Congressional Staff Briefing on Advanced Manufacturing in New

March 10, 2015
Congressional Staff Briefing on
Advanced Manufacturing in New
England – March 26, 2015
NEC Advanced Manufacturing Working Group members invited to
join Congressional staff at Washington D.C. event
As a part of the roll-out of our new report, Advanced to Advantageous: The Case for New
England’s Manufacturing Revolution, The New England Council’s Advanced Manufacturing
Working Group wants to ensure our Congressional offices from all six states are aware
of our findings and key recommendations, and engaged in a collaborative effort moving
As such, please join on Thursday, March 26th in Washington, D.C., for a Congressional
staff briefing as we present the report to New England delegation Congressional
staff. The briefing will feature a presentation of the report from Deloitte as well as a
discussion of how Congressional offices can help drive advanced manufacturing across
the region. Staff members from all 33 New England Congressional offices have been
invited to participate. This event is taking place as part of the NEC Annual Spring
Event in Washington.
Congressional Staff Briefing – Advanced Manufacturing in New
Thursday, March 26, 2015
12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Russell Senate Office Building, Room 385 (SR-385)
Washington, D.C. 20510
If you are able to join us, please RSVP for the briefing here. Additionally, if you
would like to attend the Council’s Annual Spring Event and still need to register, you
may do so here. And of course, if you have any questions, please let me know. We
hope to see as many of you as possible in DC.
All the best,
PS – You will receive additional information in the coming days regarding a full public
rollout for the report at an event in Boston, followed by events in each of the six states
over the coming months.