Key Stage 3 teacher notes

KS3: A Day in the Life of a Scientist
Teacher’s notes
A Day in the Life of a Scientist is an enrichment activity that gives students an opportunity to develop
scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of biology, to increase awareness of how scientists
are working scientifically at the Natural History Museum, and to increase their awareness of the
relevance and application of scientific research.
This activity is designed to introduce students to the taxonomic research conducted at the Natural History
Museum. Students will gather information about how scientists study biodiversity using the botanical
and entomological collection in the Cocoon experience.
• use the Natural History Museum’s resources to explore how scientists collect, share and
interpret evidence
• visit Cocoon in the Darwin Centre to gather information
• make a presentation in the form of a science conference, a news report or a radio interview
Learning objectives
• to develop knowledge and understanding of variation and classification
• to understand how scientists share, interpret and collect evidence
• to select and identify relevant information to use in a presentation for a specific audience
• to increase understanding of the relevance and application of scientific knowledge, skills and research
Resource list
• science poster guidelines and templates
• radio script template
• TV news guidelines and template
• scientist props for news programme and science conference
Suggested equipment
• interactive whiteboard to do an introduction to the whole class
• computer suite if you wish pupils to work independently in school
• microphone and laptop would be an advantage for the radio activity
• video recorder would be advantageous for the news and science activities
• poster paper for science conference activity
KS3: A Day in the Life of a Scientist
Teacher’s notes
Curriculum links
Working scientifically
Scientific attitudes
Students will see real life examples in which:
• scientific methods and theories develop as earlier explanations are modified to take account of new
evidence and ideas, together with the importance of publishing results and peer review
Experimental skills and investigations
Students will gain insight into how Museum scientists:
• use appropriate techniques, apparatus, and materials during fieldwork and laboratory work, paying
attention to health and safety
Subject content – Biology
Students should be taught about:
Genetics and evolution
Inheritance, chromosomes, DNA and genes
• differences between species