CO o CM 3 C o •*-» s CIS ' C •I-I m CO CO p Music Camp Series at Delhi HopseTo It Hollywood -^UPI)— Eifootbalier Jim Brown completed ". .". tick .... .tick . . tick" and immediately reported to work in "The Grasshopper." Defti — The New York State Music Camp, State University Agricultural and Technical College, Delhi, will continue its concert series with concerts tonight (Saturday) and Sunday at Little Theater, FarrellHali. Tonight's concert, at 8,.will feature the Stage Band, Concert Band and, Concert Choir in "Three jazz Moods" by John Lewis and "Persuasion," featuring Fred Kasper as alto saxophone soloist. Sunday's concert at 3 p.m., will feature the Girl's Choir, Select Choir and Orchestra. In addition, a recital program is presented Wednesday evenings, public and without charge. Everyone b Invited to the 145th ANNUAL of St. JosephSt. Augustine Parish SUNDAY, AUG. 3 12 to 6 P.M. ; Featuring Chicken Bar-B-Q Dinner "Country Style" !VW%rWW^VWVV%rWVW The Talk of the Town . . . # Fun a n d G a m e s f o r A l l • LiHleAWrt - CHURCH HALL ST. JOSEPH, PA. "SIZZLER STEAK HOUSE" | * CANDLELIGHT DINING Mon.-Sat. from 5:00 P. M. •k HELEN PRY OR at the Piano Bar—Mon.. Tues.. Wed. • THE FOUR GUYS Ttajurs., Fri., Sat. Family Sp«ciiit from $x.w Mon.-Fri. from 5:00 P. M . ENDWELL PLAZA. ENDWEI 748-4488 CASA D I sn:i ANO ENDIC0TT SAT., AUG. 9th —PRESS PHOTO BY L E O F A H E Y . 2 S H O W S — 4 and 8 P . M . Doors Open I Hour Earlier I N "THE APPLE TREE"~Joan deYoung (left) and Sue Peters watch Lana Rouff (center) in a number from "The Apple Tree/' Harnick-Bock musicql being presented by Playhouse by the Rivers Wednesday-Saturday. Show is a "triplet" adaptation of M a r k Twain's " A d a m and Eve/' F r a n k Stockton's "The Lady of the Tiger?" and Jules Feiffer's "PassioneUa." It w i l l p I a y at 8:15 nightly at Sears-Harkness Hall, Roberson Center. TRI-CITIES AIRPORT Endicott. N . Y . Sponsored by ENDICOTT SERTOMA CLUB AIR CONDITIONED Trevi Banquet Rooms Specializing in . Sally Ann Howes: ITALIAN CUISINE Steaks, S e a f o o d , P i s a & Spiedis Catering to Weddings Banquets—Class Reunions Special Rates for Dances tious C o r . H e n r y & Liberty Sts. Binghamton, N . Y ^ - 7 Z 4 - 9 6 9 2 CLOSED SUNDAYS FOR THE FINEST CUISINE DINE AT "The Steak House' of the West Side? MAURY'S 0FLER0YST. 42 Leroy St., Binghamton Two Doors East of Ltroy package Store Open S P. M. to 1 A. M . Monday Thru Saturday 723-4341 I'LL BE SEEING YOU FOR SUNDAY BREAKFAST AT TALLY-HO PANTRY ra^m «.- BINQHAMTON 57 M A I N ST. it By SAM LESNER The Press—Chicago Dally News With a name like Truly Scrumptious forr/fier role in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," which marks her American screen debut, England's lovely, vivacious Sally Ann Howes possibly .. invites comparison with Julie Andrews whom she succeeded on Broadway in "My Fair Lady." But Sally Ann says romance brought hef to American originally, and, even though it went sour, she didn't get hung up oh her stage career as an antidote. "I did what came naturally," says the sparkling singing actress who also.had a long run on Broadway with Steve Lawrence in "What Makes S a m m y Run" before she turned her attention again to movies*with "Chitty." She is co-starred with Dick Van Dyke. "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," based on Ian Fleming's only children's book, was filmed at London Pinewood Studios and on European locations". ' A recent view of the film displayed. such built-in good humor that we asked Miss 200 Nanticoke Avenue Union District, EndtcottKNc V. •SING ALONG! HAVE FUN ; LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS SPECIAL! Fri. Night 9 to I Sat. Night 9 UNCLE FRED Dean of The Banjo With ED V0LKAY_ PUno WED. A THURS. CLAM NIGHTS STEAMED CLAMS * NIOHTS A WEEK MON. thru SAT. • :30 a, m. re 1 l : M to I Vocalht a 0rvm««4 KEN DAVIS With " HOWARD " R O B B I E " ROBIMSON NO RESERVATIONS MELD AFTER » t M P. hV •CLOSED SUNDAY , -inn , , "We had an absolutely super time of-it," Sally Ann says. Miss Howes, however, recalled that in a water scene calling for Van Dyke to wade to shore carrying her, Dick was so tiTed after several takes that two frogmen held a table just below the water's surface as a platform to help carry her ashore. "Poor Dick, he's such a. good sport." at the Piaae AMERICAN & EUROPEAN T.V. CIRCUS STARS In PERSON J A N P E R Z lassie. Drew. M A R S i e » f » | - M t i M | -ScootorUdlai t r u e s UPPIZAN HORSE FANTASY AS You put a tot of effort, lime, and imagination Into, shooting that roll of Kodak color film. So, to be sure it gets the best possible treatment, we send It to Kodak, where It Is processed with the same care they put Into making the film. And we actually send it la an armored ear, the same delivery service that'the banks use, because we value our customers— and their pictures! SEEN IN WAIT DISNEY'S • M I R A C I E OF THE WHITE S T A I U O N S " • • • TNE FABULOUS VERDUS l a l l l f I Sleets te tfcsTee • ! rfceTtnt DAZZLING SHtrdialNrhrnla. ELEPHANTS • ACROBATIC MARVELS* AERIAL BALLET FEATNIIN6 RYZARD THIGMAT v9<P U 0 W N S G A 1 0 E I «XF> J i r T T T T i I F" I I I I T f T I IT I 1 T I | • v CARMEN DEL M0LIN0 A • UNDISPUTED QUEEN Of THE AIR 4 MUSIC OF CAPT. EDDIE'S TUTH ILL'S • '#30.31 A I M . I 2 , M 15 PHOTO CENTER A<Mt»$l$P, $1.50 THE 166 Washington St. RA 3-3591 S^«S$S PASTA EDUCATED Charles Mover's CANINES CirmCe«artBa.< 0PUIAR PRICES PIAYHOUSS »Y THE RIVERS 28 Ff*>» S». Brnqhowon 8:15 Curliiui ^ - friooniKXiiOitl 722 1505 • DANCING 8 p.m. to I a.m. in the ALL NEW M O N . T H R U SAT. SWINGS... • STRIPS •COMEDY • TOPLESS ACTS Featuring "BABBETTE" TOEPKE'S/ RT. 17C-BETWE6N KNOtCOTT A OWEOO / Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ™"£M Tickets may be purchased from any Strtoraa member or Phil's Chicken Hoate, Ml 3 locations; Endwell Pharmacy, Country Club Rd., Endwell; Kline's .Men's and Beys' store, Washington Ave., Endicott; Butcft & Fred's Restaurant, Pine St., Endicott; Endicott Earn* Here Mart, Endicott; or call 7*5-2041 for free delivery. HOUSE Oire the Family . a Breakl*^ TOEPKE'S HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAINn DON DAVIS TAVERN Howes if making the musical film was as much fun as it appeared to be. CONQUISTADOR ROOM To the Music of Ed Cfiambeau's Bravura Brass PINNERS from $3.10 to $5.75 HERAT0N MOTOR INN 5 0 Front Street For Luncheon or Dinner Reservations C a l l 723-8341 Free Parking (NO COVER OR MINIMUM)
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