3° Workshop Regionale Marchigiano Ancona, 28 Febbraio – 1 Marzo 2014 SINDROMI MIELOPROLIFERATIVE CRONICHE Anna Rita Scortechini, MD, PhD Clinica di Ematologia Università Politecnica delle Marche Risposta molecolare profonda nella leucemia mieloide cronica: nuovo obiettivo della terapia Mahon et al, Clinical Cancer Res 2013 ELN Definition of the Response to TKIs (any TKI) as first-line treatment Baccarani et al, Blood 2013 Obiettivi terapeutici 2014 Prevenire la progressione avanzate di emopatia (FA/CB) alle fasi Ottimizzare il raggiungimento di una MR profonda (Deep Molecular Response: MR3, MR4, MR4.5, etc ?) Possibilità di TKIs “stop therapy” Treatment-Free Remission (TFR) Why is there a need for new treatment strategies for newly-diagnosed CML patients ? The introduction of IM in CML therapy led to significant improvements in efficacy and tolerability However IM is not a suitable treatment for all patients with CML Eradication of residual leukemic cells would provide patients with the possibility of TKIs discontinuation (IM does not eradicate residual leukemic cells) Goldman JM, 2012 Today 2014 Five TKIs available for CML Progressions are rare with IM and less with 2G-TKIs What endpoints matter ? Survival Survival + TFR 55th ASH Meeting and Exposition New Orleans, LA 7-10 December, 2013 Update on current monitoring recommendations in chronic myeloid leukemia: practical points for clinical practice Vivian G. Oehler Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA Perché dobbiamo raggiungere una profonda e persistente risposta molecolare? Numerosi dati nella letteratura negli ultimi 3 anni hanno sottolineato l’importanza di risposte molecolare precoci e profonde. Una riduzione a 3 mesi del trascritto BCR/ABL < 10% rappresenta uno strumento accurato per dimostrare l’efficacia della terapia e quindi rappresenta «milestone» fondamentale nella gestione del paziente Risposte molecolari precoci sono associate a migliore outcome del paziente e migliore EFS e PFS. Una risposta molecolare profonda identifica il paziente candidato a una discontinuazione della terapia Vvivian G. Oehler, ASH 2013 Frontline therapy in CML Only around 13% of CML patients treated with imatinib are likely to achieve treatment-free remission (TFR) Can this be improved with more potent TKIs? The expectation that more potent TKIs will lead to more patients achieving TFR is the strongest justification for frontiline therapy with these agents ENESTnd 5-Year Update ENESTnd Update: Nilotinib vs Imatinib in Patients With Newly Diagnosed CMLCP and the Impact of Early Molecular Response and Sokal Risk at Diagnosis on Long-Term Outcomes G. Saglio, A. Hochhaus, T. P. Hughes, R. E. Clark, H. Nakamae, D.-W. Kim, S. Jootar, G. Etienne, I. W. Flinn, J. H. Lipton, R. Pasquini, B. Moiraghi, C. Kemp, X. Fan, H. D. Menssen, H. M. Kantarjian, and R. A. Larson, on behalf of the ENESTnd Investigators Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. ENESTnd 5-Year Update ENESTnd Study Design Nilotinib 300 mg BID (n = 282) N = 846 217 centers 35 countries R A N D O Nilotinib 400 mg BID (n = 281) M I Z E Imatinib 400 mg QD (n = 283) Follow-up: 5 years; extended to 10 years after protocol amendment • Patients were stratified according to Sokal risk score at diagnosis BID, twice daily; QD, once daily. Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. ENESTnd 5-Year Update Cumulative Incidence of MMR Nilotinib 300 mg BID (n = 282) Nilotinib 400 mg BID (n = 281) Imatinib 400 mg QD (n = 283) 100 By 1 Yeara Patients With MMR, % 90 By 4 Yearsa 80 By 5 Yearsa 77%, P < .0001 76%, P < .0001 55%, P < .0001 77%, P < .0001 70 73%, P < .0001 60 ∆ 17% to 20% 50 ∆ 17% 60% 56% 51%, P < .0001 ∆ 24% to 28% 40 30 27% 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time Since Randomization, Calendar Years MMR, major molecular response (BCR-ABLIS ≤ 0.1%). a Cumulative response rates reported consider each year to consist of twelve 28-day cycles. Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. ENESTnd 5-Year Update Cumulative Incidence of MR4.5 100 Nilotinib 300 mg BID (n = 282) Nilotinib 400 mg BID (n = 281) Imatinib 400 mg QD (n = 283) Patients With MR4.5, % 90 80 70 By 5 Yearsa By 4 Yearsa 60 54%, P < .0001 By 1 50 Yeara 40 30 11%, P < .0001 40%, P < .0001 52%, P < .0001 37%, P = .0002 ∆ 21% to 23% 20 ∆ 6% to 10% 10 31% ∆ 14% to 17% 23% 7%, P < .0001 1% 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time Since Randomization, Calendar Years MR4.5, molecular response ≥ 4.5-logs (BCR-ABLIS ≤ 0.0032%). a Cumulative response rates reported consider each year to consist of twelve 28-day cycles. Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. ENESTnd 5-Year Update MR4.5 by 5 Yearsa According to Sokal Risk Score P = .0004 P = .0082 P = .0148 P < .0001 P = .0105 P = .0041 n= 104 103 (n = 283) a By cycle 60 (28 days per cycle). 103 101 101 100 (n = 282) 78 78 78 (n = 281) Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. ENESTnd 5-Year Update Studya Progression to AP/BC on (Including After Treatment Discontinuation) P = .0047 New events in year 5 P = .0588 6 7.1% Imatinib 400 mg QD (n = 283) 3.5% Nilotinib 300 mg BID (n = 282) 2.1% Nilotinib 400 mg BID (n = 281) Two new progressions on study in year 5 (1 in the nilotinib 300 mg BID arm and 1 in the imatinib arm) Both patients had BCR-ABL > 10% at 3 months a Includes progression to AP/BC (excluding clonal evolution) or deaths in patients with advanced CML occurring on study (on core or extension treatment or during follow-up after treatment discontinuation). Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. ENESTnd 5-Year Update PFS and OS on Study (Including After Treatment Discontinuation)a Imatinib 400 mg QD (n = 283) Nilotinib 300 mg BID (n = 282) Nilotinib 400 mg BID (n = 281) 91.1 92.0 95.3 Progressions and deaths, n 23 22 11 Hazard ratio (95% CI) — 0.92 (0.51-1.65) 0.46 (0.23-0.95) .77 .03 91.6 93.6 96.0 Total deaths, n 21 18 10 Deaths in patients with advanced CML, nb 15 6 4 Hazard ratio (95% CI) — 0.84 (0.45-1.58) 0.46 (0.22-0.98) P value — .58 .04 Estimated 5-year PFS, % P value Estimated 5-year OS, % a There were 6 newly reported deaths in year 5 Imatinib (n = 2): both due to study indication Nilotinib 300 mg BID (n = 3): study indication, rectal cancer, and pneumonia Nilotinib 400 mg BID (n = 1): sepsis Includes events occurring on core or extension treatment or during follow-up after treatment discontinuation. for whom the principle cause of death was either “study indication” or “unknown” or not reported but occurred subsequent to a documented progression to AP/BC. Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. b Patients ENESTnd 5-Year Update BCR-ABL Categories at 3 Months* BCR-ABL ≤10% 100 91 80 Patients, % 67 Imatinib (n=264) Nilotinib 300 mg BID (n=258) >1- ≤10% 60 BCR-ABL >10% 40 >1- ≤10% 33 ≤1% 20 9 ≤1% 0 n 176 234 88 24 BCR-ABL Level at 3 Months • Reasons for unevaluable samples included: – Atypical transcripts: 5 patients on nilotinib, 2 patients on imatinib – Missing samples: 4 patients on nilotinib, 5 patients on imatinib – Discontinuation: 15 patients (including 1 progression) on nilotinib, 12 patients (including 1 progression) on imatinib *Calculated from total number of evaluable patients with PCR assessments at 3 months. Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. ENESTnd 5-Year Update OS by BCR-ABL Levels at 3 Months Imatinib 400 mg QD Nilotinib 300 mg BID EMR Failure: 33% of pts EMR Failure: 9% of pts 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Patients Alive, % 97.6% 95.7% P = .4871 BCR-ABL Level ≤ 1% > 1% to ≤ 10% > 10% Censored Observations 0 1 2 Pts 145 89 24 Evt 6 2 5 3 81.9% P = .0007 Cen 139 87 19 4 5 6 Time Since Randomization, Calendar Years OS by 5 Yearsa 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 99.2% 95.3% P = .0873 P < .0001 79.5% Patients Alive, % OS by 5 Yearsa BCR-ABL Level ≤ 1% > 1% to ≤ 10% > 10% Censored Observations 0 1 2 Pts 43 133 88 3 Evt 2 1 16 Cen 41 132 72 4 5 6 Time Since Randomization, Calendar Years Patients with EMR failure (BCR-ABL > 10% at 3 months) have significantly worse 5-year OS Rates of EMR failure are lower on nilotinib 300 mg BID vs imatinib Cen, censored; EMR, early molecular response; Evt, events; Pts, patients. a OS rates reported consider each year to consist of twelve 28-day cycles. Saglio G, et al. Blood. 2013:[abstract 92]. DASISION 4-Year Follow-up Four-Year (Yr) Follow-Up of Patients (Pts) With Newly Diagnosed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase (CML-CP) Receiving Dasatinib or Imatinib: Efficacy Based on Early Response J. Cortes,1 A. Hochhaus,2 D.-W. Kim,3 N.P. Shah,4 J. Mayer,5 P. Rowlings,6 H. Nakamae,7 M.B. Bradley-Garelik,8 H. Mohamed,9 H. Kantarjian,1 G. Saglio10 1University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, TX, USA; Jena, Jena, Germany; 3Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea; 4UCSF School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA, USA; 5Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology, University Hospital Brno, Brno, Czech Republic; 6Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital, University of Newcastle, Australia; 7Osaka City University Hospital, Osaka, Japan; 8Bristol-Myers Squibb, Wallingford, CT, USA; 9Bristol-Myers Squibb, Plainsboro, NJ, USA; 10University of Turin, Turin, Italy 2Universitatsklinikum DASISION 4-Year Follow-up DASISION (CA 180-056) Study Design Treatment-naive CML-CP patients (N=519) 108 centers 26 countries Enrollment: September 2007 ‒ December 2008 aStratified • Dasatinib 100 mg QD (n=259) Randomizeda Imatinib 400 mg QD (n=260) by EURO (Hasford) risk score Primary end point: confirmed CCyR by 12 months – 77% dasatinib versus 66% imatinib (P=0.007)1 1. Kantarjian H,et al. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:2260-70 DASISION (CA 180-056): NCT00481247; CCyR = complete cytogenetic response. Long-term follow-up DASISION 4-Year Follow-up Cumulative Rate of MMR Dasatinib 100 mg QD 100 % With MMR 80 60 Imatinib 400 mg QD P<0.0001 1.6-Fold higher likelihood of achieving MMR with dasatinib; HR=1.55 (1.26-1.91) 74% 76% 69% 64% 63% 46% 60% 55% 46% 40 23% 20 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 Months Hasford Risk Score MMR = major molecular response, BCR-ABL (IS) ≤0.1%; IS = International Scale. MMR 4-y cumulative rates Low Intermediate High Dasatinib 90% 70% 65% Imatinib 69% 63% 52% DASISION 4-Year Follow-up Cumulative Rate of MR4 and MR4.5 Dasatinib 100 mg QD Imatinib 400 mg QD MR4 MR4.5 P<0.0021 P<0.030 60 60 47% 53% 50 35% 40 42% 28% 35% 30 12% 20 % With MR4.5 % With MR4 50 34% 40 23% 30 30% 18% 20 22% 37% 21% 3% 17% 10 10 12% 9% 5% 0 0 12 0 24 36 Months MM 4 = BCR-ABL (IS) ≤0.01% MM 4.5 = BCR-ABL (IS) ≤0.0032% IS = International Scale. 48 60 2% 0 12 24 36 Months 48 60 DASISION 4-Year Follow-up Transformation to AP/BP CML by 4 Years On Study • a Including Follow-up Beyond Discontinuation (ITT)a One patient (on imatinib) transformed on study between 3 and 4 years Yearly evaluation after discontinuation are currently stipulated per protocol; additional information on patient status may be provided by investigators at other times. DASISION 4-Year Follow-up Overall Survival and Progression-Free Survival Dasatinib 100 mg QD (n=259) Imatinib 400 mg QD (n=260) Hazard ratio 19 21 - Estimated 4-year OS, % 92.9 (89.7-96.1) 92.1 (88.7-95.4) HR=0.91 (0.49-1.69) Estimated 4-year PFS,b% 90.0 (86.0-93.9) 90.2 (86.3-94.1) HR=1.04 (0.58-1.87) Total number of deaths,a n aOn-study treatment and in follow-up after discontinuation of randomized treatment. bProgression was defined as doubling of WBC count, loss of CHR, increase in Ph-positive metaphases to >35%, transformation, or death from any cause. DASISION 4-Year Follow-up ELN-Defined Molecular Responses1 Dasatinib 100 mg QD (n=259) Imatinib 400 mg QD (n=260) At 3 months n Optimal: BCR-ABL ≤ 10% Warning: BCR-ABL > 10% 235 198 (84) 37 (16) 239 154 (64) 85 (36) At 6 months n Optimal: BCR-ABL ≤ 1% Warning: BCR-ABL > 1-10% Failure: BCR-ABL > 10% 236 164 (69) 46 (19) 26 (11) 238 117 (49) 80 (34) 41 (17) At 12 months n Optimal: BCR-ABL ≤ 0.1% Warning: BCR-ABL > 0.1-1% Failure: BCR-ABL > 1% 224 102 (46) 82 (37) 40 (18) 221 66 (30) 82 (37) 73 (33) 1Baccarani M, et al. Blood. 2013;122:872-84. ELN = European LeukemiaNet. Relazione tra riduzione del trascritto a 3 mesi e outcome clinico a lungo termine Linea di trattamento Follow-up Agente Risposta molecolare a 3 mesi PFS OS Prima linea DASISION 4 anni Dasatinib 100 mg/die <10% vs >10% BCR/ABL 93,3% vs 72,9% 95,4% vs 82,9% Prima linea ENESTnd 5 anni Nilotinib 300 mg BID <10% vs >10% BCR/ABL 95,2% vs 82,9% 96,7% vs 86,7% Marin et al, JCO 2012 Prediction of PFS and OS by early molecular and cytogenetic response (CML German trial, 1303 patients) A total of 1303 newly diagnosed Imatinib-treated pts were investigated to correlate molecular and cytogenetic response at 3 and 6 months with PFS (defined by absence of accelerated phase, blast crisis and death from any reason) and OS (absence of death from any reason). Molecular and cytogenetic response levels at 3 months of imatinib treatment are significantly associated with long-term progression-free and overall survival. Hanfstein et al, Leukemia 2012 Hanfstein et al, Leukemia 2012 The measurement of the transcript level at 3 months in pts. treated with 1st line Dasatinib is also predictive for outcome, allowing the dentification of approximately 10% of pts. with low probability of achieving CCyR and deep molecular responses Marin et al, Blood 2012 EFS and FFS according to cytogenetic and molecular response at 3 months Patients wth poor response at 3 months have significantly inferior EFS and FFS compared with those with better responses Jain et al, Blood 2013 Il trascritto al 6°mese non aggiunge informazioni rispetto al 3° mese che mantiene la sua validità in termini di OS 254 Any BCR-ABL Reduction Below 10% At 6 Months Of Therapy Significantly Improves Outcome For CML Patients With a Poor Response At 3 Months Program: Oral and Poster Abstracts Type: Oral Session: 632. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Therapy: Early Surrogate Markers of Outcome, Long-Term Treatment and Treatment Discontinuation Susan Branford, PhD1, Nicola Roberts, BSc2*, David T Yeung, BSc, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA2,3, Haley Altamura, BSc2*, Wendy T Parker, PhD1* and Timothy P. Hughes, MD, MBBS4 Summary of 6-Month Responses Among Patients With BCR-ABL Level >10% at 3 Months Dasatinib 100 mg QD (n=259) Imatinib 400 mg QD (n=260) BCR-ABL at 6 months Total ≤1% 37 3 10 Transformations to AP/BP, n 5 - Deaths from any cause, n 6 - BCR-ABL >10% at 3 months, n >1-10% >10% BCR-ABL at 6 months ND Total ≤1% >1-10% >10% ND 21 3b 85 7 35 37 6c - 5 - 13 - 3 8 2 - 5 1 14 - 4 8 2 ND = not determined. aData are provided only for patients who remained on therapy through 6 months and had a molecular assessment at the indicated time point. bWith dasatinib, 3 patients discontinued between 3 and 6 months because of toxicity (n=2) and pregnancy (n=1). cWith imatinib, 6 patients discontinued between 3 and 6 months because of progression (n=1), toxicity (n=1), noncompliance (n=1), patient request (n=1), loss to follow-up (n=1), and unknown reasons (n=1). 34 3M EUROPEAN LEUKEMIANET 2013 RESPONSE TO TREATMENT FIRSTLINE, You & can also Wait monitor Switch! wait & closely! monitor more IMATINIB, NILOTINIB, and DASATINIB more closely! OPTIMAL BASELINE 3 mo 6 mo NA WARNING -HIGH RISK, -CCA/Ph+ (Major route) FAILURE NA Efficacy of Ph+ ≤ 35% and/or Ph + 36-95% and/or No CHR and/or switching is not BCR-ABL ≤ 10% BCR-ABL ≥ 10% Ph + > 95% yet demonstrated Ph+ 0 and/or Ph + 1-35% and/or Ph + > 35% and/or BCR-ABL < 1% BCR-ABL 1-10% BCR-ABL > 10% 12 mo BCR-ABL≤ 0.1% BCR-ABL 0.1-1 % Ph + ≥ 1%, and/or BCR-ABL > 1% 24 mo BCR-ABL ≤ 0.1% BCR-ABL 0.1-1% BCR-ABL > 1% Yellow = cytogenetic response Baccarani M et al., submitted comm. Evoluzione degli obiettivi terapeutici Ph+ CML Diagnosis CHR CCyR MMR Not sufficient OS PFS & EFS Baccarani et al., J Clin Oncol. 2009;27(35):6041-6051. MR 4.5 MR4.5 and TFR Achieving the CMR is the first step to the discontinuation Discontinuations by patients with less than CMR are less successful Response at Time of Treatment Patients With Molecular and/or Discontinuation Cytogenetic Relapse, % CCyR1 100% MMR2 100% MMR, CCyR, MCyR3 100% CMR for ≥ 2 years 4 61% CCyR, complete cytogenetic response; CMR, complete molecular response; MCyR, major cytogenetic response; MMR, major molecular response. 1. Goh HG, et al. Leuk Lymphoma. 2009;50(6):944-951. 2. Koskenvesa P, et al. Blood. 2008;112(11):738 [abstract 2121]. 3. Kuwabara A, et al. Blood. 2010;116(6):1014-1016. 4. Mahon FX, et al. Abstract 255. 2013 ASH meeting TKIs discontinuation 40% of patients in deep molecular response maintained this result after IM discontinuation A significant difference in the cumulative incidence of stable MR4.5 was observed according to BCR/ABL1 value at 3 months Treatment-free Remission Studies Supported by Novartis Novartis is supporting 8 TFR studies, including: – 4 company-sponsored trials • ENESTpath • ENESTop • ENESTgoal • ENESTfreedom – 4 investigator-initiated trials Conclusioni Identificare precocemente i pazienti ad outcome non ottimale (indipendentemente dall’inibitore scelto). Una riduzione a 3 mesi del trascritto BCR/ABL < 10% rappresenta lo strumento più accurato per dimostrare l’efficacia della terapia Ottenere risposte molecolari più rapide e profonde, con conseguente riduzione del rate di progressione in crisi blastica (vantaggio in EFS e PFS) Possibile discontinuazione (partecipazione a trial clinici controllati dopo ottenimento di una MR4.5 persistente) «Treatment-Free Remission (TFR)»
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