C o a l C i t y U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u rc h The Messenger May 2015 Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 11 Special points of interest: A report from the Parsonage Committee. See page 2. Registration is now being accepted for Vacation Bible School! We are observing Change the World Weekend in May. Please see page 3 for details. Peace with Justice Sunday will be observed May 31 with a special offering. Please see page 5. We will be recognizing our graduates on May 24. Please see page 8 for details. Meet our new Acolytes on page 10. We will be serving St. Vin- cent’s Meals on 3 Mondays in June. Help is needed. Please see page 11 for more information. Golden Cross Sunday will be observed on May 10 with a special offering. More information is on page 12. From Where I Sit, Reverend Carlson’s article can be found on page 13. Coal City Vacation Bible School will be held June 22 - 26, 2015 at Coal City United Methodist Church from 9:00 am to noon each day. The theme is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. Registration is now being accepted and you are encouraged to register children early. Preschool is limited to 30 children. Registration forms are available at the church and are also included with this newsletter. You may also download and print registration forms at www.coalcityvbs.org. All children who are entering preschool through 5th grade in the fall are wel- come at VBS. Individuals who are going into 6th grade or older are invited to serve as crew leaders to help the younger children at VBS. Adult helpers will also be needed. Please contact Suzanne Jackson at 634-2189, Marsha Vaughn at 9429084, or the church office with questions or to volunteer. You can also email us at [email protected]. We are looking forward to another great Vacation Bible School! Inside this issue: Altar Flower Dedications 2 Birthdays & Anniversaries 8 Acolytes, Liturgists, Ushers, & Greeters Schedule 9 Memorials 14 Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! @coalcityum Ladies Tea to be held May 3 The Coal City United Methodist Building Fundraising Committee is hosting a Ladies Tea on Sunday, May 3, from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. The luncheon will include soup, finger sandwiches, vegetable tray, scones, tea breads and dessert. Entertainment will be provided by Shelley Crawford a Chicago singer, dancer and actress and a Coal City native. The cost of the ticket is $15. Tickets are now available to pur- chase in the church office during office hours or tickets may be purchased at Rolando’s Furniture & Appliances, 140 S. Broadway. Only 100 tickets are available, so be sure to get your tickets early! V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 T HE ME S S E N G E R PAGE 2 Report from the Parsonage Committee About 20 years ago our church was suffering declining membership and very few young families in attendance. The church was downtown with limited parking. Moving to a new location and building a new church was not viewed as an option. However, after much soul -searching the church took a leap of faith and did exactly that. Today our church is thriving and viewed as one of the top churches in our district. Taking that leap of faith was difficult, but it was done because of members trying to advance the mission of the church and following God’s will. For our church to continue to grow we will need energetic Pastors. As a rule, those Pastors have young and growing families. We are already seeing this with Pastor Brad Shumaker and his family. Their family has three children from 14 years old to 2 years old. Moving here and accepting the position as our pastor is a potential hardship on their family. They have visited here and determined they may have to sell their furniture due to the size of our parsonage. We are trying to work through that issue but it raises the question of, “is our parsonage adequate for our continued needs?” Our current parsonage is a nice home but it is small. It is 1,900 square feet with 1 full bath and a smaller bath in the laundry room. The three bedrooms are small by today’s standards. There is extremely limited storage and most pastors end up using the garage for storage instead of parking. It is fine for smaller families but is currently a possible limitation to attracting the pastors we need to grow as a congregation. Given the excellent work done by church members to repair, paint, replace carpeting and tile floors the parsonage is in very good condition to sell at this time. Due to the construction and floor plan, adding on to the home is not a reasonable option. The Administrative Board has appointed a committee to investigate options of purchasing a different parsonage and selling the current one. The United Methodist Book of Discipline has a number of actions that are to be followed if we elect to exercise this option. Much as the leap of faith we took 20 years ago, this may be another to advance the mission of Christ. - Chris Kent May Altar Flowers 3 Blake Certa & family in loving memory of Brenda Certa. 10 In memory of their mother, Mabel DeGrush, by Joanne Schenck, Bob & Paula Runty, Tom & Janet Runty, Karen & Rich Jordan, and Lori & Andy Supinie. 17 Max Cullums & Family in memory of loved ones. 24 Cathy Smith & Fran Rolando in memory of loved ones. 31 Wilbur & Carol Olroyd in memory of loved ones. For information about dedicating altar flowers in memory of a loved one or in honor of an occasion and dates available, please contact Joan Blaine at 815-634-8435. V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 T HE ME S S E N G E R PAGE 3 Change the World Weekend Six years ago the United Methodist Church started the Change the World weekend. During that weekend, United Methodists all over the country will be engaging in simple acts of mission, trying to change the world – one life at a time. This year the weekend is May 16 and 17. While you can do any other kind of mission you choose (and we encourage that: tend someone’s garden, read books to kids, visit someone in a nursing home, fix a screen door, bake and bring a pie to someone, invite someone to church….), on that Sunday (JUST that Sunday) we are encouraging you to bring important things to our chancel which we can put in the food pantry and then distribute. The items we want are: peanut butter, jelly, paper towels, tissues, toilet paper, bars of soap. You can bring one of each, several of one, or just one of anything. We are going to pile it all in the chancel, take pictures of it, and then tote it down to the food pantry. Doesn’t seem like much, does it? But it will change the world for someone! - Rev. Wally Want to try something different? We are starting a new, alternative worship. It’s going to be (for now) once a month, generally on the last Saturday of the month, at 6 pm. In May it will be held on the 4th Saturday of the month, May 23. We’ll have music videos and performances, presentations (let’s not call them sermons for now….) – both live and recorded, question and answer periods ---- all in a relaxed, easy-going style. It will be kid- friendly, snack-friendly, question friendly. It will be church as you have not experienced – but maybe always wished you could. We invite you to join us on Saturday, May 23 at 6 pm. Questions? Call Rev. Wally. Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast May 31 A Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast will be held on Sunday, May 31 during fellowship time from 9:00 am until 10:15 am. We will be serving biscuits & gravy, fruit, coffee, & juice. The breakfast is being hosted by the Building Fundraising Committee and the cost is a free will donation. All proceeds from the breakfast will go the church building fund to be applied to the principal of the church’s mortgage. We hope you will join us for breakfast on Sunday, May 31! PAGE 4 T HE ME S S E N G E R We celebrated 2 baptisms during the month of April 2015. Rev. Wally baptized Mason Joyce on Sunday, April 12. Mason is the son of Ted Joyce & Kristi Albrecht. Mason’s maternal grandparents are Art & Donna Bertheaume. Paternal V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 grandparents are the late William Joyce & the late Helen Joyce. Maternal great-grandparents are Barb Finger and the late Ed Finger. Mason’s sponsors are Cole Albrecht & Kelsi Bertheaume. On Sunday, April 19, Rev. Wally baptized Kamden James Kerr. Kamden is the son of Trevor & Julie Kerr. Maternal grandparents are James & Dorene Viano. Paternal grandparents are Stuart & Jane Kerr. Kelsi Bertheaume, Ted Joyce, Mason Joyce & Cole Albrecht Photos courtesy of Karen Hart Trevor, Kamden & Julie Kerr Please wear red to church for Pentecost May 24 is Pentecost Sunday. In observance of Pentecost, we are asking the congregation to wear red to church on May 24. If you don’t have anything red to wear, you can wear orange or yellow, also colors of a flame. Congratulations to Brooke McClure & Aaron Appleby who were married at Coal City United Methodist Church on April 11, 2015. The Appleby’s new address is: Aaron & Brooke Appleby 200 Westwood Court Shorewood, IL 60404 T HE ME S S E N G E R V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 PAGE 5 Holy Communion . . . all are welcome Holy Communion will be served on Sunday, May 3. The Communion Stewards will be Jill Ames at 8:00 am & Carol Olroyd at 10:30 am. In our tradition, everyone is welcome at the Lord’s Table regardless of church affiliation. You do not have to be a member of our church to share in Holy Communion. church office at 815-634-8670. Communion Stewards are needed. If you are interested in serving as a Communion Steward, please contact Jill Ames at 815-634-2106. Center will be Wednesday, May 13 at 10:00 am. If you would like to help with these important ministries, please speak to Karen Hart or Reverend Wally. Our monthly visit to Regency Care of Morris to share communion with our church family & friends will be Monday, May 4 at 10:00 am. Holy Communion for shut-ins can be arranged by calling the Our monthly visit to Park Pointe Healthcare & Rehabilitation Peace with Justice Sunday May 31 Peace with Justice Sunday, which we are observing May 31, is one of the six church-wide Special Sundays of The United Methodist Church. The offering on this Special Sunday gives The United Methodist Church a voice in advocating for peace and justice at home and around the world. The day witnesses to God’s demand for a faithful, just, disarmed and secure world. It is a special time to think about God’s children, both in our community and in faraway places where people are at war. On Peace with Justice Sunday, we show people we love and care about them, and we do whatever we can to help them to live in peace. things. We help poor people to find food and shelter and to be able to go to the doctor. We do whatever we can to show people how to get along. “Peace” is an easy word to understand, but what about the other word, “justice”? What does that mean? This offering allows The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs. It means treating people fairly. Jesus also said, “Treat other people as you want to be treated,” and that is exactly what “justice” means. With the money from this special offering on Peace with Justice Sunday, we help people to care for God’s beautiful world by recycling and doing other Annual conferences keep half of the offering to fund local projects while a portion goes to the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) Peace with Justice Program to fund U.S. and global work in social action and public policy education and advocacy. “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) - Valerie Mezger Wengstrom PAGE 6 V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 T HE ME S S E N G E R In Loving Memory In Loving Memory of Elizabeth “Bette” Cullums, an active member of Coal City United Methodist Church for many years. Bette passed away on April 10, 2015. their daughters, Barbara (Pat) Bunton and Cindy (Alan) Farcus; grandsons, Adam Farcus (Allison Yasukawa), Matthew Farcus (fiancé Jenna Plese) and Benjamin Farcus and their family. Our deepest sympathy and prayers are with Bette’s husband, Max Cullums; Please remember this family in your prayers. The family of Harold Horwedel would like to thank those who sent sympathy cards, memorial gifts, beautiful flowers, words of support and prayers for peace during the time of our loss. Linda & Ken Miller Michael Miller Megan & Matt McIlvane Thank you for the prayers, cards, gifts & visits for Kay these past several months. Your kindness is so appreciated. Franklin & Kay Brtva Thank you from the Jr. High & Tween Youth Groups The Junior High and Tween youth groups would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make our Easter breakfast a success. We were very blessed to receive so many donations of breakfast casseroles and coffee cakes! They were all delicious as was the fruit salad that was also graciously donated. We had several helpers that day as well, which made our jobs as leaders much easier. Thank you to all who gave of their time to eat and also for all of the monetary donations. We appreciate the generosity of all who attended and will be planning what to do with the money very soon. Thanks again to everyone who pitched in and made the breakfast a success! Sincerely, Amy Borchelt (Junior High Youth Group Leader) & Matthew and Tricia Hook (Tween Youth Group Leaders) V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 T HE ME S S E N G E R PAGE 7 March 2015 account balances General Fund checking $56,142.67 Building Fund Money Market Centrue Bank - $4,677.82 Memorial Fund - $5,289.89 Gen. Fund Money Market $6,456.32 Youth Group Savings - $3,733.72 Mortgage Balance - $549,407.32 Building Fund Checking $24,981.11 Endowment Checking - $3,900.17 Building Fund Money Market Harris Bank - $53,445.97 Endowment CD #2 - $10,000.00 Flower Fund - $563.13 Youth Group CD - $639.08 Endowment CD #1 - $10,000.00 Endowment CD #3 - $10,000.00 Zimmerman Scholarship Dr. Keith Zimmerman served as our District Superintendent for the Vermilion River District from 2004 through 2011. We received the sad news a few months ago that Keith’s wife, Bobbie Zimmerman, passed away on February 7, 2015. Keith & Bobbie established a scholarship to Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary a few years ago to support those who are seeking a career in ministry. At the April 15, 2015 Administrative Council meeting, it was approved for Coal City United Methodist Church to donate $500 to the Zimmerman Scholarship Fund in memory of Bobbie Zimmerman. The Administrative Council felt this would be a nice way to make a remembrance to Bobbie and show our support and appreciation to Keith for his leadership & dedication to our church and district. If anyone would like to contribute toward the $500 donation to the scholarship fund, please designate Zimmerman Scholarship on your offering envelope. The photo below was taken when Bishop Christopher preached at our church on March 11, 2007 for the dedication of our education addition. Left to right: Janice Logsdon, Dr. Thomas R. Logsdon, Bishop Christopher, Bobbie Zimmerman & Dr. Keith Zimmerman PAGE 8 V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 T HE ME S S E N G E R 18 Amanda Albrecht Kyle Owensby Jennifer Rolley Matthew Spalla 1 Doug Simmons Lorrie Stogsdill 2 Danielle Lindley Jim Payton 3 Maggie McCollough Brooklyn Milne 4 AnnMarie Cora 6 Landon Eaton Ryan Elberts Joel Munson Rev. Lora Zink 7 8 19 Kylee Boyd 4 20 Lynn Albrecht Joe Cora Zakk Kramer David & Susan Royer (Happy 24th Anniversary!) 4 Dave & Jenny Spinale (Happy 2nd Anniversary!) 7 Paul & Cindy Starks (Happy 23rdAnniversary!) 22 Nick Hume Shirley Miller 26 Cameron Eaton-Anderson James Krull Tracy Norris Miranda Starks 27 Joyce Bettenhausen Kyler Krull Claudia Lorenz 28 Tom Beverly Matt Provance Marci D’Agostino Linda Miller Branden Petersen 29 Abby Benson Reilly Glefke Glen Reyelts 12 Barb Finger Dennis Rolley Tyler Shirkey 13 Matt Hines Kaylee Micheletto Noah Wheet 21 Dan & Gail Anderson (Happy 55thAnniversary!) 24 Michael Calderon Katie Runty Joseph Giordano Mike Morris 11 Lori Cora 16 Lannie & Leslie Spreitzer (Happy 23rdnniversary!) 23 Dorothy Byers Jeremy Kenney 31 Kay Brtva Amanda Combes 21 William & Laura Daniels (Happy 27thAnniversary!) 21 Darren & Stacey Roach (Happy 14th Anniversary!) 21 Bill & Dorothy Rolando (Happy 60th Anniversary!) 25 Kyle & Brea Owensby (Happy 2nd Anniversary!) 27 Chris & Mary Beth Anderson (Happy 26th Anniversary!) 27 Vince & Danielle Mugnolo (Happy 9th Anniversary!) 28 Steve & Sharon Smith (Happy 33rd Anniversary!) 29 Doug & Lori Simmons (Happy 22nd Anniversary!) 14 Danette Wren Do you have a graduate this spring? If so, please let us know by calling the church office or emailing the office at [email protected]. 15 Bridget Kauzlaric Chad Macaluso Addison Skaggs Maisey Skaggs We will be recognizing our graduates on Sunday, May 24 during both worship services and serving cake in their honor during fellowship time to celebrate! 16 Dave Hasenjaeger Brooke Appleby 17 Adam Farcus A list of our 8th grade, high school & college graduates will be included in the May 24 bulletin and the June issue of The Messenger. We would like to know about your graduate to complete our list. Please contact us by Thursday, May 14 so we can be sure your graduate is included on the list! V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 Greeters 3 PAGE 9 T HE ME S S E N G E R Liturgists 3 8:00 am - Craig & Sherry Herrick 10:30 am - Roger & Imelda Long ‘ 8:00 am - Judy Miller 10:30 am - Marsha Vaughn 10 8:00 am - Rodney Platt 10:30 am - Shirley Rolando 10 8:00 am - Cathy Smith 10:30 am - Jennifer Kenney 17 8:00 am - Lorraine Vilt 10:30 am - Harold & Faye Holsinger 17 8:00 am - Cindy & Miranda Starks 10:30 am - Tammy Elledge 24 8:00 am - Vickie Powell 10:30 am - Liz Clegg 31 8:00 am - Larry & Suzanne Bennett 10:30 am - Phyllis Bruno If you would like to serve as a Greeter, please contact Shirley Rolando at 815-634-8722. 24 8:00 am - Jim Hutchings 10:30 am - Mitch Hamann 31 8:00 am - Karen Hart 10:30 am - Karen Hart If you would like to serve as a Liturgist, please contact Marsha Vaughn at 815-9429084. Acolytes 3 8:00 am - Fionna Hook & Lindsie Van Dyck 10:30 am - Nicole Combes & Haelyn McPherson 10 8:00 am - Dima Gass & Connor Gass 10:30 am - Briahnna Combes & Brittnae Combes 17 8:00 am - Delaney Platt & Rianna Platt 10:30 am - Steffan Wengstrom & Keaton Stroner 24 8:00 am - Carter Garrelts & Owen Kent 10:30 am - Elaine Sebby & Kyler Krull 31 8:00 am - Hunter Novander 10:30 am - Emma Kenney Ushers 3 8:00 am - Larry & Suzanne Bennett 10:30 am - Joan Blaine 10 8:00 am - Mike & Geri Baker 10:30 am - Sara Smith & Family 24 8:00 am - Blake Certa & Jill Ames 10:30 am - Marsha Vaughn 31 8:00 am - Craig & Sherry Herrick 10:30 am - Mitch & Annette Hamann 17 8:00 am - OPEN 10:30 am - Doug & Diane Born If you would like to serve as an Usher, please contact Sherry Kinzler at 815-458-3238 (for 8:00 am) or Annette Hamann at 815-634-3526 (for 10:30 am). Please contact Sara Smith at 815-693-0974 with any questions regarding Acolytes. V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 T HE ME S S E N G E R PAGE 10 Meet our new Acolytes! L to R: Rianna Platt, Delaney Platt & Carter Garrelts Photos courtesy of Sara Smith L to R: Lindsie Van Dyck, Kyler Krull, Briahnna Combes & Brittnae Combes Not Pictured: Owen Kent & Haelyn McPherson On Sunday, April 12, new Acolytes were consecrated by Rev. Wally and certificates and pins were presented to all of them. Congratulations to all of the children who went through the training and will be serving as Acolytes during both of our worship services. We look forward to having you be a part of the worship services! - Sara Smith, Acolyte Coordinator Summer Musical Camp “Are We There Yet?” Shanan D’Agostino, our Director of Music Ministry, invites all youth entering 1st grade through 8th grade, to attend Summer Musical Camp “Are We There Yet” at the First Congregational Church of La Grange July 27 July 31 from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Performances will be held on July 31 at 7:00 pm & August 2 at 10:00 am during the worship service at the First Congregational Church of La Grange. “Are We There Yet” is the story of Moses, Miriam, Aaron, & Joshua told through humor and song, showing that we aren’t so different from these biblical heroes. The Summer Musical Camp will be a week of singing, drama, movement, games, and crafts mixed in with a little faith information. Shanan will be serving as Musical Assistant during Summer Musical Camp and would be happy to offer a car pool to anyone interested in going. Tuition is $140 for one child; $115 for each additional child. Scholarships are available. Registration ends July 6. The camp includes music, t-shirt, art supplies, snacks, and Friday night dinner for camper. If you would like more information, please contact Shanan D’Agostino at 773-308-5835 or email her at: [email protected]. V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 T HE ME S S E N G E R PAGE 11 Help needed with St.Vincent’s Table Meals Assumption Catholic Church has asked for our help with the St. Vincent’s Table meals on 3 Mondays in June, due to the Berst Center not being available during the month of June. The dates are still to be determined at this time. We have been asked to prepare and serve meals to help feed those in need. Approximately 12 volunteers are needed to prepare and serve food to 50 to 60 people. The usual procedure is to serve the meals from 5:00 to 5:30 pm and then assist with carry-outs until all of the food is gone. The usual meal includes a meat, side dish, vegetable, salad & dessert. This is an important ministry to provide a warm meal for those in need and we hope we are able to fulfill this need. Wendy Smith has volunteered to be the coordinator for these meals. If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact Wendy at 815-634-4487. If you are unable to reach Wendy, please leave a message on her answering machine and she will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you for any help you are able to provide. Lunch Outing Invitation Friendship Circle will be going out to lunch Tuesday, May 5 at 11:00 am. They will be leaving from the church and going to Wilmington to New China Restaurant, located next to Berkot’s. Anyone interested in going is welcome. If you would like to join Friendship Circle for lunch, please call Judy Miller at 815-530-5933. The Learning Leadership Team for Coal City has put together a survey asking for community feedback on possible programming for the high school auditorium. Your feedback would be appreciated: http://bit.ly/auditorium_survey - Tammy Elledge Coal City Backpack Program Thirty-One Fundraiser The Coal City Backpack Program is teaming up with Jill Steffes, Thirty-One consultant, to raise funds for the organization. Commission earned from any purchase will be donated to the Backpack Program to help them reach their goal of becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Using proceeds from this fundraiser will allow the organization more opportunities to obtain food for the children and network with other organizations. This status will also help improve what is currently being done and better serve the children. For more information, please contact Jill Steffes at 815-600-0985 or via email at [email protected] or Sara Smith at 815-693-0974 or via email at [email protected]. Catalogs are available upon request. An online party is currently taking place. Visit www.mythirtyone.com/ jillsteffes for ideas for Mother's Day, graduations, Father's Day, birthdays, or summer outings! In addition to the online party, one is being held in the fellowship hall on Sunday, May 31 at approximately 12:00 p.m., or right after the 10:30 a.m. service. Stop by after the service to check out all of the wonderful Thirty-One products! This is all for a great cause! Thank you for your support! PAGE 12 T HE ME S S E N G E R V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 Golden Cross Sunday - May 10 “Now concerning the collection for the saints…” 1 Corinthians 16:1 In his letters and travels, Paul often spoke about “the collection for the saints”. This was to help widows, orphans and those in need in Jerusalem. He was asking the saints in other churches to support the saints in need in Jerusalem, to share what little they had with those whose need was greater. He emphasized that both givers and receivers would benefit and the community would be one. On Sunday, May 10, Mother’s Day, our church will be observing Golden Cross Sunday. The observance focuses on the work of health and welfare ministries and institutions in the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference. The Golden Cross program began early in the history of the Methodist Church in America, primarily to support church related hospitals and long term health care facilities. The Golden Cross offering has continued as a way to support health and welfare ministries in each annual conference. In the Illinois Great Rivers Conference the Health and Welfare ministries that benefit are: Older Adult Ministries: Evenglow Lodge - Pontiac Serving seniors through a comprehensive range of services in a Christian multi-level care retirement community. Sunset Home - Quincy Leading the Way since 1889 in serving seniors with housing and healthcare services designed to meet their individual needs. The United Methodist Village - Lawrenceville Serving seniors with all levels of care. Wesley Village - Macomb Offering seniors a choice of independent living, healthcare, skilled care, and memory care in a caring Christian environment since 1980. Hospital Pastoral Care: Alton Memorial Hospital - Alton Improving the health of the people and communities we serve. Pastoral Care Methodist Medical Center - Peoria Providing a ministry of pastoral support to patients, families, and staff in times of medical crisis. Children & Family Ministries Chaddock Children’s Home - Quincy Offering trauma-focused services that give hope and healing to atrisk children and families through special education, community programs and residential treatment. Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House – East St .Louis A multi-purpose community center providing programs and services which empower and strengthen people of all ages. The Baby Fold - Normal Providing excellent care through residential treatment, family support, foster care, adoption, prevention services, and special education United Methodist Children’s Home - Mt. Vernon Healing today for a brighter tomorrow through excellent services for individuals, families, and communities. More than 30,000 individuals served each year 19,000 hours are given by more than 2,000 volunteers More than $10,000,000 of benevolent care is given by the above ministries When you give a gift through the Golden Cross Offering, you are giving to benefit the sick, those in financial need, the elderly, and the children – all Saints, to live a more enriching life. It is carrying on the tradition of caring and giving the financial, physical, emotional and spiritual support established by the early Methodist church. In a time of dwindling resources and rising costs, Golden Cross offerings help each of the organizations meet special needs as they arise. - Valerie Mezger-Wengstrom T HE ME S S E N G E R V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 PAGE 13 From Where I Sit Later this month, May 24, we celebrate the festival of Pentecost. When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. (Acts 2) Pentecost is a Greek word, meaning fiftieth day. It is celebrated the fiftieth day after Passover (You probably could have figured that out by yourself.) It was also not called Pentecost by the Jews (another thing you probably could have figured out). The Hebrew word is Shavuot, which means weeks. Shavuot is a harvest festival which occurs seven weeks after Passover (seven weeks, seven days in a week, Pentecost ---- you do the math). It starts at Passover with the harvesting of barley and concludes in seven weeks with the harvesting of wheat – a joyous celebration marking God’s goodness. Stick with me. There’s a point in all of this. Really. Passover is the celebration of freedom from slavery. Shavuot, as a harvest festival, is a celebration of the next step in the Exodus, the giving of the Torah (Law) which gives a different kind of freedom, still one that sustains life. As Christians, while we mark Passover, the big celebration for us at that time is Easter – a celebration of the freedom from death. Then, fifty days later, we celebrate another gift of freedom, the freedom of the arrival of the Holy Spirit, which enables us and strengthens us and manifests to us the presence of God – which also sustains life. (See? I told you there is a point.) Pentecost/Shavuot, May 24, is a day on which we celebrate the arrival of God’s Spirit into our lives, an arri- val which reminds us, as Jesus said, of everything he said to us (John 14). We remember the sounds of rushing winds, the sight of tongues of fire, the sound of God’s words being spoken so that all could hear, no matter what language they spoke. We wear reds and oranges and yellows on that day, reminding us of God’s fire filling us. This Pentecost (again, May 24), how will you celebrate God’s Spirit in your life? Will you wear red to church? Or maybe orange? However you do it, remember this: God’s Spirit is with you. No matter what, no matter where. And that sounds like a pretty good reason for a celebration! With prayer for peace and grace, Rev. Wally PS By the way, May 24 is also time for another celebration for us! We have MANY people graduating from one kind of school or another – and we’d like to recognize them! Please let us know who they are, the name of their school, and what their future plans are. We’d like to make a big deal about this – because it is a BIG DEAL! New Member Recognition on May 24 On Sunday, May 24, we will be recognizing all of our new members who have officially joined our church family in the past year. Cake will be served during fellowship time to honor our newest members and a list of our new members will be included in the May 24 bulletin. We hope you will join us in welcoming them to our church family. T HE ME S S E N G E R PAGE 14 V O LU M E 1 1 I S S U E 1 1 April 2015 Memorial Gifts GIFTS TO THE BUILDING FUND In Memory Of In Memory Of ANNE CRATERFIELD HAROLD HORWEDEL Given By: Given By: Chris & Barb Kent Chris & Barb Kent Mike & Ann Thompson In Memory Of BETTE CULLUMS Given By: Larry & Suzanne Bennett Joan Blaine Patti Christensen Liz Clegg Bill & Joann Daniels Cynthia Deck Velma Doty & Family Steve & Meg Fleming Thomas Fulton Craig & Sherry Herrick Frances Hintze Jim & Cathy Hutchings Dee Provance Mark & Becky Sebby Cathy Smith Ted Smith Mike & Pam Tessler Mike & Ann Thompson Mark & Jennie Villegas Kay Veronda Rita Washburn Becky Wisman Liz Yeates Chris & Barb Kent John & Suzanne Lissy Bill & Nancy Lyday Rich & Sharon Marizza Terry McIntire Shirley Miller & Family Wilbur & Carol Olroyd Darlene Palmer Marvin & Kris Perino Joe & Pat Phillips Jay & Katrina Plese Vickie Powell GIFTS TO THE MEMORIAL FUND In Memory Of In Memory Of BETTE CULLUMS HAROLD HORWEDEL Given By: Given By: Lorraine Vilt Lorraine Vilt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(cut here) The following gift is given In Memory Of In Honor Of _____________________________________________________________________ Amount $___________ Given to: Building Fund Memorial Fund Other ______________________________ (Please specify) Person/Family to notify of this Memorial Gift: Given by: _______________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ City ________________________ State ______ Zip Code _______ City ______________________ State ______ Zip Code _______ C OAL C ITY UNITED M ETHODIST C HURCH Reverend Walter Carlson Building families for Christ since 1886 6805 E. McArdle Road Coal City, IL 60416 Phone: 815-634-8670 Fax: 815-634-2314 E-mail: [email protected] Visit us on the web! www.coalcityum.org Join us for worship! Sunday - 8:00 am & 10:30 am Sunday School for all ages - 9:00 am A staffed nursery is available during Sunday School & our 10:30 am worship service The Mission of the Coal City United Methodist Church is to be a sanctuary where prayer, worship, acts of mercy, and study of scripture empower persons to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. All ladies are cordially invited to attend our 00 ly 1 ts n O ke tic able! il ava Ladies Tea The Messenger May 2015 Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast Sunday, May 31 Sunday, May 3 During Coffee Hour 1:00 - 3:00 pm 9:00 - 10:15 am Ticket price is $15.00 The cost is a free will donation Tickets include Lunch & Entertainment All proceeds will go to the building fund
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