interictal spikes and highfrequency oscillations during epileptogenesis
Lévesque M, Behr C, Avoli M.
19. Neurosteroids modulate interictal activity and high frequency oscillations (80-500 Hz)
Herrington R, Lévesque M, Avoli M.
20. KCC2 function modulates in vitro ictogenesis
Hamidi S, Avoli M.