fr =q$Bqr Lrq+c< rffi ftftts. IH, (q.6'r.) THE NEW rNDrA ASSURANCE CO. LTD., MUMBAI (H.O.) Tender No.03/2015-16 20th April,2015 Tender for providing Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Fax / Xerox Machines from authorized Agencies willing to undertake Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Fax & Xerox machines of various makes & models at Head Office and our offices in Fort area subject to the following terms and conditions : Sealed tenders are invited An Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 5.000/- in the form of Demand Draft from nationalized bank drawn in favour of "The New India Assurance Co. Ltd." must be attached with the 'Technical Bid'. After awarding contract to successful tenderer, EMD will be refunded to unsuccessful tenderer on submission of application. The 'Annual Maintenance Contract' shall be comprehensive in nature and shall, therefore include essential servicing / repairs / replacement of all parts except consumables like Toner / Cartridge etc. during the currency of the contract. The Agency must be an authorized service provider for reputed brands such as Canon, HP, Xerox etc. and a documentary proof in lieu of same must be submitted along with the Technical Bid. The maintenance I repair / replacement work shall be carried out at office premises on all working days (Monday to Friday) between 10.00 AM & 5.00 PM. If any job, which cannot be executed at office premises, shall be allowed to be done in the workshop of the agency and for that period, the Agency must be under obligation to provide a standby machine. In any case no machine or any items / parts thereof shall be taken out of the office premises without formal / written permission of authorized person. No transportation / freight charges on this account will be paid. The machine & I or any item/part thereof taken to the workshop will have to be brought back within stipulated time, failing which suitable action will be taken against the agency. The Agency should quote Comprehensive AMC rate on lumpsum basis (for the machine models as mentioned in'Price Bid') and partial quote will be rejected summarily. The Agency will not be allowed to revise the quote & I or charge any extra amount for repair/replacement, if any, after entering into Annual Maintenance Contract. In case of violation of terms, Agreement of the contract will be cancelled and security money will be forfeited. The Company reserves the right either to accept or reject any items or part found inferior in quality & / or workmanship. ft qFfuqT sertr<< tffi ftFr*5, T"€.(s.or.) THE NEW tNDtA ASSURANCE CO. LTD., MUMBAI (H.O.) #2# The agency has to ensure that maintenance work is carried out regularly on monthly basis by the seivice engineer as well as complaints have to be attended promptly as and when received from the company. The agency will maintain Service/Repair Card of each machine and signature of concerned officer / person from respective department have to be obtained after every service lrcpair with date. The Agency must have at least three years' experience in maintenance work for Govt. Organizations / PSUs / Reputed Company. The agency must submit duly attested copies of all documentary proofs as mentioned in 'Technical Bid'. The AMC contract will be valid for one vear from the date of award of Work Order. The Company reserves the right to accept or reject whole or part of the tender or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. The Company also reserves the right to modify/delete/cancel any of the conditions mentioned above without assigning any reason / notice thereof. necessary documents along with Demand Draft have be attached with 'Technical Bid'. Both Technical Bid and Price Bid will be put in two separate envelopes specifying the same. These two sealed envelopes have to be put in third envelop superscribing Tender No. & Name i.e. o'Tender of Comprehensive AMC for Fax & Xerox Machines". On the basis of details All furnished in Technical Bid, agencies complying all terms opening Price Bid. & conditions will be shortlisted for Sealed quotations should reach the "Chief Manager, The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. (H.O.), Estate & Establishment, 6th Floor, New India Building, 87, M.G. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400 001" on or before 27104/2015 bv 3.00 pm. C .y* & Estfl).lishment DePt. ft =lFkT ss+$ffi iffi frFrds, IH, (s.6l.) THE NEW |NDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD., MUMBAI (H.O.) TECHNICAL BID Name of the Agency/Service Provider 1 I Registered Office Address & address of Branch Office near Fort area Name of the Contact Person/s with Phone/lVlobile/Fax Nos. , Year of Establishment I l I List of Clients along with their letters / Certificates for the services provided Annual Turnover for last 3 financial years (i.e. 201 1-1 2, 2012-13, 2013-14) Income Tax Return for last 3 Years along with Technical Bid The Agency should furnish copies of the following documents a) b) c) d) e) Date: ll Establishments Registration Certifi cate : Registration Certificate of Sales Tax/CST/BST/VAT etc' Income Tax Retums of last 3 Years. certificate List of clients along with copies of work order issued & I or Performance issued by clients reputed brands' Certificate of being authorized agency for servicing & repair of Signature & Seal of the AgencY fr qgfur Es+{ff drr$ frftts. 1ffi, (q.6T.) THE NEW tNDtA ASSURANCE CO. LTD., MUMBAT (H.O.) PRICE BID AMC FOR XEROX MACHINE Make & Model of Xerox Machines No. of Machines Total AMC Amount (Approx.) Canon IR 1600, 2016J, 2ll6J, 2318J,2420J lq1ryr,n) AMC FOR FAX MACHINE Make & Model of Fax Machines No. of Machines HP OJ- 4580, Canon L140,L220, L295, MF 4350, MF 4450, MF 4750DW 100 Nos. Date Total AMC Amount (Approx.) Rs. (lumpsum) : Signature & Seal of the Agency
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