Dear Sibley Families, This week we celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week. This is a special time to honor the dedication, passion, and caring nature of our teachers. It takes many dedicated individuals working as a team to help a school succeed. Thank you to all of our Sibley staff members for everything they do! May/June 2015 Newsletter Scott Sannes, Principal 507.645.3470 Attendance Line 507.645.3474 The end of this school year brings an end to “Elementary School” for our fifth grade students. On behalf of the Sibley staff, I would like to congratulate the fifth grade class for their accomplishments and wish them well in middle school and beyond. They are ready to move on. Special congratulations go out to the 5th grade crew for their “Science Rocks” performance last week…it was excellent! Letters will be mailed to you in mid-August with your child’s classroom assignment and orientation materials for next year. Ready, Set, Go Day is scheduled for Tuesday, September 1, 2015. Sibley’s start and stop times for next year will be the same as this year. Our elementary day at Sibley will begin with a student entrance bell at 8:15 a.m. followed by second bell at 8:20 a.m. signifying the start of the school day. The student day will end at 3:15 p.m. We will continue to have one-hour late starts on Wednesdays. This is our last Sibley Star for the 2014-15 school year and I want to thank you for your partnership in educating all of Sibley’s students this school year. We greatly appreciate your countless hours of volunteering and/or your support from home. As always, if you have any concerns, questions or comments, please call or email me at: [email protected]. Sincerely, Scott Sannes Queridas familias de Sibley, Esta semana celebramos la semana nacional de agradecimiento a los maestros. Es un tiempo especial para agradecer la dedicación, pasión y cuidado en su trabajo de nuestros maestros. Para que una escuela tenga éxito se necesitan muchas personas dedicadas a su trabajo trabajando en equipo. ¡Gracias a todos los que trabajan en Sibley por todo lo que hacen! El final de este año escolar es el final de la escuela primaria para nuestros estudiantes de quinto grado. De parte de todos los que trabajamos en Sibley, me gustaría felicitar a la clase de quinto grado por todo lo que han logrado y les deseamos que les vaya muy bien en el middle school y lo que siga después. Están listos para seguir adelante. Les queremos felicitar especialmente a todos los de quinto grado por su representación final de “Science Rocks” la semana pasada... ¡fue excelente! Las cartas con los maestros de sus hijos para el próximo año y otra información sobre el curso las enviaremos a mediados de agosto. El día de Ready-Set-Go será el martes 1 de septiembre de 2015. Las horas de comienzo y final del día en Sibley serán las mismas para el próximo año. Nuestro día en Sibley empezará con una campana para que entren los estudiantes a las 8:15 a.m. seguida de una segunda campana a las 8:20 a.m. para marcar el comienzo del día escolar. El día para los estudiantes termina a las 3:15 p.m. Vamos a seguir con una hora de entrada más tarde los miércoles. Este es nuestro último boletín de noticias del Sibley Star para el año escolar 2014-2015 y quiero darles las gracias por su compromiso en la educación de todos los estudiantes este año escolar. Apreciamos mucho las muchas horas dedicadas a la escuela como voluntarios y su apoyo en casa. Como siempre, si tienen preocupaciones, preguntas, o comentarios, llámenme o envíenme un email a: [email protected]. Atentamente, Scott Sannes Traducción: Mar Valdecantos 2 May/June Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 4 5 6 1 Hour Late Start 7 8 11 School Board Meeting H.S. Media Ctr7:00 p.m. 12 13 1 Hour Late Start 14 Kind. Assessments 15 Kindergarten Trip to Como Zoo 18 19 20 1 Hour Late Start 21 Dare Graduation 8:30am Sibley Cafeteria 25 No School Memorial Day 26 Green Team Mtg. 7:30 a.m. Sibley Talent Show 5:00-7:00pm 27 1 Hour Late Start 28 29 ALL LIBRARY 2nd Gr. Trip to BOOKS DUE! Mpls Art Institute Student Council 4th Grade Field Trip to Meeting 7:45 a.m. Fossil Hunt Espect`aculo de Talento Orchestra Concert MS at 9:00 am 7:00pm at MS 4th and 5th Gr. Track and Field Day 3rd Gr. Wax Museum 2:00 p.m. 22 All School Choral Festival at MS Mark your calendars for these upcoming June events! . 6/2 Espect`aculo de Talento Middle School 9:30am 6/3 Kindergarten Graduation 2:00 (Born, Wacholz) 6/4 Grade 5 trip to River Bend Nature Center 6/4 Kindergarten Graduation 9:00 (Downs,Heil) 6/5 5th Grade Graduation 8:30 in Gymnasium 6/8 School Board Meeting 7:30 at HS June 5th– Last Day of School 2 Hour Early Release 3 Social Worker– Noreen Cooney May is Mental Health Awareness Month Promoting Positive Mental Health With Our Children Take a minute and celebrate. Did you know that taking a minute to celebrate the little things can actually increase your overall happiness? Celebrating the little things teaches the brain to focus on goodness. Routinely pointing out positive things will train you to automatically focus on the good, leading to increased overall happiness. Try celebrating small things with your kids by asking them to share 3 good things that happened to them every day. Doing this routinely – for example, every night at bedtime – will help them increase their happiness and positivity. It is also important to celebrate with others when they experience some kind of achievement or accomplishment. So next time your neighbor, or spouse, or partner tells you some good news from their life, take a minute to celebrate with them. Try not to let your own busyness (or even feelings of jealousy) put a damper on their positive experience. Instead, see if you can celebrate with them by asking questions about the accomplishment so you both get to experience some positive emotions. For more information, log onto the Rice County Mental Health Collaborative’s website at: Choir News – Holly Fischer We are getting ready for our choir festival on May 22 during the school day at the Middle School. Watch for a permission slip to come home with your choir member during the first week in May! 4th grade choir members have already started learning their music and 5th grade choir members will begin when Science Rocks is over. (What a great show!) The choirs will be singing for each other and then singing one song all together. This is NOT a concert for an audience but a singing/learning experience. Each elementary choir will get to work with the High School Choir Director, Mr. Eastman. He will help them with vocal technique and blend, and he will make them sound even more fantastic than they already are! Health Office - Jane Ehlers Summer is just around the corner, I can’t believe it! Just a few reminders as we close out the 2014-15 school year. If your child(ren) has medica on in the health office, please stop and pick up that medication on or before the last day of school. I have many students who have medications which need to be picked up before the last day school. The health office is open every day from 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Those items not picked up before the last day of school will be disposed of properly. Thanks for your cooperation. Have a great summer! It has been a joy to work with your children. Jane M. Ehlers, RN Sibley Health Office 507-645-3475 4 Physical Education-Andy Jaynes & Ryan Pietsch Spring greetings from the Physical Education Department. With the weather looking better and better, we are thrilled to be able to get the students outside and active. We are finishing up spring fitness testing for grades 3-5 and practicing these same tests for grades K-2. Don’t be surprised if you see your children practicing sit-ups, pull ups and distance running around the house! We would like to thank all of you who were able to help raise money for the American Heart Association this year through our Jump Rope for Heart unit. The final totals have come in and we raised $5,259.02! Wow, what an amazing effort by our students and families at Sibley. Those students who raised money will receive their thank you gifts from the American Heart Association sometime soon. Lastly, the date for 4th and 5th grade track and field day this year is Friday, May 29th at the Middle School track. 4th grade will be from 9:30 – 11:30 and 5th grade will be from 12:30 – 2:30. If you are interested in volunteering to help, please let your child’s classroom teacher know. Please keep an eye out for much more information coming home regarding track and field day soon. As always, thanks for your support of our P.E. Department. We enjoyed spending time with your children this school year and hope you have a safe, healthy, fun and active summer! News from the Media Center/Ann Hehr Upcoming Dates: Last week of book checkout for 2nd-5th grade: May 11-15 Last week of book checkout for K-1st grade: May 18-22 ALL student books must be returned by Friday, May 29th. Overdue/missing reports will be run and sent home with students on May 29th. Students can check their account or browse our collection from any device that has internet access. From the Sibley Elementary website, click on the “Media Center” tab on the left side of the screen. Then select “Online Catalog” from the middle of the screen. To check a student account, click the “Login” button. Username: 4 digit lunch number. Password: 4 digit lunch number. After you are logged in, click the “My Info” tab. When a student is done, it is important that they click the “Logout” tab. Please note that if books were returned to the classroom but not brought to the media center, they will still show up on the student’s account. The Sibley Media Center is a busy place. We are continually getting new books ready for checkout, returning and shelving other books. So far this year students and staff have checked out over 22,200 items! If your child has a missing or damaged library book, please contact Ann Hehr, Karen Jensen, or your child’s classroom teacher. We will let you know the cost to replace the book. Overdue book list were given to classroom teachers in April and letters will be sent home in May. Let us know if you have any questions. Visit the media center website for links to some great educational websites that your child might enjoy over the summer. Ann Hehr Media Teacher Sibley Elementary School Northfield, MN Please let me know if you have any questions! Ann Hehr [email protected] 5 Band News - Stefanie Bothun Hello from the band room! The year is winding down and all 5th grade band students have done an excellent job this year learning their instruments. I hope to see many students continue band in middle school and keep playing over the summer. The Friday morning rehearsals for the month of May will be as follows: May 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29. We will not rehearse in the morning on the last day of school on June 5. Lessons during the last week of school will still take place on the Tuesday and Friday. We will use that time to do a little bit of playing, but mostly celebrate the accomplishments of the students! Our final concert of the year is Tuesday, May 12 at 7 pm in the middle school auditorium. This concert will also feature the 6th, 7th and 8th grade bands from the middle school. This will be a great opportunity for students to experience what it will be like to play at the middle school level. While it is not required to stay for the entire concert, it is highly encouraged so students can hear the progress from 6th to 7th to 8th grade. All 5th grade band students will need to meet in the middle school band room at 6:40 pm. All students should dress nicely and bring their instruments and music. No wire music stands are required for this concert and all big instruments (French Horn, Baritone and Tuba) will need to bring their instruments from home. Summer Band Lessons: all 5th grade students were given a summer band form to bring home and share with their families. Summer band lessons are not required, but highly recommended. All 5th grade students are now considered “advanced” students, so please refer to the information for advanced students when filling out the form. All forms are due by Friday, May 15 and each student will be given their scheduled time the last week of school. 4th Grade Students: The time to join band is NOW! All 4th graders received a band handbook at the beginning of April which included all the information you need to know about 5th grade band and the chance to sign up. Once all the sign-ups are collected, each student will come to the band room and try their top three instrument choices to see which one fits them best. After all students try the instruments, a form will be sent home with information about the instrument that fit them best and an invitation to attend our Instrument Display Night on Monday, May 18 between 6 – 8 pm at Bridgewater Elementary School. This night will I nclude time to sign up for a trial/purchase instrument with Schmitt music, sign up for summer band lessons, meet the band teachers and bring your already owned instrument for the band directors to check the playing condition. Stefanie Bothun 5th Grade Band Director Bridgewater, Greenvale Park and Sibley Elementary 507-664-3300 Check Out Our Lost and Found All remaining items will be donated at the end of school year, so please stop by and take a look if you are missing any items. 6 Trash for Cash– Larisa Jenrich 7 PTO End of the Year Scholastic Book Fair BOGO Scholastic Book Fair Stock up for Summer Reading with the Buy One, Get One end of year Book Fair! Everything- yes, everything- at the Book Fair will be buy one, get one free. Two days only! Tues (May 26th) 8:30-11:30 and 4:00-end of Talent show Wed (May 27th) 8:30-11:30. Student Council– Becki Haar/Nancy fox A big thank you goes out to all of the student council members who have served Sibley Elementary this school year. This year the student council members have helped with: -fundraising for Coins for Clean Water -daily classroom book return -Movie night -organizing lost and found -Beyond Words dinner -mystery readers -deciding dress up days -assisting teachers Food Service– Stephany Stromme National School Lunch Hero Day was May 1, 2015: Please thank your lunch heroes in the upcoming days for the hard work and commitment they make each day to serve you healthy meals with a smile. End of the year reminders from Child Nutrition Services: 1. Please bring all lunch account balances to zero or a positive balance. 2. All balances will carry forward into next school year. 3. All school messenger calls and emails will be shut off during the summer. 4. Each year all families will be mailed a new educational benefits application in August to be completed for school year 2015-16. 5. The online payment system will be shut off in the summer and be back up in Mid-August. Have a safe and wonderful summer! 8 PTO News – Chris Feldman School Supply Boxes for the 2015/2016 School Year We will once again be participating in a program where parents can purchase their child’s school supplies for the upcoming year through one company. Items on teacher supply lists (except personal items i.e. shoes) will be supplied and delivered to each child’s classroom prior to Ready, Set, Go Day in the fall. Cost will be approximately $30-50 per box. This will be an optional service provided by the PTO for parents who choose to purchase supplies this way for next fall. Specific cost and ordering details will be coming out in early May, so please stay tuned! Sibley Talent Show The Sibley Talent Show and the Scholastic ½ price book fair will be taking place on Tuesday, May 26th from 5-7 pm. This year, the Talent Show will be limited to 3rd-5th Grade students. Tryouts will take place mid-May. We are still in need of 1-2 people to assist with the Talent Show. Please contact Chris Feldman if you are interested in helping out. Please join us for our final PTO meeting of the year on Tuesday, May 12th at 6:30 pm. We will be voting to approve our 2015/2016 PTO Board and our budget reserves for the 2015/2016 school year. Matt Hillman will also be speaking at our meeting to discuss the long-term facilities plan for Sibley. If you have any questions about PTO, what we do and how you can be involved, please contact one of our current PTO Board Members. PTO Officers: Chris Feldman – President Amanda Tracy – Vice President Leah Garlie – Treasurer Sara Ailabouni – Secretary [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Orchestra news - Natalie Kruger Nightingale Violin, Singing Tree Cello and Golden Bow Solo Contest Monday, May 18, 4-5:30 pm Location: Bridgewater Elementary The due date for the solo contest sign-up is Wednesday, May 13th. No late forms will be accepted. Students who sign up for the solo contest will receive a time slip from me on Thursday, May 14th with the exact time of their scheduled performance. We recommend that students arrive about 10 minutes before their scheduled time to unpack, tune, and warm-up. Students may leave as soon as they are done playing. The results of our solo contest will be announced at the May 28th concert. ************************************************************************ May Concert: Elementary and Middle School Orchestras Our May concert will be held on Thursday, May 28st at 7:00 pm in the Northfield Middle School Auditorium. Tentative Arrival/Warm-up Times (finalized information to be sent home mid-May): 5th Grade: Please arrive by 6:30 pm for tuning and a dress rehearsal in the choir room. 4th Grade: Please arrive by 6:30 pm for tuning and a dress rehearsal in the band room. The concert will begin at 7:00 pm. Results of the Solo Contest will be announced at the concert! 9 Art -Erica Ness Thank you to all the families that came out for Beyond Words, it was a wonderful success and I look forward to next year. Look for your artwork heading home soon. We are also coming to the end of the Sibley Arts and About partnership with Northfield businesses. Make sure you keep eyes open for where your student will have their art hanging. As we come to the end of the year, I want to say thank you for all of your purchases on Artsonia. The parents of Sibley donated $450 to the school through your purchases. This helped fund an art supply cart for the teachers at Sibley and the Beyond Words Mural. I am excited to continue the program next year, so keep it in mind as you think of gifts for Mother's Day and Father's Day. 20% comes back to our school. As a reminder, the art room always loves your donations of unwanted art supplies to be shared with other art students. If you have any unwanted art supplies at home, please consider making a donation to Sibley. Community Services Summer 2015 Summer registration for 2015 is now open! For more information or to register for any Community Services programs, please visit us online at (follow the Community Services link), call 507-664-3649, or at our office on the first floor of the Northfield Community Resource Center at 1651 Jefferson Parkway, Northfield. Scholarships are available for all programs Activities in May Soccer Skills Now (grades 1 - 5) Sibley Soccer Fields; M - F, May 4 - 8; 3:20 – 4:20 p.m. $26 Watch Me Draw: In The Rainforest Art Workshop (grades 1 - 5) Sibley Art Room, T, May 26, 3:20 – 4:35 p.m. $24 Summer is right around the corner and we have some great youth recreation programs and camps including youth baseball and softball, tennis, soccer, volleyball, summer track and lacrosse. Favorites such as Superkids, Skyhawks Mini-Hawk Camp, Wiggle and Giggle and GO FAR will be offered again this summer. An Eagle Bluff Trip for incoming 7th graders, as well as various outdoor activity programs is available to older teens including an introduction to archery, trap shooting, fishing, as well as ultimate frisbee, disc golf, fencing and cheerleading camps. Community Services also has many youth enrichment camps and programs this summer including American Red Cross Babysitter’s Certification courses, Project Runway, LEGO® Robotics, Rocketry and Chess. For music-lovers we have a Middle School Summer Pops Band. Watch Me Draw art camps are also always a favorite including themes such as: Glitter Girls, Art-o-saurus Dino Roar, Sea Quest, Rockin’Robots and Tangled Up in Art. Our Aquatics program will also run American Red Cross Swim lessons, levels 1 through 6; as well as the Aqua Babies, Aqua Tots and Starfish swim programs for younger children. 10 Northfield Public Library 11 Northfield Public Library 12 Technology Recommendations Approved May 2015 Newsletter Main Office 507.663.0600 Chris Richardson, Superintendent of Schools 507.663.0629 Donita Delzer, Admin. Assistant to the Superintendent & School Board 507.663.0629 Buildings & Grounds 507.663.0610 Business Office 507.663.0626 Community Services Division & Community Relations 507.664.3650 Curriculum Office 507.663.0622 Child Nutrition Services 507.663.0618 Health Services 507.645.1205 Human Resources 507.663.0627 Payroll Office 507.663.0628 Student Services 507.645.3410 Technology Services 507.645.1260 At its April 27 meeting, the Northfield Board of Education approved recommendations from the District Technology Steering Committee for the next phase of the Transformational Technology Project, including expansion of the district’s iPad initiative to provide personalized learning tools to students. Director of Technology Kim Briske presented the recommendations to the board, which were the result of a process that included a board update in January, 12 listening sessions, and surveys in each school and for community members. The process also included four Chromebook demonstrations for staff interested in seeing an alternative to the iPad. In her presentation, Briske outlined the rationale for proposed new iPad leases and programmatic changes— including a new device management system that makes it possible to restrict access to the App Store and includes a classroom management tool to allow teachers to lock student iPads into a specific app or website. The Casper mobile device management system will be in place for the start of the 2015-16 school year, replacing the system that has been in place over the past two school years. The recommendations also include a three-phase lease cycle of iPads and cases for staff and students. Beginning with the 2015-16 school year, iPads will be provided for 4th and 5th grade students and will be kept at school. A second lease beginning in January of 2016 will provide replacement iPads for staff and 6th through 12th grade students. A third lease in July 2016, coupled with the first lease of iPads in 2015, will also provide one iPad for every two students in grades K-3. In addition, keyboards will be made available for classroom checkout beginning next year. The district’s proxy server, which filters the internet on school devices when they are off campus, will be discontinued due to interference with internet connectivity and access to software tools in Schoology and Google Drive. Web filtering will still be in place on all devices when connected to school WiFi, and the district will provide family resources for internet filtering at home. For more information on the implementation and use of iPads, please visit the project blog, at Drive to Support Raider Athletics Help raise money for district athletics—participate in the free “Drive One 4 UR School” event, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 9, at the high school. Bring your driver's license and test drive a new Ford to help raise up to $6,000 for student athletic activities. Participants must be 18 or older and have a valid driver's license. Only one member per household is eligible to participate. This opportunity was organized by the Northfield Booster Club, the Ford Motor Company and Northfield’s Dokmo Ford. Early Learning Scholarships The Northfield Public Schools Community Services Division has received approval by the Minnesota Department of Education of its application for early learning scholarships. Pending passage of the state’s fiscal year 2016 education budget, the scholarships will allow for support of the following actions. x Adding a five-day per week preschool class, with capacity for 12 scholarship students x Providing transportation for preschool and parent education events x Providing one parent education and/or family event each month, from September to June x Purchasing evidence-based curriculum for the EarlyVentures childcare program and continuing to provide wrap-around care slots for district preschool students as requested x Increasing the number of students served in Bridges to Kindergarten by 25 students x Increasing collaboration between early childhood teachers and kindergarten staff To learn more about our scholarships for preschool, please call 507.664.3754 or email [email protected]. District News Northfield Youth Organizations To update contact information, please call 507.645.3406 or email [email protected] with changes. 5th Bridge Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowling Boy Scouts Cannon Valley Youth Orchestra Canterbury Pony Club Carleton College Center for Community and Civic Engagement Check it Out Singers Community Resource Bank Junior Board Dakota County Extension - 4-H Division Street Dance Girl Scouts Healthy Community Initiative Jr. Curator Program Just for Kix Leo Club Advisor Library Teen Advisory Board Making Waves Swim School Northfield Area Family YMCA Northfield Arts Guild Northfield Basketball Association Northfield Community Chinese School Northfield Dance Academy Northfield Fastpitch Softball Assoc. Northfield Gymnastics Club Northfield Hockey Association Northfield Karate Dojo Northfield Lacrosse Association Northfield Library Northfield Mentoring Northfield Police Dept Explorers Northfield Skating School Northfield Soccer Association Northfield Swim Club Northfield Tennis Association Northfield Union of Youth Northfield Volleyball Club Northfield Youth Baseball Assoc Northfield Youth Choir Northfield Youth Wrestling Pinnacle Performing Arts Project Friendship Rainbow Saddle Club Reaching Our Goals - St. Olaf College Rice County Extension - 4-H Candy Taylor Robyn Goldy Terry Heilman Adam Hough Deonne Gray Christine Sullivan Kelley Laura Riehle-Merrill 507.663.1505 507.414.0308 507.645.8322 651.254.9120 507.645.7189 507.664.9512 507.222.7020 Todd Thompson Christina Jerome Amber Shanahan Emily Boyd Carolyn Gates Zach Pruitt Nfld Historical Society Liz Rohach Alice Nasby Kathy Ness Cindy Varley Virginia Kaczmarek Laura Schenck Scott Sannes Gao Hong Daphne McCoy Mark Pritchard Zach Wareham Dean Kruger Bob Dobrow Natalie Marfleet Kathy Ness Zach Pruitt Sgt. Mark Murphy Carey Tinkelenberg Holly Scheuble Devon Barnes Andy Ringlien Rachel Woldum Beth Pascua Roger/Kim Thompson Liz Shepley Shaun Murphy Jana Hirsch Sarah VanSickle Nancy Becker Education Dept. Kelly Chadwick 507.645.5397 507.645.3125 651.480.7755 507.202.9256 507.645.6603 507.664.3524 507.645.9268 507.271.3316 507.645.7398 507.645.1804 507.645.4623 507.645.0088 507.645.8877 507.581.2197 612.385.3893 507.645.4068 507.645.1365 507.663.7772 651.270.9702 507.301.3544 507.645.4035 507.645.1804 507.664.3524 507.645.4475 508.887.2551 303.378.4797 507.403.3468 507.301.3581 507.663.0715 651-334-9241 507.301.9746 507.645.4194 507.645.2326 507.301.3337 507.301.7705 507.645.4336 507.786.3245 507.332.6163
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