Neilson Grove Elementary School 5500 Admiral Boulevard, Delta, B.C. V4K 5B7 Phone 604-940-4468 Fax 604-940-0414 Principal: Bob Thompson email [email protected] April 30, 2015 What’s Happening Regional Track Meet Tuesday, May 5th @ Delta Secondary School May 1124567788& 1114151819192122222527- Div.1&2 Aladdin @ DSS 12:00 Fire Drill 2:15 p.m. Marafun PAC Meeting 7:00 p.m. Regional Track Meet @ DSS Div.9 Delta Gymnastics Alternate Date for Regional Track Meet Div.5&7 Science World Div.2 Delta Heritage Fair 9- Delta Heritage Fair @ Harris Barn Div.6 Richmond Art Gallery District Track Meet @ SDSS Non-Instructional Day – NO SCHOOL Victoria Day – NO SCHOOL Div.6 Delta Museum Div.1&2 Ladner Band @ DSS Recognition Assembly 1:45pm Div.2 Improvisation Wkshp Special Lunch Day – Sushi 29 Bike to School Week Dumpsta Dragons Performance Home This Week Track Meet Permission Forms-due Friday Division 1,2,3 & 6 Field Trips Students that have been selected to represent Neilson Grove Elementary at the Regional Track Meet at Delta Secondary on Tuesday, May5th will have received a permission form. These permission forms are due tomorrow, Friday, May 1st. An Order of Events sheet is attached to the form. Events will begin at 9:30 a.m. (sharp) and should conclude by 3:00 p.m. On May 5th students should report to their classroom for attendance and track meet participants will be called to the gym for final information and assignment to drivers. Parent drivers be here no later than 8:45 a.m. and please remain outside the main school door while students are organized in the gym. We will be leaving before 9:00 a.m. Students who are not participants in the Track Meet are expected to attend school as usual. Some Things for Competitors to Remember: Posted On Web Rich Hamilton Memorial and Family Fund Field Trips South Delta Basketball Dolphin Parenting Workshop BC Challenger Baseball May Field Trips on Calendar Parent Drivers Needed for Track Meet on Tuesday We do need parents on May 5th to drive and to help supervise our students throughout the day. We hope that you will stay and cheer for our athletes. If you are able to drive, please indicate on the permission slip and return it to the school by Friday, May 1st. Students are to be on their best behaviour. This is a school day and track team members are representing Neilson Grove. All students are expected to cheer on our athletes from our spot on the hill. School Location – Finish Line – school banner will be up. Stay in this area all day except when at your event (running events marshal in middle of track), at washroom (by long jump pits), or at concession (by high school) - notify a teacher before you go then come back to school group All students are to stay off the infield unless their event has been announced. Students must walk around the infield to use the washroom, go to the concession or go to a field event. The high school is out of bounds. Event/name tags should be worn at all times to help with marshalling and recording. Tuck inside uniform during event. Clothing – shorts (black if possible), t-shirt (uniforms will be handed out for events and collected directly after each event for redistribution) and runners (double knotted) for all events. No hats are to be worn during an event Be prepared for wet weather first, then sun. It is strongly recommended that students have a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and a water bottle. Students should be prepared for cool weather by wearing layers. An extra garbage bag is necessary for sitting on the grass and can be used in case of wet weather. Before your event: Warm Up – short jog (even field events), gently stretch 1200m – Mass start – move to inside lane without impeding other runners 600m & 800m – all participants from NG will start in the same lane – then all participants can collapse to the inside lane without impeding other runners 60m,100m,200m,300m – stay in assigned lane and remain in your lane at the end of your race until told to leave by a marshal Relay teams – your responsibility to get your team together well before the race. Relay runners must remain in their lanes after hand-off, teams that leave their lanes and interfere with other participants may be disqualified. Medley Relay – 2 teams qualify for the District Meet – All other Relays – 4 teams qualify. Running Events take priority over Field Events: let teacher at field event know your name and that you have to go to your running event. After running event return to field event and let the teacher know you are back. Do not miss your running event because you are waiting your turn at a field event! If you are entered into an event you must participate in the event. Lunch – Please pack a nutritious lunch, high-energy snack & drinks for your child. Students should avoid eating or drinking 30 minutes before their event. It is best to eat small amounts of your lunch throughout the day. Food may be purchased at the concession, concession information attached. Our entire area has to be cleaned up before dismissal. Please lend a hand to make it easier for everyone. All garbage is to be placed in garbage bags provided. At dismissal time, students are to have their name checked off with the teachers on the hill to let them know how they are getting home. Above all, have FUN!! Try your very best!! CHEER your competitors’ efforts!! Show good sportsmanship and good attitude at all times!! We are also looking for 1-2 parent volunteers to be place judges at the finish line. In case of inclement weather, please listen to the radio (CKNW) for track cancellations. If the day is too wet and windy, we will postpone until Thursday, May 7th. Thank you for your support. O:\1cjh\F-School Op\F29\f29apr30-15.doc 04/30/15 District Track Meet Thursday, May 14th Math Celebration On Thursday, April 23rd Neilson Grove participated in this year’s Math Celebration event at Port Guichon Elementary. Math teams from Ladner and Tsawwassen elementary schools competed. Each team had to solve four math problems. The teams were judged each time on the following three items: team work, choice of strategy, and whether or not they solved the problem correctly. The following teams attended this year’s event: Grade 6/7 Grade 6/7 Grade 4/5 Grade 4/5 Matt B Oliver B Tyler P Jillian W Montie H Anthony N Keon S Emma W Ryan C Tristan M Elias N Rylan S Emily L Spencer L Nathalie L Alia M Congratulations to all the teams! Each did a fabulous job in solving this year’s very difficult mathematical problems. Thank you to all the parents who drove to the event and were brave enough to volunteer as judges. Way to go Neilson Grove! Dress Guidelines The school’s Dress Code supports the general Code of Conduct but is more specific. When students come to school, they spend their day engaged in learning activities and should consider school as their place of work. Students should come to school appropriately dressed for their day. Students may not come to school wearing clothing with obscene, suggestive or insulting words, pictures or slogans on them. Hats are not to be worn inside the building, and students are asked to dress so that no underwear is visible. Strapless, low-cut, spaghetti straps, midriff-baring, or otherwise revealing outfits are not appropriate for school. Also, some clothing is more appropriate for recreational activities outside of school. For example, in warmer weather, students are often tempted to wear clothing that is better suited to the beach or pool deck. Students should come to school wearing safe, play appropriate footwear (this is especially important on days they have P.E. class or are participating in athletic activities) but is practical for everyday because students play outside at recess and lunch times. Students who come to school wearing clothing that detracts from the learning environment will be asked to change or, if necessary, will be given clothing supplied by the school. O:\1cjh\F-School Op\F29\f29apr30-15.doc 04/30/15 The final track and field event for the year is held at the South Delta Secondary School track in Tsawwassen. Only those students who qualify to compete are permitted to attend. The meet starts at 10:00 a.m., and runs rain or shine! The meet should be over at approximately 2:30 p.m. Notices will be sent home to students who qualify shortly after the Regional Meet. Parents will be needed to drive students to this event. Please Refrain from Jaywalking in Front of the School and Obey All Posted Traffic Regulations It is imperative that all adults and students use the crosswalks at the corner of Admiral and Commodore or River Road and Admiral when coming from and going to school. As all of you know, traffic is heavy before and after school. Visibility is often poor and many distractions exist. Please do your part and ensure that everyone remains safe at our school. Grade 2/3 Author Visit Our Grade 2 and 3 students enjoyed an author visit yesterday. The local authors were Roy and Slavia Miki and they wrote a picture book called Dolphin SOS. The story is based on an actual event that recounts the story of three dolphins trapped in an icecovered cove on the coast of Newfoundland. Students listened to the story read aloud and saw actual photos from the dolphin rescue. Neilson Grove’s Got Talent! We believe Neilson Grove’s Got Talent, what about you? We will soon find out - interested students will be auditioning during lunch hours in late May or early June. Students wishing to audition must have a polished performance ready for the audition. Lyrics of songs must be appropriate for all ages. From the auditions students will be chosen to perform at an assembly on Friday, June 19 at 1:30 p.m. We are looking forward to seeing some great performances. Parents are welcome to attend. Grade 7 Basketball @ DSS The Anesto Charles Foundation, in conjunction with the Delta Alumni Basketball Committee, is holding open gyms (no charge) on Mondays 7:00-9:00 p.m. using Delta Secondary's East and West gyms. This is an opportunity for all current grade 7’s heading into grade 8 who have an interest in developing the fundamentals of basketball. If your child has their own basketball they are welcome to bring it, however, we will supply them also. Police Day Police Day celebration at Sungod Recreation Centre on Friday, May 15th. There will be entertainment, raffle prizes, demonstrations, displays and more! Click here to view a poster with more information. Parent Workshop Free for Delta Residents/Parents! For parents with children ages 5-12 years May 5: Parenting Styles/Child Development – Explore your parenting style; learn the stages of child development to assist your child during developmental milestones. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! Please email Kim Barnes at [email protected] with your name, school, phone number and the Workshops you would like to attend. If you require child-minding please advise at time of registration. Home Quest Considering learning at home for your family? HOME QUEST: Delta’ school-home partnership will host an OPEN HOUSE Thursday, May 7 at 7:00 p.m. Pinewood Elementary School 11777 Pinewood Drive, North Delta Home Quest is a collaborative partnership between the Delta School District and parents seeking an alternative to traditional classroom based instruction. Our Kindergarten to Grade 7 distributed learning program offers participants a range of opportunities to enhance and broaden their educational experiences including: Optional weekly classes Ongoing professional support from certified teachers Optional weekly field trips and hands-on learning experiences Flexible learning environment to pursue your child’s interests Funding for supplies, resources, and internet Access to provincial resources, internet, and textbooks Resource lending library; free photocopying e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 604-597-8353 Sincerely, Mr. B. Thompson Principal O:\1cjh\F-School Op\F29\f29apr30-15.doc 04/30/15 Traffic Safety This is a reminder to take the time to cross at our crosswalk when arriving to, and departing from school. Please also encourage your children to do the same. As adults, it is incumbent upon us to model personal safety for our children. Thank you in advance for your help. SLOW DOWN 30 km in the school zone. PARK SAFELY ON THE STREET NO double parking, avoid blocking the fire hydrant. There is NO drop-off or pick-up of students in the school parking lot between 8:15-9:00 a.m. and 2:30-3:15 p.m. USE THE CROSSWALK NO jaywalking. N O U-T U R N S! Thank You O:\1cjh\F-School Op\F29\f29apr30-15.doc 04/30/15
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