Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Training Excalibur Hotel and Casino Las Vegas, NV, Dec 8-11, 2015 The Excalibur Hotel is located at the same intersection as the New York, New York Hotel, MGM Grand and Tropicana Hotel on the Famous Las Vegas Strip. Sleeping rooms are only $35.00 a night plus 12% tax and $9.95 daily resort fee Sunday- Thursday. Friday night- $70.00 plus 12% tax and $9.95 resort fee. Call 1-800-937-7777 for sleeping room reservations. Mention Code NICP1215 Click here to make reservations on-line. The room block closes 30 days before the conference date. Training Topics Child Sexual Abuse, Drug Facilitated Rape, Strangulation, Women Who Use Violence, CyberStalking, Do Orders of Protection Work? Helping the Children, Keys to a Successful Rape Investigation, Forensic Experiential Trauma Interviewing, Difficulties Prosecuting D. V., Understanding Victim and Abuser Behaviors, Effective D. V. Intervention, Elder Abuse, Predominant Aggressor, Typologies of Abusers. Who Should Attend Law Enforcement Officers, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Victim Advocates, Prosecutors, Social Workers, Mental Health Workers, Educators, Substance Abuse Counselors, Rape Treatment Center Workers, Nurses, Batterers’ Intervention Counselors, Military Police, and CID. "I highly recommend Rod and Bill as two of the best trainers I’ve ever worked with over the past 15 years; their extensive experience and expertise are skillfully conveyed with an innovative, interactive style. They are truly dedicated to survivors of domestic & sexual violence and I know you’ll find their training to be informative and inspiring." Sarah M. Buel Clinical Professor of Law and Faculty Director, Diane Halle Center for Family Justice Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law – Arizona State University Day 1 8:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 1:00 3:00 4:00 Registration Drug facilitated Rape Keys to a Successful Rape Investigation and Prosecution Lunch on your own Child Sexual Abuse Forensic Experiential Trauma Interviewing Discussion 9:00 10:30 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Domestic Violence Is a Community Problem Understanding Victim and Abuser Behaviors Lunch on your own What is this Doing to the Kids? Recognizing Strangulation as a Crime Effective Intervention is the Key Discussion 9:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 Women Who Use Violence Lunch on your own Elder Abuse Stalking/Cyber Stalking Do Orders for Protection Protect? Discussion 8:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 Is Victimless Prosecution Still Possible Predominant Aggressor Typologies of Abusers Closing and Certificates Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 National Institute of Crime Prevention Trainers. Sgt William Rousseau (Retired) was a member of the Tampa Police Dept. in Tampa, Fl. for 29 years. He was the department’s Domestic Violence Coordinator and created and supervised the departments Sex Crimes Family Violence Unit. Bill is a nationally recognized expert in domestic violence by the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Attorney’s Office. He has taught for Florida State University, the University of South Florida, and the United States Army. He has received numerous awards for his work in domestic violence. Bill has a Bachelors degree from the University of South Florida. Bill is the past Chairperson of the Hillsborough County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team and is the current President of the National Institute of Crime Prevention. Capt. Rod Reder (Retired) was with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office in Tampa Fl. for 29 years. He was most recently assigned as a Deputy District Commander. Rod was previously the Crimes Against Persons supervisor, and was the Domestic Violence Coordinator for the Sheriff’s Office for seven years. He has taught for Florida State University, the University of South Florida and the U.S. Army. Rod is recognized nationwide as an expert in domestic violence by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U. S. Department of Justice. He has received numerous awards such as the Florida Governor’s “Peace at Home Award”. Rod is the Vice President of the National Institute of Crime Prevention. Rod is a graduate of the 109th session of the Southern Police Institute, University of Louisville. Rod is currently the Board Chairman of the Family Justice Center -Hillsborough County and serves on the Florida Attorney General’s statewide Fatality Review Team. Rod has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida in Tampa. Rod has appeared on; The O’Reilly Factor, NBC Today Show, Discovery ID Channel, COPS & America’s Most Wanted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ Registration Fee $475.00 Credit Card Circle one Make check payable to NICP Send this page and the check to: PO Box 271767, Tampa, Fl 33688 Name: ____________________________________________________ Agency: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Name on Card _____________________________________________________ State______________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Card Holders Signature Phone#: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Credit Card # We will confirm registration by email. Email: ____________________________________________________ Contact information (813) 294-9757 Rod Reder E-mail [email protected] Web Site Tax ID# 59-3669205 Fax # (813)-388-9231 Dec Vegas 2015 Expiration Date ____/____ Amount $______________ CCV # last 3 numbers on back __________ You may scan and email or fax to pre-register.
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