A Christian Newspaper Dedicated To Deaf & But we will give ourselves ... to the ministry of the Word --- to Deaf people worldwide -- Acts 6:4 Vol. XXI, No. 2 [ Issue 118 ] March/April 2015 The burden of Silent Word Ministries is to tell the deaf "More about Jesus." Silent Word Ministries & NON PROFIT ORG PO Box 889 Trenton, GA 30752 Address Service Requested Postage Paid Permit #15 Trenton, GA 30752 SWNP – Highlighting Easter – He is Risen! Read - View - Subscribe - Unsubscribe: silentwordminis t r ie s .or g/swnp SWM Florida Fantastic Saturday – A Fantastic Day! Tabernacle Baptist Church, Orlando, FL – Pastor Steve Ware – DL: Bill Kaufmann Attendance: 248 – Churches: 32 – Deaf: 177 – Salvation Decisions: 3 – Other Decisions: 32 Moved - Address Change - Reduce Packet - Advise SWM Help us use God’s money wisely Dr. Ted Camp, Director/Founder The True Meaning of Easter Christmas and Easter Celebrations – Christmas and Easter both originated from the world celebrating the changes of nature. One (wintertime) was the shortest day of the year and the other (springtime) was new life and new beginnings. Later, these two world renown celebrations were transformed by Christians to represent the birth of Jesus (Christmas) and the resurrection of Christ Jesus (Easter). Christmas was first named Christ-mass and then later changed. Easter was a world celebration of Ester the goddess of dawn, representing springtime and new life. The "rabbit" represented springtime fertility, and the "egg" was a symbol of new life. These two days have become the two most-celebrated days in Christianity as they represent the birth and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Easter represents the beginning of springtime and new life. The deadness of wintertime is past and the springtime of new life is beginning. The True Meaning of Easter - There are many religions but only Christianity has a risen Saviour. No other religion gives eternal hope for life after death. Easter represents the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died alone on the cross to become the last sacrifice for sin. There is a song, “He could have called ten thousand angels, but He died alone for you and me.” On the cross Jesus Christ alone became the final sacrifice for sin. God only had two options in dealing with fallen humanity. He could let justice prevail and just ignore mankind, or He could provide a sinless substitute to pay the penalty for Adam's sin (Deut. 17:1). The only solution was to send His beloved Son as the perfect God-man, as the sinless sacrifice and substitute for the sin of man (John 3:16). Through Adam, all inherit the curse of sin. Through Jesus Christ, the curse of sin is removed (Rom. 5:12-17). Jesus was the sacrifice for sin and the substitute for the sinner. He alone was the perfect Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29). “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many...” (Heb. 9:28). As He died, He cried, “It is finished!” The last sacrifice for sin was made. “There is no more offering for sin” (Heb.10:18). Many thousands of lambs were offered for past atonement of sin, but when Jesus died, the sacrifices ceased. Jesus Christ was the final sacrifice for our sin. In the tomb, He was the substitute for our death, and the resurrection validated Him as the risen Saviour. He then ascended to His rightful place in Heaven at the right hand of God. He sat down and could say, “The will of God has been done! It is finished!” Because of Easter, all can now be saved. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:13). Jesus alone paid the penalty for Adam’s sin (1 Cor. 15:22). His sacrifice restored mankind again to God. The Sonrise Service - The Day “Him” Became “It” and “It” Became “Him.” Notice in the Gospels, before death, Jesus was referred to as “Him.” They bound Him, led Him, delivered Him, betrayed Him, examined Him, stripped Him, clothed Him, saluted Him, worshipped Him, mocked Him, spit upon Him, smote Him, chastised Him, scourged Him, unclothed Him, and crucified Him. Pilate said, “I will… chastise Him, and release Him.” They led Him... to crucify Him, followed Him, offered Him vinegar, gave Him to drink, and finally crucified Him. Before death, He was referred to as “Him.” After death, His body was referred to as “It.” “And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb” (Matt. 27:5960). “Then took they the body of Jesus, and wound it in linen clothes” (John 19:40). He “begged the body of Jesus. And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre” (Luke 23:52-53). After death, His body was referred to as “It” not “Him.” But after the resurrection, “It” (His body) became “Him” again! The angel said, “He is risen; He is not here… tell His disciples and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him (not “It”). “Tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth… into Galilee: there shall ye see him” (Mark 16:7). On Friday He died; “Him” became “It.” On Sunday He arose; “It” became “Him.” After His resurrection (pardon my grammar), “Him” got back in “It” and “It” became “Him” again. If “Him” had not become “It” and “It” had not become “Him,” our hope and faith would be in vain. “But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain… And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins” (I Cor. 15:13-17). No one is saved without the resurrection. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10:9). The resurrection validated and confirmed that Jesus Christ is the risen Saviour, the Son of God. The resurrection was God's “Amen” to Christ saying, “It is finished!” Because He lives, we also shall live! (I Thess. 5:10). Only Christianity has a risen Saviour! “Him” never became “It” again. He is risen. He is risen indeed! Subscribe: Ted Camp’s “Free” FYI Weekly Articles - E-Mail: [email protected] View: SilentWordMinistries.org/swnp Think On These Things By Jon Barr, President [email protected] ASL – A Changing Language The story is told of a Deaf man who went into an ice cream store. He was educated, a skilled signer, and could read lips, but no one in the store knew sign language. He ordered an ice cream cone. When asked what flavor he wanted, he responded in sign language by shaking the letter “V,” which is the sign for vanilla. Unfortunately, as the number “2” looks like the letter “V,” the clerk misunderstood and gave him 2 scoops... of chocolate. Right or Wrong? – There are many misconceptions about sign language and communication with Deaf people. ● Is Sign Language universal? No. Generally speaking, each country has its own sign language. There are over 200 sign languages. ● Is Sign Language only a visual way of presenting English? No. American Sign Language is a different language with its own grammar and syntax. ● If I know the basic signs, can I be an interpreter? No. Interpreting is a highlyspecialized skill that requires training, an understanding of Deaf culture, and the RID Code of Professional Conduct. ● Do most Deaf people read lips? No. It has been said that even the best lip readers only catch 25-30% of what is being said. Context and familiarity greatly help lip readers. ● Can Deaf people talk (use their voices)? Yes, many can. However, many Deaf people choose not to use their voices in the presence of hearing people for various reasons. ● Is writing notes adequate to communicate with Deaf people? Not necessarily. It is common for many culturally Deaf people to read English as a second language. Also, it can be very difficult to read and write a language you have never heard. ● Is the church deaf ministry limited to women? No, absolutely not. There are many Deaf men who would appreciate communicating with hearing men. Men need to learn from other men. The Language of Signs – As a hearing person who has been signing since 1976, I have seen many changes in sign language methods. There was a time that Signing Exact English (SEE) was popular. Today American Sign Thank you for your help! Language (ASL) is accepted as the natural language of the culturally Deaf. ASL can include English words, much as English has accepted words from other languages. But ASL is not English. Why Learn ASL? Dr. Bill Vicars, Associate Professor of ASL and Deaf Studies, California State University – Sacramento, in his article, (“Why Study ASL?” – lifeprint.com), said: ● Many states have passed laws recognizing ASL as a complete and natural language. Hundreds of colleges and universities throughout America now accept ASL in fulfillment of language entrance and exit requirements. ● More and more television stations are using sign language in their programs and advertising. ● Most school systems are now mainstreaming their deaf and hard of hearing students – dramatically increasing the need for sign language interpreters. ● More and more employers are looking for applicants who can sign. They know that having signers on their staff can contribute toward a good faith showing of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and similar legislation. ● While many languages are "dying off," American Sign Language is growing in usage everyday. A Changing Language – Languages change over time. For example, just a few years ago the word unfriend was not in the dictionary. It is now possible to Google your name. ASL signs change, also. The ASL sign for credit card has changed to now show swiping the card through a “reader.” The sign for computer has changed several times. Other changes: Country signs, new terms (HD, DVD), idioms. Deaf People are People – Sign Language is very interesting. However, one of the best reasons to learn ASL is the people who use it. I met my first Deaf friend at the age of 10. I did not know ASL at the time, but began to learn 7 years later. I am thankful for my Deaf friends, and I have learned very much about the Deaf community. Most hearing people would be shocked to learn how many Deaf people have been neglected or taken advantage of, even by their own families. Many churches ignore this needy group of people. I thank God for the call into the Deaf ministry and for the opportunity to teach the Bible to Deaf people. Over the years I have personally seen how the Word of God can change both Deaf and hearing lives. Would you consider learning more about the Deaf? Let an SWM missionary present this unique mission field to your church. Contact: [email protected]. Silent Word Ministries Events Fantastic ASL Institute & Deaf Men's Retreat Saturdays & D-Days! Deaf Bible Conference January 28-30, 2016 Sign & Voice • Workshops Training • Encouragement Preaching • Teaching • Fun GA – July 9-11, 2015 PA – August 6-8, 2015 Hearing – ASL Training Deaf – Bible Teaching Come For Preaching • Workshops Fellowship • Food Bring ALL Deaf Men From Your Ministry Meet Deaf People and Deaf Ministry Workers From Many Different Areas! Bring Your Whole Deaf Ministry! SilentWord.org/fs SilentWord.org/asli "Hearing Men Also Welcome" SilentWord.org/deafmen More Information Visit SilentWordMinistries.org – See Information In This Paper Write: SWM • PO Box 889 • Trenton, GA 30752 Visit Our Web Site SilentWordMinistries.org Literature – Resources Orders – Events – Links International – News Lessons – FAQ Deaf Bible Institute Much More In This Issue of The Silent Word What’s Up? ...................2 Fantastic Saturdays ......2 Carlene’s Corner ...........3 Diamonds From Diane ...3 Fingertips ......................4 OT Highlights .................4 Unforgettable Stories..... 4 Chicken Soup for Deaf.. 4 Kid’s Korner - Puzzles....5 Go With The Gospel.......5 The Deaf Can ......................5 Small Advertisements..........5 SWM Literature & Videos..6 Churches & Colleges............7 Letters .................................8 Evangelists/Missionaries......8 Deaf Missions Report........8 Deaf Bible Institute............8 Advertising Information ........8 As you read, pray for SWM Page 2 - The Silent Word News Page - Announcements - SWM Schedules - Area Fantastic Saturdays - D-Days - Super Saturdays What's Up? SWM's Missionaries, Jon & Diane Barr, will be with Bob & Brenda Himes, Bill Rice Ranch Missions, for this year's Philippines Deaf Camps, May 3 – 15. Jon will be the main speaker, and Diane will be teaching Deaf ladies. Accompanying them will be Hannah Holmquist and Sarah McDowell (both from Harvest Deaf Ministries, Ringgold, Georgia). These young ladies are already involved in ministry and this will give them exposure to foreign deaf mission work. The Barrs will be training and mentoring them and they will be assisting with music, personal time with the campers, and other needs. Pray for the Himes’ and this team as they minister to Deaf campers. Deaf news Send Your Deaf News & Announcements To [email protected] What's Up? Deaf Ladies Bible Seminar, hosted by Deaf Baptist Church, 3000 Jonquil Drive, Smyrna, Georgia, April 25, 2015, 10:00 – 3:00 Speakers: Millie (Rempel) Frega (deaf) and Vicki (Olson) Kelly (deaf). Cost $10 which covers lunch & snacks. Fellowship, music, good ood, and encouragement is the order of the day. Contact: Vicki Kelly, EM: [email protected] VP: 678-275-8910. What's Up? Deaf Men's Advance, hosted by Pastor Dave Mason, Liberty Baptist Church of the Deaf, Columbus, Ohio, April 17 – 19, 2015. The place is Stony Glen Camp, Madison, Ohio (east of Cleveland). Guest speaker, Pastor Tim Smith from Austin, Texas. The cost, $100, includes six meals, cabin accommodation, activities, T-shirt, souvenirs, and workshops. Contact: Gerald Eicher, Retreat Director, Email: [email protected] What's Up? Sympathy to deaf friend, Ray Short III, Trenton, Georgia, on the passing of his mother, Nancy, 80, Bay City, Michigan, February 27, 2015. Ray and his five siblings (hearing), 3 sisters (California & Oregon), and 2 brothers (Michigan), were all able to be together for the irst time in many years at their mother's funeral on March 7. Ray is thankful for that opportunity. What's Up? Sympathy to Missionary to he Deaf, Keith Ford, Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia, on the passing of his wife, Jane rene Ford, 77, on Friday, January 30, 2015. The Fords, with Baptist nternational Missions, served the deaf in Jamaica for many years. Jane was an mportant part of the ministry there, eaching ladies' Bible studies, soulwinning and supporting her husband. Keith continues his mission work from Ft. Oglethorpe by printing and shipping Gospel tracts and Bible materials for churches in the Caribbean Islands, Bahamas, and the USA. Thank you Keith and Jane for your faithfulness. March/April 2015 What's Up? Joan Vannatta, interpreter for the deaf, Bethel Baptist Church, Sellersville, PA, fell in the snow on February 15. She broke her left ankle in four places and dislocated her left leg. Her right ankle was also broken in two places. She has had two surgeries and will have a 4-8 week healing time before therapy begins. During one of the surgeries, a deaf man was also having surgery. She taught the doctor and nurses some signs, which was a help to the deaf man. Wishes for your complete recovery, Joan. Glad it was not your hands…. You would be out of work. (Smile) What's Up? The Fourteenth Annual Deaf Christian Senior Fellowship, April 26-29, 2015, will be at the Clarion Hotel, What's Up? Sympathy to the family of Richard Earl Fuller, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Registration $90, includes Lansing, Michigan. He died peacefully at home banquet at the Airplane Restaurant. Lodging $69 per night. on February 16, 2015, after suffering from Theme “Following Jesus.” FMI: Contact Don Chevalley, cancer for four years. Richard attended the [email protected]. VP:571-384-5156; (See ad, p. 5) Michigan School for the Deaf in Flint and What's Up? Mid-Atlantic Deaf Christian Athletic graduated in 1953. He retired after 31 years Association announces its 23rd Bowling Tournament, working at General Motors. Richard was a April 11, 2015, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. It is hosted by Salem faithful member of Capitol City Baptist Church, Holt, Michigan, for 40 years. He will be missed by Baptist Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia and will take place his wife of 51 years, Marilyn, brother, Raymond, and other at Liberty Center, 5801 Southpointe Center Blvd, Fredericksburg. Deadline for Team registration is March 28. family members, as well as his church family. Cost per team is $120. Contact: Don Chevalley, Email: What's Up? 8th Annual Deaf Revival with Ronnie Rice at [email protected]; VP:571-384-5156 Burem Missionary Baptist Church, 1324 Burem Road, th Rogersville, TN – Saturday April 25, Dinner 5 PM, Service What's Up? Announcing the 35 Anniversary celebration of Deaf Baptist Fellowship of America to be held in 7 PM – Sunday, April 26, 11 AM. Contact: Lori Bradley 423-754-0407 (voice or relay) or Gerri Kulakowsky Email: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, June 23 – 26, 2015 (Registration Fee $35).The meetings will be conducted at [email protected] Text: 423-754-6442 Freedom Baptist Church (freedombaptistchurchpf.com) in What's Up? Missionaries to the Deaf, Bob & Judy Van Pigeon Forge beginning Tuesday morning at 11 AM. A Sant (BIMI) returned to their field of service in Simferopol, special banquet is planned for Friday (cost $15 per person) Russia. Since their arrival, they have with the final service at 7 PM. Hosted by: Dr Fred Adams, been busy getting caught up with all the DBFA President, Rev Mark Coleman, DBFA Vice happenings in the churches, attending President, and Dr Reggie Rempel, host pastor. Visit DBFA two church sweetheart banquets, and facebook page and dbfa.net for more information. preparing for their annual Ladies Day Banquet, which 50 – 60 ladies will attend. At the request of the men in the church, Bob meets with leaders on Saturdays to teach and train them in the operations of the church. With all the turmoil in their area, they want to know what to do in all situations that could occur. Usually, people just depend on the pastor to handle everything, so Bob is very encouraged that the men want to learn and be responsible. They are in the process of getting the churches registered (a requirement that the Russians What's Up? Sword Deaf Baptist College, Andersonville, have in place). In the beginning, they were informed that a Tennessee, Dr. Fred Adams, had a groundbreaking deaf man could not be the pastor, but after interviewing ceremony for a college dorm on February 12, 2015. Many Deaf Pastor Slava, they agreed he was very capable. This leaders representing Deaf ministries joined in this very is a victory for the church and the Deaf. special occasion. SWM Fantastic Saturday With Jon & Diane Barr - SWM Home Church Host Church: Piney Grove Baptist Church, Trenton, GA – Pastor John Smith Attendance: 76 – 38 Deaf – 8 Churches – 3 Salvation Decisions – 14 Other Decisions SWM 14th Annual Deaf Men’s Retreat Trenton, GA – 17 Attended Next Year: Jan 28-30, 2016 – 2016 Theme: “You Are Special To God” Annual SWM Community Sign Language Class Taught by Nicole Condra (SWM) Teach A Class In Your Area With “Loxy” Book (SWM) SWM Fantastic Saturday With Jon & Diane Barr Host Church: Southside Baptist Church, Rock Hill, SC – Pastor Ken Walters Attendance: 76 – 38 Deaf – 8 Churches – 3 Salvation Decisions – 14 Other Decisions Mission Trip David Bennett recently traveled to Romania and Lithuania to meet Deaf leaders at the 2015 European Deaf Pastors & Leader’s Conference. He distributed SWM Gospel DVDs. There is a need to disciple and train more Deaf leaders in this region! European Deaf Pastors and Leader’s Conference More than 20 countries represented Deaf Ministry Training Opportunities ASL Institute & Deaf Bible Conference Fantastic Saturdays - D-Day Schedules Georgia Pennsylvania July 9-11, 2015 August 6-8, 2015 Annual area-wide meetings to Teach & Train Deaf people and Deaf workers. Teaching is clear, exciting, and challenging. Includes a free lunch, prizes, and games. All deaf ministries invited. Contact local church for registration. See church ads for e-mail contact. Plan to attend! Mar 21 - Puente Hills Baptist Church – Covina, CA – FS – Barr Mar 28 - Signs of Life Baptist Church – Phoenix, AZ – DD – Barr Apr 18 - Forrest Hills @ Mountain View BC – Snellville, GA – FS – Barr ASL Training – Workshops – Practice – Help Clear Bible Teaching – Workshops They are called “Fantastic” because they are “Fantastic” They are called “Fantastic” Because they are “Fantastic” More Info – www.SilentWordMinistries.org/asli FREE 12th Annual Deaf Men’s Retreat Harvest Baptist Church of the Deaf Pigeon Forge, TN – 37 Attended Speakers David Smith, David Booth, Fred Adams, Bob Vansant, John Olson, Mark Coleman, Reggie Rempel See next newspaper issue for more Fantastic Saturdays & D-Days. See next newspaper issue for more Fantastic Saturdays & D-Days. Online Deaf Bible Course . le In D eaf B i b rg stitute .o New! @ SilentWordMinistries.org Ne w See DBI Ad – Page 8 – For More Details A Ministry of Silent Word Ministries ! ! Ne w PDF Downloads 50% Off www.silentwordministries.org/downloads Bundles FREE 15 Different “ILY” Graphics Download: SilentWordMinistries.org 1. Free Just For Visiting Our Website 2. Click on the “I Love You” hand ! Ne w www.silentwordministries.org/bundles Ne w ! New Items www.silentwordministries.org/new 3. Download and Enjoy 4. Thank You For Visiting! Can U Find Me? Find the heart hidden in this newspaper. Silent Word Newspaper "The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it." -- Psalm 68:11 Disclaimer: SWNewspaper is a Christian newspaper which prints news items, advertisements, and promotions from many different people and areas of the Deaf world. SWNewspaper is sent to Deaf educational organizations and many Deaf schools. SWM does require all ads to agree with our Baptistic Articles of Faith. Naturally, SWM does not necessarily endorse policies, programs or principles of advertisers or advertised products or materials. Ads also help pay for the "free" newspaper. SWM does reserve final editorial rights and is not responsible for accuracy of information included. A free copy of SWM articles of faith and guidelines is available upon request. SWM is an independent missionary Baptist ministry and is not supported or funded by any foundations or organizations. Churches: Upon request, we will send a free packet of 10, 20, 30, or 50 Newspapers. Nearly 6,000 papers are sent to more than 650 churches. Average circulation is 12,500, with an estimated 50,000 readership. It is printed by Chattanooga Times Free Press. [email protected] E-Mail Policy - SWM does not respond to E-mail/mail without name and address. Please, no forwards, graphics,orE-cards. Copyright: You have permission to copy or download articles in this newspaper. The article should not be changed, and credit should be given to this publication. – SWNewspaper Editor March/April 2015 “... a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.” – Proverbs 31:30 Carlene’s Corner By Carlene Camp E-Mail: [email protected] Why? Why? Why? It is natural to want good health, a long life, obedient and happy children, and a successful marriage. Loyal friends, a comfortable home, successful jobs, close relationships, understanding, security, and to live happily ever after are also desired. But life is not like that. All of us have a measure of things that bring us joy and happiness. And everyone, even the best of Christians, the best of families, will have reasons to ask, “Why?” Life is filled with trials, hurt, neglect, difficulties, hard times, tragedies, horrific crimes, injustice, illness, death, and abuse. Daily we read about it in the newspaper or see it on TV. Real life for everyone will have its tough times. “Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). The Silent Word - Page 3 When the whys come, some suggestions that may help: 1. Focus your mind on God. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee” (Isaiah 26:3). God knows everything. He knows how we feel, what makes us afraid, what we need and how to help us. He knows the end from the beginning. 2. Talk to someone who cares. Remember that broken hearts are not healed by explanation or by understanding the why. Even if you knew why, you would still have the hurt. Broken hearts are healed by the love of God, family, and friends, and the hope we Early this year, friends in our local church lost their have in God. “Be of good courage, and he shall precious two-year-old grandson from an accidental strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the fall. In December 2014, the star quarterback on our Lord” (Psalm 31:24). local school football team took his own life. An older 3. Realize your helplessness, and depend on God couple in Georgia on a trip to see a car advertised on who is all powerful. Taking our hands off and the Internet were robbed and murdered. Missionary surrendering to God can give peace that passes friends lost their grandson in a mobile home understanding. I remember a time in my life when I We worked hard at treating the foster children the explosion. Stories like these could be repeated again struggled for the answer. I was physically, mentally, same as our own children. That included certain rules and again. In times like these, it is only natural for the emotionally and spiritually exhausted. The moment I of the household and a certain lifestyle. Each was “Whys?” to come. said, “Lord, I can’t do it anymore, I surrender, I expected to obey and do his part as a member of the give up,” His peace came over me like a warm I have learned that God allows us to ask why, as long amily. Often this deaf young lady asked to go certain places or to be involved in activities that we felt were as we trust and obey Him. Even Jesus, on the cross blanket. I will never forget that experience. Now, not in her best interest. When we told her “No,” she asked, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken when I am tempted to worry and to struggle for the esponded with, “Why? Why? Why?” As she signed me?” But while He was asking why, He was being answer, I remember His peace. I was helpless, but his word, she also voiced it. After 40 years, Ted and obedient. Perhaps, the same as Job, we will never God gave me comfort and contentment. It was all in still mimic that cute personality quirk. Of course, we know the answers for why things happen. But may the surrender. all know that almost every child when told that he we say along with Job, “Though He slay me, yet will Why? Why? Why? We may never know, but God cannot do something or have something, will ask this I trust in him...” (Job 13:15). Maybe in Heaven we knows and He cares. He never makes a mistake. We amous question, “Why?” Think about it. Has your will know the reasons why. We can be assured of can always trust Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). child, after telling him “yes” or giving him what he God’s love (Romans 8:38 & 39), wisdom (James “Casting all your care upon him; wanted, asked “Why?” I don’t think so. It seems that 3:17), and justice (Romans 12:19) We can learn to for he careth for you” he “Why?” of life is ongoing. But as we mature, our be content and leave the why unanswered. “I have – 1 Peter 5:7 Whys” are different from the times we were children learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be and wanted our own way. Or, are they? Perhaps, the content” (Philippians 4:11). Paul learned to be This is written because I care… Carlene content under all circumstances and situations. change is in the things we want. In our early years of ministry when Ted was pastor, we had the opportunity to be foster parents to several deaf children. It was a joy and a challenge. We learned more about deaf culture from the experience, and we hope we were an encouragement and help to the foster children. One foster child was a beautiful, energetic and outgoing teenage girl. Her personality was the type that people of all ages liked. She knew how to win hearts. Diamonds From Diane Barr [email protected] Sunshine Did you think this winter would ever go away? In the past ew months, we have seen many headlines like “Harsh Winter Weather Snarls Dallas Airport Traffic, Leaving Hundreds Stranded,” “Harsh Winter Weather Taking A Toll On Local Businesses,” “Harsh Winter Depleting Blood Donations,” “Six Feet of Snow in the Last Month and Counting” (Boston). Many people have resorted to what one news anchor, Jim Watkins, calls “WWW - Winter Weather Whining.” They gripe and complain. Some areas did not get a lot of snow, but people still complained about he days and weeks of rain and wintry-mix. Some moved to Florida, the Sunshine State, and many more considered it! The rain, snow, cold weather, snow shoveling, and sliding on the ice may not be over, but at least for a few days, many are seeing some sunshine. Maybe the weather is very different in your area, but much more important than the weather outside, is the “weather” n your heart. Are you “whining” because of the cold and gloomy things that have happened to you? It is so easy to ocus on the negatives – and there truly are many negative hings that happen around us and to us. As we cannot change the weather, we often cannot change those circumstances. But we can change our responses to them. Will we complain about the “harsh” situation, or will we ook for the “sunshine” in it? In the Bible (read Ruth 1-4), Ruth had some very harsh things happen to her. Her husband passed away. She needed to leave her home and move to a new country with a very different culture. As a poor widow, she felt the responsibility to support her mother-in-law as well as herself. Her only means of support was to gather the grain that the farmers left behind. Yet she did all this without complaining, and God rewarded her greatly. He brought to her a new husband and blessed her with a child. Later, her great-grandson was David, the king of Israel. Her sunshine was not caused by her outside circumstances. Her sunshine was on the inside. She had sunshine in her soul because she had God’s love and she allowed God to work her situation for His glory. Let God give you sunshine in your soul today! 29th Annual Deaf Baptist Ladies Retreat October 8-10, 2015 “Thoughts From Terry” Written For Women By Women Terry Bracelin, SWM Theme: Bow The Knee You are a Rock The wise man built his house upon the rock … The wise man built his house upon the rock … The wise man built his house upon the rock, and the rains came tumbling down. The rains came down and the floods came up … The rains came down and the floods came up … The rains came down and the floods came up and the house on the rock stood firm! Location: The Conference Center At Valley Forge Valley Forge, Pennsylvania – Web: nc3.org Host: Valley Forge Baptist Temple Contact: Terry Bracelin – 610-656-8695 [email protected] Deaf Baptist Ladies Retreat www.DeafLadiesRetreat.org You may remember singing this song as a child. It contains great truths from God’s Word (Matthew 7:24-27). Do you want that kind of house? Do you desire to have a firm foundation? When you are going through a storm – tornado – flood – snowstorm – where will your house be when it is calm? Someone said to me one time, “You are like a rock – stand firm!” I was quiet, but I know Who my Rock is – Jesus! I want to build my life on Jesus alone! I want to stand on a firm foundation. You will never know how strong you are until you go through a storm in your life. Recently, my husband, Jim, went out hunting with his cousin. They always go out with two or three men at a time. They hunted all afternoon and saw nothing. Jim was up in his tree stand and it was time to come down. He took his safety strap off the tree from his safety harness. He was getting ready to come down the tree when his tree stand broke and he fell down ten to fifteen feet to the ground. He was hurt badly, but knew his cousin was close enough to call to come and help. He was able to get up with help and went to the hospital. Jim called me and I immediately drove to the hospital to meet them. As his wife, I wanted to be there for him, to help him, to care for him, and to support him, even in this testing time. Jim’s cousin said to him later, “Wow! I was amazed how calm Terry was in the hospital.” How can that be? Only because of Jesus … He is my Rock … He is my strength! ...Thoughts from Terry Page 4 - The Silent Word If They Don’t Understand The Way You Teach - Then Teach The Way They Understand! Some Things I Have Learned Highlights Of The Old Testament Reed Condra Jim Bracelin - V.P. “Bible Teacher” Northeast Director [email protected] [email protected] - ReedandDonna.com OBADIAH When you think of the book Obadiah, think of the prophet Obadiah and his message about Isaac's twin boys, Jacob and Esau... (and the nations they became). The Jewish Nation began with the patriarch Abraham. He had a son named Isaac who had twin sons named Jacob and Esau. Jacob's name was later changed to Israel. The Promised Land was named Israel after Jacob. His descendants were called the "children of Israel" or "Israelites." Jacob's twin brother also had a land. Esau's land was called Edom. Descendants of Esau were called Edomites. When enemy armies marched into Israel, the Edomites were glad. They were happy that the Jews were being destroyed. When some Jews tried to run and hide, Edomites told the enemies where to find them. Many suffered and died because Edom was jealous against Israel. The book Obadiah tells how God would punish Edom's hatred. Because Edom stood against Israel, God would destroy the Edomites and their fortified dwellings. Obadiah is the book of Edom's downfall. Think About: “Pity” pity (noun) - feelings of sorrow for someone else's pain "Pity" in Obadiah Of all people, Edom should have pitied Israel in their time of trouble. The Edomites were close relatives of the Jews, but they did not show love or pity. Application: "Brotherly love" is a virtue you need to succeed for God. Who is there that needs your mercy, grace, love, or pity? Reach out today to those closest to you! Note: Download Highlights from Catalog SilentWordMinistries.org SWMB Needs “More” Missionaries Go into all the world - Includes the Deaf Contact: Jon Barr, [email protected] 1. SWMB Deaf Evangelists, Missionaries, Pastors – Qualified Deaf preachers to conduct revivals and meetings, and assist in SWM meetings. Deaf pastors needed for deaf churches. Need to raise support. 2. SWM Regional Directors. Experienced, like-minded preachers who can teach and preach in signs and voice to “duplicate” SWM Northeast Deaf Ministries. 3. SWMB Representative. Experienced, like-minded preacher (signs & voice) to visit colleges and churches, to teach sign language, to assist in SWM meetings. 4. SWMI Foreign Missionaries (Hearing & Deaf). Qualified missionaries to relocate in foreign countries to reach the Deaf for Christ, help establish deaf churches, help nationals and churches become more aware of Deaf, and make team trips. Contact: SWMI Director, David Bennett, [email protected] “Come Help Us - Reach the Deaf World for Christ.” SilentWordMinistries.org Five Things You Should Know 1. Know you need to be saved because one day you will die. "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Romans 5:12). 2. Know you cannot save yourself. "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us..." (Titus 3:5). Trust the Lord! 3. Know only Jesus can save. He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6). No one is saved without Jesus. 4. Know you must pray and accept Jesus. "But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God" (John 1:12). Will you receive Him? 5. Know you need to do it now! Tomorrow may be too late! "...now is the accepted time...now is the day of salvation" (II Cor. 6:2). If you die without Jesus Christ, it would have been better if you had never been born. “It would have been good for that man if he had not been born” (Matthew 26:24). Don’t die without Jesus Christ! Pray and be saved now! Tomorrow could be too late! [ ]"Yes, I know I am a sinner. I now pray and accept Jesus Christ to be my Savior. I believe He died, rose, and is now alive to save me. I want to go to Heaven. I now accept Jesus to save me.” [ ] “I am now saved.” - Amen! Signed________________________________________ Sword Deaf Baptist Church Independent Fundamental Baptist KJB 7503 Bell Road, Knoxville, Tennessee 37938 Missionary/Pastor Fred Adams Our ministry is to reach the Deaf of Knoxville, Tennessee, with the Gospel. Bible Training For the Deaf Dr. Fred Adams, President Purpose: To train men and women, both deaf and hearing, to prepare for Christian ministry to the Deaf. 4 Years Bible Degree Pastorate – Bible Studies – World Missions Christian Education – Deaf Education Sign Language Program Interpreter Training Program Location: 3602 Andersonville Hwy, Andersonville, TN 37705 More Information Contact: Dr. Fred Adams Sword Deaf Ministries PO Box 70289 – Knoxville TN 37938 March/April 2015 Sloooow Doooown! As a Missionary to the Deaf I Have Learned... (Please keep an open mind and remember that these are my personal opinions about the Deaf in general, not all Deaf.) Many years ago, when I was still new at preaching to Deaf people, Dr. Cathy Rice (Bill Rice Ranch) gave me good advice. She said, “Slow down, Jon.” In fact, she repeated that to me almost every time before she saw me preach in sign language. At first her advice did not seem to make sense, but later I understood the wisdom of her words. Interpreting and preaching to a group of Deaf people is not the same as signing a conversation. Casual conversation allows for interaction between two or more people. When the message is not understood, questions can be asked. If the signed message is too fast, sometimes the “listener” may not understand, even with a “normal” conversation. It is possible to sign so fast that normal people cannot understand. Recently I watched a Deaf person share a prayer request. He signed very fast. Later I asked a Deaf preacher if he understood the other Deaf person’s prayer request. He said, “No. It was signed too fast.” Never assume others understand you. It is wise to sign slowly and clearly. When you interpret for a fast speaking pastor, consider Paul’s words, “Yet in the church I had rather speak five words [signs] with my understanding, that by my voice [signs] I might teach others also, than ten thousand words [signs] in an unknown tongue [signing too fast]” (1 Cor.14:19). Slow down. Consider the message you are interpreting. Do not sign every word; sign the ideas, the concepts. Rephrase the message into simple, easy-tounderstand signed sentences. Choose one clear way of signing the message, rather than including the duplicate words, phrases, and ideas that you may hear. As you sign more slowly, you will notice that your mind works faster, and your body will relax more. Only sign what you understand. Order SWM pamphlet DM10, “Speaking to Deaf People Using an Interpreter,” FREE PDF download use coupon: DM10 – Visit: catalog.silentwordministries.org Ne w! Set Set Set Set Set Set I Have Learned that when you teach the Deaf difficult, but learnable ideas, remember that they are also visual. The Deaf listen with their eyes. Use common sense illustrations, pictures, object lessons and white boards. Explain the concept from every angle until you see understanding on their faces. Then to ensure they truly understood, ask some probing questions that require answers other than just yes or no. If they really understand, you will notice them explaining it to others. When one of your Deaf understands what you are teaching, use him to explain it to the other Deaf. This will allow you to see if they “really” understood it, and it also serves as a way for you to learn a new way to explain it … the “Deaf” way! There is nothing wrong with the minds of the Deaf. They just can’t hear, and English words are not their first language. ASL is the language they prefer. Put the thoughts in signs the best way you can, and watch your Deaf grow and grow and grow. I have learned that most Deaf want to help hearing people learn sign language. Some hearing think that they must be perfect in signs before signing to the Deaf. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Deaf are some of the most patient people I know. They have been my best teachers. Many different Deaf have helped me very much. They still teach me signs today. Deaf are willing to invest in someone who is serious about learning sign language. I have also learned that if they think you have ulterior motives for learning signs, they may shun you. I have watched the Deaf encourage new interpreters when they have problems. Why? In my opinion, the more interpreters a Deaf person has, the more opportunities they have for fellowship and a social life. If there are more people who know signs, then they will get to know more people. Deaf people are very patient if they see a genuine desire on your part to learn their language. Jump in; the water’s fine! If you start drowning, they will throw you a life preserver! Ne Rem wly B e tt a s te re d er Q [ ] $10 One Set/3 Sermons – [ ] $50 6 Sets/18 Sermons ualit Speakers: (TC) Ted Camp–(RR) Ronnie Rice (RC) Reed Condra - (JS) J. Scott .com y! “Classic” Deaf Preaching Series Preached in the Mid-80s At the Bill Rice Ranch #1 - Who Can Forgive Sin? (TC) / New Life (RR) / Four Things Are True (TC) #2 - Hearing About Jesus (RR) / Looking Unto Jesus (RR) / Give Your Life to God (TC) #3 - God's Last Judgment (TC) / Paul's Testimony (RR) / Deaf Can Be Strong (RR) #4 - God's Anger (RR) / God's Free Gift (RC) / Four Steps to be Christian (JS) #5 - Change Your Life (TC) / How Much God Loves Deaf (RR) / The Steps of a Good Man (TC) #6 - What is Sin? (TC) / The Place of Hell (TC) / Jonah (RR) Each Includes SWM Promo and Gospel - Please Add $4 P&H SWMission Board “Meet SWM Missionaries” by SWMB Director Jon Barr [email protected] Ted's Unforgettable Deaf Stories One Deaf Can Make A Difference Introducing Nicole Condra Missionary to the Deaf of Romania Nicole Condra is a second-generation missionary to the Deaf. She grew up knowing sign language and working with Deaf people alongside her parents, Reed and Donna Condra (SWM). When once asked about her specific call into deaf missions, Nicole replied, "I don't ever remember a time when God called me out of deaf missions." In 2010, while serving as SWM home office missionary, Nicole realized a growing conviction that the Lord wanted her to be a foreign missionary. In 2011 on a mission trip to Romania, Nicole met many Deaf people and introduced the deaf ministry to churches, national pastors, and missionaries. It was there she received a deeper and abiding desire to be a foreign missionary. Many churches on foreign fields have no ministry to the Deaf, even though many Deaf people may live in their area. Nicole's burden is to assist existing churches on various foreign fields by starting deaf ministries, training nationals, and reaching and teaching Deaf people with the Gospel. Nicole is on deputation to serve in Romania and Eastern Europe as a missionary and needs your prayer during her pre-field ministry of raising her support and sharing her burden. Special Prayer Request: Nicole is raising funds for a good car for deputation(Present need: $4,000). FMI or schedule a meeting, contact: [email protected] – 706-657-8000 Pray for more Missionaries to the Deaf World Marquette Manor Baptist Church in Illinois While at the Bill Rice Ranch, I established a deaf ministry in this church. It was my practice to teach Sign Language at night and visit the deaf during the day. As I visited the Deaf, I heard of a deaf man who worked at the post office and felt greatly impressed I should visit him. It was wintertime, it was cold, and the snow was deep. I got his address and visited him several times, but he was never at home. I left notes each time for him to come and visit our church. Finally, one night, he came to our church. He wanted to know who kept visiting his home and leaving notes. His name was Daniel Lievens, and he really enjoyed the church and made new friends. He later became a member of the church. But that's not the end of the story. Daniel had a Deaf son, Brian, who also decided to follow his dad in church. But that's not the end of the story. Brian became a preacher and became one of few Deaf to graduate from Bob Jones University. But that's not the end of the story. Brian married the daughter of Mark and Jan Coleman, Deaf pastor in Illinois. But that’s not the end of the story. Brian later became the pastor of a deaf church in East Delavan, WI. But that’s not the end of the story. Many years later, in 2012, I spoke at a Deaf Retreat in Wisconsin. Brian personally thanked me for visiting his dad many years before. I am also very glad I did not give up! The story still continues... Ne w ! Download SWM Materials More Than 50 Downloads – One-half Cost Order Direct from Online Catalog No Waiting – No Postage & Handling www.Catalog.SilentWordMinistries.org Many Faces, Many Philosophies, Many Signs, But One Need - Christ! March/April 2015 The Deaf Can My Heart’s Desire K i d ’s K o r n e r By Ronnie Rice [email protected] The Silent Word - Page 5 “...my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel (Deaf) is, that they might be saved.” – Romans 10:1 Missionary Allen Snare Start [email protected] Amazing Maze The Deaf Can Serve the Lord hope that in the future Deaf people will be used more and more to serve the Lord. It is my desire to see Deaf people become mature and used of the Lord. It is my desire to serve God. I want to encourage Deaf people to do more and get more involved. I am Deaf and I can do it! I have been serving for many years. If I can do it - so can you! Finish Bible Trivia Compiled By Jeremy Shiffer Do You Know? 01. The first person to die ____________ 02. The first King of Israel __________ 03. The first murderer _______________ 04. The first born baby __________ (GN 4:1) 05. The first miracle of Jesus ___________ 06. The first man did not die ______________ 07. The first prophet of Israel A_________(GN 20:7). 08. The first judge of Israel O___________(Jdgs 3:9) 09. The first letter of Hebrew Alphabet A_______ 10. The first word in NT _____ Answers: 1.Abel - 2.Saul - 3. Cain - 4. Cain 5. Water into Wine 6. Enoch 7. Abraham 8. Othniel 9. Alpha 10. The There are some things the Deaf cannot do. Deaf people cannot play the piano or sing with their voices. Deaf people cannot hear a bad muffler, birds, or even a crying baby. Deaf people cannot hear the chimes of Christmas or the Christmas Cantata. Deaf people cannot hear radio broadcasts, sirens, alarms, or a knock on the door. There are some things that the Deaf cannot do. But all Deaf can serve the Lord and do right. Not everyone can be the pastor, but everyone can be faithful and serve the Lord. The church needs more Deaf to be involved and become eaders and followers. The Deaf can be leaders in their classes and church. Deaf are becoming deacons, ushers, and helpers. Some Deaf are singing specials in deaf services. Some Deaf ladies help in the kitchen and nursery. Some Deaf are teaching and discipling other Deaf. Some Deaf are now preachers, evangelists, and missionaries. It s wonderful to see the Deaf do it! First, the Deaf need to become faithful and meet all the requirements of the church o serve. Just being Deaf does not qualify or disqualify you. You can get involved in your church and Deaf ministry. You can do it! Remember, Deaf people should also meet he same standards as hearing people. Stories of Deaf Salvation I read the story of Peter and Jesus from the Bible in John 21:15 to 22. Peter rebuked and denied Jesus. Peter departed from the Lord and went back to work the net of fishes. Jesus still loved him. When they were together to eat, Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me?" Peter answered Him, "Yes." Jesus said to him three times, "Feed My sheep (people)." Peter was sad in his heart because he denied the Lord three times. He then became glad and later stood and preached at Pentecost. Three thousand souls were saved. Peter remained faithful and never again denied the Lord. Peter had a new beginning. In 1975 I graduated from Tennessee Temple Schools. I become Deaf pastor of Bel Air Baptist Church in El Paso, Texas. One year I took our deaf to Bill Rice Ranch. Later, as I preached in my church five Deaf boys came to the altar and told me they need saved. I thought they were recently saved at the Bill Rice Ranch. They explain that they now understood and want to be sure they are saved. I show them Gospel. They prayed and now know they are saved. Praise the Lord! It is good to know for sure you are saved. If you are not sure then the Gospel can also help you know you are truly saved. My desire is to preach, witness, and see more Deaf saved. I pray for all my meetings, Fantastic Saturdays, and deaf camps this year that more Deaf will be saved this year. Please pray for my ministry. Fourteenth Annual Deaf need spiritual help... Contact: [email protected] Deaf Christian Senior Fellowship Salvation Follow Up Program Online – Click: April 26-29, 2015 What is True - What is False? Follow 8 Steps .org Sponsored by Silent Word Ministries Creation vs Evolution What about dinosaurs? What about cave men? Could all the animals enter the Ark? What about the Worldwide Flood? What About the Big Bang? What is the age of the Earth? What is Carbon Dating? Who created God? What is the difference in Creation and Evolution? “Following Jesus” Clarion Hotel 314 West Bijou St. – Colorado Springs, CO 80905 Phone: (719) 471-8680 For Answers, View These Trusted Links... Many Things To See And Do And more… “Garden of the Gods” – Pike’s Peak Cheyenne Mountain Zoo – Seven Falls Manitou Springs Historic District Peterson Air and Space Museum Registration $90 Jay Seegert - CEC - [email protected] Whatstheevidence.net Eternal-productions.org Carl Kerby - rforh.com AnswersInGenesis.org Includes Banquet Ticket Banquet at Airplane Restaurant Silent Word Ministries - PO Box 889 - Trenton, GA 30752 Order Free SWM Tracts “Evolution or Creation?” SWM Special Study: “Creation or Evolution?” For more info: Contact Don Chevalley – (571) 384-5156 Send Registration: Ron Bagby - 4404 E. 112th Terrace - Kansas City, MO 64137 Word Search Puzzle Find Words – Search in all Directions Designed by Tabitha Beam, SWM “Fantastic Saturday” Did You Know? H E News and Info From the Deaf World SWNP Reporter Tabitha Beam – [email protected] (Views are those of the authors. Published for your information.) NYC Mayor's Vibrant Deaf Interpreter Creates His Own Storm – Deepti Hajela - News.Yahoo.com – January 29, 2015 – Condensed for SWNP Jonathan Lamberton, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's sign language interpreter, is getting attention for his highly animated ways during recent weather briefings. Lamberton, a certified Deaf interpreter, [used] big gestures, incorporating his whole body, along with facial movements. It's American Sign Language, but the way Lamberton speaks it makes the difference. Born Deaf to Deaf parents, he grew up communicating in ASL, essentially making it his native tongue. So he signs with the full range of expressiveness Deaf people use with each other. "I think ASL has typically been depicted to the public in the 'nicer' form that hearing people use, and that Deaf people typically use with hearing people," Lamberton said. "The ASL that Deaf people use among each other hasn't been seen on screen much, so I think that's part of the reason people reacted so strongly." He works with a hearing partner who translates what is being said into ASL, which Lamberton then puts into a form that's broadly understandable….He appreciated the opportunity to inform the wider hearing world more fully about ASL. "A lot of people seem to be enjoying my work…I'm not there for their entertainment or to steal anyone's show. I'm there to communicate critical information to the deaf community," he said. "But people are seeing how beautiful ASL can be, and I'm happy about that." I S R I S E Did You Know? SWM Eagle Wings Sign “ILY” Needed “Nine” More New “Senders” Join “Sender’s Club” Send $10 Monthly Help Us Send “Free” SW Newspaper This paper is possible because of People like You! 1. [ ] I am joining “SWM Monthly Sender’s Club [Enclosed is my first $10 monthly support.] Newest Sender’s Club Members... Perry & Dianne Ward, Coon Rapids, Minnesota 2. [ ] I am sending a one-time gift for the paper. [Enclosed is my one-time gift of $_____ ] Each gift will receive two special “ILY” gifts (1) Large ILY Magnet (2) ILY Lapel Pin Name _____________ Add ____________________ City ___________________ ST____ ZIP__________ SWM - PO Box 889 - Trenton, GA 30752 Find The Words Balls Fellowship Learn Testimony Cheese Fun Lessons Tickets Deaf Games Lunch Workshops Drawing Gospel Prizes Exciting Grow Saturday Fantastic Laugh Songs Don’t Forget To Search The Scriptures - John 5:39 Advertisements Classified Ads Fill Your Tract Rack - Give Tracts! Thousands view So should You! Ne w Gospel Tracts For: (Key:) +Deaf *Everyone - Hearing 1. [ 2. [ 3. [ 4. [ 5. [ 6. [ 7. [ 8. [ 9. [ 10 [ 11.[ 12.[ 13.[ 14.[ 15.[ [ ] * Are Deaf People Lost? ] + I Am Deaf, But I Want You to Hear This ] * What You Need to Do After You Are Saved ] + In Heaven Forever - No more suffering... ] * Pardon Me - Good Intro & Prison tract ] * The Worst Thing That Can Happen to You ] * Evolution or Creation - Which is Right? ] + What God Wants The Deaf To Know ] + Something The Deaf Can Hear ] * Your Appointment With God ] - Educated but Empty by George Mueller ] * Rapture Warning - Don’t Be Left Behind ] * Are There Many Ways to Heaven?. ] * What God Wants You To Know - By Paul Levin ] *Deaf ASL Alphabet Card - Gospel on back of ABC card ] Sample Packet – 5 of each Tract - $_______ Gift for SWM Name and Address____________________________________ SWM Tracts are sent FREE as the Lord provides. ! Specials – New – Featured New Search – Easy to Find Pictures – Descriptions - Downloads Click “Catalog” At SilentWordMinistries.org Or Enter: Catalog.SilentWordMinistries.org Debit – Visa – Mastercard – More .com Daily Devotions Bible Studies - Gospel Deaf Leadership Training “In Signs and Voice” Christian Historical Fiction Novels by Belinda Jo Adams Each novel has a Deaf Character Order From Silent Word Ministries Page 6 - The Silent Word Orders - Gifts - Books - DVDs - Lessons - Foreign Sign Language - Visit SilentWordMinistries.org for More Swm - Christian Growth Series Large Manuals Special Sign Language Jewelry Prices As Listed [ ] All $25 ($38 Value) [ ]$10 Each [ ]$50 all 6 Christian Interpreter’s Manual LM1 [ ] Many Authors Over 50 Lectures For Interpreters KJV Bible Dictionary LM2 [ ] By Ted Camp 800+ Words & Helps – Interpreters Learn To Sign KJV Words Basic Bible Doctrines LM4 [ ] By Ted Camp + Others Teach: Truth & False - Right & Wrong Bible Sign Language Book LM5 [ ] By Ted Camp + Others Sign Names For Bible Characters Plus Religious Signs CG01[ CG02[ CG03[ CG04[ CG05[ CG06[ CG07[ CG08[ CG09[ CG10[ CG14[ CG15[ CG16[ CG17[ CG18[ CG19[ ] $3 What Means KJV Words - Allen Snare ] $3 Christian Spiritual Growth - Ted Camp ] $2 Bible Timelines - Ted Camp ] $2 Trust and Obey - Ted Camp ] $2 Stewardship - Tithe - Teach Stewardship ] $2 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit - B.R. Gearrin ] $5 52 Quick Bible Lessons -Ted Camp ] $1 Discipleship Program - Teacher & Student ] $1 Memorize Scriptures - Easily Signed KJV ] $2 Open & Closed Doors - Opportunity - Camp ] $3 Hard Words Christians Should Know - TC ] $2 Christian Relationships - Christian Unity - TC ] $2 Attributes of Almighty God - Ted Camp ] $2 Character Traits/Actions Good Christian - TC ] $3 Bible Survey of Old & New Testament - TC ] $3 Study of Spiritual Gifts - Doctrine - Ted Camp Young Reader’s Christian Library LM6 [ ] By Jon & Diane Barr 75 Traditional Hymns Words changed – Ready to Sign 118 Activities For Deaf Friendship Pins In Sign Language [ ] $10 One Set/3 Sermons Interpreter Pins in Sign Language Plus SWM Promo and Gospel IP1 [ ]$10 Interpreter Pin (Goldtone ¾” high) Deaf History & Heritage Series Documented Resource Material For References People Who Made A Difference in The Deaf World DD02 [ ] $7 Large Manual Includes: 1st Fathers of Signs - Gallaudet - Keller - Sullivan and Others! DD03 [ ] $5 Deaf Timelines - All in One Christian Bible stories by T.H. Gallaudet DD04 [ ] $10 Bible Stories - 4 Books in One DD05 [ ] $1 Story: Helen Keller - Deaf/Blind DD06 [ ] $1 Story: Anne Sullivan - “Teacher” Order – Donate SilentWordMinistries.org SWM - Special Sign Stories SW04 [ ] $15 Sign Stories (32 mins) Crippled Lamb - three Trees (Max Lucado Stories by permission) View New Online Catalog Both Stories in Voice & Signs Signed to Harvest Deaf Christian Academy Deaf and Hearing of all Ages Will Enjoy it! Special for Christmas and Easter - Groups Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ KJV2 [ ] $18 Slimline Bible B.Leather KJV1 KJV2 KJV4 $7 now $4 $30 now $18 $30 now $18 5x8 5½ x 8¼ 5¾x8¾ KJV4 [ ] $18 Large Print Bible Leather Use Special Order Form Below! To Help teach & improve Sign Language Linguistics of ASL - Facial Grammar How to Express Signs Includes 36 lessons - Study/teach in your ministry Pencils - Deaf ABC PN[ ] 25¢ One Pencil [ ] 20¢ Each for 5 or more SWM Books, Videos, and Materials Make Great Gifts! “Eagle” Lapel Pin ELP [ ] $2 Lapel Pin For Men or Ladies (Goldtone) Books for Hearing & Deaf MB01 [ MB02 [ MB04 [ MB07 [ MB08 [ MB11 [ MB09 [ MB13 [ MB15 [ MB16 [ MB18 [ MB19 [ MB20 [ MB25 [ MB27 [ MB32 [ MB33 [ MB40 [ MB52 [ MB55 [ MB58 [ MB59 [ HOW-TO MANUALS for deaf ministries [ ]$5 Each 1-3 [ ]$4 Each 4-5 [ ]$3 Each 6+ Proven Method From Lectures & Workshops Manuals from our workshops - Do it right the first time! HT01 [ HT02 [ HT03 [ HT04 [ HT05 [ HT06 [ ] How To Be A Leader - Tips from other leaders ] How To Build Deaf Ministries - Do it right ] How To Teach Creation - Teach The Truth ] How To Teach Deaf - Helps for the Teacher ] How To Teach Deaf Children - Includes Lesson ] How To Evangelize Deaf People Order $50 or more – Get $10 OFF ] $1 Each Use Coupon: 50more SilentWordMinistries.org ] Following Jesus ] What is Right & Wrong? ] Study Bible Faith ] The Place of Hell ] What is a Friend? ] Bitterness ] The Will of God ] Doctrine of Prayer ] God’s Plan for Home ] When Things Go Wrong ] Successful Life/Ministry ] Two Better Than One ] Women Leadership ] Christian Character ] Lessons Of The Eagle ] Go To Next Level ] 30 Deaf Devotions ] Don’t Limit Your Ministry ] World Religious Groups ] Don’t Worry ] Why Are Things - Way ] God’s Plan for Purity [ Books For Deaf Ministries ] Leadership ] Teaching Children ] Let Deaf Grow ] Island Spoke By Hand ] Deaf & Hearing Child ] How To Write For Deaf ] The Deaf Can ] Deaf Humor - Jokes ] One That Was Deaf ] Deaf Raise Hearing Child ] Bible Doctrines For Deaf ] Bible Messages For Deaf ] All Things New ] Did Know? Facts & Figs ] Poems for Deaf Ministries ] Let Us Not Be Weary ] Hands Used Of God ] Chicken Soup For Deaf ] Answers To Bible ] Fingertips for Interpreters Readers are Leaders Leaders are Readers Let’s Study Bible Nature & Animals Compiled for Deaf Ministries 3-Ring Notebook - 80 pages Christian Applications - Animal Facts Eagle - Canadian Geese - Lambs The Palm Tree - Camel - Proverbs Four Wise Things - Four Comely Things Some Things to Consider Bible: Plants - Animals - Birds Photos/Prints - Much More! SWBN [ ] $10 Bible Nature Only BNCD [ ] $5 Bible Nature CD Only SWBA Both [ ] $12 Notebook & CD Henra Clark ] Classic Set Four #5 [ ] Classic Set Five Change Your Life (TC) How God Loves Deaf (RR) Steps of a Good Man (TC) #6 [ ] Classic Set Six What is Sin? 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(TC) New Life (RR) Four Things Are True (TC) LEARN AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE KJV Bibles! Special #1 [ God's Anger (RR) God's Free Gift (RC) Four Steps t/b Christian (JS) Carlene Camp Signing To Deaf Children References KJV Speakers: (TC) Ted Camp–(RR) Ronnie Rice (RC) Reed Condra - (JS) J. Scott #3 [ ~Text Exactly as Printed in Eighteenth Century ~ Helpful library Books BH2 [ ] $5 Quicknotes Bible Dictionary BH3 [ ] $2 Expanded Webster’s Dictionary Preached in the Mid-80s At the Bill Rice Ranch [ ] $50 6 Sets/18 Sermons Missionary Heroes of Faith Books [ ]$3 Each [ ]$5 for 2 MH02 [ ] William Booth MH03 [ ] Eric Liddell MH05 [ ] Gladys Aylward Place Orders By Credit Card Or Pay Pal “Classic” Deaf Preaching Series FP1[ ]$10 Friendship Pin (Goldtone 1¼”) Secular - Sports - Religious - Technology - News - Events Helps For Missions & Bible Programs LM7 [ ] By Diane Barr Quick/Easy – Small/Large Groups Skits – Games – In/Outdoors LY2 [ ]$3 ea (M ¾” ) “I Love You” [ ]$2 ea 10 + LY3 [ ]$2 ea (S 5/8”) “I Love You” [ ]$1 ea 10 + SWM - History & Heritage Deaf Timelines Easy To Read — Paperback Books – KJV – Over 90 Pgs [ ]$2 each [ ]$5 for 3 YR01 [ ] Noah YR02[ ] Moses YR03[ ] Jonah YR04 [ ] Elijah YR05[ ] Ruth YR06[ ] Esther YR07 [ ] John Baptist YR08[ ] Jesus YR09[ ] Paul TBB [ ] The Bible Brief - (KJV) Bible highlights - 96 pages COB [ ] Children of the Bible - Children's perspective - 96pg Hymns For The Deaf “I love you” goldtone lapel pins March/April 2015 Compiled For Deaf Ministries Reproducible - KJV - Make Copies Maps - Charts - Graphics - Time Lines Visuals - OT & NT Studies - Outlines White 3-Ring Notebook - 229 pages For Bible Students - Preachers - Teachers SWBA [ ] $15 Bible Atlas Only SWBA-CD [ ] $10 Bible Atlas CD Only SWBA Both [ ] $20 Notebook & CD Bill Rice Ranch - Deaf Materials BR1[ BR2[ BR3[ BR4[ BR5[ BR6[ ]$15 ]$8 ]$20 ]$15 ]$8 ]$12 When Silence Speaks DVD/Caption/70min Singing In Signs - Changed for Interpreters Deaf Bible Dictionary - Bob Himes - NT- KJV Sign Language For Everyone - Signs/Seminar - PB A Helping Hand - Practical Aid for Deaf Interpreter Interpreting Made Simple - Nathan McConnell Silent Word Ministries Order Form Description Catalog# How Many 1______________ 2______________ 3______________ 4______________ Postage & Handling Fees Orders up to $10 - Add $3 Orders $11 - $29 - Add $4 Orders $30 - $60 - Add $7 Orders Over $60 - Add $9 Free DVD "Good News for Deaf" $25 + Orders Check Here [ ] ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ Cost Each $_____ $_____ $_____ $_____ Total $______ $______ $______ $______ Total $______ $______ $______ $______ Total Order $______ GA only 7% tax + FOREIGN only 20% P&H + Add P&H (see box) + Less $10 Coupon (Over $50) $______ Total Enclosed $______ Name __________________________________________ Address ______________________ ST____ ZIP________ Send Free: [ ] SWM Newspaper [ ] Sample of Tracts [ ]Free Catalog [ ]More Info about SWM Send To: Silent Word Ministries - PO Box 889 - Trenton, GA 30752 Fundamental Deaf Churches & Churches With Deaf Ministries March/April 2015 The Silent Word - Page 7 Place Your Church AD - $15 Issue - $90 Year - SWM Does Not Necessarily Endorse Policies or Practices of These Churches All Churches and Ministries Must Agree With SWM Baptist Articles Of Faith - Articles of Faith Available at SilentWordMinistries.org/aof ARIZONA Signs of Life Baptist Church GEORGIA Bible Baptist Church MASSACHUSETTS Faith Baptist Church Pastor: Mike Remington 3301 North 19th Avenue Lead Interpreter: Cyndie Morin 500 Harry Driggers Phoenix, Arizona 85015 Brunswick, GA 31525 Pastor: Paul Anderson DL: Susan Chaples 251 Shearer Street 602-992-5850 (V/TDD) [email protected] 912-230-3724 [email protected] Pastor: David Mason 1552 Elmore Avenue Pastor: Bobby Bates DL: Ann Bates 10 Chennault Ford Road Palmer, MA 01069 Columbus, Ohio 43224 Fayetteville, TN 37334 faithbaptistchurchpalmer.com [email protected] Ph: (931) 433-1940 Cornerstone Baptist Temple East Side Baptist Church Pastor: Jerry Siler DL: Rev. John Clark & Dan Mamula 1107 Ohmer Ave Pastor: Finley Cutshaw DL: Barry Fleet 3232 Covington Pike Dayton, OH 45410 Memphis, TN 38128 Quail Run Baptist Church Piney Grove Baptist Church Silver City Baptist Church Deaf Pastor: Ronnie King c/o Desert Spring Baptist Church 10425 N. Thornydale Rd. Pastor: John Smith DL: Allen Snare 864 Piney Road Pastor David W. Cooper, Sr. DL: Maddi Auger / Asst.: Sue Davis 261 Tremont St. Tucson, Arizona 85742 Trenton, GA 30752 Taunton, MA 02780 520-661-0681 (Text Msg) PineygroveBC.com 508-821-2774 - silvercitybaptist.org CALIFORNIA Puente Hills Baptist Church Pastor Ted Trisler Leaders: Brian & Jennifer Burgwin 363 E. Rowland Street Covina, CA 91723 Harvest Baptist Ch of the Deaf Faith Baptist Church Pastor: Reggie Rempel 1314 Old Three Notch Road Pastor Shaun Weeks - DL: Ruth Mitchell [email protected] www.harvestdeaf.org (See New Site) [email protected] Newton Baptist Church Lighthouse Baptist Church Pastor: Tony Howeth 720 Jack Neely Road Pastor: Doug Fisher DL: Sondra Wilson 1345 Skyline Drive Carver, MA 02330 865-947-DEAF (TDD) / 865-938-8182 (V) www.faithbaptistcarver.org Oklahoma City, OK 73127 Bethel Baptist Church [email protected] Pastor: Rick Savage DL: Dean Manley 2155 Vann Drive Pastor: Will Swem DL: Gilbert Branagan 2233 Michigan Street NE CONNECTICUT Central Baptist Church DL: Don Baker 2849 Mountain View Road Pastor: Jim Townsley 1505 West Street [email protected] Grand Rapids, MI 49503 ILLINOIS Bethel Baptist Church Parkview Baptist Church for Deaf 9355 Stark Road Deaf Churches and Ministries Reach and Teach Deaf People Deaf Ministry Pastor: Mark Coleman 200 North Roselle Road Livonia, Michigan 48150 Matthew 28:19-20 [email protected] Snellville, GA 30078 El Vista Baptist Church FLORIDA First Coast Baptist Church Pastor: Joey Watt - DL: Judy Risius 6301 N. Syler Street Pastor: Richard Edwards DL: Penny Nix 7587 Blanding Blvd Peoria, IL 61615 Jacksonville, FL 32244 Indiana First Baptist Church [email protected] Grace Baptist Church Pastor: Brian Wingenroth 501 NE 48th Street Pompano Beach, FL 33064 www.gbcfl.org Shiloh Baptist Church Davenport, Iowa 52804 Dayspring Community Church 563-359-1525 www.crossroads-iowa.org sites.google.com/site/dayspringdeaf2 Tabernacle Baptist Church Westminster, MD 21157 [email protected] VIRGINIA Capital Baptist Church Valleyview Baptist Church Pastor: Volker Stoeckmann DL: Mrs. Marie Bedics 2870 Pheasant Drive Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Hope Baptist Church Church VP: 810-644-0035 [email protected] Pastor: Allen Harris DL: Jeff Wright 6450 Hope Way [email protected] Friendship Baptist Church Pastor: Dennis Burnette DL: Missy Leonard 20572 Benhams Road Bristol, VA 24202 www.friendshipbaptistbristol.org Hanover, PA 17331 Bethel Baptist Church 717-633-1479 [email protected] Pastor: Lloyd Donica - DL: Anthony Kearney 1647 Briarfield Rd. Hampton, VA 23669 Faith Baptist Church Phone: 757-826-7710 www.bethelbaptistministries.org Pastor: David W. Cashman DL: Ray Leicht 1515 Wistar Road Washington Bible Baptist Church Fairless Hills, PA 19030 Pastor: Erik Sanders - DL: Mike Shannon Pastor: Paul Strosnider 2675 Parker Rd 805 W. Casino Road "All the World" Florissant, MO 63033 Everett, WA 98204 Phone: 425-353-6200 www.biblebaptistchurch.net [email protected] Frederick, MD 21701 Pastor: Kenric Barnett Deaf Pastor: Earl Brigham 1006 E. Crown Point Rd. [email protected] WEST VIRGINIA Grace Gospel Church Pray for and Support Missionaries to the Deaf Evangelists to the Deaf Pastor: Charles Clark, III West Orlando Baptist Church Pastor: Keith Wiebe 1111 Adams Avenue (See Page 8) Huntington, WV 25704 Berlin, NJ 08009 Pastor: Mike Creed DL: George Kerwood 9255 Piscataway Rd Pastor: Danny L. Gardner DL: C.J. Elwood 2625 E. Main Street Millville, NJ 08332 Pastor: Dr. Jeff Amsbaugh DL: John Dillon - VP: 401-288-3675 671 Greenville Avenue Johnston, RI, 02919 [email protected] – myobbc.com Shamrock First Baptist Church Clinton, MD 20753 Pastor: Glenn Giles DL: Linda Ridenhour 2661 Marshall Rd. N. Hampshire View Baptist Deaf Church 301-856-1616 Pastor: Terry Buchholz 360 Ednor Road Silver Spring, MD 20905 www.hvbdc.com Pastor: Curtis King 16221 National Pike [email protected] Hagerstown, MD 21740 400 Elwood Road E. Northport Long Island, NY 11731 North Carolina Tri-City Baptist Church Pastor: James Hollandsworth 910 Piney Ridge Rd. SOUTH CAROLINA Southside Baptist Church www.ebthagerstown.com Place Your Church Ad Here! Grace Bible Baptist Church Pastor: Dr. Earl M. Johnson, Jr. OHIO Cleveland Baptist Church 6 Lines For $15 Per Issue Just $90 Per Year Deaf Pastor: Rev. James Campbell 1518 N. Rolling Road Pastor: Kevin Folger 4431 Tiedeman Road Baltimore, MD 21228 Cleveland, OH 44144 www.GraceBibleBaptist.org [email protected] Canada Pastor: D.A. McClain Deaf Pastor: John Lister 21 Jameston Ave Rock Hill, SC 29730 Hamilton, Ontario L9C 2R9 [email protected] [email protected] Morningside Baptist Church Pastor: Tony Miller - DL: Elena Caballero www.tri-city-baptist.com 828-245-9706 West Bend, WI 53095 New Testament Baptist Pastor: Kenneth Walters DL: Chris Walters (803) 324-0627 1229 South Anderson Road Forest City, NC 28043 301-582-0378 – [email protected] Pastor: Bruce Dunford DL: Frank Rasmussen 2300 South Main Street firstbaptistwb.org 401-231-4796 [email protected] – PH: 631-850-2645 Emmanuel Baptist Temple Jacksonville, FL 32221 NEW YORK Celebration Chapel of Deaf Northport Baptist Church Wisconsin First Baptist Church Rhode Island Greater RI Baptist Temple Open Bible Baptist Church Independent Baptist Church Pastor: Steve Reynolds DL: Don Chevalley 3504 Gallows Road Annandale, VA 22003 [email protected] Fridley, MN 55432 [email protected] Pastor: Tom Messer Deaf Pastor: John Olson 800 Hammond Blvd. DL: Tom & Joan Vannatta 754 East Rockhill Road Northampton, PA 18067 420 S. White Horse Pke www.ShamrockFBC.com Williston, VT 05495 John Bienlein – Pastor 6299 Miller Rd. Pastor: Tom Fry 216 Carroll Parkway Ocoee, FL 34761 300 Trinity Drive Bethel Baptist Church Sellersville, PA 18960 Holt, MI 48842 [email protected] Trinity Baptist Church (610) 948-8100 V/TTY Deaf Pastor: Chris Harris [email protected] VERMONT Trinity Baptist Church [email protected] Ambassador Baptist Church Orlando, FL 32808 Franklinroadbaptist.org Collegeville, PA 19426 NEW JERSEY Solid Rock Baptist Church [email protected] Murfreesboro, TN 37128 Pastor: Scott Wendal DL: Jim Bracelin 616 S. Trappe Road MISSOURI Ephraim Baptist Deaf Church MARYLAND Church Of The Open Door Pastor: Norris Belcher, Jr. 550 Baltimore Blvd. Haines City, FL 33844 Pastor: Dr. Mike Norris 3148 Franklin Road 215-679-0787 TTY - 215-679-4360 V/Fax Pastor: Mark Poorman DL: Perry Ward 6875 University Avenue NE Chipley, FL 32428 DL: Bill Kaufmann 6000 West Colonial Dr. Franklin Road Baptist Church PENNSYLVANIA Valley Forge Baptist Temple Pastor: Daryl Franzel Deaf Pastor: Al Cooper 5100 W. Willoughby Road IOWA Crossroads Ind. Baptist Ch. 21141 Scott Park Road Apopka, FL 32712 [email protected] www.swbaptist.org Capitol City Baptist Church MINNESOTA Woodcrest Baptist Church Pastor: David Wellman - DL: Albert Mingo Jackson, TN 38305 Oklahoma City, OK 73119 TTY: (734) 261-8281- 261-6180V Deaf Pastor: John Cooper 507 State Street Hammond, IN 46320 219-932-0711 Pastor: Tim Patton 1976 Shiloh Lane - Hwy 277 Pastor: Pastor Mark Jeter Pastor to Deaf: Dr. A.C. McCann, Jr. 2434 Old Dixie Hwy Pastor: Jason Gaddis 1300 SW 54th Street Master’s Hands Deaf Church [email protected] Powell, TN 37849 Southwest Baptist Church [email protected] Schaumburg, IL 60194 Pastor: Dr. Clarence Sexton 1700 W. Beaver Creek Drive Pastor: Tom Vineyard Deaf Pastor: Justin Watters 5517 NW 23rd MICHIGAN Wealthy Park Baptist Church Forrest Hills Baptist Church Southington, CT 06489 OKLAHOMA Windsor Hills Baptist Church PRAY 770-778-7868 www.newtonbaptistchurch.org [email protected] [email protected] Temple Baptist Church for Deaf Ministries and Deaf Churches Covington, GA 30016 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Of Plymouth County [email protected] PO Box 100 – 190 Center Street Ringgold, GA 30736 TENNESSEE Heritage Baptist Church OHIO Liberty Baptist Church Of the Deaf 1115 Pelham Road Greenville, SC 29615 [email protected] TENNESSEE Stanley Heights Baptist Anchor Baptist Church 9523 Cameron Street (Meeting At Cameron Recreation Complex) Burnaby, British Columbia [email protected] anchoredinjesus.com – 604-603-9784 Blessed Hope Baptist Church Pastor: Brent Baughman DL: Jesse Coleman 1512 McBrien Road Pastor Percy Lake – DL Jeremy Ring 569 Oakhill Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37412 www.blessedhopebridgewater.ca [email protected] 423-867-8060 Bridgewater, Nova Scotia Your Church Ads Help Send “The Silent Word” Newspaper “Free” To Our Many Readers – Thank You! "But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion... because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest" – Matthew 9:36-38. International Partnership Ministries Bible Believing — Bible Preaching L.I.F.E. groups Deaf Youth Group (Vital Signs) Deaf Christian Bible Fellowship w Nursery & Sunday School provided for children Deaf and hearing Training Students to Reach The Deaf of the World for Christ Degrees: Graduate of Theology (TH.G) B.A. in Bible - B.A. Church Ministries, Bible, Missions Certificate of Ministerial Interpreting (C.M.I.) w Come visit with us! w A Private Christian School for Deaf Children Offering Education Centered Around the Word of God Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve w w Training hearing people to minister to Deaf by immersing them in the Deaf culture with the many opportunities of Harvest Deaf Ministries w w Contact: Dr. Curtis Young IPM, Deaf Ministries Department PO Box 337, Hanover, PA 17331 E-mail: [email protected] Office: 717-637-7388 VP: 717-885-2180 Web: www.ipmworld.org The Church For The Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Reaching Deaf Children with the Word through local & state schools for the Deaf w 400 Elwood Road, East Northport, N.Y. Long Island, N.Y. 11731 Deaf Fellowship, bagels & coffee: 10:30 a.m. Deaf Worship Service 11:00 a.m. A local church established by the deaf for the purpose of: Reaching deaf of our community with the Gospel Discipling individuals & families for Him Training college students for future ministry w (formerly Northport Baptist Church) 9:00 am worship service interpreted for the Deaf w w A Ministry of ISLAND CHRISTIAN CHURCH Pastor Ayars Deaf Churches – Ministries HARVEST DEAF MINISTRIES Celebration Chapel of the Deaf w Burdening the hearts of our students and church members by allowing them to be involved with camps for the Deaf of all ages. “Hands On” missions experience to the Deaf in foreign countries. More Information Contact: Dr. Reggie or Kim Rempel –––––– Harvest Deaf Ministries –––––– 1314 Old Three Notch Road – Ringgold, GA 30736 Office Voice: (706) 375-7107 – VP: (706) 956-0445 E-Mail: [email protected] Fax: (706) 375-7093 – www.harvestdeaf.org & Their Families FALLS BAPTIST CHURCH For information www.ichristianc.org/deaf Email: [email protected] – VP 866-558-9912 – V 631-850-2645 “We minister to the whole family - Deaf & Hearing” NEW! ASL Magnet “I Love You” Great Gift \ Sticks To Car – Refrigerator N69 W12703 Appleton Avenue Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 Any Metal Surface Pastor Wayne Van Gelderen, Jr Deaf Director - Milton Moss (262) 251-7051 V/TDD E-mail: [email protected] Size: 6 Inches Tall ILYM [ ] $3 – [ ] $5 for 2 (Burgundy print on white) Give one to everyone in your class! Meet new people and other signers. Help raise Deaf Awareness! Page 8 - The Silent Word March/April 2015 Deaf Mission News - Deaf Missionaries – “Changing the Deaf World One Person at a Time” Please write us... Into The Silent World With The Silent Word DEAF Email or postal mail DEAF Note: Letters remain as received. Send us your letters - Email or slow mail! “Please be informed of Mrs. Alicia St. Romian death. She loved your newspapers” - Heritage Manor - Baton Rouge, LA View Our Web Page: www.SilentWordMinistries.org EM: “This is a great ministry that is impacting a forgotten people. I am excited when I get your newspaper. Thank you for touching lives and caring” - Zach G. The Silent Word is a fundamental, missionary, tax-exempt, Christian Newspaper sent free as the Lord provides. It is supported by love offerings from you, our readers. Feel free to send for our statement of faith. Our purpose is to help people be saved, to serve churches, and to strengthen families by the printed and preached Word of God. Let us send this free newspaper to your Deaf friends. Send all mail, gifts, and orders to: EM: “Ted Camp, I remember you at Bill Rice Ranch many years ago. I just now found you. I still remember messages. I was young girl. I never forget you” - Diane Meinders. “I was given your mini “Quick Lesson in Signs.” Please send more helpful materials. “ Polk Correctional Inst., FL Silent Word Ministries Enroll In SWM Teaching & Training Bible Institute PO Box 889 - Trenton, GA 30752 Co-Editors: Ted Camp - Jon Barr Managing Editor: Carlene Camp - Circulation: Diane Barr Office Phone: 706-657-8000 – Fax: 657-5440 Email: [email protected] – Web: SilentWordMinistries.org Stop by and visit us or help with volunteer work! GPS Address: 6250 Hwy 136 East, Trenton, GA 30752 Silent Word Newspaper Printed by Chattanooga Times Free Press Silent Word Ministries - Office Hours Monday – Thursday 9:00 - 4:00 Always Open: Email: [email protected] - Fax: (706) 657-5440 Place orders via Internet: SilentWordMinistries.org “It’s Just Like Bible College” Enroll & Order First Course 1028 Deaf students now enrolled. You can study the Bible at home at your convenience. Free for the Deaf. Receive certificate when you complete a series. Receive diploma when you finish all 20 booklet studies. Start today! (Now available on-line: DeafBibleInstitute.org) PLACE AN AD IN OUR PAPER “It’s like Bible College” – Study & Learn the Bible Advertisers must agree with SWM Articles of Faith Name ______________________________ (View SWM Articles of Faith - SilentWordMinistries.org/aof) Note: All ad fees used to help send our free newspaper. SWNewspaper: Updated January/July each year 50,000 Est. Reading Circulation Plus 1,200 Internet Views 12,000 Printed — 11,880 Sent — Plus Meeting Distribution 5,810 to 680 Deaf ministries/churches — 102 to Prisoners 540 to 59 Deaf schools in USA — 250 Foreign Individuals 5,169 to Deaf families — As of January 2015 #1 - $200 ⅓ #2 - $125 (5 x 7) #4 - $50 (3¼ x 3) #6 - $25 (2 x 2) page (10 x 7) #3 - $75 (5 x 3¼) #5 - $35 (3¼ x 1½) #7 - $15 (2 x 1 - Classified) Church ads #8 - $15 - Copy from church ad page - 6 line limit Sizes in inches. Send B&W ads as JPG or text file. SWM reserves the right to resize ads to fit available space. First time: Please send check with ad. Regular ads will be invoiced. SWM can help design your ad at no cost - [email protected] (For deadlines, cost and more ad information see SWM website) Silent Word Ministries International Director: David Bennett E-Mail: [email protected] Questions About Deaf in Foreign Countries My Most asked Question: “Is Sign Language Universal?” The answer is, “No. Sign language is not universal.” There are over 200 categorized Sign Languages in the world today. Next, they usually ask, “How do you communicate to the Deaf in the different countries if they use different Sign Languages?” There are three basic answers. First, there are a few countries where ASL, American Sign Language, is used. Obviously, this makes it much easier and quicker to communicate with these Deaf. Secondly, in advanced countries and cities where an official Sign Language of some type is used, I spend time picking up the language in order to use it in teaching and preaching. Thirdly, if I had not had time to pick up the Sign Language, or, if I am working with deaf people who have no knowledge of any Sign Language, then it is necessary to communicate in actions, gestures, pantomime, and bodily expression. I do much of this due to my passion and burden for reaching the Deaf with the Word of God for the glory of God. Although all of these things can be done in the flesh in order to communicate with deaf people, it is even more important to have the power and blessing of the Holy Spirit of God upon one's life in order to be effective in this type of communication. “BiblIology” taught by Jon Barr, CT For Deaf Ministries in Signs & Voice Student Handbook – Learn the Bible! DVDs - Monitored & Supervised FREE - SWM DEAF BIBLE INSTITUTE Address ____________________________ [ ]Adult [ ]Teen [ ]Junior [ ]Deaf Send: Silent Word Ministries - PO Box 889 - Trenton, GA 30752 Teach Deaf With DVD & Handbook Register and Enroll Now! [ [ [ [ ] Send me a Free Information Pamphlet ] Enroll me in T&T Institute ] $10 New Student one-time enrollment fee ] $20 Individual Study Program - DVDs - Manual - Test Cost $________ + $3 P&H = Total $___________ Groups, contact before enrolling: [email protected] Enroll: Send Check - Name - Address - Email Address to: T&T Bible Institute – PO Box 889 – Trenton, GA 30752 Remember Silent Word Ministries in Your Giving! Deaf Missions In The Philippines Prayerfully consider sending a tax-deductible gift to help in our unique ministry to the Deaf worldwide. Also consider a gift in your will or insurance policy. Your gifts will be an investment to help the Deaf to hear in Heaven! Thanks for considering our ministry. “Just because they have lost their hearing, does not mean they must lose their souls.” Bob Himes – BRR Missions Send gifts to... SWM PO Box 889 - Trenton, GA 30752 It is not a matter of ability, so much, as it is a matter of supernatural imagination, creativity, and divine enabling. Some have asked about the types of ministries that we have overseas. Although the answer varies, the one ministry we want to highlight, and in which we see the most fruit, is training. I will give weeks of teaching with a small group of men, training them for deaf ministry. These are generally nationals who are already in full-time ministry, but who now have a vision or a burden for Deaf people. At times, these men come without a burden, but leave with a burden for the Deaf. Also, at times I train some laymen for the deaf ministry. The goal is always to see more men trained in order to begin Bible studies with the Deaf, and to also begin either a church for the Deaf, as in Myanmar, or a ministry for the Deaf within a hearing church, as in Liberia. These are just two examples. Multiplication of laborers is the goal of SWMI, whether that involves laborers from the USA who go to foreign fields to reach the Deaf, or laborers in other countries whom God chooses. SWMI is in the business of spiritual multiplication. Pray – Support – Come and Join Us! SWM Note: It has been stated, “If they do not understand the way you sign, then sign the way they understand.” Naturally, some Deaf people must be educated in their own sign language before they can be evangelized. Leaders: Please join us in helping your Deaf group become more aware of the spiritual needs of Deaf people in foreign countries. Ted Camp, SWM Send You Questions: Email: [email protected] [email protected] “Teaching & Training The Deaf” Teaching About Sin – Part 2 There are several ways to teach about sin to people who have a hard time understanding. Remember to be patient. Be sure they understand. 1. Pictures. Many sins can be taught by using pictures. They can be photographs found in magazines or on line. They can also be drawings. Pictures are a good way to teach sins that you may not want to do to show the deaf. This includes sins like smoking, drinking, etc. You need to teach these sins but do not want to do them. Some pictures for sins may be more difficult to find. (If you need help with a picture, please let me know.) Pictures of sins can be: 1. A simple picture of the sin. 2. A picture comparing good and bad. (For example: jealous is taught with one picture of a man with a small fish standing by a man with a really big fish.) 3. Pictures of facial expressions can teach sins like anger, hatred, etc. 2. Dramas/Skits. Some sins must be taught with a skit or drama. I have used a skit to teach “lie” and at the same time, “steal.” While I am teaching, I put my wallet or some other item on a table. While I am teaching, someone comes up and steals my wallet. I then notice the theft and start gesturing where is my wallet. All the deaf point to the thief. The thief should stand with the wallet behind him/her clearly visible to the deaf. I ask, you steal my wallet. He says no. I then show the wallet and sign “lie.” This method can be used for several other words like rebel, jealous, anger, and fight. 3. Real situations. Sometimes some people just cannot admit or understand their sins. I have taught sin by pointing out something they are doing at that time. For example: I had two deaf girls in a class who (they said) never sinned. However, one day I watched them pull each other’s hair and elbow each other. I saw that, and said, “You pull hair. You elbow. Wrong. Sin. Bad.” The girls said, “Yes. Me bad. Me sin.” They both were later saved. Please be careful with this one. We do not want to offend anyone, but real situations clearly teach sins to some people who would not understand otherwise. More next issue. If you have any questions, please just ask via E-mail. [email protected] (Note: Articles will later be printed in an SWM booklet) Mission Facts: Deaf do not have their own country, but they do have their own culture and language. Pray For & Support Foreign & Home Missionaries to The Deaf Evangelists – Missionaries – *Deaf Evangelist - Missionary Ad - $15 per Issue Worldwide Missionaries To The Deaf Missionary Ronnie Rice* E-Mail Addresses Only - Ads Free for Missionaries to Deaf International Deaf Ministries PO Box 23 – Onancock, Virginia 23417 Missionaries: Send letters & corrections to [email protected] (SWM does not necessarily endorse Missionaries or Mission Boards) USA - *Fred Adams (Sword) - [email protected] USA - *Pete Leclerc - [email protected] USA - *Ed Kollmeyer (DBFA) - [email protected] USA - Kevin Maki (IPM) [email protected] USA - Willie Rowan (BIMI) - [email protected] USA - Curtis Young (IPM) - [email protected] USA - Foreign - BIO Mission Board - [email protected] Africa - Bobby Bonner (IAM) - iamministries.info Australia - Robert Gunter (BIMI) - [email protected] Australia - *Robert Fuller (BIMI) - [email protected] Brazil - Dan Bennett - [email protected] Brazil - Jon Speights [email protected] Brazil - John Boff (BEMA) - [email protected] Brazil - Edward Torres - [email protected] Dominican Republic - Eric Quinlan - [email protected] Ecuador - *Ray Bradley (BIMI) - [email protected] Jamaica - *Damian Campbell [email protected] Mexico - Gary Layne - [email protected] Peru - James McDowell - [email protected] Peru - Joe Kotvas - [email protected] Peru - Cory Ricker (Efata) - [email protected] Peru - Nancy Burns - [email protected] Philippines - Bob Himes (BRR) - [email protected] South Africa - Chris Radebaugh - [email protected] South Africa - Jimmy Tsoukalas - [email protected] Thailand - Mike Ivey - [email protected] Uganda - James Pridgen - [email protected] Ukraine - Bob Van Sant (BIMI) - [email protected] World - Jim Sloan (COME) - [email protected] World - Don & Betty Cabbage - [email protected] World - David Peach (BIO) - [email protected] World - James Campbell (IPM) - [email protected] Web Sites For Deaf Missionaries/Ministries (Missionaries/Ministries Send SWM Your Web Site Info) USA - *Harvest Deaf Ministries - Harvestdeaf.org USA - *Hampshire View Baptist Deaf Church - HVDBC.com USA - Bill Rice [email protected] Africa - International Africa Missions - iamministries.info Africa - Signs of Life - SignsofLifeMissions.org Ukraine - Bob Van Sant - bobandjudy.net. World - International Partnership Ministries - ipmworld.org World - Baptist International Outreach - BIOMissions.org Romania - Nicole Condra - NicoleCondra.com SWM - Reed & Donna Condra - reedanddonna.com SWM - Tabitha Beam - TabithaBeam.com E-M: [email protected] Missionaries/National Pastors Receive “Free” SWM Bible Materials Subscribe: [email protected] - M&M “Mission Materials” Learn More About Deaf Missionaries And Mission Boards With Deaf Missionaries - View Their Websites Highlighting Deaf Missions Missionary Websites USA - Deaf Church - College - Christian School Harvest Deaf Ministries - HarvestDeaf.org Dr. Reggie Rempel* Harvest Deaf Ministries 1314 Old Three Notch Road - Ringgold, Georgia 30736 E-M: [email protected] Dr. John Clark* 1707 Ohmer Ave. - Dayton, Ohio 45410 E-M: [email protected] - [email protected] Missionary Bruce Kelly* Deaf Baptist Church 3000 Jonquil Drive - Smyrna, Georgia 30080 USA - Deaf Church - Bible College Hampshire View Baptist Deaf Church - HVDBC.com E-M: [email protected] - deafbaptistchurch.com USA - Christian Camp For Deaf Bill Rice Ranch - BillRiceRanch.org 627 Bill Rice Ranch Rd - Murfreesboro, TN 37128 Evangelist Nathan McConnell Africa Missions for Deaf - Missionary Bobby Bonner International Africa Missions - IAMMinistries.info E-M: [email protected] – billriceranch.org South Africa - Missionary Chris Radebaugh Signs of Life - SignsofLifeMissions.org Missionary to Deaf - Sword Deaf Baptist Church World - International Partnership Ministries Dr. Curtis Young - IPMWorld.org World - Baptist International Outreach Joyce’s Kids - Deaf Missionaries - BIOMissions.org World - Silent Word Ministries - Ted Camp/Jon Barr SWM - USA Mission Board - Deaf and Hearing SWMI - Foreign Mission Board - David Bennett SilentWordMinistries.org Adam Wells 840 Mt. Olive Rd. - Andersonville, TN 37705 E-M: [email protected] Evangelist Don Chevalley* 217 Kent Dr. - Ruther Glen, VA 22546 E-M: [email protected] Dean Francini Missionary to Deaf - Deaf Church Planting 840 Mt. Olive Rd. - Andersonville, TN 37705 E-M: [email protected] – Web: Hands4Jesus.com SWMI World Mission Banners SWMI has 40 large mission banners, with different themes and sizes to help your church visualize mission needs. For more mission ideas or to see banners available view: www.swmi.org/missionbanners EM: [email protected] Contact: David Bennett, SWMI Director Silent Word Missionaries Jon Barr - Jim Bracelin - Ted Camp Tabitha Beam - David Bennett - Reed Condra Nicole Condra - Larry Galyen - Bud Ring - Allen Snare* Paul Strosnider - Bruce Stuart - Bill Towner - Drew Wright Contact E-mail: [email protected] (Note: Names Marked With * Are Deaf)
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