Kairos—“God’s Time” Newtown Presbyterian Church Vol. 40, No. 5, May 2015 Pastor’s Page Inside this issue: Dear fellow disciples, It has been said that one can't fully understand where one is going until one has taken full account of where one has been. Another way of phrasing this nugget of wisdom might include the phrase, "Before looking forward in hope, look back in gratitude." And so we do. We look back. With grateful hearts, we remember and reflect. I invite you to join me in looking back gratefully at the seasons that came and went. Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of the 40day journey during which God's Spirit led us to the foot of the cross. While it's true that the Lenten journey is far from easy, it's equally true that we are rewarded in ways we couldn't have imagined. The grief and confusion of Good Friday succumbed to the joy and beauty of Easter Sunday morning. The sacred liturgy was spoken and heard: "Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!" Jesus, raised from the dead, instructs disciples to go looking for him, and so we do. Now, as Eastertide people, we look ahead--to the future God is preparing yet, in a very real sense, has already prepared. We welcome the words that the raised, Eastertide Jesus speaks: "Go forth and make disciples...teach others to obey everything I have commanded you." And so the journey continues--well beyond the discovery of the empty tomb. We follow where Jesus leads. As daunting as the responsibility of following in Jesus' footsteps may occasionally seem, we find peace and strength daily in the words that serve as kind of benediction: "And remember--I am with you always. Even to the end of the age!" For this blessed Eastertide season, thanks be to God. For the privilege of ministry, thanks be to God! Pastor Sam Covenant of Closure, Thank You—(Pancake Breakfast and Deacon’s Moderator) 2 Session Notes, Important Dates 3 Sr. Mission Trip, VBS, CE News, Jr. Mission Trip 4 Strawberry Festival 5 Opportunities For All Women 6 Opportunities For All Women (continued), CHOP’s Chari-tea 7 Financial Highlights 8 Flying Solo, Lectionary Readings, Bereaved, Offering Envelopes 9 May Birthdays , Ushers Schedule 10 May Calendar 11 Summer (includes June, July and) (August information) Newsletter Deadline May 13, 2015 www.newtownpres.org Page 2 Covenant of Closure Rev. Jim Poinsett’s final Sunday at Newtown Presbyterian Church was April 5, 2015. He and this congregation are obligated to follow the guidelines of Presbytery of Philadelphia’s Covenant of Closure. This is a formal agreement stating that the outgoing pastor shall not worship with, give opinions, accept invitations, or intervene in any way with the congregation’s life together. That means Pastor Jim must decline pastoral duties such as weddings, baptisms, funerals, hospital visitation or counseling (except on special invitation of the Session). However, Covenant of Closure does not prohibit the ties of friendship and gratitude. It isn’t inappropriate to drop Pastor Jim an email, make a phone call, or even get together for lunch once in a while – and, of course, hold him your prayers. May 2015 Easter Celebration Pancake Breakfast The Deacons wish to thank you, the NPC family, for your support of the Easter Celebration Pancake Breakfast to benefit the Mary Nell Britton Fund. Because of your generosity, this fund will continue to provide Easter Meals for families from our church community that are in need. A special thank you goes out to Mike Bishop and Paul Salvatore for their services and to the Deacons and all other volunteers that helped to make our event so successful. Martha Taylor “Once a Deacon, always a Deacon” I would like to show my appreciation and thank my church family for allowing me to serve on the board of Deacons for nine years. I have served in various positions, each in their own way were very rewarding. Whether visiting home-bound residents, cooking and delivering meals, collecting and distributing bags of food, or delivering flowers, it was a joy to serve my church and community, and it was very rewarding to see their big smiles. PASTORAL STAFF The Rev. Sam Massengill—Pastor The Rev. Dr. Robert Canon—Pastor Emeritus The Rev. Karin Nelson McAnlis—Minister of Visitation Laura Ferguson—Ministry Associate 25 N. Chancellor St., Newtown, PA 18940 Office Hours—9 a.m.-4 p.m. Telephone—215-968-3861, Fax—215-968-9055 E-mail—[email protected] Website: www.newtownpres.org Newsletter Editors—Jean Torongo, Bettilyn Bogia and Diana Bowen Layout and Design—Eileen Honea Email newsletter articles to [email protected] I encourage everyone to consider volunteering as a Deacon, or contacting the church office if you would like to help with one of our ministries. Since I will be relocating when I retire this summer, I know in my new home I will find a church home and volunteer to be a Deacon. As we say “Once a Deacon, always a Deacon”. Thank you for all of your support, Kathryn Moncado Page 3 Session Notes from April Meeting Session approved the Pre-School Committee’s request to raise the 2016-2017 tuition to a rate not to exceed 10% of the 2015-2016 rates. Session approved the Historic Church Committee’s request to hold the Wreaths Across America Service on December 12, 2015. Session approved the request from Presbyterian Women to hold a luncheon in Ettenger Hall on June 14, 2015. Session approved a request to continue the Yoga classes in Ettenger Hall on Wednesday nights from 7-8 PM for the months of April and May. Session discussed ways to better communicate with the congregation and Ruling Elder Polly Breithaupt volunteered to work on updating the church’s webpage. Session discussed the favorable response to the new Grief Share program and noted that approximately 10 individuals are attending on a regular basis. It is a wonderful outreach to those dealing with loss. The Annual Joint Meeting of the Session, Deacons and Board of Trustees will be held on May 5, 2015 at 6 PM. Important Upcoming Dates: Last Day of Sunday School/6th Grade Bible Sunday May 17 @ 9:00 a.m. Worship Service Rev. Sam Massengill’s Installation Service May 24 @ 3:00 p.m. Laura Ferguson’s Ordination Service at Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church May 31 @ 5:00 p.m. Strawberry Festival June 6 from 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. 1st Worship Service at Historic Church Officer Ordination/Installation Service June 7 @ 9:00 a.m. Worship Service Confirmation Sunday at Historic Church June 14 @ 9:00 a.m. Worship Service Page 4 www.newtownpres.org Senior High Mission Trip—June 28-July 5 We are still looking for senior high students to fill our bus! Our trip to Cumberland, Maryland will be a great experience to provide help to the elderly, disabled and families in need. We will be working with the organization NAILS. Lots of hard work, Christian fellowship and FUN events are planned that include white water rafting on July 1 and enjoying a Fourth of July BBQ at Rocky Gap State Park. We will continue our favorite traditions of the "crazy" talent show, vespers/music, senior recognition, and the fickle finger of authority as well as a night out for dinner. It's a great time!! Please sign up ASAP— we’d love to have you!!! ****Several fundraising opportunities are planned to help you pay for your trip! They will all be posted on the Facebook page, at church, and online. Additional assistance is also available through scholarships if needed. Questions or concerns can be directed to Janet Eshleman ([email protected]) or Laura Ferguson ([email protected]) Vacation Bible School Our theme this year is Nazareth: Where Jesus Was a Kid. This program is new to us and is a very exciting program to present to the kids. We are looking for adult and teen volunteers. Please consider being a part of our team. It is rewarding and a ton of fun. The dates are June 22 – June 26 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Any questions, contact Ann Morton at [email protected] or call 267-210-3936. May 2015 Christian Education Committee News We are so happy and honored to welcome Laura Ferguson as our new Ministry Associate. She comes to us from Summit, NJ where she was director of Christian Education for children and youth. She brings extensive experience and knowledge to our programs. Please join us in welcoming her!!! Sunday School ...... our final rotation this year will include worship. Each class will sit with their Shepherd for the worship service so they can hear Pastor Sam preach. It's an exciting time for our congregation and the perfect chance for our children to worship and share the word of God. The Sunday School has added new Biblical maps and lovely wooden crosses to the classrooms thanks to a donation from the Brennan family. The maps are the perfect addition to help our lessons. THANK YOU! Janet Eshleman Laura will be ordained on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at her home church, Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church. All are invited to attend. ATTENTION ALL 6th, 7th, and 8th Graders!!! Our Summer mission trip will be Sunday, July 19th - Friday, July 24th and we hope you can signup ASAP! We'll have a great time helping others and enjoying the amazing Massanetta Springs Camp & Conference Center in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia! Registration forms and additional information is available on the church website as well as in the youth mailbox by the church office. Sign up soon for this exciting week! Please contact Laura Ferguson [email protected] or Janet Eshleman [email protected] with any questions. Page 5 Help Needed Strawberry Festival June 6 from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes these days to make sure that this year’s Strawberry Festival is another big success! Many new things were added last year and this year we are planning to add even more! The Strawberry Festival is an event that requires a lot of effort from many people. Please look over the list of needs and see how you might be able to help. Raffle prizes: Solicitors are needed to canvas local businesses. We also need any items or services you might be able to donate. Tent Canopies: Do you have any you can loan for that day? They are needed to cover the children’s games. Volunteers: Please check the sign-up sheets posted on the bulletin board across from the reception room. There are lots of ways you can help! Children’s books: Gently used children’s books are needed for the book sale. Please drop off donations in the hallway outside Ettenger Hall. Any Questions? e-mail: [email protected] or call 215-493-0984. Note: Please remember that this important fund raising event is held by the Historic Church Committee to raise money for the maintenance and beautification of the Historic Church and the grounds. Your help and participation in all of their fund raisers is solicited and appreciated. BIGGER and BETTER STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL CHILDREN’S GAMES PHILLIE PHANATIC WATER ICE (We hope!) BALLOON MAGIC MAN FACE PAINTING CHILDREN’S BOOKS CHILDREN’S USED TOYS GREAT MUSIC STRAWBERY SHORTCAKE HOT DOGS & BIRCH BEER LANCASTER COUNTY STRAWBERRY JAMS BREADS & SWEETS CHEESE BIG RAFFLE OF MANY GREAT ITEMS Page 6 OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN TO STUDY AND SERVE There are so many ways to participate in study and service. Find something that appeals to you and jump in! Your sisters in Christ are waiting for you! May Events Calendar CWS will be ready to help families around the world recover from disasters and displacement, and build viable, sustainable lives and communities. Church World Service Blankets hug, comfort and provide warmth and security to those in the wake of disaster. You will find envelopes in the pews for this worthwhile mission which is supported by the members of Newtown Presbyterian Church. Make checks payable to: Church World Service Blankets. You can find more information at: cwsglobal.org. Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Weekly – Women’s Bible Study in Room 211 Tuesday 5/5 at 9:45 a.m. — Women’s Daytime Bible Study PW Board Meeting in Room 210 Tuesday, May 19 at 10:15 a.m. Tuesday 5/19 10:15 a.m. – Women’s Daytime Bible Study “Walk Through the Gospels” Wednesday 5/27 7:00 p.m. – Women’s Evening Bible Study Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World Update on Opportunities for Women Every Sunday, Bible Study at 10:15 a.m. in Room 211. New group formed in this time slot that appears to be more convenient for many women. Whether you are new to Bible study or have been at it your whole life, you are invited to attend and learn from both the Book and each other. Each session is self-contained so please stop in when you can. All are welcome. Blanket Sunday Honor your Mother and/or the special women in your life this Mother’s Day by donating to Church World Service to purchase blankets. Contributions to CWS blankets mean You are my friends if......John 15:14 It has been said that there are fairweather friends and all-weather friends. Actually the all-weather friends are the only true friends. We thank God for true friends, for the touch of their hands, the radiance of their faces, and the cheer of their words. Come join the PW Bible Study on May 19, 2015, at 10:15 a.m. in room 211. A group of all-weather friends will be gathered to study Jesus and his Judean ministry. We are not experts on the Bible, but under the leadership of Ruth Barcafer we come to a better understanding of the scriptures. This group of women do more than study, we share our joys, sorrows, and expectations for the future. Bring your Bible and a sandwich for an informal lunch. Something sweet and a beverage will be supplied. A PW board meeting will be held May 5, 2015, at 9:45 a.m. in room 210. You are welcome to join us and share ideas and expectations for our Presbyterian Women. Naomi Stranix Page 7 Women’s Evening Bible Study (WEBS) Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 p.m. Continuing study of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. Each session is selfcontained so please attend even if you haven’t before. Alice Hughes This is an event that will charge your spiritual life and change you forever. Experience the joy of meeting with other women just like you from all over the world. Meet Millie the Moose and visit the Mall of America (largest in USA) The Gathering will be held June 18–21, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The theme of the Gathering is “One Body, One Spirit,” based on 1 Corinthians 12:12–27. As always, workshops, plenary sessions, worship, mission opportunities and all Gathering programming will explore the theme in the context of a diverse, faithful sisterhood. Full registration for the event is just $395 (less than in 2012!), plus lodging and transportation. Learn more at : www.pcusa.org/.../2015-pw-churchwide Doylestown Presbyterian Women will host a Women’s Day Service at 4:00 p.m. on May 3rd. The Executive Presbyter, Ruth Faith Santana-Grace will be preaching. They will have a time for fellowship following the service so mark your calendars and spread the word. Please join us at the 6th Annual CHOP Chari-tea Saturday, May 16, 2015 11:30 –2:00 p.m. Ettenger Hall Newtown Presbyterian Church 25 N. Chancellor Street Newtown, PA 18940 Enjoy tea, coffee, tea sandwiches, and treats while helping us raise money for the Child Life Program at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Suggested donation: $25/adult $15/child To purchase tickets in advance, send a request to [email protected] Page 8 Page 9 A Flying Solo Moment Lectionary Readings for May Recently the representatives from a Woman’s Place were invited to speak about emotional abuse. A number of people who have attended Flying Solo described patterns of behavior they have endured from significant others. Many new members ask WHY, especially those in abusive relationships. Why didn’t I see this in him/her earlier, why wasn’t I a better husband/wife, why didn’t I do what he/she wanted? Kay Olsen told us that WHY is a question reserved for science. It is a question asked often in circumstances that have no answer, yet we repeat it in our thoughts endlessly. Group members try to help these sufferers calm that voice and come to terms with not knowing why. May 3 There is some science in all of this. Many emotional abusers have personality disorders. These disorders are not ones which can be medicated away. They are deeply ingrained patterns of behavior from early experiences in life and can be treated in therapy. Unfortunately people with personality disorders see their problems as stemming from others. They do not believe there is anything wrong with them. Their beliefs and behavior feel right to them. They frequently do not seek help. The most problematic personality disorders (put very simply) are narcissistic; – feeling they are always right; borderline – constantly fearing abandonment; and antisocial – lacking a conscience. May 31 Boundaries are very important. Without boundaries one is easier to manipulate. This is another job of the Flying Solo group members. Establishing boundaries and maintaining them takes a lot of courage. Group members are there to reinforce the conviction that it takes. It is easier when you know you have understanding people behind you when facing your abuser. Victims of abuse are used to someone else telling them what to do, think and believe. They have been criticized, blamed, insulted and called crazy. We help people to develop their own identities. If you or someone important to you needs support due to separation or divorce, Flying Solo meets Wednesdays from 7:30 – 9:00 in room 211. Please join us. Adele Minton, Flying Solo Facilitator Acts 8:26-40; Ps. 22:25-31; 1 John 4:721; John 15:1-8 May 10 Acts 10:44-48; Ps. 98; 1 John :1-6; John 15:9-17 May 14 Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11: Ps. 47 or Ps. 93; Eph. 1:1523: Luke 24:44-53 May 17 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Ps. 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19 May 24 Acts 2:1-21 or Ezek. 37:1-14; Ps. 104:2434, 35b: Rom. 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21: John 15:26-27: 16:4b-15 Isa. 6:1-8; Ps. 29; Rom. 8:12-17; John 3:1-17 Bereaved Dick Hartman and family on the death of his wife, Janet Hartman, 3/12/2015. Marcia Scull and family on the death of her mother, 3/20/2015. Robert and Susan Christian on the death of their daughter, Erin Christian, 3/21/2015. Barbara Lombardi and family on the death of her father, John C. Van Fossen, 3/21/2015. Arlene Dunphey and family on the death of her brother, Paul Piret, 4/9/2015. 2015 Offering Envelopes There are still many boxes of 2015 offering envelopes on the table in the Memorial Room. Please take a look to see if yours are one of them. If you would like to have 2015 offering envelopes, please contact Eileen at the church office (215-968-3861) . Page 10 www.newtownpres.org May Birthdays May 2015 22 Nikolai Derek, Greg Koch, Christopher Lewis and Daniel Thomas 23 James Aiello, Susanna Bauman, John Hoffman, Gayle Miller and Grace Porter 24 J.D. Graham and Peggy White 25 Katherine Craig, Marcia Foor, Mitchell Jenkins and Timothy Wert 26 Matthew Reilly and Karis Sneed 1 Katherine DeWitt and Jerry Kerrane 2 Brandon Alleborn and Justin Rimel 27 3 Susan Cohen, Thomas Dengler, Alison Kruse, Lois Piper and D.J. Rubini Samuel Hoffman, Betsy Kruse and Megan Ranck 28 Kathleen Denlinger 4 Jessica Burkart and Sylvie Castonguay 29 5 Sara Dengler Sally Owens, Kelly Reynolds, Ryan Roman, Ann Sneed, Madison Terry and Carissa Wright 6 Cathy Bray 30 Colby Goldschmidt 7 Elizabeth Bishop, Gianna Conturso, Ryan Martindell and Melissa Reilly 31 Susan DeMarino, Mary Jane Hill, Ella Hughes and Jason Treese 8 Mary Eshelman 9 Eric Ceslak, Caroline Kruseand Judy Pflug 10 Jessica Giacomelli and Charles Hill 11 Nancy Cook, Scott Dengler, and Nick Ramanujam 12 Elaine Bolger and Jaxson Wright 13 Jonathan Clark, Laura Dengler, Hailey Gouza, Sharon Grube and Trey Rogers 14 Julia Bohning, Kiley Quinn and Megan Richerts 15 Kacey Dreby, Steven Gentile, Donald Hamnett, David Hills and Elisa Potero 16 Kelly Giacomelli 17 Lois Cameron, Alexander de Mets, and Violet Kanak 19 Paul Gouza, Michelle Mumme, Warren Snyder and Elizabeth Williams 20 Brian Brossman, Glenn Geiger, Ronald Thorburn and Sandy Yantz 21 Caroline Adams, Jackson Boucher, Linda Geiger, Maureen Pierce, Ryan Welles and Joanne Wiggins If your birthday is missing, please let the office know. May Usher Teams Team Date Service Captain Witschen 5/3 I 8:00 & 9:00 5/3 J 10:45 Koenig 5/10 K 8:00 & 9:00 Bishop 5/10 5/17 5/17 5/24 L M A B 10:45 8:00 & 9:00 10:45 8:00 & 9:00 Stevens Hughes Shikrallah Kitsch 5/24 C 10:45 5/31 5/31 LaBold 8:00 D 9:00 & 10:45 Eshelman May 2015 Sun Mon Tue 10:15 Coffee Talk (211) 12:30 Confirmation Class 10 Mother’s Day 10:15 Coffee Talk (211) 10:45 Baptism NO Youth Groups 17 Last Day of Sunday School/6th Grade Bibles 4 6:30 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Grief Share 211 7:30 Boy Scouts YH 7:30 Outreach 211 11 6:30 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Grief Share 211 7:30 Boy Scouts YH 18 10:15 Coffee Talk (211) 10:45 Baptism Noon-New Members Luncheon (EH) 12:30 Confirmation Class 24 Pentecost 3:00 Rev. Massengill’s 31 Installa5:00 tion Service Laura’s Ordination @ LP 12:30 Confirmation Class 6:30 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Grief Share 211 7:30 Boy Scouts YH 25 Memorial Day Thu Fri Summer Worship begins on June 7, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the Historic Church Sunday Morning Worship Schedule 8:00 am Worship Service 9:00 am Worship Service 9:00 am Sunday School-All ages 10:00 am Fellowship (EH) 10:45 am Worship Service 3 COMMUNION Wed 5 8:00 Men’s Bible Study (EH) 9:45 PW Board Meeting (210) 6:00 Women’s AA 6:00 Joint Board Meeting (EH) 6 8:00 Aid for Friends 10:00 Book Club 10:30 Staff Meet. 7 National Day of Prayer 7:00 Career Networking (RR) 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Canon Ringers 8:00 Chancel 12 8:00 Men’s Bible Study (EH) 13 Newsletter Deadline 14 Ascension of the Lord 6:00 Women’s AA 6:15 Girl Scouts 7:00 Yoga (EH) 7:30 Flying Solo 211 7:30 AA (B1) 19 8:00 Men’s Bible Study (EH) 10:15 PW Bible Study (211) 1:30 Presbytery Meeting 6:00 Women’s AA 6:30 Worship Com. (211) 7:00 Career Networking (EH) 7:00 Preschool Meeting (RR) 20 26 8:00 Men’s Bible Study (EH) 27 3-5 N. Voice Concert rehearsal OFFICE CLOSED 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 CE (211) 1 9:30 Historic Church (B1) 2 8 9 5:00 Tailgating at HC and 7:00 Trenton Thunder Game 1:00 Staff Meeting 6:15 Girl Scouts 208 7:00 Stephen Min. 7:00 Yoga (EH) 7:30 Flying Solo 211 7:30 AA (B1) (NEW MEMBERS) Sat 15 12:30 Ministerium @ St. Luke’s 11:30-2 Chops Chari-tea 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Canon Ringers 8:00 Chancel Choir 21 16 22 23 10:30 Staff Meet. 6:15 Girl Scouts 7:00 Yoga (EH) 7:00 Stephen Min 7:30 Membership 7:30 Flying Solo 211 7:30 AA (B1) 6:15 Girl Scouts 7:00 Yoga (EH) 7:00 North Voice Concert (Sanc.) 7:00 WEBS (MR) 7:30 Flying Solo 211 7:30 AA (B1) 7:00 Psalmsters Rehearsal 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Canon Ringers 8:00 Chancel Choir 28 6:00 Women’s AA 7:00 Canon Ringers 8:00 Chancel Choir 29 30 5:00 Wedding rehearsal 3:00 Wedding NEWTOWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Change Service Requested May 2015 Newsletter 25 North Chancellor Street Newtown, PA 18940 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Langhorne, PA PERMIT No. 121
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